1979 Bucs at Reds 1

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complete games eight and he started 30 games and was in 33 as he relieved on three occasions and there's the Candyman getting loose down there right now and Manny sangee and his catcher named Dale Berra one of the extra man is down there guarding him and Bill Robinson who likes to get down there and take a look at some pitches and the pitchers like to have him down there about this time when they're warming up so that'll be it for Chuck Tanner's bucks Omar Moreno Tim Foley and Dave Parker the tap 3 and center short and right Willie Stargell John Milner bill Madlock at first left and third a top Phil Greiner and John Candelaria catching second base and pitching for Johnny McNamara's Reds Dave Collins who is one of the reasons they made it because had he faltered and not filled in when Griffey had to have the knee surgery would have been tough for them to have made it here Joe Morgan will be at 2nd Dave concepción appears to be their nominee for most valuable he'll be at Short in that third George Foster when he was healthy this year continued to have his regular kind of year he'll be in left tonight and he'll bat cleanup Johnny Bench came on strong hit a lot of home runs late in the year he'll be in the catching position of course in bat v Ray Knight one another one of the keys to this Plouffe being here because had he not filled in when Rose became a free agent they had some problems over there but he didn't falter he just had a great consistent year Dan Driessen will be at first he will bat seventh the eighth hitter Hector Cruz in center and Tom Seaver on the mound he won 16 he is the pitcher I'm sure that the Reds wanted and that worked out that way to be in the opening game it just worked out so that Candelaria could pitch in this game only after he came to Chuck Tanner yesterday when we were fogged in at the airport in Pittsburgh and said it's my turn I want the ball this club is ready and now the introduction of the players and starting lineups down on the field the right theater number 39 Dave Parker the first baseman number eight Willie Stargell the left fielder number 34 John Milner the third place but number five bill Madlock the catcher number 14 head second baseman number three Bill Turner the pitcher in the bullpen number 45 John Candelaria and now the rest of the Pirates inappropriate Dale Parra [Applause] ready done it every cave Romo Steve Nicosia we lately Jim Rooker Bert Blyleven grant Jackson my keeper Caitlin Jim Bobby Kent to Kobe bill Robinson Fanny st. yeah but Alexander Joe Coleman guys are robbing them Dave Roberts the pirate coaches Joe Lynette Almonte Ike Bob Skinner ad in the bullpen Harvey headaches the trainer Tony Bertram the equipment manager John Callahan and the manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates Chuck dinner ladies and gentlemen the Pittsburgh Pirates [Applause] now the Western Division champion Cincinnati Reds the right Vander number 29 date Cullen the second baseman number 8 Joe Morgan the shortstop number 13 dang concepción [Applause] the left the other number 15 George hunter the catcher number five Johnny [Applause] the third baseman number 25 raised night [Applause] the first place for number 22 Dan Driessen [Applause] Niedermayer number seven Hector Cruz [Applause] at the picture number 41 Tom Seaver [Applause] and now the rest of the rats [Applause] pick Corral Terry Coleman say starters you're right of all [Applause] bricks arbok Jr Kennedy Sam for his red doorman Oh Blair Frank a story mario soto date come on does bear bill punim [Applause] Charlie Leibrandt [Applause] many go [Applause] Tom Hill fight like us the red cultures Harry Dunlop [Applause] bill picker [Applause] trainer Larry Starr equipment manager Bernie's goal and the manager of the study right [Applause] we salute the colors as they're presented by the United States Army color guard and join WLWT Rob Reider as we honor America with our national anthem [Music] [Music] Atka TV - French baseball 7:00 tonight from Riverfront Stadium the Bucs meet the Cincinnati Reds pirate baseball 79 is brought to you in part by Miller High Life if you've got the time we've got the beer and in part by Mellon Bank you get a good feeling for saving at Mellon Bank messages promoting attendance at pirate games are paid for but the pittsburgh athletic company incorporated and during tonight's play-off game will have three giant eagle homerun sweepstakes sittings the jackpot is now $100 so I know you want to stay with us for all the homerun sweepstakes excitement the Kentucky band that really presented a wonderful show here tonight is leaving the field the Reds will be taking the field at the moment we'll reset the stage for this championship game between the national eastern bucks and the National League Western Reds will be back with it right after this message [Music] trials in the middle innings landing pretory will be coming along Nelly as we go to this ball game here tonight with Sivir against Candelaria this is the fourth time these two teams have met in championship play the other three games went to the Cincinnati Reds I'd say three out of four is a plenty well I think so and our Pirates know that that's in the back of their mind hey every time then we've come up against them in championship play they've given us a rough time so it's about time that we've turned the tables everyone on the pirate family believes that we've got the best ball club this year other years maybe it was even but we've got the best depth and we feel as old this is the pirate year Reds are being introduced here now when you're in a game like this Seaver knows the Pirates by heart Candelaria the same for the Reds it really comes down in this kind of a game to execution doesn't it certainly does his manager Chuck Tanner said he said hey no fancy meetings we know all of these guys he said all I want to do is have my pitchers know what they want to do and then we're going to go get him do the same thing tonight that we've done all year to get us here he said by golly if we do execute as you said then we should come out on top Tom Seavers been through it I don't care how many great moments he's had siyoung Awards playoffs World Series championships he's out on that mound right now and appears to be cool as a cucumber you've been in that situation even though it's all part of his past in similar situations there's still until it starts a butterfly or two as batting order Marina will be leading it off and playing center field for the Pittsburgh Pirates Tim Foley will be at Short Anil bats second right fielder of course Dave Parker he'll bidding in the three spot and there is I would say our most valuable candidate Willie Stargell playing first base John Milner will be in left in bat fifth and Tom Seaver that's the fellow who will be looking at him as I was saying when they put the lineup up and getting ready for this ballgame to go until things really start to happen he still got some anxiety out on that mound oh you have those special butterflies being the veteran that he is he still knows the importance of the game there's no problem in getting yourself up for a championship series and being that he's been through it he knows what he has to do tonight to win been pitching very well his last two or three starts throwing us consistently well as he has all year and feels that if he can win tonight it gives the Reds a definite edge I talked about his other championship games in his World Series he is a different pitcher than he was for those Mets in those years because when that little back problem gave him those anxious moments two or three years ago he became more of a pitcher than a thrower but he can still bring that heater up there when he needs it well that he can he's a more polished pitcher now moves the ball around a little better and change his speeds more than he has in the past all right we're ready Seaver against Moreno and a swinging at a foul tip and we're underway Moreno came in with a season average of 282 his best year ever he won the Lou Brock award for the second straight year leading the league with 77 thefts lettuce in triples with 12 he had the most at-bats he played in the most games and he had the most hits 186 when after there's that high heater I was talking about that's the pitch that our left-handed hitters are going to have to lay off of tonight that ball from Seaver has good movement upstairs so we have to be a little disciplined at the plate yeah that ball would jump up there onion and now Moreno is going to wake him wait just a moment or two 3:30 to the foul poles here 375 to the power alleys in 404 to straightaway center fouled it off he's still alive oh and to Omar Moreno had he not had that bit of a slump near the end when he had the old 429 he'd had that dream that all baseball players worked for getting those 200 hits in a year that promptly cost him getting those 200 because the way he'd been hitting accidentally he was kind of come up with the 200 but what a marvelous year he had and how it made this ballclub go and he was able to slip into that leadoff spot after the Taveras deal and come through as a leadoff batter in every fashion Oh two from Seaver one ball two strikes in a playoff game take some courage delay off of that one that was borderline one ball and two strikes Moreno leading it off Seaver working for the Red bouncer shortstop concepción to Driessen went away George the first the first out has been recorded concepción many feel that he is their most valuable he had a marvelous year for them he had some injuries but he battled back and let them on to the division title here's Tim Foley Tim Foley one of the fine acquisitions made by Pete Peterson just shortly after the season began we wanted him for that defense but the players will tell you he helped with that bat as well and became just an ideal number 2 hitter behind Omar ball one Oly coming in with a 288 average one homer and 65 runs batted in that's a career high for him and it makes it one on one the way he complimented Marino just made the top of that order do things and made things happen this particular year Tim Foley has been the ideal man hitting in second place he can take some pitches allowing Omar to steal he can also lure him over hitting the ball behind the runner at high chopper to Ray Knight and he gets it across the Driessen and it's 2 away third to first ray Knight he was on the hot seat when he got the spring training didn't bother him a bit a rose by any other name in Cincinnati is Ray Knight he responded did the pressure boy didn't he Dave Parker the right fielder stepping in is the fellow we were talking about it just maybe throw over to get Foley Parker will step in he was on a tear the last week ended up hitting 310 lettuce and RBIs with 94 he had 25 homers also to set a career record for himself 45 doubles bouncer to first Driessen will take it himself Seaver has a 1-2-3 so we played a half an inning the pucks go quickly and quietly against Sivir though John Candelaria is ready to head to the hill at Riverfront and the champs are the West the reds are just now coming into that [Music] joining us pitcher and here's his right fielder Dave Parker 39 in right field Cobra playing in front of the home folks Omar Moreno 18 in center 34 John Milner in right field Jim Foley's the shortstop number 10 Phil Matlock who really did things for this club number five playing a third old scrap iron number three Phil garner where he's most comfortable second base the captain of the Bucs the lovable Willie Willie Stargell behind the plate tonight edit who enjoyed his best year he's number 14 out of the mound John Candelaria 1409 led the club in complete games with eight work two hundred and seven innings ended up with an ER a of 322 and that's the way they look on the field and Dave Cowens is going to be leading it off as ops throw goes down to second John Candelaria went to Chuck Tanner yesterday at the airport they were going to have a meeting later at the workout kandi must have been a good salesman because he went to Chuck and said give me the ball and when he said give me the ball he was trying to reassure Chuck he said hey I'm a hundred percent because Chuck did not want to send him out there if he was not it reassured that he was 100% all right here's a fellow who came through for them when they really needed him after grippies knee surgery Colin stepped right in ended up hitting 318 he's a switch-hitter he can run like a rabbit he's from Rapid City South Dakota and he came from the right town he can motor and won he played against us this year every time he looked up he was on base he won eight for twenty and hit 400 against pirate fishing so Candelaria is ready in his first pitch is a pie of all and the bottom of the first is underway Candelaria worked through many nagging injuries this year the most recent though I think was the most painful the rib cage injury he's learned to live with the back and popped a good one there to make it 1 in 1 on Collins Morgan is on deck then it'll be concepción and it's on the side that he throws from the left side and when it's in there you just can't cut it loose Kenya well you can and the problem with with the rib cage injury is there's nothing you can do about it but let it heal but not all the shots or the wrapping in the world cannot improve its condition so John has had to wait it's healed pretty well and according to him it's been 100% so he's ready to go I think there was something up in the press box or somebody had a floodlight on or something that was bothering the umpires they've gotten it cleared up hopefully and we'll be ready to go again with a 1-1 count on Collins Dave Cowens with a 1:1 and Luke's aliner hot leafing Garner going tarde shallow right at bald I'd just enough for scraps to get back and make the play good move I think the last four or five weeks garner has played the best second base I've seen him play that's 110 percent effort going down the stretch that you need from everyone and he'll certainly provided that kind of leadership on the field there was nothing that he was not going to try and get here's Joe Morgan for him had an off year but he's a little battler and he knows what it means when you get in these championship games he ended up hitting only 259 homers and 32 runs batted in first pitch is a ball he walks a lot he always has he walked 93 times this year so even though he's having an off year they respected him he led them in stolen bases with 28 went away and nobody on two balls no strikes to Morgan Concepcion will be next we started off in good shape with these Reds this year but ended up really taking some lumps four and eight including three and three here at Riverfront at a good rip but fouled it back and it's 2 & 1 this is the 11th year the league championship series the Western Division Club has won 7 of the 10 including the last 5 the Pirates would like to put an about-face on that staff here's the 2 1 another good cut although it looked like he really didn't stay with it looked like you took one hand off on that one John dropped down a little bit ran the ball up and in on Joe trying to establish that fastball early and then go to the breaking ball when he's ahead tomorrow of course the American League angels in there for the first time the pot the Orioles have been there before that's a ball somebody was talking about Palmer today saying he was healthy and was ready to pitch somebody told me that Scott's the American League a lot they wish you to said he felt miserable that's usually when he pitches the two hitter ironically they might go with Flanagan is their number one pitcher in the playoffs in another foul by Morgan got a payoff pitch to this little guy then concepción will be the batter this is a hitters Park if there's an empty seat in here I can't find it payoff from the candy man that's in right-center in Moreno lets the Cobra know that he can handle it and he does and it's two away so Morgan out on a fly ball a high fly ball to right center field that'll bring up the shortstop gave he concepción hitting 281 as you look at Candelaria doesn't appear to be laboring out there appears to be throwing smoothly [Music] Chuck Tanner has said about him so many times that when he's healthy and if it's a big game there's nobody out there that he wants more ball one with us 281 average concepción at 16 homers and 84 runs batted in outstanding defensive shortstop and drives in those runs with his bat as well and he'll jerk one on you once in a while you can't make a mistake on him no he's been a fine hitter and where he is matured at the plate as he's learned to adjust the pitchers very quickly he pays attention to how you pitch him in game situations and then he starts looking for that ball that he can drive in the winning run with foul off as the native of Venezuela as you've seen we all be traded he's become the guts of the club playing a key position and