1981 10 25 Los Angeles Rams at San Francisco 49ers

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let's check now defensively this Los Angeles team there's the veteran Youngblood plane as well as he's played five sacks thus far Brooks has a lot of nagging injuries Cody Jones replacing the veteran Fred Dreyer Youngblood at Curran and Andrews there's an area that Roger and I'll develop later and has changed at left corner Leroy Irvin in place of Pat Thomas who has a hamstring you know the 49ers like to draw a lot on second down draw our screen or go downfield I think they're going to try to keep off balance and here we do we do see the draw here on second down and they want to make sure that la stays away from that nickel defense in second down la is come into the vehicle we say a nickel they just bring in extra backs it makes it tougher on the quarterback to to pick up people get a man to man downfield because you have quicker backs on your receivers plus they also blitz a lot from the nickel defense look at this this is an interesting statistic will surprise some people as we Angelus has done very well and Cooper in the backfield under third down and seven for the 49ers Montana [Applause] Cody Jones was there [Applause] Los Angeles had a total of 18 sacks well off of their pace of the year ago when they led the NFC with 56 that's true and you know he might have a role in this game The Rolling Stones Bill Walsh mentioned inside that 30 yard line that jazz was slipping like crazy and practicing at a Rolling Stones conference and sure enough the first pass montana slips they had people walking through the field picking up debris Leroy urban who's the leading to return in the NFC on this kick from Jim Miller that barefoot kick on the 31 wagon quick hole up the middle and the Kansas product brings it out at the 47 yard line now looking at the offensive picture for Los Angeles as Pat Haden brings the team in here has had some success running the ball and they would certainly like to do that today Tyler when he is healthy these are easily as an excellent excellent running back Arian drew Hill a place of Bill Waddy Waddy also has hamstring trouble Doug France a man that Roger mentioned the top of the show going to place of Earth panky who was hot for two weeks with an arthroscopic knee Los Angeles eres window clatters eats into the San Francisco into the field at the 49 and let's look defensively now while we show three men up front we will see a lot of four-man fronts Brett Dean will come in there and that is a vastly improved forward wall for San Diego spring Dean and pillars in there and stuck you'll stay in and bored so you've got four fine rushers and Lineback he knows two inside guys are tough bunts and rentals and tina turner's young but he's come along he got the old pro willie harper and there is the secondary young aggressive with the leader back there's right hit they have the 11 intersection they've given up one touchdown the last 12 quarters through the air I'm suckin down second down and six and he will advance the ball to the 46 yard line three yards short of the first down Los Angeles really feels they can run the ball they do they feel their offensive line has had a problem pass protect them this year Doug France has had a bad shoulder he's filling in for panky Kim Hill who they think is going to be all-pro in his career he had a great year last years on the bench now and it's in the area of pass protection their bacon their strong up front against that three-man front they feel they can run the football and you'll see a lot more running this time San Francisco's in a four-man front Dean has come into the ballgame with pillars on third down Adelaide a cunning plan team tries to get a man alive and they'll be short of the first down that time with good lateral blue but turning that play well he and Frances butt heads right here BAM they run right into each other and Dean bounces off here's a pretty good block he doesn't get Dean to the inside and let's see him escape outside which stops the play Dean is not very big really for a defensive end he's only two 3235 got good lateral movement makes a stop in : Bryant and it's a big stop that's sort of the first down ranked corralled a kick from the 40 yard line the white Hicks is going back along with Freddie Solomon Solomon a very dangers punt return man 48 yards a kick last week and he hits up woman and he's got too much of it it'll go into the endzone for the touchdown a 45 yard kick will move the ball out to the 20-yard line for the 49ers have their second opportunity of this early game 11:36 to go in this first quarter of play Lynn Cain just scored on a three yard run and that game is all even of a little over a minute to go what a contest it is we have a quarterback standing why today who we feel could play if the occasion permits look at that forum who's that guy I was going to analyze that I wanted to bring up the fact that I didn't think your technique was very good San Francisco waking it out for a three-yard pickup no roll Cooper the man carrying make that Johnny Davis this man here starting to do the little things Bill Walsh really feels that he's got some poise in a year's time well they number one he's got he's got really quick feet for a quarterback he can maneuver move around he's got a pretty good solid arm gets rid of the ball the big thing he's got instant recall on the field he really studies the game understands he's picked it up very quickly he's going to the right we see and that's experience in Montana has gained experience very quickly under Bill wall second down Montana trying to hit Salomon the penalty the coverage was by Lucia Smith he made contact with Freddy Salomon and that would be an automatic first down for San Francisco this is going to be a lot of changes because the injury Pat Thomas will see more of Lucia Smith here's Montana has to get rid of the ball quickly a good outside blitz that time and he threw the ball behind but there was contact there's the referee the flag disregard to the cigar club you get in that incidental contact situation with the hip net receiver downfield whether its receiver going into the defensive back or the defensive back one in the receiver that time a referee evidently wasn't quite sure and the flag was thrown but it was canceled there's bill waltz you'll be fifty years old a 30th of this month in his third year he's turned the situation around they're excited here in San Francisco we understand that the Atlanta New York team now has gone into overtime first these two teams very interested in the outcome of that game [Music] third down and seven problem instead be short of the first down Leroy Irving made sure that urban playing a place of Pat Thomas good open field tackle that time Montana short brings have fourth down Montana is the kind of guy who has good instincts we also mentioned that but what is it about the San Francisco passing attack what does Bill Walsh have that no one else and Bill Walsh was under Paul Brown and he mentioned that he he took over their offense as a coordinator for eight years and really dealt a lot with the quarterback he got a good insight into the game and he's had great experience in his background a bill has just had one of those one of those coaches that has a feel for offense he mixes it up he likes to he used the short the medium the very well music look out he's dangerous that an NFL record this year in one game 207 yards against Atlanta he's the best in the business right now but one thing that that San Francisco they do use their people and you can tell when certain people in the game what they're going to do and Bill Walsh is a great innovator doing them hacksaw Reynolds wearing a different color jersey was he excited before the start of this game shook everybody's hand before they came on the field he's kind of the Guru of that defense making believers out last six years he's leading tackler for Los Angeles now for San Francisco hey come on first down [Applause] 23 the white Hicks depending on the play as hatin white on target but Bernard wide open here's Denard goes deep down the