1971 Penn State vs. Tennessee

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71 another exclusive presentation of ABC Sports NCAA football today's game features the Nittany Lions of Penn State undefeated and ranked fifth in the nation against the volunteers of Tennessee after a day of cold miserable weather here in Knoxville Tennessee it is bright crisp as today the volunteers of Tennessee are hosting the hottest team in the East that's right Penn State the Nittany Lions from State College Pennsylvania have not been defeated in 15 straight games they're noted for their winning streaks they're coached by Joe Paterno they have a record of 10 and oh this year we have Tennessee the volunteers defeated only twice this year one point by Harborne and again by Alabama but Wilkinson is here he'll battle the Tennessee coach at one time was on Bud staff at Oklahoma and but has been a great friend of Joe Paterno as I have for many many years and but it's most unusual to have two such young bright coaches heading major schools Chris I think are the people who carry on the college football tradition defend the great coaches the years rocked Neelu little and I won't take time to list all the rest of them but these records are just unreal no battles is nineteen and three and his two seasons Jill Paterno is fifty two victories ten losses and one tie they play great offense great defense and more important they utilize the material extremely well Parsons was a quarterback he's now a tight end for Penn State for example they also do a great job in instilling leadership not only the quarterbacks these two coaches in particular because their philosophy of young people and their contribution that's necessary in the future that's why I've such high respect for both of them there are teams are gonna be very exciting to watch also Penn State is got a very powerful running attack they've had two weeks to get ready for this game and they're gonna have a new offensive wrinkle instead of being in the I formation we expect to see them in the wing T some this afternoon which will give them very powerful blocking on the corner position and will cause Penn State to adjust the defense and play in a little bit unusual positions and it will be very interesting to see how they make the adjustment and how successful is Penn State change is going to be against one of the best defensive teams in the country Tennessee is giving up only more than one touchdown one time and that was against Alabama first meeting between Penn State and Tennessee ever 55° the sun is shining and it's shining on our colleague bill Fleming ladies and gentlemen the lineups for Tennessee this is the offensive team at school from Savannah Tennessee number 90 Joel Thompson from Brownsville Tennessee number 73 Galen Hill left guard to Winchester number 65 Phil Fulmer Turner from Cleveland Tennessee number 53 time Johnson's a right guard from Cleveland Tennessee number 64 bill em in Norfolk play tackle from Barstow number 76 Joe ball fro side am from Louisville Kentucky number 20 Gary feller at quarterback in Nashville number 16 Jim Maxwell tailback from Winchester Tennessee number 36 bill rudder at wing back from Nashville number 43 Jorge Silva a pull back from Knoxville number 41 Steve chances injured today and who will not play from Crossville Curt Watson and the head coach the volunteers bill battle good luck those of the lineups go back to christen blood on our television booth the pregame activities have been concluded we'll be back for the opening kickoff here at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville Tennessee [Applause] so it'll be Tennessee in the orange jerseys if you're watching in color that will be receiving the kick as the wind is blowing in from the far side of the fielder from an easterly direction at about five miles an hour and as we indicated earlier the temperature is 55 degrees and here we look at the Tennessee offensive line the ends are Joe Thompson number 90 and the tight end of the coin a gary filer Tom Johnson is the offensive center with Amador performer the tackles Hill and bought through rather the tackles and fuller and hemmond offer the guards even darker a standout player number 64 while in the backfield at quarterback it'll be senior Jim Maxwell from Nashville and Steve Chauncey bill Rutter's to the fullback and the wing back will be George Sylve kicking off for Penn State will be Alberto video low there he is only five feet seven inches to know where's the big number 37 on the white jersey and if you're watching a bursty mitten eli and blue and it'll be Penn State putting their perfect record on the line against Tennessee the volunteers hoping to be the spoilers this afternoon as Bobby majors number 44 and 41 Steve Chauncey our deep chanting to the far side of the field majors one of the great kick returners in the country great athlete number 44 over 60,000 the seventh consecutive home game that the crabs exceeded over 60 and the side boot now is going right down the middle of the field it's taken by number 44 Bobby majors out for the 1500 he find a hole funny he's got it one-on-one that was his duking and moving his feet was not quite grin enough and was brought down by number 22 John cappelletti also Jim Scott was the first one to hit him beautiful blocking by the Tennessee line they used that cross block up the middle and you can see the great hole that majors had he broke absolutely into the clear except for the safety man Penn State in a good pattern to keep him from going all the way a 57-yard opening kickoff return at the 40 of Penn State the ball goes quickly out to bill rudder the fullback trying to get outside and the lateral movement of the Penn State defense which is pretty super they're a classic group of guys as Greg Duke at Keeseville New York makes the tackle but the Penn State defense is a four-four and they only use three men in the deep secondary Tennessee hopes to stretch that three deep today most games have an option of going to four deep if they're getting three wide receivers Penn State does not like to do that we'll see wide receivers the perhaps three of them ending the time from Tennessee charlie is a packer number 60 you're looking at was limping as we got a first pass at the ball game from the 37 it is out of at about the 29 Joe Thompson from Savannah Tennessee forced out by buddy Ellis Mary Thompson a 6-footer who this year has caught 12 passes one for a touchdown and you can see Thompson running the quick out against Ellis Bill battles the Tennessee coach thought that the half backs for Penn State play a little bit deep on that they gave a little bit more room in front and perhaps they could afford to give up and they'll do with those quick outs quite a bit of the time Jorge Silva the far side of the field first down from the 29 Tennessee with a ball nice boy it was one leg and bow there you go good job by Joe Thompson two for two Maxwell as a fact when we said was limping around forced him out of bounds this is Thompson again running the simple square out let's watch his feet and I guess he has that one foot inside the line of college football that's all you need and both football you need to have both of them in all right back to back first downs on two passes going to the far side of the field Gary Tyler's is put in from the 18 yard line of Penn State Tennessee on the ball tipped all in the play carrying to the 14 steep chance a pump in sit output clearly in Penn State's favor they need four yards for a first down on third down to the 12 yard line Kent State no score Tennessee with the ball [Music] [Applause] so a the Tennessee hopes throttled right here as store pan was in on George Sylvie Sylvie on the fumble score pan recovers it no Penn State takes over now we'll look at an offense there are a classic group colorful as well a team that has scored over 44 points per game they could do a lot of things but including rushing and passing and that was a three-point fumble George hunt number nine and Tennessee field goal kickers one of the best in the country I believe he could have put the three points in the world from the 21 at Penn State first down up Nagel handing off to Franco Harris from Mount Holly New Jersey number 34 he'll be carrying the ball the left today at least in the pregame plans by Joe Paterno there you see Bob Parsons ball up to 24 now second down and seven Cole is set to the far side of the field from the eye muscles long as flags are down as live Dell