1972 Redskins at Patriots GOTW week 3

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this is chief George trading horse Allen he is built winning teams in Los Angeles and now Washington by dealing off untried draft choices for savvy veterans and his system works the Redskins are the oldest team in the league with a roster that includes two rookies two more than usual for Allen and 24 of 40 members with six years or more in the NFL [Music] New England head coach John Major has just the opposite situation he has 13 rookies on his squad and just four players with more than six years experience yet the Patriots are coming team thus far this season the Pats have played like a young team being beaten badly the first week but coming back to beat Atlanta 2120 last week when the Falcons flew a 10 yard field goal in the game's waning moments so there's no need to pity the Pats though in the offensive and defensive starting lineups players total 77 more years Pro experience the Patriots are young but they are good one young star who will not see action is running back Karl Garrett number 30 out with an injury but the brightest star in the Patriots Milky Way will he's quarterback Jim punkin last season's Rookie of the Year was picked up in his second season where he left off in his first George Allen has stuck with Billy Kilmer as his quarterback despite the fact that Sonny Jurgensen is healthy again and Kilmer has kept the Redskins winning though there's dynamite on the bench so it's George Allen's veterans versus John Major's young Tufts it's a classic matchup of youthful exuberance versus veteran pride as the Washington Redskins face the New England Patriots in the NFL game of the week the Redskins put their heads together at the start of the game and came up with a play designed to take advantage of the Patriots hard-charging youth Kilmer's play fake to Larry Brown number 43 caught New England run conscious and freed Roy Jefferson but Jefferson could not catch up to the ball not to be outdone on the Patriots first play from scrimmage Plunkett cranked up a long one but a well covered 510 Randy rabbit Fatah never had a chance against 5/9 Pat Fisher but this was not to be the Patriots game plan all game long Plunkett probed the middle testing their creaky crafty zone the Patriots Perce tribe was halted by good defense that also stopped when Plunkett the franchise get Bob Harper glad Joe that Harbaugh dropped the ball their second drive was nearly halted before it got started when a long pass over the middle to vote AHA was nullified by a penalty in the offseason the Tahoe is bashful one of Snow White's Seven Dwarfs at Disneyland but he is not at all bashful about running middle routes where the hits come hardest the Patriots overcame the penalty when Plunkett rolled left away from the pressure and threw on the run with his right a quarterbacks most difficult pass glad Joe made up for earlier case of no hands glad Joe also did some hard running and gave notice that Harpo so named because of his physical resemblance to Harpo Marx is ready to let his football ability speak for him [Music] [Applause] [Music] but the Patriots second drive was halted by the defense a defense that averages nine years for player their third drive would reach the 16 but Plunkett still bone over the middle through low two tight end Bob Windsor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] part of Plunkett success has been his mixing of his receivers rarely going to the same man twice in succession but when he got Windsor open again this time on an out pattern he missed him the Patriots had to settle for a field goal try by Charlie Gogol act number seven but it is chippy from the 23 miss perhaps because it was his first try of the season having signed a 1972 contract 11 o'clock the night before the Patriots had controlled the first quarter but came away empty the Redskins strategy was less complicated simply give the ball to league-leading runner Larry Brown but the Patriots were ready [Music] led by Dennis Rudovsky number 70 the Patriot defensive lines spot brown and running mate Charlie hare away and yielded just 21 yards total offense in the first quarter so early in the second quarter kilmer changed his strategy and his past a tight end Mack Alston only his second completion of the game gained 36 yards [Applause] they repeat shows that Pat linebacker Ron axe number 51 was blitzing but picked up by Charlie heroin number 31 and forced to play man-to-man because of the Blitz the New England secondary was out man Carroll ways chop block on axe had enabled Kilmer to get the pass off and it is Hara wastes blocking for Kilmer and Larry Brown that makes him perhaps the Redskins most valuable offensive player though certainly one of its least story Alston carried the Redskins in a New England territory for the first time in Kilmer behind Walter Rox blocked on Julius atoms number 85 the Patriots best pass rusher spotted Charlie Taylor in the right side of the endzone on the play a