field he goes to the middle of the field which is opposed is off a play-action also to hold the linebackers but then he breaks back to the corner number 21 Eric Wright slips on that on the side down there which is the bad part of the field it's very wet it's slippery he slips down Denard makes a great break to the corner of the balls thrown right on the money by Haven Denard did not play last week he had a hamstring but that's his 21st catch to the air on a New Mexico 33 yard pick up to the 23-window Tyler all of a sudden Jim stuck he closed what looked like a big hole Stuckey the second year man out of Clemson he was one of their two first-round draft picks a year ago along with Earl Cooper we haven't heard a lot about him but he's a fine player they like stuff he doesn't make mistakes he's very solid against the run and he's put pressure on the passer he's he's great and create a lot of hurry ups he doesn't have any traps yet Pilar's has got the traps and board and Dean but he's a solid player they like his play this year you mentioned Dean Dean has come in he's number 74 he'll be lined up on the right side they jump into that for man second and nine for Los Angeles twelve dagger all first quarter hey Tyler Tyler inside the lab they may have hot got from the playoff I think we have a delay of game we do that's a very costly penalty well the 49ers brought in that four-man front on second nine and Pat Haden probably wasn't quite ready for it with that that particular play might even had a Toyota probably inaudible just took too much time and they got the the five-year finish and so they had some chips again pillars is coming in Tina Turner's you look at Dean you mentioned he's not big the coaches were telling me he is physically one of the most impressive 230 pounders they've ever seen he's he's very strong for his 230 weight and he's also very quick and got the La Wadi is checked in three window tempered receiver at the nineteen defending very well was Bobbie Leopold it's really an ageist facial ization Roger when you look at defenses watch how San Francisco moves people around it is amazing the here's Dean he has an M Scott tries to get inside to escape this time he's pushed inside by France and France does a nice job you see the off guard coming over there Dennis Harris so they're very wary of Dean and anytime there's a man uncovered her is free he's going to come over to to help on Dean mainly third down and 13 yards to go [Applause] [Music] we're going to have a flag somebody move before the ball was snapped illegal procedure enhance Los Angeles pass protection position about a fraction of a second to part number 77 now before the game yesterday Dan radical beach offensive line coach has said hey this was considered the best offensive line in football but you're not playing as well he said we're starting to get back there a little bit but the loss of panky heard him I think it did of course France has been a great tackle he's had that shoulder rotator cuff problem with his shoulder and he hasn't passed protected as well but he's he's probably in there now and he's going to be better against the run he'll probably get some health and pass protection against Ian to that lately [Applause] [Music] right almost had an interception which would have been his second of the air they're looking out of Missouri again though Roger the pudding down there is really treasure hunt it's not good at all it's a similar pattern one screw he'll he's going down he makes a little bit of a move right there then breaks to the outside and of course right plays this and just four he throws down there he's got the end zone behind him he wasn't worried about the long bomb so he kind of froze in that 15 yard area and made his move and almost had the interception in fact he should have had the interception and you get away with playing three rookies in the secondary I guess you can these are these are three exceptional rookies they they're fine athletes they'll make in the state but they'll come back and hurt you with an interception and they have done white Nix is the senior citizen back there with three years experience and he's done an excellent job also yard field goal attempt Aiko al it's going to be live whose hit ten of twelve his being 41 yards this is this one from 49 let's look at it again he had six in a row Gary and this time he just it's a long one it goes off to the left and he just broke his spring the defense of San Francisco doing the job Corrales 49 yard field goal wasn't even close and so at the 32 the 49ers have the ball for the third time 849 to go first quarter no score Cooper Lukie patent clerk andrews knocks him out of bounds at the 40-yard line ricky captain is the man who is leading them in rushing that's only his 11th catch of the year let's check some other activity and we've had some games really interesting game Detroit now that's quite a slugfest 3127 in that particular game st. Louis that's amazing didn't Minnesota have won five games in a row and this is an overtime King's going to send that into overtime first down for the 49ers just short of the 45 yard line well they're doing what they said they were going to try to make what they could get the first pass they had Dwight Clark on a slanted over the middle he wasn't quite open so montana laid it out to the side to the back got about eight yards now they ran for the first down they're going to take the short ones they're going to run the football really this year san francisco's run almost 50% of the time Gary it's a little deceiving it is an error Walsh over here quite a bit first yeah Montana with protection go out and park to the 48 yard line depending on the play and now they're starting to get the offense put together well this again as Clark is coming to the inside he breaks back out and the Harris is on him man-to-man the linebacker he came all the way in he took the corner back in with him and he broke back outside another play without a huddle a sermon right over to make the stop San Francisco is Montana jumped on that play in a hurry up offense they caught Los Angeles changing their defenses that was the 15-yard pickup who's the ball to the 34 33 yard line that's what I was talking about earlier Roger I'm surprised more teams don't hurry up to keep them from getting their defensive set well the only problem there is it offensively you can also get mixed up a little bit but it's a decent concept with so many people coming in and out but offensively - you've got to be under control and you got to have some poise and you can have a certain play set up but you couldn't do it on a regular basis all hopers in the backfield with [Music] [Applause] francisco or the private when really looking impressive a 14-yard to Montana this time he had he was reading zone her man the man man to man he would have went to the outside but he sold zone therefore the linebackers dropping back looking at Montana and Clark just found a hole in that milk bill parking at home now the baby has to be concerned his team the top-ranked pass defense in the NSD the fontana right now picking them apart over Aulani box behind he has hard [Applause] just broke up what would have been a touchdown around Montana did a good job that time because he had the max blitz coming in Jack Youngblood put a little crack on fact Montana has shaken up a little bit but he had everybody coming solomon broke to the inside went back out Lucius Smith does a nice job right here the ball looks like it's a touchdown the last second he knocks the ball away Montana is shaken he is as you look at this again kind of wandering around a couple of players pointing at him but he's going to stay in the game he really took up a joke on that boy he got hit by young gun Jack Youngblood has played so well and he is giving keep on Horsfall here Montana Tohoku hopefully won't get anything on that plane that was Youngblood Jack Youngblood I should say Jim Youngblood really stripped the blockers on that way he came was a sweep he had both guards pole and Youngblood was the forced man and a forced man as the guy that comes across the line of scrimmage