1977 1 1 Sugar Bowl - #1 Pitt vs #4Georgia

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[Applause] Pittsburgh down to the East 15 put together about 20 majors in his coaching staff four years ago and here they are today playing for the ultimate achievement the national championship and a happened to the Year from all of us here at ABC Sports ladies and gentlemen good afternoon to some good morning to others were delighted you could join us here in the Superdome I'm Keith Jackson along with hooker precision formerly of Notre Dame and the Georgia Bulldogs have just made their entrance and I think a few more folks came from George's and provincial venue for a game but I think this is the most effective for the bogey we have some Subaru name if they've got two fundamentally some football teams here and I think emotion and motivation is going to be a vital factor for the Pittsburgh ballclub a potential national championship undefeated season combination of for improving yours Johnny majors Georgia Bulldogs a team of great character is been witnessed in the Florida game their comeback victory a great challenge and trying to stop 20 Carson Heisman Trophy winner young man who is the leading rusher in the country leading ground gainer in 1976 leading scorer so they've got their hands or they got their hands full and trying to stop Forsyth in this football club the Georgia Bulldogs have had sort of a low profile in preparing for this game though they really have that Pittsburgh has been getting most of the incan that in town and in the pregame activity and George has been thinking a low profile in this football game and the other thing that's interesting is that the different training Johnny majors was sort of had an open loose type of camp and hence Julia's had a tighter spring on his players but we'll see what happens this afternoon it's gonna be a great football game I'll tell you one thing both teams are pumped up for a New Year's Day this should be one of the classic matchups of all time the undefeated Pittsburgh Panthers playing for the national championship and the University of Georgia Bulldogs only one loss barring their record in 76 we're gonna put it on the tee in just a moment the Pittsburgh Panthers undefeated will receive the football for this 48th annual Super Bowl game against the Georgia Bulldogs and now let's set the offensive team that's put together by the head coach Johnny majors the tailback out of Tennessee has come on to be one of the outstanding young coaches Gorton Jones number 24 wide receiver John hen house Ruffin to tackle number 64 number 77 is math Kerala card number fifty John Belushi yep Center Ambrose was a 67 an offensive guard number 76 Jorge message offensive tackle and number 81 Jim called it tight in the quarterback for the Pittsburgh Panthers met Cavanaugh number 12 and of course the great Tony Dorsett Heisman Trophy winner number 33 Elliott Walker number 34 at running back and Willie Taylor number 49 will be the flanker for Pittsburgh and the place kicker number Five's Carson long the offensive unit for the Panthers and lined up to receive the kickoff it is bullying Taylor number 29 Larry Sims number 23 Willie Taylor is the man the Pittsburgh likes to get the ball to and it's Ellen Leavitt to kick off for the Georgia Bulldogs Georgia in red and Pittsburgh in white and here we go insert a precarious deep into the end zone and Sims movement in Pittsburgh Chris down at the 28 yard line the defensive unit for the Georgia Bulldogs ERK Russell Holden junkyard dogs and they're famous for it now we're arts crafts Ronnie slopes they're big they're quick just cinders a Dell Georgia Dickey part the other defensive end from Rossville the linebackers are Jeff Lewis Jimmy Griffith and Ben's mdz the linebackers particularly not big but they are very quick Elliott Walker number 34 is in the backfield with Tony Dorsett as they split the backs the first offensive play of the game and it goes up just before he was it he goes for about 283 yards before monies hopes and just Sanders make the tackle for Georgia second down and 7 coming up the defensive secondary for Georgia quarterbacks Bobby Thompson bill Krug gives the rover you'll see him all over the football field mark Mitchell the little man he's only about 5/8 or so weighs about 100 Stephanie found Johnny Henderson another cornerback at six footer 185 pounds again not too big but very quick and hungry it is second down and seven the pitch goes [Applause] Layne Becker Monday outside corporate scrap the defensive left in super tempo and azzam pervert call it what you want boiler and through the other here great start a footballer sitting at the 22-yard line it'll be third down Pittsburgh at the 22 as Bob Hutton comes in replacing Tony Dorsett it's an obvious passing situation they put two full backs in the backfield now to give that Cavanaugh perhaps more greater protection out of the veer both teams revere teams and Cavanaugh runs the draw from the officials is pence luckily and it'll be Pittsburgh's ball let's way is the referee Matt gorgeous the umpire [Applause] [Music] in the field judge Randall played the back judge and now it is putting time of Pittsburgh series record between the two teams reflected there Larry slider averaging just about 45 yards per punt it's it it comes back to mark Mitchell and Mitchell screws inde George's ball first down at the 31 yard line 42 yard punt linnemeier made the tackle the Georgia offensive unit up front Steve Davis is the split in Steve Collier George Collins Joe Harrison schedule Paris Mike Wilson and Ulysses Norris in the backfield it's number 10 ranked off Kevin Mike Leigh of Pennsylvania lad at running back al colored and Jean Washington will be the flanker ray go number 10 out of here come the Bulldogs the Southeastern Conference champions going down by raiga three yards to the 34-yard line before dawn paris brings him down the defensive unit for the Pittsburgh Panthers they line up this way and it's a very Pittman Edvin escape Don parasail Romano Randy Holloway in Cecil Johnson a linebacker al were at Wetherington and Jimbo Cramer left to right and the defensive secondary is also a very different led by Bob Corinth had nine interceptions this pass ratio is second down and seven both teams getting three yards on the first offensive play of the game they pass the turn if they've got him away at the line of scrimmage [Applause] along the Cisco Johnson and Randy Holloway peeped in overseeing a mirrored offensive system between the two teams both of them using their and you wonder whether or not they both know so much about their attacks whether it'll become a defensive football game it'll be interesting to see all right back down number 10 settling in on 3rd down and 7 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the past complete up to about the 44 yard line of Georgia to Steve Davis number 82 Mara cross was split in and the family will go [Applause] [Music] have a look at Steve Davis young man out of Maryland [Music] [Applause] Davis curling into a lot of traffic since stepped out of it and the ball was thrilled right in between two pittsburgh defenders to the 29 yard line for illegal procedure and it is now third down and 12 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] walking short of his first down he is brought down by Arne Witherington number 59 who chased him all the way and finally ran him down up at the 37 yard line there's Vince Dooley wearing the cap the reason he's wearing the captain's is all of his hairs born because he met his promise to the junkyard dogs that if they won the Southeastern Conference championship he cut his hair he did here's the pootie peel the man the 53rd man Billy Taylor inside the 20-yard line a 47-yard but no score in the first quarter the 43rd annual Sugar Bowl game Pittsburgh and Georgia this ABC Sports exclusive being brought to you by Cotton Incorporated the favorite company of America's cotton producers the more cotton the better you feel by Chevrolet and Chevrolet dealers who invite you to see and drive Chevrolet's totally new six passenger car than you Chevrolet and buy life here everything you always wanted in a beer and less and we have no score with 10:57 to go inside the Superdome in New Orleans second possession of the ball game for the Pitt Panthers a football just short for the 20 yard line [Applause] it's a good offensive search for Tony Dorsett as 192,000 senior prom electrifies broke down by Jimmy Griffith 47 and Benz mdz 44 linebackers for Georgia this is only the second time keep the Pittsburgh has looked at what they call an even defense or wide six there is no look then there are normal that they not then they normally stay from the first of the year here comes one balanced line give Dorsett boys second down and five out of the eye the pitch goes to phony he just went off he gets to box he's cut hard by 44 Vince amnezia junior from Macon watch mr. zambezi doing his thing very quick Sam busier than the leading tackler on this football team and he can really move number 44 is UC roaming to the ball this will pitch out to Dorsett green comes playing all the way from the weak side linebacker spot and makes the play short of a first down football is sitting right at the 27 yard line it is third down in the new two and a half yard giorgia jumping around on the defensive the 30-yard line literally puffed and again Georgia is calling for the ball that's the second time Georgia has been suggestive and Ronny's swoop number 38 no I haven't seen an official guilty looks like we're going to go to Pittsburgh judges are in good a lot of lobbying down a flat bow I guarantee there were 11 of them pointing Jimmy Griffith the member to tackle on the football team he steps and pulls in with Sam beating in BZ I should say and they stop Doris if they can't see where the ball comes out here whether it's late at least the officials gave the ball back to Pittsburgh gonna play first down first down right on the 30-yard line for the Panthers double wide receivers to the left side now is Cavanaugh goes down the line penalty flags but then did not stay at the birthday he he's caught behind the - finish but being the power that he is slips out of Aaron gets at least across the 34 a yard bill krub number 42 with the man making life miserable for Tony but it's offside against Georgia 5-yard penalty coming up against the dogs that'll be the second five yard of a intact with so far in the game the junkyard dogs are really quick they're not that big Ronnie slopes being the biggest then that cause it's Ronnie and the runs but I'll guarantee you this if it may be that Pittsburgh has not looked at a team quite as quick as this charger Bulldog defense is they've looked very good thus far in the two series Vince buckley indicating offside against Georgia little bit too eager [Applause] they'll be first out and buy from the 35 after the five-yard penalty I sent Taylor way why the left side this time and Kevin all hands it to the up man the pullback Elliot woofer 200 founder out of Miami and he's across the 40 for another Pittsburgh first down and here is Jim my place Thank You Keith when elephant at this game that's been a subject of discussion here in New Orleans all weeks the difference in the twain the two teams prepared for the game pittsburgh's players all week a 2 a.m. curfew until a couple nights ago and got a little earlier they were prowling Bourbon Street and could be seen out carousing throughout the week Georgia's players in by 11:00 every night tucked into bed and sleeping some people think it could be a factor but John Major says his team is the most mature team in college football and it'll have no effect whatsoever all right Jimmy double wide left again as met Cavanaugh sets the been firs in white Georgia jumped up into a six-man front pitch the bucket miss our line number 47 Griffith misses him and there were five Georgia Bulldogs that had a son at him and finalist hopes got him really keying on Borseth one of the things that is interesting here Vicksburg is blowing in surprise Georgia by putting more people on one side of the line than the other and then giving force of some additional blockers but the Georgia Bulldogs are adjusting to it without any problem this is really involve course one of the things about Dorsett he's like Rickey Bell in this respect he just gets stronger and stronger as the game goes on boss on the play yard lines mvz just off of his fingers there's that bz again he's breached the past he comes back to the strong side look beautiful position ere he jumps up and just deflects the ball if I was on time to find out how just over his head deflects it and almost interception all right it is third down now those fires got to go to the Georgia 49 we got a first down the ball is at the 36 and he 15-yard that Cavanaugh deployed for he gets advanced off to the side it is caught by Gordon