The Team That Never Quit | Eagles 1977 Season Recap

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like many great cities Philadelphia's history is filled with stories of uncertain beginnings with happy endings at the turn of the last century the city fathers called for the construction of a subway system dozens of tunnels were built but in many of them no tracks were ever laid and no trains ever ran these unused tunnels remain beneath the city streets ghosts of another era but despite this uncertain beginning the project was eventually completed and today Philadelphia has one of the better rapid transit systems in the country times have changed but Philadelphian still can foster doubt over uncertain beginnings followers of the Philadelphia Eagles might on first glance view Dick Vermeil first two seasons as coach as an uncertain beginning but the record does not accurately reveal the progress of this team the squad was never embarrassed and never gave up often playing its best against the toughest competition this was significant for those who had endured previous seasons of frustration we've been talking for the past seven years I've been here for rebuilding in the next year next year we're gonna be better and it hasn't come here but this this is one year that I feel that we as a team we're gonna be we're gonna be better you have guys now that really want to win because we see how poor we do we're not that far away you see I close me out to winning [Applause] [Music] opening day 1977 hope springs eternal at veteran's stadium fresh from pre-season wins over teams like New England and Denver owner Leonard tose and his Eagles are anxious to get started against opposing Tampa Bay in the early going of fake punt became a 30 yard running play and after that the Eagles were in command [Music] [Applause] the Eagles achieved a 15-3 victory over the Buccaneers their first opening day triumph in ten seasons but the euphoria did not last philadelphia lost five of its next six games yet these defeats were not lopsided the games were nailed by this last-minute cliffhangers where the Eagles would play well enough to win only to fall short the week six battle against Dallas was typical through three quarters the Eagles led the eventual world champions only to see their hopes crumble from the result of a single play [Music] it was a bitter defeat the Eagles could have folded up shop right there they didn't they just got tougher Philadelphia was no longer anyone's Patsy and a major reason was its powerhouse defense [Music] in 1976 the ego sacked opposing quarterbacks 19 times last year the total swelled to 47 in 1976 the Eagles intercepted 9 passes last year that number was 21 Philadelphia had the seventh best defense in pro football and allowed fewer points in a 14 game schedule than any other Eagle team in history part of the credit for this improvement must go to defensive coaches Marian Campbell and Fred brooms authors of Philadelphia's 30 defense three down linemen and four linebackers a defense that can disguise its intent until the very last moment and then it's usually too late for an offense to adjust [Music] by blitzing a linebacker the pass rush remains as potent as the conventional fourth realignment but what makes this system work is the nose tackle who ties up one or more blockers thus allowing his teammates a clear shot at the ball carrier and the lion's share the glory instead of the middle linebacker being right on the nose we have what we call a nose guard in Charlie Johnson and his number-one responsibility is to keep that center off from the two inside linebackers when it looks like the inside linebackers are making all the tackles and we're really the heroes it's because of these other two men's work in Philadelphia the nose tackle is number 65 Charlie Johnson a seventh round pick in last year's draft in a conventional defense Johnson's talents might be wasted but the 30 defense is a defense Charlie Johnson was born to play [Music] manney Sistrunk number 79 the career tackle moved to the outside and had his best year [Applause] the most improved player on the roster was number 78 called Hairston who finished second in tackles logged 10 sacks and rated highest of all the line the 30 defense is most successful with active linebackers in Philadelphia they are mihalick Lemaster budding and Ahlers hustling hitters with two thoughts in mind find the man with the ball then stop in cold [Music] [Applause] the linebacking unit sports the team's best ball player defensive Captain Bill Bergey was an all-pro once more in 1977 leading the club in both tackles and inspiration he is a complex individual intelligent yet physically strong a man of many moves but above all he is the consummate professional despite playing in a new system that called for a change in style the 1977 version of Bill Bergey was no different from any other year he is quite simply the best in the business [Music] [Applause] while