2-15-75 Tennessee vs Kentucky (Basketball)

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and now ladies gentlemen here comes the big operation [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jealousy basketball under head coach Ray Mears has become big-time as the volunteers achieved national prominence year after year capacity crowd spill Stoke the Athletic Center to see the volunteers with their distinctive blend of entertainment the entertainment of the pregame drills and their exciting brand of lightning like basketball tonight tell us he plays Kentucky the traditional battle between two great basketball powers the volunteers meeting the fourth ranked Kentucky Wildcats in the game at Knoxville Tennessee [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for six freshmen the Brooklyn New York [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great Jackson [Applause] set to go as Tennessee plays Kentucky in Knoxville the ball is up it is tipped it is taken by Kentucky's greevey given over here to Flynn Glennon frontcourt Tennessee goes into a 1 to 2 zone plan on the right side gives the ball in right rear to Carter not a greedy guarded over there by King back to greevey greevey picked up by King in goes the past to Roby back to Griffey 20-footer by greevey good nice movement of the ball on a triangle inside now Flynn will guard woods full court shutting off the fast break or at least attempting to woods Saunders passed the time line on the dribble guarded here by Flynn Kentucky is playing a man-to-man with Roby taking King there's Jackson on the pass on the left quarter the shot Potter Jackson scores from the left quarters Tennessee went across that man-to-man defense scores knotted at to plan for the cats in front court the Vols in a 1 to 2 but it's a little different here's guy yet with a jumper no good King rebound from that with a basketball gift the wood wood for Tennessee will come past the center line behind the back dribble to the left side reversing back to the right 20 footer of the Year by words cut penalty for Kentucky to woods heading from the top of the key 1858 left to go in the first half of the game Kentucky has it Flynn in front court now the Vols into a man-to-man defense into the left corner goes the fast agai yet back it comes to plan and left rear to Connor on the right side greevey comes to sit in a high post guarded man-to-man buy Grunfeld Connor gets the ball to greevey makes the move Griffey drives n low and one enters up by greevey no good tipped up by guy yet it's no good battle for can't get the rebound loses it diving after his would tell us he's got the ball woods in front for the volunteers looks from a trailer looks for Grunfeld on the left side the pass goes to him working on guy at takes him in low switching off Roby picks him up 15 footer good Tennessee 6 Kentucky to Kentucky with the ball to guard front planted left regarded by woods drive-thru plant in for a lap shot goodbye Flynn nice move by Flynn the senior from Jeffersonville Indiana 64 is the score in favor of Tennessee 1805 left to go on the first half of the game Pass comes to Jackson guarded man to man by greevey grünfeld guarded by 69 guy at Grunfeld into the quarter - Ashworth ice worth back to Jackson and right rear now to grünfeld - worth in the right quarter Ashworth makes a move tries to drive powers his way in spending one-hand rough no good whistle sounds foul called it is on Jimmy dan Conner Ashworth what's hands it up there good ready for his second attempt what sends it good Tennessee up by 4 8 2 for Kentucky with the ball when the grievant front court guarded man-to-man buy Grunfeld twisting out high comes guy edifice top of the circle to Roby in the left corner cutting through comes greevey Roby one hander is up goodbye Roby from outside Roby hitting a 15 footer on the left side making to score Tennessee 8th Kentucky 617 29 to go in the first half woods guarded by Flynn geeks the ball over in the deep left corner to Jackson working one-on-one against greevey Jackson holds the ball bounce pass comes to Ashford shovels it back over to Jackson Jackson to woods Roby inside lots of hands on King trying to battle free woods for Tennessee working on Connor gets a thick drives and low spins 15 footer fall away god I would would Teddy got an ice cream from King Tennessee 