1977 NFC "Mudbowl" Playoff - Vikings at Rams - Condensed

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from a rain slope Los Angeles Coliseum it's the Rams against the Minnesota Vikings featuring two 1000 yard rushers Laurence McCutcheon of the Rams on the right against Chuck Foreman of the Vikings on the left at stake a spot against Dallas in the NFC Championship Thank You Brad hi everybody and welcome to Los Angeles for two years here the subject has been the drought and the fear of however today there is no drought if anything we are somewhat at sea under a strong rain the weatherman says it's going to continue throughout the day this is probably the worst weather for a big game in Los Angeles since 49 when the Philadelphia Eagles beat the Rams in a championship game 14 to nothing okay Minnesota captain caller calling in the air hit has he called it's a tailed though the Rams won the toss and they will elect to receive and the Minnesota Vikings will defend and kickoff from the right of you screen the officials Bend write the umpire are Dennis with the head linesman burl taller than Don or Grover clemmer and Charlie muscle though the Minnesota Vikings ready to kick off and of course in the familiar role for the bikes in kicking off will be Fred Koch who is second in NFL history in points scored and Fred has announced that he will retire after this year he is a doctor of chiropractic though Fred Cox number 14 will get this thing underway he has scored thirteen hundred and fifty seven points only George Blanda scored more 2002 I'm sorry here Tom a moment the question will be answered who is going to play Gallup we'll take a look at the deep men for the Rams in the middle will be Wendell Tyler to his right is Jim Joe dad and to his left number 32 : Brian and Fred Cox the first thing he will have to negotiate the swamp for at least five yards before kicking the ball and that would be no easy task [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the 26th [Music] it'll go to Cullen Bryant he lets it go and it's picked up by Charlie to the 20 [Applause] so we're underway here are the wide receivers Harold Jackson Billy Wadi and the tight end Terry Nelson in the backfield the quarterback is Pat Haden the running backs Lawrence McCutchen and John cappelletti upfront Franz max all Horton and Williams so the Rams will put it in play on their own 28 yard line first and ten Lodi right now jackson wide left McCutchen is the deep man out of the and it is first man and he is just shy of the 35 yard line with Matt Blair making the tackle of course going to the Pro Bowl this year what they're working on those is what a lot of teams do when they play Minnesota and in straight out Alan page you know he's very quick not very strong Lord heavy but it makes that word and quickness teams like to run at him it'll be second and four from the ran 34 yard line a pickup at six slot Lev with Wadi inside Jackson that's what mafia Haiti puts it up it'll be McCutchen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] finally brought down minute right now and pay as you mentioned Alan page good in pursuit good speed in the whole deal good rockin on that side Greg Horton thrown an ice block but touching the rest of it just is the second-leading back this year in National Football Conference in a rushing good range by Allan page everybody has success running against the Vikings there are more success in passing they give up about 160 yards per game and McCutcheon has had six 100-yard games this year though they have reached Viking territory to the Viking 39 yard line first in ten and again it's a slot left it's the second man McCutchen and he's inside the 35 yard line somehow Blair and Paige team up to bring him down as we look at Alan Paige he's on in an overshift to the line with their head on the center as you see rich Saleh trying to block him kind of neutralize him for a little bit double teaming Allen right there hey Alan page Vikings know they have to stop the Rams running game because they will run and run and run until you stop him second and three from the Viking 33 yard line just the side of the ballgame John cappelletti trying to find a block nowhere to go Rick's all had pulled to lead the way but he couldn't make much of a cut in that swamp let's take a look at the Vikings who will have their nose in the mud right now with Ehlers Sutherland Paige and Marshall upfront behind them Blair seaman and McNeil at the corners nade right Bobby Bryant and at safety Jeff Wright and Paul Crouch to the Rams now with a third and three the ball is placed on the Viking 32 yard line and again the backs of splett McCutchen is a massive mud already [Applause] and it'll be McCutchen we'll get muddied again and he gets just about to the 30 but he still has a ways to go Jeff seaman making the tackle [Applause] I'm saying go for it coming in is tight in Charles young along with Cullen Bryant and that means they got the big honchos in there and they're gonna go for the first down so Mulaney and Nate Allen come in and Krause and Bryant go out along with Blair now cross comes back in but Blair goes out surprises me a little bit bin Chuck Knox plays is usually straight to the best plays percentages well perhaps a tempo if they feel that they can run on Minnesota let's say they can do 4th and 1 from the 31 Haven to McCutchen [Applause] and from this angle it would not appear he made it Paige and Mullaney teaming up Jeff seem in the middle linebacker number 56 year veteran with a good middle linebacker feels a whole nice thing he's got to know they're gonna be running down on pages straight at him in short yardage situations and the Vikings held as the Rams disdain a field goal attempt and the Vikings will take over first and Ted Rashad white and boy figure to handle the football from the hands of Bob Lee with Miller and Foreman during the running Miller forces in there for the injured Brent McClanahan Rashad is wide left and white right and Bob Lee firstly it's too we can take a look at the Rams defensively now Jack Youngblood along with Cody Jones Larry Brooks and the other end Fred dryer at linebacker Jim Youngblood Jack Reynolds Isiah Robertson at the corners Thomas and Jackson at safety Elmendorf and the rookie Nolan Cromwell playing for Bill Simpson second and eight from the 32 and Bob Lee gone to the air they extend goes over the middle No and almost picked off by Dave elmond or the flag on the play Robert Miller playing for the injured brink Lanahan who underwent surgery the other day on a bad knee and you look at Bob Lee more of a classic drop-back passer than Fran Tarkenton who played there before he likes to go to his wide receivers for the most part when Miller entered the game in place of the injured McClanahan you kind of figured he'd gonna go to his backs a little more Miller being a better pass receiver than McClanahan well from the first indication of penalty against Minnesota as they go back on their own 15-yard line to huddle and a woman been drivin company will give us the call after pacing it off [Applause] offensive holding number 73 that would be Ronnie airy of Minnesota trying to give Bob Lee an extra moment but he was called holding so it is second and 18 the ball just shy of the 23 yard line Rashad to the left and white right [Applause] and down at the 30-yard line at the bottom Isaiah Robertson along with mati Jackson as we look at this again mixing these plays up a little bit you kind of look for him to give you the air got them Bob Lee Saturday we're heading try Robert Miller and catch him into that outside rushes you know Freddie dryer and Jack Youngblood do rush that passer and they go to the outside to do it third and ten from the Viking 30 the Rams by the way had thirty six sacks this year last year they had 45 so they slacked off a little bit goes down the left side and his a shot for the first down to the 41 yard line Rashad who led the NFC with 51 passes this year was up in the air to make the first reception of the day shot gave a nice little inside move at them before we went outside working on money Jackson and that's kind of surprising money Jackson led the league in interceptions last year has five this year and they don't work too much on him so the Vikings first held the Rams on their own 32 yard line now turn around and pick up a first down on their own 42 [Applause] friends this telecast presented by authority of the National Football League intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the expressed written consent of the Los Angeles Rams and the National Football League is prohibited though the Vikings have moved the ball to their own 44 they took over on their own 32 it is second and eight in the rain and apparently will be going steady with the raindrops all day Rashad left and wide right - they haven't change that formation at all those deep analyst he beat party Jackson and Noland Cromwell the free safety had to come over and knock him out of bound big play for Minnesota and the pressure was on as you see number 76 Cody Jones giving a good rush there ed white trying to defend him hooking him a little bit of the left arm Jones getting here just a little bit late there you see the pressure and look at the catch by Rashad here both feet in bounds like that he had a great game last week he's got to come on strong for the Vikings to win Rashad in semi white and Chuck Foreman gotta have super days well I've got it to the RAM 31 yard line that pass started from the Viking 42 so a big chunk of yardage picked up quickly by Bob Lee first and 10 Vikings on the RAM 31 rush shot is left and white is right Foreman and Miller behind Bob Lee and it will be Bob Miller going around the outside by Dave Elmendorf who brought him down and then the other Rams came along to make sure Robert Miller playing for Brent McClanahan Miller 511 204 founder out of Kansas he was a number 5 draft choice this is three years of experience in the NFL on the sidelines the anxious Rams all they can do is stand and wait and hope that's al cowlings and Jackie Wallace among others second and seven from the 27 and we got a four wide - Bob Miller and he's got him and he's at the 20 yard line and he'll pick up another first down and Marny Jackson and they're going after mati finally made the tackle Lee on a roll out there we need for some reason there that Bob Lee does not want to throw the ball Chuck for me it's right surprising in the four games he's been a starter for the Vikings Foreman has only caught one pass but he's not the least bit reluctant to go to Robert Miller now you explained that Vin Scully the only thing I can think of - is the Rams know he hasn't thrown to Foreman so grant my finger okay with stare bundled up nephritis a Whitley Pennsylvania mr. Chuck Knox in his fifth NFC title by the way the Rams are the only team in the NFL to go undefeated at home this year there were seven and old and Becky allowed only 45 points here at the Coliseum with two shutout over Philadelphia and Tampa Bay however the Vikings are after him 20 minutes with 7-eleven in the first party Foreman but you just can't make that kind of a run and airing on the sidelines Alex is one of the secondary stories of the game Joe Namath and may not be before the game's over if something should happen to Pat Haden don't be surprised if you see him in there Cody Jones Jack Reynolds fighting off the blocks Isiah Robinson right there Reynolds has been a real boost for this RAM defense and the five or six games he's played in since his hold that earlier in the year they've won five of them since he returned that middle and they inspire third and four from the 14 yard