1975 Oct. MNF Buffalo vs New York part 1

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and number 32 OJ Simpson unbeaten Buffalo Bills the only man ever to have gained more than 2,000 yards in a single NFL season he appears bent using those talents upon breaking more records should he gain more than 200 yards tonight he will have surpassed even Jimmy Brown in the number of times he has gained 200 yards or more in a given game look at the quickness of the acceleration the instance e of change of speed tonight he'll be using those talents against the Giants but there have been hints of early retirement I asked him about them I thought would I I really don't know I the way I feel though is uh there are certain opportunities outside of football that I can't lie I just can't overlook to him with too many more years you know I came into the league I thought the world was mine I had a few bad years and I realized in that hey you know you're Hocking your heart so there's opportunities that have come to me with ABC with the movies that I would like to take advantage of and the only thing I want to do right now is play get the best possible year I can so if I do retire I will feel that I gave it my all and I you know I went out the best that's your own meretricious way of saying you want my job what you got to explain meretricious alright this Monday Night Football still stir you up yeah I think it stirs every player in the league up huh you know all your friends my mother's watching my kids in LA is watching Marguerite's watch and all my friends are watching more important the guys I got a play later on in the season or watch and everybody in the game is watching so it's like center stage and when you own center stage you know you want to do your best you want to show you best and you know you up there you up there with cares telling everybody that the old fellow's are better than us young fellas he you were waiting for it to bake oven safe to jump on a different we trust you yet but we know you're gonna tell it like but yeah I think I think Monday night is a little special all I got feel it's a little special week we were undefeated on Monday night we plan to keep it that way what about the Giants we looked at the Giants you know they they have some talent on the team that just looked like they haven't put it all together again and we saw this past week on film some teams move the ball pretty good against in Washington did know few other teams moved on them but they did school a whole lot of points on them but uh there's things we think we can do to them we think we can take advantage of the fact that they don't have that much experience playing together on defense and it sort of shows so hopefully we can take advantage of that tonight they'll be king on you all night you're at 697 could you reach a thousand tonight anything could happen but I kind of think they're gonna try to be particularly tough against our running game I saw where I think a guy named Gregory was saying no Gallagher was saying that they did a good job on me last year when he was that at Chicago and I saw that Lockhart say that you know I feel they could stop me so I think they're gonna do some special team things would try to stop our running game and if they do Joe Ferguson is gonna have a tremendous time [Music] from Brits Stadium in Buffalo New York tonight 80,000 fans will be on hand on a damp cool breezy evening and they'll be watching the undefeated Buffalo Bills of the AFC East with their incomparable running back Oh Jay Simpson against the New York Giants of the NFC he's at ABC's NFL Monday Night Football is brought to you by Goodyear the makers of the poly steel a radial tire it keeps this deep even in the rain hello again everyone I'm Howard Cosell Frank Gifford is exactly right it's a nippy night here in Buffalo but we look forward to the unbeaten builds in OJ against the Giants and the special defenses they may have sought to prepare for the juice under any circumstances a quick look at the two coaches two of the lesser-known coaches I suspect in the National Football League first Lou Saban Buffalo Bill been around time built a dynasty here in the days of the old American Football League moved back to the college ranks at Maryland then back to the close with Denver then back here again but one thing Lou Saban does that one respects is he adjusts himself to the kind of material he has OJ Simpson was a self doubt or was going nowhere under his predecessor coke under save any factor running again not being wasted as a wide receiver all-american knows the result bill ons Fargo well he became the head coach just a year ago this is a second year but you've talked to the key members of that no-name dolphin defense when the dolphins what perhaps is good a team and has yet been put together in professional football ask the likes of Bona Conte cold sweat dick Anderson Jake Scott they'll tell you about Bill Owens former here's a meticulous coach a good organizer and defense is his crater in that vein probably considered the key fast tonight the stoppage of Oh Jason in that vein let's bring in my colleague corpulent Karras that is the key the key word and that's the stop OJ Simpson I agree really on that I don't like him - well he makes too much money hard but I'll say this about Oh Jason Oh Jason Jim Brown humic Lani I know we've tried to think about keen on different people in wrong the league and I was plain and it's impossible do that because as we all know in Buffalo they have a great quarterback in Ferguson that he had some great receivers and if you're gonna keep all loving eyes on OJ Simpson then you're gonna find out that they're gonna be filling that ball around and scoring all kinds of touch going so I think that's a fallacy I don't think if you key I know that you can say to yourself going in but you're gonna have to really worry about that running game with Simpson in Boston but I don't think you can pee on no Jason I think you have to really try and concentrate on that running game and try to cut it off but I don't believe in that keep it the way I don't think the coach will do you you throw out some pretty good names Jim Brown you left out Gail says let's add him who mackleton he left out Jim Taylor let's add him how does Simpson stack up in the of you since you believe in the older players with these names as nation well I think without a doubt he's as good as anything that I mentioned and then you mentioned but I don't think that I'm running statistics and I still think that Jimmy Braun is the greatest football player ever they are entitled and your balance is facing controversy with that but Jim Brown let's bring in the man that the Jews trust the gift I'd like to have both of in the same team you know when you think about stopping oj what you really need is quick pursuit and the Giants whereas there may be enough the strongest defensive team around they have some young players that are fast Dave Gallagher at defensive end and they have Jack Gregory and all throw in his own ride for many years and they have a guy named John Mendenhall number 64 in the middle of the line who if the dance are going too slow Oh Jade Simpson down tonight because they're not going to stop him John's going to have to have a big night he's like Alex Karras in away six one 255 pounds and as quick as a cat quarterback and Joe Ferguson last week against Baltimore he had his best ever as a professional 14 of 26 - touchdown so it's not just Oh Jay Simpson that fires up the Buffalo Bills for the Giants they are depending upon Craig Morton they got him last year a great quarterback who came up to the Cowboys of 65 he played behind Meredith later he played behind Roger Staubach and now he is the Giants quarterback he has a good arm but still he has yet to prove that he is kind of quarterback to be compared to the all-time greats and will be ready for the kickoff between the New York Giants and the Buffalo Bills right after this there's excitement in Buffalo New York tonight the undefeated Buffalo Bills go against the New York Giants and we will say at the top is we already have the man we are watching tonight is one of the great athletes of all time many say the greatest running we ever carried the footballers name is OJ we'll see him early and there he is right now on the sidelines because the New York Giants will be kicking off - the Buffalo Bills Oh James Simpson 97 yards rushing and here's George hunt setting it up for New York deep is Gary Haman number 21 and back there with him Vic Washington 33 dick Washington acquired in