also making key plays for them well we should get him and he does short defers so both pitchers have a three up three down first we played through an inning final Hamilton and Nelly Briles and later on Lanny will be over hoping you're ready for a big exciting game in a series as the Bucks battled the Reds and after one inning here tonight pirates nothing Reds nothing [Music] Seaver is he gets ready for the second we'll be looking at Willie Stargell the leadoff batter and this is it for the fans at home Joseph Lewandowski gonna win $100 worth of Giant Eagle groceries and in addition certificates for 10 Tastykake family packs and an assortment of daily juice products available at your grocer stargell leading it off lettuce and home runs with 32 at 82 RBIs ended up hitting 281 looks as though he emerged in the last 10 days with a big home run back as the leading candidate on the Pirates when they cast the MVP ballot sees the name post mentioned now by media around the country that might be one of the closest MVP pallets that we've had in the number of years they play him way around to the right first pitch spun him around this confrontation has taken place many many times Seaver and Stargell the one ou filed it off out of the area up above the dugout on the third base side fans souvenir in a playoff they'd love to get him startled will be pilot by Milner and then Matlock Sieber get Moreno Foley and Parker on three ground balls in the opening inning 1 & 2 so Seaver coming over from the Mets in a controversial trade and then help lead them in here to this game tonight I final out of play again that you were also a right-hander and you're so familiar with Seaver what would Sieber pattern be against the Stargell well Tom basically likes to establish that fastball is up psyching him out and that is the first strikeout in the game on either side sorrel goes down swinging now I might add that once you establish the fastball then you can change speeds which he did right there and that's what he's going to try to do especially against our left-handed hitters left fielder John Milner batting in the five spot Milner hitting 276 16 homers 60 RBIs opened up with a lollipop that time they're establishing an adjust the opposite he knows that Milner and other players on the bench are watching him establish said fastball the first pitch and he says no you don't going to change it a little bit so he comes back with a bullet and it's popped up bench came down but recent going to yell him off Driessen had a better look coming down he was looking right at it so Milner has popped up to the first baseman Danny Driessen that'll bring up Bill Madlock the third baseman you know they made a lot in some of the scouting reports here about foster having so much of an edge and I suppose if you put it a one-on-one than you do but a lot of people don't realize that as we platoon Milner and Robinson they ended up with 40 home runs and 135 RBIs that's not bad out of left field there's a foul up this way from Mad Dog and the same can be said almost for our catching situation they said our catching what they week but Nicosia certainly responded with spectacular stats for us that lock ended up hitting 298 14 homers and 85 rubies there's a bouncer that night we'll have to charge it could be top he'll eat it so it's a base hit it's the first one in the game Matlock with a high chopper that really didn't have much Singh in it and that's what enabled him to beat it out night came on quickly as we get another look from the opposite direction it just didn't come to him at all and when he took a look and Matlock is so surprising and we've told it before but if there's repeating the fact that he talked about his feet and a couple of the guys in the club challenged him Lacey and Parker he said well we can settle it why don't we run two races and he won them both and we didn't hear any more about it at the batter is you look at Matlock at first had 32 stolen bases let's see if the Chuck Tanner influence is shown here quickly as we continue with our Giant Eagle homerun sweepstakes Joseph Lewandowski Washington VA the contestant at home ed up 273 seven homers 51 runs batted in not running and a ball to it on all you talked about concentration he's checking everything he check-in the position of his players he's checking his sign now he's locked in to where he wants to throw this pitch the ball bounced and I'm not sure a good show gets him he really stole that one on Sivir he's so good at stealing the base it's not that he gets such a big lead but he gets an excellent jump feast the throat of the bag I believe makes that headlong dive in and Concepcion really never had that good a chance to tag the ball been down around the bag the way it looks here it might have even hit Matlock instead of going into Concepcion's glove so it's a stolen base so even with the two outs Chuck Tanner goes right along with his pattern make something happen then he knows what a good baserunner Matlock has become for him and so now he taught with a two ball no strike count chance to get us on the board an infield hit by Matlock a stolen base puts him in scoring position yeah he can still bring it when he reaches back for it he certainly can and a good thing that Matlock was allowed to get a good jump because saber is slow going toward home plate bench has to hustle ease throw which is probably why here the throw was lolling in the dirt he had to get out of the chute too quickly tried to check up Cuddy's not a level at a two and two and I know some of our players talking when we had all that time at the airport yesterday they said if we get on we can run on Sivir you run on Sivir not on bench because Johnny can still rifle that ball to second base two balls two strikes in two away as you watch bench drop in the fingers and with that indicator he's really going through the semaphore gun step out on him make him wait a moment because with all that extra sign dropping by bench I've got tired of waiting all right Doug he'll slip away from second three and two Joseph Lewandowski from Washington PA our first contestant at home night as we play Giant Eagle homerun sweepstakes playoffs starting here tonight the Bucks and Red's at Riverfront in Cincy fou we felt it that a little pop out of the mix right back down into the men retires beside well no home run was hit during this Giant Eagle sweepstakes inning but now whatever losses here our contestant Joseph Lewandowski will receive a certificate 410 tasting cake family packs and an assortment of daily news products available at your grocer our next Giant Eagle sweepstakes will be worth $200 in the inning no runs one hit no errors Matlock left at second we played an inning and a half pirates something red [Music] rafita 1101 30 in 1110 with 10 seconds of black between the relayed sports feat George Foster Johnny Bench and Ray Knight going against the candy man here in the second inning I want to remind you as we wait for chanting Atleti that this copyrighted telecast is authorized under television rights granted by the pirate solely for the entertainment of our audience and any publication reproduction or other use of the picture [Music] [Applause] we were in cleanup batter George plaster will be step again plastered ended up hitting 302 he missed 40 of their day out of it [Music] faster against the Bucks this year in the early part of the year when he was still able to play first we didn't see him after he came back and was able because we were finished with him back to latter part of July but he ended up with only three for 18 against us and only one nice try actually she's just out doing a superstar of George Foster's caliber is he mrs. 40 games of the season and still can come up with those kind of statistics and run in on him to close one ball one strike so three right-hand batters ready to go against the left hand slants of Candelaria here in the second Foster will be followed by bench and then night one one bouncer short big hop Foley and on the Stargell and the got him it's one away George the first on the ground ball and that'll bring up Johnny Bench Tim Foley right there good steady shortstop that was the main reason they wanted him but Bo he made some dazzling plays as well as just the routine day after day and that is where he surprised everybody defensively he still showed that he could go over second base or in the hole and come up with that long strong throw nailing any fast runner thanks to 76 for the year 22 homers hit the most of those in the last half ended up with 80 RBIs the first half of the season the did well with thanks the second half he heard it three of his home runs were against the fire is fouled weight on the left side that'll make it one in one to the Cincinnati backstop I knew there'd be a thorn somewhere on one of those banners some of the window decorations downtown alluded to the fact that they made it without Charlie hustle [Applause] what ball and two strikes since those big guys like fans he likes to work that outside corner get that fastball tailing away from them and then break that curveball or slider down into their feet 1 2 from candy in part the centerfielder a fence is going to go to third poorly throw in the scar on his face is crippled Moreno's does not play that for a while because when it sounds back from him he could not read praise his steps and milliner then had to go get it as it pops back and you'll see it again here the power of Johnny binge is very evident here as he gets a ball up and away from him and actually pulls it over the head of Omar Moreno Omar got caught in between not being able to go to the wall or play it off the wall Milner comes over and fix it up but by the time we do and get the ball in bent is on third base with a one-out triple I believe that is now a Brian's offense doesn't have a triple all here and gets one his first time up in a Championship Series game wouldn't you know it Ray Knight ended up as their leading hitter at 3:18 wow look at almost cooked Johnny face with it night with his 318 average 10 homers and 79 runs batted in and there it is on that foul ball again look at the Johnny doing the old wing right there wasn't he he hasn't gone up that high in a long time night was a tough out for pirate pitchers he hit 341 against us in the 12 games he had 15 hits [Applause] ended up getting the call and Johnny mana holo and - and this is one of those cases where you work for that strike up Kenny now wants to be very careful and try and get him on these next couple of pitches he's ahead of him now Owen - trying to set up that one pitch that's going to strike him out or pop him up oh he got him to that pop foul right into the mitt just got enough of it to get it into the outer his big catcher's mitt and I'll tell you that ball had some real movement as you look at it here now they watch this this is that fastball it's up and away out of the strike zone and he got ray Knight to chase it it was a good Owen to pitch by Candelaria demonstrating good concentration early and there he is the man they named him after Chuck Fox Chuck Tanner and I hope that is mom is feeling better up a Newcastle if she watches tonight she's been under the weather last week or ten days here is Danny Driessen all won Driessen is hitting 250 18 homers and 75 runs batted in two of his homers this year were against the Pirates Tandy's glad to see somebody step in there from that left side he started that man way inside got enough of the corner one ball one strike Dan Driessen from Hilton Head South Carolina and the candy man thinking that big deep breath and letting it out Finch at third with two away but good action by head off boy it was it didn't look like the ball was going to break that far as that odd moved outside but then it broke further than everyone thought and net made a nice glove save our catchers ought to be sky-high for this they've been feel it'll zand underrated coming into this I think our catchers have done a good job this year here's the 2-1 that'll make it to into in spring training our question mark was catching because you didn't know if I'd shoulder was going to come back it bothered him all last year at trouble throwing people out and the coaches sure he had a big year in triple-a but until you do it in the big leagues if you're still a question mark you don't step out of that triple-a league into the big thing hey that really ran in and chased him back hit the bat and it's still 2 & 2 but they complemented one another very well I did most of it and the kosha worked against the lefties and watch where this ball rides in this is known as the old purpose pitch just in case you're looking for that breaking ball out over the plate this is a reminder just think out there don't go out there is he going to go out here this time I would think so that sounded like a strike flu you talked about bringing him strike out the last two batters as bench with a one-out triple is left there no runs and one hit no errors and a man left China will be leading it up and we go to the third so far pirates nothing read something [Music] 14 game hitting streak 121 450 that's 420 that was from the 19th to September on to the last game and he hit very well against the Reds 382 this year with one homer against them and now straps as he is ready to step in and there's a full moon I don't know the Reds clubhouse that well but I'd say the way our club reacts Wolf Moon would favor our team there's a little guy huh that's right bring him right out to the playoff let him get that atmosphere scraps ended up hitting 293 ball one at 11 homers and fifty nine runs batted in batting in the eighth spot Candelaria will be next then up to the top with Omar Moreno Seaver working for cincy two balls and no strikes they are playing diner as an off field hitter in center and in right the left fielder is moved way over into left center anytime a defense over ships like that one way that means the pitcher is going to pitch him one particular way and scraps went right with him home run to the opposite side if scraps hasn't touched ground yet he's sailing around those bases well I got a feeling that when he saw that Elena will that outfield Nelson Brian's figuring wall I'm going to see a lot of stuff away it's almost as if he guessed and got the pitch he was looking for because he really nailed it to the opposite side who says the little man doesn't have fake power he gets a pitch that he likes the ball is about belt high out over the plate and Phil just made up his mind he's going that way and boy he showed surprising power that ball went out of here easily Oh into the opposite side it was a lion dry and it cleared the barrier with room dis fare and the candy man takes us straight so the bucks are on the board on a home run by garner Candelaria at nine hits this year for them double six RBIs he's gone though here quickly and that is the third strikeout for Tom Seaver Seaver this year left the Reds pitching staff and gopher balls he threw 16 up but you know Gopher ball stats are misleading I think you got a look where they hit him a lot of for instance Candelaria gives up an unusual high number but most of them are with nobody on and a lot of many times they don't beat you in a ballgame there's a line drive into right field it'll go fly the right fielder Moreno has headed for second he can fly the adults going to let it all out and he's going to get into third base and Morgan will run the ball in that is a triple for Omar who led us in triples this year will it does enough so the right fielder Collins came on after question who's coming on on that ball a little bit because he never had a chance to catch it and on this surface it just scooted right by him and we can see that there's a lot of water still on that field and when Collins committed himself boy he really got handcuffed with that ball he had to lay back on that ball concedes a single and just go ahead and play it into the second base but boy there wasn't a chance for him on that ball he can get killed doing that I tell you and once it got by him you knew it was 3 for Omar Olie takes a ball and it's 1 and Oh Tim bounced to the third baseman in the opening inning so a run is in on a leadoff homer by Garner Johnny McNamara who did a great job of bringing this club to the top as he's in filled up all the way around the big test by Foley comes up empty and it's 1 & 1 Jim closed out the season by hitting safely and 16 of his last 18 games highest batting average most RBIs he's ever had in a season bribe all right fail that should be deep enough to get him home yeah they'll just concede it here and we've put another one on the pay station Foley just took that ball right where it was right down the line deep enough and right and it's an RBI and Moreno scored second out of the inning two to nothing pirates and the big greeting for everybody concerned you get an idea when those things happen of where they came up with their theme song of we are family don't you you have to