Bergy provided cohesiveness on the defense the offense looked for leadership from the men who have played their entire careers as Eagles on the offensive line there are three Center guy Morris an eagle for five seasons Jerry Sizemore who has more than lived up to expectations and God weighed Chi the most experienced player with eight Philadelphia campaigns behind them Randy Logan is the leader of the secondary with five years experience he is also its best player equally tough against the run or pass [Music] [Applause] [Applause] runningback Tom Sullivan enters his seventh year with the Eagles still regarded as a solid runner who can also catch the ball [Music] these Eagle veterans have yet to enjoy the fruits of a winning season but to a man they feel they are closer to that goal now than ever before [Music] now first selection on the first round the Tampa Bay Buccaneers the best players go quickly in the early rounds of the college draft yet without benefit of high picks the Eagles have enjoyed remarkable success with late rounders and free agents some of these athletes start on the special teams covering the ticks of Nick Nick Amaya and punts of Spike Jones Cleveland Franklin Barton Mitchell and Eric Johnson join captain Vince for Poly Dennis Franks Terry Tortola and rich Osborne together they made the Eagle special teams the top ranked unit in the lake [Applause] [Music] the bombs quaters were even better when the Eagles were on the receiving end blocking for Larry Marshall the NFC's best punt returner of 1977 some rookie saw regular duties such as number 34 Jim better see the team's third leading rusher on passing downs number 67 free agent Len Burnham was a defensive terrible notching 10 quarterback sacks running back Wilbert montgomery number 31 scored more touchdowns in his college career than anyone else in history then perpetuated the habit with the Eagles he led the NFC in kickoff returns which included the longest run back of the season a 99 yard touchdown John that beat the New York Giants one week later in his first Pro start he rushed for a hundred three yards to defeat New York's other team the Jets but the steal of the year was Herman Edwards number 46 a free agent who stepped in at right corner and tied for second in the conference with six interceptions the coaches assessed his 1977 performance as being equal to that of a first-round pick teaming with Edwards was third-year Pro deke Sanders number 26 a pickup from New England who also stole six passes [Applause] another man who began his career in New England but has enjoyed success in Philadelphia his number 20 John outlaw whose experience was an asset to the Eagle secondary out Lauren Sanders are like many other Eagles who began elsewhere but have found a home in Philadelphia certainly the most widely traveled is defensive tackle Pete lassitude the Eagles resident entertainer but right now I'm proud to be a Philadelphia Eagle I guess also I've been proud to be a San Diego charger proud to have been a Miami Dolphin for one day proud to been a st. Louis Cardinal and for nobody proud to be an Oakland Raider and for about half a season I was proud to be a Calgary Stampeder but I think proudest of all right now proud to be a Philadelphia Eagle what do you think and so I'm not I guess I've got nothing to really gain my oldest I'm not trying to prove anything I think I've earned my Letterman sweater and you know we've traveled a little bit but I think I can play a little bit more and that's why I'm here and not only are they gonna play several little musicians all of one's house they once more in 1977 Dick Vermeil relied heavily upon his assistance in implementing strategy coaches Claussen's Corey Davis Amon Putnam Rowland and newcomers Bill Macpherson and John Ralston will continue to be assets in 1978 one player who benefited from their guidance was tight and Keith Kressley number 84 in his first year as a starter Kreeft Lee averaged an eye-popping nineteen point six yards per catch best of any tight end in the league [Music] [Applause] Charles Smith number 85 in a second in team receiving while hauling in for scoring passes [Music] the team's leading scorer and receiver was offensive team captain Harold Carmichael number 17 in 1977 he extended his league leading string of consecutive games with at least one reception to 80 while making some of the best catches of his pro career injuries limited the full capabilities of number 35 Mike Hogan yet despite various ailments the Safa Morris Till led the team in rushing for the second straight season another second-year pro herb lust number 32 saucepot duty in the backfield combining his running and receiving ability to account for three touchdowns this included a 70 yard scoring burst by the man who has been dubbed the praying tailback [Music] lust and Hogan credited the offensive line in its two tackles in particular for much of their success veteran Eddie George contributed