line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Vikings recovered the ball on the six yard line we'll see who came across to make it it was Sammy white who fell on the fumble number 85 to save the moment after Robert Miller let that wet hog get away he's came out all together white downfield that's only the 13th fumble recovery the Rams defense I mean the Vikings defense made all year that's surprising the key number one of the big statistical notes against the Vikings this year they were - 18 in turnovers though it is first and goal the ball on the Rams 6 yard line and it'll be Chuck Foreman would you ever [Applause] goes off that right side they're running behind around the area near Dwight right at Jack Youngblood and Jim Youngblood for that matter Nolan Cromwell finally getting them but too late the Vikings must be sky-high for the moment first the Rams gambled remember fourth and one on the Viking 32 they did not go for the field goal they missed and the Vikings took over and moved from their own 32 yard line all the way for a touchdown and out Freddie Cox gets it out and good and the Minnesota Vikings in the rain and marvelous Angeles Coliseum with five minutes and 43 seconds remaining in the first quarter it is Minnesota 7 and Los Angeles nothing [Music] the Minnesota Vikings thanks to chuck foreman going over from the five are leading the Rams seven and nothing in performin in his 66th game he has scored 67 touchdowns remaining get it and Fred Cox will kick it off deep his window Tyler and he a backtrack to his on seven yard line [Applause] and at the end of it among others the Rams will take over first in ten and we have a chance to remind you that the best the CBS Sports spectacular coming up next Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time and the best is really just that we'll talk about the January schedule for now the WBA light heavyweight championship with quail versus Farlow though the Rams put it in play first in town as they moved it out to their own 34 yard line McCutcheon [Applause] 4:43 he would be about a yard shy of the first down standing on the sidelines Jackie Slater and ere is Winston Hill he thought his career was all over he was cooking ribs in Denver when the Rams picked him up and there is Chuck Knox well went for the the first down didn't get it and the Vikings then drove for the touchdown and lead 7 nothing we have 5 minutes and 3 seconds left to go in the first quarter second and 1 from the 43 slot Lev Wadi is inside Harold Jackson John cappelletti got away from one man but they couldn't go anyway he was hit by Jim Marshall and at the bottom Doug Sutherland they weren't real sure where the John capitalism's gonna start he's had a growing pool and they weren't sure with how much action he was going to see today had some bad ribs too they need less than a yard for the first down though on a third down play Matt Blair goes out and big Mark Mulaney comes in Mullaney is six-six there's Bud Grant standing in the rain and has already played a card to lead 7 nothing [Applause] they go to truck foreman got the first down brought down by Jeff right number 23 and Nate right cappelletti being the lead blocker that time they have yet to throw passes or am sab and out there to McCutchen look at the lead block there by John cappelletti hole opening on the other side good blocking on the outside there by Terry Nelson bit of irony that the right boys would not let him get off the ground you got it to the 48 where it's first in ten Rams 790 Minnesota 1st quarter 3:30 left to go that Jackson right so they flip prop the wide receiver and a relationship McCutchen and the clutch on his own Matt boiler went sailing by on a brush block by Greg Horton neither man could get any traction at all the boy is accustomed to playing at the Coliseum Fred McNeill who went to school here at UCLA made the tackle for the biking we have three minutes in one second left to go in the first quarter the Vikings thanks to Chuck Foreman our leading 7 to nothing a very good Drive engineered by Bob Lee second and eight from the midfield strike [Applause] gun settling just before he got to the line of scrimmage and really laid a lick on him you don't he's a stay-at-home players seller than he is and you don't hear a lot about him but he plays that position he gets to run pretty well he's reading there I think he's a mr. Samet he went unblocked altogether that time Jeff seaman coming in on top why he in a slot left inside Jackson [Applause] Carrie Nelson and he can hold on to it Jeff seaman hit him just as a ball arrived Carrie Nelson has had a big year at tight end for the Rams he certainly has he's got what 19 passes in the last four games and with the double coverage you're gonna give Watty and Hale Jackson your notes will leave a tidy and wide open as you saw Chester yesterday running roughshod over the Baltimore Colts Glenn water mister does not kick him deep he is averaged only 35 yards of fun Manfred more all alone on the 15-yard line of Minnesota Walker played his collegiate days here there's Manfred Moore who went to USC as did Walker so one Trojan will be kicking to another that was McNeil sailing in but not able to get a piece of the ball a fair catch by Manfred Moore by Colin Brian and Jim Joe dad it was almost a delayed fair catch and he almost got bumped because of it a 31-yard punt no return seven to nothing Minnesota 151 in the first quarter well now we know where the Sun is it's in El Paso Texas for the Sun Bowl next Saturday 1:30 p.m. Eastern Standard versus LSU and Burt Reynolds who could ask for anything more my god semi tough and semi telling John cappelletti [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Thomas who is defending Sammy White and Thomas going stride for stride on the ball all year long they've been working on Pat Thomas but not having much much luck getting to him that's come on real well he's done a good job for the Rams his second year came up with five interceptions this year for the Rams and I guess said leads our Rams interception bill Simpson has six I'm sorry there's Pat Haden waiting for his next chance to get a drive going remember yet at fourth and one on the 32 of Minnesota they elected to go for the down and couldn't make it second intent on the 17 this time white bonnie goes across the 20 jim Youngblood along with Dave Elmendorf and Isiah Robertson hear too much about Steve boy cuz he doesn't catch many passes I think he's only called what 20 classes this year only a fair blocker you see right there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for the Vikings the wall at the Viking 22 yard line and it is down at the bottom is Freddy Braun [Applause] on a fourth down situation the Vikings will give it up Anil Klay Bose has been averaging almost 40 yards of punt 39.8 at a Tennessee there tells the story for him he's had the front 83 time deep for the Rams Colin Bryan and Billy Wadi and the front we'll send Billy Wadi retreating to his own 20-yard line [Applause] goes and I was pregnant after Nate Allen just missed him McNeil number 54 making the stop so the Rams will put it in play with 21 seconds left to go in the first quarter and the Minnesota Vikings leading the Rams seven to nothing [Music] boy what a show we have for you on tap Monday January 2nd 2 p.m. Eastern Time the Cotton Bowl undefeated Texas with Heisman Trophy winner al Campbell among others against Notre Dame Tannen 1 don't miss that one the Rams now putting it in play first in 10 from their own 20 - hey Dennis cappelletti and McCutcheon Jackson is right and Wadi left cappelletti [Applause] Jackson was trying to push nade right out of the play but he couldn't do it you have to leather shoes gone inside that time it hesitated making these cut you can't make them as well Oh on that slippery field even though they are wearing mud cleats which are a good deal longer between the quarter of an inch and a half an inch longer than regular cleats and I'm sure the bed grant has not changed his Footwear at all it doesn't change anything well the quarter has run out the Minnesota Vikings striking early leading the Los Angeles Rams seven to nothing [Music] and so we start the second quarter at the soggy Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles seven to nothing Minnesota and the Rams have it second and nine on their own 24 McCutchen the deep man out of the eye and he'll carry inside a block like cappelletti one of the most durable boxing NFL history is 12 years Tom Mac number 65 is never mr. game has been a starter since his rookie season a good job on Allan page right there he will eventually pass the all timer in RAM history Merlin Olsen who played in 198 straight third and five from the 28 yard line why Diaz right Jackson left the back split Haden most of the time passes out of this formation [Music] [Applause] and the back [Applause] so both packs came out and that was the plan to throw to one of the two and he went to cappelletti Matt Blair was there to defend well you got a handle these by keys when he comes playoff time they are a tournament tip aren't they one of the things that Chuck Knox has had to contend with all week in Los Angeles for that matter maybe two weeks is the constant talk about the Rams and will he beat the Dallas Cowboys and Knox keep saying as far as I'm concerned Dallas doesn't exist it's the Minnesota Vikings and how true that is you got to get bad a day to get the Dallas land Walker will be finding from his own 15 yard Manford more standing on his 35 very short the ball hits on the Viking 45 takes a ram bounce inside the 35 and it'll be down at the 31 so the kick didn't travel very far in the air nevertheless he got it down to the 31 line of Minnesota so the Vikings will put it in play first and ten from their own 13:59 to the have the tram quarterback Pat Haden waiting for another opportunity as the Vikings take over first and ten on their own 31 Sammy white in a slot inside was shot in motion Gus Chuck Foreman the right side going to Sammy why he rejected and and just in case Pat Thomas decked him anyway Bob Lee you might not remember that in Super Bowl 11 he completed seven out of nine including a touchdown he went to school up north at the College of Pacific before that he was at the City College of San Francisco and another fella in the same backfield was OJ Simpson probably at his best years when he was with Atlanta beat my Minnesota on a Monday night game their one-year second in ten from the 31 again a shot right [Applause] [Music] this time it's warming up [Applause] pulled it out of its socket Jim Youngblood started the ears most of you know in the middle for the Rams I moved into the outside when Jack Reynolds returned he's a leading tackler on the ball club plays it outside a whole lot better because the middle woman finding no room whatsoever run that Thomas in there put it in the back so Jim Youngblood they just made that tackle or arm-wrestle however you want to call it comes out to the sidelines Jackie Wallace stood one time played from Minnesota is now in there on the defense he was in two Super Bowls one with Minnesota and another with Baltimore [Applause] thirty so they lost that last play they ownership compel a game this time my books right down at about his 17 yard line good rush from the inside that's what all teams and football would like to see those defensive tackles breaking down that pocket good rush from the inside that's what all teams and football would like to see those defensive tackles breaking down that pocket and you see Bob Lee and retreat there Cody Jones number 676 there Larry Brooks number 90 ah there's the BOD Rashad open on the