root for one another hope that everybody picks each other up and that's what's happened with the Pirates this year and when you do those things are not selfish on that field a lot of things can happen and everybody appreciates the sacrifices you make it pulls you together Parker the battery bounced the Driessen in the first inning good fastball but wasn't in the strike zone hoprah finished the season with a 9 game batting streak at a big rip marker biting stars you'll do up next two runs are in home run gainer triple merino sacrifice fly Tim fully picked up two runs on three hits off Seaver were in the third inning opening game of the championship series play here tomorrow Thursday's off play Friday at Three Rivers two balls in one strike if needed we'll play Saturday and Sunday of three rivers two balls one strike took some of the numbers up three and one you get it in there it's almost got to be a ball or he'll hide it somewhere well they was moved off that plate just a little bit and has opened his hips more he can now cover that inside pitch better now than before foul out three and two and when he went on to tear at the end of the year I didn't chart it would just have to top my head I got to say 65 or 70 percent of his hits were to the left and left center became a little more selective Milo getting better pitches to hit and when he does that he's a tough man to get out payoff is fouled way up to the left side he put one in orbit here boy did he ever and he loves to do it in this Park because this is in front of the home folks I had another payoff is due from Tom terrific I guess that probably looked too good to take and not good enough to really have the good things we just spoiled it and there's Captain Willie on deck for a fake guy Parker has the good bat control doesn't he good bad control in in lately a better knowledge of the strike zone I had another payoff ended up walking in Seaver and bench and other ideas about that three too but it's already been called and the Cobras on with a base on balls and here it is let's see Tom I think thought the ball came back on the inside part of the plate and you can see him he says hey you sure about that call but Davey and Davey's mind no question hey it was way inside here's Stargell struck out swinging in the second inning pirates are leading two to nothing getting to here in the third and still batting high fastball Willy finished in the top five with 32 homers it's the most he's had since 73 when he had 44 fouled on the right side by Alma and check the coach and it's one on one to the captain with Milner due up next Danny Driessen holding against Parker at first base Chuck Tanner's Bucks are in front but he's still nervously working on that cha two and one severs been up a little bit in this inning and he's been going strictly with his hard stuff he's not tried to change speeds here since he's been in trouble so maybe tonight they're early he doesn't have that much confidence in the off-speed pitches just gave a lob pass over the first two balls one strike Parker it first with a walk well he just missing with that inside Stephanie Johnny McNamara talk about coming in on a hot seat he replaced a very popular manager here and guided these Reds back to the top of the West that's another walk boy and about three of those pitches bench and Seaver well I'll see we're not seeing anything but if looks could kill an out bill Fisher their pitching coach going to go out and talk to him so they're going to have a little conference there when Fischer arrives Seaver will also come in along with concepción they'll have a little powwow and John Milner who's probably been going to school sitting that on-deck-circle Singh that severs staying with that hard stuff oh he's a good hard stuff hitter first fastball he sees it's over the plate he's going to he's going to be swinging away we see Sarmiento here warming up Fischer probably went out and just saying you know hey where are the pitches and then saver says well I think their strikes in any last bench and he said I think they're there so they're okay back off you got to get this next hitter you've already lost those you can't do anything about those particular runners so concentrate on Milner he's now walked two in a row is strikeout three were in the third inning Milner the batter ball one they're the runners as you look from our location up above first boy he just missed got under a little too much Morgan out in this channel Center makes the flush to one or if he had to hit that ball in a nose it might have taken a row it seeks out the right-field pavilion but he just got under it too much pops up to market in shallow center the Bucs get on the board with a pair a couple of it's diner started it with a home run only got Moreno home of the sacrifice fly weren't any errors two walks and two men left it'll the third it's the Pirates to the Reds nothing the 1980 World Series the playoffs they should consider becoming a pirate season ticket-holder the Pirates offer many different types of plans such as full season night games only Sunday games only and a new gentle efficient season ticket it's so reasonable anyone can afford it all three to 350 80 for further information that's three to three eighty [Music] a little shot of the Reds dugout there show there are their little quiet I think that that ending in which they scored two runs took a little starch out of the Milo there there little quiet races [Music] parade hitter in back tomorrow's card fouled it off cruise for the year hit 227 with four homers and 28 runs batted in never lived up to the billing that he came out of the Cardinal farm system with nobody will ever know what it dipped in him making him go to third base after being a top-notch triple-a outfielder and having great credentials that's a ball but he never looked like the hitter after he had the trouble playing third he just looked like a bona fide superstar the way he came out of that organization and they traded him to the Giants in the cup fouled off one ball and two strikes the question came up today is why isn't Paul Blair playing centerfield the premiere center fielder even though he's lost a step or two he's still better than most Tom Seaver studying the situation and a lot of them thought that the Blair should be playing rather than Heidi Cruz in center field tonight fouled up to the left side plus Blair has been through all this he would not be awed in the least bit by at this type of championship play and he likes the hit against left-handed hitters right-handed pitchers dominate him a little bit but those lefties he likes to hit against 1 & 2 right Phil Parker we'll be right there came in ten twelve steps a little toward right-center and it's one away [Music] Sieber coming around and I think Nelly took the opportunity first time he's been that close to the plate umpire to maybe say a word or two about two or three of the calls as he slides by he coyly says hey give me a little bit better luck don't squeeze me behind the plate but again nobody knows it that he in the umpire if he doesn't right that's right he didn't show him up just wanted to have a word or two while he was in the neighborhood it sucks where are they I'll accept that oh and two that got a little bit of the back another reason and I thought they might have flair in there one of the games that he played this year against us from candy was on the mound hit a home run off candy and o2 is he faces his found opponent and that'll do it and that will give him three strikeouts of the last four batters so Seifer is gone makes you two away and let's see here I think that ball had some real movement on it that was an excellent sinker my lead right down and right on the corner excellent pitch and he's demonstrating the fact that he has good pop and that he is physically 100% tonight well you don't let it out like he has in the first three innings here if you get something holding you back he's just simply airing it out and the velocity I think it looks to me as though it's right where it is when he's pitching well gets out in front here on Collins with a strike and he's had good control Tigers gonna have to hurry this Jackson [Applause] they said for power the minute it leads over the Highland the sustaining gunner making a play Collins was not going to be caught and that also was a good seeker down and over the plate that Tom Collins got a little bit over the top of Garner with his momentum carry important infield just didn't have enough body momentum to get enough on the throw to get a speedy Collins as he beats the play easily he just wasn't moving toward that ball to his right garner he was really his speed is just no way to regroup and throw a ball back against the motion from where you're coming and Collins really has the good speed he gets there with room to spare now here's Morgan flied to Center in the first inning we're in the bottom of the 3rd Candelaria working and he's leading two to nothing for one Morgan first player in Major League history to hit 200 lifetime homers and steals 600 acres he give you that little chicken wing flap with that back elbow bounce route a second easy play for scraps on the start so that'll do it in the cincinnati bird know what hit the infield hits like collins no errors in collins was left we played three innings and the Bucks arrived in front of the first game of the championship series this first pirates to Cincinnati Reds nothing clinics are sponsored in part by tasty cake cakes pies and cookies all the good things wrapped up in one and it fired by your local sekolah Butler to invite you to have a day totals after three the Pirates two runs on three hits until errors the Reds no runs on two hits and no errors RBIs Gardner a solo home run is the first home run in postseason play and then the Foley sacrifice fly after Moreno triples so it's two nothing flex Tom Seaver and Nelly Briles a bit of control trouble in the third well just missing that corner of course he thought he had a couple of the pitches but Tom's going made him with his hard stuff here early and especially when he got in trouble and got a couple of pitches up on a little plate which hurting a nod will follow Bill Madlock here in the fourth inning that locked with an infield single his first time up swings in the first pitch of the fourth inning and pops to Morgan one away in the pirate forth that big weights that I taught was swinging back in the on-deck-circle is that odd makes his way to the plate look at the different paraphernalia they have there they have the the batting doughnut they have a long let pipe they have a regular weighted bat and in this mall they have laying there if you use all of those all at once that bat has to feel like a thin stick I certainly hope so hey dot is over one attic with nobody on one down pirates leading two to nothing we're in the top of the fourth gave one of the National League Championship Series basically they all felt the same to me whether I lifted a fiber food up to the regular banana well you talk I mean what about that hitch you had when you then was it back in 71 RBI was we all pick up an acorn once in a while a little RBI singles your moment of the satellite right there two balls and a strike Sivir 16 game winner for the Reds and he falls behind a top three and one yes sir Irish with his two doffing late in the fourth inning into the big guy Tom Seaver one of the best fundamental motions in all of baseball and it's been his changeup he's had a little problem getting over tonight not throwing strikes with it 3-2 pitch attack fasiqun toward the ridge dugout so the cam remains full nobody on one down well he really accelerates through that that front arm bouncer through the right side a dot with a one-out single Colin flips it back in the payoff fish outer gets it in between Driessen and Morgan dan Driessen with head online checkin first place on fire at Montague as the price you pay is a pitcher and falling behind the hitter sooner or later you have to give him a pretty good fish they hit head on just being patient at the plate finally got that pitch and drove it right through the in fear Mel Gardner had a home run a leadoff homer in the third put us in front at the time one to nothing bucks right now leading to nothing top of the fourth inning drive to center Cruise has it - away and not remains at first base Phil garner both times up his tongue that fall right on to me to the bat he's seems like he's really up and he's ready for a game like this it's really fired up it's a challenge for him you know and he loves challenges Garner was over five with the Oakland A's in the seventy five playoffs against Boston Candelaria Brown ball concepción then I go to first base and gets Candelaria look like he purposely threw that ball on the artificial surface and let it skip off the carpet so Candelaria rounds out five flava concepción pirates in the fourth no runs on one is the base hit by ops after three and a half pirates two of the rest nothing [Music] it's a long drive going going foul if your transmissions gone foul after a long drive see your local AAMCO dealer good general efficiencies remain from the 1979 playoff games to be held in Pittsburgh daily well it is and it begins in Pittsburgh on Friday 3:15 there also a schedule for Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon general admission tickets are only four dollars and they're going fast so we invite you to stop by as a pirates ticket office with Three Rivers Stadium to pick up your tickets for the playoff tomorrow's the full National League Championship Series after we play the resin game through tomorrow it will move to Pittsburgh Friday afternoon Saturday night Sunday afternoon and what about it deli down for the Bucs we're looking for a split here and then hoping to take two out of three what's the psychology there would you say well basically that's very true as Concepcion makes that fine play last inning run hopping it the first base of just nailing Candelaria the anytime that year into visiting ballpark and playing two games there you'd like to get out of there with a spin hopefully if we win the first then you go for the second we feel the advantage is ours going back home and home cooking has done a lot of good for the Pirates so we're looking for a split but if we can cut this one under the net getting a fine for Portland so far from John Candelaria then we've got to be feeling mighty good about things writing concepción who made the five play that close down the top of the pirate fourth will lead off the bottom of the fourth the Cincinnati concepción is over one Candelaria enjoying us two-nothing lead at this point the fast candy I thought the strikeouts of night in Greece it indicated the Jen is physically shown very impressive when he had to he went to that good fastball of his he has good movement on it tonight and he just threw it by him [Music] import' inning for John he needs to concentrate on getting just leading because they have the power and the beat of their order following concepción to office [Applause] leadoff single in the bottom of the fourth and it will bring up their big guys George Foster here to play again has happened so often when you get it to give a good hitter a good pitch he handles it rather easily and takes it off through the hole between third and short foster stepping you know for one he passed a shortstop in the second pirates - red stuffing bottom of the fourth inning boy hitters love to hit when the pictures behind them because they they can look for that pitch and they can hurt me with cider going game is tied up with tusu first pitch George Foster with concepción running line drive home run to the seats in straightaway center so it's a brand-new ballgame too to it has to bring his new life back into these Reds I know they were they were down a little bit when we scored those two runs we're going to see where this pitch is with George Foster he has been awfully well and it's gotta be where he likes it down and out over the plate he extends clear through the ball and fine did he give it for a ride oh by Marino very frustratingly looks up as it disappears over the wall Johnny Besh shuffle to left centerfield a second [Applause] third round of the neck in series he had to the resident 76 on ball of two strikes at best nobody on for that a pirates and Reza's side to to now it's turning out to be a typical game that the bus's played season get them took Holloway both trucks traveling back and forth the George Fosters hey I'm been doing it all year why should you be suppressed this 40 games this year but it's 30 home runs 98 RBIs walked into concentration there when cells keep yourself in the game with a moment well that was a great shot at working with rosters going through mentally preparing himself now the other side the studying concentration of the young left-hander John Candelaria with George posture made a statement in the paper yesterday said hey comes down to the series he said all