on one side while fellow lineman Stan Walters worked the other Cowboys all-pro defensive end Harvey Martin called Walters the toughest man he faced all season here Walter's ties Martin up long enough a quarterback Ron Jaworski to find Mike Hogan for the touchdown Braun Jaworski's first season as an eagle had both its high points and rough spots despite three years pro experience Jaworski is still learning but he proved to be a star pupil after throwing 15 interceptions in the first half of the season he had only six more the rest of the way Jaworski gave the Eagles their most mobile quarterback in over a decade scoring five touchdowns while gaining important yardage in key situations [Music] NFL quarterbacks aren't supposed to be successful runners without suffering the consequences Jaworski was injured several times and played with a broken thumb on his throwing hand for most of the year but despite these setbacks he never missed a starting assignment and finished with 18 touchdown passes best in the NFC Ron Jaworski was a source of strength throughout 1977 no time was this more evident than during practice sessions leading up to the game against New Orleans Jaworski and many others were hobbled with injuries the team had lost three straight in this sea of adversity the true character of the 1977 Philadelphia Eagles would Emer this is a big game for us because we've had some tough games in the past we've lost some games that we had a chance to win and of course playing New Orleans at home with the with the the fans behind us is gonna be a big plus and we feel this kind of a must game for us a game we have to win to salvage our season we feel we can do it we feel we're a better team and we're gonna go out and do our best we've got some bumps and bruises and some guys not completely healthy but but that's football and you have to kind of go out there and do the best you can with what you have under any conditions and hopefully we'll get it done against the Saints [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 17 for back roll too pretty plate Philadelphia cept the early tempo by stopping New Orleans dead in its tracks no it would be the egos turn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] final score Philadelphia 28 new aliens 7 all the indicators have predicted the Eagles would collapse but there is no yardstick yet available that could accurately measure a team's desire that extremely hard with great intensity and great enthusiasm and with confidence they could win and that's what's amazing you can go from week to week a lot of football teams going through the four out of the last five games like we have would have quit by now I just think were everything we're doing is going in the right direction and one day you're gonna be birthed out his whole evil organization the Eagles won their last two games of 1977 but the most encouraging signs appeared before that in a loss to the Cowboys Philadelphia kept the pressure on well into the fourth quarter before finally bowing to Dallas this performance was admired by many including cowboy quarterback Roger Staubach I think the Eagles have started to head in the right direction they're well-coached getting young people young aggressive people guys at wanna play football a bunch of hustlers over there that come after you the whole game and this gives them a lot of stability but offense being defensive mean I think we'll be in the thick of it this year 1978 will not be easy Philadelphia faces the second toughest schedule in pro football Philly fans don't expect miracles they do expect the same brand of character that typify the 1977 Eagles it is unlikely these men will ever show anything less [Music] the date October 30th 1977 the place Independence Hall Philadelphia where thousands turned out that the Eagles fly for leukemia jog-a-thon support from Eagle fans all over the Delaware Valley has enabled fly for leukemia to surpass its goal of $800,000 money that will complete the Leukemia wing at Children's Hospital but the struggle against this dreaded killer goes on team owner Leonard tose and the entire Eagle staff has pledged to do whatever it takes to win over leukemia with continued support from the fans this goal can and will be achieved [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Philadelphia Eagles
Views: 7,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eagles, eagles football, football, philadelphia, philadelphia eagles, nfl, nfl football, ron jaworski, harold carmichael, dick vermeil, nfl yearbook, eagles yearbook, 1977 nfl season, 1977 eagles season, 1977 eagles, 1977 nfl season recap, 1977 eagles season recap, nfl season recap, eagles season recap, nfl films, nfl throwback, eagles throwback, nfl highlights, eagles highlights, football highlights, bill bergey, vince papale, herm edwards
Id: NB5MzX5C93Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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