1947, THE WRECK OF THE HESPERUS, full movie

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[Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] say you found this buried angus yes behind a widest group of rocks and directly in line with the location of what you thought was the channel night it's those records but this proof i can expose them how john atlanta has no rupert on anyone's neck so they clear me with the owners you know proof and no one will believe you why not the wreck was no fault of mine i follow what i believe to be the channel lights i'll tell the facts get a nice brand of faith but ship owners have a better brand of unity they're a tight-fisted little band and right or wrong they stick together these days a man who's lost a ship doesn't easily get a master's birth anywhere along the atlantic he'll give me one daddy uncle john look what i found a man well i want you a little ahead of your years i was outside looking for captain mccready and she told me there were two of them and brought me in here she's right i'm john mccready and this is my brother angus my name is george lockhart please forgive my coming here like this unannounced but with me it's business i'm sorry for you miss fortune captain that's directly why i'm here i'm not a seafaring man myself but i do know a little about the ways of the owners i know what happens when a man loses his ship throw fall of mine when a good master loses a ship i don't think it's ever his fault but there seems to be an unwritten penalty up and down this coast you'll be a long time getting another command run on play lucy [ __ ] mr george lockhart of boston get up mr lockhart my brother can take the hesperus if you have her she's alongside in portsmouth the hash proof yes that's gonna i'll not take the asterisk she's yours and you'll be the one to sell that's fine captain i'm in the salvage business with headquarters in boston i'm going to open a warehouse down the coast near norman's war i think you're the man to run it for me that's the custom for a stranger to spend so much charity not charity business when ship owners let a good man go i seek him out because if he's mad enough at the ship owners he works twice as hard for me i get bigger profits sounds logical is it honest when you find it isn't i lose a partner tell them to go to the devil john you take the hesperus i'll even ship with yours mate what do you say john i'll take mr lockhart's offering thanks to him the ship owners won't have me on deck they'll have me on the beach i'm leaving for boston today if it's agreeable i'll meet you there at the traveler's hotel in uh how soon two weeks if i find it profitable for me i'll i'll never go to sea again if your branch store in this port you're no here certainly not what made you ask that seemed like a logical question it's a rocky coast you know angus the man has given me a chance to earn a living mr lockhart you travel around a lot i i wanted you to tell me do you know where they manufacture these lanterns did you get this in the wrong place where someone used it to mark a false channel none of the stars in this town carry this type landing it was brought here where from these lanterns are manufactured in boston how do you know well i think they are at least that's the only place i've ever seen one before we accept thy guidance and thy will in all things and pray thee to bless all who are gathered here and for those who may be stormed us not only in our humble little corner of the earth but wherever they may be found upon the seven seas we ask thy blessing amen it's not my intention to preach a sermon tonight in six months four stout ships are founded on the rocks of norman's world and many a woman and child have been whittled and often if there are light to warn sailors of the danger these tragedies would never have happened yes william thank you i was coming to that tonight i've asked you men to gather here to listen to another appeal for funds to build a lighthouse on norman's wall a light costs many thousands of dollars and it is only our combined generous contributions that can start construction so that the governor will see our sincerity and then complete the work with state funds tonight we are a group divided on the subject but we must unite i've given my bit faster yes alexander thank you and so have a few others but the contributions have been far too small to mean much for by their indifference unheeding men who should be an inspiration and an example to the rest of us they continue to ignore our plea the man with enough money to help us build our life refuses to give any where did you get his money i ask you from wreckage cast up by the sea and i'll thank you to let me speak for myself unheeding men you say inspiration example widows orphans why don't you speak more plainly pastor say john mccready captain john mccready and enough of us beating around the bush all right captain john mccree it is your opportunity alone that has prevented us from going ahead you have never found my pocket empty to any other appeal my personal loan paid off the debt on this very building you've seen in what you failed to do john my business is salvage i don't want a lighthouse i live by what to see cast up on the beach and it's a good living a good living from the dead alec is right people must die so you can live property must be destroyed and you're in the same evil business [Music] we'll hear from rudolph zeiss thank you we all have it in our power to be of great service to men and yet one of us here well able to help stops us from making any progress in my shop i have many clocks when they strike together it is harmony but when one strikes against the others it is discord you must not strike alone sean my friend he's not alone sites they're us to work for him and a good master stick to your watch repairing shopkeeper