1970 Green Bay Packers

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[Music] the green bay packer film is brought to you by your coca-cola bottler ice cold coca-cola is the one soft drink for people who want the real things in life have a coke right now and again during the game once a team that made tall stadiums tremble the green bay packers were so celebrated that they became a national symbol of excellence ladies and gentlemen the president of the united states [Applause] thank you very pretty much team down there as some of you may have heard we're in the midst of another political campaign in this country but if there is one thing that is non-political it's being for bart starr tonight but i think the best way that i can present bart starr to his friends is to say very simply that the 60s will be described as the decade in which football became the number one sport in america in which the packers were the one number one team and bart starr was proudly the number one packer bart starr thank you very much thank you very much president nixon for those kind words president nixon distinguished guests packer fans and teammates it's a sincere pleasure to be here tonight obviously and to have been introduced by the president of the united states much has been given to my family and to me the way of fame and money and many residual benefits i know that we can never really proportionately repay what has been done for us but that we have tried in some way to lead the type of life and to be committed to the type of living that will in some way show you people how grateful we are for what you've done for us we've taken a great deal from you and i hope that in some way we've given something back on this day bach star day 1970 after two years of dwindle good fortunes packer backers were ready for a return to glory an end to rebuilding a new beginning for packer power [Music] but the rams fierce opponents of the afternoon had come to bury the green bay packers not to praise them and in a juggler tight ball-fisted contest two rich traditions tangled [Music] a defiant bart star withstood the early onslaught steadied the packers and spurred them twice home to the end zone nearly to triumph packer backers were ecstatic a mistake cost green bay the game the kind of mistake other teams make but the kind of mistake that haunts even great players during the rebuilding cycle of a team [Music] so on bart star day victory turned its back on the pack [Music] [Laughter] but pack a gold was not tarnished the wealth of the green bay packers isn't in the exceptional young players that they've developed like number 53 all-pro fred carr not in prime linebackers like dave robinson not in superstars like ray nichky or in future stars like jim cott [Music] it's more than the extra sacrifice hustle and conditioning which is just part of the packer trademark it's more than discipline more than [Music] experienced the richness of the green bay packers is the blend of seasons past in the present in the way these men feel about being the pack a team unlike any other so these men reach farther than they can extend themselves more than they might for theirs is the attitude of champions [Music] if pack pack-a-power ebbed in 1970 they proved better than the tough middle teams of the nfl which is firm footing for tidal hopes number 84 carol dale got away with this impossible play to beat atlanta because enough men did their jobs and more to make it possible number 44 donny anderson also ran up a special tribute to his team in 1970 although the packers showed small aptitude for bombing their opponents and donnie anderson ran repeatedly into defenses designed to gang sap packer runners at the line of scrimmage he was the fourth biggest ground gainer in the game collecting 853 yards [Music] so credit donnie anderson but credit to the tackles pay greg hey ho and heinz and credit the guards bill luke who had an outstanding season and all pro gail gillingham santa ken bowman credit the line whose work was as distinguished if not as romantic as the golden taco palomino [Music] pro football in the northlands is not the roman circus it has come to be elsewhere but while it misses some of the frills it entertains its own unique quality in green bay the game is a celebration for toughness and since toughness is the mark of good defense good defense is the mark of the game as it's played in the black and blue blood and guts division of the nfl perhaps the best game of the full nfl schedule pitted the minnesota purple gang against the pack in milwaukee in an afternoon of continuous swirling defense in a game with no give only take which the packers finally won 13 to 10 on a kick-off return by dave hampton using nothing more sophisticated than a flying wedge [Music] [Music] so [Music] the packers closest enemies the hated chicago bears were next in the central division [Music] their strategy was typically obvious the old persimmon play draw up the packer secondary and hit with the big apple to miracle receiver deep dick gordon the packers planned a control game but in the beginning both defenses dominated then donny anderson erupted over the bear's right side and starr saw the makings of a drive isolating x-packer linebacker leroy cappy with running backs anderson and jim grabowski starr split the seams down the right side of chicago's defense culminating a perfect bart star drive donny anderson plunged and reacted around the collapsed chicago right running by the book and scoring but after that the bear defense was less generous and the packers had to settle for two long well-played field goals by dale livingston [Music] [Applause] [Music] while holding the pack at bay the bears roulette wheel strategy began to pay off jack and cannon hit nick gordon for one big one and other bombs brought mack percival into play with a minute and 20 seconds left the bears led 19 to 13. but then the north star began to shine and the packers took their directions [Music] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] and with just seven seconds left star called his own number making it packers 20 there's 19. unfortunately there's only one bart star and in the rematch with both the bears and the vikings he was forced by nuisance injuries to miss too much time the pack was earthbound [Music] donnie anderson led a fine charge but offensive mistakes and the inability to control the ball left jack and cannon too many chances [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in bloomington a charging palomino and a rhinoceros mean defense limited the vikings to one touchdown but that was the margin of victory for the [Music] vikings [Music] the season ended as it began against the lions the packers lost 20 to nothing but it was one of their best games the defense limited detroit to 162 yards total offense 91 yards rushing 71 passing championship seasons are not founded in the quick sands of offense but on the kind of rocks detroit ran into the last day of the 1970 season one is number 76 mike mccoy the big rookie with cat quick pursuit mindful of a great bob lilly mccoy's persuasive sidekick is number 78 bob brown number 83 impressive rookie clarence williams and number 82 lionel aldridge play the ends of the line with tough young prospect kevin hardy waiting in the wings [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and with this exceptionally young and talented front five the tide of pack-a-power is rising rising and pounding over the hard rocks of a defense studied with gems the caliber of willy wood mister number 24. repeatedly this last afternoon of a 1970 season the defense turned the ball over but the offense could not capitalize [Music] and so the season ended in jubilation in detroit for detroit but the packers have known jubilee and they will take their turn again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pack a power is rising and it's rooted in defense big play defense central division black and blue toughness defense glory defense even in its reformative stages strong enough to dominate the rough middle teams in the nfl the way it overruled the san diego chargers in the monday night television [Music] game [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the pack of defense is star-crossed of youth and experience for the young like number 48 super rookie ken ellis and al matthews jim carter fred carr clarence williams mike mccoy kevin hardy for them there is a future in being green bay packers like number 43 doug hart willie wood bob jeter dave robinson ray nitzke and lionel aldridge [Music] and for the offense there is pack of gold up front and there is donnie anderson [Music] [Music] there are talented young runners and receivers like number 81 rookie tight end rich mcjoy but most of all an able-bodied bart star returns after a year of bothersome injuries a year bart starr played almost as an act of will he is sound and he's back with a pack at the end of every football season a new one begins but this year it begins with a new head coach dan divine and he begins with rock rib defense with bart star and with the feeling that the green bay packers are ready to return to glory [Music] you
Channel: Grey Beard
Views: 11,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL Films, Steve Sabol, Ed Sabol, Green Bay Packers, Bart Starr, Richard Nixon, John Facenda
Id: r_GNWga4ToQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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