1977 Notre Dame at Pitt

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1977 the Superdome New Orleans of all the setting for the Panthers beat Georgia 27 to 3 the claim without dispute the collegiate football championship among those who took that football from one in ten to a perfect season last year the most obvious number 33 Tony Dorsett but I spent property winter who's gone but he left on a high note and Johnny major season he's gone home to Tennessee but there are lots of strong people left and today from Stadium in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania the Pitt Panthers of Pittsburgh take on the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame this a disease or textbook there is brought to you by mutual of New York Oh it seems like an annual requirement for any team to claim a national champion give you custody Notre Dame [Music] before the first game is waived [Music] back to ABC's NCAA college football for 1977 we think we've got one of the best television schedules that we have ever had and we know that the probability of upset is so pronounced going into 1977 it's got to be an exciting season just a year ago on this weekend such teams at USC Alabama Nebraska and Notre Dame all failed to win their opener to give you an idea of what may be happening again in 1977 in the second quarter Vanderbilt well Oklahoma nothing that's going on right now as for the fifth Panthers defending national champions what do you do [Music] today with jackie sherrill succeeding Johnny majors as the head folks with the team and knowledgeable another day [Music] welcome West Virginia who was in anguish [Music] afternoon Sun Marshall is a sophomore left it to a 26 nothing victory over Notre Dame was happy with what an opener for us today here in Pittsburgh we'll have a look at the Fighting Irish minimal TV channel for Pittsburgh [Music] from pet Stadium in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania the 44th meeting between the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame and the University of Pittsburgh this ABC Sports exclusive is brought to you by evolution or door hatchback coming September 23rd at your Chevy dealers I Pizza Hut when it's meats who you are nothing else will do let yourself go to Pizza Hut take your pick about ensuring Pizza Pizza a good year makers of the American Eagle radio love you kind of tire built especially for the American Road [Music] notre-dame [Music] [Music] the opening game of 1977 champion going against the theme it is picked by most people to win it all in 77 hello again everybody I'm Keith Jackson working with us today on the sideline Jim Lampley up here Erin Parseghian is just a hot up here that is down right now let's spend a moment and in that little of the noise with Jim Lampley during the pregame warmup the last four years all right let me thank you and of course we couldn't do a football game without the Silver Fox [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing well we've got some updates on that one look at this score at halftime [Music] against what could be the number one team in the nation so stay with us for some surprises also today Clemson gave Maryland quite a scare Oh natella won the ballgame by the score of 21 to 14 on a touchdown pass in the last four and a half minutes of the game add at Lincoln Nebraska today Washington state's great passer Jack Thompson through a TD pass to get the Washington State off to a seven to nothing lead but Nebraska has all right bill now era per second as a commentator and analyst on this ball game today you've been poking at it for some time I have a final comment from you and what has to happen for one to lose and one more win I think the fans watching out there bill focusing on the defense of Pittsburgh if they are not able to possession or cheap Notre Dame from possession that football all the great offensive possession game keep them from driving down the field and this is a toss-up game and the advantage of Notre Dame had as far as the paper is concerned no longer possession good might have an edge I think that's the key thing for us for watching the football game particularly rule we're gonna put it on the T between Notre Dame and in just a moment from Pitt Stadium and Notre Dame will receive so the Fighting Irish will get a chance to find out quite early in this ballgame as to the performance of these youngsters that jackie sherrill and his coaching staff at pittsburgh must depend on if they ought to have a chance in this ballgame of this afternoon what an opener we've got at hand here the referee today incidentally is a pip man all bertha the umpire is Bob Pickens the linesman Jamie gherkin the Lion judge bill Barnes Mike Levin the peel judge the back judges Joe Darrell and Terry Urich a Jim browner have gone deep now to receive all the Fighting Irish there the efficiency in the first quarter the wind as Jim Lampley noted his swirling around and on the field kicking off or Pittsburgh one of those freshmen that Jimmy was talking about number one Dave trout now he's only 5/8 165 pounds he is from Mount Pleasant Pennsylvania but lacks too many of the smaller men on Tony Franklin of Texas A&M comes immediately to mind not all that big but when you sidewind into it soccer style you can really get leg drive into it and this youngster the other day hit 161 yards away from the COPO so he has a very strong leg there seems