and leave talk of the seat of those that know it ned none shall be stopped from speaking of this meeting i let anyone speak this has long been brewing let it come to a head speak up rudolph you call me friend that's good now then let me know the worst you think of me yeah i will tell you what most men here seem to be afraid to say you pick your gold from the skeletons of ships and men ships already lost men already drowned ship you could help to save men you could help to live my living is out of an honest man if i get it by the sea so do many in this room yes i profit as a salvage of wrecked cargos but the fall of many exist is none of my making now haven't we had enough of this not yet we have free speech in our land mccready and i don't depend on you for a living as do some others who are afraid to speak their minds to you you haven't any soul you haven't any humanity captain indeed a captain who lost his own ship and cannot get another you have a flat for disturbing talk bliss the loss of captain mccreadyship has not to do with our need for his help my pocket is open for your charities but if any lighthouse or norman's woe depends upon my donation there will be no lighthouse built around me and my workers of a living i side with a captain that's how i feel i am me john don't deny those dead voices who cry out to you the dead can't be helped and the living should look out for themselves good night pastor [Music] john john won't you go back please join with them john they're right no i've had my full of insults for one night it hardly becomes a man's patrol to side with his enemies but they're not your enemies well we're not officially the truth you can make it so debbie why don't you say yes especially when we both know there's none other for either of us i want the man i'm married to be respected and admired you're not respect pays no bills so long as you stand with me i care nothing about admiration from anyone else feature on there's so much you could do without depending on savage from the sea foreign for instance debbie i'm no bookkeeper no carpenter no farmer no painter i'm a captain but i can't get a ship apart from the sea by ship owners for something that wasn't my fault i have to make a living as best i can what i do now is the best would your brother angus think so things be good to him in his eyes i never do army for the last time john won't you try to seek some other living no debbie [Music] debbie when i see it it's the signal my card's aboard the coach we'll meet him in about an hour is this hospitality holding a man on your doorstep to drown in the storm can you put my driver up you'll find a coach shed around to the back and room for yourself there too well it's good to see you mr lockhart how was it when you left boston raining hard and starting to blow but nothing like this we get it harder here it whips into the bay you have a room the one you had last is ready it's been months since you were here i know the way it we'll disturb you to bring me some food and something to drink i've got some nice cold chicken and a dusty bottle [Music] [Music] come hello mr lockhart glad to see you man got your signal all right you've been on a lookout every stormy night like you told us for the last six weeks you'll be well paid are you ready for another job that we are when will it be some time before dawn well soon what [ __ ] unless you know the least you'll have to hang yourself with that's the truth what difference what ships he is so long as he's well loaded he's well loaded she got underway from boston at noon having a fair breeze for the heavy sea it's a perfect night for us the wind is a dance you'll be off norman's wool sometime before daylight you're playing well mr lockhart latin's already hidden in the same place uh you'll be keeping a close mouth about us sir certainly remember this my word is better than both of yours to mind what you say coming off what in the world are you doing here at this hour get me in out of this rain i'll tell you glad to see you george bring yourself to wanker i didn't expect you i know it's rather late i arrived some time ago i couldn't sleep that coach right shaking up every one of my joints well no business partner could be more welcome i'm really traveling through this territory for my friend the governor he's interested in feeling the pulse of the political situation down this way at this hour and in this store you're certainly a good worker for the governor yeah this will take the chill off your bones to your health partner austin gobbles up every piece of goods as soon as i receive it my shells are swept clean by purchasers two days after any shipment arrives no man's was a generous provider totally fairly generous recently four wrecks in six months still it's a good business we're a lucky pair together john i'd like to be a wealthy pair too i've no objection to that i'll be marrying pretty cruel soon for semen what cell expects fair weather around the clock sailors don't but the owners always seem to owners those fat smug stay at homes to blackball a man just because he's lost one ship to wreckers it's decidedly unjust that main coast can be a bad one i defy the best navigator not to pile up his [ __ ] if wreck is tricking with false lights those records did you a service john they brought us together you could always laugh at that group of black bowling ships owners when their profits reach your pockets profits lost in the sea are any man's to pocket why vengeful i might turn record myself that kind of work is not for an honest man like you john no it is not i will not lead any ships to that doom as mine was though it is now a business with many you know there are some people right here in this town say i'm no better than a wrecking rascal because i pose a light on norman's woe let them talk they would like to trade places