1967 Packers at Colts GOTW week 8

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baltimore memorial stadium and the green bay packers have come to town in the last 10 games the packers have won eight at game time the colts are the only undefeated team in the national football league it is a scheme that has been built on [Music] character [Music] conservative character will predicate the baltimore attack today swings to the setbacks and plunges into the line will backbone the cold offense the cult defense however will not change its style billy ray smith and ordell bracey will set such a punishing tempo that the already battered bart star will have a long and frustrating afternoon [Applause] not a series of downs went by without the inspired defensive play in the first half there were no drives just restrictive vicious hitting with third and 11 star sent grabowski up the middle on a draw number 81 or del bracey reads the play perfectly and green bay is forced into a punting situation the first series has keynoted the afternoon basic old-fashioned football baltimore's game plan isn't fancy it's ball control tom matty attacks the left side packer number 74 henry jordan appears to have collared maddie but the tough colt utility man breaks loose for nine yards [Applause] the effort is doubly impressive from the ground jordan has positioned himself perfectly but maddie is running with a determination that belies is 214 pounds [Applause] on third and short yardage there's no element of surprise and no amount of desire will get the first down blue michaels will try for the three-pointer from the 32 the attempt is wide star sets out to take advantage of the pell mel baltimore rush by screening over it again bracey reads the play and elijah pitts is dropped for a two yard loss cult number 21 rick volk blitzes the added pressure isn't picked up volk the ubiquitous bracey and bart starr all arrive at the same spot simultaneously during the course of the afternoon starr will lose 44 yards attempting to pass on six separate [Applause] occasions green bay was capable of inspired defensive play also ray nichky stops hill for a three-yard loss united throws the safe sideline pattern to john mackey it's good for 12 yards the colts needed 13. lou michaels will take a 57-yard pot shot at the three-pointer the masked packer rush blocks the attempt the colt defense ruthlessly regains possession perhaps it was the finger numbing cold that frustrated the baltimore air attack more likely it was the indefatigable rush coupled with especially tight secondary coverage [Applause] johnny unitas had a bad day by the end of the first quarter united will have picked up only 16 yards in eight passing attempts the defensive seesaw continues it's become a dubious distinction to have possession of the ball defense has all the initiative today and the pressure is mounting [Applause] thank you the pattern of the first quarter will extend into the second defensive pressure hill breaks over the left side for what appears to be a solid game but the ball pops loose hill tucks the ball away in picture book fashion to ensure control turning up field he frees his right arm to defend himself then the ball pops free defensive pressure has bred the first mistake green bay has its best field position of the day the cult defense is a unit with character though and quickly sets out to deny the advantage [Applause] [Music] [Applause] after three downs it's fourth and 19. don chandler will make the attempt from the colt 49 after almost 18 minutes the first score is recorded packers three colts nothing when given the ball and a shot at the left flank jerry hill sets out to redeem his earlier fumble the cult fullback busts one tackle and sensing the inevitable draws a bead on 260-pound ron costelma hill's drive suggests the 50-pound edge in his favor united makes his first third down play of the game the success will be momentary rainichke makes the inspired play united is faced with another third down situation this time it's 12 yards to go [Applause] [Applause] the packers transfer their momentum to offense star targets carol dale coming off his knees dale fights for a couple more yards a pair of quick hitters with donnie anderson carrying gain the packers 13 yards on a good call star swings ben wilson the pass carves off his fingertips and don shinik intercepts the packers force the colts to punt and keep pressing wilson burrows for seven before lenny lyles puts an abrupt halt to his progress baltimore's rush denies star the third down play when the colts take over the green bay front four hands unite us the same medicine third down and ten the baltimore timing is off and the colts will give up the ball with a minute and 15 remaining from their own 13 green bay will launch the most sustained drive of the half star knows that a three-point lead and a dissipating clock call for the long strike [Applause] with cool precision reminiscent of healthier days the packer quarterback eats up yardage with well-timed flares and swings [Applause] with 14 seconds remaining star displays the ultimate poise on two plays donnie anderson carries green bay into field goal range [Applause] with three seconds remaining chandler goes for a 41-yard attempt it's no good wide to the right at the half the packers held a slim three to nothing lead [Music] in the third period the pattern of the game remained unchanged with both elijah pitts and jim grabowski injured green bay depended primarily on strong striding donnie anderson number 44 to spearhead the running attack anderson eventually became the game's most prolific ground gainer with 68 yards and 10 carries six foot five inch boyd dollar number 86 was star's most frequent target on medium range passes into the