1955 Farmall 400 Diesel First Life

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all right as usual i get ahead of myself and i start ripping and tearing before i take video documentation of it so before i get too much further i want to go ahead and do that so i already pulled the intake manifold off because it was evident that this fuel system was pretty crusty rusty so i had to take it all apart to clean it up i mean just to show you what part of what the sediment will look like this is what i got out of it so it was pretty well corroded the fuel tank was really rusty the cap the gasket was gone so it was just sitting on there loose it had been filled with water for who knows how long uh let's see the carburetor i'll show that here in a little bit it was trashed pulled the spark plugs out i must have left it in the jeep but these spark plugs are the old spark plug style with instead of electrode coming off the side and then the hook kind of comes off the sides get the wire comes off the side an angle and then it hooks around the bottom spark plug and these also have the old style if i can get it off of having a little set screw deal on the top here where the connector goes in and they're painted red so i'm wondering if these are the original spark plugs they're d 89 ds i think it's a champion number one also when i took it apart the gas mechanism here it was all froze up so when i was out here last night was a pb blaster sprayed it down got this loose at least so it'll catch it's a little stiff but at least it moves it's got some spring to it the pin here where this all pivots that was rusted fast inside the bore this gas system it has been at least 20 years since this thing has ran on gas so the the spark system is pretty well trashed the rotor is extremely loose it's got a lot of wear on it i can't show it it's got a lot of wear on it cap looks like the rotor had been brushing up against the terminals in the cap or something the rotor itself is pretty war you can see the scrape marks on it i don't know how much the video will show it but it doesn't even have a square edge on the edge of the rover so that's got to be replaced cap's got to be replaced missing half the sparking plug wires uh let's see i think it's about all the further i've gotten on it when went to get it out the brake was completely stuck and the break was actually rusted fast to hear the actuator and the outside cover so it's all laying in the the battery box right now [Music] and actually i guess this is the other disc actuators in the bottom but yeah it's all pretty crusty rusty so i got all new wires for it a new fuel bowl i'm going to use this existing gas line i'll clean it up i got cap rotor points condenser all that stuff to clean this all up uh this generator's rusted fast this thing won't turn at all uh spring broke to hold a little changeover linkage here um what else hydraulic reservoirs empty engine oil i don't see any water in it but it's definitely diluted now when you smell it it smells very high of diesel but it doesn't have the consistency of that has a lot of juice on the oil i just think it's been a long time since the soil has been changed i do a video of this running on diesel about five years ago but the starter isn't the right one it's like a gas starter or something so i have another starter to put on there it's missing the water trap but i have another water trap uh yeah it's going to take i guess that fittings loose there that's a little unnerving i didn't notice that before i'm surprised i didn't fall off on the way here just sit in there like that the whole entire way five hour road trip that line stayed there piping is missing out of the bombing radiator which is also slightly concerning considering that i know this tractor ran about five years ago so i'm really hoping it had water in it when it ran because otherwise i probably have a cracked head probably have a cracked head anyway but before i try and get this running you get it off the trailer i got the plumbing to put a ball valve and everything on there so we'll see if i can't at least get it moving by tomorrow to try to anyway and then do a better overview of this tractor but this one is going to be rough she is going to be rough but i got about an hour and a half light i'm going to get to her all right here at the bench got the intake manifold off when i pulled it off like everything else on the gas side this linkage here was completely stuck with a little bit of penetrant it actually snaps on its own now and inside i don't know where the water came from or how long it was in there how it cut in there that's what i'm really trying to figure out but you can see this flashlight stupid that little ring inside there where the butterfly had closed and kept the moisture out so it's clean on this side and crusty rusty on the other side i worked on it last night a little bit tried to clean it up it's not as bad as i thought it would be looking at it but still i worked on trying to clean all the junk off of here this end i just got this change mechanism turns the spark on and off besides this disc being really loose this side doesn't look too bad obviously has moisture in it but this side on the other hand i cleaned it up a little bit last night but when i pulled this off it was full with water and the spring on the inside had broken rusted i mean you can see the waters scale on the spring so i need to find a spring for this end and the carburetor that's another so this thing i i'm not going to try to rebuild it honestly so i cleaned all this up because this is all crusty rusty and i didn't touch any of this this is all rusted fast i'm surprised that this moves the deal that holds the float needle in place the choke is completely rusted fast so on the top side here i spray with penetrant so it looks a little better but underneath this valve here this is packed full of crust rust this butterfly is completely rusted fast and down inside this flashlight is terrible but down inside it is real bad so this thing hasn't moved for 20 years i'm guessing this carb hasn't been used there's no way with that much rust in the way it looks in five to ten years it would have done that the float like i've seen before that little tab is broke off there from just being rusty but the aluminum doesn't look too bad on the outside but on the inside got the normal corrosion and i guess this one here yeah that one right there broke off i only broke off one of the screws i thought i was gonna break every single one because man they were tough fuel boy cleaned it up a little bit but after looking at it i thought you know what it's just going to be easier to get a new fuel bowl because i actually broke it i broke the top half off inside the bottom of the fuel tank so i need i got it pretty close turns out a 5 8 18 16 camera what thread it is tap it's pretty doggone close to 3 8 pipe so it's enough to get me started but not enough to clean up the threads as far as i need so i need to get a 3 8 pipe tap to finish that off but yep got the distributor out i'm going to start cleaning it up it's obviously had water in this segment the points are really corroded can't show it of course points are really corroded though so put a new tune-up kit in it throw it back together or work on trying to get this cleaned up do a spare carbs so i'm gonna throw a spare carb on it see