10 Kentucky sings Kentucky has it in front court this is Mike Flynn and left rear to Conner who widens out to the right side he'll drive all the way to the baseline lose the ball grabs it back spins the ball on a fire out here to Roby not a greevey greevey drives in left hands it up there no good a whistle sounds and a foul is called on Grunfeld at food greevey gave kentucky a two nothing lead to started off left hand free throw up there by greevey is good second shot greevey good he's got four it's a two-point game Tennessee with it into woods Ashworth was the triggerman as the high post man for Tennessee is the man who throws it in after made field and free throws Tennessee in frontcourt woods to king who comes white off to the left side he'll circle around for the alley-oop here it is for the layup no good rebound battle for King loses it out of bounds it will be Kentucky fall 10 to 8 the score in favor of Tennessee Kentucky has the ball in front court Mike Flynn there goes Connor down into the corner greevey 22-footer up by greevey no good rebound Jackson of Tennessee on the backside shovels the ball to Woods Grunfeld left long lead pass comes to King lost nice worth picks it up dribble paddle there spin he'll lay it up there the shot is no good tipped again by Ashworth this time it's no good tipped again no good battling for it grunt Bell gets it lays it up there go ahead by grandpa Tennessee going to the offensive board right where to Flynn now to greevey gravy looks inside a Roby instead it comes in right rear now to Roby in that lane a long time lays it up there goodbye robee robee 'he's got for 12 to santa's the score in favor of tennessee bounce pass comes to Mike Jackson greevey guarding him man-to-man Jackson makes the move gets the pick from King goes down deep in the right quarter they've got a switch Jackson wants to get the ball inside a king can't instead puts up a 5-footer good Jackson with a fine penetration from the right wing into the lane shot and scored his fourth point Tennessee leads 14 to 10 Kentucky with a vault LC in a 2-3 zone past a guy at the left quarterback top of the key to Flynn Flynn looks for Connor gives inside to robee robee spinning 10 foot of I Roby is up and missed King rebound loses grabs it back gets to wood Tennessee's got the ball run fell down the left side would shut off there by Flynn comes past the time line and a bounce it goes to grünfeld they clear the court for him to work one on one here is grünfeld driving for a shot no good but as he went cutting through a foul is called on Bob guy yet grünfeld it's an 82% free-throw shooter sophomore from Forest Hills misses the first free throw 1412 to go in the first half as grünfeld puts up the second free throw this one is good Tennessee leads by 5 Kentucky has the ball this is Glen and right rear degree mean deep it goes to Connor 20 footer by Connor is up and no good rebound King for Tennessee King gives over to woods King is working on the board would spur jealously guarded by Flynn circles Jackson to the left side King trying to battle free of Roby there's woods working left he'll come right spending 15 footer the air pump fake bucket would Tennessee leads by 7 17 to 10 cut out the 8 of 13 from the field the teams fought fast it's over the next 5 and 1/2 minutes with the Vols holding their seven-point lead Tennessee 33 to 26 Kentucky with the ball Connor in frontcourt drives past the hash mark on the right side looks into Roby now it comes to guy at Tennessee anime anime and this time down court Glenn cross-court to Connor he gets the screen he drives left forces a 15-foot of the shot is good Connor with a fine shot from the free throw line Kentucky shooting well Tennessee shooting well 33 28 Tennessee leading 753 to go on the first half of this game in Knoxville nobody's asked for time out yet Woods gets a double-team Kentucky is playing a zone maybe Pass comes back over to Jackson maybe a 1-3-1 zone Ashworth on the left side of woods grünfeld on the corner Jackson's got a shot gives the King King fakes across the zone to woods free 24 by woods bottom great picking up part of the zone by Tennessee 3528 Kentucky went to the 131 I think for the first time that time down court plant in front quarter the mouse Lou Connor shooting the left side the shot by Connor no good rebound taken by Austin