Jones who is a very dangerous man number 24 and he's right about first down territory here's Jones driving right straight up the field Cavanaugh rolled away from the pull the secondary Jones puts a good move on comes down and turns on the curl hook and this is a throwback pattern Cavanaugh ruled is right then threw back and it is almost knocked down about the Georgia 49 yard line that much richer gamble it's fourth down kind of an interesting thing going into the ballgame here for Georgia's number 77 he's an offensive lineman that is going in anticipating that Pittsburgh may gamble he's big Marko's from the Oliver [Music] Giorgio's puts Wilson in defensively to get a little more help up front there is duty [Applause] and he closed but I think he's got it he took it over the right side going in behind Tom Druce Rosa and George Messick collusive Rosa will have asked me at a couple of other players have got the flu not quite up to their optimum level but it is good for a first down as Cavanaugh took it right in behind the right-side lineman Pittsburgh down with three first downs of the game so far [Applause] don't have a campaign the first time Jeff Lewis and that's the third hit in the game for Jeff Lewis he's a number three tackler on his football team had 87 total hits during the person a you're an interesting lay enough he's a top scholar a 3.0 average Louisiana old outside about 32 degrees we're inside of the dome on second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Johnny him down 36 yards on the pathway grateful Keith they were in a double stall only two safety men back Brooke set up two wide receivers right straight down the field and a tight end rolled right into the middle between the two and the two defenders but not cover the three receivers here it is right in the heart of here comes the two defenders back to the inside paulus nose of the football is sitting right at the 10-yard line Bob Hutton comes in that pullback now replacing Elliot Walker gonna give Elliot a breather Gordon Jones goes wide to the left side Taylor to the right side Dorsett split with happen in the backfield the pictures back to Tony the five note the six yard line where he is cooked down by timing was just right for Matt Kavanagh he did not pitch that ball until he was absolutely forced to do so and the doors have got a good lead buck take a look at them DZ who is some kind of football player he's all over the field here he is going number 44 here coming from the right side linebacker all the way for us to deal on a pitch out and make him the play on Korsak right there and for five yard game outside the five yard line second down and goal to go for defenders Cavanaugh keeping on the [Applause] folks out of the way and Kevin are optioned it in beautifully executed you could see it from upstairs where you could see Cavanaugh had the daylight he took it and there wasn't anyone close [Music] first of all number five louisette a ton of NCAA kickin records did his career in Pittsburgh out of the hole and weary slider for the extra point [Music] [Music] [Music] he ever fight again join Howard Cosell tomorrow for an exclusive live interview with a heavyweight champion on his boxing future plus the spectacular be a nice review and race number one in a world series of auto racing tomorrow on the Sunday edition of ABC's Wide World of Sports [Music] [Applause] attention Georgia Bulldogs gonna get their hands on the ball now for the second time in this first 45 44 to go home and that's going 80 yards for the first touchdown Pittsburgh kicks off the Jean Washington number 82 he's a wide receiver he's the deep man [Music] Carson long will hit it for the bigger [Applause] hackie it gonna be short until pie though will a McClendon oh he broke through that first punch and brought it out to about the 23 yard line what about 13 yards [Applause] pittsburg scoring play 80 yards 13 ways they used 5:13 Georgia has been a long drive football team much of the year that gone outside of they've gone from 60 yards or more 28 times scores this year look at the plunging type team grinding out there three and four and five yards and then coming up with a split end reverse or something like that but because what they play Washington wide left off the quarterback [Music] the ball is covered by cop he delayed too long and giving the ball the government Liam McLean no place to go with it cook defense by Pittsburgh they had everybody on site they had the five man covered on the counter option here the quarterback covered may have the pitchman covered did a good job of defensing lost is back to the 20-yard line the three yards second down 13 Georgia hit leading seven of a [Music] [Applause] [Music] - commence by RT Wetherington number 59 a shooting linebacker the Humber to tackle on his football team with 111 total hits now your German before the season coach vince dooley of georgia promised the media and fans in georgia that should the Bulldogs win the Southeastern Conference championship each shaved his head two weeks ago at a huge pep rally before this game in Georgia Vince Dooley shaved his head and has come here down in New Orleans better practice with it every day and now five the Georgian assistant coaches have to shave heads to go with their players shaved heads Keith and Pittsburgh about this go boom again let's go get something going here's the bottom is Bock delivers it intended for Washington it's way over his head out of sight it'll be fourth down we should have waited there a little bit he had buck adults who hit his first punt for 47 yards is tending back at the 5 yard line deep is Willie Taylor for Pittsburgh left footer gets it off another beauty he really hangs the ball horses to me to go fair cuts inside the 35 yard line he hung it up there a little bit more than and here's another 47 yarder we have 4 minutes and 2 seconds to Brea the first quarter at the Superdome indiscernible and it leads at 7 nothing named Ted we were talking about earlier of course the original idea came from the Georgia defensive coordinator earth Russell whose head has been shaving for years and whose players did it to emulate him Dooley has the toupee when she's been wearing to public functions last night he appeared for the first time without it and promised to go on natural today for our cameras first job for the Panthers they need 7 nothing and that [Music] that's why he won Heisman Trophy first down at the pittsburgh 49 yard line it's amazing the number of tackles that he breaks well block the force of go through two tackles that the super yardie because we'll watch her on the replay just on a tailback we'll play and yards on the play great Bulldogs got their hands on him before the finally got him down first down Panthers 49 yard line Cavanaugh give to the up man Walker Elliott Walker at the big play the past reception on the touchdown drive goes down to the Georgia 48 the three yard second and seven coming - swoops the tackler there's a statistical career on 24 feet at Pittsburgh 6080 two yards in four years war led remember for years and the most important number of course is that 5.7 average per carry we're all glad to see him go today I'll tell you that second down seven Georgia 48 Dorsett there were three reps Reds over there ready to bury him but he cut it back just enough to avoid the solid hit was nothing merry you avoided the solid yet also avoided losing yardage that was really the mark of a super bad 9 carries 28 yards raved off the Georgia quarterback was yet to get his team on track Georgia's on the game for yards so far in the game at the Bulldog 47 yard line it is third down they need six [Applause] [Music] Hey Matt Cavanaugh mistis man the wide receiver smelting in this program a special exclusive ABC sports let's pause five seconds to allow our local stations to identify themselves this is wtae-tv channel for Pittsburgh [Applause] the bald head has become the in thing at least in Athens Georgia he knocks it off the field of play here's Jim again it's a jackie sherrill man who's been the head coach of washington state next year will inherit the number one team in Pittsburgh Jackie some people think that you might not want Pittsburgh to win the game leave you that pressure of coming back the national champions but I know you want it yeah very badly it's for the young man they've worked off my heart for four years it's awful lot too you'll have some athletes coming back from that yes we have a very good Niklas and we have to have a good recruiting year but we ask for good kids coming back good luck thank you very much Jim okay keep Jackson George your first time Kevin now pollard into setbacks position they go to the fullback for the first time collared and he sticks his head in there for about a yard and a half he's a 200 pounder from Lincoln not too fast for very steady hard-hitting football player couple of these Pittsburghers are going to be going with us to Hawaii for the hula bowl al Romano their little guard and Tony Dorsett will be in the hula bowl and you'll see effects Saturday live at or Eastern Time although most of these ABC station [Applause] second down call it eight yards to go for the ball [Applause] to the ball game for the Bulldogs gym Famer brought him down for Pittsburgh make off with a good move on get the first down turn-key has gone to the error bar has gone back to pass on the number of occasions in the ballgame I wonder if they feel it they're gonna have to throw the ball the old city relatively quiet here today as New Orleans comes down stands Joe for this big matchup live the nineteen seventy six dollars for forces of dullness for break off flipped over doesn't like what he sees calls time with one minute and 33 seconds to go in the first quarter [Applause] here's Jim little while ago we saw Arnie Wetherington make a great play for Pittsburgh he's one of the most interesting stories in this game a guy who a year ago was involved in a difficult legal scrape evolving some stolen television sets Arnie pled guilty went to coach John Major's after having not been with Pittsburgh team in spring practice and asked to be put back on the team majors gave him the chance and all of the people who surround him now say that Arnie's a great testament to the good forces can come about or as look as a result of participation in this sport he works for the youth counseling program in Pittsburgh says they made a mistake has learned his lesson and wants to pay it all back now Arnie Wetherington from Miami Jackson High School we've had a change to Jim in the list of officials has been directed at Ward is the back judge working the ball game course they're playing on artificial turf here at the doll so we were assured of a comfortable setting with a temperature last night dropping down into the 20s here in New Orleans after having a couple of very warm days so we can be very happy that we are inside but the ball came today because the temperature probably will not get out of the 30s no I keep great Bob a sign of it well close to the fault he break off at a play on Pittsburgh overloaded the defense's bubble flankers and he elected to take a timeout in this first quarter yet not to waste it down and I think it's good thinking on his part particularly early in the ballgame all right this end Dean walking to the left first down market on the 34 yard line of work [Applause] have a champ Games premiere number 58 o 218 pounds senior from Jefferson borough Pennsylvania gets his man he wanted to throw the ball again he had a counter action and came down the line looking for the receivers and before they were open right you see 14 Jeff golini coming in here on a safety blitz Washington was on a 5 pattern but he was looking short 2nd down 12 from the 32 [Music] [Applause] that blade trailing Gough got to keep it that's to play there fumble while ago he unloaded to begin to mclee but he really doesn't give Kevin much of a chance to do anything with it well I the defense's that's what defense is recovering so well they're overloading this side it's very tough to run an option play against the defense of Pittsburghers showing you got a flag on the field and you had a big pile going into the sidelines I don't know where or why or what it might be it could be a a late hit over on the sidelines it could be a little bit of a scuffle erupted on the sidelines to violence against Pittsburgh it's against Georgia Oh that'll wipe it off we'll do it again offsetting penalties well there's fervor and so fever couldn't see it I don't know whether it happened on the sideline he is this Felder 37 coming over let's see oh yeah he's player yeah he's player out of bounds there he should have pulled up they were way out of bounds there that's the apparently son Georgia partisan retaliated on and off setting fennel in his third down a football of mark just short after 34 [Applause] [Music] for the 39-yard line that is short of a first