Mitchell got the ball number 23 we were talking before the game Chris with these two teams be up for this one both having clinched goal bids I think it's very apparent that they really are Penn State the two anxious jumping left side illegal procedure oh it's five yards down remain facility for 60,000 fans watching now going to the far side yeah Bob Rickenbacker and Lynn cold 40 and 48 [Applause] linear back michael has stopped right at the line of scrimmage by Conrad Graham there's thirty four and white that's Harris and Jamie rotella number 57 Tennessee his pioneered a new type of defense they've taken the basic five to four pattern and then drop the middle guard in this case rain nettles when 258th back off the line of scrimmage so they're three free line backers that gives you a tremendous variety of stunts by those three men difficult for the offensive line to pick up course you saw that the Tennessee defense is pretty tough third and 11 for Penn State from the 20 brings up a fourth down now Lydell Mitchell's a record breaker three NCAA records 12 penn state records he is stuff they are short of a first down with the ball at the 22 it brings up a fourth down at nine and bobby majors number 44 the majors family honored just before the kickoff and perhaps you saw it on college football today our pregame show and they have contributed so much to the football interest in the state of tennessee bob parsons former quarterback noun in will punch Bearcats called for by bobby majors at his own 40-yard line so after a fumble Penn State was only able to move the ball one yard and force the punt on fourth down that punt with 38 yards the timeout at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville to score Penn State nothing and if you're still watching black and white TV RCA can make it a whole new ballgame with Excel 100 100 percent solid state a cue color TV over 40 models made with circuitry designed for extended life each chassis tube is replaced by tough reliable solid-state devices color TV made to last XL 100 from RCA after a fine defensive effort by Tennessee the punt went to the volunteers now they have a 1st and 10 at the Tennessee 40 Maxwell is the quarterback number 16 makes it to the deep back pick it out he is 4 for corn as you seen nearly enough for a first down coming up near the midfield stripe Chauncey number 41 pulling it in as we look at smokey the bluetick coonhound the mascot of the volunteer finally the defense excuse me bud for Penn State Fannin Aaron hold and Hillier and Vlasov X are up front the linebackers there's a pack Colin gray deep Ellis for van Duke cat and miss zhuo second down and 1 first down for the volunteers bill Rutter the sophomore fullback from Winchester Tennessee makes the yardage but Penn State's going out of there for 4 into the 61 defense but they get it right straight up the middle very well the sticks now they're going against Tennessee and from the 46 and Penn State first down mass over dawn intended for number 20 Gary Tyler from Louisville Kentucky 2nd down and 10 coming up for the score in the game 951 to go 1st quarter there you see the comparative scores and the opponents Tennessee passing over 22 points a game they have allowed only 97 in in 10 days it was their defensive unit bud and the only team to score more than one touchdown against the mount of animal of those 32 points and only Alabama has scored against the Tennessee defense in the first quarter here's the second exam a great deal to do with Steve Chauncey not being able to hang on Penn State defense on the mountain they have allowed only two touchdowns rushing ten touchdowns passing here's a third and ten passing situation great catch Gary Fowler Wow and cuz that's what I was talking about stretching those three deep they have three wide receivers that makes three people covered the entire field let's watch Tyler in the isolated camera he's a flex 10 here he comes off the line of scrimmage and he's running that post pattern breaking past gray into the middle there's a lot of real estate out there for three men to cover they knew the pass was coming great catch formation from the 31 at Penn State first down Tennessee no score carrying on the play was bill rudder and as you saw in the introductions by bill Fleming an all-time Tennessee ball carrier Watson the senior fullback from Crossville Tennessee injured not even suited up and it's too bad you couldn't see him play today because he's had a great career here Jim Heller on the tackle Tennessee's record the last three years under Bill battle 28 wins five buck Doug Dickey of course was included in one year battle two of those three years and when will they drop off the cover next one now has thrown seven times completing five third down in 20 from the 41 Steve Chauncey number 41 extra point conversions he's a native of Clearwater Florida is a senior six one 215 pounds and he's going to need everything he has 53 yard attempt from the 43 plus 210 of the endzone [Applause] when we were last here Tennessee playing Auburn he did kick a 50-yard field goal but he was short on this 53 yarder as a VC in the NCAA combined to bring you the thrills of college football with time out to score and stake nothing gonna see nothing Tennessee 6th and scoring defense has controlled the ball five and a half minutes to Penn State one minute and 59 seconds then the Lions have it now at their own 20 following a missed 53-yard field goal by George hunt for the first down hufnagle a loose ball Mitchell Lydell Mitchell on the pitch recovered his own fumble quickly in on the play was number 59 Carl Johnson a defensive end Rickon back in Parsons who has shifted or the wing back was most effective on the play by Dell Mitchell who scored 28 touchdowns this year second and 17 model number 23 from Salem New Jersey carried on the play one of the ten work on the play rotella and Jackie Walker one of the two all-americans on a Tennessee to the other being Bobbie majors while for Penn State they've joined her an offensive tackle number 70 he's the right tackle he comes up in the line now and Lydell Mitchell the other All America we have a third down and nine Nagle taking it to Mitchell taking it outside and that's the basic play of the Penn State offense the fake to Mitchell and up Nagel keeping the ball [Applause] beautifully kick majors calling for a fair catch at his own 35 you can help here's how send five dollars today to Olympic House box ba 57 Park Avenue New York New York from the 35 Tennessee no scoring the game first down what a wall bill Rutter ran into can see gives it the third effort and gets to the Penn State 30 Tom Hall on the tackle and a great job at uh key signal by Maxwell he saw Penn State ready to give it that big rush that was effective the trap Maxwell in the last possession if they gave it that rush and he broke past the rushing men he was in the clear 31 yard by Steve Chauncey the sophomore his hometown right here in Knoxville so from the Penn State 31 first and 10 Tennessee 5 minutes first quarter no score comes in to the near side of the field Thompson coming back the ball was deflected however an almost full [Applause] a marker down interference coming up at about the six yard line it's going to be offensive interference it appears misko piccata the to Penn State men who come across and see if we can see whether Thompson pushes both of them here and it appears to me that he really had Running Room he's unable to take his course but the referee saw differently he was behind the play though it's third down and twenty five for Tennessee and their third opportunity to get some points on the board hauled it as a result of a penalty as Rutter carried on the play field to kept the safety man will come over as does Chuck miss Coe and Thompson is entitled to run his course and it appears to me here that the two Penn State people cut across in front of him and keep him from running this course the official who called it was at the bottom of your screen Bobby nature's punted going out about that may be a very effective one Bobbie majors the all-american from Suwannee Tennessee only a 32 yard punt but it went out of bounds at approximately the eighth time out here at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville the score Penn State nothing the Jefferson Browns the Chiefs and Colts the Giants and bears the bite wounds and patterns the Rams from Cowboys NFL electric football you start the action with two complete teams like the Rams and