penalty flag was thrown a repeat shows why Kilmer did nothing fancy he merely hung it out for Taylor Taylor had beaten his man badly and Larry Carr well had no choice but to interfere despite the interference Taylor had done his thing and made a great catch then he did his things some more Washington led seven nothing [Music] the mark of the resurgence has been their ability to strike quickly by taking advantage of brakes and on the Patriots next play from scrimmage they got one Jack Maitland number 40 from Williams College fumbled and the ball rolled right to Ricci Pettibone number 16 and the Redskins were business again this time on the new england 17 Kilmer moved the skins to the fore and again hit Taylor and again Taylor did his thing the Redskins had struck quickly and lethally in less than three minutes Kilmer hit Taylor for two scores and had Washington ready to blow the game open as they now led 14 nothing but here Plunkett and the Pats showed why many top them is one of the best young teams in football [Music] a 40-yard pass and run - Reggie Rucker made up most of a 12-play 83 yard drive 30 more yards were gouged out by rookie Josh Ashton from Tulsa [Applause] Ashtyn had one starting assignment for his play against Atlanta and now with Karl Garrett out his burden is that much heavier from the two yard line Ashton brought the Patriots back to 14-7 the Patriots had refused to fold though the Redskins had struck for two quick scores the New Englanders were not demoralized they had come back against one of pro football's best defenses and we're now still very much in the game the Redskins were not about to give up either and with three and a half minutes to go in the first half they drove once more Larry Brown began his drive for a third consecutive 100-yard game but then the young Patriots got tough [Music] Washington reached the patriot 28 yard line but then Brown had the ball swipe by number 66 Edie why Zukowski who is no relation to Dennis where Goss ski ex Ricky Harris recovered and the Patriots had staved off the Redskins last first half chance they had played Washington even and in fact New England now seemed to have momentum on their side for the second half [Music] [Applause] [Music] down by 7 at the half Plunkett quickly drove the Patriots to the tying touchdown with the Taha and Ashton again providing the impetus [Music] Ashtyn greatly resembles Larry Brown and style picking his hole then quickly moving through it or around it the success of the outside run is dependent on removing the cornerback and on a repeat we can see how the Patriots did it number 29 cornerback Ted factor read the play then came up to contain it but the Patriots guard Len st. Jean number 60 simply turned him in and Ashton instinctively went to the outside and consumed the rest of the 27 yards on his own when Plunkett found he could run on the Redskins he continued by trapping him up the middle and Bob glad Joe took it to the 11 but Plunkett mixed his plays beautifully two runs then a play-action pass for a touchdown to number 33 Reggie Rucker [Music] want to repeat again watch the Redskins number 29 Ted back there he didn't go for the fake but he also didn't keep up with his man Rucker who blew by him with a quick move to the inside Plunkett's protection gave him time to spot and hit Rucker right in the hands and the game was tied at 14 on the Patriots opening series of the third quarter [Applause] the running of Ashton and the passing of Plunkett moved the Patriots across midfield on their next possession with the Patriots line again able to move and contain the strong front four on the run and the pass [Music] Plunket found that short passes over the middle worked well against the Redskins own and he would exploit this area all day tight end Bob Windsor number 86 would also play a big role in the success of the strategy Windsor has always been a top-flight receiver first with the 49ers now with New England [Music] but the drive was holded on the next play when an option passed I'm glad Joe Tubbataha was intercepted [Applause] Lata had the secondary beaten but the pass wasn't far enough and mic bass number 41 literally stole it away from the rabbit bass then went about 200 yards good for 29 yard return back to the place where the play started at midfield [Music] but the Redskins were unable to move on their first break of the second half as Kilmer soon went for all of it and came up empty Kilmer thought he had Larry Brown by the defense that he failed to see Larry Carr well wood plucked the ball clean and gave the Patriots offense their third possession of the quarter Carr well Adams why Zukowski Rogowski not exactly household words but this who's he defense of the Patriots was slowly making itself known the Patriots first interception of the game and of the year led to Jim Plunkett and the Patriots taking the lead the big kid from Stanford in two years has become amazingly adept at staying in the pocket till the last possible instant then throwing throws and