to be no particular direction of the wind that it might innocence be kind of helping him is that what are quarters across the field let's see what happened that Furyk and Bronner are a deep there's the flag you see it wrapped around the pole that's the kind of correction you're getting so damn proud freshman about ready to involve himself in his first college party game the stadium packed more than 56,000 they're holding for just a moment as they brand new scoreboard has just been put up as a matter of fact we were here some three weeks ago they were tearing down the old and then putting up the new one and wouldn't you know it the confounded thing was working perfectly until they got within 30 seconds of the ball game and they kick off and now it's sort of gone kaput all the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame I think perhaps there's as much pressure on them today as there is on Pittsburgh because the Irish have been so touted in the preseason they disappointed themselves last year with bad luck key injuries they felt they could have done better than they did a year ago the serious record the Irish have a considerable edge of 29:13 and the tie but remember Pittsburgh has defeated them successively and they would love to do it a third time all right we've got the clock ready to go now to Urich a yard deep on the sidelines and he is up for the 30-yard line to the 31 yard line before he is back down by jury the temperature at 76 degrees that here's the starting back the arrest elation Vegas Ferguson at left halfback Tom Dolman at right halfback and the full-back will be Jerome heavens number 30 the wide receiver is Christine's number 82 will set the line for you in just a moment so here comes Rusty lay up for the first snap of the afternoon is he splits the backs behind him [Music] 5:33 it hangs onto the ball along the offensive front for the Fighting Irish and they have very good size up front for this young man to left behind Empoli at left tackle number 73 257 Kerensky weighs 249 Huffman weighs 247 ernie use of 233 Steve McDaniels 276 of the tight end in McAfee he says 249 but that's before breakfast it is second down and 8 yards to go David Logan just flew him down cutting the defense quickly now or that's bird up front Dave to see co-op drew Burrell opens the middle guard Randy Holloway and the linebackers Jeff Pelosi and al Chesley the second area for Pittsburgh one of the best anywhere Jay Steve Olsen Leroy Felder pop journey and Jeff Delaney they had more interceptions a year ago than anybody it's third down [Music] I'm trying to create some defensive confusion and I'm surprised that it's really adjusted without any problem all right the football is sitting at the 34 yard line it is fourth down and Joe rustic is back in punt formation looking at the flags it looks relatively quiet that's Gordon Jones on the 24 deep to receive the punt it is a short kick he's now picked up by Gordon Jones and Jones is thrown down at about the 30-yard line Leroy Felder fumbled the ball but pip recovers on a 33 yard now checking the fit backfield Matt Cavanaugh Larry Sims that little heat on him today at halfback Elliott Walker will be at fullback and Randy Reuter Shan opens as the flanker Thornton Jones will be the split in so here comes the first offensive possession for Pittsburgh the ball is resting squarely at the 31 yard line so their starting positions are exactly the same 31 yard 31 yard Cavanaugh looks to the outside he moves Jones a little bit now he's ready to go since a man in motion that is Larry Sims the Elliott [Music] to make the stop the offensive front all right Courtney that left tackle a big time 235 Jim Bowie 47 Tom kazusa 235 at center George link 247 at guard Matt Carroll 255 at tackle and Steve Goss dad is opening it tight in he's a 220 founder it is second down at eight from the 33 Elliott Walker gets to about the 35 yard line before he is tracked down third down at six coming up defensively for Notre Dame they line up this way along the defensive front Ross browner kindda question and will arrive in the linebacker position brighter Papa Lincoln does Becker the secondary is equipment Luther Bradley Ted burgmaier Jim browner and Joe rustic rustic is the centerfielder the free safety it is third down and six from the thirty-five Reuters Anderson motion Kavanaugh lifts the ball back he turns it up to the 40 I believe he's just short of his first town as Luther Bradley the corner man came up in a hurry they lock him down just short it'll be close they have marked the ball beyond the 40 they'll put it down the nose of it is short of that 41 where they had to go all the first down and so they're looking now at fourth down and about a foot they're gonna go I'll be surprised that they go this early in the game I think they'll put it in the air because they're both jockeying for position early in the game you want to make any mistakes can put your defects in trouble Joe Lucas parody is in the ball game number 83 he is a six foot three inch freshman from Harrisburg and dropping back Tom Burke Meyer is number 18 and Steve Schmidt's is number 19 so here is another freshman about to assume a major role for the Pitt Panthers in this 1977 season in which they are the defending national champions well we started dead even in that first offensive possession for both teams from their own 31 yard line neither one able to get the first down nope