those statistics and everything alcohol by bench to all those statistics and everything that everybody talks about he said those things are for scientists and and librarians of people to keep track of it he says what I'm not here to do is swing the bat and hit the ball his two-run homer here in the fourth with concepción on has tied the game at 2-2 pirates got two in the third Reggie got to the fourth over the I'm nobody out [Applause] chatter third year is skipper the Pirates and here's the club in the National League championship playoffs such first year in the championship and boy is he excited and said what a thrill it is [Applause] to play that's his art scored an infield single not sure what the man rocks would have much of a shot off what I think Phil takes his eye off the ball just a little bit when he's ready to catch him and it goes right off the end of the glove I knew he thought he had in this club but maybe just made that little preliminary move get getting set to throw the ball the first face and it goes off the end of his flow rate you are Nellie well Matlock [Applause] like the play on fit now very nice the better night is over one Pyrus both been going to work lyza phone there's Don Robinson [Applause] warming up down the left-field side ball game tied 2-2 bottom of the fourth inning and he has to get himself together now he wants to turn his just the door right here stay away from a real beginning and give your club a chance to come back he really has to try it and get it out right away it feels said it's DoublePlay depth and fought off the right that's for the infield single tonight his first year at the hot corner for the Reds under much pressure filling it for Pete Rose and I really had an outstanding year that lock in the traffic handle area for the first time saw me tonight he said I don't know how to call Kandi's game until we get into it tonight he said I I don't know what kind of stuff he's going to have or what kind of control he will have so I'm going to have to wait and see what comes out of Kandi's arm before I can really lock into what I want to call and I think now ed knows that basically Kennedy does have his good stuff and he's going to try and make him concentrate now I'm making some better pitches so that he can get that ground ball double play right here missed inside one a to handle arias 70 major-league victories in his career [Applause] double flight garner kool-aid charge Oh jumbo play sharply hit by night on the right side no you were saying he's looking to get one he got two good pitch it was up up in the strike zone a little bit but night trying to go the other way with it hits at the garner nice feed to Foley who throws a bullet on to Stargell nice double play and good pitching by Candelaria bench didn't have a chance just had to get down before Foley dislodged a helmet from his head three should invest at the Stargell Willie plays on the short hop he will tag Driessen in front of the first base bag so the Reds are retired in the fourth inning Cincinnati gets two runs on three hits two run homer by George Foster and after cording to play in Game one of the National League playoffs it's our Buccos 2 at Cincinnati 2 this is that you can rip the box off during this after the fifth inning in our contestant Witsel regex quickly pennsylvania and if a homerun is history in his fifth inning Wetzel will receive $200 worth of Giant Eagle thrust Ruiz in our playoff Giant Eagle sweepstakes jackpot inning in addition certificates percent Tastykake family packs in an assortment of daily G's products available at your grocer so we go down to the fifth inning and you know jackpot hitting for the Bucks the Omar Moreno Tim Foley and Dave Parker ball game tied at two-two [Music] gray night will fly up at third [Music] good look at that Cincinnati left side of the infield again Siebert now facing Moreno Omar one for two of the park [Music] Collinson right with a third of our sport [Music] concepción respecting the speed of Omaha burrito has shortened up it short normally he plays way off behind the outfield line [Music] best year in the big leagues 282 another pirate record stolen base in 77 [Music] [Music] the middle concepción flies play by the red shortstop do we had to hurry through with Moreno running MVP candidate mr. shortstop as far as the national league is concerned and he shows here why they tagged him with that with that name over way behind a hole and still makes a fine throw all-star shortstop Davey concepción all right one away holy first pitch knocked down by night but he'll have to play and Foley's on the cymbal get credit for an infield singles I tried to head it off on the left side just knocked it down dribbled away from him and totally gets his first hit of this championship series run away Tiffany ball game tied 2-2 [Music] don't look at Ray Knight the rest third baseman let's go over that after stepping it now over one third day for the lifetime batting average against Cincinnati and 346 all these out of water [Music] walking inside - - chocolate fifth inning in our jackpot inning right check roughly off I'm pronouncing that right last night haha eh-eh [Music] xever once again questioning the call upon fatal fire John Kibler we're behind the plate at Montague at first Jerry Devon's second Frank fully a third dick Stello down the left side and Jim flipped the right field on fire xever it would have had a part of us naturally play off no matter what has been Houston zebra probably would have worked television to fish left side out of play to me daily the last couple of weeks which they've really put on that last minute surge to get his batting average of 310 appear different be keeping that shoulder in more and driving the ball to the opposite side a lot as we mentioned quite a bit lately it's become also more selective at the plate we know making the pitchers throwing strikes for the most part [Music] the slider in in Parker just in case anybody was sleeping over there and I said yeah this is a this is a chance for me to rattle the bass over there get a few helmets to scoop it around awliyas first one out [Music] a 2 2 ballgame totals or even two [Music] [Music] Game two tomorrow at 3:15 start jeff fiffie against frank fitori here tonight at riverfront [Music] Parker staying alive falling off those pitches on the inside prior to the plate hoping the Seaver will make a mistake and get it out away from him where it can extend those big strong arms of his and drive the ball somewhere for a base hit we've got to rush off secret of the third charter home run Holy Sacrifice I got a rental home after hanging tough against cbourgin cap remains at to it too Sabre the problem right now is that he's not able to get his other pitches over the plate his changeup and his breaking ball any slider all three pitches which resolve speed pitches have been given him trouble tonight and he's not been able to throw them over the plate with good location with any consistency whatsoever so he's had to stay with hard stuff rob toss the first is Foley being held on by Driessen first conception bargain the second loss topples life [Applause] yes always Greece's go home run during our Giant Eagle sweepstakes inning but for our contestant went somewhere check he'll receive a certificate the Tastykake family fact Panama terminus damages Sonic's available at your grocer our next Giant Eagle playoff fifth inning will be worth $300 and after four and a half at riverfront in Game one pirates two in the red soon and now here's a tasty breath let's take a shot at this scoreboard stuffer at riverfront named the two national league top two national league pitchers with the post strikeouts in a league championship game Steve Carlton Tom Seaver most strikeouts in a leak I got to say once Candelaria let's take a look at that play again there's that double play while we think about the quiz concepción de Morgan to get Foley and then on to Driessen good stretch to get Parker and so far both sides and good double play balls with good feeds on the front end and nice turning on the second end of the 52 ball game Hector Cruz [Music] that lock holds it down throws Emma took play by Bill Madlock almost a carbon copy of the play on fetch attending ago at this time he stayed with it he made sure he looked that ball right into his glove makes a fine leafing stab turn sets himself right over the top makes a fine strong throw to willie stargell nailing him the khmer the cruz is out look at it again we got a covered from all angles he's had to make all the play so far a couple of Falls coming in and then those high choppers and shows why he's really settled in a third base had been such a fine job I think the stories that have come out the nice couple today is talking about the Reds against the the big power pirates that they seem to be missing the boat on the way the Bucs are played defensively this year Seibert Madlock again at the corner Stargell that easy tool a little surprised that Seavers swung that fit so early in the count Cruz hit the first second pitch in Seaver came right up behind him swinging away right away at that's candy get two quick outs he's not having to throw too many pitches candy following the ball all the way to third base and that makes a fine backhanded play at the line knows the pitchers running takes his time and makes a good throw to away and Dave comets the batter that's a any doubt about Candelaria here I think is eliminated that tonight in a 2 2 ballgame pirates and Red Sox got two of the third Reds got two of the fourth home run solo shot by Garner two-run homer by Foster we mentioned earlier the telecasted Andy's not only throwing well for his head good control as of yet he's not watch the batter falls behind 2 and oh and he did fall behind Morgan and Concepcion on the first inning two and oh but he got them there's that Chuck Tanner book the whole season everything you want to know about the 79th season right there in that foot and he's still adding through this Weibo something that bus before the game is only Chuck Tanner can read it it's written in English but no one could decipher it for him I'll tell you what is our teacher in Newcastle she could not have given him good marks he is not a good artist I saw some drawings that he asked that there C or C - but he's got the info and he got the job done next book I think has been through the washer I think it's been through the chewing tobacco it's not the prettiest thing in the world but I guess it's what in at the counts and how he uses it and remember about halfway through the year they had to get Tony Parker old tape out they had to tape it up put it back together again nobody is to dance item of the fifth and it's 2 2 ballgame - and to college he provides me a little bit of room you know he's got me in that number one spot Johnny McNamara's put him up on top he's a switch-hitter at Tennessee of scratching a little bit like rose and looking back into the catch in trouble but roses he has you know you've just waited for David Collins to flume he's had the tools and he's been on different ball clubs and nothing's ever happened until finally boom here it was in a prime spot dollars here in the fifth prize at the milder so the Reds go without a struggle in hitting number five against Candelaria after five innings of play from Cincinnati in Game one of the National League Championship Series pirates two of the Reds two you know trying to run a medley the last two months you could have written any any more of a storybook finish than we had this year and a lot of exciting baseball and there's still quite a bit left look at the wives us the pirate wives down the left-field line Janette Foley bats chana is up behind Janette there and Mary Robinson Dolores Dajjal Anna Marie Keesha they're all there waving their bat bandanas and their pom-poms as Tiger leads off the 6th and skies it on the left side concepción calling forward and he has it startles out one away [Applause] Mars could send you the wives made the trip over to root for the Bucs to to throw game 6:30 by the way the answer to the baseball quiz tonight the answer's no I got one him right Tom Seaver and 13 strikeouts in a playoff game and John Candelaria with the other at 14 strikeouts October 7th 1975 over the ridge where we split it you got one I got the other that's fair alright I'll buy breakfast you buy lunch that's the only reason I saw I said Carlton because I knew you'd have the other one and I didn't want to take it all I see all right here's John builder down low poem by the way the next time you talk to your good buddy Steve Carrell to make sure that you tell him thanks for the chat that he did 12 strikeouts of the Expos on Sunday and I understand from scouts over there it was a masterful pitching performance by Carlton over the export well I'm sure we can all get a get a little collection together and send him a bottle of wine being the wine connoisseur that he is right shot to right Collins back it is [Applause] more builders tattoo to college tracked it down the way I put note to the answer tonight Seaver had 13 strikeouts in 73 go ahead Nellie well as Davy Collins demonstrated his good speed he judged the ball and gun on these high horse and was able to almost outrun that high line drive by John Milner made a fine play here's Bill Madlock now get to that footnote the moment we got so much going on for here from riverfront the Seabury 13 strikeouts came on October 7th 1973 while he was with the Mets against the Reds candelaria's came on October 7th 75 fly ball in the center right center and Hector crew they scared the mad long fly ball so Seaver retires at buckos one two three in the sixth after five and a half innings of play it's our Pittsburgh Pirates two and the Cincinnati Reds two [Music] hey you pirate fans if you've enjoyed this great season and I really know I have especially a pirate baseball you want to be part of the Buccos the 1984 the season and then you guarantee yourself seats for the 1980s world series and the playoffs then you should consider becoming a pirate season ticket holder you know deli the Pirates offer of any different types of plants such as full season there are night games only Sunday games only and a new general admission season ticket plan it's reasonable it's cheap anyone can afford it call three two three fifty eighty or further information than ever again is three two three five oh eight Oh [Applause] game tied at two to bottom of the sixth Pirates got two runs in the third a leadoff homer by Turner and then Foley's sacrifice fly to get Morano home foster had a two run homer in the fourth to tie the game Morgan's over 2 [Music] ganda Larry has gone all the way for the Flex and Seaver for the Reds look at that mortgage stance fouls it down into the section down here the pirate lives and it's one ball two strikes Joe just unable to get himself onion tracked so far physical injuries of nagged him throughout the air he's played hurt just never been able to get his stroke going like like we know he can and I'm sure that he wants to get going especially in the championship series okay pitch to it to a little different year this year if you were to foot down the three top second baseman considering everything defense and offense normally Morgan's names right there but I think this year you'd have to look to some other people just talking with some of the players about that exact same foreign recently they said quite obviously Phil garner would be in that category another guy that flight very well this year for the Cardinals Kent over phone at a good year at second base the Mets also have a fine young second baseman and Doug Flynn who went to New York in the Tom Seaver trade he was he was an infielder the Reds were counting on for the future but when you get quality you have to give up some quality and the Mets are very high on their young second baseman Doug Flynn Joe Torre the court is saying that Flynn might be the second it might be the best second baseman actually in tories offending boxer do right side Bill Carter fires the Stargell one away so 14 bounces after garner one down on the sixth in a 2-2 ballgame and the batter is Dave concepción [Applause] [Music] [Music] concepción one for two he's single - before that was aboard when foster hit his home run to centerfield bottom of the sixth inning bad luck fires the Stargell and concepción is out for the last two innings Matlock with three five Flay's had 100 nothing on Seaver in the fifth player concepción here in the sixth as we said he's done it all for us at third base and showing how versatile he has been in can be charges the ball very well gets it just about knee-high makes the throw on the run puts it right on the money and the speed of concepción could not beat the play so two away in the Cincinnati sixth inning Game one of the playoff game to a tomorrow afternoon at 3:15 Game three in Pittsburgh's Three Rivers Stadium on Friday afternoon it'll be a 315 start and Saturday's