play as you saw Ronnie Jackson fell down didn't have time good inside to rush there by the Rams Neal play ball will be kicking from inside his 10-yard line deep is Billy Wadi and clay ball will get it off and Billy Wadi will field it on the RAM 41 to the 45 and to about the 47 or 48 he was trying to get a block from Phillips or scales he couldn't quite position them and he had to go down so the we'll put it in play first in ten on their own 48 yard line in the rain in Los Angeles Minnesota seven Los Angeles nothing [Music] what a way to start the new year next Sunday January 1st the NFC Championship game the Dallas Cowboys at home entertaining the winner of this one and it will all start with the NFL today at 5 p.m. Eastern 7 another Minnesota 12:35 to go the 1st half it is first in 10 Rams and Hagen has Jackson often Watty right [Applause] [Music] and it was overthrown McCutchen barely got his right hand on the ball good rush on Hayden that town that Sutherland came back put good pressure on him made him release the ball a little hurry way to his mark considerably is now 1 for 4 and the RAM passing game has picked up a total of 3 yards while Bob Lee is 5/4 7/4 57 as we see Jack Youngblood sitting on his helmet chewing gum and waiting and sitting some duck flies down in Florida like that before and weather just exactly like this right at home second and 10 48 [Applause] [Music] McCutchin inside a good block by Rick fall so I'll put a good block on Alan page and McNeal and seaman had to make the tackle as he got a cross midfield good adjustment that time I rich so you see page taking inside rush there it's all making the adjustment and hooking him right on in you see the lead blocker coming back through there nice job rich so you've done good at a michigan state a veteran of eight years so it is third and four for the rand they've moved the ball to minnesota 46 yard line English click the back to see if they stay in the block they both go out ad down the middle Harry Nelson slipped and went down and he was wide open as he slept say he's been hot the last four weeks they got to go to him more and more using that Devils cover he's look at the linebacker working on him like Matt Blair trying to hold him off there he's wide open there but he just can't keep his feet that's a quagmire down in the middle of field ball throwing slightly behind and as Terry notes and tried to jam on the brakes of course you saw what happened when Walker will be potting now and standing deep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and again Stalin page and so the Rams will keep the ball in a very important offside penalty there you go they had to block on my suppose that to them I can't imagine why Alan Paige would try to rush it that much of the wooden defense encroachment first down so Alan page 11 years in the leg embarrassed and you don't embarrass him very often but it's a big play and Paige brought with a hand in the cookie jar in the Rams take over first in : on the Viking 41 right [Applause] and the capillary get right spun off the block by Billy Wadi and then caught him from behind he looked like a runaway revolving door making the tackle watch Joe ride i building her what in the world garbage they were in that time with jefra right was up there on the line of scrimmage quicker than most of the linebackers there's Paige and Marshall they're getting caught up the domino effect right there though it is second in aid the boil on the Viking 39 yard line [Applause] gets across the 35 yard line or Mac and cappelletti we're all moving on that and it was Blair and seamen who had to finally come up and wedge it down what can you say brother Lawrence McCutchen the clay keeps his defeat he's run him like it's a drive tripped and they're all together just been perhaps the most consistent ball carrier the Rams have ever had he is indeed good ones too without a doubt and of course this year among other things he passed dick basses all-time record McCutcheon for his career prior to today rushed for over fifty five hundred yards in five years third and three from the 34 [Applause] released and the fast goes to the fight in Perry Nelson at the 30 20 and is rustled up I met Blair and that will be the first down and so that offside or encroachment penalty charge against Alan page has now become a very big play yes sir and that's who they're gonna have to go to Terry Nelson it seemed number 83 been a good dependable receiver just never got the playing times as Bob Klein's been playing the last few years before he's traded through San Diego and Nelson has been coming on strong for the Rams what they doing they would speed like Watty and Jackson you just cannot allow them one-on-one coverage and they're putting linebackers I mean he just came good else was too good a receiver today first and ten from the Viking 18 yard line 7 nothing Minnesota Lions McCutcheon gets to the 15th on the play the ball was ripped out of mccutchins hands by four arouse their might I think it's going to be against the Rams for holding that's the preliminary signal that's what it is it might have been on the end let's wait and see [Applause] [Music] offensive holding number 61 which song which saw the guilty party so encroachment again Alan page was a good one then holding against Rick tall and we can pick it up right there Saul has a pretty good grip trying to open up a hole for that so encroachment again Alan page was a good one then holding against Rick tall and we can pick it up right there Saul has a pretty good grip trying to open up a hole that sets the ball back to the 28 yard line first in twenty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] play-action [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Rockland Hey good imagine imaginative collar by pat quarter hayden graciously let me see if i can get it right title screen the guy follows his block in there to breaking a tackle air excellent balance right there didn't even break him off stride look at his shot he took right there on the sidelines it might have been the mud to help because Alan Paige had him it just slithered right down his body and couldn't get aggro Paige all over the field with a nd he's sure of course when Allen comes back here he has known some great battles in his collegiate career in the Coliseum when he went to Notre Dame and of course every Viking has been around as gone head-to-head with the lamb the ball is down to the nine where is first and goal was wide life Babil any [Music] Tim lifts his feet somehow without slipping well let's backtrack the Rams had a fourth and one on the Viking 32 went for the first down and missed the Vikings drove for a touchdown as Foreman carried it over now on this Drive it looked like the Rams might be stopped Alan page guilty of encroachment the big play on the screen to the tight end Terry Nelson and the Rams now are five yards away from going in and rod Phillips is in there with McCutcheon and Collin Bryant is flipped wide to the right they'd be walking left now down in the middle instead by mate we're to handle it know what made Allen's doing in the ball game and let's put in a fifth back for some reason they're there I didn't see the injury you don't see Pat Haden do that very much he's only thrown six interceptions this year this one wasn't even close watch him keep his feet inbounds here well schooled well coached Nate Allen a moment in time for Nate Allen as he picks off the pass from Pat Haden the nearest Ram was Charles young a tight end and for Hayden that's the seventh interception he's thrown this year first in 10 Vikings on their own 20 mr. Chuck gets paella Robertson and hit by Monty Jackson and chased by Corey Jones there's a flag on the play [Applause] and against Minnesota would you say the second guess will be up a hawk a little bit on Hayden putting the ball up in the air when the Rams had run so well yes sir they sure will be yeah you don't see Pat Haden through that kind of answer holding number 78 Steve Riley who has been playing excellent ball for Minnesota all year most people across the country are familiar with Ronnie Airy not so familiar with the other title but Steve Riley who's played here she has been a mainstay for Minnesota Thurston 20 from the chain the motion goes what big Miller and there goes Chuck Furnham Poorman tied up by Jack Reynolds who's down at the very bottom of the file number 64 who by the way did not play for the Rams until October the 24th and in those six games in which he started the Rams won five of the six and Chuck Knox watching Chuck Foreman and company trying to hold on to the ball seven and nothing Minnesota and a big interception by Nate Allen stemming the tide of what appeared to be a ram drive for a touchdown second and 15 from the 15 Chuck Foreman pretty hard to get any traction in the mud [Applause] the Vikings this year played five games against playoff team and their only victory was in overtime against Chicago and in talking about playoff teams someone figured out that the home team this year won fifty seven percent of the time but the playoff teams won 84 percent of the time and outside of Baltimore that's still holding out Tech Foreman among other people jack rental they got just shy of the 20 yard line and he had to get to the 20 for the first down or it even started he had another 10 yards to go he had to get to the 30 so Neil clay Bowl will come in in front seven to nothing in favor of Minnesota we have 635 to go in the second quarter in a light rain and the most ominous black cloud you ever saw moving in overhead clay bowl will be kicking two twin safeties : Brian under 32 Billy Wadi number 80 Watty the top of the screen [Applause] a nail clay bowl averaging almost 40 yards upon his longest 69 Bauval gets it away [Applause] [Music] twenty-one had a shot at him but he got by Sammy Johnson finally brought him down here you'll see him get by bleh hock kind of bouncing and then runs right up the back of al cowlings who was trying to plot for him and it is 7-nothing Minnesota six minutes and ten seconds to the half [Music] we're gonna put a spotlight on a big round ball with our NBA special the 78 season 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday January 1st the Haidee takes over in the Viking 45 first intend hands to McCutchin 40 then although the score wouldn't indicate that in Los Angeles right side of the tower offensive rhonda let back seems to be handling the Vikings up front rather well but they can't put anything sustained it together then look like it's pretty hard to hold anything together today although the Vikings did it it is second in 6 from the 38 yard line of Minnesota and in a swap ride Watty is inside Jackson [Applause] once again Doug France and Tom Mac making the key blocks on that left side every time you see McCutcheon spring for yardage or cappelletti you maybe wonder about Hayden's call when he served it up and Nate Allen took it off the platter to stop the last Ram drive Wendell Tyler will give McCutcheon a breather Lauren's coming to the sidelines Kyle a number 26 rod Phillips from the 39 in the Ram backfield now why he is right in Jackson left on the 21 of Minnesota Wendell Tyler signing right at the line of spinach Jeff seaman was the guy to hit him last time these two teams met Tyler had him a big day only time this season the rest rowed over a hundred yards had about a 44-yard touchdown her aunt her grunting that Monday night game I believe Tyler is another fellow who played an awful lot of football here at the Coliseum he went to UCLA in fact he was the first Bruin to run for a thousand yards two consecutive years but he's at home second and 