the offseason by Buffalo from Houston he had great years of San Francisco a good kick return artist and it will be Washington at his own eight Washington hurtles the 32-yard line a gain of 23 by Washington and opening on office will be quarterback Joe Ferguson he will be wearing number 12 at his biggest day last week he'll be in there with his two setbacks the big man number 34 Jim Braxton number 32 OJ Simpson the wide receivers speedster JD Hill number 40 he can fly Bob Chandler is back from an injury number 81 and the tight ends are 87 while Seymour Reuben gap 88 there is your offensive line at exceptional often the bill the first position they move from the own 31 yard line [Applause] [Music] Oh J at the first call big hole five yards up to the 36 yard line stop by Carl Lockhart and OJ Simpson move right through the defensive front for the Giants frankerz that big defensive line I say big because I don't think did that thing but they're very quick defensive line Dave Gallagher Jim Peters AK John Mendel Hall who Frank has taught the bodies got great quickness he's only a 6-foot one but he's great the linebackers Pat Hughes Brian Kelly Brad Van Pelt not fake names although ban felt looked that way at college all questionable Frank second down and five Oh Jay now over 700 yards for the season almost unbelievable here he is again this time he piled up and Bobby Brooks come up Quincy quarterback there's number 37 and turned otay to the inside all right Jim stanky should be back there the key man is always number 43 of the veteran free safety spinal lock caught by Robbie Brooks is in there yes indeed Henry Stuckey number 48 perhaps the most crisp lenden Sartorialist in the National Football League is in there right now just shorted the 37 third down a long three it will be a passing down for most most teams but most teams do not have a Simpson Ferguson to the air the game firing out to [Music] [Applause] makes the first completion for Ferguson tonight an 11-yard effort first to tan Buffalo folks the thing to remember about this Buffalo team and they established it right from the first game of the season against the Jets right on and particularly against the Pittsburgh Steelers they're a team that can love and enjoy and execute ball control the punishing ground game certifies that but as we pointed out the buttressing effect of Ferguson further certifies the ball is short of the 47 first down Buffalo braxton missed the call over the left side in design territory at the 47-yard line the underrated man that puts a lot of spark in the juice and there he is Jim Braxton he's limping a little bit that's exactly true Kip and you'll be seeing a lot of Braxton he started to come out of his own volition but went back in limping little as Frank said but Braxton is a very strong ball carrier now he comes out out of West Virginia if he's got a problem it's like Terry Metcalf he will fumble the ball too often but he is a strong runner and they will use him on misdirection play Vic Washington number 33 at his great years with the 49ers played in Houston last year in the lineup now in place of Braxton he gets the ball and fairly close to the first down five powers of the 39 up there to hit Washington Washington inside the 45 I believe we'll have a measurement and there's a look at Braxton and he would be quite a lost Howard talked about his running ability but he is also a tremendous blocker for OJ Simpson he scored seven touchdowns this year he's averaging almost five yards a carry [Applause] but he would be lost when the light pole temporarily moved the football the buffalo fans were slightly chagrined and manifested it with an outburst vocally they were they also made a lot of noise and they have some wild signs up here at Buffalo tonight it's a happening eighty thousand five hundred out you put the punch in the program we're going to talk about later because that's just one of his roles is inaccurate the ball the short of the Giants 43 yard line third down you saw how much [Applause] [Music] Simpson he does so well perhaps better than anyone he turns her body sideways like it [Applause] the plot of the 80,000 just got a report gift that Braxton number 30 paw has hyper-extended right name now whether or not that'll keep the mammal arrest of the game you're looking at a man remains to be seen they may not keep him out of the game but believe he'll be a very sore fullback tomorrow well he leaves very issue right now in scoring Braxton does on the first down Buffalo inside the Giants 42 yard line Simpson with the quick toss Pitt blocked by Washington plates Simpson but good defensive coverage coming up there quickly again Bobby Brooks go open the left quarterback replacing Jim stanky who had been there for the Giants if this game runs according to form you will see Simpson frequently behind his pet clock as the Brunning pulling gods who are a throwback really to Thurston and Kramer of the pack when they were in their prime look at those figures on the Jews 697 yards he's ahead alone in rushing certainty of all of those other teams that us sing listed there in team rushing some evidence of their remarkable statistics of this man yepper that of course to four games he'll add to that tonight he already has on second down and ten Ferguson back and looking for him Oh wide receiver Tendler wide open on that particular day then they great well that's the point I tried to make earlier is the fact that you really can't Keough Jay Simpson because Ferguson is going to throw the ball now and check him down I don't think two years ago he would have done it but he's confident now he's poised and Sabin lets him go now I was about to say and Frank studied the film's closely this week in watching the juice if we go according the forum tonight you'll see him behind de la Malaya and Reggie McKenzie and you'll see him use his block as often as a screen and then see him read the defense sidle along the line of scrimmage and then picked the hole and burst throat on third down of ten gap team or the tight ends alternating they're calling plays have brought a sense of watch out [Music] in pursuit along with this is the kind of call you can make when you've got a sense in now did you see him read there and then burst to the outside the quick acceleration cutting back in and assuredly the first down yardage she needed runs like Gifford you still only with some speed hit need a coffee break to cover it the same amount of time as I did inside the 30 and Braxton is back in the ballgame Vic number 34 he had a slight hyperextension of his knees back in as the bills are threatening 1049 they've had control from the opening gun simpson looking dodging weaving and he does terrorises blockers coming up with that sort of weaving motion spinal Lockhart doesn't look 100% Carla Carthage on spree safety on the giant Spencer being attended to been a great veteran through the years not what once she was but that's inevitable sine G number 20 moves in at safety for the - replacing Lockhart it's second down and eight the ball just shorted the 25-yard line of New York [Music] braxton inside the 25 and we'll watch him posted because he has already been out with a slightly injured knee hit thereby patusan number 56 tattoos for the Giants did not work out all week he has a sore knee now I talked about Buffalo as the ball control team the clock is running down the 946 left in the first quarter and is counting down and the Giants have yet to get after the kickoff the possession of the football that was their 12th offensive play Howard and now Ferguson lips over a third down and six the ball inside the 25 at the 24 Chandler 81 Hill 40 the wide receivers and Ferguson with a quick release braxton I think he did have possession [Applause] the pooling I'd like it to have been called an incomplete class but it was not Craxton had possession and control and I remarked earlier that if he's got a problem it's holding on to the football pretty nice here right you saw him have possession and he gave it up he made the key fumble in our opening game on Monday Night Football a year ago that suddenly retrieved the lead for Oakland with Buffalo coming on to win in the final seconds on a brilliant Drive engineered by Ferguson culminating with a touchdown pass to Rashad Brian Kelly made the stop for New York causing the fumble Brooks made the recovery the Giants off position this is Craig Morton [Applause] set back in there with Joe Dawkins coder 44 Dawkins 26 reporter back as we told you Craig Martin an 11-year veteran the wide receivers Walker Gillette number 84 number 