game if it's necessary Game four Saturday night would be at 8:30 and then Sunday afternoon Game five wood started 115 through a big weekend of playoff action in Pittsburgh over the weekend get your playoff tickets of the weekend series Candelaria getting the start the bobbitt by lower back and ribcage problems only made one appearance in the last two weeks of the regular season with a gutsy performance tonight against the Reds at it's 2 2 ballgame dangerous to fall behind mr. foster to know in this situation he's shown us tonight what he can do with that vet who I am in he walks softly but carries mr. death mr. black death and that bad of his what he calls it boss behind three and Oh [Music] look into my right field camera 3 o pitch a fats her third baseline when asked if foul Madlock wisely chose to hold up on that ball because of he tried to pick up that ball to speed a foster would've beat the play anyway and he would have taken a chance on making quite a while throw to first we're going to see that he sees it bounces fair but now I don't really have a play and so I'm going to try and see if I won't go foul that's three and one Candelaria facing foster nobody on two down totals are identical two runs five hits apiece or walks about five pitches that's the first walk issued by John Candelaria [Applause] can be trying not to throw the ball over in the middle of the plate where the power of foster can come into play and just got it out of the strike zone he didn't want to walk foster but he also didn't want to give in to him tried to make a good pitch and miss it odd I have to talk to Candelaria foster on Stargell holding him on ball game tied 2-2 and Johnny fetch he is 2 for 2 as tripled and has had an infield single good pitch strike one and his testimony to the fact that it's difficult to prejudice when you're injured in the first part of the season his back was bothering not being able to extend through the pitches with the power that he's so accustomed to displaying and second half that's been good and he felt good extended through the bone and he said most of his home runs to second hands Candelaria in the first 5 and 2/3 innings three strikeouts one walk not only five is rosters running and it's live foul to the right side one ball of two strikes on bench let's get you back [Music] foster displaying another part of his versatility is a superstar in this game for a powerful men he still has finds feet plays the outfield very well just a well-rounded athlete here for since the 90s one ball and two strikes on bench foster it first was to down not do it too far enough Kennedy we don't want to go to three and two I know he was trying to make a pitch here but just got it puffing in a little bit too far don't want that runner running going to three and two it's important that he make a fine pitch right here trying to get bench on this pitch ball game tied at two to the count two balls and two strikes out bench they get him they're asking for the appeal Montagu says though he did not go [Music] nice try issue nothing can happen unless you ask so we tried to sneak one in distance didn't quite make it didn't get it all right that's a pain off fish on fish Foster will be running on this three to two apps right side garner discharge or fetches hats or the Reg in the sixth inning no runs no hits a walk after six innings of Game one pirates two of the rights to going to the summit but the next three innings are sponsored in part by light beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer and less and in part by what these old-fashioned hamburgers where the hamburgers are hot man as we move to the seven final Hamill's is back with you on the television side along with Nelly Briles well I guess were kind of getting the act that we figured they'd trot out when they pulled up the curtain on this one Nelly even-steven here certainly half both pitchers have settled down after the one ending of trouble each and displaying why they are some of the fine artists of this game you've got to try and get something going we'd certainly like to get the leading lady tonight if we can go home with perhaps two victories under our belt bottom third of the order do in the 7th ed hotten Giner candle areas do a third might defend here what happens with the otter and gunner as to what Chuck Tanner decides to do here the hits are even at five the runs are even at two nobody's made an error concepción made some great plays for them Matlock has made them for us that's the way it's gone so far as we move to the seventh and on a struck out and singled one ball and no strikes [Music] bargain the Driessen is out one away Margit had to go to an angle towards the bag and then fire on to go that off and it is one down here in the pirate seven he knew he had a little bit of time and trying to set up and make a good throw the ball not quite as far as he thought it was and here I think we're going to pick up Garner's home run but he hit way back when and you can see that was just not over the wall shoo didn't hear way up in the seats boy it was lying - it was a fly ball Homer so here's draftee homered in the third there's a shot to second Morgan right there [Music] well and going around the bases on that home run I think he ran around the bases as fast as to put that line drive to get out of here yeah and he ran around like a powder puffs on his shoes he just barely touched anything Candy's gonna bat the house since there was no activity with either odd or Garner two up and two down in a hurry and Morgans handled them both on the ground balls that is a strength and I'm sure Tanner as talked with candy asking him how he feels and candy have said hey I feel great let's go started after it didn't break those risks in its run ball in one strike Candelaria has struck out and in the fourth inning concepción made an excellent play to throw him out a fall and a strike nobody on with two down Danny went after that high heater and came up empty and it's one and two riverfront and Cincy the same sellout crowd here for this opening game strikeout number four for Seaver who's retires the last seven so the fans here will get up and stretch it out in the bottom of the seventh as we go to it with this color it's furred to Cincinnati too [Music] now the trick is and just removes they get the light bottle caps altogether moving to each time once twice three I can put away a lot of beer by the time they figure this one out that's why I'm drinking Light beer promotion not only does light taste great but it's got 1/3 less calories than their regular beer what's going on yeah ok once more 1 2 3 like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless the crowd here is joining this thing you take me out to the ballgame and boy a lot of them took themselves out here tonight you know plenty of good general admission seats remain for the 79 playoff games to be held at Pittsburgh's Three Rivers the playoffs begin in Pittsburgh this Friday at 3:15 and are also scheduled for Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon gentlemen tickets are only four dollars and are going fast we'll stop by the fire a ticket off with the Three Rivers the pickup goers tomorrow and let's fill three rivers for the playoffs crowds of bounce back this year let's show the country that we can put him in there and back these flex in the playoff games as well have to keep in mind that they're all three different starting times so be sure we know the starting times on each of those days a train night will be leaving it off against Candelaria as we go to the bottom of the seventh he is struck out and he's bounced into a double-play strike one our bullpen is working Enrique Romo and grant Jackson we're in the seventh while all right Center it way back but Moreno is going to be about eight feet short of the track that claw was hit pretty well but I think it got up an arrant diet a little Nelly he didn't the ball was far enough away from night that he wasn't able to extend through and get the get the real power from his arms into it and while it looked like in the beginning it was going to go a long way it faded as a guide for the deeper part of the outfield and you saw as Moreno put up that iron to let the copra no he was in charge and there's the bullpen working one three three jacks and they've got their bullpen working met is Hume a real key to why they're here almost one after it laid off in time I think the conversion of Hume from a standard of the bullpen just strengthened the pen that they needed help in he came on and beat off their Baird for the most saves on the club give you an idea the Jabby dude alright Driessen who's over to what Goya wet strength threesome ended the season with a six game hitting streak having a little trouble hanging in there against that sweeping breaking ball of John Candelaria he struck out swinging in the second and the fourth inning he bounced the Stargell 1 & 2 crews will be effects score tied two to two we're in the bottom of the seventh Pirates got two in the third the reds answered with a pair in the floor flyball left field slicing over toward the corner Milner over does he have room nuts going to slice right up above him into the seats the banana in the end of that one took it out of his playing reach and it makes it hold at one end too when the Pirates picked up a pair in the third as odd and Candelaria took it over Garner's started it with an office of field Homer Moreno tripled to right-center and Foley got him home with a sacrifice fly when the Reds tied at the fourth concepción drilled one through the hole on the left side then faster hit a towering homer over the centerfield fence strike three call I got a feeling that after giving him those balls away Nellie that when Todd went out to talk he said let's try them inside one time and bottom lookin well he did just the previous pitch before they threw that good fastball away and just as he was ready for that fastball again he dropped that super hook on him and Danny again could not hang in there I hear his pros he's flied to right bounced to third but he was thrown out in the fifth inning by Matlock that was one of two fine plays in a couple of innings if the dog turned in two balls no strength and honor wants to talk to his big lefty again he may be spot to something here and I got a feeling that maybe Chuck Tanner is a little concerned because he really got our bullpen up early the minute kandi went right back after the mound well John has done such a fantastic job for us getting us into the late part of the ball game a little concerned about his stamina and how sharp he might be and I know in the back of chucks mind he just wanted him to go five but he is indeed goddess much further than that we're in the later part of the ball game fouled off and still so much better than this tie - ensues each team with private nobody's made an error kandi has only walked one and he struck out for the last hit was benches single in the fourth three and one be so nice if we could get crews here we would have a pitcher then leading off the next inning [Music] Colio stay right with that one good strong throw three up and three down that's what you want out of here short stuff just make that good solid play every day and it's three up and three man we've gone through seventh and tight Pittsburgh Pirates to Cincinnati Reds to [Music] my neighborhood I know just where to go to get more for my money across the street for the best dry cleaning for shoes I come here and to get more for the money my family saves we go to our neighborhood Mellon Bank they helped us choose a payment savings account and a few it's that time again yeah the fans at home get a chance to enjoy it as we play chanting a home on sweepstakes and this is it or grace wolf Isles wohl FBI L of M and grace if the Foxton home further in this a stunning well you're going to get $300 worth of Giant Eagle groceries and as we go to the eighth week at the top of the order Marino Holly and Parker to see if the Bucks can break through Sivir and bust out of a 2-2 tie Big Jim Bibby goes tomorrow youngster Pastore will be going for them we will not know about a pitcher for the Friday game until after the workout Thursday and it'll be two or three things that will enter into that picture decent his fingernail it'll also depend on what we have to do with a long man in the bullpen tomorrow fastball upstairs one oh why should we have anything for certain late year we have two all year as far as our rotation is concerned set rotation all year in 198 game [Music] it has and you have you have to really praise Chuck downer for the way that he's been able to scramble keep the confidence in his in his players and his pitching staff even though they've been hurt and had to scramble [Music] two balls and one strike Seifer hadn't lost anything on the Hummer he's still bringing it that he is and that's been his main pitch tonight as he struggled with these other pitches but he stayed with it hung in there and seems like he's starting to get in the groove and that's not good news for us unless he makes a mistake had a pretty good cut at that one that's the fish though that we went into layoffs of if possible because that fast follow-ups there as we stated earlier it moves very well for Sivir Omar needs to get that ball down in the strike zone just a little bit for him to handle it well I think Finch and Seaver talked it over here a little bit got a 2 2 count on Marino Foley is due up next and grace Moore file of Aetna is opened somebody on the frontier in the H can bang one out that she plays giant eagle home on sweepstakes the veteran star right-handers if he quit tomorrow he's had a great career see her folks and people we even talked about it earlier here wondering if maybe all those innings and all those pitches he always fixed a lot of innings that may be caught up after he faltered early in the year for when he came back strong he did it with a vengeance at an 11-game streak at one back three two fouled off in a big pitch that he has come up with again a lot of credit to Seaver he's adjusted his from up with a changeup he never threw that earlier in his career because he didn't have to he was strictly overpowering with a good hard slider and fastball but now he knows that he's lost that little extra that he once had come back he reach back and get it once in awhile but now when a little changeup and he uses that big lollipop curve they have he's become more well-rounded I are going over to work with the bat handle a moment he's back up in there another payoff pitchers do from Seaver well this would be the anyone you'd like to do something in the 8th for the top of the order and he's such a key to our attack he get him on and he makes things by Ava strikeouts perceiver the first time that is registered on Omar Boyce even reached back and made a tremendous pitch when he had to that balls down and away right on the black of the plate and I think Omar knew it because he looked back right away and it did you call it and he certainly did ring Paul not only had great velocity they had that movement going away and it's a call strike and Foley is the better Thole drove in a run with a sacrifice fly in the third inning had a base hit in the fifth he's 1 for 2 Franco is totally back for graceful I love that no Giant Eagle homerun sweepstakes setting we're up to $300 in the first game of our playoff telecast series all one on one might add that pitch that he made on Omar was a call that he hadn't been getting earlier in the evening was a little upset about us and now evidently establishing his pattern kipler is more in tune to the way he's working child right side Driessen over won't have a play it'll be up about eight or ten behind their dugout and it's one and two Dave Parker do up next who do you think is watching Tom Seaver the closest with a fan in the stands but I have a pretty good idea that it was nancy seaver extra-long eyes I've got my eye on you chillin too fouled on the left side in front of Jolin F our hits belong to Moreno a triple in the third Foley is single in the fifth Madlock a single in the second a single in the fourth diner a home run in the third - - church staff concepción closers look like it was gonna be Timmy hustling down that line but he got him and it's two down here's Parker he's bounced the first walked and wrapped into a double play and the ball that he hit in the double play as you watch concepción again on the foley ball made Driessen reach a little for that one but got him by a step but one of the best plays concepción made tonight was when he started the double play on Parker there it is again reaching for that thing holy I hold my breath when Foley jumps to that back you certainly don't want the youngsters in the audience to get the idea that that's the way you teach because it's not you can certainly turn an ankle or even break it jumping at the bag like that lined into right center this time comes up with it sliding along the Astra