Cowboys in their own colorful uniforms NFL electric football by Tudor we had an offensive interference call against Tennessee a little earlier and we like to play it once more for you mrs. Thompson trying to break between the cat and Mexico and they cut him off so that he's not able to get between them and you can see now why the official at the bottom of the screen called to play because as he sees it right here it looks as though Thompson is pushing both of them actually he was sort of cut off at the pass from the 7 yard line following a Bobby majors front its first and 10 for Penn State and one of the powers of the nation's football majors and state by del Mitchell number 23 carrying on the play Jackie Walker the all-american linebacker on the tackle thus far penn state 14 total yards no first downs and we have 3 minutes and 18 seconds remaining in the first quarter they've also had miserable field position on the exchange the 21 the 20 in their own eight second down and eight now from the nine the deep back by Bill Mitchell we were talking before the game about first down for Penn State on offense being one of the keys to victory the first down snaps thus far Penn State made for they lost seven and they made two so Tennessee doing a good job of shutting the Long Pond first down to implement long yardage coming up on second Rickett back is in the lineup now number 44 Penn State as they have a third down and seven Flynn poll is set to the near side number 48 from the eye up Nagel a good one completing at the Bob Parsons the crust 420 now from the 24 yard line first down Penn State in the white uniform Mitchell Mitchell spun down at about the 27 a gain of three with john directing the attack second down and six Franco has first down and in Tennessee territory for the first time from the 49 of Tennessee first down Penn State there he is again Michael Harris great career they're big strong they've got strict kick-off as the ball is snapped but soon as they kick out and then 25 to go no score here in the first quarter from the 37 first down there's rival by now to about the 23 yard line Neyland Stadium where they love their football we made the point several times Christmas the only advantage the offense really has over the defense is knowing when the ball is going to be snapped and if you can't hear the quarterback call that snap count if you lose that advantage the defense gets to use their hands and arms the offense does not so that's really where the margin the balance is between the offense and defense you've got to be able to hear the quarterback call us nest on a wing to this side of the field step backs and the splint far side in from the 20 for the Tennessee defense converges on Franco Harris and the defense includes John wagster number 67 rotella number 57 for Tennessee defensively now it's Lambert 82 Howell 83 52 Walker 58 metals 57 rotella 67 wagster 59 Johnson 40 for majors 37 Conrad 25 Brown at 13 David Allen 79 this fall and intercepted by comrade William he's got a blocker within Mitchell trying to catch him Mitchell wolf get him [Applause] very tired fault Conrad Graham from winston-salem North Carolina as the Tennessee fans go wild Baxter and Rotella help force that fumble 76 yards Tennessee lead [Applause] George hunt for the point is good time had expired that that was a continuing play the punt after attempt at the end of the first quarter to score the Tennessee Volunteers underdogs seven and state nothing John cappelletti Ed O'Neill and Chuck her to wait Tennessee's kick following a 76 yard return of an intercepted fumble for a score this is the first play of the second quarter in number another Penn State fumble we still haven't seen the official designation yeah we have chris said it was down all right let's say the intercepted fumble and the 76 yard run by Graham janky walker 52 forced it he's only six feet 200 pounds one of the great land backers in college football watch him knock the ball loose here he moves in the hufnagle there goes the ball in the air Conrad Graham coming up from his corner position picks it off everybody from Penn State with the exception of Mitchell was down fee Hill that we took at 76 yards for the touchdown Vince key step to the near side as the place stays on the ground from the 29 Franco Harris or good yardage on the play now Johnson one of the Tennessee tacklers at the 34 yard line Penn State had had all the best of these statistics until that last burned me Tennessee had until that last the Penn State Drive but they still lead it a little bit 82 total yards for Tennessee against 74 Penn State time of possession slightly in the favour of Tennessee actually Penn State went 71 yards before the interception now hufnagle finds the target stars in ski nine-yard gain in the backfield for Penn State 30 for Harris 48 Cole 23 Mitchell 84 skarzinski attend along with Parsons number 86 slot formation far side Wow and Penn State has changed their offensive pattern I've been operating with two tight ends most of the season as the second down of three John Hufnagel the quarterback Franco Harris coming outside to about the 44 good run and the first Dennis Harris now has carried the ball seven times for 52 yards Danny Jefferies on the tackle tumble by Conrad Graham 1320 to go 2nd quarter smegal receivers covered ought to go for the fine football player Harris number 34 yeah is a junior who has completed sixty two point six percent of his passes markers down as Mitchell carries needed three in the fight of the Southland band with a lot of pretty girls from the University of Tennessee on top was number 57 Jimmy rotella on Franco Harris number 34 34 Bob Parsons number 86 and I've got to admire the offensive patter of Penn State 234 i think everyone felt with her powerful inning attack they were gonna throw the ball up Nagle made a great fake and the crossing patter to Parsons he was wide open this Tennessee went for the play fake Graham catching him midair and going 76 yards for the Tennessee score by Dell Mitchell number 23 MSE lead seven to nothing Chuck bird in the lineup to the near side of the field number 25 not great Franco Harris losing his footing on the Tartan turf here at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville Tennessee Garth insky goes to the far side of the field on 35 Cole is also to the right up Nagle with Harris blocking not single outside Franco Harris locking for his quarterback it's Conrad grim forces helped make a lot of bounds at the 14 but first down first and 10 now from the 14 Tennessee lead seven and nothing Mitchell loss of one Walker 52 Vitelli and Carl Johnson 59 first bit of misdirection that we've had all the rest of the place has been straight ahead our night plays [Applause] bagel good job at the defensive secondary covering three receivers who had gone into the end zone ten Lambert comes in on Hufnagel and brings him down turn up on ABC's Wide World of Sports at 5:00 Eastern and Pacific for Central Time international Grand Prix motorcycle championships from Elsinore California now we have a third down and 17 up they go Mitchell Mitchell out of bounds at about the 10 video low Alberto is back to try a field goal he's 4 of 12 this one will come from the 17 plus the 10 of the end zone a 27 yard kick is up and good video of Penn State mixed the field goal from 27 yards out as this is NCAA college football with time out the score Tennessee 7 Penn State 3 Penn State has scored on a field goal from 27 yards and Bobby majors and Steve Chauncey await the kick by diello from Naples Italy now living in East Meadow Long Island kicks and looking at the ball is majors coming out to the five Chauncey blocking majors gets to the 20 just another block to the 30 and he brings it back to the 41 and this is quite a day for John Bobbie major he goes Jim Scott let's watch it again see the kick that was low at bounced around I thought majors was gonna down it in the end zone here and was going to say something about how much football savvy he had he thought that blocking would be there and it was and this is one of the better open field tackles I've seen majors is great in the open field is he avoided the official and Scott took him on square and brought him down Scott got him on his opening kickoff return of 57 yards so he's done it again from the 41 a Penn State first down Maxwell Maxwell handing off to Bill Rutter the sophomore fullback to get out on the tackle as misko comes up second down and six Tennessee in the direction