forced him to play to the inside of course he came across very tough she had a couple blockers in the hopper had nowhere to go Roger what about this rushing defense of LA they were fourth last year their 14th this year they think they miss Reynolds in Gusinsky I think that could be a factor the defensive line has a lot to do with that Bank Kaczynski's missed a little bit that Kearney's building that middle know pretty well third down [Music] [Applause] where's the man intended for that pass Larry Brooks tangle up with him at the 15-yard line almost tackled him on the play here's what Cooper was doing he was really blocking in the middle and then sneaking out down the middle they had the Mack split let's look on there was nobody in the middle of the field and he was just basically tackled downfield defensive holding it would have been a touchdown if he hadn't tackled it was a good play on the la's Park West Cooper sneaks right in here in the middle a little bit he kind of blocked right there and then he sneaks away and there's nobody in the middle and eight is tackling they solid he he knew what he was doing and made the play and it was looked like Larry Brooks came out late and tackled him see that linebacker when he thought that Cooper was going to block he just kept blitzing and Cooper faked the block went passing everybody else was up tight for a blitz first down and he just stuffed down the middle which was a design play right there on the 49ers part and they were probably looking at it when they saw that max blitz look and they had 11 guys up close the line of scrimmage they first down to the 14 yard 607 ago in the first quarter Cooper on this week the congestion that was Kim Jung the ball is loose but it's been blown dead young blood running the other way but they'll bring it back Jim Youngblood played that one extremely well again last year he picked off a passin with 33 yards against the 49ers for a touchdown he thought he might just pick up another one well that was whistled dead Earl Cooper's been a bit of a mystery man for San Francisco he's a top draft choice he had a great year last year his productions 50% down in the past and the running game the basic [Music] inside at all and also to catch the few passes second down and ten [Applause] [Applause] there's a mix up right here at Gary Alicia Smith and responsibility and there's a some kind of breakdown they missed an assignment broke open late and lucious is looking back talking to Jim Youngblood and there was some confusion as far as the defense that was called and this is what San Francisco does to a football team when they move people around and they have a lot of shifting and movement that's there every once in while someone does break free if you're not alert on defense that is the sixth touchdown cut to the air for Solomon laughter they 7 the nothing read looking again boy he could have been any more wide open oh there's a breakdown somewhere the 49ers have success early they have a seven nothing lead very impressive drive of some 69 yards there's the veteran ray were she knew hurt his hip flexor muscle before the start of the first game was on the injured reserve for four games at 14 yard touchdown pass to Solomon and the 49ers felt nothing later where's Eli Hill [Applause] we asked him at the 25-yard line by Eric right light showing very good speed because drew Hill had a lot of Running Room on the near sideline and the forest man to the outside and really look like he was going to break along with the outside and right got back and made the play coming here today Roger I said to you that the 49ers really are not real sure how good a football team they are they needed some success early they've had it now well the first two drives they were stopped at that to show a little bit of maturity they came right back thanks to a good defensive effort by San Francisco [Music] trying to find someplace to go he advances the ball to the 29 Lily Harper the second oldest player on this team he used to be the oldest until Jack Reynolds came to camp Reynolds have really been a fifteen he is kind of the EF Hutton type of guy when he speaks everybody listens they have a lot of respect for him and he's been there he's been in Championships he's he knows what it takes to win and he's kind of been a sounding board for this young football team there's also we're watching the other side why [Music] no place to go [Applause] they call his defense the new name defense due to the fact that a lot of these men are very well known in a lot there's one that's come on his own Dan burners also when Dean comes in they call up the Dean fence so they've got we've got a lot of nicknames going back there trying to get a nickname out here for Joe Montana they have a contest in the paper so they're excited about their football team and they deserve to be there five and two and top of the division game back here when you're weighing form start happening third down turn up in San Francisco Hey protection Windell Tyler right open Oh is he get Kelvin I go white Hicks first down at the 47 but Hicks really hating pay for that one well Wendell Tyler got man-to-man on Bobby Leopold Bobby Leopold stays in the game was a linebacker they bring in salad and Mark when they go into their special defense and Leopold just got beat to the inside and of course you see the hit there by Hicks but there's Leopold 52 he thought Tyler made a quick out move and Leopold bit for it he broke back inside wide open big first down for and [Music] like sparkles he's been to the San Francisco into the field at the 48-yard line this is a man that you really feel this under a color Brian I think : Brian is he's proven himself he's played hard he's he ran for over 700 yards last year with Tyler was Tyler hurt he doesn't fumble as you see this stats right there he's also a pretty darn good pass receiver he's a solid player and he blocks he's probably not the the best blocking fullback in the league but you had the his walking with his running his path [Music] search the pickup before Wendell Tyler new thoughts going to be short of the first down just inside the 45 about a yard and a half short Dennis Harrow was leading the blocking that time for Wendell Tyler well the Rams are seem to like to go to that there's Pat Thomas over there he was a factor of these games last year against the 49ers of sake intercept that is going to pulled hamstring and hurt it against Dallas last week and he's very disappointing he's not playing I talked to him before the game and he's he's going to probably sit out two to three weeks they're concerned about that being a chronic problem as Dean come off the field back and forth they alternate people third down [Music] [Applause] reacts in that time defensive way [Applause] laying against his former teammates they hit him on this play that was max aw tell you this Tyler went down faster than the stock market right here boy I'd say he just was popped he had to head the head right there old Tyler's a tough cookie though he puts his head in there but Reynolds is a little bit bigger and the momentum carry Tyler back and we're going to get a measurement here it could be short of the first down [Applause] [Music] seven fumbles which his second in the National Football League but he's held on in a couple of pretty good hits today 1 on a pass reception and that last - guys Walter Payton George Rogers have a tease Tyler hangs on to that ball there's very few that can play any better so it's 4th down the Rams are going to go for it game when you this sir [Applause] I'm glad he's not most safety part okay finding this Los Angeles Drive Hicks betta hit on power earlier past reception he makes the big play on fourth and one right here he just penetrates he penetrates right past the Arnold the tight end and he gets into that backfield very quickly 4z gambled if the rams had a pass on it cut probably what down the middle but they didn't and he made the play and he almost was hurt by our series Jim Tong number 78 was still happy that I thought hitch might get hurt by his own teammate last year San Francisco was 25th from the National Football