1966 vw bug find. can we get it to run?

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[Applause] that Matt is there for your convenience vew yoga don't scratch it no it's not mine I know and hard to believe what's Brian's Brian wants it to make more of a ratty how do you want to describe it different different nada all right we go with that kind of bug in his is to clean his 67 is way too clean to kind of go molest where this one has been sitting for a while it's a 66 on a 64 pan the tires were all flat where it was sitting and we filled them up and so far the holding air we like I should they are in need but it does roll the emergency brake does work it's got it's got family and friends living over there and what's the motors an H is look at you you know snazzy so we're gonna go see what we can do and see if we get this guy back up and firing and runnin so we're gonna get a little set up I think we're gonna try to evict some critters and you didn't take it in the battery on it see what we got for fuel maybe hook some external fuel up to it and go from there some to stay tuned you think yeah not too bad it's the color of fuel Lulla dingy yellow no there's any crap floating on the bottom you may try it with that I think I probably lost some footage but Brian already started digging the one nest out of there should be to the point we kind of hit it with the air gun but that whole corner was filled up and kind of still see yeah even in the back remnant we're gonna do our best to continue that eviction blow it out with air and then we're going to see about getting the battery in this thing and that see if your crank floors let's see if you can finish the eviction you ready to throw that battery and then we pop the seat out and the good old don't want to short out to the springs deal where you put two floor mats between the metal coils and the seat cuz we were sitting in the back seat will get zapped in the ass as you went over the bumps because that holds where the batteries should be and then when you're sitting on it as they get older to kind of go out and spark down especially if you weren't using the correct VW battery with the situation so it's got oil in it it's really clean and we took the battery out of the double cab and it's rigged it's halfway through the floor but we're connected I think I'm able to go turn the key and we just use the starter goes and cranks it - light nope won't go but it might be the battery or the connection on the starter look at the extra jumper pack on that let's see if that will make any difference for us or if it's the starter nope not gonna go best starters not firing I'll pull the passenger's a rear wheel lock is access to that starter looks like a new brake drum and let's see you're stuck yeah see that starter man just get the snorkel out of our way and that's the wires right there you might try bumping that key see if it'll go after I would look around a little bit don't you got to turn it back each time - all right hold it good so I haven't checked for spark I think we're just going to try going for it this car sat for about four years I'm gonna try filling up the float ball with some gas oil mix help lubricate the top end I don't floor now so I should do it let's go close the choke I got the gas do you want to turn that key for me let's see what we get fuel line is absolute Swiss cheese it's just squirting from anywhere and everywhere out of the fuel line so we're gonna go replace that for a second put a comedic effect yeah it might be a problem now that we thoroughly soaked to the distributor and gas we should be all set even if you line on it yeah you ever have the shop rang they hold up yeah we got to clean the points let's go away and see what we got get the screwdriver over there come out cap yeah I got it yeah without the man hands yeah there J get the light on it this rate those are pretty white looking right there that issue is the issue it's good to fire off clean that up I know my night my light is screwing you up guys but I can't see so kind of shiny in the middle the water back up I'm gonna take an air gun we're gonna blow off all that the gas crap around it so that we can burn up too fast all right we're gonna go try her again go ahead set sorry [Applause] oh think in the valves encounter will find it a little that sounding too promising so oil light goes out and it doesn't make the noise all the time it kind of comes and goes we're kind of thinking of valve is hanging up a little bit so we're gonna go and adjust the valves to check the valve clearance to see what they look like possibly what has happened is it's gotten varnish on the back side of the valve and the valve just just not returning we will find out there with the popping through the car bear has the same kind of mo mike ellis leave me and watch this cover hello gouda pond yeah bails knock down and suck really under pressure nobody's watching no one's got play no one's got playing we rotate it to number two number two does it so this is the driver's-side this is number three cylinder and that's number three cylinder valve not doing what it should be doing so that has an issue whether it is just stuck or it is dropped the valve which is a common problem on number three cylinder VW's in general so I am gonna go try get some water pumps on here and pull back on that valve if that does work I may wait just take the push rod right off and we'll let it run a little bit on the three cylinders I did get a little bit of a temperature I won't let us skip on this one not sure yet how I want to attend this but I just want to see if that pulls back for if that pulls back first then we know that valve did not drop or break or bend it's just got varnish behind the stem it's not allowing it to come back but if not it doesn't want to come back then we gonna pull the motor take the cylinder head off and fix it manually there it is so what we're gonna do is put the tire back on the driver's side passenger side checkup the driver side get the valve rocker assembly out of our way and see if we could work that about and so you can get it to free up I believe the valve is stuck to calm the guide so I want to be able to kind of tap it in and out but a little bit of crc maybe down the intake or whatnot let's see we get to move around you know I'm always gonna have to come out anyway and do a bunch of stuff but right now we're just playing if you can get the Carter you are direct so again that's the one that's stuck you know we can kind of get into it a little bit and I want to see if I could kind of try to tap it forward in a little bit and get a little bit of rock going on this going forward direction so I want to spray that some more get behind it and we'll try to get something to kind of work and push on that now maybe a little and kind of walk it so that we get the varnish off of that guy so it's not doing that anymore all right so what I did was got that Bell to pop back out but then I put a bunch of valve clearance I rotate it just check this cylinder but I put a bunch of valve clearance in here I got about 40 or 50 thousand so it's gonna clack away but that's fine you see it comes back if we really got valve cover off there for a little bit we're gonna go crank it and it's not a no rabbit too high shouldn't ok soil all over the place well we're just looking to see if it can fix the problem for right now go ahead sir shut it off get that back cover back on there when we let it run and warm up right now we're gonna fire back up at Buckeye Ron go ahead sir that sounds better we're gonna let that warm up for a while then we're gonna go back there be a just about you can get this run like it should maybe not [Music] maybe not up idle circuit nick carburetors do both flights are out you get one blink the headlights I say we try popping it in gear yeah first second third for it to a reverse wait a minute go backwards I put it in third you got any of the pebbles wait for the gas pedal actually the roller will go put the pedal we gotta come up with some lube on the pedal the pedal itself is seized up he's gonna go for his first put up and down the driveway if the gas pedal runs away to shut the key off I think it's all the way back good that this is running whatever crap gas is in it Rach work front brakes work dear [Applause] [Music] not the 30 reverse license 66 home sweet home well guys it's gonna wrap it up for me Brian's gonna carry the torch that's his new car that was the first drive shimmy around you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 1,059,209
Rating: 4.8755422 out of 5
Keywords: bug, beetle, bus, vw, cold start, old start, antique, vintage, classic, punch buggy, wolkswagon, volkswagen, hippie, engine, barn find, garage, type, rust, deralick, run, start, repair, restore, money, sale, tow, samba, win, fail, herbie, love bug
Id: VIJ5gCy_gU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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