of Chauncey but the rush cause mix well to draw very poorly Aaron hold number 79 from his defensive left tackle position joined by the defensive right in less of a foot the rush are welcome camera crew ABC Sports well they are only welcoming the best camera crew in the world oh man thank you third down and six for Tennessee from the Penn State 37 Tennessee lead seven to three here's Maxwell in our own Jerry Gray we thought had it strike fourth and six Bobby majors to punch 750 to go in the first half and major strives for the corner goes into the end zone and through it will come out to the 20-yard line from where Penn State will try to mount a drive here at the halfway point of the second quarter college football what better way to spend an autumn after doing the time up to score Tennessee 7 Penn State 3 [Music] 1972 Chevelle by Chevrolet you'll find some changes like refined pollution controls for cleaner air but it still has everything that made it America's most popular mid-sized car Chevelle gives you big car comfort in a less expensive size so it fits more families and more budgets Chevrolet wants your new Chevelle to be the best car you ever owned [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chevrolet building a better way to see the USA Penn State with a hundred and thirty five total yards and three points Tennessee 85 yards and seven points on a 76-yard intercepted fumble return for the score in the last two Penn State possessions they've looked awesome they're a bigger stronger they simply have rolled the Tennessee defense back where they are 'muscular Don sheds has been a fullback number 32 from the 20 up Nagel an interception by number 13 David Allen David Allen was positioned perfectly so Tennessee gets the ball this is quite an interception because month Nagel who has thrown nine touchdown passes has been an intercepted only four times but that was five that puts in Athenian business Chris on the 15 third time they've gotten the ball in Tennessee territory twice their defense State Territory twice on great kickoff returns and this one with a fine interception George sylvie number 43 to the far side of the field as a flanker from the 15 first down Tennessee bill rudder fired up and the offensive guard Phillip Fulmer and Emin door / number 64 both upset that they didn't go all the way they opened the hole in the trap beautifully number 13 David Allen you'll intercept at the hufnagle pass and with the ball at the six it's a second down and one Thompson to the near side it shows you the toughness of the Penn State defensive front floor and their three linebackers the power i formation first and goal bill letter and that's what those extra backs black and mean for you up front Phillip Fulmer 65-64 in the door / Walter up 76 Hill 73 now its first and goal from the one and a half 73 Tennessee leads Tennessee threatening here 612 to go first half Hennessey choirs getting the touchdown signaled by the nod of the official you can see him over there marking he says he missed it for inches second down and goal partisan Tennessee fans watching with you puts down hill rudder letter who's been averaging five point four yards per carry goes in for the Tennessee scores and Tennessee a big underdog in this game now has a 13 to three lead homer and Hill on the far side of the offensive line opened the hole as will have hunt now trying for his 57 58 consecutive point after him exit 5:32 of the second quarter we have a timeout here at Neyland Stadium Knoxville Tennessee the score volunteers 14 the Nittany Lions three tries to kick kickoffs very high on the air and as a result the Penn State receivers are up on the 13 yard line instead of deeper it's high in the air and horseback was Chuck heard he didn't mean to do that fist but he gave this fair catch signal pressure on you can't say that he was feeling and shilling his eyes from the Sun because the Sun was at his back I think they must have practiced the fair catch Kris because the height for the normal Tennessee kickoff and usually there are a lot of people down there and having practiced it he didn't realize how kick how deep that one was gone it was human the air I'd like to defend him her I would serve the tough spot to make a decision all right from the five-person 10 Penn State that was Lionel Mitchell bringing it out to about the eight or nine yard line and every series is a highly critical but this is an extremely critical series for Penn State if Tennessee can stop them here and get the ball with field position they could really get some action going Penn State has got to knock it out here I didn't understand that last sign I thought they were going to save the great second down and seven now Penn State with the ball Franco Harris as the Tennessee team is fired up eight wins two losses a one-point loss to Auburn and Bend Alabama and scored 225 points thus far today they have 14 Penn State has a 27-yard field goal Kyle Johnson making the tackle at about the 10 so it's going to be a third down and five third and five Hufnagel the quarterback of Nagaland trouble oh did he get it out of the end zone it appears he did Ken Lambert putting the pressure and a very smart move by Hufnagel he was almost trapped in the end zone he recognized where he was he just barely got it out there Tennessee is switched their defense in those those first four passes that were completed against them let's take a look at this again you can see only four men rushing now they got five men in the short zones Hufnagel tries to run he's cut off he's in the end zone and he just barely gets it out he said he was a classy performer Hufnagel fourth and 15 inches away from the goal line Bob Parsons at the end line to punch out it comes back deep bobby majors at the 45 a Penn State the 30 the 35 the 30 with that kabhi go what a day [Applause] on a day that the majors family is being honored here at Tennessee oh what a team play Tennessee linemen came back and knocked everybody down they deuces this coy as the runner as I've seen because he lets the blockers work so many ball carriers overrun their blockers and he simply lets them work for him Bobbie majors with the opening kickoff of 57 yards he had another big one and this one was 45 what an afternoon the all-american from Suwannee will show you the punt return and the great blocking by the Tennessee teammates of majors as George hunt tries for 59 straight it's up [Applause] it's hard to believe let's take a look at it again every play in football is a team play much majors here he has it and now watch these straight flops they're the linemen the wall is forming they knock everybody down they over landed a little bit too there's another super block and now watch majors poised as he lets everybody work for him to get the final block on Parsons who will kick the ball and who now had become the safety man there he is and you can see Haleh Tennessee people down there on him once more he reads the blocks and that's the toys that comes from a skilled experienced football player he's a great home the reason that you see the picture juggling the folks in the upper deck where are one of our mini cameras is located is just moving along with all the up-and-down movement of the fans twenty one two three the high kick is taken by Mitchell Mitchell of Penn State comes out to the 29 yard line and in two minutes following an interception by Allen Tennessee has scored twice making the tackle with art Reynolds now the college division bowl games will be next Saturday the boardwalk Bowl Delaware CW Post the Grantland rice bowl McNeese State Tennessee State the Pioneer bold Eastern Michigan Louisiana Tech of the Camellia Bowl Boise State in Chico State check your local listings for diamond telecast Mitchell sharing on the play the two minutes 24 seconds to kind of fight in the clock just a little let him bite off any big yardage there's the coach of the year 1968 Joe Paterno first and 10 from the 39 huffnagel completion to cigars in ski number 84 86 yards from the Tennessee 49 first down Mitchell Mitchell's lighting to the 45 found in six with a minute 23 to go in the first half and trailing 21 to 3 up navel Mitchell look at that Mitchell battle and they all right first and ten now at the 39 I'm running out in the first half while coming outside and in the middle everyone trying to tackle Mitchell but it was Parsons who had the ball very fine ball handling by huffnagle Lee with the clock running to snap the ball the 11th first down for