League their fourth overall that's the improvement a flag on the play Montana to Sullivan when he was Johnny Johnson so they try to on that defensive play in a hurry but the penalty flag went into the air just about the time the ball was snapped it's outside against Los Angeles that's a good solid play right there the take advantage of the turnover you want to keep the psyche psyche on your side and you go for it and of course that time the Rams were in a defense where they had the safeties back area to the outside the cornerbacks urban and and on the other side Perry came up into that short area and there was nothing deep that time defense had to be Jack young boy already against the Rams for for 20 yards keep that dubious distinction to being the most penalized team first from the 48-yard line to Johnny Davis and Davis short of the 45 Davis has been a welcome addition to this game they picked him up from Tampa Bay for James Owens he's a tough guy and he's a very popular football player really accepted by this team well he scored last four games he scored a sport a touchdown he kind of makes the big plays around the tough short yardage he's also a pianist a heckuva piano player that's quite a combination a very versatile hooker has the first down for San Francisco to the 41 car Elektra made the stop [Applause] we almost last year both ligament and cartilage damage he has a puffiness in the knee and they have to spot it they have to pick spots for him they have to drain his knee every week and it's a shame because Paul Hofer was one of the real fine all-around he's still an excellent fact that me has caused some problems he poured up in the Dallas game last year he's back in there he's around the goal line first down look out Cody Jones is [Applause] past completion here's Montana's abilities are shown right there he kind of feels the heat coming to his backside and he just moves away from it for part time on Irwin to make the move the outside Irwin had pretty good defense all the way across the field Montana had too much so he just kind of felt Cody Jones over there when he started moving to the right and of course that gave Clark the time to get open and he hit him on the run and the Forest Park took it in for the touchdown as you saw that very clearly and for the right price right after is good where's a Manson it's 14 nothing was one second left in this first quarter San Francisco has jumped on top here many people will be getting to realize this 49er team maybe [Applause] [Music] well we have a beeper Candlestick Park ever 10 years and that works against you but today so far of course the 40 minor players haven't been listening to it and they've come out of the chute pretty strong I think that's a good point because you and I both have talked to the San Francisco people and I don't think they really thought I really knew where they were today maybe that game that will tell them where they are I think they're a young coming football team they can't believe they're better than they are because they're just young and they're going to make some mistakes but it's all relative because the leak in the NFC there's not an overpowering team in this San Francisco team was the offense they have the ability to make the big play in a hungry aggressive defense with Reynolds and Dean giving them some stability they're going to be in the thick of it important team that I think were easy to kick off drew Hill back deep but short was going to be taken by ivory Sully Sully up to the 25 30 to the 34 yard line and Aram my 14 we'll set it up as we start the second quarter of playing San Francisco with a 14 to nothing lead trying to peek the RAM for the first time ever here [Applause] CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by Subaru inexpensive and built to stay that way and by natural light appear with the tasteful food well we have a surprise here but we have a couple of suprise scores ready Gideon a little and there's one of them in overtime geodon ello a 40-yard field goal defeating the Atlanta Falcons course that will help both San Francisco and Los Angeles restart the second quarter they set out for looks like a first down a very close to it Ronnie Lott making the stop so the Giants now are 5 & 3 Atlanta's 4 & 4 we have another score which is really hard for me to understand new or in the fourth quarter is leading Cincinnati 17 to nothing well the name of the game is consistency and the team that can develop some consistency Cincinnati fours knocked off the Steelers big last week but they just don't have that consistency came back today they're having first down by the window to denied against Eric right and he's close to another first down at the 45 yard line again the footing is very very treacherous going to be short by a yard brings up second down as Pat hate now in a catch-up situation here's denars back in the game he missed last week against Dallas he's her fine wide receiver he had 20 Texas catches coming to this game and he pulls in one for about 9 yards here little slippery on the sidelines sucker down in a yard they got it down to play with here he has both Hill and put out and he's going for it [Applause] ever defended well when he lost their number-one president from USC a lot of people considered him maybe the best athlete to come out of the college Player Draft well of course they're very happy with wat to say the least he's got two interceptions four touchdowns he's got two more for a total of four and he played that ball perfectly he was giving drew Hill a lot of room on second and one and he's either was told to do that by a coach he's pretty smart knowing that they might go for the big one if they're going to go for one at all in second one all American for the Trojans third down Hayden a1 Bo power easily for the first down inside the 35 the white Hicks Eric right combining on the tackle that's just a quick hitter right here right into that three-man front excellent block and at the point of attack France does a good job Doug Smith does a good job they get on the linebackers quickly rich tall and of course Tyler's into the secondary and almost broke on here's you look at a map of AZ 7th in the NFC in Russian Daisy the 50 year old hip man a catch-up situation but hoping the ball first down [Music] by coverage and he has twice both times equal to the task Milani was questionable coming into the game with that sore hamstring but he he gave a little burst right there and did get a Stefan lot but again lot was in good position and the ball was overthrown here comes Fred Dean in Dean acquired for a number two draft pick in 83 from San Diego also the option to exchange their number one picks in 83 he was a two-time All Pro for the Chargers second and ten [Applause] sort of the 30 at the 31-yard line the lane bored 76 in on that particular stop a summer to play inside well it was second and ten they're going at Dean Dean the courses big and fast as he is an excellent pursuer it's the little trap to the inside see Doug Smith kind of looping around the block by the inside by France of course Dean Dean as opposed to be blocked by number 26 Wendell Tyler he doesn't do it good he's come back in to make the play but it was a good a good play a trap against that past rust type of defense it just didn't work third down seven pavements of trouble so tough [Applause] this as he was down trying to scramble he threw the interception and for hatin this year that is his time this is a tough place by you know I guess that's into five-yard area but that's kind of questionable wholly near is very difficult it was not a good throw and it was into [Applause] [Music] with that interception Ronnie Lana has five as you look at Rutledge Jeff brettly choose been an ace real ever for him and Dan Pastorini their third quarterback at eight somebody's I try to say the lot six by Emerson walls Donnie gave us time to get him some operating room brings it to the ten yard line it'll bring up the second down for San Francisco the thing that impressed me on that last place you look at guy Benjamin and he looked like Dan Fouts he does he he also signals the plays