Clark give it over to woods woods for Tennessee passed the center line Jackson on the left corner Grunfeld will play the post pass inside intended for Ashworth deflected away picked up by Jackson Gunter give it to him Jackson scores his tenth Tennessee leads by 9 passed in front court gravy 18 footer up by greedy good from the left side grebes got 8 the scores now 37 230 Tennessee in front court comes the pass from the Vols to Jackson guarded by Givens now to woods woods with Clark on the right wing grünfeld is playing inside against the zone he's the roamer Clark can't penetrate dribbling now it goes to woods in the left side Jackson in the corner back it comes to Clark tried over ship that zone down to H we're sliding through comes Grunfeld back it goes to woods and left rear bounce pass Clark Clark doesn't want the shot will lay it by own now will give to woods woods has got a 20-footer big shot up there no good rebound scrapped for Kentucky get the Conner Luke's the ball and a fine safe to plan down the left side it comes to given given stops fakes now goes up for 15 footer goodbye given things like it by Givens and so it is now 37 to 32 tennessee with six minutes to go in the first half of this game tennessee with it to Clark in front court in the right corner is Ashworth on the left side is wood woods gets the ball gives to Jackson in the corner picked up by Connor inside a grünfeld down to Ashworth eyes worth Bowie I've got fine feed by Grunfeld Tennessee beats bazan beautifully with a triangle pass inside Jackson Grunfeld Ashworth 37:32 Tennessee excuse me 3932 grunt greevey shoots at 18 footer no good rebound scrap board will be saved by Flynn Flynn gets the ball comes back passed the center line as he trailed it in rear court now against the Connor Connor a change of pace goes deep twisting out behind is given given saves the ball nicely back to Connor inside it goes to guy at driving no good rebound fought for Tennessee wood has evolved for the Vols leading by 7 lead pass right side Clarke shooting off the transition fakes gives inside a grünfeld goes up for a layup it is no good but as he went up to shoot he was fouled by guy yet Grunfeld at the charity stripe with the volunteers who lead by 7 the shot by Grunfeld is good Grunfeld ready for the second shot each team has committed five fouls second shot good by Grunfeld he's got 11 hurrying past the center line down the left side comes the past who Connor 15-footers up and missed rebound grünfeld Tennessee's got the ball on the fast break out to Jackson Jackson Lee pass then decay glues the ball deflected back in it stolen by given Gibbons walked Tennessee get come all side frontcourt Kentucky staying in a 1-3-1 zone Tennessee with a four corner offense is worth in the lane get saddled air shoots to woods 15 footer bottom would sit for Tennessee from outside Kentucky not reacting at all out of the zone tell us a 43 to 32 over the cats in frontcourt Johnson on a bounce pass and right rear to Conner greevey sets up in the left corner there goes the pass to him back to Conner around the horn to Johnson not a Givens given some 21 footers up and miss rebound ice work Tennessee's got the ball Kentucky out of position far as rebounding is concerned Woods has the line lead pass Grunfeld he's got a shot fakes in closer 15-foot in the air but um my son found hit for Tennessee the Vols lead by 13 45 to 32 [Applause] Kentucky has reduced the Vols lead to 10 points as we pick up later first half action Phillips at 611 King at 66 tip Flynn 21-footer Flynn is up and miss rebound scrap for the corner grünfeld gets it for Tennessee it will be grünfeld dribbling the ball upcourt he is picked up near the center line there by greevey grünfeld will bring it past the time line in front door two minutes left to go in the first half of the game grünfeld powers down the 15 footer up by Grunfeld get a toy and a swish from Ernie G and Tennessee leads by 12 kentucky's Johnson in frontcourt Furley bounce pass into the corner greevey juggles the ball gives it back to Johnson cross-court to Flynn into the corner to Givens 18-footer Givens is up and miss tip good by greevey gravy off the backside tips it back to that's two straight tip ends by greevey Tennessee leads again by 10 1:35 to go in the first half of the game the Vols lead 50 to 40 woods lob pass goes