Penn State up they go number 13 David Allen who has one interception today was covering skarzinski on the play for five touchdown up Hegel hiding that ball beautifully Michigan out to Harris Franco hood list for the 21 33 coming up for Penn State it's third down and three with 35 seconds to go in the first half they trailed 21 to 3 the Bombers at the Tennessee 21 from the I what formation near side early movement on the far end of the Penn State Line touchdown Tennessee as men state tries to get it first it was behind Bob Parsons number 86 on 43 yards away Steve Scully is holding [Applause] oh it's opaque I snap and it's intercepted and wisely running out of bounds number 62 didn't show a lot of speed Claude Simonton I'm coming to Tennessee a junior on the clock 19 seconds in the first half and from the 32 Tennessee has the ball 1st down with Maxwell at quarterback a slot formational far side wide set backs behind Maxwell [Applause] your side end is for the way to [Applause] bill rudder number 36 carrying across the 35 with that call it's apparent that coach bill battles is going to win to the half with a 21 to 3 lead rather than try to put more points on the board that's the story really Tennessee lost one fellow but the two interceptions and we fumble that was intercepted in the air resulting in the Tennessee touchdown have been the difference in this half well as we look at the clock but it is stopped Tennessee apparently called a timeout they have one more remaining Bishop here kept that cracker and you always do I wish so on December 31st the Sugar Bowl New Orleans Auburn Oklahoma January 1st 2nd and 6th and cautiously a surprise first half there's a great halftime of entertainment coming up the score at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville Tennessee is Tennessee 21 Penn State 3 thanks Phil Martin Memphis Chattanooga and Nashville it's the 17th largest university in the nation it has an enrollment of 38,000 students this fall established in 1794 two years before Tennessee became a state Tennessee was the first University to admit women students as one of the largest universities in the south Tennessee can offer his students a wide selection of study programs and this enables the students to choose the course of study that most nearly parallels each individual's interests 21 colleges and schools offer programs of study and 150 fields on the university's various campuses the facilities available at Tennessee are designed to prepare all of its thousands of students for the demands of modern life and now the Tennessee fan the pride of the Southland band directed by dr. J Julian water McDaniel is the assistant director and Jerry field is the drum major marShon mighty Vols as the band does the drill of putting time' on the gridiron this is a new tennessee song written by Barry McDonald March on my t-ball [Music] hen majorette incidentally is Cathy mascara [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Americans we march is to a drill of circles flowers Sun bursts and spirals in addition to Kathy McKey row today you'll see Mary Brockman rode along gala Donna McKibben Suzanne Vinci Gale know Lea Smith Suzy Smith and Teresa Steinem and in all troubles 250 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're here at halftime in Knoxville Tennessee at Neyland Stadium where the Tennessee Volunteers are leading Penn State 21 to 3 and keep in mind Penn State right number five in the nation coming into this game against the team has been defeated twice but has come on strong to win five in a row and they hope to go in with a Liberty ballgame with a victory over fans stayed here today but remember there's still 30 minutes of football right now couple of triplets being formed on the field it was the same day as you know back in July of this year when Louie Armstrong old Satchmo passed away but naturally his memory lingers off so the Tennessee man swings now into South rampart Street parade and they salute the memory of the great jazz trumpeter ole Satchmo they'll play a st. Louie blues after rampart Street parade [Music] battle they see your set at home those are notes leaving the instrument and there you see the last letter of Louie filled up on the gridiron [Music] [Applause] yes this has little lovely sweet music prior to the Southland then from the University of Tennessee and now just improve its versatility then concludes with more of a classical number I guess you saw it first of all we heard an original - then a march by Fillmore there were some blues and now we go to Igor Stravinsky as the band will go into a clock and concert formation and play the Firebird suite [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the University of Tennessee pride of the southland man dr. Jay Gillian director and quite a halftime show by both fans there's Penn State team coming back onto the gridiron and the Tennessee waltz March will move the Tennessee band off the field I should mention that Igor Stravinsky one of the noted Russian composers also passed away during the year of 1971 this number was brilliant tribute to his great work to fire for sweep a half time and music are over and coming up next the second half the score here Neyland Stadium is Tennessee 21 and Penn State 3 thank you very much bill Beck deep now Joe Paterno has put Lydell Mitchell one of three potential receivers in George Muntz second half kickoff John cappelletti 22 is deep along with 87 Ed O'Neill cappelletti looks at the ball in the end zone and wisely with the kick coverage people coming down fast in the orange jerseys it'll be a touchback for Penn State a heavy favorite in this game to remain undefeated I are trailing 21 to 3 Penn State offensive line up as you can see Penn State is very much in the game they moved the ball very well in the first half they had a punt run back for a touchdown an interception that was caught in the air for a touchdown and another interception that gave Tennessee the ball on the 15-yard line to set up those 21 points Mike bots ready to snap the ball to help Egelhoff Pangolin turn hands it off quickly to my Dell Mitchell from the 20-yard line so we look at the statistics here it appears that Penn State is in charge but if you add the 223 yards of country of kick returns rather to Tennessee's total yardage that makes 330 total yards for Tennessee and that of course is not shown on those statistics second bound at 6 now for the 20 for Penn State with the ball the second play the second half outside Mitchell Mitchell moving out to about the 27 Jamie Rutt Ellie and David Allen converging on him and Allen making the play that every quarterbacks supposed to make if you don't make the tackle turn him in there's some help there if you miss him there's nobody on the outside Allen has one interception today which set up a 15-yard March at five flight with rudder scoring the touchdown well recap the scoring for you at our first opportunity as Penn State has kicked a 27-yard field goal mid point of the second quarter they trailed 21 to 333 Hufnagel outside the plant go Harris [Applause] Jackie Walker moving laterally to force him out of bounds out to the 35 Jackie Walker moves in on the ball carrier number 23 Lydell Mitchell as we isolate on Walker Walker is the boy that forced the fumble it was caught on the air by Graham and resulted in the Tennessee touchdown watch his lateral movement here and he sets himself reads the play takes him on as square as you possibly can skarzinski for Penn State at the bottom of your screen number 84 with the ball of the 35 second down and 7 Hufnagel finds Parsons at the 42 David Allen number 13 covering Parsons 63 233 pounds and it's another Nittany Lion 37 yards first and 10 from the Penn State 4321 the three Tennessee leading what a catch at the 49 of Tennessee Glencoe love to wonder Pennsylvania seniors unwrapped Graham who scored one of the Tennessee touchdown returning an intercepted fumble made the tackle averaging 44 point 3 total yardage average 463 yards a game they are undefeated denounced a second down and two at the Tennessee 49 and getting more than enough Lydell Mitchell slot I [Music] and when things are going right they sometimes seem to continue as rain metals the leading tackler on the Tennessee defense recovers it's a new wrinkle in the Tennessee type defense metals is off the line a little bit as the middle guard here he is moving in and really just stealing the ball from Harris who didn't quite ever have control of it the fourth