82 ray Rhodes on the opposite side of the field but they will flip flop the tide in an all-pro Bob Tucker number 38 there's the offensive line the questionable man there Doug Van Horn he has a very sore calf who was not expected play on second down fuller district aw [Music] he's out over the 15 to the 17 yard line Kota was emanuel valuable pickup a year ago from the Pittsburgh steel as he couldn't make that team but he's done effective work for the Giants the big disappointment for the Giants offensively of costing Ron Johnson Ron Johnson of course a multiple thousand yard gainer for the Giants has not been the been producing for the past couple of years he doesn't know why himself as we look at who says I don't know I feel better it's just not funny three more very quickly going to railroads railroads taken out of bound railroads picks up first giant first down as Wharton gets his first completion and you know Frank their weakness has always been that defensive defensive backs of course these guys in front Jeff Whalen's Mike kadish Earl Edwards who's the senior of all the ballplayers up front and Pat Toomey they have to get to that pass a little faster they got to help out that secondary all right the first down for New York at the 23 yard line coder gets the call again under the right-side blocking out front squeezes out about three yards john scorpion the left side linebacker number 55 was there Frank mentioned thats Kaufmann was the left sideline back up to get the giant linebackers it's the Buffalo defense on the field stop in a Penn State one of the many is back there along with merv Kruk off from Iowa State and Bo Cornell the veteran from Washington who started as a running but we shifted to the linebacker position the Buffalo defense has a key weakness it's in line back you hit it right on the head Baltimore hurt them last week extensively and often with passing against linebackers get in the car let's Dawkins used to play with the Buffalo Bills came to the Giants last year hit by Earl Edwards flag went down and maybe an offside call against Buffalo there are those linebackers properly placed now the Buffalo line back is as for the Buffalo secondary another potential weakness the season long loss of Robert James the brilliant all-pro quarterback a less than 100% effective Tony Green the bills virtually died last year when they lost Tony Green it had an extraordinary season indeed I considered him the best defensive player in the NFL a year ago Gifford disagreed but that's difficult and you left that one Doug Jones of course the storm safety is lost for the season he's being placed by Ed Jones it with an offside penalty against Buffalo second down along to the ball just over the 30 cutter Kadish is another story by a started with Miami showed nothing finally got started up here has been a steadily improving Playa the National Football League fans know by this time all about him because it's been a recurring story he play after key play did he look bad bad Eddie a fine football player another one right next to him is def Winans they played against each other and the classic Notre Dame USC game for three years now Ron Johnson have a pretty and in the bog for the dance on 3rd down to 3/4 lost one Don Johnson here comes Dawkins big the 42 yard line a gain of 27 but keep in mind the flag is down far upfield at the line of scrimmage it's a probable holding penalty against the Giants the same old situation there are days to you so many times but this much must be said about Joe Dawkins he is in a sense a retread having played with two prior teams before coming to the Giants but he is something more than a pedestrian ball player because he has the capacity to chew up critical yardage and he is a good receiver the 10 yard Markoff against New York 27 yard run by Dawkins 7 minutes and 14 seconds remaining in the first quarter a fast quarter Buffalo controlling the early moments on the ground and now New York with possession as we look again at Katie Danish will be spending his night working against Bob Highland as you saw there the holding call against New York against Tom Mullen the second-year man out of West Missouri State third down and 13 the passing situation for Greg Morton a prevent defense for Buffalo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what this year is on the giant team who openly feel this is the result of Bill Owens bogus system on svaha doesn't use what the Giants used in years before he got there the quick dump off past talking Tanisha lies din it the quick dump off pass under the backs of the tight end Bob tuk-tuk for a fine ballplayer is finding scant use for himself this year Dave Jennings well kicked from approximately his two yard line deep is 21 Gary Haven 26 at Dome guinea does all the long punting gets off a beauty their cats was not called for hustling down there Romney Kolbert for New York we'll be back in just a moment president a legal coverage by the Giants more than they - a lot of men downfield on the coverage 5-yard penalty the - will punt again Jennings now deep in his own end zone single safety back now for Buffalo and now ed Jones moves back this is Heyman berry Hey Eamonn looking for a picket line and can find nothing but Johnson goes down at midfield 45 yard punt 6 yard return and I'm it's in a classic meeting between USC and Notre Dame and the Saturday on ABC's NCAA college football the Trojans will travel to Notre Dame and believe me it's tough when you move into South Bend to meet them I've been there and they hurt you'll see of course that high-powered offense with all-american Steve Rickey Bell of USC he's gone over a thousand yards he's ahead of OJ Simpson space out there aren't ya it's incredible and you should know about going into Notre Dame three times the Gipper played against Notre Dame during his USC Korea twice he lost but that one for three head Divine's really been pulling them out last-second victories opened last minute over North Carolina last second over the Air Force Academy Ben Martin doesn't have a winning record at Air Force but I'll tell ya he's done some job thank you gentlemen they've got you've named now Spanky which we approved Alex over most of these ABC station look at that sign Notre Dame midfield for Buffalo just inside the dance territory their second possession Craxton gets the call over the left side picks up about three yards it'll be second down and seven as Jim Braxton the 240 pounder out of West Virginia is back in the ballgame thank you very much Garrett rich Stadium we have 605 left and counting down in the first quarter the score still nothing nothing Buffalo dominant with ball control but a key fumble by Braxton swatted that one touchdown drive the Giants have picked up one first down but that's all they've really had the opportunity to dope bills then stop second down along 7 oj simpson at the line of scrimmage carries the tackler forward for a yard a yard and a half number 71 Dave Gallagher remember the Tuda watch in that offensive line especially not that wall pachowski isn't a great defensive end right there but offense only 67 mckenzie 68 de la Malaya there the Boeing running gods who so much remind us of Thurston and Kramer and let's get off the Chomsky's face for a moment and return to the game it looks like Errol Flynn it's all ski doesn't there at diamond six the ball at the 46 yard line Dvorak the 66 is now a tackle for the giants the giants obviously depending upon small quick defensive linemen in pursuit of Simpson Ferguson going to the air firing complete Tuvok town [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give away the get forgotten that blood for USC but he's absolutely right channel is in his fifth year he's always been an underrated receiver he's there when you need him most and this year they really needed him because Ahmad Rashad got racked up in the last preseason game against Kansas City is out for the year you remember Ahmad Rashad originally was known as Lenny more bringing all-around athlete superb receiver but the builds have made up for his department first and ten for Buffalo the ball is at the 28 yard line of New York Simpson following Braxton you saw the big block by Braxton that's why he's so valuable as wide powers finally made the stop but if we can look at that again you'll see why the Buffalo Bills went Braxton in the lineup he absolutely wiped out the giant linebacker big number 34 Braxton you know and open so many hole percentage just you know it's it's so funny you know you talk about OJ Simpson and that great line in front of them I'm sure that