if i can't get her to go before i get much further i'll show what i'm actually working with here it's a later 400 diesel obviously don't know anything about this tractor at all no history on it nothing so i'm starting from scratch starting from the bottom with this one did some more work on it last night trailer here it was fairly clean inside the exhaust ports no rust or anything like i was anticipating to see let me show the spark plugs here and it's got this design spark plug got new ones to throw in it and i checked last night with my screwdriver there's my screwdriver so i popped the valve cover here it's actually fairly clean inside a lot cleaner i was expecting and the good thing is that all my starting valves are free and none of them are stuck so that's super exciting uh what else got this all ready to go distributors back in i got the new carb on the manifold so it's ready to go on all this can go back together tank fuel system can go back together and swing around the other side here i want to take the diesel fuel system apart and look at it never seen anything like this before fuel filters are dry and they smell a little bit like diesel residue but i mean they are dry to the touch no film nothing pop this fuel filter out obviously something's been in here before because this would have been the cotton one i'm pretty sure unless they change it for the 100 series but the md's at least this would have been your cotton spiral filter this would have been your cartridge but also too somebody's done some maintenance on it nope not what i wanted because the bleeders on the top are rounded off so somebody had been doing a little bit of maintenance at least on it but the inside the fuel filler canisters here are completely dry so no diesel residue at all kind of strange some of the stuff i've taken apart would just be a diesel film but not on these and i guess when you've been working on these long enough you know what filters you got to keep in stock this one just happened to travel with me from north dakota this is a 3418. oh sorry yeah can't read 3148 fuel filler i only got one but at least having one clean fuel filter is better than none inside the air cleaner there all sorts of ladybugs and rust and junk so obviously water has sat in there for a while uh what else to show here i got the new glass put that in blow these fuel lines out and then see if we can't get her to go i got new battery cables so i'm going to pull the battery box off here clean the ground up run new positive negative battery cables oh there's another fuel bowl bottom interesting i'm hoping i can get these bolts out somebody hooked up a smaller ground cable to the shifter there this shifter is shot it's got a bolt in it and yeah it's really loose so that shifter is going to need a kit this one does have the fast hitch with the optional side bracket down here to up there on the side that's what that hose is hanging for it's got a little cover to the key what's the briggs and stratton key in there other than that i've got some few finishing touches to do and then we'll see if i can actually get this baby to turn over one of the last things i did last night before i quit all the way around here i really wanted to get this off the trailer to make it easier to work on was i want to drain the oil and first thing i got out was water when it started out the way it was running i was gonna expect to have more water so i'm thankful it's not that much but still having water in there but we'll see it may just be a lot of condensation for a lot of years but i'm gonna keep on chipping away at her here see how far i can't make it and see if we can't have a machine ready to be run here in a couple hours [Music] hey oh you idiot so all right before i go ahead and crank her over again here in the daylight for the first time i wanted to show you what all i have done to this to get it running i had a extra coil laying around from the other various ones i've gotten running so that's on there new sparking plug wires this is a spare carb it's for an md so it doesn't have the right choke but it runs okay on it i still had to go through clean the carb up the inside the intake manifold had a lot of water in it so it was pretty rusty in there so i cleaned all that cleaned all the ports out best i could both these ends had water and cleaned them out distributors completely rebuilt a new cap new road or all that other stuff last night was running it discovered that these hydraulic lines leak and luckily just happened to have an extra set so i just got done replacing them new o-rings in there too for the quad seals i guess change the oil so a new oil filter and show the last time that this thing was serviced this is the oil filter it was in it so you know that baby's been in there a while uh water in there got the dock radiator drain system it's just a ball valve with the handle up out of the way makes it easy if you want to drain it just thread yourself a nice little elbow on there with a nipple long nipple put a bucket underneath it drain it right in there no mess let's see starter so it's missing the starter cleaned the fuel tank out cleaned the fuel line out had a leak in it and actually had to put some tank repair putty on the corner there this is a short-term fix but looks like it's holding so that short-term fix might be a long-term fix new fuel bowl i just got done filling the hydraulic reservoir because with the lines leaking it was empty new battery cables this had a bolt in the shifter so that's gonna need to be replaced because i do not care for that at all swing around the front here yes the pain working on this on my trailer let's see cleaned the pump out new oil in there new glass and the water trap uh includes stink buggeting i guess one new filter because that's all i had was one filter but they look clean on the inside but regardless put a new filter in here bled the lines out i was doing that last night while i was running the gas side other than that uh oh yeah i guess i still got some customers i took care of a bunch of them last night so i was going to be working here and i did not want to have to deal with them but it doesn't look like i got all of them well i guess i got some more there too fantastic i had an ih fuel filter in it so they could be original for all i know can't see the logos very well how about in the sun not still now but it's the old ih logo so more than likely if i to guess probably original fuel filter but anyway i think um oh yeah i drained the water out of the rear end too yeah so this is how much water obviously there's a little bit of oil floating on top but that's how much water i got out of the rear end i got water out of the oil pan some chunks of gears so we'll keep running it here and see if i get any more in the pan but enough talking let's go ahead and fire it up and see if that new line i put on near leaks or not see how it runs in the daylight for the first time oh no so that fuel line right there so foreign he's a good runner i
Channel: reeseholler92
Views: 6,209
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: 1955 Farmall 400, Farmall 400 diesel, 400 diesel, gas over diesel, gas start diesel, farmall gas diesel, 1955 Farmall, Old farmall, Reese Hollow, Reestorations
Id: nHaMWzSoha0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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