time I believe finally getting a little bit of room up the middle to run with it [Music] we're told now that it was Kevin McLean who did the retaliating for Georgia to affect the second pole or the second penalty flag so whatever years Georgia punning buck adults all day to hit it 47 yards on toothpicks and he hangs it up till it gets prostate marrakech my tailor back at the 20-yard line again he hung at five seconds 41 yards on the phone coming into the ballgame pittsburgh heavy edge statistically in kicking with larry spider of pittsburgh averaging forty four point eight in bucky built only thirty nine four but and his three kicks here he is really booming that ball up high and there's no return and he's getting good distance people have not run the ball back against jos much this year he cuts it up there so long that you hear all those thundering hooves coming down position marking on the 21 yard line now for the white shirt of pet panthers they leave the 21 seconds to go in the first quarter seventh another [Applause] [Music] his course and his corset working out of the bull back position remember against Penn State Dorsett was relatively quiet in the first half but in the second half majors moved him up into the full-back position of the closed back out of the eye and he had a big second half time running out first quarter we played one it's fit seven nothing over Georgia [Applause] we're running out for the second quarter of play the 43rd annual Super Bowl gained in the Superdome second time the river bowl games been played the dome at Pittsburgh leading 7-nothing the numbers for that first quarter given and decided it second down eight yards to go for the Panthers from the 23 yard line $20 for the ball good defensive play over there get a holding ball here against Pittsburgh because they had a couple of Georgia defenders hung up Lawrence Kraft kept stringing the play out nope that's an illegal procedure called against Pittsburgh but they stuck those blocks in there so long on prep I thought somebody had him with the shirttail they went to the unbalanced line again which is they're trying to catch George off balance but George has done a good job on it you can see here on the statistics that the Pittsburgh definitely dominated the first quarter five first downs the 155 yards the 26 total yardage of 106 the 26 offensive plays double 21 the 11 no turnovers and that might be a factor later in this game again we have offsetting penalties they've fallen offside against Georgia - all set their procedure call against Pitt so you have all setting fenders it stirred down 87-yard discussed available [Applause] ran through what appeared to be a good chance for a tackle he just broke it took off and it was Johnny Henderson who finally got it here's the play for down area now of course here's captain all rolling out he almost gets blindsided here you can't see it there's the ball right on target to Willie Jay Billy Taylor he shakes the tackle it looks like he might go humbles the ball as he hits but they it was called dead let's see home came out after he hit the ground 39 yards on the play three out of five in passing for Cavanaugh 90 yards first down fifth Georgia 37 yard line Cavanaugh sundown joke about the line of scrimmage by Jeff Lewis and Jim Griffith you're interested in knowing how Dorsett is doing in the first quarter he carried the ball ten times for 31 yards hit leading seven nothing the 1350 to go in the first half the Panthers averaging better than 32 points per game this season Paul is at the 37 yard line of Georgia second down nine Walker endorphin [Applause] [Music] intended for garden zones and you can play through it low yep Jones white oh hey it's real hard coming to the left for a right-hander and then calling a debate here the body is a very difficult vote much easier an extra Koopa to get on the right side but they like with these four on the left and they just don't threw the ball threw the ball on the ground [Music] it'll be third down and nine yards to Goa for Pittsburgh up the george'll 37 [Music] cuts it off [Music] screams protruding bone he tried to turn to his room looked like they headed to set up well do I think first of all to come up with some clarity from that boy I'm Georgia and Carson long is in the ball game his longest field goal this year 50 yards against temple but he has a leg that can take it beyond 50 this will be from the 44 or a 54 yarder inside the dome [Music] you're short so Georgia holes and takes over 1520 they first have trailing seven nothing if Pittsburgh had any needed all for extra incentive in this game they got it this week from a very unusual source all week long coach John Major's has been very upset about the things that have been said on the west coast by Bo Schembechler and by John Robinson about how the Rose Bowl ought to be played for the number one ranking last night matrice with the final quote says those people say knowledgeable football people know the Rose Bowls for number one I'm not going to say I'm a knowledgeable football person but we're number one and if we win this we ought to be national champions Keith I don't think is any question they will be if they were in this game first down for Georgia at the 28th off back to throw 28 yard line maybe the 27th down Randy Holloway at number 78 was there to get it I'll rig off did not pass that off this curry only 29 times that 18 completions Robinson is the man generally considered the bathroom that's exactly right but he turned it up vo for a little bit for than seven yards it'll be second down and long two short three whatever you want to call it gives the ball [Music] offensive front has opened up this [Music] Berkeley on the leaf way s romanos the middle guard comes to the site and I watch him go right by him right here spun him to the outside and MacLean took the inside on him and picked up the first down up to the 40 market on the 39 first time Georgia this time the Vagos the colored I'll colored wrinkles it up with a 43-yard line got about four yards and tomorrow at 4:30 Eastern Time the friend ear of the Sunday edition of ABC's Wide World of Sports live interview with Muhammad Ali the a nice review and we'll have the World Series of auto racing the international races of champion 4:30 Eastern Time 3:30 Central and Pacific oval host to these ABC station him down his six ball goes to mcclee again and he pups in there for a couple yards that runs right into al Romano 225 pound senior from Sullivan New York very straight time they test tested that inside area and I think they want to grind that ball out if they possibly can maintain possession I don't think you can do it against Romano Holloway of parish [Applause] Georgia thrilling 7-nothing just now they're getting destroy some offense kitchen gives it perfectly running to the sideline jumped out of bounds up around the 46 close to the 47 he is short however of the first down James Wilson number 21 West came out good defensive support by Jim Wilson the cornerback came up very rapidly and avoided the first down and of course is forced to charge into the kitchen position on fourth and three see if love it puts another one up in the air [Applause] I think we have a near-lethal procedure call on that because the official throws the flag only the indicate touch back to the 20-yard line we're Pittsburgh will have a 53-yard punt by Bushido there is the screener referred to that's the indoor television screen over the peg field here and if my memory serves me correctly that thing's 110 beep I think this says something like that anyway bucket deals almost get it if they do hit it he gets to do it again is come on get the power line with a golf cart you get to do it again first down Pittsburgh and by the Thompson on the bay of Georgia number 41 Thompson 44 Zambezi no room that time Bulldogs all over the place [Applause] it'll be second down in 10-plus fire Pittsburghers really hurt the joint of team passing and George has done a pretty decent job shutting off the running game there's the old city hold up there [Applause] Mason again the up man his corset and moving him around pretty good different positions in the backfield they did that in the Penn State game and very successfully particularly the second half Game two third down eight coming [Applause] they live to the left Gordon Jones to the right Kevin on the option run for a [Applause] in Griffith was the man that forced him to reverse direction and then just cinders ready MA you can see the Georgia speed that guy Kevin I was trying out one go away against the grain a lot of Bulldogs have recovered and never had a chance Cyrus whiter is the deep man [Applause] [Music] pittsburg standing back on the one-yard line fine hunter a little pressure and it's a low kick mark Mitchell comes over we might be a late hit might be a later while we got the definition let me tell you that tomorrow at 4:30 Eastern time we premiere the Sunday edition of ABC's Wide World of Sports Howard Cosell and a live interview with Muhammad Ali the Vienna highest review and you'll have the world series of auto racing featuring the International Race of Champions 4:30 Eastern 3:30 Central Pacific couple most of these ABC station ABC's Wide World of Sports Sunday victory against the bender [Applause] [Music] now Georgia has the ball in Pittsburgh land I guess that's the first time in the ballgame is to Jimmy rivers so after 47 first down bulldog [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they had the same pass on that it works trust me for this bird Davis was in the semen list to be open it raised it up just a little bit under that completion first turnover in the ball this bird gets it back first down at their own 26-yard line the only time that I saw the Georgia team this past season was against Florida they were down 27:13 and halftime and came back and beat Florida over 41:27 never know about [Applause] which up to the sidelines to tailor Willie he's slippery he ran right away from Johnny Henderson he really is a dangerous butter when he gets his hands on the ball he can really fly makes people miss is like a back out there already wearing June to intercept at the pass taking some oxygen on the sidelines 41 yard line first down Panthers I don't have to worry about them in here that's why [Music] [Applause] is very may be short on the line of scrimmage ran right into zambezians hopes George is doing a great job against the running game as I mentioned earlier the passing game is much her time and her staying in there as far as running is concerned course when you load up against the run you got to give up something yeah they're given up a little bit I think with a secondary but you have to stop this Pittsburgh team are well well balanced ballclub Cavanaugh can throw the ball and as we've already seen Willie Taylor and Gordon Jones to make people miss there they go with a couple flanker out there this could be a passing down Gavin I was gone for 405 yards so far [Applause] old just like the play that worked a walker came from the other side [Applause] [Music] keep that time came down the line [Music] now I think we can design where George is giving up something in the second area that goes both place two places have been in the same area right here's Carson long for the game got a souvenir isn't through straight [Music] here's the score now watch this trick this and the line through the ball [Music] here's Bill Clark is the rover and he is literally listening on the play even the topic is backfield there's the whole way away from the action the truth is a big play guy I'll tell you that you'll come up with something here's Jones this comes right down the field turns to the inside as Cavanaugh think the run but the pass shook off one tackler here and of course that he's headed for the bull line and it's 14 to nothing ballgame that Johnny Henderson there had a chance just it was been a tough chance but he lost him and there's a second score on the board at 8:33 to play eight minutes in 33 seconds to play in the first half 74 yards they think in Washington will be the deep man as Barden Jones is accepting congratulations on the sidelines as number 82 well Georgia join some respect for Carson Long's legatees [Applause] one can put them away very high in the ground long soak them out we're going to put another 15 on top of that key he almost peeled it up and cursive long was over there now flavor was Carson that hit him shoved him it's probably complaining on that because when you're playing with the intensity that they're playing here today that's what's gonna happen when he was out of our let's see here yes he goes on out of bounds well right there yes he's way off the playing field there right so they add 15 to it Georgia has the ball up near the 45 yard line take another look at it here it's person long sees about gotta be three or four yards off the field he continues pushing and