sir boy what a catch and here it is again as he hits into that turf holds on to the ball and brings it up cleanly to show them and now from the center-field camera it was really an effort by Collins took a hit away from the Cobra well it certainly was able to make the slide and if he misses it it keeps the ball in front of him makes a fine play good judgment by Dave falling during this Giant Eagle sweepstakes inning but no one ever loses there our contestant rate will file about now will receive a certificate for 750 big family facts and an assortment of daily news products available at your grocer our next guy and eagles with six tomorrow afternoon will be worth four hundred dollars so we will go to the bottom of the eighth inning still wrapped up in a tie the crowd buzzing here after the common catch on marker pirates still read too 11:00 at night till 8:00 in the morning long-distance rates are 60% lower why not call someone special we might have a cameraman here tonight getting late they've got him up on a flagpole in center and he's been getting some great shots from way up above it [Music] those people up there might be a long ways away but I'm sure that feel every bit as much a part of tonight's action as those down close to the field in the box seats we lifted it at the same time evidently figures that Candelaria cannot continue here Elmo almost waiting in the wings and stayed something it may be that as fast as Tanner went out there it might be an injury removal here in the Romo would have the extra time that he needed because they are going to lift Seaver our box had already sent it out toward home plate well I noticed in between innings final that that as soon as candy came off the mound Tanner and pitching coach went over there immediately and we're checking out his physical condition they went down and talked to Romo and I'm sure said are you ready to go out there Romo of course been throwing the previous inning and said he was ok so they went at Kennedy Quan warm up and try it but evidently it just wasn't working Tanner did not like what he saw and said hey thanks for quite a job candy but that's going to be it the candy man gave us seven good innings here tonight and I'll tell you 48 hours ago we didn't think he pitched it all in this series and he kept us in it in a 2-2 game so Romo is on Romo turned our bullpen into a depth of 3 along with Jackson and Jacoby and really did a good job for this club he certainly did even though he didn't save a lot of games he pitched in a lot of games 84 as a matter of fact was ten and five fours quite a lot really he was third on her staff with five saves but done a fine job for us being the middle and short relief and we all know when he's on he's tough and so I have a feeling we're going to see a lot of Dipsy doodles from him and when he gets a chance sneak that fastball right on by the hitters Rikai by oxy-acetylene fielder he's going to bat for Sivir Auerbach appeared in 62 games in 210 one homer in 12 RBIs [Music] is gone both Snyder's are gone on one move here he left there satyr for a pinch-hitter we leave bring Oromo in here at his first pitch is a strike to our box [Music] auerbach against us this year was to parade with no RBI a ball and a strike our box leading it off in the pensioners role in the bottom of the eighth we're locked up in a 2-2 tie Romo works on him and he took it for his strength up bottom dropped out of that fit I don't think our Bock in a pinch-hitting ruled as you're seen too many pitches of that nature he hasn't played all that much and when you get somebody that can come in and throw the variety of pitches that Enrique throws it's pretty tough for you to hit as a pinch-hitter for the 1/2 from Rica's that's a caged app for an opener out of a member of the rats in this game kenta coffee is throwing in our bullpen Bravo will be looking at the top of their owner now in Palin's who was one for threw batting right-handed against candy without turned around and bat left-handed against Romo [Music] not a heck of a lot to choose between on Palin's is a switch hitter he hit 317 left-handed in 319 right-handed [Music] one ball and no strikes the Pirates got a fare in the third to strike first is if that tool they get some of those meters and there's a gap tonight very pleasant up here in the booth line drive right Center Facebook barrio come on to play it on the first bounce Collins is on with his second hit in the game he had a single in the third in it it was an infield hit [Applause] that's a first hit off Romo it's hip number six for the Reds it's the first hit they've had since bench had a single in the fourth inning Wayne how do you win pennants it's guys like Dave Collins filling in and doing the job for you he filled in for an injured Ken Griffey and blossomed as everyone thought he could in the past but never really produced it's become one of their very exciting switch hitters I not Joe Morgan Oh for three our Collins can run he stole 16 bases in 25 tries this might be a stage in the game where McNamara might turn him loose but not on that one and he opened up on a fastball with Morgan one of the few he'll throw miss women the Stargell trying to hold Collins close Morgan the batter concepción on deck then faster all game in the eighth inning pirates to read soon almost stepping away since Romo had trouble walking early in the year and became so visibly upset by those calls they've taken him away from doing much throwing to first and making step away a lot which really does about the same thing makes up runners say this when they're going throw down going to be [Applause] darlin days for talent we just had a feeling that he was going to be taking off here sooner or later I came out of the chute but gets to throw up just a little bit and Collins being able to tuck under the tag just in time has fully tried to drop fall on his shoulders unable to do it and you can see the determination on Colin's face and just as he gets in Tim just misses his back with the tag that was close I've really got that fall down they're in good shape didn't they he did got it down the throw ball was just off to the other side of the bag just a little bit and up allowing Collins to get in under the tag all right a runner at second with one away in the bottom of the eighth Morgan has flied to Center bounced the 2nd and bounced a second again right now the thing bouncing around is Collins out of 2nd a-rod and Romo alittle he stepped away now he's ready the - OH - Morgan Brianne Oh Morgan Fanning with talons and scoring position and only one away Jacoby probably got up early in the inning just to loosen up and be ready now is throwing in earnest and I'm sure he's ready to come into the ballgame should be needing three balls no strike with a single and a stolen base putting Romo in a jam here [Applause] for the base on balls foots runners at first Chuck Tanner I think has seen all he wants to Oromo in this particular instance and the skipper is headed out and he's already touched that right forearm indicating to the umpires down the line that the Colby is being brought on first walk given up by Romo only the second walk to the Reds in the game so Romo giving up a single and a Stillman base and then a walk and in this situation in a tough tight game and concepción and faster in Finch do you know he's not going to pinch it for them Chuck Tanner is going to go to the wall here well he certainly is and this is the man that has failed us out all year everything has been placed onto Colby shoulders so many times and he's responded so well for us Chuck said hey he's my man we got to get out of this right now Reds having a little advantage playing at home get the last ups and we certainly need to close the door right here antastic albicans on to warm up here in the eighth inning want to remind you fans but if you've really enjoyed this pirate season that's been a humdinger all away and want to be a part of the Buccos 1980 season and guarantee yourself seats for the 80 World Series in playoffs and you really ought to consider becoming a pirate season ticket holder the Pirates offer many different types of plans such as a full season night games only Sunday games only and a new general admission season ticket that's so reasonable anyone could have voted why don't you call tomorrow find out about it three to 350 eighty for further information that number to dial three to three 508 o he mentions that Kobe doing the jab he's got some interesting stats and the impressive stats as me I'm telling you he's done it for the third year in a row for the Pittsburgh Pirates establishing records each time he finishes the season but for us Kent this year was ten and eight with a 2.8 to we are a bringing that down from I wonder in the year doing an outstanding job this is going to be his 95th appearance 130 4.1 innings pitch he saved 31 son a new record as a pirate for a number of appearances and tied the record for saves that he said a year ago you'll be looking at concepción who has bounced to short singled and in the 6th inning Matlock made a great play to get him there the runners at 2nd and 1st pylons at second Morgan at first two good base runners on base keep that in mind at before hitting the gap here and occurs right now with concepción up there Jacoby wants to get the sinker ball working if he can he got it over for a strike again has to also keep them close because both of these guys excellent base dealers and they could put on the double steal putting us further in in bad situation and Chuck Tanner looking on he's had to go to the pen twice there in his face of a few minutes now use Candelaria roam all in to Colby there's that double play ball Madlock the straps on the first double play well he went sinker with him right down in there and what a beautiful play it was as it goes around the horn Madlock the Giner to Captain Willie and here it is enjoy the double play again it takes the Bucs ran out of an inning in a trouble spot iment pitchers best friend no runs one hit no errors a walk and they leave one and a double play ball had out to give us a lift now they'll bring on Hume is their new pitcher we'll go to the ninth inning let's see if we can go get a buck that's pirates to read to new Reds pitcher Tom Hume H ume and we talked about earlier here's a fellow who turned them around as far as settling their bullpen down and really do the job for them and a strike to Willie Stargell took over the number one job in a bullpen he was 10 and 9 with a 2.76 er a it was in 57 games ended up with 17 saves tops understaffed a comebacker he knocked it down regroups throws the Driessen did a tap-dance on the bag but all's well that ends well I guess whom to Driessen pitcher to first start you'll hit the cover over that ball but right at Tom Hume last time we saw him and here it is again boy he just wrapped it right back to him had a little trouble that might be a little first playoff nervous job right there because it was hit right at him but he held on John McNamara guiding the Reds to the title Milner trying to find his way on but the sci-fi Hill for him did he get off that mound Filner's trying to drag bunt his way on he got to give him credit he made an excellent play to get over there that was the whole secret he did bounce off that mound very well John Milner trying to catch everyone asleep hoping that the scouts hadn't seen him drag the ball for a base hit the other day trying to as we say catch him asleep but you made a fine play covering it here is matt black 1 through 3 well we didn't see that much of him this year but he gave us an indicator the last time we saw them at three rivers and they beat us 8 to 6 there's a high drive teeth left center center fielder at the fence and that's where he'll makes the play gave it a big ride if he pulls the ball at all were in front but he hit it to almost the deepest part on a steep left center Cruz went back leaf comes down sigh and retires padlock flirted with a tiebreaker Cruz gets a big hand as he comes in so we'll go to the bottom of the ninth that the college got to hold him again still locked up in this tough tight ball game with the score pirates two Reds to the crowd reacting now is the Cincinnati left fielder plasterer who provided them with their two runs but tied the game in the fourth inning on a two run homer deep over the centerfield fence is going to lead it off of the ninth inning against 10th - Colby plaster has bounced to short hit the two run homer and a walk to be followed by fence and then rain eight were in the ninth inning at Riverfront the fans who expected these two teams to be evenly matched to found they were just about on the nose because we're to two in the ninth inning we have used Candelaria Romo into Colby a home run by garner they abused Seaver and Hume home run foster Reds about hit the buck six to five the score is tied at two there haven't been any errors there have been excellent plays on both sides and now - Colby ready to work in the ninth against Foster opened up with a street that he took a little something off of that showed him something a little different to call me being a good lowball sinker ball pitcher facing a good lowball hitter and George Foster but his power against power Jacoby doesn't have very much upstairs guys to go with these desk check swing bouncer deep in the hole foley throw holy toledo wanna fly that's a fully toledo play there Davey concepción and this ballpark gets all accredit in the world that you're going to see Tim Foley going way into the hole at shortstop and making that fine strong throw to nail a pretty speedy George Foster excuse me swing but you see how far Foley has to go for it on the backline of the infield and in that good strong arm that you like from the hole that was just an excellent playing kept that leadoff batter there in the night and there's the skipper of the bunch Chuck Tanner so he is intent tonight and why wouldn't he be Johnny Bench with a one ball no strike count he had a triple in the second a single to the fourth he grounded the Giner in the sixth that gives him the two for three evening as he stands in in the ninth inning with nobody on and one away two balls and no strike Ray Knight do up next and there's the contrast on the other side John McNamara he's been around he's paid his dues he gets into the brass ring grabs it brings his Plouffe to the playoff ball three grant Jackson is throwing in the bullpen and Tom Robinson's going down to join him three balls no strikes got that one in there three in line Johnny McNamara was who appeared to be the right guy in the right place at the right time late at low key three and two that oughta loosen up John's back he was going for all the marbles yeah he was going to try to send this capacity house out I hear singing and dancing there's a high foul coming back over here to the right side on coming to the edge of the dugout but it won't come back for him it'll stay about two rows up but hit by a right-hand batter and coming over this way in that high I just could not take a chance he had to come all the way to the edge of that bat rack down here when a ball hit that high can come back a long ways with that type of spin that comes off the bat behind the plate you have to stay with it that ball can come back a long way and you'd certainly look foolish if they were in play I had another payoff from Jacoby to bench [Applause] they're asking did he swing but the first-place Empire said no he didn't it's along the fence is on with a past first lock pipes of coffee the third walk of a Cincinnati player in the game on our last show we're going to see where this pitch was and it almost looks like Johnny Bench went around but checked it just in time I don't know if he checked it in time those hands went awful far but you know when we had a nice tight shot with bench up there of John McNamara I read his lips and he said something to Ray Knight about the first pitch he's put something on on the first pitch alright we'll be watching bench nights the batter he struck out on a foul tip rounded into a double play and flied out to Center as the Colby works on bench doesn't get him Vince didn't do much stealing this year but before that back started to bother him you couldn't take him for granted he was to steal some vision they'd like to get him moving in this situation he's going swinging the best throw down and it's been a nailing perfect throw from off the strap iron Jorah to the floor on the cot stealing head off to Phil garner boy you talked about getting rid of a ball and putting it right where that infielder wanted it ed I just did it and this is what happens when a hitter on a hit-and-run doesn't put bat on the ball it makes that slower runner a dead duck at 7 second base says head-on as you said put the ball right on the money and straps just put that glove down I'm gonna let him tag himself out Jon kinda knew he was a dead duck because he saw the mist of mr. ball shark the first going to take care of