in Phil Walsh gives him to play and he signals him in he's like a third-base coach first thing on that last row life is the way that secondary was flying around after the football they're always around the ball they're very quick and well make them [Music] lady Solomon and defending on the play was rod Perry Perry who has two interceptions this year ah I see bring up a third down hey rod Perry is a excellent excellent cornerback he's very difficult to throw deep on he's he say quick as a cat also he's got very good quickness not only on the deep route to stay a strike of Solomons the speed merchant also for San Francisco those two guys can run with anybody in the league and that's pretty much of an even dead heat right there thus far Montana seven of eleven 104 yards to touch down third down and eight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] riki pet was just obliterated on the play and it's going to be a kicking situation for the 49ers Fanning read this one perfectly and it was a kind of one of those sucker plays where you hope the tackle is going to go with the pull of the guard but Fanny didn't go for anything except the ball carrier and it was all over that bare footed kicker Jim Miller Jim started kicking barefooted because in the farm he is to kick every things around there but it is Pat hate no white a chance the letters came offensive a knee hits up here to what on the 41 Los Angeles francisco 42 excellent field position for the Rams that was a 52-yard but a 16-yard return Mike Wilson in on the stuff for San Francisco Gary bender Roger Staubach as we have 11:15 to go in the second quarter and the 49ers of the 14 to nothing lead this is a big series for Los Angeles have a 49ers that have depended a little bit on defense they haven't broken they turn the ball over twice in their favor this is a big series for the Rams they need to get something on the scoreboard question Bernard at the 35 yard line goes out of bounds this telecast is presented by authority the National Football League and is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or the use of this telecast about the express written consent of the San Francisco 49ers now the National Football League has prohibited Gary that looked like a simple plan everybody so why don't we just keep running a little quick outs but the defense has changed almost every play the next time we'll bring their quarterbacks up close and him healthy because you won't be able to run that quick out so you [Music] take your chances when you call certain plays but basic easy play is not open common Bryant on second down very close to the first down moving the ball to the 31-yard line they are running the ball very well and that's what they wanted to do as ramallah Basie wanting to know whether they got the first down or not it looks like they're going to be short are they going to bring in the chains or not and they're indicating they are going to bring a man they're not sure : bryant was mr. arms of california he had the best looking arms in a contest of anyone here in the state and look at him is he big they list him at 236 but he looks bigger mr. arms huh mr. arms exciting title that's you'd like that he's like a he's like a Sherman tank coming through there then ok next Saturday Roger CBSsports going to bring you some outstanding boxing action former WBA lightweight champion Sean O'Grady returns to the way you and egg anagen ranked number 2 by the WBA [Applause] [Music] Grendel Tyler and platon has the first down a little pushing and shoving in there deniz Hera and Jack Reynolds former teammates not too happy with each other from penalty Ritz is one of those guys I'm curious when you played against him he gets down so low in his stance is that kind of intimidating the way it looks that he gets slow in his stance and he's very intense and he gets his arms moving the quite he's standing still and he's just moving in one spot and waiting to take off base on recognition at quarterback he makes you nervous and it was very tough sledding for the UCLA alumnus and it's going to wake up second down and still eight yards to go you know the Rams have had more success going to the right either it's the blocking on the right side or the 49er defense over in the left side but last week against Dallas also the Rams ran very well to the right so evidently Hara and Slater and if the tight ends over pretty good job on that right and he'll is now him in the offense he died on the second and a colon blah back at the 35-yard line madhaven sitting down good pass rush put on that time by Dean and pillars [Applause] that'll be holding against Los Angeles let's check some scores boy Baltimore's defense just deserted him this year I don't think they show up as I had four touchdown passes this game was won with about a second to go on a Mickey Meyer field goal a distance of 36 yards pulling number 72 offense and Haggard indicating that that is Kent Hill or we just mentioned came in and here Joe Gibbs and the Redskins have won their second game [Music] and now Cincinnati is scored for scoring 34 points last week that's hard to believe the Saints defense is helping all that depresses reigns here second down and 20 page chilly water quickly was Carlton whoopee from Pittsburgh good pressure that time poured on Doug Francis having his hands full up front now one thing you do sometimes as a quarterback here we have a another score Oakland the early from the river here we can hear their fans every once in a while over there Mark Wilson hit Morris Bradshaw Dallas what a confrontation that is between landry and Shula in the quarterback sometimes looking downfield that time Williamson was looking at Pat Hayden Hayden was looking at Hill or awadhi coming over that middle and he would have broke back out to the corner there was nobody out to the corner that time third and 20 Bernard is loose with the 15 again we'll take her to the nine 20 he keeps his drive going the white Hicks on the tackle the Rams really like the here's Dennard is down deep in that 20 yard area and Pat made really drilled this ball on the number that ball comes in there quick once it hit his chest right here it comes in there pretty darn quick and Denard's got enough room to make a move there against Williamson breaks back to the outside and he can run with a football after he catches it too many 49ers he can't get the score but they got a big play Preston Denard having a big afternoon at the nine he now has four catches for 78 yards Marston goal rolling 14-nothing eight and a half minutes to go until halftime motion Tylar a block from Penn Hill and he reaction that time the safeties are really filling very well for San Francisco's will check some other scores for you Chicago oh this is unusual so at suis card Iago is having a difficult time and here is a nothing nothing game Seattle was shutout last week I think the Seattle fans are so man last week they didn't even boo the team that was really a blowout 32 the nothing well the Giants are really playing well they won that one and then the one today five and three second down and goal from the 8 Hayden why he couldn't he was trying to push off of what God first time wat can't help deep he had number 27 that was coming over there Carlton Williamson deeps a lot to stayed there and stayed with him he knew he snuck behind any hits and health deep so he was a lot more aggressive at the line of scrimmage and wanna just didn't go anywhere 49ers drafted so many defensive backs because they feel the coming draft will not have a lot of prospects three of them are starting they have a fourth rookie also to play some [Applause] third and goal on the 8th pets in the shed through here are the intended receiver and they're gonna have to settle for the field goal this time drew Hill went went in took a couple steps inside and saladin Martin did a pretty good job he stayed to the outside Hayden had to lead him to the outside of course he led him too far and he had about 1/2 a step on Martin that time but it was good coverage and the ball was just out of the reach of I guess that was Denard or drew Hill that time drew Hill