shoving in the Carson tallest profit new quarterback Matt Robinson in for the Georgia Bulldogs number 17 he's generally the passing quarterback has three and this burg realizing and I'm sure instinctively remembering that Robinson is the passer left on the little gap there and McClay dances up the midfield we may see more of this draw a screen technique because Matt Robinson's got a great arm and throw the football and has had a good year there's no surprise that God put it up so often [Applause] second down better 45 yards today McClay again and he muscles to about the forty seven to four ND Holloway if junior tackle from Sharon Pennsylvania makes the stop number seventy in our opening game of the season Randy Holloway at a great football game against the Fighting Irish and he's played well all season hey fellow 147 might go for the big one here I wonder what the pushdown it's very short thirty-two [Music] [Applause] [Music] cleve goes for the 44-yard line and you get a thousand-yard back you got some kind of player and he came from Pennsylvania yeah Georgia gee I guess Lee is 8 4 35 8 carries for 35 yards Georgia needs a touchdown they fail 14 nothing 7 to go inside the 35 he's he's very close to a first down but let's see about the penalty looks like the the umpire threw the flag and generally look at a hole he's lined up procedure call procedure yep I think that's what I am - good [Music] against the Bulldogs [Music] Pittsburgh now hit two times with a black for 30 yards in Georgia three times for 15 yards and we've had just two occasions worried about offsetting ventilators not just five yards somebody must have moved in the interior line and there that young pirate could see tough break for him because he came out with good yardage makes it first down and 15 from the pittsburgh 49 with washington y bright and davis wise left [Applause] that Robinson throws it out short intended for Merkley and number 68 was right over there for Pittsburgh coming out of the defensive tackle positioned on parish and he was really in the way I'll tell you that was well defense by Pittsburgh they had everybody covered they had the both flanker and the tight end coming off the line of scrimmage the backside half pipe luring out three receiver to the side and Pittsburgh get pressure on the passer as well coverage on each receiver TD on the sidelines it is second down and 15 for Georgia and sunsets from now and all types know why people Dave Davis coming from his in position on a reverse gets it down to the Pittsburgh 45 yard line where Don Parrish makes the tackle tight in Reverse in Vegas Dave Michaels going to develop into something big good recovery by this Pittsburgh team [Music] see the time running in the second quarter of play with the Panthers leading 14 to nothing all is at the 46 yard line in Georgia man the pit man both performing at halftime and a true performer will be missed repeat them with his girl 0:02 Robinson [Applause] that's the second interception well that was a great intersection 5:59 to go in the first half have jumped it back first down at the 33 another look got the interception now we're isolated on the receiver and look flying through the air comes jumbo creamer great interception he launched himself and he hung on to the ball generally when a guy who lays out like that he might fumble the ball when he hits the surface Davis was open there's only the effort of candor though and the Panthers have it first down at the 33 yard line leading 14 to nothing [Applause] Cavanaugh's pass Jim Corbett the senior from the array makes a leaping touch well another Pittsburgh first down are very close to it here's Jim Keith don't want to throw in a quick story about Jim Cramer who just made that interception this whole experience has got to be one of the best of his life on December 17th Cramer got married to his older brothers wife's little sister I think I got that right vote Kramer brothers are married through a pair of sisters she also happens to be the meets with a good friend of ours Roger valve was daring the sports information director at Notre Dame Kramer went to Ohio State his first two years of school had a very coach Woody Hayes of Ohio State didn't think he was getting enough chance to play transfer it away from there to come to Pittsburgh and now he's the second team all-american linebacker honeymooning here in New Orleans and enjoying it too that interception and it's a first down for the completion to Jim Corbett Cavanaugh six out of ten 400 five yards here in the first half it goes to Walker go back on the 34 and he cuts it out to the 48 yard line before the Bulldogs can let him that's four yards maybe five looks like the Bulldogs are going to have to loosen up with their linebackers because they've got him up in there tight they're really vulnerable to the passion that first Cavanaugh has been hitting so they better get a little bit more on the ground rather than explosive passing game the pittsburgh has shown this far were playing inside the bone in it goes to open again across midfield of the Georgia 48 yard line is about a yard shy of the first down and the crowd watching this 43rd Sugar Bowl 76117 that is a new football record Sugar Bowl Johnny majors took over Pittsburgh team four years ago that have not had a winning season ten years and continual improvement each Sugar Bowl Classic John is headed for Knoxville and Tennessee it's Walker again over the aren't the half he gets the first down as he flexed the georgia 45 to near the 44 lawrence craft for Fort Rucker Alabama makes the stop Georgia is doing exactly what I mentioned earlier here they're dropping off the linebackers a little bit loosening up to try to shut off that passing game which is likes both it in the process because Pittsburgh team is starting to pound out three in four yards they're just gone now era while 239 yards to Georgia 68 the first half that's a lot of offense Kevin all good gossip oh boy all the way to the 22 yard line first down for Pittsburgh and a great run but Tony Mark Mitchell got him down 23 yards a man standing right there to make the play for no game and they just absolutely puts a move on with his speed and also the is mobility runs right by him and comes up feel this is the key series of downs I think for the Georgia Bulldogs touchdowns up in the authority game three touchdowns gonna be off the top only now with 56 yards on 15 carries Devon are behind there's a heck of a defensive play by Ronnie slopes coming out of the interior line it was a play save the ground down in this 25 yard line on it's gonna be tough it's like an apple now loss of two second down 12 just inside the 25 [Applause] Cavanaugh pitches subversive tentative blacks down as Tony gets off they're just a couple of times and loses two yards there's just no way he was going to get away that time from Prague and craft craft he shouted him right all the way Dorsey put on about 16 moves and procedure call against Pittsburgh tomorrow at 2:00 eastern time on ABC the season premiere of the superstars this week tell you guys it's a whole lot of fun I'll tell you that you'll be watching Bob Cousy and Jimmy Taylor Peter Snell Jim Ron Floyd little a lot of the veterans men who made sports history in this country so join us tomorrow at 2:00 Eastern Time one central and Pacific time although most of these ABC stations first American sports can follow superstars and victims Sunday edition of ABC's Wide World of Sports 308 ago in the first half took it down I believe you're awesome - oh so the ball is back now at the 26 yard line and it's third down third down and 14 yards for the first game Martin Jones wired right very wide left Avinash pass intended for paler maybe the 13 is Russell down by Johnny Henderson this short of the first down I believe it'll bring out forth and about to take a look at Willie Taylor here number 29 wide receiver here he drives up the field like he's going to go deep well covered plants his right foot turns back and what we call a comeback sideline it comes back to the ball to make it very difficult for the defender catches the ball here and of course he's tackled in these just short of the first down Lee expert takes time out both teams now with two timeouts remaining they did about a yard pittsburgh's a hard team to hold out you know the one thing about this pittsburgh ballclub everybody talks about garza the first he's been a super great back unquestionably but they've got great receivers right here see if we can see what's going on what they're gonna call Cavanaugh talking with the coaches a little more two-foot pretty yard might pick up exactly what they were going to do something on the right side [Applause] they really moved that right side really moved off the line of scrimmage Joe stone zombozo's McConville is a rich Cooper the pride is run on a quick count I really came out the blocks most thorium in the trenches deep first down at the 11 to 21 to go Pittsburgh trying to get in for the third touchdown of the first half [Applause] Cavanaugh has had a super first half [Applause] [Music] [Music] they turn on the Jets did he turn on the Jets I'm huffin through a big block or was a walker Eliot Walker through the big block [Music] [Applause] I so long for the extra point at 200 to go in the first half and Pittsburgh Panthers who want to be number one leave the Georgia Bulldogs by a score of 21 for nothing and they are putting it up right here in the Sugar Bowl here's the option play by Cavanaugh it's a true option with a lead blocker e from down the line puts the ball out there's a great block there by Walker and look at the speed the acceleration by this flurry craft you're looking down at the old Sugar Bowl that is Tulane Stadium it's an outdoor stadium just 1974 and Nebraska defeated Florida in the last trip a ball game played they're located literally in the heart of the city of New Orleans and then you've come on over toward the river and there is the Superdome where we are today for the 43rd annual Sugar Bowl game where the Pittsburgh Panthers top ranked in the country are leading the Georgia Bulldogs by a score of 21 to nothing and are so long now approaching to kick off to go he puts it way up in the air to Jean Washington in about the six flag as Washington comes to the 28th I don't know if that's a flag or if it's a pair that's a pass thank you somebody's shoe look like a flag for a minute I see those foreign objects on the field and especially if on a kickoff return mistakes can be made so easily at the 28 yard line of Georgia Bulldogs down 21 zip have the ball Matt Robinson the quarterback and Jean Washington coming georgia quarterbacks have been intercepted twice so far in the game both bound by this Berg linebackers Robinson back to throw he throws and Washington the pattern back inside and there was nobody in here the football a coordination on the past round I guess Robinson thought was that breaking down with Epstein Davis well that was Jean Washington now he took the fly pattern right off the field and I guess Robinson thought he was gonna run out pattern inside line oh they're loving it pat down they're loving it second down ten yards to go for the Bulldogs [Music] Robinson will put it up again grows short incomplete pass intended for al Pollard the fullback coming out of the backfield and halftime Chevrolet motor division will present coach of the Year award bill Fleming will how that special feature for you participating mr. Bob Cook who is the general sales manager of skirble a coach of the year at all three divisions are a great show with Pete fountain the Georgia band and the Pitt bad so settle down and enjoy yourself try to remember all the fun of last night [Music] [Applause] mumbling catch up field at the 47 yard line Don Parrish and Randy Holloway where the two men trying to take Robinson's arm oh this Steve Davis coming from the far side of the field Bowden she's forced out of the pocket he just crosses over the middle gets in between linebackers here you see Wetherington 59 coming over makes her great catch the ball is low and he makes the super catch and it's first down for Georgia at the 47 yard line Matt Robinson [Applause] and Georgia folks are screaming for interference says he was cut down by Bob jury number 31 hey that was close the ball was right in the neighborhood so he got away with it let's see if he I don't know whether he stumbled and fell here or whether I had to block him here during college he blocked a man when the ball was in the air that's in the fence the ball was going right over at the top of him though and they made the heck their contact is made you can see the ball coming into your picture right there contact is made and you have an interfacial it's not ball second downtown [Music] Robinson's past what what by God number 68 [Applause] his Pittsburgh team really came to play and I guess Jim Lampley pointed out earlier keep the