turnover Penn State Tennessee at their own 45 first down Maxwell calling signals a fake beautiful hole and rudder goes through and look at the pursuit of the Penn State defenders [Applause] been an errand holds a pack o gray Heller less of ik Ellis Corp and Duke Kent and misko are the defenders as we look at the Tennessee forward line offensively even Penn State plays you're always vulnerable for that crap up the middle next time we're gonna see got great execution on it from their guards boomer and Inman door / from the Penn State 44 first down Tennessee with the ball Steve chance a strong on second down and nine there's Maxwell incomplete that's one of those statistics Chris that I always wonder about it goes down if the passer failed to complete it but actually hit him right in the hands three now 39 from the Penn State 43 Maxwell wide open rudder rudder inside the 35 out of bounds at about the 30 and a first down buddy Ellis covering defensively on the play number 18 and a mighty big first down because Tennessee has George chunk to one of the better field goal kickers in college football and he's now well within range George hunt missed a 53-yard field goal the midway point of the first quarter then a 76 yard score by Graham following an interception a 15 yard drive with rudder scoring two minutes later a 45-yard punt return by Bobby majors and a 27-yard field goal for Penn State 21 to 3 Tennessee leading from the 31st down we're in the 3rd quarter Rutter Maxwell Kris checking signals at the line of scrimmage and Penn State then changing the defense jumping gray into the line after he's checked signals it's awfully hard to run that trap play against what we call the odd set where you have a man directly over the center we have 90 Thompson second and seven intended for the full-back rudder December 20th the night of Monday December 20th hey we were beautiful pulling another pass by Greg Duke Kenneth Maxwell trying to hit Pilar but Duke at number 35 a junior brings it in and Penn State gets the ball Saturday afternoons in the fall being colorful college football here on ABC with timeout at Neyland Stadium of Knoxville the score Tennessee 21 penn state 3 maxwell was rushed on this play this is tyler going down the field where the ball is hung up in the air that's ellis going with it but whenever the ball is in the air a long time alert secondaries have time to come over and feel it as two kept us here high in the air to pick it off and make the interception for Penn State Penn State with a first and ten at their own 7 boy what desired they play micro Harris brought in a host of Tennessee tacklers mainly Jackie Walker and Frank Howell as much Walker again here for the Tennessee defense when they stop em cold it's every play the elation you see Walker drive through there slipping everybody and finding the seam to make the tackle it every players let me stop them on the one-yard line this is truly a fired up to finish Cole comes to the near side of the field on second and nine from their own ate up Nagel that was Harris the fullback seeping out of the backfield hunters is long and accurate as he has been in previous games : skarzinski to the near side third and nine [Applause] [Music] Tennessee men and the Tennessee cheerleaders Jackie Walker in on the play is ninth tackle with four assists so it is fourth down coming up open seven strong series of downs for Tennessee because Bobby majors is now back and we've got Penn State kicking from deep in their endzone earlier he returned upon a 45 yards for a touchdown an absolute beautiful thing with the help of his teammates blocking now it's Parsons back to punt he has a hundred and seventy-one yards on kick returns and wisely Bobby calls for a fair catch at the Tennessee whether the Penn State 47 volunteers take over majors his average returned today forty two point eight and six points they played great field position football the best field position Penn State's had the ball on in exchanges than their own 29 yard line to potential receivers to the near side of the field from the 47 and 10 state Thompson and lover over to the side Phil rudder SquarePants stop a touchdown before let's take a look at rubber again quick slant fakeblock in there by Chauncey there's the daylight he runs right through the linebacker the halfback bounces off him and then he stumbles as he breaks into the clear a 27 yard run by the full-back rudder first and ten at the 20 Tennessee with the ball Penn State 20 nonsan in love again to the near side of the field brings with him Jim Heller number 72 of Pottsville Pennsylvania 15 carries 97 yards filling in for the injured Kirk Watson all-time Tennessee rusher and runner a sophomore he's showing his mettle at the 11 now it would be second down and one 752 to go third quarter upset in the making Tennessee 21 penn state 3 Rutter stop but he gets the first step toughest place in the feel the store he's got first down as you can see just barely inside the 10-yard line Tennessee will meet Arkansas in their Liberty Bowl Monday night December 20th right here on ABC Royals Razorbacks are watching their opponent while the Texans the Longhorns are watching Penn State their opponent in the Cotton Bowl first and goal good defensive work by Penn State Tennessee using the fake in effectively as Penn State really closed let's take a look at gray the linebacker second down goal to go from the nine well I'll pull it intercepted in the end zone or was it s it was 6:45 to go in the third quarter here's hufnagle from the twenty first down great master Parsons Parsons the converted quarterback shows his power win gap Pennsylvania's fourth catch now from the 34 first down Penn State and huffnagle line skarzinski Tennessee defenders believing that they had knocked the ball loose of every covered the 611 to go in the third quarter they led at the end of the first quarter seven to nothing at halftime 21 to 3 huffnagle has thrown 15 times completing town for 103 yards now the split into the near side of the field second and 10 great throw now with the ball at the 47 of Tennessee first down right L Mitchell in Stillwater second and seven Penn State bitching about the Parsons at the last moment for a two-yard loss this defense has got to be among the quickest kristef that we've seen all year they're not big but they read extremely well and they certainly close on the ball but they've had tough opponents they've allowed only 97 points in ten games make it a hundred now with the three the Penn State has on a 27-yard field goal only one team scoring more than one touchdown against them in Alabama Alabama undefeated now coming to the nearside goal forty-eight along with skarzinski 84 in the slot on third and nine hufnagle intended for Parsons 21 to 3 Tennessee leads 448 to go third quarter Mike Fox ready to snap the ball he has majors looking at the punt and it is a homer by Parsons through the end zone touch back coming up on ABC's Wide World of Sports at 5:00 Eastern and Pacific also on the show Oh incidentally his name is Andy Sedaris the world skiing championships from Spain as well on wide world today now from the twenty first down going on the play Steve Chauncey number 41 from Knoxville for the lead we've gotten if we don't let them make the breakaway play we've got that upset gotta see in the arms if you're watching in color second and eight from their own 20 to [Applause] rudder getting out near the 25 that's well the singer from Nashville [Music] Chansey on a great effort may have gotten a first down that was that little bit of a pass fake as Maxwell started back just enough to raise the guards and the linebackers of Penn State letting him pick up the first down on the Left Joe Paterno winning 83% of his games as head coach at Penn State and on the right bill battle will be 30 years old on Wednesday 19 and 3 and Joe thinking that first down gave them two more minutes of the clock all right coming up the three minute five to the third quarter Tennessee 21 Penn State three five more yards by rudder the full-back he's nearing the 100-yard mark in fact he is surpassed it by five the Tennessee line beginning to kick out very effectively that was Gil Fullmer Tom Johnson leading the way Johnson to Center Fullmer the left guard the near side of the field the other guard until Eman daughter from Cleveland Tennessee Walter of them Hiller the tackles Megan PI from their own 35 can see why in a Texas Longhorns and the Cotton Bowl third niches [Applause] the call