1956 Dodge last on the road 34 years ago, will it run and drive?

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] well folks check it out so according to the VIN we got a 1956 Dodge that was built in Ontario Canada and this thing's in really nice shape for what it is [Applause] I mean no it's really nice as you can see I was we got it off the trailer the motor was tight I just we set the camera up and tried to give her a little push she uh didn't want to go at first but she popped loose so that's a huge win the motor at least turns over I don't know if it has any compression or anything yet but that is a small win but overall this truck is like pretty rust for free it's pretty it's pretty awesome uh oh hey check that out that puts a new meaning to a rope eh I don't know if this must be a chrome or that's legit like if you're supposed they just do that I don't know it's pretty cool so what have we got inside well we're missing the panels we got man it's pretty Spartan I don't know if these seats go forward I think so there might be a latch on the other side um we do have our typical Canadian rusts it's actually not bad though holy there is a lot and I mean a lot of mousiness going on this truck does have a hoist so I'm thinking that might be to run the Hoist I don't know I don't know what the heck that does standard for PTO do we have any Treasures oh yep we'll we'll leave that it's pretty Spartan though I don't know if it had a radio or what the messy thing is that's kind of neat if it pops out like the other side or what's going on uh oh man that's pretty cool you can see oh I'm guessing the heating system wasn't great because you can see the outline where there used to be a Frost shield on the front window [Laughter] it's awesome all righty let's have a peek at the other side look at that thing eh there is no rust down there this is all nice hmm huh foreign rig I'm gonna guess that's purple fuel or it's just really bad fuel unfortunate we're missing the lights up in the front but more of that man it actually is super nice we got a little crazy door action happening there but foreign I guess that's from here this side the rest situation it's actually pretty good nice I don't know if anything works it's probably broken but the fact it moves is kind of neat hmm here's the huge win look at this I realized that when I got home she's got the Hoist that we need not really sure how it's attached into here and I don't want to dig around under here oh that's pretty simple hey hey we need a hoist for there that's got all the bits anyways motor's loose got a sweet hoist I actually like that whole rig it's actually super nice but we've kind of loosey-goosey already done this one plus I think that would put it too high unless it fits in the middle hmm I don't know do we do that nah nah because it's got tons of overhang on the back we'll just use the Hoist [Laughter] anyways let's scoot this thing up and uh have a better look under the hood kind of looks like it's halfway there judging by the I don't know what's going on there we got a lot of stuff missing up there but I think stuff is still she's still bolted down over here so maybe that stuff just rattled loose I don't know is there a throttle loose oh man it's no exhaust all kinds of cool stuff alrighty now let's push her up and then we can get her get her lifted up and have a better look underneath this thing [Music] thank you [Music] foreign let's have a look under this hot rod typical play field tanks dented maybe been repaired I guess with the c doesn't look terrible though I am not sure what that's about I think it means anything I think it's just a a stuck Old Rag under here oh it's dusty our master cylinder which most likely gets junk but I don't know we will see oh yes the uh we don't have the pump this goes back here PTO for the pump that thing under the floor is exactly what I thought was what turned the pump on and off yep yep I don't know everything turns looks fine underneath here it's really not much to look at under here until I we know that the darn thing runs but there's no obvious holes or anything underneath here oh yeah the floors are actually pretty good A little bit there we established that and there was some right here the driver's side looks just cherry I like it running boards are kind of the norm a little bit there cab corner is nice cab corner is nice this running board is nice cool alrighty I guess the only thing left to do is uh we'll drop it I'm gonna pull the hood off just so it's easier to look at stuff and uh we'll just start digging into this motor [Music] foreign [Music] foreign I've poured some Marvel Mystery Oil in there because you can't sculpt these flatheads you can't see in there um I'm gonna be just really dumb about it and we're just gonna go grab a battery hook it up I notice I don't know if you can see or not but uh way down there the uh the cap is off but we're missing the rotor so I'm gonna have to try to find a rotor I have some bunch of rebuilds so or like I have fresh kits and maybe there's a cap in them but either way I want to try to just turn this thing over we'll throw a compression gauge in there we'll see what this sucker's got for compression and then we can kind of go from there see how how easy this is going to be hopefully it's got compression we don't have anything for an exhaust on here some of my Mystery Oil kind of went though in the pipe but you can see there's nothing she's like straight pipe I know everybody recommends this Marvel Mystery Oil so I've been trying it on stuff we've been trying it on there but it has not been working well anyways let's get uh let's go find a battery we know how that works around here stick it in there and uh just start our compression test and see how it goes [Music] alrighty that spins real nice [Laughter] that's nice for a change let's not