10 for the ran four minutes and 15 seconds left to the half 7 nothing Minnesota the very notion [Applause] [Music] so they tried to end around with Terry Nelson Fred McNeill wasn't fooled at all and the linebacker rolled him out once again kind of an unusual play in a situation like get running straight at the Minnesota team who have had a lot of success that have come up with an end-around play like that you just you have to wonder about that they're going away from their basic pattern they're just good fundamental football and of course imagine a big tight end trying to make a cut on an end around on a slippery turf that's right looks like the Moors from the hounds of the Baskerville have to go 1310 from the Minnesota 21 [Applause] the left side rod Phillips all alone in the backfield put it out and [Music] under the ground after Terry Nelson made the reception so the line of scrimmage was the 22 and after an end-around by Nelson and a completed pass to Nelson they have just about picked up two yards goat is fourth down and four Rafael septon out of Mexico City in Southwest Louisiana he is 18 for 30 in field goals he will be asked to kick the ball from the 23 that would make it a 33 yard field goal and he is five out of six in this range as you see [Music] [Applause] miss to field goals against Washington that would have tied and he was probably thinking about that all week long how hot take a look at it it's been infecting the punters and place kickers the slippery turf wheel didn't even come close with it hit it very poorly shanked it off to the right and 4 sep 10 minutes early not that strong anyway and now his first shot out of the barrel he comes up empty and that could be a big factor later on through the landings later on it could be interstate first in 10 Minnesota from their own 20-yard line Minnesota leading 7 to nothing gets out just shy of the 25 which brings up another point it could very well be the showers and such second-guessing about set the end that he went for that fourth and 1 instead of the field goal that's a color that's a thought you know with us earlier the Rams won the toss drove to the Viking 32 had fourth and one went for the first down didn't make it the Vikings took over and travel for a touchdown second and six 243 from the 24 [Applause] going outside and gave Elmendorf on his back and then coming up his Monte Jackson here's a young man with a lot on his mind and a considerable weight on his shoulder on the other side but grant very busy as usual wig wagging a few signals out to the Bob Lee that's Bob grim number 26 to his right Dennis swilley's 67 to his left now Bob Lee if highly not sure of all that wig wagging as he goes to the sidelines and we have the two-minute warning till the Minnesota Vikings with a first period touchdown on a run by Chuck Foreman have made it stand up up to here [Music] that's a success run against Brooks and dryer Brooks one of the better tackles in football or nearly those you see one that gets away from him rather second and four from the 37 yard line for Bob Lee in company Chuck Gorman tried to go out then came in Isaiah Robertson got him from behind and down meanwhile as you can see the numbers are changing because of the running game 115 left to go to the half the Rams had fourth and about one on the Viking 32 and they didn't make it and the Vikings thusly inspired March for a touchdown and that's the story the Rams had another chin and Pat Haden went into the end zone with the past and I think intended for Charles young young was about five minutes away from the past by phone and it was caught by mate Alan [Music] from the 37 [Applause] oh right number 62 tried to pull and lead the attack you just can't get any traction and we're down to 31 seconds to the half Minnesota seven and Los Angeles nothing bobbly against Pat Haden but how much chance did you give the Minnesota Vikings when Fran Tarkenton when went down of making the playoffs and remember that the Rams beat them 35 to 3 right here in October the coaches Bud Grant he's won a hundred and seven games in his career Chuck Knox 54 and Minnesota decides why gamble bobbly leading seven and I think playing with house money right now so he lets the sands run out so the Minnesota Vikings have a touchdown in the and rain of Los Angeles thanks to a five yard burst bike Chuck Foreman and so does seven another in Minnesota as the Rams will kick-off and coming up to receive it and put more at the 10 to the 25 brought down as he got across the 30-yard line and so and footballer brings it out across the 30 in the Vikings put it in play the Vikings have had just one Drive so far but it was the one they used to go for the touchdown and on that touchdown drive there was one key fumble Robert Miller had caught a pass and started a scamper and fumbled but it was recovered by Sammy white and that's been a very big play for Minnesota that recovery by white pushkin 10 from the 33 white is inside was shot in a slot left as you can see the Vikings have gone to clean jerseys first up Foreman is not going to stay clean anywhere very long Jack Reynolds making the tackle there he is since returning October the 24th the Rams won five straight with jacket middle linebacker only to lose at Washington though second and nine from the 34 for the Vikings in new white uniforms right in his slide left inside and close lo intended for Sammy white and a group of brands over there to defend it looked like it might be a little released to Robert Miller but he went to white which is not a bad idea Sammy is caught nine touchdown passes this year hawked good rush by Cody Jones that time kind of rushing a little bit Isaiah Robertson over there interfering a little bit with Sammy boy third and nine for Minnesota Bob Lee is 5 for Reed 457 yards the Rams have been able to get to them only once however though the Vikings up front have done a good job keeping the RAM rush away from Bob Lee the shot is luck Bob grim is wide right [Applause] [Music] they going down the middle no good in candy for Sammy wife with that Thomas and Nolan Cromwell over there to defend while I'll target a little bit bright Headroom to make the reception that time look at Thomas he's behind Thomas a little bit crumble doesn't quite get over there far enough balls been on the money he would have had it and who knows from then on the O'Neill clay bow will be kicking from his only 20 yard line and for the Rams Cullen Bryant and Billy Wadi Brian number 32 wadi number 80 play ball averaging just under 40 yards of punt seven to nothing Minnesota just the start of the third quarter the winner goes to Dallas [Applause] gets it away Cullen Bryant besides nothing it up and it goes out of bounds at the RAM 25-yard line where they will put it in play first and ten from their own 25 a reminder next Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Eastern 3:30 central and Pacific the best of the CBS Sports spectacular and they've got some best to memorable moments by Nadia Comaneci Leon Spinks fight the Belmont motorcycle jump-off from Houston Pocono 500 runs and Valdez for the world middleweight championship World Cup skiing world Strongest Man competition the stuntmen competition and more I'll say the best first and ten from the 25 second man is much read by Alan page as he goes to the 30-yard line big double eights right there to get him our team has sucked to Viking records he lists opponents first downs and fewest opponents passes five from the 30 [Music] [Applause] [Music] McCutchin right into a pack and the first man was Jeff seaman looked like he went away from the block cappelletti was leading in one direction but Lorenz peeled off and of course as soon as he left his blocker he was wide open once again he got a hand at those Vikings they came in after 14 games giving up about a hundred and sixty yards rushing all the teams are doing well against him but no points today for the Rams it made two plays when they have two it's a team with a lot of character when it comes playoff time as evidence for the 12 playoffs had been in third and four from the 31 for the Rams no photo [Applause] Haven throws one no good at the feet of Bobbie Brian it looked like it was intended for McCutchen Allen Paige putting on a lot of heat on Hayden but McCutchen had fallen down and so Hayden walks off the field having completed four passes on one for an interception he's four out of ten Glenn Walker will be punting from his 20 and manfred more all alone on his 35 will be the single safety man for Minnesota we'll see if the bikes are coming they can't quite get through and more from his 35 he spun away from Cromwell but spun right into the grass barrage Philip who brought him down so the Minnesota Vikings a pretty good field position and they're leading a Los Angeles Rams seven another with 12 24 in the third water [Music] next Sunday January 1st the NFC Championship game from Dallas the Dallas Cowboys against the winner of this game with the NFL today starting at all at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time Dallas looks strong today huh they sure did first and ten from the Viking 44 [Applause] to bring that play down Foreman can run from here to you Piper and they got to call it back Robert Miller was so quick off the gun that was obvious number 35 and that spoils that play and that run watch him there he goes way offsides there's a lead blocker no use her in when you're on the wrong road get up there way too quick anticipating he cheated as well as that he was there about the time a ball was snapped for his lead block and it'll all be brought down I brought background offense illegal motion though Robert Miller guilty of an early start beating the count and he was picked off easily so it'll be first and 15 moving the ball to the 39 yard line seven to nothing in favor of Minnesota Robert Miller out of Kansas number five draft choice and 75 only 24 years old playing in place of the injured Brett McClanahan on the Rams sidelines another great ball carrier Lawrence McCutcheon drying off his hands waiting for an opportunity to try and get the Rams even first and 15 from the Viking 39 white in a slot left inside Rashad Chuck corner not this time got Youngblood Jim Youngblood [Music] Chuck Foreman has now carried the ball 15 times for 36 yards the going is difficult McCutcheon the other great runner in the game has carried for 95 yards the second and 15 from the 39 another slot left white inside Rashad stew boy on the right side by Jim Youngblood and slides across the 45 yard line Minnesota's approaching the second half and as well as it did the first half after that first drive is I've got seven points you've got none before I put any more up there you're going to hit time it they're holding out of the ball with 11 15 in the third quarter the Vikings the first time they got their hands on the ball with Bud Grant looking on we're able to drive for the touchdown and it is the difference in the game third and nine 45 yard line slop right and grim with Sammy white inside him on the right Chuck Corman across midfield and Iran stack him up before he can get for the first down marker fat Thomas among others as you see it right here it can't quite get enough be running off the right side just a basic football play Minnesota has been used to playing it in Clement conditions and bad weather field conditions they're doing the same thing they know what they can do well just run straight at it he came up short on the first day you know on the third down it's most exciting thing about this see if the punters are gonna be able to keep their feet they kicked it like an eel clay Bowl will have to do it right