1966 Lions at Packers GOTW week 4

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hello everybody Jim Gibbons from Lambeau Field where the undefeated Green Bay Packers take on the Detroit Lions the defending champion Packers are three and oh the Lions two and one as Green Bay won the toss they'll receive Walker kicking off for the Lions Vander see with the ball in the 16 yard line he brings it back to the 37 [Applause] NFL game of the week the Detroit Lions vs. the Green Bay Packers Bart Starr quarterbacking Corning and Taylor the running backs Paul Hornung gets the call three yards Roger Brown making the tackle [Applause] [Applause] one second down and seven this is Jim Taylor for three hours before Bobby Thompson makes the tackle now in third and three in the 44 Stark [Applause] can't find anybody open gets out of there and goes for three yards in the first down [Applause] first and ten in the 47 that's Mara plenty good balance bike lending and the race is on [Applause] 53-yard touchdown and the pack goes out in front seven to nothing Harry Gilmer on the sidelines talking to mill plumbers quarterback as the liens take over this is Amos March he pombo Stella quick covered for the Packers and again the Packers have a scoring opportunity first and 10 in the 39 yard line and Detroit territory Bart Starr to Jim Taylor seven yards in the play and a penalty of 15 more puts it on the line 17 yard line score 7 nothing Green Bay leads Detroit that's Taylor for six yards [Applause] now in second and for Paul horny starts to the outside then cuts back for three Walker and LeBeau making the tackle [Applause] again it's Horning no game to the play on fourth down Chandler tries a field goal from 14 yards out it's good in green bay leaves tender nothing Chandler kicking off Tom Vaughn waiting for the ball in the three [Applause] back to the 23 yard line it'll be first in ten for the Lions on their own 23 they trail 10 to nothing thomna watsky the big go back for the Lions going for three yards [Applause] now on second and seven Amos March good walking as he goes 11 yards in a first down Willie would the tackler first and ten at a 37 this is March two-yard gain into the quarter the Packers lead 10 to nothing all-pro Roger brown looks on from the sidelines Lyons ball third and eight plum to nowasky again and free an island fourth down stud still back to punt [Applause] Willie wood calls for the fair catch penalty markers go down 15 yards [Applause] the Lyons hole and Vince Lombardi looks on from the sidelines concerned as the Packers now must punt Lions have the ball first and ten bomb to nowasky 18 yards in a first down score is 10 nothing the pack leads the Lions tend to nothing [Applause] Mars for six yards [Applause] again Amos Marsh gets the call five yards in a first down milk LOM taking to the air Gail condo for nine yards lions on the move a trail in the ballgame 10 to nothing in the second period thomna Watsky a loss of one yard on fourth down stud still the fine punter for the Lions boots it into the end zone [Applause] Paul Hornung on the handoff from star for two yards Willie Davis on the Packer bench knows that that 10 nothing lead is not enough Bart Starr leading passer in the leg to Dale Thompson is after him but he isn't going to catch him a touchdown for the Packers when a 78 yard scoring play and Green Bay increases their lead 17 to nothing [Applause] Vince Lombardi is pleased with a touchdown but he's never satisfied with less than perfection Detroit's ball first and ten in the 20 that's plum and the pressure is on Stud still in a fine grab for seven yards [Applause] on second and three [Applause] good catch two studs dill for 47 yards alex karras great defensive man for the Lions [Applause] first and ten now on the 29 this is Tom no Watsky he gets three Robinson the principal tackler [Applause] Lyons driving mill plumb passing deed for Congo it was tipped by had early almost intercepted by Robinson but there's a penalty on the play and the Lions still have the football second and six plum again for Cogdill this time broken up by Jeter and again the penalty marker goes down this time it's against the Lions [Applause] again plumb taking to the air looking for cog do this Donny has him for 12 yards [Applause] fourth and one on the 11 Amos Marsh tries to pick up the first down and die [Applause] score 17 to nothing hackers lead Detroit in super slow motion you can watch the moves of Tom Nowitzki twisting and turning for five yards [Applause] on the Packer bench Bart Starr watches the action second and goal of the one again in slow motion Nowitzki and you can watch the drive as nowasky crosses that goal line but the action is rough afterward it's a touchdown for Detroit and they cut the Green Bay lead 17 to 7 all ProGuard fuzzy Thurston looks a little discouraged as the Packers have to punt and the Lions have the ball first and ten in the twenty nine mil plum the thomna watsky good Ron by no watsky 24 yards in the first down [Applause] now on first and 10 in the 47 in Green Bay territory plum again taking to the air intercepted by Tommy Brown when green baize 32 he fumbles the ball but Nitschke recovers for the Packers [Applause] [Applause] start of the third period Detroit has the football March the I'm mocking tries to go outside but he's thrown for a