the McKenzie and all those guys are in front of them they appreciate a runner like Simpson now you see Broxton rocks didn't read it really didn't make a devastating block he put his head in there and he when he held the guy up enough and Simpson one runner on it he's a great running back second down three ball at the 22 Simpson following Braxton again as the first down are very close to it I think he's got it they're down to about the 17 first down Buffalo I didn't mean the overlock when talking about the McKenzie Frank the other two Donny green is having a big game and our old friend Dave pulley 78 out of Ohio State once a Jets first-round draft choice and intent lose Savin as the figure on your screen there is Bill Owens Parker quite a tribute to the big 10 five of the six offensive linemen for the bills are out of the big chin well it's a short of the 17 as Simpson gets the call again and this time he runs into Brad Van Pelt number 10 Bobby brush number 37 up there healthy and thus far the Giants defense have contained OJ we wouldn't say that with any other player but in speaking of OJ Simpson you don't think of him as any other player 10 carries for 39 yards that's the figure unofficially on the juice thus far that's not too bad but for the juice it's hardly up to his usual spectacular exploits second down and 10 ball just short of the 17 yard line Ferguson and Henry Stuckey was there close to a first down now they mark it and Howard you know that's what I was talking about that particular player right there is second down usually two or three years ago buffle would have ran and try to pick up either first down or short yardage and then go again with the running play but now with the confidence they have in their quarterback Ferguson they throw the ball with second down in long yardage it's a passing down for them so how are you going to you know how are you going to really try and Keyon on a old offensive play Alex you're right they're a complete team and it's not limited to Ferguson alone the backup quarterback from PC Gary morangias a beauty the bills on third down along three yards short of the 10 yard line they've converted four or five thus far this will be the big man Braxton did he gay marking a just short dan Braxton a very where box receives passes himself his game over 250 yards coming into tonight's game I leave any leads not all day but braxton so you know they got quality ballplayers when we have an opportunity I hope they'll be able to get to a brief interview I did with Joe de la mala before the game in which he tells what he thinks will happen to the Giants by the middle of the second quarter first down and go inside the one-yard line cincin [Music] heads up play calling call from the bench by the see Martin get the bills consume four minutes and 22 seconds in that drive we've got two minutes left to go in the first quarter as we prepare for the conversion attempt and I'd like to get if I may teri the stats on how much handsome had the ball in the first quarter ball control John lipo [Applause] the two minutes remaining seven New York nothing 1956 grooves are cut into runways to help channel water away 1966 grooves are cut into freeways to help improve traction on wet roads 1975 Goodyear presents that Polly steel radio with eight white grooves specially designed to help channel water away and a high traction rubber that really grips on roads wet or dry the Polly steel radio keeps its feet even in the rain [Applause] and tonight our it is right with us here in our booth a rich Stadium in Buffalo with Alex Karras I'm Frank Gifford and we're sharing the stadium of some 80,000 Buffalo Bills fans who have just watched the bills go out the front seven nothing any bugs [Applause] Edie Jones I'm Howard you know it this looks very very simple and as I was saying the offensive lineman they love this because all I have to do is knock there man just maybe two seconds Simpson will do the rest for you what's your pleasure beautiful beautiful Ted look at that move backhand he does I love him he makes too much money though don't be better you're an active buds up to the 13 yard line for New York their second possession they're having some problems Frank offensively the Giants are right now over the left side and Dawkins out over the 15 to the 17 yard line right used me I'm sorry four yards it'll be second and six there's a perfect example of OJ there's McKenzie with them and he's telling McKenzie what a great job he's doing and they have a real thing going and let me just tell you psychologically this guy's gonna work a little harder for notations there's no question about preciate what he does for they'll express that later in the game in an interview I did with him before the game the ball marked at the 16 is second down and seven Dawkins again over the right side the former Dallas Cowboy remember that same front four made the stop remember Frank I mentioned that I spoke to joe de la mala before the game and I asked him what he thought what happened to the Giants this was his reply I think they can be tough if we give them opportunity to be tough if we get out him right away I think they'll fold eventually well that's brothers to sink third down and seven to the point three rows that hold on cover there by Edie Jones with 39 seconds left in the first quarter the Belles have controlled the ball for 11 minutes of that quarter that tells the story here one touchdown threat thwarted by a fumble by Jim Braxton down at about the giant 15 maybe inside that the 13 recovered by the Giants the second Buffalo drive as they exercise total ball controlled successful for the TD Jennings in a familiar geographic location that's where he was a few moments ago when he had to punt away back deep gary Heyman 21 with Eddie Jones 26 Jennings gets off another fine [Applause] down at the 7-yard nine a 46-yard punt by jennings and i want to look at this call again because he's going to call it against Buffalo on roughing the kicker I just can't see it [Applause] you cannot turn to the kicker obviously he's in a very vulnerable position off balance in the air well wait he's pushing back a Blanca and his momentum carries them in Jeff winder well as a lot of momentum shot I think so yeah I mean I've done it before well I you're an expert at it but well then you gotta believe me an hour he took a shot at him that was Jeff Winans he goes 260 pounds even a minor shot get smart I don't blame him you got to do it once in a while to him Frank you know just walked into our booth gentlemen he was my bellhop once in a jersey hotel I told him to stick to that steady became one of America's leading comedians Gabriel Kaplan Welcome Back Kotter first and ten for New York the short of their 22 yard line Martin this is the handoff yes a yard a yard [Music] Craig Morton who had those up-and-down years at Dallas played behind Don Meredith when he came up with the number one pick from California in 1965 then along came a guy named Roger Staubach and Craig while he played a lot started a great deal for Dallas never feel secure there signed a WFL agreement a year ago and the giant took the cats gave the Cowboys the number-one draft pick and he is now the quarterback time ticks away in the first quarter the Buffalo Bills up in front of the New York Giants seven to nothing it will return in just a moment dating Ann Ashman was brought to you by number 73 of the Buffalo Bills Earl Edwards as a public service provided by the National Football League second down and eight for the Buffalo Bills I need the Giants seven to nothing as a extra ball bounced onto the field I don't believe it's an official NFL one of the officials picked it up out of your camera shot threw it off but that was the delight thanks my offensive play Franklin for Giants I'm sure it was Frank do you think they need to I'll tell you that both the Buffalo Bills right now are playing very good tough defense of course we talked about Earl died work Genoa and that he's really made a difference he's at good pass rusher Sean pass West second down and eight the ball just over the 23 for the Giants Craig Morton the quarterback and off goes the cutter and head side over the 25 to the 27 there was a ball loose in that pile up we'll see how it's ruled [Applause] number 52 the middle line Croker came up with the football for Buffalo and blow at the 7th nothing lead will have great field position inside the Giants 22 yard line Joe Ferguson a three-year man out of Arkansas has started every game for the Buffalo Bills since he came up as a number 3 draft pick at a disappointing