it just missed it also has an advantage here in this Porter certainly with that wind that flag is standing up there pretty good so with a freshman kicker if he peels above all right well they've got 911 up on the front let's see if they can penetrate the blocking it was a 50-yard punt with some help from the fumble and so in the first quarter of play we have no score [Music] Kentucky has scored at the final minutes who played the people at Carolina today about the score of 10 to 7 ok thank you very much go funny setting up Notre Dame now as they go to work just outside the 8 yard line it's Lycia quarterback Vegas Ferguson is 32 Jerome heavens just 30 and Tom Roman is 26 and Notre Dame is a hole in the board of a stake here [Music] [Music] [Music] domin is out of the ballgame Dave Weimer goes in at the blanket position D Holloway lines up over there marking back at the 23 yard line now we had the past we had to set up for the screen pass which leads me to introducing the new rule that we've got this year if you have a screen pass all of your offensive linemen are entitled to fire on door downfield and block if the quarterback makes a mistake and throws the ball beyond the line of scrimmage then those offensive lineman will be in jeopardy because they'll be illegal so it's a very tricky thing but it may very well open up the game of football outside the 23 yard line first down Notre Dame the first one of the ballgame it's Ferguson Randy Holloway I can see him number 70 up at the top on the bottom it's Jeff Valusia linebacker a sophomore from Youngstown Ohio watch Holloway now in isolation number 17 Randy Holloway an all-american yeah super football player he appears down to the inside fights off Foley and comes in and makes the play you can see that he's very difficult to handle he also is a great pass rusher get on the play up three yards mark it out to just beyond the 26 yard line in McAfee and Mark SIA now are they tied in I've got a pair of tight ends in there a name or whether Pittsburgh was trying to anticipate whatever it was there was an approach but along the neutral zone and it looks like gonna go against the Panthers so there is your first penalty of the afternoon it's a five yarder illegal procedure tape Logan and Randy Holloway apparently prey team up and look like they might have wanted a little crisscross inside well lish might have factored discount there a little bit the bottom outside it's cookin too early so that the defense can't tee off on you order bad shots divers count all right now Notre Dame on second down and two yards have a chance for another first down in this game they averaged just under 25 points last season per game second down long to just outside the 31 listen gives to Ferguson head down five behind the right side of the line behind Hughes and McDaniels and he gets the first down as Logan Holloway and Chesley make the tackle for Pittsburgh the right side of the notre-dame line with help from the center Dave Huffman at that right side is where you want to go with McAfee McDaniels and youth they are used when I go to a to tight-end attack with marks on our six foot five to forty you got a strong block the other tight in bet you have the ball is now at the 36 yard line where it's first down for the Irish no score with 945 now there's someone long-term heading back as they waver didn't get much I'm not even sure he got back to the line of scrimmage as he really took a pop and a Pittsburgh linebackers are really jumping in there 2114 late in the ball game down in Death Valley Michigan over Illinois at 20 to 3 at halftime and Southern California 14 nothing over Missouri at half nine pitches second down wavers in motion and it off to heaven then a good hard charge by your own heaven sack and over the right side putting right in behind McDaniels and Hughes and it's you green now but I defined the freshman defensive in that night then to bring him down so Notre Dame is looking now at third down and three Adams looked more like a 1970 75 heavens there he really picked up his legs well he had good acceleration and looks like he's healthy again one of the things they're probably doing here is they may have decided they'd like to test mr. green the freshman defensive in Pittsburgh because they've run at it now three times down here the ball is on day 38 the 43 yard line he's got the first down at 50 oh good blocking at the point of attack particularly around now [Music] [Music] [Music] first down at midfield while the fighting are no score at the ball [Music] gets down into Panther country there's blue sea number 51 pretty high he is wiping off to the left works off the block of McDaniels it looks like you're really a hard runner number 40 is one of the Tri captain's good very fine tack that's the way you want to see the linebackers good give him three yard to make it second down seven just inside the 47 of Pittsburgh rolls [Music] last year [Music] [Music] and so Pittsburgh gets the ball back at the 46 yard line so bang bang like [Music] [Music] the corner he run there was no containing through back into traffic it was three guys in there he on Western Chester New York the stock offense at 76 pretty tough why not the right time for it although they're trying to establish a third down just outside the IRAs 47 he got the ball went out of bounds and we'll just have to see where their market at the ball came loose doc Becker was over there