by Maxwell variant spectacular plays but awfully effective against the clock when you're leading 21 to 3 now the next snap by Tom Johnson do Maxwell will come from the 41 yard line of Tennessee this drag started at the 20 the sooner they're leading up on the state 10 the nothing in the first quarter of Jack Mildred on a quarterback keeper went 5 yards the Oklahoma score [Applause] wing to the split end formation Tennessee Chansey couldn't get to it control tennessee getting six first downs here in the third quarter with a minute 36 to go dancing very very hard out here Thompson and love left Maxwell throwing deep Hudson spreading their formation Thompson to the near side brings it in ducat on the tackle around the 10 let's watch time center in the isolated camera this is one that Maxwell really up and fired here he comes down the field against Ellis looking for the ball and he is wide open against that three deep making the catch Tennessee on the 15 he drew that with all the confidence in the world hitting his man Joe Thompson the senior from Savannah Tennessee at the 13 yard line first and 10 Fowler goes to the right to the left Thompson and Chauncey Jerry's - about the seven once again the opens up against the even set in the middle say Peck 60 in 20 mess Co in on the tackle at the 7 yard line a game of six second and three and can't seem shaken up on the play let's see if Salva comes in George Sylvie rather comes into the lineup there you see Chauncey and Maxwell very wisely Chris took a timeout not wanting to risk the 5-yard penalty for delay the game at this point 15 seconds remaining in the third quarter each week throughout the fall watch ABC for college football with time out the score Tennessee 21 penn state 3 11th play of this Drive that began at the 20 rudder rudder getting near the five at the end of the third quarter here at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville Tennessee the score the volunteers 21 the Nittany Lions three barry sullivan guest stars on Marcus Welby MD Tuesday night on ABC the snap to begin the fourth and final quarter here in Knoxville Tennessee will be the 12th play in this drive by Tennessee that began at the Tennessee 20 a 76 yard intercepted fumble return a 45-yard punt return both four scores a 15 yard drive and that's what it's been the volunteers trying letter to the floor and it appears he is short of the first down with the ball being held by max well at the 11 21 yards on a severe angle cuts Pickers up the good 21 yard three-pointer for the volunteers of Tennessee as they now lead 24 to 3 with 14 minutes and 17 seconds left in the game tomorrow on ABC college football 1971 we feature highlights this season's key games that's college football 1971 tomorrow on ABC at 12 noon 11:00 central time and the host bill Fleming tells me that it's a wonderful exciting highlights show and time beginning to run out on Penn State they're a great offensive football team they've got to be able to break something for a long long yardage here however to get back in the steady drives the clock is likely to run out on them before they can get the points on the board 22 cappelletti 23 Lydell mitchell 87 head O'Neal or beat let's kick high in the air it'll come down near the goal line and it's thickened by cappelletti out to the 10 the 15 for Penn State down at about the 19 yard line making the tackle Danny Jeffery the statistics at the end of the third quarter make it look like a very even football game with Penn State slightly in charge 261 total yards 242 we missing statistic the 223 yards that Tennessee has made on kicked run backs so their total yardage actually is 465 if you include those run backs which we found a decisive part of this game 1410 remaining in the ballgame John Hufnagel of McKee first down Lydell Mitchell Penn State is average 320 yards rushing per game in ten starts this year to go undefeated on that play they pick up three yards out to the 22 there is Mitchell shaken up on the play Franco Harris second at seven humping Gould brought down by number 82 Ken Lambert he's a four five the Sprinter he was a hurdle champion he came in there that time without anybody touching him he just moved right by everybody and it's down at the 14 a loss of eight yards third down and 15 Penn State has rushed the ball 40 times for 131 yards their only scoring a 27-yard field goal by viddy l:o at 8:42 of the second floor frank O'Hara and on the artificial turf he slips and falls at the 18 yard line and now back deep is Bobby majors who's returned one kick for six points there's Mitchel number 23 Bobby Parsons of Penn State kicking and in the shadows on the artificial turf of fair catch call for my Bobby majors at the 45 a 37-yard punt Tennessee will have the ball at its own 45 a timeout at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville the score Tennessee 24 and state 3 if you know how to use a Kodak Instamatic snapshot camera then you know how to use a Kodak Instamatic movie camera it just as easy drop in the film to load press a button to shoot this Kodak Instamatic movie camera cost less than $35 why not give someone you love the gift of movies is Christmas in movies as in snapshots kodak manages hard 12 minutes and 16 seconds remaining here at Neyland Stadium right by the banks of the Tennessee River after a rain sleet and snow yesterday at the 55 degree afternoon sun shining Tennessee leading 24 to 3 at the 45 their own first down volunteers carrying on the play bill rudder the leading ground gainer on the field is Bruce Fannin has been on the tackle along with gray oh and Mitchell had a bruise on his ankle but he is expected to play second and seven now let me see Maxwell into the plant the pullback rudder rudder spun back buys a pack and Ellis and one get out of bounds and kill the clock he does a little punishment to do it third down and six for Tennessee Neyland Stadium and the University of Tennessee campus tremendous school here in the south and so is Penn State in the mountains the Nittany Mountains State College Pennsylvania formation the far side 36 Sylvia over there [Music] that was chancy number 41 hobby majors back to punt inside the 20 at about the 15-yard line up Nagel in at quarterback from the 14 okay Penn State with a first down their own 32 a marker goes down as Harris carries it is illegal motion five yards here's the play that Bobby majors was shaken up looking back is the receiver here you can see him turning major is really closing on him and that is some collision looking back here 63 229 pounds first and 15 from the 27 lon pass intended for number 40 wicked back covering was Denny Jeffries number 48 in the orange jersey as Tennessee leads 24 to 3 956 left in the game and all coaches would like to throw the ball when they want to instead of when they have to when Joe Paterno of Penn State is now reduced score wise 24 to 3 to a situation where he has got to throw it well earlier I mentioned Penn State's rushing average 320 yards and 10 games today 131 now with a second and 15 at their own 27 I'll go Kludd Simonton number 62 breaking through the thrill Hufnagel for a tremendous loss Simonton joined by Tom Bennett number 86 in the loss is back to the 17 yard line it'll be third and 25 to mobile and dresser defense had all the discussion always among football people if you pick size and weight or you take speed mobility and agility and you're not giving away too much there's just no doubt about what you ought to be doing and that's going with speed football's a game a reaction much more than a game of size and strength number 44 Bobby majors comes back into the lineup he's been a hero here today third and 25 from the 17 Penn State Rickon back the intended receiver 125 now for the Nittany Lions Bobby majors covering on the play with nine minutes and one second remaining in the ball game twenty four to three Tennessee leading they led at the end of the first quarter seven to nothing at halftime twenty one two three twenty four two three at the end of the third quarter and the relentless pressure that they have put on Penn State is beginning to take its toll Parsons ready to punt majors looking at it what a day he is having on kick return look at this boys he is to the 19 of Penn State was one of those low kicks and when I saw take off this I said deep trouble for Penn State over 200 yards on kick returns Bobby majors number 44 including a touchdown Franco Harris makes the stop for the Nittany Lions [Applause] so just