senior year at Arkansas probably why he went so late he has a strong arm he's five or six 451 yards on the night Braxton the big fullback at the pond Harry about the 21-yard line he'll be a gain of four it'll be second down in six eze crouch of the young man from Iowa State bought of the linebacking car of the Buffalo Bills a real fine - he was a fourteenth round draft pick they're not expected to stay around too long he's done a fine job second down and six [Applause] simpson following Braxton to the outside [Applause] it can be just short of another first down gif put it exactly right he turned on the juice the space wasn't there unless he could outrun the defendant which is exactly what he did with that quick acceleration but so uniquely his of course if you're an offensive lineman exactly what happened there all you have to do is rub a belly for about two seconds and it's all they had to do with you inside the 17 third down short yardage the two tight ends are in 87 Seymour Gantt 88 third and short Simpson has the first down inside the 15 hurdles forward to post to the 13 [Music] there are the statistics for that first quarter of course the real story told in time of possession Buffalo absolutely wears you down with that big offensive line had 21 offensive plays to the Giants 10 and that time of possession there's Howard mentioned a moment ago one of the key factors in why the bills are undefeated next week the Miami Dolphins will be here should they win tonight and beat Miami they could take a two-game lead in the AFC East of course that's all if because Miami is tough as the Jets found out yesterday this time does not get through this a yard a yard and a half it'll be second down and eight [Applause] there's Reggie McKenzie that big left guard we have been watching all night he works in there with Joe to llama lure and there is what you call your basic super block oh yeah he puts his head right in there hits the numbers and Simpson runs right off it that's beautiful execution both Walker and runner make man Alex six seven 245 pounds at the 13 the Bills have a second down and eight play fake by Ferguson looking for him he shut the open open [Applause] taking hell wide open [Applause] the super speed and finally last year clearly started to come into his own back from a knee injury he hurt his knee as a rookie it's a touchdown pass from Ferguson who is now six of seven 464 yards by Paul for the commercial well Howard I don't know I've seen the Giants make an awful lot of mental mistakes right off the bat that hurts you I guess you don't are considering throwing to receivers like John Gilliam Tarkenton are on the verge of breaking many of John unitas all-time NFL records and throwing to this man is speedster John Gilliam it'll be the Minnesota Vikings vs Chicago Bears an annual duel in that Central Division of the National Football Conference next Monday night but right now we're in Buffalo where the Buffalo Bills have taken a 14 to nothing lead ball possession long drives great passing by Ferguson clutch running by Simpson and Braxley deep - Danny bugs will run off on his own Enzo [Applause] over the 22 the 22 yard line hit there by Tom Roode of Buffalo a 25 yard return Buffalo special teams thus far tonight applying very well indeed one of the terrible problems the Giants have in their home city is the fact that they're great winners of preseason games and glorious stories are written about them and the fans inevitably expect too much of them the coach villains Barker is a rail it takes time to rebuild there is Bill Lawrence Parker the - moving first and 10 just inside their own 23 Joe Dawkins get a good look at JD hill a moment ago on the sidelines very happy JD Hill let's look at that touchdown pass he caught a few moments ago Ferguson good protection and there you see the big hole you see number 48 Stuckey he had passed now you'll see it a little better he just turns he'll loose expecting help obviously inside which he did not hit I suspect he expected that help from Karl Locker second down in six mark with pressure trying to get rid of it finally done he goes to Joe Dawkins and Joe Dawkins over the 32 the 31 and Martin frantically trying to find someone to give it to finally came up with Dawkins as Winans the defensive left in for Buffalo was pressuring Morton but he held together Craig did on that play didn't lose his poise and he put the ball in man rifled and in to Dawkins as I said earlier is a good receiver third down and two [Applause] johnson johnson as the first time voting out to the 34-yard line ah here's a guy who I just don't understand I think he's got all the credentials of being a great running back and yet he really shows flashes at times of coming on and then dies Ron Johnson he was a great running back he was never great running to the outside but he had the speed and the strength to burst and cut inside and he was superb superb coming out of that backfield on those short dumb passes which they don't use nearly as much as I mentioned earlier under the ansbach decision that's the best way to use first and ten for New York and the 34 in a stack offense Rhodes now in motion to his left leading the call is Dawkins up the middle he'll get three yards it'll be second down and seven what we left out about Ron Johnson was the fact that he also following his second thousand yard season he had knee surgery that's true he also had surgery on his thigh and he has had a difficult time with injuries and it says he's healthy and he just doesn't understand why he can't break it loose anymore he's also often been at odds with the management quite frankly on second down Dawkins over the call get shot close to the 40-yard line it'll be third down at five hit there by merb croaker the middle linebacker for Buffalo Alex the point I want to make is I talked before about how often Craig Martin has been sacked this year the Giants do not have a big offensive line they simply don't an Ergo a really strong defensive line can pour through them in that kind of situation you've got to jump off to your running backs he had tight in he hasn't thrown the Bob Chuck a 38 yet tonight Barry first time New York the ball just over the 45 that's exactly what they have to do Howard we'll look at it again all right great mystic tell us about it again just telling it like it is before it ever is all right now what's this one gonna be a two yard game first down just over the 45 Martin automatically saying one rosid motion Johnson turning the corner picks up two yards gonna be second down Frank Oliver coming up from his left quarterback spot I was so tempted to say he picked up three yards are you Frank I know you'll want the Giants to win and you never knock me when we ever when we get over the Detroit and watch the Detroit Lions play I'm not not gonna Giants I'm with you Frank there you see just short of the 47 yard line second down Rhodes out to the right walk him to left top of your screen play-action fake by Morton going deep for buck or other railroads was at Jones railroads did not work out all week for the Giants either he has a sore knee there's that Jonesy I like that they're too short too little Jones and he got that name because he was with the Dallas Cowboys he's out of Rutgers the banks of the old Raritan Dallas elected not to keep him Buffalo in view of their shortage of healthy secondaries picked him up and he's a tough kid a good-looking football play third down along but with time but no receiver picked off we're taking a deep Ron Johnson was open Morton did not lay and score can picks it off so buffalo has good field position they lead in the football game 14 to nothing we'll be returning to Buffalo in just a moment there's John scorp in one of eight Penn State linebackers of the National Football League they're all over the lot and he has just intercepted for Buffalo the 7:30 remaining in the first half score upend aching a deep drop a short pass by Morton was picked off buffaloes and first and ten their own 27 yard line Furguson the number 81 box let's go back a moment ago when John scorpan took that drop in Buffalo's been working this past week with their linebackers because Baltimore really blitz them last week Buffalo pulled it out 38 to 31 but they got hurt there you see the deep drop by his korfin now let's look at scoring he's looking back right into the eyes of Morton he sees Ron Johnson is really kind of loafing downfield you all wise a secondary receiver also back there deep and helping out was the safety man for Buffalo first down Buffalo Simpson over the right side