with you pastor west as bad as any of them blaming me for the poor seamen ships that sends cargo into my warehouse there's no blame to you john you're a salvager it's a business as honorable as any other sounds like this flow is going to last quite a while on a night like this so [Music] so church by the sea alarm it's another [Music] wreck too bad too bad those poor men out there there's nothing for you to do on the beach you're not dressed for the job you might just as well go to bed perhaps you're right i'll see you tomorrow after the auction come here come over here what's that furniture gonna vote hey this is no work for a spindle shank boy spindle shanked indeed debbie this is no place of sight for you why aren't you in bed i had to come down here the church that walked me from a bad dream how about you about me [Music] it's all the frightening ships were sailing again and the crews were laughing at you because you were alone in the sea and drowning debbie i heard them laugh but they were all dead [Music] a woman's dreams to prove more tender i have better work to do than listen to this nonsense again good night joshua take everything to the warehouse so it's february the pretty much the national boss and the small piece of auction in the morning retired investing that's right all right take the last of the time and tell the landlord i'm standing for food and drinks now what have we here oh what a beauty come now gentlemen what am i bid for this magnificent sexton two dollars wouldn't pay for the case three dollars three dollars five dollars five dollars five dollars is better but it's an insult to the man who made this fine article come now bit higher seven dollars seven dollars eight dollars eight dollars nine dollars is my limit nine eight was i about to hear an offer from you rudolph would you let this beautiful article go for nine dollars the horizon glass is cracked and the ark is bent is the master to be swayed by the judgment of the apprentice rudolph your shop was dealing in navigation instruments long before young nathaniel was born there is no value to an accurate instruments of the sea captain so the horizon glass is slightly cracked but that can be repaired there's nine dollars a limit ten dollars and no more is there another bid to show that we deal only in fine bargains sold to zeb collin for ten dollars here take it to the manor's practically stolen in front of me if you're a smart lad you'll see that master zeiss gets a work of repairing it now here is a comforting present there's nothing more satisfying to a bachelor than a warming can in the cold and dark stormy night all right last speed up your bidding one dollar one dollar before i let you have a one dollar throw it away now bit higher three dollars three dollars three dollars is a little better but it won't get it keep bidding just blasphemy on the quality of the article three dollars and fifty cents three dollars [Music] up with you and go on with the sale and don't let them rob us i have a bill of 350 3.50 do i hear more morning debbie no more bad dreams i hope no that one was bad enough debbie doesn't this make sense why should i regret not going to see when i can make a fine living on plan and be close to you i don't belong with those scavengers i want to respect my husband's living oh that's not always bicker about it your brother angus i respect he's younger than you and not half the mariner but he's at sea and on a ship of his own but he hasn't anyhow only the sea is as good as the land no it isn't debbie when a man's at sea he can be separated from his wife by an ocean or two but with this when our children debbie father will be here on land beside them and not miles away selling the seas of china let me manage us all right john whatever you say go on with your auction i'm afraid i love you no matter what you do [Music] the bodies are coming the bodies are coming bodies all right folks wanted the bidding folks folks [Music] john mccready a word with you isn't this rather an odd time pastor does not time that death usually peaks oh it's a donation to bury the dead go ahead as much as you need i don't think money matters much this time come look [Music] [Applause] [Music] angus that ship last night was the schooner hesperus my brother angus [Music] my brother's [ __ ] wrecked up norman's [Music] [Applause] wall lucy my little niece she was found lashed to the mast what the sea gives the sea may take another coin great sorrow is best nursed in solitude let us go on to the church [Music] so [Music] so so what puts you in such a bad mood john that shipwreck last night was the hesperus my brother angus was drowned this is terrible i have no words for my feelings are you sure you're having any words well naturally i'm awfully sorry angus was considered a fine semen it's more than strange that he should have a wreck on norman's whoa that's what i'm thinking i'm also thinking it's mighty strange i found this latin that's a familiar look just another lantern is it the last time i saw a lantern like this was in that hospital up in maine you remember i showed it to you you said it was manufactured in boston well so is this one i mean you draw some connection between this and the wreck of the hesperus nobody sells this kind of a latin in gloucester it was brought here well my ship was wrecked in maine you just happened to be in the coast of maine didn't you just happen to be that's true just passing through on business just a coincidence it was just a coincidence that brought you down near this town last september wasn't it i don't quickly recall but i do the night you arrived was the night the pack of lily bell out of sale and was wrecked at norman's woe all hands lost that's right i remember now and the halifax lady which went down in december the very night you paid another visit here do you remember