scratching and grabbin and he may be just a little bit short if I is just a little bit short I wouldn't be surprised at this point of the ball game to see v gamble and go Rosa taking up a little bit on the play center he was a guard last year they moved in the center somebody forgot to tell Tom but she was going to play center he showed up hammer today your honor he said yesterday and no score first quarter time is up we'll be right back [Music] [Music] for just a moment I guess and this almost car sound just short of a Notre Dame 44 yard line Matt Cavanaugh sets his offensive unit it's burnt trying and gambling some here for a first down and coming off kitchen and that fight over the left side he will run in behind walk Brown and Jim Bowie and he gets the first down it's inside or right around the Fighting Irish 43 yard line we're working now to get our picture back to you we'll try to give you a radio call on it as we go along well they bicker it's close enough to measure they don't give him the penetration as far down as the 43 yard line so Pittsburgh gambling early in the ball game with five minutes at 46 seconds to play in the first quarter and no score rusty lays had a pass picked off Pittsburgh Gamble's Matt Cavanaugh standing right in the crowd to have a look at it to see whether or not it's a first down they stretched the chain out Matt says yes it is a first down Fighting Irish have not conceded it it must be very close we're waiting for Paul Bertha the referee to say first so the gamble pays off by just tapping I must have dropped that ball because he penetrated far beyond the first marker he might have dropped that ball and they marked the ball at that point Tom de sousa who was shaken up a moment ago and replaced by Walt Brown has now returned to the ball game so he is in there to handle the snaps pick number 67 as Cavanaugh brings his team up behind him to throw the ball down from the outside from the 44 yard line Matt Cavanaugh sets Simms and Elliot Walker behind him comes down the line on the option of the 210 down there from Youngstown Ohio turns it upfield and he goes to the 40 yard line as you can see and we've got video again for you that's a pickup for four yards off the play it'll be third down and six [Music] they've also got Gordon Jones in there check and see whether or not Willie Taylor comes on the field as well to give him three wide receivers Matt Kavanagh has come to the sidelines he's standing there now and it looks like time may have been called with five minutes and seven seconds to play in the first quarter with no score and now here's Jim weave one interesting note that people might want to keep in mind win and if Matt Cavanaugh starts to put the ball in the air [Music] [Music] [Music] are all in there and it is third down and six and diamond are straight back [Music] looking down not open it gets pressure and he cups the ball off I think this is experience and it's a first down or Pittsburgh leave miss penetration of the ball game at the Notre Dame 33 yard line [Music] now giving it away to [Music] cut him down but he's across that's gonna be a gain of four for Eliot Walker looks like one of the cheerleaders right into a little misfortune got her arm in a sling five carries in 16 yards now for Eliot Walker puts the way they get out there and plop around and jump up and down see what still better might break a heart second down and six yards to go from the Irish 29 this burg [Music] you can see he's very strong he is not timid at all he just puts that hip down and muscles just way down right here and Becker on the tackle for the Irish and the ball is marked just inside the 25 that's four more its third and two now watch the ball handling like indict that time went totally and fully for the wrong man as he jumped all over Elliot Walker you have to respect that dive man because that's the shortest distance between two points and you just can't let a guy go through that they might have the ball down [Music] fix it for a first down sixteen yards now and for Kerry moving the ball a little better on the ground that I that I thought prior to the ball game and they still have that dangerous passing attack to concern yourself with the RS 18 yard line jamming our peeps breaks one tackle [Music] [Music] as they move into the fourth quarter Jackie Thompson is having quite a day could be an upset here and how about this was still half-time 1511 Bandido Oklahoma ok back to this action [Music] how'd he work along with Gavin all up the middle there chuck it away mohtadeen is gone the goal-line stuff with man coverage out around the 15-yard line and of course that allows yourself to be vulnerable to one-on-one passing so let's watch on his third down to see what happens Walker now six carries and 19 yards in the ballgame the football is at the 13 just inside the 13 where it is third down and a Storify he's got some room gets it off [Music] is down is down on the field he was leveled by Willie Frye as he released the ball but he [Music] going straight for the locker room for the doctor is holding his left wrist here comes the extra point fry Tom music will hold and March Schubert will kick urban hits it straight on I think a replay of the touchdown pass Cavanaugh de Jones let's see if we can pick up what happened to Matt Cavanaugh he's in the locker room now you see him roll out he has a lot of room pursuing behind him is Willie pry the ball