tip make any difference what kind of training program they have I guess they were ready to play when they came to the field here well the school board would reflect it yes and so do the numbers of the score but you gotta give that passing game name [Applause] for Washington Lee Majors a six million dollar man on the Pitt sideline fit half well he's got a six million dollar team right now the leader 21 to nothing work out adults in the font for the Bulldogs Pittsburgh has no one deep Georgia kitchen team aims it out it's got a good roll it's a great kick there's a flag on the field of all dribbles out of bounds at the 4 yard line ball kicked out on about before now here's Jim justice Florida did in the game for the Southeastern Conference championship Pittsburgh has exploded on Georgia in the first half but now coach John Major's is gonna have to tell his team about Georgia in the second half one of the most remarkable statistics we've seen on a team this year the Bulldogs have given up a total of 30 points in the second half all year just six two field goals in the third quarter 14 of the points they gave up in the fourth quarter all year came against Cincinnati in a game that was already out of reach was so strong in the second half defensively it's been stall he said it was partially related to what he called the intelligent fanaticism of his defensive coordinator earth Russell his teams are very intense very well drilled and well schooled but they play extremely emotional football and get stronger as the game goes on they ought to be back in this game in the second half based on their record in Fennell it goes against Pittsburgh giving Georgia first down to team Washington thrown by Robinson is really thrilled a team and he actually didn't have much of a chance to do anything with it I'll keep on that punt James Wilson the left halfback I think had an infraction as Georgia was going down to cover of the ball and while the ball was in the air it's still in the possession of Georgia so that the penalty was assessed to Pittsburgh and they maintained possession the first Georgia's gonna have to hang on to the ball only one minute left in the first half one minute at the Pitt 39 second down 10 [Music] valances goes deep for washington it it is Bob jury and Leroy Felder they're together I think juries the man that got the ball if so it would be his tip let's see which one came up with it both up there well they both were there Washington drives up the field puts the fake to the inside goes back to the flag to the outside looks like he's got him deep but there's defenders Irv that feller there and juror jury whatever Pittsburgh's got the ball just outside the ten yard line and they'll just run the clock out now as they get it in motion Georgia will to timeout they choose here to spend them trying to save the time but the clock is still running with 40 seconds to go in the first half I think first Pittsburgh this is dangerous area when you're fooling around with the ball back inside your own 10-yard line any kind of error occurs to give a quick six seven points to your opponent so you want to play conservative conservative down here and that's exactly the pittsburgh is doing and it's exactly what I would do if I was coaching Bach running in 20 seconds to go now as Cavanaugh will probably take the snap and just sit down with you whistle stops it now looks like Georgia may spend the timeout they have two timeouts remaining and they do call time everyone one more with only 15 ticks remaining on the clock to halftime 21 nothing Pittsburgh Georgia with one remaining timeout killing the clock I'm a little surprised that have spend it sooner yeah I am Tukey they think a call timeout right after this third down play and force a punting situation on fourth down which they probably will do the ball is back up a 7 [Applause] now Georgia spins the timeout and they will force Pittsburgh to kick it away with 11 seconds to go 11 seconds Leroy elder incidentally was given official credit for that NASA interception the Goodyear blimp is sailing over the city of New Orleans Louisiana with Chuck LeBeau as Captain Bill Sullivan our cameraman and a let's gain the video providing the picture of this riddle city and it has been festive this week what Marty brother thought it Sugar Bowl committee doesn't outstanding job in making everybody comfortable and it is quite a toy 11 seconds now as sweater is in the end zone Lera will come out of the endzone gets it away Mitchell Pittsburgh 41 with one tick on the clock remaining 42-yard punt at a 7 yard return looks like George will get one play one they'll probably throw down in the end zone anything can happen 76117 here in the Superdome watching the Louisiana Superdome save themselves a little bit more time I didn't realize that they have enough timeouts to kill the clock the way they did but they are able to put one ball up in the air and you know who knows even though you're playing back for a long pass ball juggles around and sometimes the offense comes up with it I think that's what we'll stay here Keith Davis and Washington both live right Robinson straight back for Washington in the end zone battery there's number 10 for both the 1976 [Applause] the first half is over with Pittsburgh leading 21 they're not thinking here's Jim but I'm never happy call the games when we win Jim I guess our football teams quite very aggressive football and both teams will claim a lot of emotion I'm very pleased our passing game I think really helped us open up the game plus our defense is doing a great job I wonder if it's occurred to you this is the last time you go into the locker room of these guys it has but I tell you what I have in front of the will on it because this football team has more to work for than John Major's their great group of young men we've got another half to play okay thanks very much for spending time with good luck in the second half coach John Major's of Pittsburgh halftime hit 21 and Georgia nothing and we'll be back to the Superdome right after this participating this activity and we want to present this to you this coach of the Year award along with a $2,500 scholarship that will go to your school and we're most pleased to present this to you and we offer our sincere congratulations but thank you Bob I'm delighted doubly delighted to receive this great honor and certainly because of the support Chevrolet motor division is given NCAA football and the benefits of many young people a giraffe from your scholarship program even though I can't break this off piece by piece and straight with the players and with the coaches and administrators and find friends I met at Pitt each time I look at this trophy I'm sure we'll bring back a memory of a particular player or an event that made my four years at Pitt for great ones gentlemen thank you for joining us in this inaugural program of the Coach of the Year honors and we thank you for taking part in this special presentation here at halftime in Detroit but now it's time to return to New Orleans and more of the halftime festivities at the Sugar Bowl Classic l had a lot to talk about in there well it's quite obvious if this bar is a pretty good football team and they've played a great first half and I feel like we'll come back okay you've been a second-half team all year oh thanks girl and I think we'll play as well as McKenna I know that and I know I don't feel free a little different footballs you make some significant strategic changes we made some but the main thing we got to do is get rid of little bit better they uh they're a good football team but it's we don't feel like it's over okay thank you very much for spending time with us it's Dooley now let's go back upstairs and keep Jackson and arrow for a second and the two teams now begin to move out onto the playing surface of the Superdome here in New Orleans Louisiana now let's set the Georgia offense for you hence duty of course is the head coach all the Bulldogs team painters member ad split in Steve Collier offensive tackle 65 George Collins offensive guard number 66 the center is Joe Harrison's get 56 number 67 is Joe Parrish offensive guard Big Mike Wilson number 77 offensive tackle identity mrs. Norris number 85 and a quarterback number 10 rake off running back Kevin McLean of a 39 al colors over 43 running back and the wide receiver of flicker Jean Washington the place kicker number 911 offensively you've seen the Georgia border Pittsburgh will kick it off as Carson ball it's it doesn't get this one as high and it goes out of bounds Oh more shanked it five her to back him up to the 35 in there or Rica Kate's if you recall in the Florida game with Georgia they came out the second half they were very patient they did her running maintaining possession of the ball I got a couple of breaks took advantage of them but by the same token they were very patient moved the ball effectively on the ground and made a great comeback so with Vince Julie's comments at halftime you have to believe that they're going to play a more inspired second half and with a penalty here against the Pittsburgh team they might come up with a little better field position earlier in this game you might think that's rape dr. Burton he was the starting quarterback Matt Robinson relieved him see which man gets the ball when Georgia gets the ball in play from the 35-yard line now Washington comes all the way out to the 15-yard [Applause] a lotta bigger bees and it's up across the 25 to the 26 where Georgia will have it ed Lomas kV from Sudan from Aliquippa for Pittsburg defensively Don Parrish big tackle al Romano plays the little guard position Randy Holloway where's the other tackle spot and Cecil Johnson number 60 at the other defensive end linebackers Varney Wetherington number 50 in a mirror both linebackers had a big first half it is rake off now at quarterback now power that Kevin the CLE behind him for the Georgia Bulldog from the 25-yard line of all this evens into the middle and he gets wet fired by Holloway and Romano the secondary for the fifth Panthers Jeff Delaney is the monster man JC Wilson wears then the Pittsburgh defensive secondary Leroy Felder had a pass interception in the first half and Bob jury was the leading interceptor with a total of nine during the regular season second down all of eight yards to go for Georgia from the 27 all again goes to 9 yard line and that's all there is for it so George is gonna be looking at third down and about six yards to go looks like they're trying to be patient they run to players line and pick up imagine Turk did some talking at halftime he did third down interesting skated Ulysses Norris Harrison's Quezada Morris is in with mark cards in a double tied in alignment down from the Bulldogs 18th in Washington engine [Music] from the night they shut him off well there that was the bull Andy thanks even though Pittsburgh is fun as gone at this stage nine yard line of the man-to-man coverage single coverage well maybe Davis our team Washington can break loose down here they may have to talk the end zone comment there on the Georgia passing for the season second down from the nine rake-off have Pollard in an attacking posture that time is he could have gone for the power came out as the third receiver flooding the side you have little leverage there and so it is third down from the nine Davis coming back in now as they bring out one of those tight ends it is hyped coming up and Steve Davis is back in gin Washington but a little move on the pittsburgh cornerback that time is he started right and literally spun around and roll down for the night is Davis pictures it but they pull him down at the seven you very seldom will see better defensive play than that really was well defense that was also well executed take a another look at it he thinks the ball into the line here's the ball to the end coming coming around he pitches it on out but there's about four or five Pittsburgh players over here ready to make the play Georgia will go for three Allen Levin is in for the extra point try out of Matt Robinson's hold it is up and from just inside the 25-yard line it is birth thirty seconds to play in the third quarter Georgia gets on the board in Legion 21 debris the Georgia Bulldogs get three points out of the break when they desperately needed seven now they'll kick it off love it will kick it away [Applause] Larry Sims and Willie Taylor April Pittsburgh its sims in the end zone going to come out with it from 4 yards gets to the 1516 and that's it you know the Pittsburgh team being able to hold and yielding only a field goal probably helped a tremendous momentum shift that could have occurred although there was good coverage by Georgia Bulldogs here and they're going to force Pittsburgh to go the long way 85 yards here just outside the 15 yard line for the Panthers they have been dominant the three quarter statistics really tell you