Barn find 1970 vw beetle convertible, will it run

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hey guys how's it going we got a trailer back there somewhere huh you see in the rear view car trailers on the back about six months ago a woman contacted me said her mom had a her mom and dad had a 70 Beetle convertible that something happened to it I believe it was an accident in the rear and it got parked 37 years ago he hasn't been out since so she contacted me at that time that her dad passed away and her mom wanted her parking spot back as far as I think I remember what the story was so she went to go talk to her mom about it and their mom did not want to deal with all the stuff that was around the car I said I'll clean it off and don't worry I'll put all back in the garage but she didn't want anybody doing that which I can see also but they ended up giving me a call yesterday saying that they got the bug they dragged the bug out of garage where it was I have a little clip of that that they mailed me whether I'm gonna attach it to this video or not I'll try I'm not sure but anyway we're on a mission to go check that out and I'll possibly go by that so the cameras with us the trailers with us Brian's with us and each muscle so you got everything that we think we need and hopefully we might be purchasing a 17 w convertible that's hopefully right is that quite original I hope it has original paint you know it's kind of banged up a beat up on the body but you never know so let's go on an adventure shall we yeah 25 minutes away the beauty we're supposedly close I think this is the one right you see it go left not a three-way hopefully we're not going through see what we find arriving at destination on left what you're looking at I don't think this Tang likes it may come on man spot do that mud lay out in the road yeah gonna walk that [Music] I'll turn these back on a minute this looks like it might be a little tricky nope it's maxed too much of anything did it that's a good sign broke the cap cap busted yeah but you knock that off and then the bell and then it the generators locked up that's quite creative educators either team also just gone your camels have gone which a lot let's do a mouse piss this is where they're like that's right yeah Ezri painted to darker red I need late shave the backside that's the bill of sale we own it it's ours we're gonna think of a name she doesn't have a name but I think one will come to us pretty soon no valve stem on that one so much flat on the bottom push easy it's a Michelin wolf goes into the garage now you know I think it would be worry to hurt the garage nice - good yeah yes we're hoping it's got a good motor and what I paid for it here we go a musty one just to think I mean okay we're gonna tape the bow stem on Jesus listen you work with what you got don't don't pull a few chart card towards you that you lost it I think I think you're dead yeah [Music] we gotta hear about it now I get it just the right spot we got two tires Ready Set push so we don't have enough room where we are and it's got three flat tires so we're gonna do our best to pull it down out onto the street so we can winch it onto the trailer straight back up a lil you can unhook that I'll reset gonna I know you guys look at that many much yes you're still filming the wheel right now move it [Music] one little mishap but to lock the window Jack got that's great away now he's gotta go tie her down so what do you think to get it yet our peak or [Laughter] hey guys let's go get her home home sweet home and I already grabbed the pulley we already know it turns course it's full of mice caca and if I'm sure the fan is filled up with this stuff but it should not stop us from maybe putting a battery you may wear a jumper pack in it and see if we can get anything out of the motor I think we're gonna do first because we can't the doors open is the valve stems are busted off of it Bobby Knight right into the air gun in it and then running the screw in behind it and see if I can get her to just kind of hold there for now until I get the tires off and put some stems in it that was the same deal we're gonna try Terri's up I try to run a screw inside the stem seafoam hole there for a while this is really fast too bad they don't look too bad see what happens go do the other ones and uh fill that try to get it up so it's off the ground so we're gonna put a jumper pack in it does anything people that's a starter circuit everything is still good yes it's got a little jacket looks clean we know radio keema sounds great awesome oh yeah so we're thinking when it got rear-ended bangs and almost the last time I was wrong just two got the shorter cap of course hit here hit here you don't see anything busted up with the intake manifold I see that way that might be a crack two in the bottom I didn't take it now that I see it there is - year - cap crack no no yeah yeah phone later I'm going I'm going with what one taking a hit there who might even just be the aluminum casting it might not be leaking to the inside whatever so is that a cap I got that should go see if we can make it have some support so the cap off it's got a busted rotor on the inside of it definitely yeah stop it in his tracks so see what get some of that stuff up I found that another rotor has to show on there so we get I can do anything with a cap I'm not gonna clean it we're just gonna see what we get let's see if you get spark yes I know the correct way to do it that's a point you're missing the point of the video if that's what you're gonna comment on alright so let's get the prank a plug wire off and I'll stick one of those plug that we got earlier in it and we'll see if it doesn't even give her a shot if you would welcome you get a wire off yeah we got a plug in that's why we got no spark so just put that wire back on to the condenser nothing I see a really light spark it was real light we got a ya ready daddy out of the tundra we got throw in there just so we have some more cranking power other than the jumper pack do you only thing we were spinning on what's that so once we get that installed and probably battery charger on it - we'll give her some fuel right down the throat of the car most you she'll take off for us if not we'll go in to clean points and stuff I don't see if we can just get it but just changing the rotor and put a little bit of gas and see if it'll go tires a hold a little fast as we were gonna want the screws are holding the tires for air [Applause] no flash photography please no there's a new yeah before you had cellphones can you take pictures let's plug this get a battery charger on and so you can get out of it pump just see for cracks all right good get some good rpms I'm gonna fill up the warranty why not football Sudama no spark yes see those points are pretty white when I grease is kind of turned into caramel some torrid looks like so I mean glue that give them a good cleaning in a set and she chooses a bit of sparking and take off from there that piece of rotors don't lean in there to clean the point so I didn't check for spark I just put the cap back on if he over I still got some fuel in it will give her a cranking see what happens [Applause] it runs a little clunky on the bottom in but it's full of oil and right a little bit that might even be something else - that's a nests of sorts kind of flopping around in this thing Diego it's a survivor I dumped another quart of oil in it I filled up my gas bottle again we're gonna refill rate you know senator the horn right there that goes right to the float ball so you could fill the center out of the carb manually that way it'll run for a period of time that a little bit of fuel is in there until runs out which it did the first time would you want to run it a little bit longer kind of listen to it not gonna run it too long the bottom we know is totally full of mouse nested on the jugs and the fans stuck in place so it's got no cooling whatsoever we just want to count listen to the motor a little bit and get an assessment at what the car has to offer and go from there so Oh further ado we swap you up there and the trash again I still got the fuel that's a whole lot contact [Music] how cool is that the only thing we had to do is put a rotor in it clean the points put some gas in it how the battery that's it right out of the garage where it's at - getting rear-ended 37 years ago the rear and broke the rudder still pretty rusty underneath but talking is came back to life you know I want to go for a ride I got nothing I'm gonna kill it right here again everybody thanks for watching comment subscribing now see you on the next one wait you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 659,812
Rating: 4.8388157 out of 5
Keywords: vw, cold start, old start, bug, bus, engine, sleeper, repair, barn find, convertible, beetle, type1, volkswagon, volkswagen
Id: vsCdyYpU7d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2016
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