now corral missed a field goal earlier of 49 yards this will be considerably short it's going to be 25 yards away Nolan Cromwell the hole the Rams time to get on the board at the 741 mark of the second quarter the round kick 14 the gray 11 field goal of this 1981 season Iran battling back uphill their Rams on a 25 yard field goal on the scoreboard as you look at Mike Wilson a former Dallas Cowboy man the Dallas would have likes them out to find his plot for he's big and fast Dallas has got Johnson and Hill and Drew Pearson and named Don Lee and Wilson was in the in that battle right there to the end they got rid of him when the 49ers are very happy they had him you think he's going to be a bright prospect for their future and they use him now as a third wide receiver ninth round pick for Dallas Corral kicking off 7 minutes 37 seconds left to go in this first half a short kick and it will be wedged out to the 34 yard line let's check now that baseball game in Chavez Ravine after a half inning no score Gary Royce going against Ron Guidry and as we promised we'll keep you updated throughout the course of this game serious the Rams have moved the football I just haven't got in the end zone that can reckon start working on you plus they had the one big gamble which I must they don't feel was a good gamble at the time they're behind seven to nothing in the first quarter they went for the first down fourth and one in their own territory the fourth upset the 49ers off to 14 enough in late in the come back with one field goal tooth breaks that time by Montana tries to hit the white Clark that the Rams didn't go with any of that they read it well and it'll bring up a second down didn't fool anybody Roger has a play-action fake and he faked the screen and Clark tried to go inside then break back off of Leroy urban and of course Irvin did a good job and nobody was open and Montana did the right thing keeping it out in front you'd want to get the interception and the second to ten last year Los Angeles defeated San Francisco twice and in both those games Vince Ferragamo threw four touchdown passes Montana got his first start last year against Los Angeles pushed down what to the 49-yard [Applause] Lucius pet depending on the play or Los Angeles but Jim Youngblood was hanging to the outside a little bit right here he's going back Lucius Smith has him to the inside but see when he pushed off a Smith Smith got tangled up and was really both a the taking the way the outside nobody to the inside Clark got inside of a double-team which he shouldn't be able to do made the catch and it's a first down for San Francisco Smith comes out of the ballgame Leroy Irvin in there first down 16 yard pickup to the 49 Ricky Patton gets away from Youngblood but doesn't go anywhere boy did Fanning come flying across there these two guys a little pushing out there between Solomon and Leroy urban here's herb went out there with Solomon and Solomon bangs him right there where was coming back a little bit more on the left right left like boom boom Mancini Tony Verner with the pictures their way from the ball they really urban time to establish that he can play as well as the man he's replacing out there Pat Thomas all homers come into the game second down and 13 Earl Cooper last year led the NFC with 83 catches but coming into today he has only 18 considerably behind last year's pace he's been a bit of a mystery man for the 49ers they're they're worried about him and he'll put hope with something of a here's last year it's almost 50% off as far as total yard he's receiving and rushing and they hope maybe it's just a sophomore jinx he hasn't really been hurt he's got a good attitude it's just he hasn't played the way he's capable playing early in the year last year when they had such high hopes for him they say when he had those migraine headaches a year ago a place tire to drop off a little bit third down 13 Montana little pressure come how he got little bit close enough Tyrell Cooper Jack Youngblood was in there yeah with five sacks coming into this game and talking to Keith found horse pond horse said that you never really get a solid shot at Youngblood he's so quick he says his whole body is quick Jack Youngblood and I have had a few confrontations on the field of times but my respect for him is awesome I think over the last five six seven years he's been the best and most consistent defensive end of the Miller just kicked the air out of the ball he's having a darn good year this year also he's had one of his better years which is saying a lot we have a couple of flags inside the 10-yard line that was a 55 yard kicked that time by Miller the Sun starting to break through and we haven't seen the Sun here for a couple of days been very cloudy forty niners indicating it's going against Los Angeles the penalty there's not much win either Gary he's just kicking that ball on his own and really booting after his fair catch so that would be against Los Angeles look at Miller what a job he's done a 55 and a 53-yard kick this afternoon I was telling you the story he learned to kick barefooted because he walked around the farm and Mississippi kicking things bare footed so it just seemed the natural tan transition to me hope he did get anything on his bare feet walking around on farm and bare feet that's kind of dangerous [Music] so the penalty really backs her ramps we missed that call to Hagrid again but it's the same same collie there was a bad sport out there guys blocked after a not fair catch signal which you're not allowed to do will be back we have a timeout 558 left in the first half Rams break huddle in their own end zone they're at the 4 yard line after that penalty walking out to the fair catch that running game that's a good amount of trouble here that age is going to throw deny deny are trying to make a one-on-one move gets it out across the 10 to the 11 join Eric right depending on to play kind of a dangerous play that was a good play right there really it's a quick out it's a just an easy easy play right here to the outside as long as that cornerbacks not coming up because he's given him him a lot of room he doesn't want him to go deeper but if the cornerback comes up and hey don't have to lay it off to back he had the right defense good throw and got him out of trouble that's been their best play of the day thus far Denard now has five catches and he's in the backfield along with Tyler this is guman out of Penn State he's going for about a yard maybe two at the most and Jim Stuckey Stuckey boy he really was read that very well he got inside the block and made the play very very close to the first down looks like they're going to have to measure to see guman of the great second effort gave him a chance for this measurement there is Stuckey there's three players on this team from Clemson IG Reese Jim stuck in the white Clark the Clark story is a good one isn't it he went in to try out Steve puller the quarterback bill waltz did and the young man that came onto the field with him during that workout was two white Clark and he caught everything Fuller was drawing in middle of said hey what about you and that's how they ended up drafting me he did and Bill Walsh really made that decision in the draft he won like you so much [Applause] [Music] go Tyler and Tyler straightened up if he advances to the 20-yard line Dan buns now let's check an update on the sinks and Bingle score is a final it or not New Orleans has won their second game Cincinnati drops to five and three Archie Manning in that game yard touchdown pass Thompson through one to Dan Ross Rodgers scored on a 19-yard touchdown oh what a shock that is [Music] AFC Central like Kumud on a second down and two Archy race betting equipment repair let's take a look down at the progress of the quarterbacks hey Danna aids got that interception down their throat running off to the left he's hit some big plays but his percentage isn't as good as Montana's and Montana course has thrown the two big touchdown passes I don't know if Cullen Bryant is standing on the sidelines he doesn't seem to be hurt but they are just using guman in there