that that 283 yards in the first half alone is 78 for Georgia as Matt Cavanaugh and the ball took Tony Dorsett Jeff centers in Dickey Park the tackle 9987 buddy of Bulldogs in on him of course it has always been able to manage to break along with her in the second half he is a strong runner a lot like Rickey Bell and gets stronger with more curries that they have Taylor and Jones both come left second down [Music] get the first down up to the 26 27 yard line with Jim Griffith and Bobby Thompson making the stop for Georgia was that Eliot Walker that made a great block on the end he is better than an average blocking back in that backfield under media guards passing something 411 for Cavanaugh and there in life is far in the tip it's between the score also poor turnovers for joins it'll now just 1 for this world morning that's 228 before Griffith zambezi and company wrestled him down [Applause] [Music] they used one balanced line that time with the eye they've used the process they've used the barrel up they've used a lot of different looks in their double flankers to a side here they come out with a pro i it looks like on second down and 8 v bird from the 20 he's dead back at the 38-yard line and it should be another first down it's cut blocking at the point of attack that time by the Pittsburgh offensive line here's a replay on fan BC he's blocked well driven off the line of scrimmage he shoves the block as bill Gibson makes the play exactly on the 38 yard line first down Panthers they're controlling the ballgame in fact dominating the ball game leading 21 to 3 [Applause] Eliot Walker over the right side to about the 42 yard line no Kruk just 42 first Bulldog to get to it one time Pittsburgh comes out and runs hit the plane I gives the bottle the full-back of the tailback next time they come out and run the beer next time they come out and run the true option they're keeping the Georgia team pretty well off balance and the versatility of the team is being well visualized here at the 42 second down six the torch of 43 yard line is Mark Mitchell made the tackle great blocking on the right side of the line by parbat and message brazil's oh they're really cleaned it out at november at 4:30 Eastern Time tomorrow the premiere of the Sunday edition of ABC's Wide World of Sports Howard Cosell interviewing Muhammad Ali live the inner ice review the first race of the world series of auto racing featuring the top drivers the International classes sports at 4:30 Eastern 3:30 Central and Pacific global most of these ABC's Facebook Matt Cavanaugh the quarterback had no chance for the option he turned my back the other way and there were two Georgia players and he managed to avoid one of them and got back the line of scrimmage may be picked up for your attitude he got three did look like that him all locked up there's Parrish and Wilson the right side of the Georgia offensive line [Applause] second down draw seven forty-four the pullback 1-yard that means you put a real stick on that time he came flying in and put a real hit on him we're gonna replay on it right here watch 44 watch him step right inside here right between the seams put on a super tackle on Bob Hutton number 44 [Applause] earth and five the georgia 38 [Applause] [Music] elven arse pass or Corbett incomplete the ANA blitz on from the backside Oh bill proved number 42 who makes a lot of things happen but in pressure on Dickie Clark looping almost got to him the pass was high and it is fourth and five and Larry's winder comes in with seven 12 to go in the third quarter to find if anything they're going to a yield purpose bill position to the Bulldogs particularly of these spider just kind of pumps it down here let's roll around inside that tennis boy not much on that one a line of scrimmage was the 38 I think that one went off just about 437 that might be a one-yard foot okay that the time to go to be very careful on the right hash mark that's likely to happen twenty-one three Pittsburgh leave the 706 to go in quarter number three preceding Wide World of Sports at two o'clock is the opening segment of superstars for this year and at three thirty a very interesting American sports been dealing with sharks Thursday night here Tony Dorsett got one of the great opportunities in a young man can get Tony's a communications major at the University of Pittsburgh he was invited to do the sports segment on the air live television one of the local stations here in New Orleans instead it scared him to death even fluffed his first line but then read it fairly smoothly tony is somebody who's progressed so far in four years it's almost unbelievable he was very shy as a freshman he barest winter got two yards on the punt Georges ball at the 36 yard line here runs for a first down from the 36 to about the 48 yard line and he was really belted looked like he actually was faking the past really prolifically trying to run the football they cleaned it out and got outside the contain good money in case you're interested about trivia the shortest kick in circle history was - two yards from a gentleman named horn 48 yard line and Gulf is gone Matt Robinson in Ray was shaken up on the play and off goes to Kevin Utley and he cut the yard as the defensive right side with a Pittsburgh line left by Randy Holloway and then parish joined the Christ they throw him back Randy Holloway got a lot of penetration and mcclee had no chance what was that poly that was McLean [Applause] second down nine the Georgia just short of midfield [Applause] [Music] welcome dick behind the line of scrimmage by L Romano the middle guard who fired and got through its a second time in a row that the defense Pittsburgh defense has got tremendous penetration and Georgia cannot operate along the line of scrimmage without controlling it we're having difficulty with Don Parrish down on the field number 68 Pittsburgh tackle lose him you lose a lot looks like it might be a knee or an ankle so we'll have a timeout here for Pittsburgh while they attend to Don Parrish and Denzel ahey will come in sophomore number 79 replacing him with 556 to go in the third quarter of play and Pittsburgh leading Georgia 21 to 3 we'll be right back five the Louisiana Superdome of Pittsburgh leading Georgia 21 to 3 and Don Parrish has been helped off the field it looks like a need his Elahi replaces him for the Georgia Bulldogs it is third down and 10 from their own 49 they need a big play they need some points [Applause] that Robinson reporter back hey pal for sticking up Robinson the drop and Pro for the tagline was a knuckleball that is almost intercepted very poor pass ball slipped out of his hand Cecil Johnson Randy Holloway were involved in it and batted around enough that it almost resulted in an interception really didn't have much time the Pittsburgh defensive line was putting a lot of pressure on him he didn't have much time to get rid of it 549 to go in the third quarter funk adults to punt on fourth down beauty Oh Howard swisscott six yard line so Pittsburgh goes to work from the six leading 21 to 3 on February 16 we begin here on ABC and most of these ABC stations the United States Boxing Championship establish national titleholder national title holders all categories once for that starting on January 16 right here although most of these ABC's facial [Music] [Applause] this burg comes up with Elliott Walker Tony Dorsett setup in the eye with Kavanagh the quarterback it's Walker from the six to about the 12 them Lisa Griffith linebackers making to stop and a very positive offensive surge by the Pittsburgh line I'll tell you that the Pittsburgh people in the trenches have been outstanding today era on both offense and defense I think Georgia would like very much to get a turnover here he helped him to get back into this football game hunting Jackson at fullback replacing Elliott Walker 44 instead of 34 and herpes got the ball and hammers it to just about the 15 I believe him maybe a yard and a half short of the first down as Jeff Sanders makes the stop majority Raj would like to hold here and force a punt try to get some kind of field position that this Pittsburgh ballclub has failed very few times in this game on critical situations like this [Music] Jones wide right Taylor comes out they give the ball to Tony Fawcett flying for the first down and he's post oh it looks like he might place close they'll measure tomorrow afternoon ABC Sports kicks off the New Year with the return of three great sport series beginning at 2:00 Eastern Time season premiere of the superstars featuring the veterans at 3:30 Eastern Time another season premiere the American sportsman you'll see a shark feeding frenzy in Australia see Candice Bergen learn to grab a high-performance racing car at 4:30 Eastern Time ABC's Wide World of Sports in the season's first Sunday edition brings you a live interview with Muhammad Ali a sensational Vienna iced review and race number one of the world series of automobile racing they bring the leading drivers in Irbil class that's three exciting season premieres beginning tomorrow at 2:00 Eastern Time one central and Pacific over most to these ABC spaces it is first time Pittsburgh Tony Boss it has 100 yards on 22 carries buddy Johnny Henderson brought it [Applause] without a great saving tackle it was a super run by garsik also a great save with a touchdown watch it on the replay watch first come off tackle to cook blocks a complaint there he gets into the secondary I can see the cutting ability in the speed of [Applause] from the touchdown don't endorse it now 167 yards keeping with it is the circum old record rushing record is 199 he's tough to corral for a whole ball game [Applause] this down georgia 16 the Elliott Walker number 34 and he's dumped after a yard there's a replay on the long run Cavanaugh moves back gives the ball to Dorsett right tackle pulls the full-back makes the break block right there Dorsett squeezed into the secondary if you see his speed as he cuts back to the inside now he's running away from the Georgia Bulldogs he almost gets a block that sets him all away but Henderson the defensive halfback because you'll see right here makes a game saving not game saving play [Music] [Applause] Dickie Clark for a loss back around the 19 yard line so that'll bring up a third down and three Nicky Clarke been shooting at him all day and finally got it good penetration came across made the tackle why don't you can see Cavanaugh here with a screen remember that earlier screen that they threw the fan set up the garça prompt got third longer Billy woods 37 in the Georgia second right now [Music] Krug makes the tackle then visa was back there and helped out on the play and so was Nicky Clarke they tried to speed her up to the left I hear they didn't get the wall set up penetration by the one in the wall and of course person long's gonna have to try for a field goal here he missed just barely at 54 yards now he's going for 42 yards he's got plenty of leg two minutes to play third quarter [Applause] just betadine and Pittsburgh bills hips lead back to 21 points with a minute and 50 seconds to go in the third quarter the score now is twenty four to three Panthers Jim Keith wins Pittsburgh goes back on defense the Panthers will be without one of the key operatives in that great frontline Don Harris offensive tackle has apparently a badly sprained ankle will be out at least for the next couple of series and probably will not play again today's on the bench with the ice on it that breaks up the parish Holloway Romano front wall that's supposed such difficulty for Georgia [Music] as we look down from the Goodyear blimp floating up over the city of New Orleans the old river is passing cameraman a lefty nope they're handling the video and now we come back down toward the Superdome the Louisiana Superdome inside we've come for Jeff - grunting deep as are some long prepares to kick off Pittsburgh 24-degree Panthers lead [Music] and hit to the right and goes out of bounds and for the second time here in the second half long we'll have to kick it from the 35 it's amazing for God's kicked I think 17 field goals in 25 attention which is a very significant percentage he's hit two of model bounds on kickoffs where he's got plenty of time to pump [Music] he holds a bundle of records all the records of pittsburgh for kicking well let's see now he's 45 for 45 in extra points mm-hmm well that's not bad and 17 for 25 in field goals and of course that is now standing record missed at 54 yard earlier hit the 42 yarder his career list though look at that 43 field goals in his career cut second all right let's see what we can do from - 35 yard line as pirate now it comes up a little bit hoping to get a little room with it it's a very high kick Jeff takes it up for 700 there kind of gadget here well he tried to throw it back across the field who will have a Clinton and pittsburgh's coverage was good