that do i direct the destinies of badly sailed ships and now the hospice last night with your arrival just by coincidence a few hours earlier and the slanted from boston what are you talking about you wrecked the hesperus you accused me of ranking the hesperus yes and the lily bell and the halifax lady as i also accused you of wrecking my own ship the sudan you killed my brother you're nothing but a murderer greedy i'll have this town on you you'll have i'll leave no breath in your body even to confess confess what they were partners i'll do that i'll confess that you caused the whole damage that it was you proposed the lanterns and the lights that caused the wreck that i proposed i'll tell them that you were in this as much as i am you'll never live to tell that life can be dead what'll happen to you they'll believe my story not without proof and you haven't any against me go ahead kill me they'll hang you down thank you you fool now look what you've done they'll be here in a moment you say one word against me and i'll tell a story you'll never get from under you do what you want but i'll tell the truth i'll deny it whose word will it take i'm respected you're a disgrace captain you oppose the light over half the folks in this town are against you i'll be believe not you you know that yes i do know that it'll be better to kill you then it's your hanging mccready so we're hanging no freedom no marriage no marriage definitely believe me they'll still hang you fool i know a safe way out of this i'll protect you mr lockhart mr lockhart open up mr lockhart are you heard don't argue tell me shot yourself i'm your witness go on open the door tell them what i told you i'll never do that tonight and i'll swear to your arrest they'll hang you for trying to murder your partner mccready haven't you any reason to live yes yes i have got a reason to live mr lockhart can you hear me [Music] he was examining my pistol that went off it was an accident nothing more well it it's a relief to hear that blood oh oh you're wounded captain mccready just to scratch my own clumsiness forget it forget nothing i'll i'll get a pan of hot water and some bandages it's too small a matter for any attention i'll fix it when i get home all right that was very sensible give me the pistol i'll keep the pistol mr lockhart you'll find no more wrecks on norman's wall as long as norman's woe exists ships will perish on it and money will be made out of it's plainly mocked with a lighthouse no light will rise there i give my oath one will you asked me if i had a reason to live that's my reason the lighthouse in memory of angus and lucy [Music] how soft the voice of the sea sounds from here i'm not much of a poet but if i were i'd say it was like a lover whispering to his beloved that's very beautiful even the sea has the power to speak better than i or doesn't use words it was out there that hesperus was sunk it was out there that angus and lucy were murdered [Music] john i've heard the rumor that you didn't fire your pistol accidentally but that you and lockhart were having an argument and that he really fired the pistol deliberately john did you come by your wound accidentally no please john don't carry such a heavy load alone george lockhart wrecked the hesperus as i'm sure he wrecked the others on norman's woe and my own in maine why don't you accuse him openly he can deny it and be believed he has a position that makes his word better than my own he tried to kill me when we struggle for the gun but i have no proof of that why did you call it an accident and take the blame for two reasons you me and angus there's a dead i must first pay to him after that debbie you're all that gives my life meaning debbie we are betrothed yes john before god in the world before god in the world when will we marry john when the light is built and nothing on earth can change my course now [Music] hey i am told to cry under the meeting house on saturday evening by request of captain john mccready who has something of interest to say to those who wish to see a lighthouse in norman's woe saturday evening at the meeting house hear ye come one and all mr shank at your service this is from joshua it's to be cried before and after mccready's notice thank you sir thank ye you ye i am told by mr joshua hill to cry into the tap room of the george washington inn on saturday evening where he will speak to all who are opposed to the lighthouse in norman's woe yes mr walker i want to know what mccready will say at the meeting house tonight go there listen well report back to me yes mr lockhart as you all well know i've i've had a bit of lesson taught me had you not been such an obstinate man john there'd be no cause for grief tonight i i that is all very true but please give me the benefit of your patience and hear me out we must let him talk alexander i person but i'm only saying what they all think alexander is right i was obstinate arrogant and i had the blindness of such a man i'm to blame for what i fail to do but i'm not blind to the way of atonement i promise all my strength and all my purse for the erection of a lighthouse to serve the interest of all men of the sea mccready's up the meeting house right now spewing different words when he spoke a week ago and for what reason not for any good but just for plain sentiment well i can't live on settlement neither can you mccready will want a lighthouse he'll even donate to it this time and why don't it serve other than a monument to his brother built out of a creedy's own conceit all to do for us who depend upon the generosity of the sea for a living a lighthouse here will mean the poor house for every one of us it will take time to raise a fitting light but meanwhile a barrel of pitch burning each night will show promise of what is to come and save maybe more than one ship i've got five barrels of