now Pat Thomas did a good job of fighting off a block by Sammy white it was only 189 so that helps stack up the play : Brian all alone on his 10 Neal play ball will be kicking from the Viking 43 [Applause] [Music] roughing the kicker on the X Viking Jacky Wallace number 20 and the official twice tried to get the flag out of his pocket he couldn't do it he certainly did it was contact look at him now what's hit fish tag yeah a little bit he puts it back in his pocket and takes it decides on this thing he gets to go ahead and throw it there was contact though there's another big play the so-called roughing the kicker here's the announcement on the roughing the kicker ironically it would be annex Viking Jackie Wallace who charged in recent weeks have been so much heat on officials are they going to look at everything twice for this side to call it number 21st down the Jackie Wallace who was in in two Super Bowls one with Minnesota the other with Baltimore five-year man out of Arizona guilty of the infraction and so the Vikings keep possession that could be a big play now as they hold on instead of getting up the ball of the RAM the line of scrimmage would be the 42-yard line of the RAM first in ten Russia bride right Sammy white goes left in motion his Foreman life throws off the hands of chopped Foreman Jim Youngblood was there to defend boys a money player Chuck Foreman two playoff games last year he rushed for over 100 yards in both of them he scored the only touchdown today he has played seven games in his career against the Rams and has scored five touchdowns against them three rushing and to unpassed in postseason games against the cream of the crop going into this game he has rushed for 669 yard two when the chips are down look for double boys second and ten from the 42 [Applause] Cody Jones had the first grip as he just got by Jack Youngblood and points up Charles Goodrem they call him goodie number 68 he's playing hurt and playing well and it was Goodrem who started it by banging heads with Jack Youngblood the third and five the Vikings getting a big break with Jackie Wallace guilty of running into the kicker Vikings leading 7 to nothing 9 14 in the 3rd 40 [Applause] dear life is Jack wells at the ankle that is very close to the first down then dry fan company will let us know no sense guests and it's tough enough to even figure out the yardage it seems like the whole games been played right in the middle of the field and then we mentioned earlier they had a high school game here a week ago Saturday night and have rained that night it has been raining here in Los Angeles really since yesterday so the field was in bad shape for openers [Music] the fear that they are short and they are that far that wouldn't be at all surprised but grant doesn't go away from this pattern we go to the first down grant is talking and sending in Denis Swilley and Prague though they have two tight ends in there Craig and Boyd and have been going for it Stu Boyd and Steve pray now come in along with Dennis Willie another big guy to the Rams five fourth and one almost from the same spot and didn't make it in the first quarter let's see about the Viking that's right and swilley is on a wing we'll be Foreman and it would appear he made it once again we watch the Steve Riley and Charles Goodrem on the left side you see the Rams all thinking the inside rush their lead blocker out in front and Foreman somehow finds away doesn't he and boy there is now the difference in the ballgame in one respect can be pinpointed right there the Rams had a fourth and one and couldn't make it the Vikings have a fourth and one end do and it is 1st in 10 Minnesota on the RAM 30 7:57 in the third board [Applause] and boy Miller took a pretty good shot from Jack Reynolds and still was able to move on take another look at Robert Miller playing for the injured Brent McClanahan flooded his own over there that time with three men in the area Bob Lee throwing just about a safer passes you're gonna be able to throw you see Miller just wide open there does a nice job there avoiding to tackle Pat Thomas dragging him for a couple yards there evidently a flag down in the mud which we couldn't pick off so we listen to Bend right spot the ball on the 41 yard line offensive holding number 73 though that would be Ronnie airy of Minnesota guilty of the holding the flag went down and it was just swallowed up by the mud first and 20 on the RAM 41 yard line we have 744 left in the third quarter Minnesota leading 7 to nothing they have been leading since the first time they got their hands on the ball in the first quarter [Applause] SWAT left right inside Rashad [Music] [Applause] shucks Foreman well farming picks up a couple a lot of people down there probably the first one to get him was Fred dryer and Bob Lee again drying off his hand Bob Lee came into this game having been intercepted four times the one thing you don't expect Bob Lee to do is run with the ball he is carried to both 12 times this year and he owes the league he's a minus 8 yard he's in hockey there's Chuck Knox you must feel like a guy who's come up a buck short so far second and 17 from the RAM 38 [Applause] [Music] and he sports which is a pretty good verb to apply to this game today Robertson Cromwell among others Robert Miller charged with a big responsibility of replacing Brent McClanahan McClanahan had scored three touchdown and had been a workhorse and now it's Robert Miller in the big game playing for him on the sidelines while E alone with his thoughts Joe Namath forward and ten Worman Boorman across the 30-yard line at the bottom number 58 I say a Robertson along with Fred Dreyer both the Vikings and the Rams stand pretty basic defensively four-man front I think it's interesting did you've seen so much three-man front Bend this year the eight of the teams we went to the playoff six of them used a four-man line only two started out using the three-man line it looks like it's the new moment as we see Neil clay ball coming in play ball this year has kicked 19 punch inside the 20 yard line and of course that's what you're going to try and do now to keep the Rams bottled up going by it all alone on the 10 the angles for the sidelines zone 2 clay ball unable to hit one out of the coffin corner runs it through for the touch back and the Rams will take over first and 10 from their own 20 yard line 5 minutes and 26 seconds left to go in the third quarter and it's the way it's been since the early going biking seven Rams nothing well Jackie on I ran defense stop the Vikings and now Los Angeles takes over first and 10 from their own 20 Jackson left and Wadi right the running back from a kuchen and cappelletti back of the Haven cappelletti with McCutcheon putting a but as he's doing that Jim Marshall came over and knocked him down Jim Marshall number 70 what a story he's had 18 years in this league since he came out of Ohio State and at 39 going on 40 he is announced he will play next year didn't that incredible it sure is far that with Cleveland didn't miss a game with Cleveland he has he has played 251 consecutive games 239 with the Vikings that makes it second and 12 from the 18 [Applause] Duncan to the 20 hit by Matt Blair and skidding out of bounds he tried to turn and get upfield Jeff seaman finally just took a sleigh ride on top of him the Vikings haven't been covering the flare men not in the first half but Pat Haden for some reason other has not gone to him Pat Haden normally calls his own plays that was a great deal of discussion here in Los Angeles when Joe Namath started the season in Atlanta and the Rams lost then Hayden came in and finally Chuck Knox said Hayden is a Rhodes Scholar he is now an experienced quarterback he calls him himself third and eight from the 22 [Music] [Applause] in Minnesota [Applause] both packs release when you apply the heat was a leap aid and then for good measure white came along to hammer him James white but it was Allen Page who really did it double eight he's probably still smoking over that encroachment penalty called against him in the second quarter and no receivers open downfield did the police action there by Greg Horton they just jerked him down from behind say what you want to that was a bigger loss to Washington and you might imagine to the Rams it's a whole lot better going into a playoff game fresh off a win than it is off a looot loss and keeping the momentum together it's a good point out deep now for the Vikings will be Manfred Moore and Glenn Walker kicking out of his end zone and more will get his face wet as he looks up in the rain at his own 42 Jackie Wallace brings him down just shy of the 40-yard line though Jackie Wallace who figured prominently in running into the kicker and there is bill Simpson the injured free safety on crutches on the sidelines trying to tutor Nolan Cromwell 7-nothing Minnesota [Music] the Minnesota Vikings leading seven and nothing as Manford more returned the front the Vikings were furious on the far sideline and leading the battle cry was veteran Jim Marshall the officials huddled with Bud Grant and with Marshall nothing else was said and played back in first and ten on the RAM 41 Robert Miller got out across the 35 yard line Dave Elmendorf and Jack Reynolds there's Reynolds those gold numbers stand out the Vikings white uniforms however are starting to have it make their numbers disappear I don't even know whether they bother to change jerseys at halftime it doesn't take what about four plays in your back where you where the first and second and four the ball just inside the RAM 35 yard line 331 left to go in the third quarter 7 nothing Minnesota more in motion and Foreman runs into Larry Brooks and on his own power picks up a yard or two go Robert Lee Bob Lee Fran Tarkenton of course out with the bad leg then Tommy Cramer got some headlines against San Francisco which earned him a start against Oakland but when the chips are down against Detroit to get here and now against Iran just a nine-year veteran Bob Lee third and two from the 32 Robert climbing over people for the first down for a dryer at the bottom we told you that the Vikings seem to be very irritated down on the field and down there is Nick Buoniconti Nick do you have any idea what the Viking line was all about well Vince Alan page and Jim Marshall are complaining that the Rams are holding them on every play they went up to bend Roy things I started screaming in her face and went over the but grant started telling him and Grant grot got dry throw up to the sideline and said to start calling the holding penalties back view of it's okay Nick and a court we could see Marshall who was absolutely livid but grant implacable as usual unflappable first and ten on the RAM 29 in motion is Sammy white here comes Chuck Foreman and Jack Reynolds has in by the waist not a classic game at all no indeed it's a mud bet it is a shame 14 big games everything on the line they've been working since last July and of all places in a city that has been worrying about a drought they come up into a rainstorm what is it though that George Allen said this time of year comes the playoffs you don't win with talent you win with character a lot of it down there right now second and eight from the 27 yard line of Los Angeles Rashad white and emotional Eric Miller and Chuck Foreman over the right side and across the 20-yard line and he might have made the first down depends on where they market he's picked it up Poorman doing it almost on his own Marvin I'm telling you the guy just seems to find the open holes and he can make some most out of it he can find holes when other backs can't that's why he's a