inside a king lost King grabs it back spins out up with a double pump no good tip taken away by flan Glen comes out on a double dribble and Tennessee will get the ball Kentucky playing a very tight man-to-man but they let - worth roam a little bit so the past from grünfeld comes into him now to woods guarded here by Johnson King battles to a high post guarded by Givens Ashworth looks for the slider there goes King through instead to Jackson of the corner guarded by Flynn lots of hands by Givens here's Jackson driving and little 10 footer up there God by Jackson fine move by Jackson they fluff back on King so much it opens up ever so slight a bit of daylight and Jackson found at that time penalty no 1 - 2 zone against Kentucky Givens in left rear now to Flynn cross he goes to Johnson into the quarter degree be gravy attempted pass inside to Phillip we'll work it in there's greevey three in the left corner 21 foot of my previous up and good grebes got 12 beautiful shooter tennessee with the ball in comes the pass to Jackson Jackson guarded by Flynn beats him as the time line Jackson change of pace goes all the way in little ten footer up there it is go ahead by Jackson Jackson's got 14 Tennessee leads by 12 Kentucky has the ball 30 seconds to go in the first half Johnson for the Wildcats can't penetrate the zone in trouble bounce pass greevey greevey across the zone to flan down deep it comes to given Gibbons goes inside for a one-handed no good tip back through by Phillips Phillips has 4 with 16 seconds to go Tennessee has the ball woods with it woods guarded by Johnson ten seconds to go would still not pass the time line here he comes to the right side six seconds to go which continues the dribble he'll take the shot 23 footer in the air but I'm comfortable so at the end of the first half Tennessee 56 Kentucky 44 it was an exciting first half for ball fans and there's more excitement ahead set to go second half tip battle for Kentucky he gets it here splint ass this a time line to the right side picked up by grünfeld not a Connor inside it goes to Roby spending 15 foot Aerobie good Roby scores as Kentucky again gets inside Roby has 12 Tennessee leads 56 to 46 woods is guarded full-court by Flynn woods passed the center line to the left side now reversing back to the right King is setting up at a high post on the right extension the free throw line pass comes over to Ashworth inside it goes to King he goes he lays it up there shot is good by King King so extra quick and that time they over shifted King was one-on-one any Bee Gees Mantlo Kentucky with the ball inside it goes to guy at spending 100 by a guy yet is good Kentucky continues to get inside on Tennessee's defense guy yet has four ten point game Tennessee in frontcourt Jackson the King King stops lays it up they're joined by King beautiful feed by Jackson Tennessee leads 52 48 grieving for the cats on the left side to Flynn trailing out behind Connor Connor fakes throws of although under fruga yet for a driving layup good fine change of direction in midair by Connor guy yet has six Tennessee's lead is 10 again 6250 woods for the Vols battling past the center line bounces the ball to Jackson guarded by Connor man-on-man Grunfeld comes out top of the key guarded by guy yet grünfeld shovels the ball Dawood's woods worked his way down low gives it into grünfeld grünfeld rise temperature up there no good picks off the rebound in there for a layup guarded by grenfell Tennessee works on the offensive board the Vols lead by 12 1740 left to go on the game plan for the cats in front court in right rear Connor gets the beat in left into the corner to greevey law passed inside intended for Roby to flick it out of bounds by Ashe work Kentucky with the ball in comes the pasture Roby layup good fine play by Roby he's got 14 Tennessee leads by 10 62 252 woods guarded by Flynn works his way past the center line lob pass in the King King works on Roby drives passing little five-foot her bottom Kings got 14 beating Roby 64-52 Kentucky outscored the Vols 26 to 16 in the next nine minutes closing to within two points Tennessee 80 Kentucky 78 the closest Kentucky has been since midway in the first half when they trailed 21 to 20 80 to 70 eight eight-thirty left to go on the game Tennessee will have them all under its own basket Pass comes and Ashworth guarded