pitch i'll give i'll give three more i will grind the lens and don't need it for delight i'll give the stone for the base from my quarry and pay for the hauling i would gladly give my life to see this done but i say the light should not go in norman's woe but on eastern point a scan two miles away then it will not only overlook and reveal the reef but all the rocks and shoals around it eastern point that's logic only fools would ignore such good advice you handle it john the light goes on eastern point when do we burn the first light tonight god willing tonight it shall be i'll need someone's horse and cart we'll meet at my warehouse in a half an hour and pitch for my stock will be the first to burn john it needed what you said tonight for me to tell you that no matter what you thought i've never stopped loving sometimes i think you speak softer than the sea i say that john mccready's getting the gospel too late in the day to convince us that he's sincere much too late mccready and his friends are going to burn a pitch braille on eastern point tonight and they plan to have a plane there every night so the lighthouse is built when do you hear that i hope we know how to best serve ourselves i say let us go to eastern point to let these light builders know just how we feel about their meddling what do you say mr lockhart every man should feel free to protect his livelihood i have no quarrel with your words joshua and we can back them up with a heavy fist if need be taste and points we know what to do those were good warm words you gave them in joshua all right try to remember everything you told me i think they'll take care of mccreedy now i'll be here when you get back see that the work is well done [Music] [Music] genesis 1 verse 3 let there be light we have visitors you men come to join in the celebration we'll have no light here i say we shall step away mccreedy not unless you carry me better than that we'll knock you away [Music] this is only the opening gun mccready then you'll have to use heavy arteries in your fire tonight i think you got a good fighters tanning for the blood i have the soul too for all that it's a grand feeling when you're in the right well we uh so you took a trousey we have fewer men and less courage they even had a pastor with him when one door closes it's always well to open another i'm going to boston for a few days and when i come back i'll need your help to settle this whole matter but mccready in the light let the light burn until i come back then it'll be extinguished forever and greedy with it that's a fine hope give me drink to it with assurance the whole evening [Music] guess what is it newton i'm mr lockhart to see you sir george send him in mr lockhart please how are you george don't hold out your hand to me why not what happened why didn't you tell me the name of that schooner have i ever told you any name any vessel which we were interested no george my parts tell you the sailing time and the direction and the weather but the name oh george you yourself told me never to tell you the name remember you wanted to be able to take an oath of complete innocence was that foolish was this time of the hesperus didn't you say it by norman's world and wrecked his plan but had i known i was a hesperus with angus mccreedy aboard his captain i would have shunned all information his brother john is my partner in gloucester no well george weren't you all so foolish and not telling me you placed mccready up there i suppose it was one has to be so careful bodies of angus and his little girl washed ashore the creedies turned completely against me johnny's not on his cousins he feels it is doesn't suspect you of course not but he's through with salvage he's pretty bitter he looks upon his brother's drowning as his own fault retribution for his opposing a lighthouse they want up there now he vows to put one on eastern point that's gonna be bad for us every night they're burning pitch burrows there's a temporary beacon this must be stopped george but all i know about the ships and the courses they take well it'll be throwing over a gold mine not to stop it i just thought of a little scheme i hope it'll work your schemes generally do i take breakfast with my friend the governor in the morning if i can get him to approve of my suggestion i think we shall see an end to captain john mccready and his lighthouse well i'm very happy to have you here george pleasure's mine governor i just like breakfasting alone myself um halibut newly caught off the ground banks and just come to market it'll melt in your mouth courtesy of the gloucester fish there's no doubt i imagine so a rare had strong breed those gloucester men with a fine contempt for official win authority contempt i find that difficult to believe i thought they were rather low abiding up there forgiveness but it's true i left there but last night i don't understand just what you mean your authority isn't recognized i was really amazed to find it so they feel they can do as they please enterprises conceived and carried out without so much as a buy your leave i think it's a crude carry over the spirit of the revolution now that's not nice news i want the whole commonwealth to be law abiding i'm probably making a lot more of this than it deserves but the faction there has taken over state property and persists in burning a signal fire each night on eastern point well now does this signal night uh serve a good purpose i'm sure if a light were needed you would have had it put there before now why would they want to act that way i don't know they may turn out to be wreckers burning false lights of course you can't prove that well if such proof existed i'd have no mercy on any of them you know in every community there's always a faction that wants to make a gesture of defiance but taking over a state property is a defiance