has gone five levels of a clean good clean hard hit but Cavanaugh went down very hard with five just vomiting and then he can't see here whether or not he falls on his wrist he was holding his left wrist as he went out whether he falls on his left wrist or whether it's squeezed in there it looks like he's putting his arms behind him there probably fell on his wrist long so we'll have to wait to see what has happened to the pittsburgh quarterback you saw experience on that touchdown march really a 54-yard drive and 13 plays a 12 yard pass for the touchdown Dave Trott now will kickoff for the Panthers Terry Urich and Jim browner are deep for Notre Dame with a minute and 28 seconds to play in the first quarter the Panthers lead it 7 to nothing uh here's that young freshman with a big leg last time he hit it he knocked it in the endzone he didn't get that much out of this but it's gonna be fueled by Urich at the 8 yard line come to the sidelines and the Panthers are let them decide the 26 yard line we're just a lady made contacted brought it down we've got an offside call against Pittsburgh backed up deal somebody probably Randy Rooter Stan was ahead of their kicker because back in his younger days is a freshman and a sophomore here they called him the Kamikaze kid because he'd come plastered down that field and get somebody in mcafee a track captain for the Irish indicating that they will accept the penalty they would like to have Pittsburgh kick again Oh Randy a year ago he was really a kamikaze kidding me he's real throw his body he's really something you know Terry you're a cumber party the tripod the tie captain's for Notre Dame had a great season last year on kickoff returns he's very dangerous really he's not what you call a real fast back but he he finds the seams he returned eight last year for a hundred and fifty nine yards so he's a pretty good Drive as we look down on the campus and the city of Pittsburgh from the Goodyear blimp America with Captain John Moran up there handling the controls on an absolutely gorgeous afternoon we're still waiting for work on Matt Cavanaugh Jim Lampley is dashed off to the locker room try to find out how severe the injury might be to the Pitt quarterback the Panthers are leading by a score of 7 nothing we have 123 to go first quarter and now Dave Trott work it from the 35 he has light enough to keep that ball close to the goal line if he hits it oh yeah he didn't have possession I thought surely they blow that ball dead right back there yeah I hope his knees were down there's another penalty flag on the field so let's see what that ball is here might well be the other way at this time but I'm very surprised that the Notre Dame back was able to get up and run the ball backed up Bo because I thought both of his knees were on the ground we've got a clipping ball against Notre Dame anyway so that's fun about don't up half the distance I guess you can be down on both knees as long as you don't have any possession of the ball he was sort of boxing it around a little bit before he did get the handle on it the penalty has been backed up now to the 13 yard line of Notre Dame and they're the artists now let's have a look at this all right here comes the Fighting Irish with Ferguson and heavens they are set behind list from the 13 yard line you got a man in motion domin the ball is given away by one behind the line of scrimmage and he's dipped down just about JC Wilson who intercepted the pass number 21 Roe was the man that got him Dave Logan was the fellow who almost got [Music] number 78 then the nose man they say he's quick got good speed got size and strengthen they're looking forward to good things from him this year Jerome habits now five carries a 19 yards of the ball game type Dickerson has gone in at split in replacing Chris Haines for Notre Dame he's number 12 there he is coming down on a counter play to dolmen the flanker back cutting inside okay and that's a play that era Parseghian used got into the running lane they have a pretty well blocked with the exception of we're coming up on the end of the quarter as you can see the time ticking away with the panthers on top a score of seven nothing and they took charge of this ballgame but Midway of the of the quarter and they right now have her name backed up on a third down and long and the quarter is over so it's always little things that add up to big things as Notre Dame now we'll be looking at third down and seven from the 17 yard line if it had call time era they would have put the errors in the position of kicking into the wind will be kicking with the advantage of the wind and of course that makes a big difference anybody hit a golf ball into the wind 'red the hung Huynh knows the difference even a little sphere like that wisconsin over Indiana 14 to nothing I saw a note I think it wasn't passing that the the big running back for Indiana hark radio gonna be able to fight at the Arizona and Auburn that game was figured even going into it that still isn't it all right rusty Lee she's up there on third down and seven from the 17 Notre Dame got to be careful back here Jerome heavens the lone remaining back dohman now loops off in motion lish wants to throw is getting some runs oh man and now he goes down back on the nine yard line new greens set them all up and finally got the tackle look like Steve McDaniels were coming back to help rusty lish and rusty turned right