inside the 20 Maxwell a fourth stringer when we were here earlier in the season to do the Auburn Tennessee game is now replaced by Dennis Chadwick number 21 correction maxwell is still in there let's see that kick return again this is a team play watch major Z the cube root coverage was certainly not down there because the clique was so low but the Tennessee blockers do just a magnificent job we're gonna pick off those white shirts the majors of course with that great poise once he hits that Lane down the sidelines cuts back but once again Parsons believe this is making a great break tackle to save the touchdown second down and eight now from the 17 overthrown Joe Thompson number 90 there is Bobbie majors averaging 40 and a half yards on kick returns today and one touchdown it's an unbelievable statistic before the game the majors family saluted by the University of Tennessee they recalled the first family of volunteer football and of course included John Billy and Bobby of course their dad mr. Shirley majors coaches Suwannee College third down and eight Frank Aaron hold the senior from Northport New York comes from his defensive tackle position to throw old Maxwell for a loss the losses back to the 28 yard line now it'll be right on the 35 plus the 10 of the endzone 45 yards pick us up to the left of the goalposts Noga Harrison Mitchell behind him Mitchell Christian you were saying Penn State really have to go to work they will I can't think of a defensive team and football though that I would less likely be going against three touchdowns behind at this stage of the game because the poor deep for Tennessee are exceptionally proficient football players they cover that field just blanket it back there and it's almost impossible to make anything go all the way what a game the Liberty Bowl will be here on ABC the night of December 20th as Tennessee will go against powerful Arkansas second down and nine huffnagle trying to hit coal and he did gets him inbound seems intelligent fall and they'll severely just his Tennessee defense that is excellent against the path if you can see right here Peggle intercepted and another six points Tennessee Jackie Walker white all-american [Music] [Applause] Rutger had scourged one other touchdown this year on a return boy oh boy things go right second touchdown but but also because he was in perfect position and the pregame show we had some good shots of Walker doing precisely what he did there he's a little late moving over there and the quarterback doesn't see him and then you've got that burst of speed to move into the lane to pick it off no George no extra point attempt perfect [Music] timeout at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville with a score surprisingly Tennessee 31 Penn State 3 well the Tennessee defense has scored three touchdowns today helping the volunteers to a31 to three lead over unbeaten in trip Frank cannon fake 6 33 to go in the ballgame George hunt the kickoff to Penn State Mitchell cappelletti and the Millard beef this time hunt put it in the end zone it'll be a touchback and penn state will try to work the ball from the point let's see the Jackie Walker interception touchdown he's the linebacker and watch him work to the outside late here maybe coming from the left of your screen at skarzinski breaking down the field and there's Walker from the top of the screen and you can see him now as he's late moving out here but he's got that extra burst of speed he's right in the lane now moving from the inside out and he's got great speed he took it back all the way though from the 20 now hufnagle number 16 yes to senior Franco Harris rob3 on the tackle State Krishna's had the ball on 11 different exchanges in the best field position that they've gotten the ball in exchange as their own 29 yard line so addition to the great aggressiveness speed and mobility of the Tennessee defense they've played almost perfect field position football and their deepest penetration was to the Tennessee 10 from where they kicked a 27-yard field goal at 8:42 of the second quarter second down and seven smegal nice catch five Bob Parsons number 86 bringing it out as you see in front of the Tennessee bench and near the 40 this pass has been open all day and it's one of the toughest passes football to cover you can watch Parsons here on the crossing pattern the swing is to the left of the screen he's going back against the flow and you're almost certain to be open when you move that way because there's no one can drop off in front of you then stay from the 38 first down by Bill Mitchell stopped by Mike Jones a sophomore from Kingsport Tennessee 5:16 left in the game Tennessee 31 Penn State three Harris has 64 yards today Mitchell 72 yards and with the ball at the 38 it'll be second down and 10 skaar Pinsky out of the lineup to the far side Cole 48 at the bottom your screen the eye in the backfield hands are tight [Applause] Parsons number 86 Joe Paterno and [Music] complete the start Penske cars in ski gets across the 30 of Tennessee with the ball near the 28 of Tennessee first down for Penn State by Dale Mitchell Mitchell to the 24 Jamie rotella in on the tackle number 57 we've talked about the mobility of the Tennessee defense Chris and their speed but I don't think we've talked about how they strike a blow believe me they're in the hitting position they Unleashed when the ball carrier gets in there range up niggle has completed 17 of 26 211 yards sixty-five percent of his passes here's the second space for John giving a Mitchell want to move to the outside offended at about the 18 by Nick Carmichael number 11 Sugar Bowl January 1st and you get that tough v Kristen analytically includable it is a tough trip Kristin Ted Franco Harris going on the fly and we know there's one coach watching with interest here veteran rip angle whom Joe Paterno was an assistant to for 16 years at Penn State rip has taught him well but today the team just is not playing up to the other 10 games this year but they're going against the great Tennessee team and three big breaks Chris Tucker and they play the interceptions however and one of those on a second at six Hut Nagel hope to hit Franco Harris Jackie Walker 52 got his hands on it talking to Ray metals now number 58 and joined by 48 Danny Jeffries Walker number 52 certainly lived up to all of his advanced notice here today he's an all-american he's small for linebacker he's only 200 pounds 6 feet tall but he's cut about as much speed as anyone I've seen playing this position and he reads very well he slips through the blocks and then it's got speed enough to move in and make the tackle and hit the deliverable they didn't have to go far to repeat it because he still not smell third and six Lydell Mitchell a shoot top tackle and a sherwin by number 11 sophomore Nick Carmichael and that was typical of the Tennessee defense a tremendous rush by Lambert a great play by Hufnagel to get it off and then Carmichael making the tackle at majors coming over to help on it I don't think I've seen as much orange since the Texas Arkansas game but a couple of years ago 1514 as we've seen here today what's the crime sure they have only 11 defenders there but it seems like a lot more great defensive tradition started by general Nayland who perhaps gave more to defensive college football and any coach thank heavens you another is carried on his third buddy up single now on a fourth down completing us to light L Mitchell Mitchell gets the first Penn State touchdown on a 15-yard touchdown pass from John help they go so it's 31 tonight with a pen of 31 to go in the ball game the Nittany Lions ready to go for two points going for two now calling signals coming around very fast Chuck heard number 25 against him making him 31 - in women and seeing Mitchell day being hemmed in most of the time reminds us some great cruet on Thanksgiving Day against the tremendous Nebraska defense but no matter how great the running backs are Chris - no running room they all look alike you get them stretched out however these superior skills begin to be readily apparent pence
Channel: Vintage Orange
Views: 8,015
Rating: 4.4666667 out of 5
Keywords: Tennessee, Vols, Volunteers, Penn State, Nittany Lions, Neyland Stadium, Franco Harris, Bill Battle, Phil Fulmer, Knoxville, SEC, NCAA, College Football
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 35sec (5615 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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