it and we've got extra innings well we're in Cincinnati flying the res you didn't expect to get out of here with 9 it's now rises in dalian no air is a walk across feeling nobody left so yeah even steven we are both clubs have left four men on and here we go to extra innings at riverfront the Pirates - and the Reds do a good quarterback does its homework on and off the field that's probably one of the three of us are all drinking a lot beer from Miller you know White's got 1/3 less calories than their regular beer and it's less filling plus it tastes great and you know it's important to have a command of facts like that it's middle discipline really you're doing right because if you know every position every option and every formation you'll never get your signals from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer English we're going to the 10th inning at Riverfront for these clubs over the years Nellie Bryan's going back to your days they really have some battles don't they certainly have that's that's the nature of the ball clubs they've been in clubs that maybe they get behind early but they know that if their pitcher can keep them in a ball game they'll battle back one way or the other always been able to score a lot of runs on both sides with the Reds having the edge putting the stolen base in action but we've remedied that with the acquisition of mirando from our minor leagues and other people that can steal some bases were a much more versatile Club now Edythe ounces one torch short concepción in brass throw he might make that play better than anybody with his fine speed he's able to charge the ball and not waste any motion or extra steps and getting rid of the ball on the run and as you say he does come in scoops makes the good throw off-balance right on the money and as you say that's why they considered him the number one but tonight Jim Foley's not taking a back seat he's matching him almost play for play all right doc gun it ends up the same way they got him again up in third replay here's gainer he homered in the third inning ball one in the fourth inning he hit a fallen a nose right at the center fielder a liner but it was caught in the seventh inning he bounced out to second there's a face head for today drill that went through the left side between night and concepción tonight's crowd of 55,000 and six is the six largest crowd at Riverfront and here comes that hit again coming right at that camera pan Patna left field faster gonna throw it back in that is the first hit we've had to show you how Seaver pitched in his late innings and huma's pitch that's the first time we've had a hit since foley singled in the fifth inning that's too long ago that's a first hit off Hume the hit column is even at six this is the second-largest playoff game crowd they've ever had here 55 thousand and six I told you I couldn't find an empty seat there aren't any if they have a larger one I don't know where they put the extra people unless they they hung them from the rafters because there's not a seat available I think what they might do if they want to get more to Meijer they might sell seats in the back of our booth we'd only get about two more in here alright is Larry's going to bat for teak Mike Easler easy this year first full year in the big leagues at 283 two homers 11 RBIs fastball up and it's 1 and up so diners at first is just seats recent holding him there the single play Garner was his second hit of the game Hulme working for the red now the last two it he's zinged him up there but they've been sailing high and away and with that Morgan wants to come in and talk to him now we're in extra innings here but I want to remind you that as soon as this game is over as Chuck Tanner looks on you'll be sure to stay tuned right where you are or I witness news a lot of good plays ball fans an eyewitness news team they're watching it right along with you for what a cut foul tapped it down the left side Finch gentle I think the Empire's going to want to look at that ball yep he's gonna throw it out of the game two balls and one strike I'd diner at first with one off tenth inning - two times hits or even at six pin no errors two and two now our Finch is on the plate on fire and he's parking back soon as Kibler gets on him over there on a bench there oh hey just kidding just kidding nothing serious take it easy John diner was running with that pitch he's leveled it back so it's holding two and two we got some leather lungs over there few smiles on the bed snap effect scraps returning the first see John doesn't realize that they say that to each other all the time the clubhouse Yatta theater clubhouse with their really rippling each other there's a fly ball to left field faster backing up he'll reach up and grab it and diners gonna have to turn around and come back because he was running again and Giner will get back in time so easy cooking to the opposite side but faster was able to backpedal and make the catch and left so that makes it two away with joiners still at first you go to the top of the order with Omar Moreno antelope has had one hit tonight that was a triple in the third inning and he scored on a fully sacrifice fly at that time it gave the Pirates a 2 to nothing lead but the big swing of fosters homerun bat in the fourth with concepción tied it and we are still tied the game has been tied since the fourth were now in the 10th Lorena was bounced to short tripled and scored Roman up number two fifth inning concepción made a good play to throw him out in the eighth inning Siebert caught him looking Sivir retired the last 10 men that he faced but they went to their bench Hill now is pitching for them a diving gardener makes it back at first as we are in the tent there and looking to their tent Hume is due up so we might see the two lays relievers both lifted in the same inning he almost threw that one to the backstop he didn't want us to be a little careful here with two outs he doesn't want a wild pitch our runner to second base and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Garner's trying to pick a pitch with which to steal but he just let that ball go out way too early and wasn't concentrating on that good smooth delivery all to Omar makes it to and oh the Cincinnati bullpen has the left-hander Tomlin on the right-hander Barry bench telling him hey let the ball go don't aim it throw the ball over the plate just concentrate on that plate got it in there that time and it's two-in-one so important for that catcher at certain times of the game to take control of that pitcher and make him see sitting there come on now give me the ball settle down guy Nair fakes a break doesn't go the pitch up makes it three in one thanks Travis is going here it's a good fish to run on and it's a good pitch for Omar to swing on it's good pitch to gambler especially in your next trimmings and runs have been hired to come by right and you got the Foley and Parker and Stargell do he wasn't going fouled it off and it's still three and two now Omar Moreno with two away you know scraps will be going here Gallo is at a home run that was in the third and a single Tunis inning in between line to Center and bounced to second and he's ready to bounce off of there with the full count in two away it's Burke pirates and Cincinnati Reds they have become perennials and pips playoff series there he goes fouled it off bounced it back over bench in the umpire diners getting in his extra run in Italy this time on the base pads didn't the kick out of him yesterday at the airport doing the long fog delay to take off to come over here some of our guys are battered and bruised I want to tell you the blow and they pull up those sacks and get on those caps in this kind of a game those injuries are behind them he's going fouled off again so he's fouling some pitches off here and making Hume work believe me the worst thing you can do on this pirate ballclub too is if you're if you're hurting a little bit is to look for a little bit of sympathy because then they just get all over you and you feel awfully foolish because everybody this year has you know played with something of one form or another so I'd say the ribbon that goes on in this glove it's all part of it on this team some clubs there'd be some flare ups over it they dig deep Mike three call copies across his knee cap on the inside corner Moreno didn't like it but he's gone no runs and one hit no errors and Reiner left it was the first strikeout in the two innings that Hume has worked and he might be through because he's due up in the bottom of the inning it's the sixth strikeout of a pirate in the Nights action and we've now moved to the middle of the 10th inning total board identical pirates to 6o the Reds to 6o so grant Jackson is come on now remember Easler was the pinch-hitter for dacovian lined out to left so as we go to the bottom of the 10th with Driessen and Cruz and probably somebody from their bench do we have brown on our fourth pitcher and it's grant Jackson no stranger to the playoffs well they certainly isn't and no stranger to this type of pressure situation grants been been around quite a while and pitched on quite a few Championship clubs going to back to his Baltimore days so very familiar with these situations knows the job that he has to do facing the bottom of the order the fact that Jackson played with some of those great Baltimore teams Nellie and now Earl Weaver has Baltimore back in it for the first time in a few years going against jim fregosi's angels they start tomorrow night but since we are in the National League we don't get to see them over there but you were in that league recently in fact at Baltimore last year so you've got an idea about the two clubs although the Angels put some new hitters in their lineups this year but what are your feelings as we look at the other league well in sizing up Baltimore in California I feel the Baltimore has an edge strictly in their pitching they have a healthy starting for pitchers and their bullpen is very deep California and Baltimore are are comparable hitting wise and defensive wise so it's going to boil down really to the Baltimore in California pitching and that's era all right and as we look at Dan's recent leading off in the tenth inning Don Robinson starting to throw in our bullpen and the first pitch the Driessen is a strike Oh one-on-one we have used Candelaria who worked the first seven Oromo to colby who worked an inning in 2/3 there's a liner power oh boy did he jack that one down there that's been on the line that might have rattled around and given Parker some trouble as it came out of that corner he really put the shillelagh on that one certainly did that was a high slider that Driessen has been waiting for all night we've made some excellent pitches with that breaking ball but you can't afford to make a mistake with it a good hitter will take advantage every time one ball two strikes now that's a fits that Jackson really wants to get because as you see Johnny McNamara here's the to to ball when Jackson comes over the top and takes something off that breaking ball he's really throwing that for his franca pitch but he just got it up a little there's a bouncer well a crazy bounce off that seam but Stargell Tate stayed right with it good reaction by the veteran campaigner at first base I tell you that's just an unnatural bounce and Chuck Tanner pleased that that play was mayor air is why you never commit yourself too early as an infielder wait till the ball gets to you basically Willie able to react to the bad hop and make the play keeping back of his mind says shoot anybody can catch a good hop it takes a good player to guess the batter's Cruz looks at a ball he is flied to right bounced to third and grounded the shorteez over three Collins has two of their hits bench as to strike one and one that's a total of four foster a two-run homer to get all their scoring in concepción one a single he was on when foster hit the Homer two balls in one strike diner has two hits for us the other for one a feast for Marino holy Matlock and I'm so that's the way it's gone here as we play in the tenth inning three balls and one strike nobody on one away now Hume is on deck and nobody's throwing in their bullpen foul back now that could change if Cruz got on but you're seeing two interesting different approaches here in the late stages of the game you could almost fit everything you had in your pocket in this situation as it happened with the Colby being lifted that we would go to our Finch McNamara not that anxious there's another foul that will be over to the left side and the Galbraith family not too far away they are right down in front right at the near edge of the third-base dugout see President Dan chairman of the board John W and fellow who's been an owner ran along with him for over 30 years Tom Jensen rings him up and his crews went out of the batter's box he nearly took a swing in the mess that wasn't the question he asked Kibler did I go for a strike or did I go for a ball well both the 2 and 2 pitch and the 3 & 2 pitch were basically in the same area they were up and possibly out of the strike zone and if he would have been possibly a little little more patient as a hitter he would have been on on base with a base on balls but being a little anxious up there with hume will bat for himself with nobody on into a strike one being the late reliever Hume doesn't get a bat that much I'll say it doesn't only bad at twice all year over to two balls in a strength [Music] that'll make it 2 & 2 foul back [Music] after looking at that Oh for two for him in the games he's been in it just didn't ring true that's a ball three in two and the reason it didn't because he actually went to bat forty six times and at eight it's and drove in four run is over two is against us there's a strike Hume is gone Jackson gets him one two three so Jackson having an easy inning thanks to the good reaction on driessen's ball and we have played through ten innings in the opening game of this championship series 1979 and after the ten innings it's still the Pirates - and the Reds - each team with six hits no errors on either side and these two fine ball clubs who after the all-star break really went to work it took down into the final Friday night the last weekend before the Reds nailed down the West and it took they'll has three innings of the Pirates final game after Carrollton year old pal through one of his better games up at Montreal and then the Bucks nailed it down in the East what two great races and baseball setting another attendance record just a marvelous baseball all throughout the National League this year with some fantastic races we had we had a race in every division getting into the last month of the season even even with Baltimore being so far out front and their division still there were teams that made moves and in that division I noticed the other day that Cleveland finished 6th and was still over 500 so they they played some excellent ball over there but Baltimore was just too tough this year and there's a really a pleasure to see Montreal do so well to see Houston do so well and some other clubs that have really progressed during the year and it shows that it's better balanced in the lake now with good drafting and some wise trades on the part of some ball clubs have strengthened them so looks like 1980 is going to be another banner year you don't have any thoughts after a year of doing television the next time a manager is offered a to the broadcast booth that you'll jump down there and manage with you I don't think so I probably did enough when I played the last a lifetime it was one of the they had four jerry Coleman tonight when he got to the park you know he's going to be the new manager at San Diego he's been broadcasting their games for eight years Pee Wee Reese told me said when I see Coleman tonight I'm going to say well you just finally made it legal you've been managing up in the booth for eight years frankly I'm a little envious of the players being able to play in the playoffs there is a strength all to Foley who's had one for three drove in a run with a sacrifice fly that was in the third inning two to tie inning number 11 looping line drive left field base hit faster over to play it you'll fire it in in a hurry so Foley gets his second hit all right this is the time to make some hay while the moonshine Foley just laying bat on the ball was able to get that hit in there and of course it leads off the inning and we've got we've got all of our thunder coming up so this has got to be an inning though we're able to score all these jumpy lifted here Matt Alexander mapped the scam they've got Reni Stennett loose thing which would mean scraps would go too short and Reni would come on to play second totally down there he'll be the biggest encouragers of scat when he leaves that dugout and there he goes Matt Alexander gonna be running here for Tim Bullock and as the hit led off the inning Johnny McNamara