here by Phillips give it to Jackson Jackson working on Connor wants to get the ball to King does king moves king drive King lays it up good by King game with 18 just powering his way under for Aliyah 8270 a Tennessee leading by four Glenn for Kentucky Tennessee and a one to two zone Glen cross-court to Connor into the corner to Givens Givens looks into Phillip around the horn they come to plan into the corner too greedy gree across the zone to Connor back to Flynn plan to counter the left side in it goes to Phillip spinning one Hunter's up and miss rebound king of Tennessee falls down shows the valta Ashworth retaining possession great play King under great pressure got the rebound woods for Tennessee has the ball Tennessee leads by four here's what bidding plan come fast the line just a Jackson shooting off the transition 18 footer boy six-foot scores as 20th Tennessee leads by 684 to 78 Kentucky with the ball Glenn passed the time line for the Wildcats shut off by woods into the corner goes the pass to Connor Connor drives in deeper back it comes to Flynn shooting the free throw line the shot by planta Smith rebound scrap for Gibbons goes up for a shot shot is do it by Givens 16 points for Givens Tennessee leads 84 to 80 was guarded by Flynn 622 to go on the game the Vols leading by four points woods down the right side trying to get King in position pass instead to Jackson top of the key big shot 24 footer give us a Jackson he's got 22 Tennessee leads by six 86 to 80 Kentucky has the ball Connor passed the time line greevey sets in the right corner they'll come over here to Flynn Flynn looks inside the Roby it now goes to Roby spending 10 photo Roby is up and miss rebound taken by given for the layup guy Givens has 18 what a job he has done Tennessee leads by 486 to 82 woods for the Vols guarded full-court by Flynn 547 to go on the game woods in front court there he goes down the right side dancing into the corner reversing back to the left he'll go to the right he'll stop he'll fake he can't shoot bouncing the ball to Jackson Jackson back to woods guarded by blend Jackson guarded by Connor King guarded here by Givens cops pass goes to King King drives he stops he goes up the layup no good he gets it goes back up goodbye King Kings got 2088 82 jealously that Johnson Johnson working on woods comes right bouncing the ball degree be shooting the left corner shot by grievious up and miss tip good by Phillips or Roby it was Roby who got it he's got 18 4 point game once again 88 to 84 Tennessee with the ball grünfeld working on greevey beating come fast the time line down deep he goes into the corner guy yet back into the lineup for Kentucky here's Grunfeld driving for a one hander that is no good tip no good again no good battling for Jackson gets it pulling out of there with it his guy yet kentucky's got the ball guy yet to Johnson kentucky's got Tennessee two on to bounce pass and the greevey greevey spinning goes in goes up to shoot as he does a foul is called on Woods greeby the senior from Hamilton Ohio averaging 24 points a game free throw up there by greevey is good tossed by greevey good he's got 16 Tennessee's got the ball and it comes to woods they've got a trap on woods woods bounce pass over to Ashworth Ashworth back to woods woods for the Vols lead pass in front court comes to Grunfeld he'll drive he'll stop he'll shoot shot is no good King rebound being rebound Tennessee leads 92-86 Kentucky with a ball greevey and frontcourt slows it down and right rear penalty no one to to zone Johnson around the horn to Flynn looking inside a guy yet pass goes the guy yet sliding along the baseline comes Roby pass back to Johnson Johnson for Kentucky dries penetrates bounce pass goes here is greevey shot good no that was Flynn Flynn scores a beautiful move by Flynn off the baseline Tennessee 90 Kentucky 88 326 to go in the game woods working here on Flynn works his way past the timeline plan right on top of him woods reversing goes down deep comes back to the left side looks for King not there now King gets the ball works rise on Roby spins goes inside 10 footer is go ahead I King James got 24 Tennessee leads by 492 to 88 three minutes to go on the game Kentucky's Johnson and left rear cross court pass Glen plan looks inside a guy yet when instead drives gets a Guyot Guyot goes under stolen