into him and everything stopped right there so the ball is all the way back at the nine where it is the Notre Dame offense but so far unable to really unpack itself you'll see as we go along that jaw resting ready to kick to Gordon Jones there goes 24 rustic standing in his endzone anthers have three deep men [Music] this forgot it was Dave the CCO number 35 will be Friday they pay for it Cheryl this game was his old freshman kicker and Joe Rustica season guy what happened just to drop the ball these things happen in games least expected it's a good snap and he just drops the ball he has the presence of mind and they're trying to kick the ball rather than to give six points at least it's only two the way the ccoet hit him he went in there blistering he was trying to separate him you see they hit right there Dora stick the son of the gentleman who coaches at Harvard he really needs a long punt excellent Potter he's got good hands it's a rarity for him to do something like so Notre Dame gives up two points on the safety to make it 9 nothing Pittsburgh with 14 13 to go in the first half and now the iris will have to kick it away they put it up on the tee which means Dave Reeve will be in the kick we'll have a report on that Cavanaugh for you right after the kickoff Jim lamp has come back from the locker room the deep men will be Gordon Jones and Randy rooters ham Jojo Heath back there it is nobert a minute but if the important man is Joan he's the guy that likes to have run it and read picks it straight away to him back to the 17 that's it appeal he goes for the 39 yard line of Pittsburgh where the Panthers have the ball first Anna here Jim this will have to be installment one of what will be a continuing story the fifth doctors in the dressing room are still waiting for an x-ray so we'll hold official word until Dan don't have to be a medical expert to see that Matt Cavanaugh has a broken left wrist no question he won't be playing anymore today oh that's tough luck in a quarterback is Wayne Adams a sophomore six five out of a key sport Pennsylvania penalty flags all over the field play stops it before they get going and it's an illegal procedure so here all of a sudden is Pittsburgh rolling along looking great and bang down goes their quarterback Matt Cavanaugh on a scoring play and I don't think is any question but what as Jim said the man had a broken wrist as he walked away and remember he played only twenty three quarters last year if asking for more than a thousand yards and now the pressure goes right on top of young Wayne Adams there is a fella sitting down there however Tom music who picked up the pieces for Pittsburgh last year and let him run along that undefeated trail it was not Adams it was using but right now young Wayne they soon Hooters handin posted this time on first down and 15 the handoff goes inside to Larry Sims more out of Atlanta Georgia and Big Bob dueling decks him now we've got a man over there on the sidelines we're at number eight that's Gary a fourth deck he's cranking up we may see him oh it's possible I really feel sorry for a guy like Matt Cavanaugh super kid great guy and they have that kind of an injury of course the pressure and the heat goes on Wayne Adams but certainly it's a lot easier for Wayne Adams to be the quarterback today with a nine point lead than it is blocking in in a tied ballgame he was a red shirt last year in his second down 11 yards to go Reuter Shanna's emotion Adams I think you could probably visibly perceive that he is a little slower than the predecessor Kavanaugh I suppose trying to get warm to the task is part of it but also worth remembering he's six foot five and a man who is that big Mike will not be quite as agile as a man at 6 1 or 2 I think too that the coaches I'm talking about the Pittsburgh coaches would be more conservative with their offensive play calling here at this stage not wanting Wayne Allen's to make any kind of errors here rather have their defense play and holds Notre Dame than making a turnover here that would be disastrous and they do have a nine-point lead to work with Elliott Walker's the lone remaining back they have those three wide receivers in there let's see if Wayne Adams will be called on to put it up he's having a look he gets it off he missed his man as intended for Randy ruder Stan 510 182 at a mall New Jersey and the pass was incomplete so it brings up a whole town and here is Jim dispara that come into the ballgame to do the puddy so good turnaround situation about their own 40 it looks like they're coming after me again they up nine white shirts up on the line of scrimmage snap is on the money kick is away in its beauty 49 yard you never know where the freshman is gonna do to you do you with 12 19 to go first half nine nothing pep talk about some wild scores and football how about this one in baseball 16 to 3 Toronto over New York and Boston with 1 twice last night defeating Detroit for to 107 ok let's get back to football that means the Boston remover them to of the Yankees with 5 games to play Pittsburgh hunting the bowl first down at their own 15-yard line the youngster who registered last year who was playing in relief of map Kavanagh and it turned the wrong way missed the handoff and wound up eating the ball and that's the gloom over the Pittsburgh artists I think with the news that Matt Cavanaugh does in fact have a broken left wrist in his out Fred