enough and the kick was high enough that there were already up down to put her up to play and he threw the ball out of bounds actually a little lean to run to the right side of it he kept going right there trying to throw the ball across trying to get all the Pittsburgh defenders covering the kickoff to one side of the field and brought back and run down the left sideline that was in completed lateral [Music] so here's georgia in a bit of a hole as the ball is marked at the 12 yard line they're down by 21 points with 143 to go in the third quarter and Ray Gough back in a quarterback coming out on an option oh I tell you you see that number 80 Edgar Lomas keihan by this way he just kept stringing that play up and there was no way that they could seem to get enough on him to get him out of the way now they're trying to throw and I should say they passed that he's rolling out in two they've got a coverage man in the left flat the man in the sauce Potter on the hashmark side and he's backed up by another man and I'll tell you it's awful tough to throw into that this is good coverage on the part of Pittsburgh [Applause] second down eight Bob Gibson which is head-down and lunges to very close to the 20-yard line inside the Louisiana Superdome is everything in the world inside of the state that would add to the comfort of people coming here to watch the sports event including luxury boxes where you can relax and enjoy yourself and they're tucked back under the seating area so you can't visually see them from where we're located and we are 76117 people and watching [Applause] awful tough to run into that coverage that Pittsburgh's giving them got too many folks out there Box Tops as they moved the chains with 18 seconds remaining to play in the third quarter [Applause] first down Bulldogs at their own 27 yard line now the clock starts going as they set the change down [Applause] [Music] as he gets it up to the 46 yard line first town third quarter is over we'll be back after a word about an upcoming show on IDC another message from your local station ranked in the nation just 15 minutes away from locking up a national championship you go back to the days of Jack Sutherland I guess 1937 Pittsburgh was nine oh and one the last time the Panthers claimed the national championship this would be the first time ever the Pittsburgh team has gone through a season fully unblemished over a 12 game schedule if they can control the Georgia Bulldogs where they have through reporters and they will have it in their ears rape off on first down pitching the ball to covered in MacLean and he turns it across midfield to the pittsburgh 48 yard line you know Keith the thing that makes it all the more traumatic is the fact that this play did not have a winning season a decade and Johnny majors turned him around and of course improved the record each year here he is with a 14 minutes 39 seconds from a national championship team yes second down and four as you see the third quarter steps now at 403 yards to 145 is the dominant Panther statistic I think in this game break off ends the ball ball inside the try for the first down by the pull back out carved he's across the 45 inside the 44 looks like Elm might have made the first time did the only the Pittsburgh to pass in this game and the inaccuracy thus far of Georgia in the passing Department they've only had 18 [Music] [Applause] [Music] 20 for golf to throw whips into the sidelines hits McQueen please step out of bounds at the 30 back at the 30 he actually ran to about the 12 Jeff Delaney and Al Chesley offensively for Pittsburgh head I didn't realize there was an official down there kept looking at him and I didn't notice it he had stepped out of bounds on the sidelines here but they're moving the ball Georgia Claude and scratchin trying to come back they have a first down at the 5th for just outside the 30 with only 13 46 to play in the game they're down by 21 [Applause] more success for this set for the Langford has put in [Applause] we hit hard as he gets to the 27 by L Chesley 55 a linebacker tried a little draw play picked up about three or four yards on it it's pretty good way to protect the pass I played 13 carries in 47 yards now in the second down six [Music] [Applause] look like builder knocked it down number 37 I'm still waiting Pittsburgh signalling their ball but I haven't seen a striped shirt told me my fella reached in with his right arm and batted the ball down his golf was trying to deal it and I think Felder came up with the ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] before to go in play out of the end zone here's what happened watch Felder make a great play for Pittsburgh they really filter his block gets up reaches out with his right arm right here knocked the ball down on the option and Pollard would have gotten some positive yardage on the sidelines great defensive play by Leroy Belden must be four or five hundred people on each side line it's a little bit difficult to see unless you look at it from the end zone its Tony Dorsett but bust the 32 the 31 he gets the better part of four yards before run his folks brings him down up here the acceleration that Dorsett has is very visible the difference between other backs occurring the volley just accelerate so rapidly [Music] twelve and a half minutes to go in the ballgame Cavanaugh goes to the sideline mass is complete Willie Taylor that time Taylor couldn't get away sooner the Bulldogs though they didn't pick up about five yards on the play just a little shorter the first time maybe a yard and a half one thing about those sideline routes those Pittsburgh receivers though it's kind of going out of bounds they'll turn back to the inside you try to go behind it dimmers for 473 that's a pretty good thing third down and one [Music] Cavanaugh gets the 144 yard line before Billy woods makes the tackle so the Pittsburgh Panthers are controlling the football game with 11 and a half minutes to play here's Jim ever since his fight earlier this fall north a lot of people have wondering precisely what is going to happen in the future of Muhammad Ali what his health is like what his fighting future is who he would choose to fight in his next bout tomorrow afternoon on Wide World of Sports Howard Cosell live with Muhammad Ali we'll discuss all of those things the show also has to be a nice review an international Race of Champions tomorrow at five world wide world it's got the ball he's closing in on 200 Billy whoopsie no Nick the talking the talk I hate to chase him all afternoon I'll fire his Cavanaugh was on the iPad deals flashing off back side we can see the speed that he has as he runs away from tacklers is the pony to run exactly first down Pittsburgh got the Georgia 34 Hutton is in with Walker Dorsett is out right now Cavanaugh gives to Walker he just a couple of yards the circle running record 199 yards set in 1944 by Eddie Procop tailback for Georgia Tech Tucker's beat Tulsa one and two 18 26 carries now for 189 yards for Tony you'll see in next Saturday from the hula bowl in Aloha Stadium right here although most of these babies these facing Rickey Bell's gonna be there too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] or indeed we just batted away from Willie Taylor by Billy woods what six 288 he replaced Johnny Henderson a few moments ago in the secondary for Georgia Johnny Henderson had six feet might not have been able to rake up that way well he made a great play reaches out with his left arm just to say that you see here Billy woods chasing up the field i watch him with his left arm just he's beaten by about two yards and reaches out with his left arm here and just deflects the ball enough and Willie Taylor thought he had six instead of third and eight from the georgia 32 pushed off the player passes away of bone too high intended for Gordon Jones don't poop this from the backside you know he he's all over the field that brings carson long into the ball game ten minutes and 26 seconds to play in the Sugar Bowl and Pittsburgh leading Georgia 24 to 3 trying to lock up a national collegiate championship it'll be a 49-yard field goal he's hit a 42 yarder he's missed 254 yarder just barely just 149 just go to the right and so with 10 minutes of 21 seconds to play in the ballgame Georgia gets another chance trailing 24 to 3 hey Dawson 189 yards in this ball game Georgia has as a team 139 yards total right after the superstars tomorrow don't forget American sportsman shark beating in Australia and Candice Bergen earning - Brava - race car following superstars at 3:30 Eastern Time all right here's Georgia at the 20-yard line [Applause] Jean Washington could not hold it Steve Davis through it that's a plan that big Florida a year ago when they used that tight end to come around and throw to the flanker and Davis delivered it right on the money he really did the ball went right through his hands it would have been a big gear [Music] [Applause] Vaibhav hands up to Kevin McLeish Evan McClay young man from Pennsylvania who has become the second Georgia Bulldog in history to run for a thousand yards in a season Frankie Singh quits the great old tailback was the man who did it first mclees the second in wide left Georgia [Music] [Applause] this gigantic covered the football let's see about the flags [Applause] look like al Romano was on the bottom of the pile exchanged for more I don't know what the official call whether it was looks like this good thing to give it to the tips Birds ball right Georgia illegal procedure [Music] [Applause] whether they look like maybe the summer snapped the move that late golf start to pull away and have been a problem on the exchange Hill Romano right here number 91 you see the ball fly out to his left side and recovered by the Pittsburgh I can't tell what the numbers yesterday 55 and so here's Pittsburgh with a great opportunity just no time for Georgia 22 yard line as Cavanaugh gives with Antonio after maybe a yard by Ronnie Stokes number 78 in red hey you know I'm trying to harness that Dorset for 60 minutes is an almost impossible task I've seen him do it time and time again in a four-year career and he's done it again today it's almost a carbon copy of OJ when the juice was tearing him up at Southern Cal he is like that you'd hold him for 3540 minutes and bang [Music] Cavanaugh mr. Mitchell comes across number 24 from his safety position to knock Tony down and picks him up mark really flew up there a good support by the secondary not very big fella 511 about hundred and seventy two but he moved up there with good support I think he was standing on something when they're measured him I'm sure he's that tall he sure plays hard more was at the 22 it's turned down at about nine and a half yards to go for a first time Cavanaugh throws for Jones and he drills it in there same pass come out with a unbalanced line with a double flanker to the right they just come driving down the field Cavanaugh fakes to one the option to the right then he delivers the ball as well covered here Mitchell's there but slows the ball inside the 15 where it is fourth down and about two yards arson long is in for the field goal cried Elinor now at 10 out of 17 for 197 yards in passing that's a big story in this game I think 31 yard pittsburg margin goes to 24 with 735 to play in the game 27 to 3 the Panthers lead in this national championship everyone will remember the big heroes al Romano Tony Dorsett one man whose name may be forgotten is perhaps in a sense the biggest hero of all Tom usek senior quarterback probably won't play today he had never played more than six or seven plays before a time earlier this year when Robert Haga and Matt Cavanaugh both of the top two Pitt quarterbacks went down with injuries and suddenly John Major's was desperate Tom Music stepped in and played mistake-free football steady football for three games got the Panthers through the crisis and then gave the job back to Cavanaugh and went back to the sidelines where he spent the rest of his career a walk-on but a big hero Tom music of Pittsburgh hey old Tom has been very useful to in preparing teams because he's gifted enough that he can keep that Pittsburgh defense interested in the practice session that's a big factor Oh kick to the goal line coming up at the to it is Washington trying to break out of the pack can't do it they get him up around the 18 19 yard line 17 yard return 7:29 to play in the game and you see a lot of people you're looking up looking up or they're looking up at the screens that are hanging over the top of the Superdome to see themself some of the coverage up there is apparently taken from our document tasting the game and some of it is not everybody sitting down on the bench looking up watching the ballgame on television and if they should happens to be obscure from the sidelines Matt Robinson now and a quarterback for Georgia goes to the sidelines the past is from