it's after the 41 yard line John Mendenhall made to stop there for New York the Jews put it right on the table at the top of the telecast he said look if they stop me tonight Joe Ferguson will have a field day and that's exactly what Joe Ferguson is doing and he had a great game last week when it was necessary in a 3831 win over Baltimore 14 of 26 two touchdowns over 250 yards for Joe Ferguson last week he's seven of eight tonight second down and nine drop play Simpson as the first down and right now let's pause five seconds for our stations along the line to identify themselves 620 and the clock is moving remaining in the first half of the Buffalo New York giant game from Buffalo New York Frank Gifford along with Howard Cosell and Spanky Alex Karras watching the Buffalo Bills moved to a 14 to nothing lead they have had total ball fruit control during the night Simpson scored the first touchdown for one yard out and enjoy Ferguson hit JP hill from 13 yards out to make it 14 to nothing Simpson oh and he runs into the middle of the Giants line he was stopped that time gift bunt on the previous run by Simpson when he got the necessary yardage for the first down he evident so clearly one of his greatest talents the instant change of direction he was running left stop first right picked up the eight or nine yards they needed then for the first down here a Giants game 41 OJ Simpson 62 second down and ten play-action fake with Ferguson this time it Gallagher and they're pressuring Ferguson who could not find a receiver he really had time to get rid of it Gallagher of course was a number-one draft pick of the bears a year ago saw a lot of action for them all American out of Michigan interesting young man all academic do as well as an all-american at Michigan 6-4 256 pounds Dave Gallagher third down and 10 ball just over midfield 511 remaining in the first half Oh Jay ranks 10th after five games in rushing that's including teams Frank he's right behind open right now flag goes out the ferguson goes back fires to tanner complete taking a wicked shot at 2:26 but a flag is down probably be called back but I love that Chandler he has a way of sneaking in there there are some guys in this league who just find the open space illegal motion against New York it'll be brought back Bob Chandler you know as a great receiver at University of Southern California but he really just this year with as you said Howard when Rashad was went down well all of a sudden Chandler emerged and he has really turned into a player I just loved that John McKay anyway he is some coach and there's USC undefeated again defending its national championship that's why so look forward to the game against Notre Dame this Saturday and did you notice another of the disciples of McKay cop was the guy who brought the Bengals a rookie defensive back to victory yesterday picking off a Stabler pass intended for cliff branch wherever you turn around you'll find students of maquette even in the broadcast booth Frank Gifford and proud of third down and 15 wallet 246 for Buffalo five-yard penalty again good coverage in Ferguson will go down all that time with Jack Brett great that's it but the coverage downfield made it possible for Ferguson to be sacked by Gregory so this time the Giants finally held the bills we've got 459 left in the second quarter and I look forward to Thursday night earlier saw sign talking about he remember Alex played Pongo and Blazing Saddles a funny movie and Alex was great but this man is a multi-faceted and very fine dramatic actor as you'll see in babe Thursday night Meier Bateman and this is Feaster Danny Bob he bobbles the ball at the 20 and he's in a lot of trouble jeonse korfin plating beautifully 42-yard punt a 13-yard lost on the return will be back just by that killer whale Shamu and a young lady is supposed to ride it on a show but there's a danger factor involved and we may not be able to do that if you got any guts at all you'll ride that whale hard Kristen tanner Ron Johnson gets the completion another giant first down that's the dump-off pass that I was talking about and that's the way to use Ron Johnson best he's a superb receiver and when you've been rushed by an overpowering defensive line against a smallish offensive line get rid of it clay that's what Sir Francis used to do when he was with the Giants so often Frank well and he's still doing it with Minnesota's we'll see you next week yeah plus he can run a little better than then Morton just a little the first down at the 28 yard line of the New York Times Dawkins gets the ball gets a big haul over the 35 to the 37 a gain of nine Joe Dawkins who did a lot of work up here in Buffalo before being traded in New York last year there he is Joe Dawkins Dawkins again over the right side and has the first down out over the 40-yard line and now the Giants beginning to move on the ground that's right he made the stop getting good offensive blocking getting it out of Hick's getting it out of van horn at the risk of taking your abuse I will point out Howard that buffalo trail baltimore 14 another nice week came back to win the game at the risk of fan as frank i said at the top that buffalo had defensive weaknesses you can score on gotham at the 50-yard line at the 49 hit there by Frank Oliver Dawkins doing the heavy running load for the Giants and a beautiful lead blocked by 63 judge Van Horne on that flight Frank Oliver is shaken up at midfield he was the cornerback who came up to make the stop he is being attended to by the trainer's James come and go but folding is still one of the most popular sports 30 million men women and children enjoy the game many use a special fall you can only buy it at a pro shop or bowling center it has 5 stars and a great name rolling with it Dick Weber AMF puts its name on the line too and that name adds even more value to sports products like Dick Weber all-pro balls AMF brings out the best in the birds chirping a little less noise and a for break Oliver at the moment the bells are fired 45 I say whether he had been rolled stopped at the 39 yard line time out and down on the field is number 26 Eddie Jones the strong safety man of Buffalo Jazz retain their position ed Jones gets treatment as our al friend Jack Gregory nine yeah man Delta State acquired by the Giants from Cleveland money a was at odds with the Cleveland management then recognized as one the best defense events and football came the Giants had a brilliant initial year with them then had contractual difficulties with him didn't recant Plus family problems at home didn't recapture his real form but playing well tonight how's that for a pray sir that's very good Jack Gregory number 81 and again NCAA college football this Saturday USC and Notre Dame let's hear more about it now this Saturday on ABC's NCAA college football the Trojans of the University of Southern California travel to Notre Dame take on the Fighting Irish you'll see a high-powered USC offense led by tailback Ricky Bell battle a strong Notre Dame defensive unit anchored by all-american Steve Niang sure to join us for this annual clash that's NCAA college football this Saturday at 1:30 Eastern Time over most of these ABC stations ed tones the rookie from Rutger is being assisted off the field obviously injured and in pain if the Giants can put a scar on the board suddenly we've got a ball game after they've been outmatched for almost the entire first half but now their offensive line is cleaning out Buffalo two rookies on the left side down for Buffalo in the secondary port immediately goes to the air fires is complete go dolphin out of the backfield picks up another giant first down 12 yard completion hit thereby Crooker now in French on to Steve Freeman he's a rookie for Mississippi State in for Frank Oliver is Charlie Ford over in the left side and of course foreign has been around he was had been benched now Oliver is back in the ballgame he's all right now so we had the two rookies on the left side of the secondary for Buffalo first and 10 the ball inside the 25 Ron Johnson spinning twisting battle the 20 yard line gets four yards it'll be second down and six Ron Johnson New York starting to beat a little bit Howard under Sun these sequences playing well I founded a running game I think Buffalo is that little up-down they're not playing as tough as they were the first quarter getting close to the two-minute warning takes the touchdown pass Frank Martin of 20 yards and the Giants began that drive keep in mind at the row nine yard line beautifully executed much of it on the ground one key jump off