at fullback now a lot of measurements in this game it's the first town for Los Angeles well they started from the floor now moved it out to the 24 World Series update on that little bit south of us here the Dodgers the Yankees in game 5 the last we had it was nothing nothing that still is after one inning first column Bryant Roger it looks like he's alright season is calm [Music] we're down 14 to 3 hey mom first down by Tina Turner a year ago was the second round draft we started last year with a lot of injury problems are growing pole but has come on now they like Tina he's making some mistakes being a young player but he's got good speed and they feel he is again one of those young people on defense that has a very bright future 20 new faces on the San Francisco team from a year ago what's like archery firing off that speak cougar the rookie out of penn state we saw reached out of their while to go at cougars replaced him booth was in there now and he just says he kind of the strip's all they're illegal more than just touched him he putted heavily so Kugler is going to come out of there arterial replacing that's kind of embarrassing the six round draft pick commits the penalty in the Yankee mountain defense Debbie beats his head in the whole game and gets knocked around and hit the people making tackles and he makes a mistake in there if everybody knows what the whole stadium and they take him out of the game [Music] maybe with time looks like Labs came up with it who is that guy in the bottom of the file it looks like wold Arnold to tied in that's who it is Arnold came packs to the ball the ball of course is tipped up in the air and either that or well someone's helmet but here's psych Willie Harper 159 knocks it up in the air and it takes a while a couple people start to see it in big number 78 artery saw but Arnold and the possible interception [Applause] on a third down [Music] wide receivers split out on his play [Music] to the 45-yard line tackling and they got off the ball quickly that time very similar to the last play that didn't work when they try to get Cullen Bryant to the inside this time it's a trap to the inside and of course good blocking this time on on Dean and it was Ken Hill number 72 and took one step back and did little trap block and knock Dean all the way and guman took advantage of it Cortinas here 14 to 3 our score los angeles has the first down now at their own 45 yard line when we return first down at the 45 now for Los Angeles Mike guman seen a lot of play in action in the backfield they're going to use him on a wing spot a lot today Henry child's is on the injured reserve list they only have one title it's Eric Wright trying to come up with it but Wendell Tyler did not see that pass no heed through it pretty quickly it was a quick count trying to get the 49ers off balance a little bit but there really wasn't much of an opening down there when he threw the ball Wendell Tyler coming into this game at 19 catches both teams had three timeouts remaining with 155 left in this first half let's check the Dallas score for you Alice with a 14 to 6 lead Danny white hit puts Johnson with a 21-yard touchdown strike with 55 seconds left in the first half he is scrambling around tonight we're already as five catches Bret Dean kind of messed things up a little bit made hate and scramble around a little bit that was a catchable ball Gary again it was the deep in route behind the linebackers in front of the secondary and Denard definitely had a chance to catch it I would say Supercop this ball but we'll see it on the replay nice catch it was out in front of even the Penta has slowed down a little bit but it would have been a tough truck reported back Sunday's he catch all of that would have been a tough him he's going to be I think short of the first down he's hit by poppy Leopold and he started the first down and Los Angeles will call for a timeout they have two left Hayden I think knew where the sticks were but if he extended himself could have gotten hurt on that play he tried to get it but he didn't put a move on Leopold and duck Allah he ducked a little bit short and Leopold made a nice play getting back in position to stop it all right today at half-time will be joining Brent and herb will bring you all the highlights and scores throughout this halfway point of the season and there have been some surprises I'm looking forward to seeing some of that with 1:35 remaining in the first half the Rams have a timeout and they have a fourth down in one CD message was furnished by the National Football League well it's a 4th down and Hayden is on the defense ready he was on a few dean's list that's fine the USC Rhodes fourth down what are you doing out on June 4th and one got the big guy who Brian in there up with the lead bark and run power for the first down [Applause] no power I am bound by the way to the 25-yard line a very interesting call thank you throw it to Tyler that's pretty evasive now there there's the off-tackle fake the Tyler and then to Brian and Tyler's man-to-man on the linebacker out there and horsey makes a nice catch it's a good throw Hayden put the ball right on the mark and of course this really Hicks number 22 that was Hattie man-to-man to the sideline the linebacker went with the fake and Hicks the safety came up and or paid later right out big boy big boy feels 29 yard pickup to the 25-yard line [Music] rhogam protection is excellent and the last one he should have had most definitely the one before of course that would have been a heck of a kiss that hit him right on the right on the belt the ball was about the middle of his chest and I think he was maybe took a look up and saw a hacksaw stand-in there Reynolds was in front of him and he might have just looked up a little bit and of course dropped the ball and there was the the saw was waiting right there do you say to a guy when he comes back to the hub you don't say to him easy feels bad enough but of course the next time he might throw it over your your anything Hey very fine time eater that's a first down to the 12 yard line Martin defended well Hayden put that out there just perfectly saladin mark was the extra back that came in he was man the man of the hour and of course the ball was thrown with a lot of velocity and that's a tough pass to the outside the course Dru Hill pulled it in and it was a good throw I hate and kept that on the spring and they've criticized him sometimes for his strength in his arm but I think he's got his throwing arm he can get the ball deep with the philosophy the 12 yard line [Applause] Arnold's a tight end to the 7-yard line and that will bring up a second down I can get a first and goal at the three yard line making some changes they got Dean and pillars out of there maybe it arrests him up a little bit as now Los Angeles with the timeout as one remaining with 112 left in this first half at one pass completion on fourth and one could have been a big turning point in this game of Los Angeles could take it on in they gambled early in the game on a 4th and 1 and missed it San Francisco took advantage that time they gambled and the pay area which they've got to get now they've got a they've got to get in the end zone this is the drive to start on the 4 yard line so the Rams have really had a lot of ball control they've kept the 49ers off the field the offense and they that was a goal going into this game they didn't want that 49er offense to have the ball as much and it's been it's been all Rams since that 14 and up in 49 early on the other hand San Francisco has really been effective this year in ball control but today fact they laid the NFC in ball control but today Los Angeles now is kind of taking that over let's talk a little bit about Pat Haden everybody always say hey he's too short 510 and a half from play but you feel that an awful lot of undue pressures put on the success of Pat Haden and the success of the Rams well he was at SC and I used to short-sheet his bed over there he didn't know it but I don't know that's being too short or not but I don't think he's too short now he's you know he's he's a winner he's had a