colt center although starr had moderate success and frequently found the open man the baltimore defense did a remarkable job denying the packer receivers any additional yardage after the catch was made [Applause] if the receiver managed to elude one tackler there was always another blue jersey to take his place [Applause] throughout the scoreless third period both quarterbacks were hounded by a strong persistent rush billy ray smith number 74 stunning and twisting and playing with the restrained insanity that is his particular style often found access to the bruised body of bart starr johnny unitas of the colts had similar problems his biggest was the burly 245 pound frame of all pro willie davis number 87. davis played opposite baltimore's young right tackle sam ball number 73 ball willing but inexperienced often fell victim to the power and guile of the veteran packer end [Applause] because of davis and his teammates the colts were unable to establish any kind of consistency on the ground baltimore's greatest frustration came midway in the period when they ran three plunges into the packer line after second down and two and could not make a first down green bay secondary was as effective as always united was allowed only one completion in the entire third quarter with the colts on the green bay 40 this interception by willie wood closed the door on a possible baltimore scoring drive with just minutes to play in the third quarter and still trailing by three points the colts put together a short drive it was a conservative time-consuming march that consisted entirely of running plays [Applause] the colts covered 43 yards with halfback tony lorich personally accounting for 38 of them [Applause] as the third quarter ended the colts had a third in one situation on the packer 43 on the first play of the final period henry jordan number 74 blindsided united and forced his past to go astray [Applause] for the second time in the half the colts had a fourth and one situation in packer territory and for the second time they failed to get the first down raynecke stopped lenny moore at the line and green bay took possession behind the intelligent marshalling of bart starr the packer offense began a counter-attack boyd dollar number 86 was again star's primary target he caught two passes for two first downs [Applause] thank you donny anderson gained nine yards around right in [Applause] two plays later starr flooded the colt secondary with receivers and forced rookie linebacker ron porter number 55 to cover the speedy anderson anderson was wide open and gathered in a 31-yard touchdown pass [Applause] green bay 10 baltimore nothing with 11 minutes to play in the game up to this game the colts had gone through seven contests unbeaten a record that was not achieved by quitting in the fourth period alvin heyman healthy again after injuries had sidelined him for the first half of the season took chandler's kickoff and returned to the baltimore 35. up to this time john unites had completed only nine passes for a paltry 44 yards but as the fourth period wore on he and the colts slowly gained momentum the primary concern of the packers was to put pressure on united but given time the superb baltimore quarterback can solve the riddle of any defense as he began to do over and over again in the waning moments of the game [Applause] playing with his customary flair and instant recognition of defenses united piloted the cults to the packer 10. on first down tom maddy's pass to willie richardson was too long and incomplete on second down unitas took aim on tight end john mackey in the corner of the end zone tom brown deflected the pass at the last [Applause] instant on reviewing that play we see that united's protection was good and mackey had gained a step on brown but the pass fell short and bounced off the desperate fingers of the packers safety but it was only a temporary setback for the colts on the next play third down united sent alex hawkins to the other corner of the end zone and delivered a perfectly thrown pass for baltimore's first score [Applause] lou michaels missed the extra point because an inexperienced holder rick vogt failed to set the ball up properly folk was substituting for the injured bobby boy [Music] on the following kickoff michael's invoked promptly made amends michael's delivered an onside kick and voke recovered for baltimore on the green bay 34. [Music] with two minutes to play in the game and the colts in excellent scoring range the offense sputtered a four-yard plunge by tony lauric and two incomplete passes left the colts facing a fourth down and six at the packer 30. now had michael's made the extra point the colts would have gone for the field goal instead united tried to pass was routed from the pocket but surprised the packers by running for the first down by a half a yard united had kept the colts alive on the next play with 90 seconds to go he threw the winning touchdown pass to willie richardson the game-winning touchdown was a combination of good planning and good effort packer cornerback herb adderley was anticipating a sideline pattern which would stop the clock he conceded richardson a half step to the inside this scant margin was all richardson needed as he slanted over the middle made a fine catch and went in for the [Applause] touchdown [Music] willie's catch gave baltimore a 13-10 victory their first win over the packers in three years with this stirring triumph over the world champions the colts have installed themselves as clear-cut favorites in the race for the nfl title [Music] from you
Channel: Comrade Dobler
Views: 10,509
Rating: 4.9263802 out of 5
Id: tzu-o9OOE2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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