past though to Ron Johnson and then finally the touchdown pass to railroads two passes into woven two to Joe Dawkins 91 yards at nine plays the Giants using two minutes in 30 seconds George huh mortville oh and the giant shorten buffaloes leads to 14 to 7 at the two-minute warning you know speaking of Saturday Night Live it will attempts to jump 14 buses on his motorcycle live plus the fabulous antics of the Harlem Globetrotters this Saturday on ABC's Wide World of Sports Wide World of Sports coming up Saturday Evel Knievel and the Globetrotters I meanwhile here in Buffalo the New York Giants have gone 91 yards in nine plays Bill silat about 14 to 7 but you get a feeling that you sometimes have in football games at a team that jumps off to that big lead sometimes they let up just a little bit and it's really hard to put it back together again here's George hunt this 21 is Garry Heyman number 33 is Vic Washington Washington traded to San Francisco last year after big years with the 49ers were at the Trinity Houston now a Buffalo Bill Washington since the window hard lick Washington Post to the 25-yard line and let's take a look at that touchdown pass by Craig Morton one more time a lot of time let's look at him good pass blocking there's the play-action fake to Ron Johnson and right on target ray row beating rookie defender Frank Oliver first and ten for Buffalo the ball just inside the 25 Simpson and Simpson bull Jack Gregory out to the 30-yard line you know I was talking about the show last Saturday alright add the curvature watching us from your dresser and thank you again for the suit by the way yeah what I really enjoyed was already enjoyed Johnny Cash for years he really is special just tremendous he got a standing ovation from the people at the Texas State Fair he deserves like an inspirational performer and inspirational life story just great Johnny Cash proud to have them aboard second down and five for the bells becomes Braxton Braxton gets away from Pat use but nailed there by Jack Gregory picks up three yards time in the first half 1:14 Buffalo takes time out he'll have two timeouts remaining you know fry excuse me Frank you didn't get tickets for his show last out he had a stay to address your room another in no seats well I'll tell you next week is the one I want I don't care how I get in I got to get in I want to see Kate Smith I haven't seen her at television for so long and I love her she's one of the greatest singers of all time as president we've got some cast next week incidentally and not incidentally really sadly ed Jones the defensive back from Rutgers with Buffalo apparently has a fraction home at least that's the early diagnosis so you won't be seeing him again tonight and he'll be out for a long time if not for the rest of the season assuming the accuracy of the reported diagnosis that's just ashamed always is I don't like that get it off there they haven't seen you lately Oh chef forty please chat any break is hot Joe Ferguson would call the timeout went over the kerbs fur with the salmon on the sidelines third down and one 1:14 remaining in the first half the bills up in front of the Giants 14 to 7 Jensen gets the first down out of the 35 to the 37 this town Buffalo the bells trying to go without the huddle but the Giants delaying and as long as they can puck ticking away inside one minute but much of the first half gift for the Giants looked like a ragtag team on the first round of flag flies Ferguson looking for Yale pointer is about to make is that for much of the first half the Giants look like a ragtag team but they stabilized and that's the mark I think of ons vodka organized as he is meticulous as it is a team won't totally fall upon him under ordinary circumstances of course even he can fall prey to that Washington squad 49 on the Giants earlier this year oh they have a lot of young players 21 of them are either in their first his second year he's turning it completely over it's going to be his football team you saw the motion call go against the Buffalo Bills illegal procedure they did not have six men on the line of scrimmage forty-four seconds remaining in the half first down a 15 had a little jump on Bobby Brooks but the pass would have had to been perfect and it was overthrown by Ferguson Furguson seven of ten for 77 and if you're playing against the clock as the bills are right now here in the first half this is the man you go to with that great speed great sprinter in college at Arizona State was a nine three spreader I've heard so many wonderful reports about this man Lou Saban and from other ballplayers who say he's probably the nicest most wonderful guy they've ever had the pleasure playing under and really because there's one thing he completes everyone like a gentleman and he respects what they do off the field and he wants to total control on field and that's it second down the ball at 432 Ferguson back and looking at once again almost a tackle there's Ferguson rushing up with 30 seconds on the clock to call timeout game 14 yards will be short of the first down the years they've been talking about making Seymour tackle Frank indeed they drafted Reuben Gant out of Oklahoma State as the number one draft choice a couple of years ago with that very point in mind moving Seymour over and moving group and Gannon for the spot but somehow Seymour always winds up as the starting tight end short of a first down by a 1 yard now Gant comes in for Seymour you know we talked so much about you show Howard not too much I'm not putting it that way but there's a good show that follows you SWAT it is very good good action series I'm so proud of Alex Garris though that's Thursday night right right starring touching performance you know what I like most about the whole thing is that it isn't on ABC and yet ABC doesn't care if I plug it and I think it's a it's a tribute the ABC well thank you it means I think it's a show that they know that there's a little significance involved in an hour and I'm very proud of ABC touch of class third and one the ball just against a 41 yard line just short of the 41 they have to get to the 42 Ferguson wants to go for it all over his shoulder the crowd here obviously a Buffalo Bills crowd well that could have been caused interference right there he has a right to go down the field to you now and he just bumped him off the play he could have very well be receptive I think that glass back over his left shoulder by Bobby Brooks helped him at least he was turning to look for the football barb Bateman Levin for Buffalo Danny bucks number 86 the single safety with 25 seconds remaining in the Hat brought the football again this time is driven all the way back to the 700 42-yard feta loss of 6 Frank Oliver was down there for Buffalo is he ever going to run forward no they didn't teach him that at West Virginia so New York with 14 seconds remaining in the half takes possession at their own 7 yard line come on bugs you're bugging us anybody dance top draft pick spreader 95 spinner backwards views from West Virginia 14 seconds remaining in the half and Frank Martin at the 7-yard line chooses to left the time tick away in the first half three-two-one that's the end of the first half good first quarter for Buffalo a good second quarter for New York and there's a score at halftime Buffalo 14 New York 7 we'll be back yeah the Buffalo Bills have a 14-7 lead over the New York Giants and an interesting first half the Buffalo Bills did what we all expected they would do in the first quarter Howard dominated the football game on the ground in point passed by Ferguson and then as we have seen so often with teams that get a lead aside the little guys came back looked like it was gonna be around the very first touchdown was a simple 1 yard dash by OJ he had an effect brush blocking you're looking at it right now and then the quick acceleration going in by himself so easily done I'm the second touchdown was as you said Joe Ferguson coming through barring the offense going the JDL not had to be a defensive air between Carl Lockhart and Stuckey well then of course Greg Martin came in got the protection got the time and Rhodes made a simple move against Frank Oliver the rookie and that was it so we have a football what you really do is a blind comeback by the Giants and as I said I give the coach credit the team stabilized the smallish offensive line began blocking out the larger Buffalo defensive line and suddenly Dawkins was picking up ground yardage so was Ron Johnson and then Morton wisely interspersed the pass twice to Dawkins once to Ferguson and