Pro Bowler Robertson and Cromwell rolling him up but not before he rolled up the first down so a remarkable performer chuck foreman five year veteran out of Miami he is rushed for over a thousand yards three years in a row Oh inside the 20 at the last minute he fumbles and it is picked up by Marnie Jackson who fumbled and we'll see if the whistle had blown it dead yeah I believe it had been we'll take another look as Lee hands it off to Foreman the ball should been blown right there that's right that's a good call on the fishing part Monte Jackson trying to give it away I think to Elmendorf and Elmendorf finally falling on it with a whistle nullified all of that the Vikings known for their turnovers they were - 18 and yet the only loss of the ball today was the interception by Minnesota's Nate Allen the Vikings fumbled once Robert Miller fumble recovered by Sammy white [Applause] [Music] robert miller with sammy johnson in there to spell foreman Johnson leading a block for him you look down on the field and you see Ahmed Rashad and his uniform is unsullied by the mud we've got three quarters in the books the coming down to the last 15 7 nothing Minnesota the picture tells you a story immediately that the wide receivers for Minnesota are playing a decoy game Ahmad Rashad number 28 Sammy white 85 and their uniforms well it looks like they just arrived in the ballpark and the Rams are playing right into the hands of the Vikings who are so used to playing on fields like this or muddy or frozen fields or snowy fields and all that and they're allowing the Vikings that they can play their game third and four the ball is on the ran 12 yard line white in a slot left inside Rashad then motion goes Robert Miller down to just shy of the one-yard line tingle ho let's watch the sinners block here closer Dolph Reynolds and the hole opens up there Goodrem with a good block there the rest of it just Millett good job there coming off the bench and playing like that that's what you got to have class players come in and contribute something yeah I wasn't sure that's why I didn't say yeah Chuck Foreman Chuck Foreman banged up on that last carry very slowly getting up Foreman who has been carrying the ball for 16 times in 88 yards and that would be in fact we checked the numbers and make that 26 carries for Chuck Foreman and he's paying the price and he'll have to come out Sammy Johnson number 48 has come in to spell Chuck Foreman two tight ends to Voight and play Steve five Dravid mer [Music] rather Lee Johnson no see Sammy Johnson who came to Minnesota in the deal that sent Jim lash to San Francisco giving Foreman arrest we look across the field and Foreman does not appear to show any signs of injury nor does he look like he's coming right in put the rims in the truck in real trouble if they louse school right here they haven't been able to do too much that's out of two first quarter drives against the Vikings two touchdowns to the fourth quarter would be that's almost impossible overcome with a field condition second and goal from the one Sammy Johnson he's in there Danny Johnson scoring big guy 6 1 to 26 out of North Carolina punches it over you've heard so much about Ed white but they're getting the block of the day out of Charles Goodrem ick tingle off Steve Raleigh on that left side all afternoon the Vikings have been successful there they went there when they needed it and Los Angeles is even gloomy er than the weather now in the light rain the Vikings have punched out a 13 to nothing lead here is Fred Cox trying to make it 14 zip with 1359 left to go in the game [Applause] is down and up and good the Fred Cox picks up two more points thirteen hundred and fifty nine in his great career but what is more important the Vikings have picked up so more points the NFL today on CBS will return Minnesota leading 14a nothing Fred ready to kick off Wendell Tyler is deep he has Joette and Colin diet and Minnesota recovers that squibber and so the Vikings who just taken all kinds of pages by the onside kick and they get away with it the Rams were not looking for it that was Rick Newsome who had a shot at the ball couldn't hold it and the Vikings recovered though Minnesota leading 14 to nothing and never really put it to the Rams with that play came in their heavy underdogs today nobody gave the Vikings too much credit all week long that's all we've heard from the Minnesota people they're ready to play maybe that week in Tulsa has helped them all of confusion around Kristin Christmas the Rams were here at home having to fool their families and all that on Christmas Day first 110 we're doing he Minnesota very much in control of this one now at the 44 yard line let's take another look at the onside kick Fred Cox came up squirts it off to his left the nearest Ram is number 51 Rick nism and there is no sand trying to recover he battles and Falls and it squirts away and the ball very much alive and the bikes recover that's the last thing news I'm expected that ball coming in if he was up there to try to take out the kicker real quick there is no Sam who had a thumb operation a little while ago but it's playing and it's very much a down cast figured second and six the ball on the 48 yard line you can almost bet the Vikings going to keep it on the ground all the way now both league will play five-card stud wait for aces back the clocks still running 12:55 left in the ballgame Minnesota scored in the first quarter Foreman punched it over they scored again in the fourth quarter Sammy Johnson climbed a hill to get it in and the Vikings are doing to the Rams what they have done in the past they trying to knock him out of the playoff there would be four for four if they do it and they're leading 40 nothin third and five from the 48 cut Foreman he'll still get bashed the 45-yard line of los angeles tacklers just slipping off him Jim Youngblood among other you can tell he's hurt he's playing hurt - he's really beaten up boy you got to give him a lot of credit he has been such an outstanding performer for the Vikings Chuck had carried 26 times there's tingle Hoffs saying get him out he's hurtin you can't say enough about a check for me the Sammy Johnson comes in and Chuck Korman will be going out on Foreman's 26th carry that's when he was racked up right near the goal line he has now carried the ball 28 times for 96 yards and he has paid dearly for every yard he has that indeed watching me hits at the left side would have had so much success Jack Reynolds playing off the blocker missing the tackle right there just poor tackling by the Rams Elmendorf also missing three missed tackles on the Rams Pat Haden listening to the messages from upstairs those messages that have not paid off downstairs first in 10 from the RAM 45 sandy Johnson and Robert Miller Johnson and Jack Reynolds meets in right at the line of scrimmage and brings him down at the 45 yard line going way back the Rams at a 4th and 1 on the 32 yard line in Minnesota they didn't make it the crowd did not want the field goal so the Rams went for the first down didn't make it the Vikings then marched all the way for a touchdown the Rams then had a big drive and it looked like surely they would tie it up only to see Pat Haden throw in the end zone and it was intercepted by Nate Allen the Vikings here in the fourth quarter have punched it over and they're leading 14 to nothing 11 minutes and 3 seconds left to go in the game [Applause] across the line for a yard or two Jim Youngblood Jack Reynolds Isiah Robertson [Music] the one of the two will be going to Dallas next week and most people in the United States were willing to wager it would be Los Angeles everybody but people from Minnesota now I'll be truthful with you it came as a surprise to me the same two teams met here in October on a Monday night and the Rams destroyed the Vikings 35 to 3 and that's something though but it's playoff time there's three seasons a preseason which no one seems to care about and then the playoff games and then finally that last season's gonna be the Superbowl that's another dimension altogether 38 out of the 43 yard line inside the 40 though the Vikes ten minutes and six seconds left to go in the ballgame and so on a fourth down and three the Vikings will give up the ball the Rams will have billy wadi cullen bryant and dwight scales going back neal clay buh tried one coffin corner kick and got it into the end zone we'll see what he does this time there the deep men the middleman is Waddy on the right is cullen bryant on the left Dwight scales I think it's worth pointing out since the Vikings do have the ball we have just a minute before they turn the ball over to the Rams none of the Rams outside receivers have caught a ball today that kids I don't recall but a couple times they've even tried to throw to their wide receivers it might be interested also in the note that the Vikings have now run 22 consecutive running plays and in the third quarter the Vikings held the ball 12 minutes and 10 seconds the Rams had it for two minutes and 50 seconds Rams roll out of the play their games of Neill play ball angling for the corner and it goes into the end zone so the Rams down by two touchdowns with nine minutes and 21 seconds left to go in the ballgame will put it in play first and 10 from their own 20 yard line and the Minnesota Vikings 14 ran sip 9:21 left to go in the ballgame the Vikings 14 the Rams nothing and for Los Angeles and Pat Haden a litany of frustration in for half to be added to mccutching and Philip saw the running back and Hayden will sing the dog and Swanson McCutchen no good Jeff seaman there to defend the litany began back in 1969 in that overtime the playoff game the Rams lost to minnesota 23 to 20 in 1970 Ford was the Vikings 14 in the Rams 10 in 1976 it was the Vikings 24 and the Rams 13 and they're faced with that same prospect again second and 10 from the 20 time look 9:15 [Applause] a beatable and Jeff like nails him at the 25-yard line and pulls him back but I think they'll spot it at the 25 Vikings doing an incredible job today defensing the Rams they have had no receivers open downfield anywhere today the entire afternoon that Hayden dropping back you see not pressured whatsoever just good coverage by Jeff seaman goes out Nate Allen comes in to the bike set up against the pass Harold Jackson wide right Billy Wadi left forward and 5 from the 25 14-nothing Minnesota eller trying to get out him many of just shy of the midfield stripe at the RAM 49 yard line Terry Nelson the most successful Ram receiver picks up 24 and look at the little touch here by Pat Haden puts it in there and look at the catch I think it ball might be deflect a little bit yes it was Nelson doing a good job to hold on to at that time that's kind of played if you're going to get yourself back in the ballgame you somehow have to make go first and ten for the Rams 8:28 left in the game 14 to nothing Minnesota Hagee is 7 for 14 Edoardo McCutchen Doug Sutherland meeting the draw head-on number 69 along with Matt Blair and southern was played well all day long today he really has there is Doug coming up out of the mud well with eller and Marshall and Paige you don't hear too much about guys like southern one but he is really playing himself a fine ballgame today went to school in Wisconsin at Superior State and he was an original draft choice of New Orleans back in 1970 all right second and six from the Viking 47 McCutchen and Phillips [Applause] yard-line and Jackson is immediately [Applause] now Jackson finally gets his hands on the ball just a little turn in pattern and you wonder somehow why didn't they do it a little earlier the Rams have been