ropes to his receivers all of whom have to have great hands to handle Plunkett's rifle shots but three plays failed from here and Charta goggle act but one through from 40 to a field goal that would look quite large in retrospect goggle acts first of the year the third quarter ended with the Patriots ahead 1714 [Music] with the Redskins down by three Kilmer and Larry Brown led Washington to a go-ahead touchdown open the frantic final period watch the Redskins line open the hole for Brown who is perhaps the most accomplished runner in the league at spotting then bursting through a hole gliding into the secondary Brown picked up 36 yards on this play and would gain over 100 for the third straight week Brown had great success going up the middle he was not as fortunate trying to go outside [Music] [Applause] so Kilmer returned to the air and went fours favorite target Charlie Taylor you having all day to find him Kilmer spotted and hit Taylor at the back of the endzone but look at Taylor's feet clearly over the line a heel away from a touchdown this brought up a third down from the nine and this time Kilmer was successful hitting Jerry Smith for the score on a repeat of the play watch linebacker Jim Cheyenne ski number 50 no relation to hit by Zukowski he should abduct Jerry Smith who played off in then cleared to the right and beat Clarence Scott to the ball it was Jerry Smith's third catch of the year all three have been touchdowns and had put Washington ahead 21 17 [Applause] but the lead didn't last long led by Plunkett and the rookie from Tulsa Josh Ashton the Patriots were able to move easily through a defense that is considered one of the league's best [Music] the key to this go ahead drive was the medium-range passes too tight and Windsor and the protection Plunkett received from his line link itis st. Jean Neville Morris and mutlar five men who deserved much credit for the Patriots success thus far this season [Music] but it was a great individual effort by Punk --it that got the score fending off a hard rush Plunkett showed his strength firing on the run [Music] the man on the receiving end was Josh Ashton and the Patriots suddenly were in the lead again number 31 that's Josh Ashton remember his name Ashton's dazzling performance today over 100 yards rushing and this touchdown catch had helped put New England on top 20 for 21 with four minutes to play kilmer got most of it back on one play [Music] the bombs of Taylor took it to the 25 then Kilmer tried three straight passes and on third down thought he had six points but Roy Jefferson was ruled out of the endzone it was now fourth and ten from the 25 and with a minute and a half to play George Allen's only call is the field goal which will tie it Kurt Knights kick was good at but the score will never change the Patriots were detected running into the kicker five yards and an automatic first down George Allen decides to take the penalty and give back the three points an unorthodox decision or the consistently conservative Allen but the Redskins failed to make any headway on the next three downs as the Patriots contain Larry Brown to the outside and Kilmer failed on two passes it's now fourth and nine from the 20 again Curt Knight comes in to tie but this time he misses coach Jon Mazur watched as the Patriots offense - failed to move and they had to punt with a minute left [Music] number 24 bill Mallon check blocked the punt cleanly and he and Bob Brunei made a mad scramble to get the ball before it or they are out of the end zone Malan Shaq covered it but was ruled not to have possession in the endzone thus giving the Redskins a safety instead of touchdown on a repeat of the play we can see how tough a judgment call really is [Music] this one which made it 2423 Patriots meant the difference between victory and defeat the Patriots then kicked to the Redskins and Kilmer had time for a few plays to get them back into good field goal position again but he couldn't move them past the Patriots 42 as carwell tipped his pass incomplete on third down so with only time for one play the Patriots nervously watched Kurt Knight come in for the third time in a minute to try and win it from 50 yards the ball is nowhere to be seen it was wide to the right no good and set off a chain of unusual reactions from the gleeful Patriots [Music] an incredible series of events had given the New England Patriots their second straight upset over supposedly far superior opposition they beat Atlanta on a missed field goal in the final seconds and this victory over the Redskins was a deja boo' but both were fashioned on more than luck the Patriots are hitting on defense and have an explosive offense with a dynamic quarterback capable of anything and at long last talk of a patriot championship may no longer be banned in Boston [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Comrade Dobler
Views: 11,803
Rating: 4.845304 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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