counter blessings yet uh we'll throw a compression tester in there and see what we got [Music] foreign [Music] so if you look on the camera we got one valve is working other one not so much so back to we got some stuck valves the other ones are all good compression's a little low you kind of seen it but so that means the inevitable we're gonna pull the head hopefully we don't suck any valves into a vacuum this round and uh see if we can Tippy tap them loose and I don't know with any luck shouldn't take too much anyways we are going to loosen the bits off the motor here quick pop the head off and uh have a pixie at those two two valves in the back that are a wee bit stuck foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] that was success some of these are kind of ugly looking but they had compression so I'm going to let them kind of beat themselves better we had two stuck valves back there the far far one wasn't a terrible terrible stuck see if I give you some light there come on here we go you can see the back one's going up and down and then the one I was beating relentlessly is now cooperating mint ah do I want to put it back together I don't know if I'm feeling it I should though have to clean this off I'm going to give the old uh head gasket renew and uh we'll stick it back together by head gasket green there we just hit over some copper spray it's a copper gasket so yeah all right yeah that's okay it'll be fine done a lot works out okay see you clean this baby up put her back together start uh figuring out points and stuff I did notice over here there's a whole big wad of looks like Plumbing something which is telling me this back of this cover probably is leaking probably rotten or something because there's a whole lot of this Plumbing goop on there but uh we'll try it and find out maybe it's uh not good I don't know but anyways this worked out okay worked out better in my last Dodge six cylinder where we just sucked up all the valves in the vacuum I think they're still in there [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] back on I'm gonna go finish putting up the final little bits we are missing the rotor from our distributor we have that other Dodge that we failed to where I failed to get going and this stuff looks like it's been sitting out forever like the points look hammered so I'm gonna go to the other truck I'm just gonna steal Parts out of that one because that motor is complete junk uh I might even just grab the whole distributor because it's no good for anything in that truck and uh we'll steal Parts off of it put them on here maybe I'll just swap the whole distributor I don't know that makes sense to do and then uh smashes all the back together see if we get some Spark and uh see if she fires that's kind of kind of where we're at hopefully I don't see why not it's got compression those ones have like monstrous compression now well one had a bit of oil or had something in it so that one like popped up like crazy but it's not the best compression but that's like plenty for this sucker to run so anyways let's go steal some parts and uh finish putting this thing back together [Music] um [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] well between me messing around with the two Distributors I kind of lost my timing and everything's lost so [Laughter] we're gonna try to uh bump it to the compression stroke figure out what one is do our firing order and then I'm gonna check out the distributor and see if I have if that file thing worked for the points I find the timing mark should have done that first Maybe let's see if I can find the Mark was that a wobbly crank yeah oh okay I see it so I'm taking it that that is one we'll make sure that run all our wires and uh check for spark sounds like a plan foreign [Music] foreign [Music] key on do we have spark negative what the heck maybe we don't have power here oh definitely does do the old morski flick see if it comes back to life here come on foreign not happy about it alrighty good to go okay I do not feel like going into the cab for this so we will just do a hot jump your coil going we will somewhere here is my throttle give her a little squirt let's fill the bowl up oh that's probably way too much gas in there see how bad we screw the timing up negative let's make sure we have not lost our Spark oh negative we still have it I think that feels really crazy give her a shot of that we don't have spark anymore and our battery's dead dang it what else is new right [Applause] [Laughter] all right I'll charge the battery up a bit and we'll try this again foreign oh it's probably the vacuum no there's a horrendously huge leak [Applause] [Laughter] I squirt it all over the garbage spark plug that's a good that's good ah we'll see what happens we'll stand back [Applause] that's awesome we have a little bit of tweaking to do I gotta get this on there but let's run around some schnuff for a bit here what if I got too much timing not enough we'll see [Music] I think we gotta get the idol up wee a little bit I think that's our problem right now on top of every vacuum leak that we have known the man here you know what let's fix our little vacuum leaks and things and then we'll try this again [Music] all right try it again alrighty hit power you did that vacuum leak I don't know if that'll fix this or not pretty close [Laughter] should I turn your head a lot we'll just do that for now we will do that for now I don't know if this gas is any good kind of a dilemma here oh might have fed her too much [Music] laughs I gotta figure out what this hole is about smelly who we smokey let's not leave that on there anyways that actually runs pretty good but I mean who are we kidding we knew that thing was gonna run it's uh it's a flathead and if you don't suck any valves up into a vacuum cleaner these suckers just work these