sitting there trailing the whole game and I just didn't open it up and he's almost like they're playing defensive offense now the moving the valta to put the ball here and they're thinking offensive 724 left in the game 14 to nothing Minnesota first in ten on the Viking 31 McCutchin behind Philips run gender Ehlers [Applause] the Lawrence McCutcheon who has been the other side of the coin to chuck Forman although he has not had the chance to carry the ball nearly as many time foreman is carried 29 times McCutcheon 16 carries a hundred and one yards and Chuck form in 101 yards in his 29 carries 641 left in the game yd is wide right Jackson left Phillips on McCutchen back at Hayden [Applause] intended for ride pellets and you immediately watch Philips diving for the ball and you wonder where is John cappelletti what has happened to cappelletti going into this game cappelletti had caught six touchdowns that we have not seen him it is rod Phillips out there [Music] Nate Allen back in again third and seven narrow Jackson right why he is left they play for Hayden I'm [Applause] and it four lines McCutchin and defending was Nate Allen it was Allen who had one of the key and the key interception in the end zone for Minnesota they've been working against the zone there that sounds coverage over the ante as you see right there covered it well nobody really opened downfield this a wet feel like this should favor the receivers in a passing game I say it should the attendant seventy one thousand and thirty nine 8501 no show though a lot of folks came out in bad weather to say it cappelletti is back in there now and perhaps the whole year on the line for the Rams they've got to keep the ball and [Applause] when he got my car hold everything rod touch there and some of the Vikings look like Phillips was trying to protect Hayden and the pushin chat a little bit great job by Pat Haden Trent bigplays have made by big players we're at rest of this game you can pick out your winners here Zeller slithering down his leg and that was the key Paige couldn't get him from behind Brian couldn't block him and he finally got the first down six minutes and one second left to go from the Viking 20-yard line 14 to nothing Minnesota wadi is wide right in Jackson left fill it down the kuchen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and Klaus to the 15 and down he goes a big play by a very big name in Viking history ball crowd and I've been waiting for him to come across with that 79th interception that ties him with the Bell been waiting all year as the all-time leading interceptor watch it right here Hayden back of the pocket Krauss plan to free safety like he does so well it has so for so many years his seven ninth interception of his career take another look at that key interception by Paul crowd and with Pat Haden with all the money on the line throws the Billy Kilmer pass but whether its father not had nothing to do with it Paul Crouch laying back there read where he was throwing it well stepped in front of water and there you go first in 10 Minnesota they have come up with the two key interceptions by Nate Allen in the end zone and now this one by fall crowd [Music] the Vikings have now made a 23 consecutive ground plays are not about to throw it up for grabs Robert Miller coming up out of the suit carried the ball 14 to nothing Minnesota they scored in the first quarter they have scored in the last quarter and they have shut out the only NFL team to win all its games at home the Los Angeles Rams but grant has evidently done it again second and nine [Applause] a lot of credit goes to that man right there I believe he has done an incredible job no one really thinks that much of him as a quarterback but somehow he seems to get the job done third and ten for Bob Lee in the Vikings Ahmad Rashad comes in in that bright uniform that stands out like a beacon down there on the field and you can see the time running out for the Vikings and against the Rams Rashad wide left and the other man who with a pretty clean uniform Sammy white is in the slot left but the workhorses they're just mud men down there now as they can't quite get the ball to the 20-yard line Nolan Cromwell first made a push and Dave omen dog brought him down that's Chuck Foreman and what a game he has played Foreman has carried the ball 31 time performin to be such a workhorse there's white scales number 87 Forman against Detroit carried 33 times for 156 yard that was a season-high for him and he has come right back with 31 carries thus far today right about now you kind of look for your special teams to come up with a big play you've seen George Allen's lost excuse me he's Washington Redskins and Don Shula's Miami Dolphins and former the Baltimore Colts special teams come up with big ones and that's the only way you're going to get back in a bowl game right now and the one thing Minnesota is going to do they will hold the ball as long as they can the clocks still running and play ball will be kicking from his 10 [Music] [Applause] it's a slippery runway but he gets it on and the ball gets away from Dwight scales and [Applause] Stud well Scott Stovall number 55 made the tackle so the Rams with three minutes and 15 seconds left to go on the ball game have it first intent on their own 30 and the Vikings are sitting on top of a 14 to nothing lead a reminder next Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time the Sun Bowl from El Paso Stanford versus LSU each coming into the game with a record of eight and three that's going to be a good one too good running back in a good quarterback in that game with a lot of other good players too when we opened up the ball game today we talked about the 49 game when the Eagles shutout the Rams 14 to nothing December the 18th in the rain well you could say that history has come back to haunt Los Angeles Hayden over the middle to McCutchen Oil Nelson and it split the difference and went into the mud what a shock city this is going to be oven absolutely the people here in Los Angeles were so sure that they were playing Dallas that one of the first questions that was asked Chuck knocks at a press conference Monday was how do you feel you can stop Dallas and Knox they tell me became furious and said Dallas we've got Minnesota but that in itself might have summed up the problem that knocks on the Rams head and inspired Minnesota club coming back to beat a team that had Rawlinson [Applause] almost pickguard Bobby Bryant just missed it the fast was intended for Harold Jackson with three minutes and seven seconds left the Rams will look like that they are going to finish the year the way they started it they opened up the year in Atlanta and they figured it would be a breather they were the heavy favorites and Atlanta knocked them off and now they finish up the year as a heavy favorite somewhere around nine a ten point favorite against Minnesota and it has been the Vikings 14 to nothing third and 10 from the Los Angeles 31 307 left Jim Joe dad is now in there with McCutchen the word on cappelletti he just born weary and big Jim Marshall got those hands up and it was number 70 the veteran Marshall who smothered the fan and that's where the wonderful experience comes in what is it 18 years he's been playing right big games are nothing new to him he's been in 12 playoff games for Super Bowls there's where you look for great job by Jim Marshall he was able to get away from Tom Mackin get up in the air to smother it Glen walk we'll have to fund three minutes and three seconds left the offensive team is barely off the field now special units are there the Vikings however not sure about this seaman and Nate and Kraus go back to midfield that there's no real safety man Walker will kick anyway and it hits on the 40 and just about takes a divot as it stopped dead on the 38 like a poached egg though the Minnesota Vikings who left the cold of Minnesota to train in Tucson and ran into rain little did we know that that training in the rain has paid off today you think but grant could even predict the weather rain on a desert friends don't forget the 1978 CBS Sports spectacular our January schedule the WBC light heavyweight championship quail versus par log the world lightweight championship Duran and dije soos and they'll be super skates Hollywood stuntmen competition great show look for it 1978 the CBS Sports spectacular first and 10 Viking and Robert Lee finding a dry spot not really he just sits on it with 215 we're playing calculated now or go ahead and fall on it with 2 minutes and 50 seconds going and you go back and think about the Rams who tried an end-around with Terry Nelson we've tried to pass when they were grinding it out up the middle and for Chuck Knox and the rest of the boys in blue it looks like it'll be a long winter and there is some rumors around there have been rumors all year around the Los Angeles Rams the checkmarks might be a little trouble out here knowing Carroll was literally having played for him for nine years one thing he considers is winning it all once your record Knox can hardly be faulted in five years he's won five divisional championships but in Carroll ism's eyes that ain't good enough well early in the year before the season even started of course was the big story that he was trying to go to Detroit that the Rams blocked it and then he was supposedly signed to a perpetuating five-year contract every time you signed it it renewed itself for five years but I still haven't seen where he actually signed that yet cattle like George Allen yes I tried George Allen is unsigned there are rumors of course emanating from st. Louis with Don Coryell and the Cardinals do not see eye to eye so the coach's life is always a tough one and especially when you are losing well like a friend of mine always said coaches are meant to be fired because we're supposed to the idea is to win it all one of the eight coaching jobs open already around the national bolli and more to come I understand though someone once said that football is played by the survivors and here they are in this stage of the NF C the survivors they came here in white uniforms they are now the Minnesota mud men and again Bob Lee goes down just eating up the clock the Minnesota Vikings scored Foreman scored from about five yards out in the first quarter Sammy Johnson jumped over from one yard out in the fourth quarter and in between the Rams just spun their wheels they had one shot for a touchdown Pat Haden through into the end zone it was picked off by Nate Allen the Rams had a very important fourth and one the first time they had the ball in the opening sequence had they made the first down it might have been a completely different story but as it was the Vikings not only stopped them then it seemed that buoyed them up that their confidence was sky-high that they were able to stop a team that had given them such a bad time in October and the Vikings promptly drove the length of the field for the touchdown and they have not surrendered it though it has been a remarkable performance by the Minnesota Vikings a great performance for the Rams a puzzling sometimes the wildering and mostly frustrating afternoon well in all truthfulness Rams have not played up to their capabilities this year they've never put together three straight games back to back it looked like during the last part prior to the Washington game although they had won five in a row some of them over a weaker opponents but on paper they're a powerful powerful team but they're on mud not paper bobbly just going through the motions and for the Rams that frustrating moment in any ball game you're down trying to get the ball