Jacobs number 44 in there and running back now replacing Larry Sims on second down and 10 for Pittsburgh from their own 15 they lead 9 to nothing Adams gets it outside Jacob Jacob's gets up the sideline oh he can ride that fella I've had 175 pounds stuff more interesting finally belted him out ok Jim Lampley again eat the new piece of bad news from Pittsburgh is another injury this time middle guard david logan and jackie sherrill described with the key to his defense as a badly sprained ankle they're gonna tape him to see if he can play some more but it doesn't look like to play anymore in this half Wow it's piling up on the Panthers even though they are leading 9 to nothing they are losing TT people they've lost Kavanaugh and now Logan may be gone for a while it's a first down though all the run by victims after the 26 yard line a penalty flag is thrown by the referee standing behind the offensive backfield that almost inevitably means illegal procedure before that where Wayne adders came down on that you call a counter option making a guy band playing with the ball rolling it out you know down his own territory took the punishment then loaded the ball at the right time for the first down but that five-yard penalty they're gonna back them up to a first down and 15 at the 21 yard line 20 yards wait Adams at quarterback Eliot Walker Brett Jacobson 444 is entered or running back Willie Taylor 29 will come wide to the left now and Thornton Jones will go wide to the right side on first and 15 from the 21 Adam keeps the ball he pitches it behind now there's a great defensive play right there about dead Burke Meyer good defense by worked hard played it beautiful [Music] well you I know you're high on if I think gives a heck of a kid you'll just do anything in the world give him a hard hat and go out and say stick them and he'll play any position you want him to play and that time he figured it out exactly and was right there and made a very good open peel tackle it's not that easy when you rap you're dealing with some shifty hip little halfback he's trying to Juke you you've got to be solid know what you're doing and Ted did a heck of a job on it ball is all the way back now at the 13 yard line and they've got to go out to the year the 37 so call it second down at about 24 Taylor is in motion and the penalty flag is down and a whistle was blown it was the umpire that time to through it sitting in the defensive secondary just behind the linebackers he's now informed the referee Paul Bertha it's again an illegal procedure call against Pittsburgh so the Panthers who looked reasonably polished under Cavanaugh now are staggering around and instead of having the ball up in decent position up around the 30-yard line they are now because of their own mistakes back inside the 10 at the 8 yard line it's a team game and all 11 people have to be in sync particularly when you get up into the trench of anonymity where the offensive linemen work second down at 29 and the ball is given to Elliot Walker and there is no place to go as right there for the Irish coming from a defensive opportunity here Pittsburgh is going to have to kick from their own end zone the Notre Dame ball pub has a good return game and they could wind up with excellent field position after this kick they could your blimp America Houston Texas that's where we're gonna go Monday night 9 o'clock eastern time or the UCLA Bruins on the Houston [Music] [Music] to the 31-yard line 37 yard punt now Notre Dame has a special feel position of the game horse born bill [Music] all over the other you mean to tell me my alma mater is gonna win an opening game in Nebraska Wow surprise they've got some difference out there though jackie sherrill ought to know he put him there last year when he was the head coach in Washington State Notre Dame since Ferguson as he gets just short of the 21 before [Music] UCLA in Houston Terry Donahue UCLA Bruins when I left Los Angeles last week still looking for a quarterback but they've got all the other tools tremendous defense in there for the first down as he goes from has returned defensively for Pittsburgh number 78 playing on a very sore ankle now heaven 8 carries in 45 yards so Jerome rolling up a decent sort of a coda let you see the time ticking along here in the first half Notre Dame beginning to make some offensive noise but they have still not scoring gets don't mind or Nothing Pittsburgh [Music] away who put the heat on along with you Breen new drop him he's all over the field Holloway and green were the guys who put the heat on and what's there in the middle I was number 78 on that very sore ankle I've been around looking for somebody to hit and he finally got his chance right there so he puts mr. list down just by being at the right place at the right time and got paid caught by the ball handling second down 13 yards on the go this will put it up under Dave Weimar bow stood in front of him 13 they're warming up rustic the holder and Terry Murphy Howard Meyer the snapper for Notre Dame warming up on the sidelines in case they called Avery for the appeal goes dry what do you think about a screen [Music] back row short attended filmography the CCO and the CCO having a heck of a day [Music] there's a
Channel: Tim McCartney
Views: 5,604
Rating: 4.8297873 out of 5
Id: 6nAxPbC1Lz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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