are probably a very very one of the most reliable Motors probably I do know you need at least 60 pounds compression in each of them before uh she'll fire I had an old uh Plymouth car and it started not running anymore turned out one of the valves went out of adjustment and it was so low on compression that uh I believe my best cylinder when I did get her running was 65 pounds maybe 70 pounds but ran like a champ and if you got that figured out I am going to go back to our parts motor and see what the heck is supposed to go into there I think it's just a plug but we'll see for sure and then there's nothing to these carburetors maybe I'll pull the top off blow it out clean it up I'm guaranteeing this tank is garibage so we're gonna go grab our our tank Actually I don't even think the fuel line's hooked up if I remember it looked like there was a line loose there's a rubber hose running back off the fuel pump I don't even know where the heck that goes it runs under is there something uh it's not there maybe it goes into the cab I don't know there's a rubber hose we will check that out but we also have to address the fact that we don't have a PTO on here for the the back I uh I have one here that we had off of the transmission that was attached to the motor in the 58 now I don't know if it'll work but we'll probably try that right away uh but you're what's our first mission we're gonna figure out what's wrong with the carburetor let's do that thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I know the accelerator pump is not happy with life whoops that just doesn't seem to want to happen let's see if it'll idle now it's kind of clean awesome [Music] we had filled the bowl up with fuel so is running off of that that is awesome all right well let's hook up some hoses oh I guess that's the only one we'll put our clamps on uh we do have to look at underneath the truck and see what's going on down there because the transmission still has a big hole in the side and uh I don't uh yeah we'll start there I'd like to see if I can get the PTO on that'd be kind of cool but I'm not gonna bust myself too much if we have to I'll just make a cover for the transmission yeah let's finish this stuff up clean up up here [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] we covered this up I don't know much about them other than if you go one way or the other I would imagine it should engage that shaft and uh it doesn't so I'm uh thinking it don't work which is okay at least we covered this up I'm gonna smash the bit of oil in here we do have a humongous if this thing lights up you know we got no exhaust I am going to have a peek and see if I have a chunk of pipe we can just put on just a new kind of I don't know not do that oh look and see what I got we might be able to make something fit in there and because it's broken you can see on either side the tabs are broken we might really just Swank something on either side to hold that on there I'll dig around see what I got for junky Mufflers we'll kind of stick one on oh yeah we got our ptok bowl that will do nothing so I will just fish that through here for now because it is not relevant to anything yeah that's oh well not a big deal okay uh exhaust look for exhaust [Music] foreign [Music] well we kind of Jimmy rigged a muffler on here it was something I had found somewhere and uh we kind of just boogered it on there threw some oil in the transmission can't do anything with this because this thing doesn't seem to mesh with anything in the transmission so that's all right for some reason I think I'm going to be really stupid about it and try to see if I can put some brake fluid in and see what happens it's uh really clean inside the cylinder so I'm not 100 sure yeah so Random Muffler kind of just zap boogered onto here that'll be fine it's better than nothing I don't have a donut up on top anyway so I kind of is what it is here we do not have any emergency brakes so it would be nice if we got a little bit of breaks uh by filling up the master and seeing if we can get a wheel or two um then maybe we'll come back and revisit see if I have a PTO maybe on the other truck I don't know it'd be kind of cool I snipped the fuel line although the fuel didn't seem that bad I'm going to plug that in case the tank sort of is good kind of smelled like okay fuel anyways we kind of ran it through this convenient fuel Hill fuel hole kind of thing it's like the only rust hole perfect so we're gonna uh go grab my Jerry can we can throw in the truck we'll see if it'll pull some fuel and see if we can get a little bit of break out of it just a little just enough to slow down that'd be good that would be good and then uh put some water in it we'll try that out make sure nothing leaks I got a feeling it's gonna leak so I'm just gonna put water in we'll drain it after but uh yeah let's do this [Music] well look at that we found some registration it's old well compared to now it's old six cylinder box there's no box it was a filler from Thornhill Manitoba 1988 I guess is the last time this thing was on the road huh cool [Laughter] all right well let's run to the 58 we got to steal the fuel tank out of it and uh throw it in here see if it'll pull some fuel all right we're gonna put some brake fluid in it see if that works too well I've opted for the floating tank option [Music] well we got a nice seat cover all right I gotta do that all right let's have a pixie in there doesn't seem to matter much of my vacuum it keeps getting dirtier in here oh oh it's even got some moisture in there all right let's get some brake fluid try this out [Music] together thank you [Music] well surprisingly we got brakes ish nothing's actually leaking I just need a hand get somebody to help me bleed him be faster than what I'm doing with my little bar anyways oh I'm gonna hook up the fuel system