loss of one Nitschke and Davis on the tackle now in second and 11 and the 19 plumb fine studs do and Nitschke finds mr. stud still for seven yards they're in for - Kramer 11 yards in the first down in the third quarter 17 to 7 to score undefeated Green Bay leading the Lions on the sidelines Vince Lombardi watches the action first and ten for the Lions this is no Watsky he got five Dave Robinson made the tackle now on fourth down the Lions are forced to punt [Applause] Willie wood calls for a fair catch [Applause] hackers ball on 2nd and 10 in their own 27 Bart Starr tomorrow Fleming and a play earlier that got a touchdown this time it gets nine yards lard star on the screen - Taylor Thurston in front blocky it's good for 8 yards let's watch that again in super slow motion you can watch the action of the Lions as they try to command the blocking of the Packers and the good move on the part of star as he turns and fires to Taylor [Applause] [Applause] Vaughn made the tackle a gain of eight [Applause] but the Lions defense holds and the Packers Chandler has to punt [Applause] Vaughn calls for the fair catch in the 15-yard line Detroit's ball first and ten in their own 15-day trail 17 to 7 Amos Marsh picks up nine yards [Applause] now on third and one in the 24 marsh again gets the call finds the hole and goes for 15 yards before Robinson brings him down [Applause] will climb back to pass Willie Davis gets by the blocker and hits him just as he throws Robinson intercepts for the Packers Dave Robinson intercepted and returned to Detroit's 44 yard line [Applause] and in the Packer bench Robinson is happy about that interception [Applause] Packers ball first and 10 Detroit territory on the 44 Bart Starr taking to the air once again looking for Carroll Dale pass is no good but interference call against the Lions and its first and ten for the pack on the 22 Paul Hornung the ball carrier [Applause] he gets five yards hacker's lead 17 to seven [Applause] third and four on the sixteen again on our slow-motion camera the handoff to Jim Taylor that's alex karras and Walker coming up to help out a gain of 1 [Applause] [Applause] the Lions hold and Don Chandler will try a field goal from 22 yards out it's good the Packers increased their lead 20 to 7 [Applause] Lions bow first and 10 to the 20 plumb to Coghill 11 yards in the first down still plenty of time left in the game for lots of excitement first and 10 now on the 31 mark up the middle for five yards as a third quarter end Green Bay 20 Detroit 7 [Applause] Mayans ball [Applause] thomna watsky Briggs tacklers turns in a fine run of 17 yards in a first down [Applause] first in ten lions ball in Packer territory on the 43 Marsh to stud still on the reverse again at fifteen yards in the first down now on first and ten in the 28th this is no Watsky breaking away from attacker and going for six yard score is 22 7 early in the fourth period Packers lead Detroit but the Lions are on the move plum he can't get out of there Robinson makes the tackle along with Brown a loss of 10 yards now on 4th down and 14 plum again with the pressure on looks for stud still good Kent 17 yard and the penalty marker goes down adding further yards to the play it'll be first and goal on the 8th [Applause] on our slow-motion camera you can watch Amos March [Applause] tremendous leg power as he drives and drive [Applause] over the goal line he loses a ball but it's a touchdown [Applause] let's look at that play again on our slow-motion camera and you can see the great leg power of Amos Marsh as he balls over Tom Brown and goes right over the goal line before confident ball Green Bay 20 Detroit 14 [Applause] Wayne Walker kicks off for the Lions Donnie Anderson waits for the football in the two [Applause] he brings it back to the 29 Walker made the tackle third nine on the 30 green baize ball they lead 2214 this is Bart Starr he has two touchdowns to his credit he's the leading pastor in the NFL [Applause] the Carroll Dale for 21 yards good move by Dale Clark finally making the style just over men feel [Applause] Lyons hold and force the Packers to punt [Applause] Chandler gets away a high kick waiting for the ball is Jim Todd fumble and Hartley covers miss gamble for the Packers [Applause] hackers ball first intent in the twenty to eight minutes 46 seconds left Bart Starr to die alert out of bounds after a gain of six [Applause] 1/3 down star again back to pass but the pressure is on Clark 59 and Kara 71 and Don Chandler will try a field goal from the 31 it's good and Green Bay increases their lead 23 to 14 [Applause] Lyons again trying to move as Marsh picks up seven yards Vince Lombardi talking to his team [Applause] they lead 23 to 14 [Applause] again March and again Amos goes for a 10-yard [Applause] late in the ballgame Green Bay leads 23 to 14 Guam on the shuffle pass to March it all games two yards and time runs out and the Green Bay Packers march on undefeated their fourth in a row leading Western Division of the NFL Packers go to San Francisco the Lions will be at home to meet the second-place ran as Vince Lombardi and Harry Gillman meet at the center of the field [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Comrade Dobler
Views: 31,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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