you called the 2 yard game you know we have a lot of fun on Monday Night Football and over the past five years we have seen some of the most interesting people you can imagine come into our booth we have process people as well John Lennon talking football with we've that John Waite Andy Williams and it goes on and on we also have this guy in the booth with us every Monday night he of course is the attraction Herod and I was kidding you a moment ago about being able to get a seat at the show but I did enjoy it we've talked of course about Johnny Cash it has all the excitement that people are always saying television should be different that television has a live variety show it's her show and they are doing something different and you get the feel that it's going to go it's beginning the catch is beginning to move you're getting people that want to be the other one to watch the show they want to be what's your friends decision coming away well I really am appreciative will be a kind words and I can't tell you how much any and I enjoyed your coming and sitting in the dressing room last Saturday night and where we are excited about this Saturday night we've got some liner Kate Smith as you mentioned la belle john boehner the great mimic and a fine stand-up comic steve Landsberg another the Chinese acrobats of Taiwan who as you know are among the most exciting people said ever on television and finally we talked about originating a remote from SeaWorld in San Diego and if you've ever seen the dolphins they're in the killer whales you know what I mean as I said I've been kissed by Shawn Moo and a lovely 25 year old gal by who just recently swam around Manhattan Island is going to swim on that well if she is permitted to do so because there is a danger factor involved and we don't want to misrepresent singing friendship with Muhammad Ali has to be the highlight of your career really enjoyed it hard in the National Football League we had some exciting games throughout the league yesterday and typically on Monday Night Football that's took their look take a look at the action as it took place and here's Howard that sports star rookie head coach winless Green Bay Packers plays Texas Stadium Irving Texas opposition Dallas Cowboys and this was a hard-hitting combative defensive game let's play illustrating star back to Drew Pearson crack down so savagely fumbles the pack brick covers the pack was up for this one believe me they were hitting that way all day long took a surprising three to nothing lead in the first half then in early third quarter action the handoff Starr back to Preston Pierce in the former Steeler 32 yard game Pearson had a great day gained 101 yards all day and then two plays later the handoff to Newhouse touchdown Dallas with a 7 to 3 lead but Green Bay was destined to come back five plays after the ensuing kickoff fatal to will Harrell a brilliant rookie out of Pacific approaching the right sideline eluding the tack line that you just saw 26 yards touchdown extra point miss Green Bay 9 to 7 and then in later action the score now 17 to 9 in favor of Dallas the kickoff after a Dallas field goal Steve Odom the fleet-footed one from Utah moving into the middle finding his hole and dotting left eluding one to tacklers going down field maybe on his way for a touchdown but no finally stopped 73 yard kick run and all that set up a Green Bay field goal back made at 17 to 12 Dallas then with a minute 52 left in the game fatal again from 26 yards out spotting the big tight end rich McGeorge out of Eli and so Green Bay upsets the Dallas Cowboys the score 19 to 17 Green Bay under finally a fresh start with Bart Dallas no longer unbeaten the boots the pants and the angular look of bum Phillips the head coach of the Houston oil is no longer a league doormat one of the better teams in the NFL and this is the kind of odd inning game this one was clothesline tackle by Houston and fifth tackle on gilma as he went out of bounds by Bob Brazil the rookie linebacker from Jackson State Brazil was ejected from the game after this one and that aroused the Houston defense throughout the day still Washington got the early lead 2nd quarter action no score score tilma back Charlie Taylor we've talked enough about him number 42 gets the pass and that set up a Washington touchdown Washington leading 7 to nothing then early in the third quarter with the same score Dan Pastorini back to throw on the move had to scramble found double-0 kenny burrow all alone he runs out of bounds after a fine catch and they went in to score you Stan did miss the conversion that made it seven to six five plays later after the kickoff Billy Kilmer again to little Mike Thomas fifth round draft choice out of Las Vegas Nevada that went good for a 33 yard game four plays later it's fourth and 11 to go it's on the Houston 24 yard line in comes Joe Theismann to hold and Mike Mosley kicks the field goal but he's down by number 38 CL Whittington personal foul Paul but the Redskins decline the field goal which was good too bad for them as later events proved because on the very next play Kilmer was intercepted the Redskins don't even score second play of the fourth quarter the Redskins leading 10 to 6 its fourth and goal ago Don Hardiman the rookie number one draft choice Houston goes in for the touchdown Houston wins 1310 the Detroit Lions against the Minnesota Vikings Bloomington Stadium and once again the hitting that so typifies the black and blue division but Minnesota is a solid sound balance ball club this year that can strike anywhere at any time look at talking ttyn pointing towards blockers telling them where to go downfield brilliant extraordinary catch by John Gilliam number 42 and this typifies Minnesota's play on the whole day always in that Minnesota attack there is the likes of number 44 forget that sideline squabble Chuck Foreman the complete football play a twisting turning spinning bursting through the left side good for a 16 yard game Chuck gain a hundred seven yards on the day and then talking ttyn to another receiver he's grown fond of Eddie Marinero out of Cornell that was a touchdown Minnesota went on to win it over Detroit 25 19 goodyear wants america on radios because gas-saving good ear radials can help America lower the cost of driving there's a value price goodyear radio tired up in your kind of car and budget so come on America let's get saving now on Goodyear radials at Shaffer Stadium Foxborough Massachusetts the signal for a day of defense and the defense was mainly on the part of the New England Patriots against the Baltimore Colts this play exemplifying what I mean Tony McGee sacking young Bert Jones and they sack firts six times on the day for a total loss of 57 yards but there were moments of offense like this one the pitch out to a young man named Andy Johnson second-year pro gained 124 yards on the day and 18 rushes this particular play 66 yards touchdown New England 21 Baltimore 10 what a dreadful rainy day at Shea Stadium what a dreadful dreadful performance by the New York Jets you're looking at Joe Namath right now this play typical attempted pass tip picked off by Kurt Johnson who picked off three on the day Namath intercepted six times on the day a one-sided game are out unexpectedly the Jets had seemed so improved but this a disgraceful performance and greasy having a field day at this point the score 33 to nothing hitting Jim man that's the tight end possession and control rule that made it 40 nothing the Dolphins enjoyed a 43 nothing route Kansas City at San Diego the Chiefs alive after their upset victory a week earlier over Oakland this a brilliant play-action fake by Livingston it throws the linebackers it set up a touchdown pass to the rookie from Merrill Walla white whom the Steelers had dropped earlier in the season and so Kansas City went on to win the ballgame by a score of 12 to 1010 here in Buffalo before a packed house of 80,000 the Buffalo Bills are out in front of the Giants at halftime 14 to 7 ABC's NFL Monday Night Football the New York Giants versus the Buffalo Bills is brought to you by lincoln-mercury see all our 76 cars with their new EPA mileage estimates we're proud of them at the sign of the cat we'll be ready for the second half kickoff between the Giants and the bills after this word from our local stations Buffalo over New York naptime 14 to 7 John life pole set to kickoff for Buffalo
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Length: 85min 26sec (5126 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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