history of winning I think a winning quarterback he's have some problems in LA at the team hands but my first love [Applause] [Music] five years I'll be thank you [Applause] and that could be a first and goal Penn Hill who's been albany needed guard along with doug smith through a good block on that play did they get the first and gold where they lead the here's hill big number 72 is the lead blocker guman gets to the outside hill makes a nice block right here number 27 carl williams from the force man he is doomed the chance to get the outside before for number 59 in bunks from the inside brain down and it is the first and goal by about the half the length of a football one thing about Pat I think the biggest problem is [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming from behind 2:14 denied pretty impressive dr gary and of course they got everybody they got : brian leading into the hole and he cleans up here and it's a good fair a pretty good block of the outside also and by Kent Hill and of course it's a touchdown and a big touchdown probably as big as Jay Johnstone's home run yesterday as for the Rams they needed a pick her up her like this a 96 yard drive excellent ball control and a big 7 points for the Rams and guma look very impressive on that drive [Music] yes next up on that play didn't look very good they were successful that's myth confirmed was corral and all of a sudden now that San Francisco 14-point lead has been cut to four and you may look back again Roger that fourth and one in that 29 yard pass completion has been the pivotal point arremato Pacey looks like he's a little happier and he was moments ago 14 to 10 a 103 left at halftime again Brent a nerve with highlights and scores some big upsets in this eighth week of the National Football League if we have a second half of the season like we've had in the first half Hodel know what's going to happen there is Amos Lawrence dialog with Rogers former teammate Tony Dorsett are the only players ever to gain over 1,000 yards in four separate years in college morale to kick off from the 35 corral didn't even kick in the preseason because of a groin pull that may have been what he needed because he's kicked so well on the regular season his kicked kicked off where he's kick field goals well his kickoffs have been solid and he's also hunted hunt it very well he's got a 42 yard average hunting the football so he's an all-around picker and it helps keep an extra man on the roster also there's their number-one draft pick from Michigan melons they drafted linebackers in the 1st and 2nd round this man along with Jim Collins out of Syracuse played very much a RAL ready to kick on 14 to 10 San Francisco short kick at the 22 howard carson over to make the stop watch this on the special teams howard is the wild one they say he's kind of a trickster type guy he's a fun-loving freak caring guy and those kind of guys are tough on specialty teams and old howard made to play there [Music] at halftime we're going to have extended highlights oh that giant overtime win against Atlanta as you look at Carson each lighted cigarettes unheard they told me that's enough it's tough [Music] he's to the 25-yard Cromwell I think leading right as cigarettes now see you know he unlined cigarettes in too bad but lighting cigarette look at that drive 96 yards very very impressive [Music] [Applause] fifteen yard completion Cooper if he hadn't waited on the ball might have gone all the way again you don't know what happened here but there was a mistake no one was near Cooper in Montana might have been even little but surprised and he just laid it over at Johnny Johnson came up late now you don't know unless you knew what the defense was if Johnson was the culprit or not but he makes a nice move to get away and get an extra 20 yards and that's what they want from Cooper Cooper's capable of making the big pass play caught 83 passes last year and right here Owen had a angle on him and the course saved the touchdown 27 seconds left in the 49ers er got the momentum back in their favor as we mentioned two timeouts left here's the man ray were she has just been an excellent kicker for them coming in here he's four of six he's won so many games they calling mr. clutch as Montana bill waltz and also Benjamin talking things over Roisin was heard at the start of the year they put him on the injured reserve they brought in Matt Barr who they sense of traded to Cleveland and this guy who was born in Austria who's a CPA and the offseason should get a crack at a field goal Tanner with two timeouts left 37 seconds we got a lot of offense the last two minutes fifty-yard completion to the 25 what Solomon brought out [Applause] handled a lot of time but he's not gonna throw laughs to the 30-yard line the ball is loose have been blown he had time on that play Roger he had time but there were five Rams back in the only two 49ers down there Solomon and Dwight Clark and he just didn't have anywhere to throw the football he's got it really a two-man pattern good protection and he's looking down looking looking but there was too many there were five Rams back there guarding those two 49ers come in handy this man named Jones put a heat on him a little bit late forced the trap that is the 11th sack that they've given up this year last year San Francisco permitted 30 of them and forward wall for San Francisco's not all that big Dan attic though has really helped him the man they picked up from San Diego they say Aires was playing his best football we've heard a lot about Randy cross as Montana now with one timeout left as a second down and 15 with 20 seconds left in this game and the first half of play again at halftime updates especially a lot of interest in that giant overtime win over Atlanta and we'll have I like to that and the upsets well we've had on those things over Cincinnati for example it's a crazy year how's the big trap they're also they've put them out of field goal range really right now they need to either take a chance probably with 20 seconds to go to it's a touchdown but I'd go for the 10 to 15 yard area to try to set up a field goal disorder back to throw on the second down Montana [Music] they're going to try to get another playoff are they going to use the timeout seven seconds six [Music] right now they do with three seconds [Applause] [Music] the Rams an opportunity to counter and we're Shino come in now Wersching his longest field goal was 32 yards this year last year he kicked 147 and this is going to be a pretty good booth this will be a 45 yarder maybe further let's see back up 17 yards from the 25 yard line that's gonna be about a 42 yards it is so this would be his longest of the year but he did kick 47 yarder last year [Applause] mr. clutch last year he won two games for him and over time I don't know how strong that leg is they still have a little trouble with it Youngblood over there with Ray Malibu you think he'll use the timeout to put some more pressure on him they have one timeout left let's see if they do this is going to be a 40 make it a 42-yard attempt on tanada hole and now they called a timeout they're not paying attention to it where she kicks it [Applause] amazing [Applause] [Music] throw the people where's he he am young talking about time out there might have been its dancing young but wasn't allowed to follow us on that there's only two men that can call a time out event and maybe it wasn't young but he was allowed to call it not everyone can call timeout well either the referees didn't can't didn't see more they just he wasn't I was going to call up it anyway didn't bother working he booted that right through the middle well he was fading though wasn't it look at that it was fading left but he got it through there and San Francisco has added three points to their advantage back to a seven point lead 1710 at halftime [Music] you
Channel: Classic NFL
Views: 14,096
Rating: 4.8509316 out of 5
Id: wwddFhVUw3o
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Length: 155min 5sec (9305 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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