wait - Jeff liber running back position a freshman out of Athens gets it up forced the 30-yard line to about the 32 that should be a first down I mentioned earlier that al Romano and Tony Dorsett will be among the large group of outstanding college football players will be off to Hawaii to play in the hula bowl which you'll see live next Saturday at 4:00 Eastern 3 Central Time although most of these ABC stations Rickey Bell's gonna be there this very common press coverage Riker Notre Dame will be an outstanding group of Appalachia last pot laying in the [Music] by number 14 just almost stolen by the Munson and Jeff Delaney that's amazing to hear that [Music] the intended receiver [Music] second down they need about six inches [Music] and then a small prayer to get it going [Applause] Pittsburgh arguing for the interception I think Romano had flipped the heat on and James Wilson was a man who try to make the interception like a little skip off the turf caught it on one bounce doesn't count football we're talking about the reference to six inches that ought to be a mislead you but you talk in terms of six inches a couple of times in the ball game were just that much would have made so much difference where Georgia could have completed a pass where Jean Washington might have caught the ball over here and held on to it only Flanagan number 11 comes in now some tend away in the game and Tony Flanagan [Applause] Holloway since in your kill realizing that youngster a sophomore out of Atlanta was him for one way and he just hooked up and came and got it stay away as a name that will be very prominent next year yeah I'd say he's a great football player and I pay this Pittsburgh team is very thin very impressive it all phases of the game today monka dope all right rush but gets it out of there and it takes to Georgia mouth shut [Applause] bounced it down to around the 20-yard line that's 54 yards on the punt 6:31 to go in the game and it's Pittsburgh 27 to 3 over Georgia [Music] here's Pittsburgh down just inside 1a [Applause] 190 yards picks up a helper 494 and penalty flags are flying now as we've got a scuffle down inside the stack it's one of those kind of you look like a retaliation on the part of one player you wonder which way he'll go sometimes don't see the first right the second guy that gets the penalty while they're talking I think it's quite obvious and quite fair to suggest that Pittsburgh has won the national championship in college football for 1976 because they have been the most impressive and dominant football team in Europe has a very good Georgia team here is the scuffle [Music] really they call it how to ride a doubleheader all on each side I don't think it was anything malicious frustration yeah right always up for 24 second down and six Cavanaugh gives it to Joseph and he has that little skip when he gets in motion which makes that linebacker sort of take a look before he commits himself you know Keith I think the other thing that is significant in this great accomplishment of the Fitchburg Golf Club Johnny major is that it's taken his team and progressively gotten better each season where he's brought him to what appears to be a national championship and prior to that time and I can speak from experience on that point is because we played Pittsburgh when I was at University of Notre Dame but they were struggling and having trouble tonight combination to circumstances they get the right players the right coach the right motivation get all the pieces put together and the end result here is potential national championship five minutes and 57 seconds away from 20 Dorsett gains another yard he will have the Super Bowl rushing record beating any Procop record of 199 yards which has stood since 1944 [Music] just inches to go for the first down the quarterback Cavanaugh keeping going for the first down it would appear that he made it there's the time which now is the definite ally of the Pittsburgh Panthers there's some trivia for you Aaron only one other Heisman Trophy winner ever won the national championship with his team and played in a bowl successfully he was a little bitty fella weight about 152 pounds with a couple of rocks on his box he got a minute Cavanaugh gives to Dorsett got at least a yard out of that play so he's over 200 give him two yards make it 201 [Applause] welcome to the outside I think it had got my mom ERT the fellas name is Daley O'Brien from Texas Christian University when the deep Carnegie Tech 15 to 7 under the 1939 Sugar Bowl baby had 17 out of 27 for 225 yards kicked 20-yard field goal but now Tony Dorsett has put his name and a stripper pole record book the 201 yards and he didn't brew [Applause] hard way he really got pinched that time number 59 Lewis Friedman recently popped him Oh watching Thurston through all these years remarkable yardage that he's piled up his durability has been admire backs carried that fall a lot of times he got 11 guys shooting at him going out from every play every time they have a football and he's in the line of the OJS and the Rickey Bell small though he's much smaller than both of them he's been very durable it's third down and seven going down the sidelines beep patellar did he good no momentarily but almost I'll tell ya Bobby Thompson playing him just as tough as he could possibly playing and without fouling still have Taylor almost come down with it [Applause] and now there's four minutes exactly left the player this 43rd annual Super Bowl football game and the word will get around to Michigan and Southern California as I hit up the Rose Bowl game Pittsburgh has been impressive various whiter [Applause] let it go and I'll mark it down around the 13 yard line that was a beauty 54 yards Valerius sweater Johnny wagers winding up this coaching career in Pittsburgh and headache for the hill country of Tennessee is home football boss at the University of Tennessee tomorrow afternoon ABC sports gets off the new year returning three for jury duty in Eastern Time superstars venturing to veterans at 3:30 Eastern Time the American sportsman or the shark feeding frenzy in Australia and Candice Bergen learning to drive a high performance race car at 4:30 Eastern Time ABC's Wide World of Sports all tomorrow here's Flanagan in at quarterback puts the past downfield in the hands of Leroy Felder who's already intercepted one pass today knocked down a lateral and recovered it you know walk into the end zone job therapy to hung onto the ball for Mark Wilson number 37 has had a big day he's leaving now and Larry Felton number 28 replaces him he's from Cordele Georgia planet Pittsburgh suck him down ten from the 13 flanagan going wide maybe a yard Val Chesley 55 rings him down Chesley is a sophomore he'll be back next year there's TV a lobster anyway [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's third down and nine Flanigan having lost part of his shirt trying to grow it Rosa incomplete pass intended for mark on 88 wide open it just happened a lot of bad luck today on their passing game they've had people open and either been overthrown underthrown or they've dropped the ball but kudos is now in the font for Georgie and Buck has had a decent sort of a day he's fun at seven times for a forty seven and a half yard average Wow put it up there too Jones is deep [Applause] soft fireless Taylor is gonna pack up and take it [Applause] they're one big block there gets it back to the Georgia 4945 yard punt and the 11 yard return here's Jim I'm on the bench with Tony Dorsett who's had another in the long long string of sensational games Tony congratulations thank you Jim I tell you it could have been a fire that find the time for me for it to have it to me on my team you know we were number one national championship in do you know people talk to all week about you and your teammates arousing being on Bourbon Street having the late curfew I think there must be a maturity on this team that's somewhat special you know we we still orientated tell Chris Mader's he considers his philosophy is that the main priority is the winter ball go but you're supposed to have fun awesome a lot of you have played together for four years I'm sure it's occurred to you this is the last time you're all together well you see we all hugged up right here right now you know the last time we'll play together and it's been great you know I couldn't get a better through our beating team other than Troy's you know because all week the fans were saving the hotel presents tonight [Applause] [Music] quite a Cinderella story four years ago this was one of the worst football programs in the country and now I don't think there's any doubt that you're number one well we like to think that way you know we put a lot of hard work a lot of sacrifices into this and we come for number 102 number one right now and we feel right now we are the reserve the number one team in the country if you talk to the Rose Bowl coaches get you up a little more well you know not really the Rose Bowl coaches but Woody Hayes and they'll be back out of the Orange Bowl but not so back into show business growth was not true Georgia's number four rated team in the country we figure playing them baby better know why as everything is light-hearted happiness on the pittsburgh side of the field there's another people to the georgia bulldogs Johnny majors now is playing everybody Larry Sims is in the lineup in fact Tom music is in at quarterback Tom sendawal is in at fullback Randy Rooter Shan is in there number 19 at a flanker position Mitch Cooper is Astro stone is in George link John Backus Steve Coll staff everybody got the chance to play it [Music] the penalty here against Georgia Bulldogs frustrated p.m. the ten-in-one records still applying football team I think a possibility really put the pressure on your secondary and maybe open the game up 34 yard line of Georgia with only 146 left to play in the game much better is like navigator 2063 in the secondary [Applause] Pittsburgh and on the first down playing from 34 he gets a couple of yards some of the Georgia people on the field now include well the zambese is still out there I guess rats sqt is out there Bob Hope Robert hoped is on the field Billy woods don't plug stays up slopes is Dylan Lewis Friedman out there Lawrence Kraft still there bro - am coming wide to the left side music on second down a new national champion looks like Keith and this is a well balanced football team they went through a typical schedule opening up the season against Notre Dame there it is always a tough chore I can attest to that and went through a pretty doggone difficult schedule they're a well-balanced team I think the thing that surprised Georgia is that this is not just a Tony Dorsett team this is a football team that has a great kicking game good passing attack good solid defense against the Russian a good pass I can vary [Music] on the field 46 seconds remaining and 46 ticks for ending in a ballgame as Pittsburgh owns it just inside the Georgia 20 first half now you know Vince Dooley is disappointed but I'll tell you this tenant is a heck of a era Bulldogs played extremely well during the entire 1976 year as Tom music turns it upfield goes to about the 15 and we're told that press people a vote if Matt Cavanaugh the Most Valuable Player of the ball the executive producer of this 43rd annual Super Bowl game Roone Arledge coverage of today's game produced by Chuck Howard directed by Andy sidari's a technical director John Allen Jerry Klein research [Applause] they're 13 now 12 and headed for 10 seconds to play he gets the first down and that stops the clock with 12 seconds and look at the Pittsburgh sideline eight yard line honey makers already up on the shoulders of his team four three two and Johnny makers gets to ride across Kabir [Applause] defeat the Georgia Bulldogs 2073 dominating performance we're certainly not football with [Music] because they want all and they want this Pigman convincingly provided by the group and promotional debate by united airlines by the front disguise of united for you're the boss this is a presentation of NBC Sports recognized around the world as the leader in sports television hence Berg 107 Georgia green [Music] tomorrow a day for reviewing the past and looking to the future Harry Reasoner Barbara Walters and ABC's key domestic and foreign correspondents discuss 7677 what was what will be later Barbara Walters takes you to the White House for a farewell visit with President and mrs. Ford both tomorrow on ABC back in a more innocent time big westinghouse motors move these heavy cars
Channel: Tim McCartney
Views: 17,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pitt Football, Georgia Bulldogs, National Champions, Tony Dorsett
Id: YSjl_cx_qS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 1sec (8101 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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