The Farmall Does the Job

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[Music] [Music] from colonial days the south has played an important part in american agriculture with its variety of crops and livestock the south presents a picture of diversified foreign and agricultural products tractors have proved their value on southern plantation and now the farm all 12 and equipment are meeting a real need in this country of row crop farms let us follow this latest addition to the farmhole family as it performs the various operations so important to the continued progress of the tower the value and right use of manure is important the all-steel spreader puts out a fine even coverage ensuring best results good equipment is needed to do a good job this farmer with his palm all 12 and two bottom plow is turning over about six acres a day [Applause] middle boston is practiced in many sectors here's an outfit that is covering around 10 acres a day using about a gallon of fuel an hour that is economy when peas or soybeans follow the grain drop a quick thorough distance of stubble should be done before soy the tractor discharger is a leading tillage tool this georgia pecan core is distant in weeds and stubble on 15 to 20 acres a day and improving his soil with the organic matter the bush and fog harrah with cut out discs is a great soil working too here we see a farmer distant in a heavy crop of weeds broom grass and old cornstarch moving forward angles the gang when the desired angle is obtained an automatic locking device holds the position to straighten the gang simply back the tractor no hand work for this quick acting device the farm all 12 and tractor spring crew terror soon have the land in condition for planting the hera prepares a good seed bed and pulls out grass a weed by back backing the tractor the teeth can be set to the desired depth where they're held by the automatic blocking latch a pull on the latch rope while going forward releases the lock and raises the teeth the peg tooth harris moves rough ground and breaks up a crusted circle for best results cotton planting must be done right even seed distribution and depth of planting are important the quick detachable planter special for the farm all 12 meets all requirements it makes the bed and plants two rolls at once contour or curved roll platen on sloping land or terraced fields requires equipment that is easily handled this outfit beds the land distributes fertilizer and plants the seed the right depth notice the fertilizer distributors mounted on each side of the tractor the plant corn in furs requires only minor shuffle changes to make furs rather than beds accurate fertilizing and planting enables the grower to take advantage of good weather by planting up to 20 acres a day [Applause] whether on level land or over broad-based terraces the farm all-12 and equipment offer the most economical means of planting a crop 20 acres a day with one man on about 10 gallons of fuel is low cost operation plant and peanuts was a big job when it had to be done by hand or with a one-row planter like this but what a change from the slow plotting process up to the up-to-date two-row planter at nearly four miles an hour and doing a better job all the time absolutely tight dust seals on the tractor keep that sand and dust out of the bearing on level land or over broad-based terraces the all-steel drill will sew and cover the right amount of seed it will plant grains cow peas soybeans sorghums and other seeds weed control and loose soil surface give the plants a better stop crusted ground should be broken up and young weeds destroy either the rotary hole or the weeder mulcher will do a good job before the plants come up or while they're still small the quick detachable two-row planter can be removed in four minutes see how easily this man does it first he takes off the drive chain then lowers the stand to hold up the planet next the eye bolt nut solution and the eye bolts thrown out releasing the equipment with the plant off he's ready for the cultivator it takes about five minutes to attach this machine and be ready to start work rear gangs are quickly attached by setting the eye bolts in place and tightening the nut then he drives into position for attaching the front tank the gangs are held at the right height by the support and stands so that the tractor can be driven into a position where the eye bolts are quickly and easily inserted in their respective places [Music] just a moment to tighten the front nuts put the rods in place and be off no heavy lifting or lost time connected with changing from one tool to another with the farm all 12 quick detachable machine [Applause] the quick shifting action of this cultivator controlled by the steering of the tractor enables the operator to do a good job cultivating two-inch cotton rapidly and without damage ease of operation accuracy and speedy work are desirable in cotton cultivation working two rows at a time about two acres an hour is a fair job for this outfit little time is lost turning and getting started back cultivating crops in straight or curved rose is a simple fast job with the farm all 12 and two row cultivators 20 to 30 acres a day is common this cotton field was prepared planted side dressed and cultivated with the f-12 and equipment all done by one man and with about a gallon of fuel an hour for the tractor crops planted over broad-based terraces can be worked without damage or loss of time this cultivator can be operated close to plants and adjusted to stir all soil between the roads at four miles an hour this man will cover close to thirty acres a day [Applause] cultivating and psy dressing on one or both sides of the row at one operation is a time and labor saving feature of this combination the most of these outfits are being operated by regular hired help without difficulty they have become competent operator [Applause] equipment must be accurate and easily controlled to cultivate two-inch peanuts with power machinery this f-12 with a two-row cultivator is going about three miles an hour and doing splendid work think of one man doing such a good job on two to three acres an hour [Applause] a north carolina grower uses the fertilizer attachment to lime his peanuts while cultivating the economy of one man doing these two jobs at once helped keep down production costs in less than 10 minutes the cultivator can be taken off and the more put off at the rate of two more acres an hour the farm all 12 and seven foot quick detachable more soon cuts the crop after about two minutes to take off the mower and attach the draw bar the tractor is ready for the race the f-12 and side rake windrow the hay in a hurry real hay loading action better than pigeon and no ache in arms to lay back building the load is a busy job with a steady stream from the halo with the modern tractor binder grain harvesting is made easy the power takeoff ensures constant speed of cutting and binding mechanisms regardless of power speed when the tactic goes slowly the finder still operates at regular speed cutting corn by hand is one of the hardest jobs in heart this young member of the farm oil family has ample power for the labor-saving corn barn [Applause] it pays to grind feet the f-12 and mccormick deering hammer mill is an ideal combination for granting feed at home belt power is available for sawing wood operating cane mill pumping water and other belt shots this owner operates a portable shingle mill with his f12 making it a source of revenue when not needed in the beach the farmhole 12 is ideal for farms up to around 100 acres for larger farms there are larger farm off the f-12 is especially adapted to small or irregular thief it's easy handling fuel economy and reliability make it a leader
Channel: MenWithTractors
Views: 77,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ddzgi0v6afg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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