here I have my Jerry can in the truck showed you that it's the anyways we'll load the carb up here fill her up and uh see if this thing will pull some fuel from the fuel tank all right foreign want to go into the key [Laughter] [Music] yeah I may have flooded it there not pulling fuel yet you figure it out by now the little Bull's not filling up well that sucks I don't know I'll check my my fuel in the Jerry can there maybe she's not uh she's not pulling right [Laughter] now try that not very nice looking fuel is it foreign I did not hook up my coil there we go foreign all right [Music] all right well let's see if it works with the key now we've done everything but that [Laughter] well let's see if this works be nice to be able to back it up to the door oh what chips I don't know what year of it forward oh it says right there look at that oh where foreign little charge in the battery I'd like to get it to the door to get some water in it I just don't think I have an accelerator pump on this thing [Music] foreign [Music] foreign went to the idol all right let's get some water in this thing that's we need water [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you well buddy what do you think Hmm you just show up we need time for a ride hey that's it oh look at that sucker she's running nice little Troublesome without the uh accelerator pump she's smoking pretty good but it's actually starting to clear up a little so it's surprisingly this is a lot better than it was oh I don't know if we ran out of fuel or what's going on hey buddy what's happening what's happening huh what do you say should we see how it goes is that a plan can you get in there yeah come on see if you can get in if you can get in we go for a ride [Laughter] well that's a struggle eh it's a little struggle for you you want in there hmm you can do it go ahead come on yeah you are a big dog oh okay Dinah [Laughter] hey big guy should we go for a rip hmm should we go for a rip should we see if we can break down is that a plan we still have a buddy to walk with me [Music] there we go we're good let's see if it starts oh yeah it's not quite just about foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] well Pablo refuses to get out of this one this your new truck bud you're not coming out no you want to go for another ride you're just a a full of excitement dog hey you are a dog of many faces eh yeah [Laughter] I am super happy this thing's actually running really really good now um they still have no accelerator pump but yeah it's fine it stopped smoking that's a huge win I do not know doesn't actually look like the water pump is leaking or anything so I don't know we got like a whole lot of wins going on I like it not sure what I'm doing with this one yet but uh oh come on so I'm not sure what I'm doing with this one for now it's here I really don't want to cannibalize this truck because it's actually in very nice shape there is some weird stuff going on like I'm gonna guess the motor was maybe changed or something at one time right Pablo do you think the motor has changed I don't know because there's a A little weirdness going on right there looks like somebody torched out the uh the floor this tunnel piece is actually pretty close to being in the right spot so or it's out of a different vehicle I'm not sure other than that we just got a bit of the rust on the floor here that's it so foreign I think I don't know what I'm gonna do I would like to find another cab I got another truck out in the yard similar to this I think it's a I think it's a 56 as well but it has a big back window but it's missing the front grille and I think this was the original intention of this truck was uh this Grill and in the windshield this was to go in but the windshield has a crack so that seems pointless to put that glass in there um but just to use the grill and the rest of this truck being kind of junk I don't really want to do that the truck's weird enough I'd like to find another truck as a donor so I can use the grill on the other truck put it together and then maybe turn this thing into like a four-door or something like that put it on like a Dakota or like kind of stick a Dodge or Dodge weird eh but for now it runs and drives around I think I'm still gonna steal the Hoist out of this thing I want to use this hoist I think this hoist will work for that guy over there I still don't know why I want a hoist on it I just think it'd be cool [Laughter] it just seems to hang down a little low so I'm a little worried about that I think my diff is way further away so it shouldn't be an issue should be relatively easy to steal but I guess time will tell I don't need it to lift crazy high but we'll probably disconnect the lines I will pull the cylinder and stuff and the scissor out of this one and at some point we'll adapt it into that truck until then you want to come out now no you're just gonna hang out in there till we go for another ride eh [Laughter] all right well might be my cue I Gotta Give Pablo another ride I want to thank you folks for watching and uh we will catch you on the next one I don't even know what we're what we're working on next probably more 55 napco stuff [Music]
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 215,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cold start, vice grip garage, will it run, first start, first start in, will it run old cars, will it run and drive, first start in years, first startup, first start in 20 years, first start in 15 years, first start in 30 years, first start in 25 years, first start in 40 years, 1956 dodge truck, 1956 dodge pickup, 56 dodge truck, 56 dodge pickup, will it run dodge
Id: nKDTp7Zk4zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 33sec (3993 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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