got his pen ready again Doug Bair and Tomlin so Matt Alexander we've seen him the last couple of years he's a guy who can make things happen he stole 13 bases this year only was caught stealing one time so let's see if they put some money in a hurry and trying to get Parker swinging that thick fat he's over three tonight and the eighth inning he hit the cover off the ball there is a ball inside and low that was the play that Collins made the skidding diving catch in right center Dola net filling him get that fall out overplayed good pitch to get the 100 from him fouled it back one and one all right now he's given him a couple of pitches for placar to have a chance to swing the bat Alexander might be going here it's a good chance for him when we certainly with his high percentage of thefts we want to give him that chance to steal a base and so the Parker can get him over sacrifice fly can bring him in I map the scatters the player is calling he fakes a break boy that's right bench up there ready didn't it pitcher Hume went right down to his knees because he knows when Johnny Bench comes out of the chute that balls going to be about three feet high and you better be under it and also with that kind of a fake break it had concepción and Morgan taken a step or two and sometimes that's just enough for Parker to get the ball through one of those fights that's what you like to do that's what speed will do for you in this situation we want to we want to create something get something happening one ball two strikes he's going fouled off up to the left side and holding it one and two now we're in extra innings in this playoff game were in the eleventh inning tied at two and we'll be joining our Eyewitness News team for the news update here he comes ball he peddling down that line but occurs there's concepción helping him there is the case of error look who's on deck if Parker were to do something Tomlin might be brought in Hamlin is de lefty throwing in their pen one ball two strikes sends Alexander back safely concepción and Morgan having a brief meeting out behind second base trying to get together on who's covering with Parker swinging away and account being wanted to they might have changed you gonna check him he's not going there's another foul got away with a pitch there I think that ball was up follows up and I guess the speed is taking care of itself for Hume not really being able to spot his ball as well as he has in the past but having a little extra of velocity on the ball and is getting the ball just by Davey a little bit a little off and Davey will be right on it Alexander out on the carpet and close for comfort good move and a good strong throw by Hume It was as a move that he hasn't shown tonight saving it for winning needed it and wanted it just not quite being able to get the throw over there in time as Matt gets that hand back ahead of the tag there's a face hit through the left side Alexander with a play right in front of him and the fall hit sharply will not try for third at all but he is at second and with two on and nobody out Stargell the batter the third hit off hume hit number eight for the Pirates who lead in the hit Kalamazoo six no move has been made in that dugout yep and you look at the runners you've got Alexander who can run like the wind at second and Parker who runs so well for a big guy at first and Stargell the batter against the right-hander Hume Stargell has struck out walked popped up and hit a comebacker to the mound looking for his first hit of the night and just got it I think centerfielder back he can't climb that fence it's gone Alexander's going to leave the cheers coming around and he is lead them home Captain Willie just hit a towering home run crews tried to climb the centerfield fence heeda needed a skyhook from the local fire department who've gotten up there for that one and look at a pirate wives having up all you all and I was kidding them today when they all went out shopping is that it looks like our guys better win this thing you're spending two playoff money already and here it is again and did he Pat to it right out where he wanted it don't throw Willie Stargell out over the plate he got it all hit it way up high cruise I don't know where he was climbing because he had no chance as the ball drops over the fence and I'm telling you nobody is happier than a Willie Stargell in the rest of the Pirates on a bench as they have now a 5-2 to lead Milner bounces one big hopper goes to market on to Driessen one away a three-run homer by Stargell makes it 5-2 to that home run is so reminiscent of a clutch home run he had here earlier in the year the second game of a doubleheader and watch off Tomlin came by and got that game-winning home run he's been mr. clutch force for so many years here's bad lack of all so the captain who led the team in homers last one here with two men aboard is the Pirates of five to two lead were in the eleventh inning there's a line drive to center Mad Dog just hang out a rope stretch that one between the poles mom and you can hang out the ocean for a month now McNamara is on his way runs three four and five scored in the Willie Stargell ruthian type home run hit at a mile in the air over the centerfield fence and we now have picked up 10 hits and five of them off Hume we had five hits and five innings off Seaver then didn't get another hip until Joyner singled off Elam in the 10th but now getting four hits in this inning and the little professor Tommy Hume is gone and with that I do Hamlin is coming on boy what a rocket shot mr. willie stargell belted in this inning I tell you battling the way we have and now you go back to a very significant thing about this game the fact that Candelaria volunteered to pitch when nobody ever thought he would gave you seven strong innings kept you in the game and then when it came time to get a chance to do something about an extra innings although the candy man is on if we hang on to this game he made a major contribution that was the whole key to tonight what can candy do for us can he get us into the late innings with a ballclub still in the game will he have his control he came out and he had it all together as he has done so many times when his peak physical condition was in doubt oh by golly there he was came out at excellent control able to move his ball in and out and had good philosophy on that fastball doing the job then to coffee getting us out of that Jam way back in the eighth inning throwing that DoublePlay ball that he's done so well and now Jackson closing the door is just one more mile to go so Tamlyn is our Hamlin against us 1 & 2 which nine in the third headings in 7 outings against us through a couple of homerun balls that's what he did against us what'd he do against the league well it was two and two against the league with a two point six for ER a at 53 appearances so this will be his 54th then pitched and many hitters just 58 point 1 innings that's an A today isn't if it he only had four decisions and three of the four were against one flood the Pirates all right ed OTT with one for for bad luck running the throat down save go Matlock who stole 32 bases gets his second tonight hit a stolen base back in the second inning and here it is again well he makes it look so easy gets that fine jump without a big lead and he just now runs the ball good throw but it's just too late here he comes right at you good studying Matlock just concentrates on that shortest distance between two points that headlong slide and again Davy too late one ball no strikes to the otter Oh and stolen with a left-hander looking right at him well Tomlin is known not to have that real good move to first base nor doesn't like to throw over there so Matlock with this knowledge and back just picked a good time to go and stole the baby strike two and one we are playing in the 11th inning and a little preview of what the Eyewitness News team has come in for you when the game is over will be coming up in a couple of more hours two and two to the outer scrap iron do next Hamelin made the outer weight a little too long so he's going to play the little cat-and-mouse game right back 5 to 2 on a stargell racquet shaft Olli and Parker were on base foul off out of play holding 2 and 2 well as you look at all those people and a big big crowd here in Cincy they'll have a big crowd tomorrow and the press box is loaded somebody will make something out of that like out number one for Tamil of course the only man is faced that's the seventh strikeout of a pirate and brings up joiner who's at a home run in a single twofer for Dave Tomlin their third pitcher and now with a face open and garner do when the pitcher due up after that they Pete some discussion here as to what they do with Garner well there's some discussion but I really don't think there's any other move than to walk garner and go ahead and pitch to our pitcher and I'm sure that we're not going to pinch-hit for buck because we've got he's done such a good job in a relief I really believe McNamara is not going to mess around Oh Johnny McNamara who guided the Reds back into the top spot of the National League West had his conference and Giner while they were doing that went back to work on the bat handle but it will be all for naught because they got throw four wide ones to him we're the first walk of the inning and it will be the error look at the captain somebody just gave him a star it's only going to be the third ever at the walk of the game Sivir walk Parker and Stargell back-to-back in the third inning and that was when he wasn't getting those calls that we talked about and he didn't walk anybody the rest of the way Hume didn't walk anybody so the big lovable bear right there there he is and star named contained in his name if there's ever been a finer player all-around man I'd like to meet [Music] runners first and second two away Jackson swings and loops a little foul down the right side well you've played on it I think the two of us would qualify to have a pretty good opinion on Willie Stargell you played with him against him I've announced for him and as a visitor or he just tapped naturally strike two with all the accolades that he has received and known knowing now that he's going to be considered for the MVP he still came out and said hey but none of this was possible unless my MVP selection Pete Peterson has made the deals Tamlyn put up the glove and self defense or another run is in that's how big that play was the famine just made line drive shaft to the mound of Jackson bad massage retired but the buck salmon inning getting three runs on one two three four hits there weren't any errors it was an intentional walk at manner left off so how the pucks will try to hang on for dear life in the middle of the 11th it's the Pirates five and the red to look for these stories coming up on Eyewitness News the probe addresses the United Nations and celebrates mass in the Yankee Stadium and the FBI is investigating a possible threat against the Pope's life governor Thornburgh outlines his plan for our state and fryer hits an East Liberty business a radioactive leak reported at a nuclear power plant in Minnesota Bobcats WA says the weather tomorrow was going to be sunny but a lot cooler so wear a sweater if you go out in the morning and Eddie Alexander where Eddie is in Cincinnati at this time and he's going to be giving us live a force from Riverfront Stadium right after a pirate baseball I had we're getting ready to go to the bottom of the 11th and Jackson will be looking at the top of their order and thanks to Patti Burns for bringing us up to date for that news update a little preview of what they'll all be bringing you when this brawl game is over and we only need three more outs for the pet Eyewitness News team in motion as the Pirates lead five to two reminiscent a little bit of a game that had me walking the floor if I could have been walking that night up in Montreal and and we've got a new left fielder a new second baseman Robinson 28 and left's ten at number six at second and Giner has moved over to short as those of the changes necessitated by having the pinch runner for Tim Foley the game I was talking about was when the captain in the middle of the night hit that home run in extra innings defeat Montreal to sweep that two game except we can go back I guess over the season and almost every home run that he has it has certainly meant a heck of a lot to the Bucks and picked us up when we needed it and that's what he's done his whole career he's been so reliable and when we've needed him he's certainly been there that most sturdy pillar into Bucks fortress he likes to refer to himself as the big oak we've got our full fen working will glance there when we have time collins looks at ball two he's had two hits and stolen of eight left-handers dave roberts right-hander John Robinson throwing in the Pittsburgh bullpen we're in the bottom of the 11th leading 5 to 2 in for a strike and it's 2 & 1 Jackson came on in the 10th and got him 1 2 3 so the runs belong to buck he's hoping to make the buck stop here as he works against the top of their order to 150 all three [Applause] Chuck Tanner studying the work of grant Jackson right now he's got his bullpen busy right at Stennett who just came on fires on to Willie and it's one away in the bottom of the 11th Rhenish tenet hadn't been playing that much but really communicating there he wanted to make sure that he was on the wavelength for the other people around him well he's been there before he's one of the clubs that one of the guys on our ball club that has playoff and championship experience paying off there he's making shoe or he knows what's going on Morgan's over three walked the last time up all from Jackson to Morgan in rating the team's and that was done the last couple of days I'm sure by a lot of people one of the things I felt that as you added them up on a legal fad that would give the pirates an edge in a short series would be the versatility there's a high flyball to right Parker might move a step in and does and it's two away we are seeing an example of that versatility when he said Alexander and to run for Foley after he led off the 11 how many teams can gamble on senton sending their first ring shirt stuff down in extra innings and pinch running for him without knowing like Chuck Tanner that he can make the moves that he did putting strap over there bring it standard in and then making another chains to put Robinson in and left for John Milner pates is Paul de concepción I think the bench that we talked about the versatility is part of that there is a liner into right field a two-out single for concepción his second hit first tip-off Jackson he'd retired five in a row that has hit number seven for the homestanding wedge the Pirates about hit him ten to seven leading the score 5-2 to a fall away and a little up concepción handles very well well he does and again he knows that his run doesn't mean anything so he's just trying to get on base so the Thunder coming up behind him can do the job now Senate came in to talk to Jackson and now it goes right back to talk to garner it hot out talking to Jackson this is a situation against a club like cincy and when you're both here in a playoff situation you don't want any communication to break down you don't want to give them you don't want to put a crack in the dike here we aren't even playing a double play depth we're playing back all the way we want to make sure that we get the one out well we wouldn't have to with two out everybody is playing back I don't believe the shortstop for second baseman would even cover on a stolen base Laster who had a two-run homer in the fourth inning is one for three strike bounced out him the suck and hit the 2 at home in the fourth walked in the sixth ninth inning Foley made an excellent play together he didn't miss with that by much sitting one ball and one strike faster batting with concepción as you look at him leading off at first Stargell playing behind him the Pirates have a three-run pushing right now that's a ball makes it 2 & 1 the on-deck hitter is Johnny Bench now you doesn't want to be too careful with him because bench would then represent the tying run that's right this is the key men he doesn't want to face that tying run at the plate especially a man like Bench who has excellent power and michael willie stargell has hit many clutch home runs oh what a rip he had 2 & 2 concepción and now Chuck Tanner there's Mike Easler Tony finer Rome up on the perch Kissin up there with an air pop Skinner old sweet swing higher me the Kissin attics gel and that's the beaver man two balls two strikes that makes it three and two he didn't want
Channel: Tim McCartney
Views: 11,345
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Id: 6nIdWumDWNY
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Length: 181min 48sec (10908 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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