away and as he does a whistle sounds and a foul is called on woods gets free throws up there it is miss rebound King Tennessee's got the ball King gives it to woods guarded by Flynn full court they don't put double-team pressure or the trap this time yet here is what fouled by plant wood goes the line to shoot one plus woods a senior from four-mile Kentucky free throw good and woods is ready for the bonus attempts bottom jealousy by six 94-88 Kentucky with the ball Flender greevey greevey working on grünfeld across the zone it goes to Givens back to grunt to greevey greevey drives ten footer up by greevey good what a player he's got 80 Tennessee leads by four with the ball - Grunfeld bounce pass goes over to woods guarded by Flynn not quite so sticky this time here's woods past the center line it goes to Ashworth in the corner Ashworth looks inside a king instead of comes back over the woods in left rear woods with the Vols motions Jackson deep woods penetrates bounce pass nice worth all I'm self earlier guard pray for my first penalty leads five six ninety six to nine he caught a feed by rodney was but a bucket by Douglas ace worth the junior from Dayton Ohio Johnson and front court for the cats down deep inside it goes Lee Lee spinning follow a 10-footer no good rebound taken off inside laid back through by Johnson Johnson scores he's got for Tennessee with the law in the woods guarded here by Johnson given a grünfeld Grunfeld double-team fouled by greedy 108 to go to score Tennessee 96 Kentucky 92 a sudden silence falls the shot is made grünfeld second toss is in the air it is good after rattling Tennessee five six Kentucky with the ball in comes the pass to Lee Lee back to Johnson Johnson roars past the line degree me 28 footer by greevey is up and good from outside money player greevey Tennessee with the ball and it comes to Grunfeld back to Ashworth Ashworth dribbling working here on Lee he is fouled by Lee good foul free throw by Ashworth bottom 1/4 good job Tennessee to the century mark more important give them a six-point lead did he know King took the ball out batting after it it is back in the grünfeld and then Grunfeld stepped on the sideline Conner works the ball into Johnson Johnson past the line for the cats the greevey in the corner greevey drives 10 footer by grievious up and good three-point grain Tennessee leading 96 99 to 96 Pass comes in to King King back to woods for Tennessee woods for the loss guarded by Johnson helped out by Lee here's woods almost falling down gives the ball to Ashworth Ashworth the woods past the time line down deep it goes to Jackson Jackson is found by grieving Tennessee 99 Kentucky 96 his team ahead by 3 shooting 1 plus 1 Jackson has 22 points in the game free throws up there by Jackson get a toy Jackson with the bonus the sophomore switch Tennessee by 5 Kentucky with the ball in to Johnson Johnson for the cats the Givens on the left side Givens penetrates inside hanging 15-footers up bird by gibbons he's got 20 Tennessee leads by 3 Pass comes in Ashworth Ashworth to Jackson Jackson for Tennessee in front court heavily pressured over there needs help finally gets the ball to King knocked out of bounds by Kentucky's given 11 seconds to go Tennessee has the ball 101 298 is the score claws lineup four in a line for the inbound speed Kentucky setting up defensively the pass comes in to Jackson in the right corner Jackson for the Vols gives it back over to Grunfeld Grunfeld is fouled jumping into foul him was Johnson Grunfeld free-throws in the air the shot is good Tennessee 102 Kentucky 98 6 seconds to go on the game Tennessee close to upsetting the nation's fourth ranking team here's Ernie Grunfeld a shot [Applause] of all past following the victory the crowd erupts onto the court as the captain of the volunteers and the only senior member of the team point man Watney wood from four-mile Kentucky is hoisted to the shoulders of his teammates and cuts down the net the traditional ceremony culminating an exciting basketball decree Tennessee beeps Kentucky here's the individual storage game for Tennessee with 13 points Jackson 21 plus bill 29 king 24 worth 12 for the Chucky
Channel: Larry Smith
Views: 42,608
Rating: 4.7007875 out of 5
Id: FPa_nYylf78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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