and time is running out so the best thing you can do call for timeout though the Rams take a timeout it'll be a kicking situation for the Vikings fourth and 20 the ball on their 28 yard line Neal play ball will be asked to kick it out of there again and he's done a good job the Rams are really forced to position they almost have to go for the block this time to get themselves back in the ball game and I would say and looking down at the field if you go for the block look for number 27 Pat Thomas play ball comes out for the moment but Pat Thomas is usually the man that's Cromwell and dryer and Ayers little pat-pat Thomas is the guy if he can get in there he's the one who comes shootin for the block Thomas from Texas A&M little guys 5-8 180-pound he has done a fine job ever since rod Perry went out with the bad thumb I Neil clay ball will be kicking from his own 15-yard line Colin Braun had a goal alone on the way M 30 [Applause] [Music] Thomas came in but couldn't get it and Brian at the 35 40 45 cross midfield and down he goes Sammy Johnson was the man who hit him from behind the Cullen Bryant brings a ball into Viking territory with 231 left a reminder the premiere of challenge of the sexes will hit the air Sunday January 8th with Phyllis Georgia myself hosting we sure enjoyed the battle between Virginia Wade and Vitas Gerulaitis among others there'll also be some water-ski trick jumping a motorcycle jump-off that'll be Sunday January 8th 1 p.m. Eastern Time the challenge of the sexes comes back for its third year first and 10 from the Viking 46 Aidan over the middle of McCutchen at the 42 the 35 and he'll gain back some up with the 35 and brings him down and of course he'll converge didn't want McCutchen to get up he just as soon talked to him awhile to kill more time first in Kenny from the 34 rock Phillips goes to the left in the Casa de Mer de Ferran action broken up by middle linebacker Jeff seaman oh and that'll put the brakes to the sweep hand 2 minutes and 9 seconds left trying to hit his backs coming out of the backfield those linebackers of the Vikings not going to hear anything to it coverage is excellent they are well prepared for this game Carrie Nelson had really been the only successful receiver he has handled for for 65 yards perhaps submitted in that a little earlier hit those backs not now they're looking for the status words of tongue and pen what might have been was two minutes and nine seconds left Hayden with both backs out lobs it to rod Phillip peacefully Milligan Berg hits him and brings him down and we're coming to the two-minute warning and there it is and it is raining a little bit harder it has been our soggy day in Los Angeles but somewhere in Minnesota the Sun is your shine Minnesota 14 and Los Angeles not go [Music] the timetable reads for Minnesota two minutes from Dallas 14 to nothing Vikings third down and four the ball is on the Viking 28 yard line Dwight scales wide right Harold Jackson wide left the running back to Phillips in McCutcheon [Applause] [Music] look to McCutchin for the 15 and the bounds at the 15 yard to pick up the first down 152 left the Rams are down by two touchdowns 14 a nothing 15 yards away and once again the scrambling quarterback Pat Haden not known free scrambling ability but how valuable an asset it is to have at the time a little earlier with about seven minutes left to go in the ballgame he made a big scramble to beat Carl eller and go for a first down but only moments later with the crowd roaring and thinking of a come-from-behind then popped up the interception by Paul Crouch though with 152 Hayden has it first in town on the Viking 15 [Applause] that side of get in [Applause] good intended for Dwight scales Jeff Wright was right there with him Carl well are refusing to let him get out of town to have any Running Room all the experience what's carl eller number 81 he's been around about 14 years been in a lot of big James look at that you know zeg get hurt and about to let it happen hayden just overshot it all together the only thing surprised me eller didn't get his hands up but he might very well I had to keep met aside to get some balance down there running on the deck of a ship at sea it is second in 10 from the 15 of Minnesota but the Vikings are leading 14 to nothing scales right Jackson left Phillips in the kuchen and Hayden going to put it up again he releases to Philip tan here is hammered by Mack player and he could not the bounds line so the clock still running to a man the Vikings linebackers have played an excellent game today they really have played well the coverage has been just phenomenal all day very well coached very well prepared for this game no time to huddle Hayden again looking right and going deep and again he is on the field so the clock keeps running Terry Nelson the only successful ran receiver today the tight end gets it to a first and goal with a minute and six seconds left 14 to nothing Minnesota the five catches for Nelson [Applause] [Music] Haden on a quick out to Hal Jackson touchdown Brian defending though it is 14 to 6 with 56 seconds left and hope springs eternal well the first thing you think of is the onside row which already burned the RAM you got too weird that I'm kind of surprised Bobby Bryant didn't look for something like yet if nothing else to stop the clock though Pat Haden finally finds the endzone after a long frustrating afternoon and with 56 seconds left he hits Harold Jackson for the touchdown for Harold Jackson the seven touchdown pass he has caught this year and they're mixing it up down there so the end kicks it anyway we decided not to be the official you kick and then you wait and see a lot of pushing and shoving before the ball was snapped oh let's wait and see naturally the clock is not running on a point after that is Jack Youngblood gesturing to somebody these fence off side point is good five yards on a kickoff okay the Vikings for offside the point is good it is 14 to 7 Minnesota we have 56 seconds left in the game we take another look at that quick pass from Hayden to Harold Jackson with Bobby Bryan defending he almost knew he was going to either throw that or throw it out of bounds to get the clock stopped there's no timeouts remaining Harrell Jackson just saw the opportunity to go ahead and put it in there for six next Sunday January 1st it'll be Dallas versus the winner of this game Minnesota or Los Angeles and the NFL today will start it all up at 5 p.m. Eastern Time though the Vikings penalized for being offsides so the Rams will kick from the 40-yard line instead of the 35 but of course the 5-yard really doesn't mean much because you don't expect set the end kick at the length of the field with 56 seconds left the RAM have to get the ball back [Applause] and here on side attempt bisect the end [Applause] the official yes sir that's taken now they're like I don't know we're going to be able to see it or not let's try from the end zone to massive bodies over there we've mishandled buying up man for the Vikings and I don't know which one at this stage of the game with so many numbers obscured it's impossible to pick it off the guys mishandled right here welcome to bounce then the luck of a bounce we have 53 seconds left to go in the ballgame the Rams have successfully negotiated the onside kick they are going to towel off the football and it will put it down on the Minnesota 49 yard line first and ten and what jimjo dat recovered that onside kick Hayden trying to pull it out and get even in the waning second across the 45 yard line and slip they have no timeouts left the Rams without timeouts they can't stop it 40 seconds left in the game and 30 some-odd seconds left to Dallas and Counting Hayden got a throw outside the house Jackson the sir yes he did the Harold Jackson is just able to get across and stop the clock with 30 seconds left in the rain in Los Angeles it is 14 to 7 Minnesota character time then there at the time who's going to make the big play that's just what we're looking at right now Terry Nelson has been the most successful Dwight scales is wide right Harold Jackson left the running backs McCutcheon and Phillip they didn't trying to set up and jumping it was intended for Terry Nelson he's the guy to look for he s caught six passes so far so the chances are they would going to the tight end again Dublin those two Outsiders e receivers and put the linebackers on him now no matter where Hayden looks he's in trouble fourth down he's got to negotiate it and keep the ball but he has only 27 seconds to do it and no timeouts remaining [Applause] adieu to Philip she's got a first step [Applause] line 22nd and Counting the Rams trying to get another play under 1510 Haiden gonna throw it out of bounds and stop the climb so it's seven seconds left Pat Hayden who has been a winner throughout his career way back in Bishop I'm on high school and nnsc and he's faced with a one-in-a-million shot now he got time for one pass period that's it he was able to beat the Oakland Raiders with a dramatic touchdown pass but under totally different condition it is second in ten but that's not the important thing the numbers that are important 14 7 and 7 second Charles young wide right Merrill Jackson wide left Nelson the tight end on the white side [Applause] intercepted by Minnesota the tackle by Charles young on a double check make sure what it is get enough because he is covered Jeff right number 23 and so the Minnesota Viking three times had beaten the Rams in Minnesota and they came to Los Angeles in a rainstorm and put it to the Rams in the Coliseum 14 to 7 a remarkable performance by the Vikings who just two months ago were walloped by the Rams here 35 to 3 different series when the playoff starts the regular season and a downcast Pat Hayden who had plenty of time to score a touchdown back in the first quarter and couldn't do it and finally ran out with another interception his third and a do-or-die pass to win the game interceptions by Nate Allen and that was a killer in the end zone then by Hall Krauss and the last play of the game by Jeff Wright gran has won his 108 game and he in the Minnesota Mikey are heading for Dallas in a showdown with the cowboy let's go back to Nick now next win over the Los Angeles Rams Alan Paige and Jim Marshall Allen it seems to me that today you were going after the fish so it's pretty good well I'd like to I'd like to say two things one and first of all is that the way our offense played today and the way our defense played together as a team I'm really proud to be a part of this team and second of all in spite of the officials who refuse to call holding Jim's Jersey was kind of ripped as you can see mine - been ripped they ripped two or three jerseys off of me two or three off the gym is that why you wouldn't call holding penalty is that why you were complaining on the sidelines would coach grant we complained to the officials to the coaches to everybody and it seems that nobody really cares nobody listens the officials if they if they don't want to call it they're not going to call them they didn't want to call it today Jim are you gonna play for your 19th year next year I certainly hope so barring any serious injuries next week unless I get really crippled I'm going to be back for my 19th year thank you Jim back to Brent Musburger in New York
Channel: R Schloss
Views: 8,685
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: 1977, NFC, Playoff, Minnesota Vikings, LA Rams., Mud, Rain, Football
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 35sec (7295 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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