the state kind of sanction i'll have this investigated once could you go up there yourself well i'd like to but i have so many things to worry about here i'll send someone to represent me i hope you'll appoint a man who understands the temper of the people up there of course george you have acted well for me in other matters you know the temper of those men how about you i know their temper very well but if they turn out to be wreckers you put them in jail i'll give you official authority and write it naturally i'll do as you wish i hope you'll allow me to exercise my judgments as i see fit of course otherwise you wouldn't command any respect you shall have full authority the law must be upheld thank you governor i'll take action immediately indeed this is fine fish i'll have another morsel of a man wait here my compliments to you captain mcgreedy it's a comforting sight for us fishermen to pick up that light on eastern point when we come in it's not only a warning but a welcome home thank you skipper john mccready john mccready by the power vested in me by the governor of the commonwealth of massachusetts i'll order your arrest rest what joke is this what time has been done the crime of deliberately wrecking the schooner hesperus you must be mad i guess a loose you were on that ship would i you thought it was another ship undoubtedly besides we have the proof in the witness of joshua hill and ned jones who would take their belt you'll have to believe them when they're under oath i would swear to it with our own eyes we saw mccready place four signal lights on the beach in order to lure the hesperus onto norman's woe went on the western spirit and went on the rocks they both lie i was at the meeting house that night you remember you all saw me there but you left early you walked out before the rest of us where'd you go then to my bed no we followed you to the rocks there's a governor's representative i've heard prove enough you have no proof that's honest do you forget the lantern you brought to my room to hide what as god is my judge i found that lantern convenience story i say you brought the lantern to me to dispose of if i wanted to dispose of the sea was right there in front of me lantern was brought to blackmailer incriminate me and the meeting almost cost me my life i refused to join him as a wrecker and he deliberately shot himself and was going to blame me but i refused to handle the pistol you remember landlord and whose hand was a pistol when you burst into my room and mccready was there it was held by the captain yes it was i took it away from me when he tried to kill me that could be right mr lockhart mccready was the wounded one i say the wound was self-inflicted as even mccready told you at the time aren't you rather late with these accusations well even you said it was an accident because i had to have time to present the facts to the governor now i have his authority to act in his name mccready deserves a hanging it's easy to see how he grew so prosperous john there's no echo this talk will get you nowhere take him give the word captain no not right now to resist that would be an admission of guilt i also inform you that no light is to be burned on eastern point from this date any violation of this order will result in immediate arrest and punishment take him away well i'd like to see captain mccready i guess you can visit for a few minutes thank you debbie john darling it's fearful slander they're talking black connor's doubtless misled the governor with a lot of lies he's going to turn heaven and hell to destroy the lighthouse you must tell them the truth that you told me i tried but it's useless none will believe me but you debbie how long can lockhart keep you here until a judge comes for the trial he will come from boston yes a little justice i'll get of lockhart manages the trial try not to worry debbie i've written two notes one for pastor west and one for mr zeiss deliver them as quickly as you can good day landlord i'm caleb cross from boston got my room ready i hope oh yes mr lockhart told me to expect you welcome to the end thank you you'll see to my sandbag i'll send them right up to your room sir thank you all's well well george we've got the witnesses wearing mccreedy's guilt we've got the judge who believes in justice i think we'll soon be rid of the troublemaker and there'll be no light here's to justice write your name plain doctor so the governor can read it we all know john none of us believe him guilty of this terrible charge and he thinks he can convince the governor of the true situation if only he can see him his plan is bold but it has sense now check your timepieces set them to the same minute as line 11 past seven pastor rudolph now men everything will depend on coordination the furry court stops at the tavern for only about three minutes pastor you know what you got to do i've had plenty of experience and the rest of us will attend to the main affair [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] see the glow i hope it's a jail how wouldn't that be most convenient what is the turkey the building in [Music] flames [Music] good work [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks it was by me this i did all by myself and don't scold john it will be a treat to see boston it'll be a treat for boston to see you oh i do remember sell a superstition today there was more confusion than fire these fishermen appear in excitable breed sir what are you doing here the prisoner captain mccready he's gone escaped oh where were you to the fire is it your duty to go get fires you loud while you're prisoner or you're paid the guard walks free that's how door was locked when i left sir you're a fool and i another for trusting mccready in your car get out of my sight i was a blind and the escape neatly arranged by mccready's friends he's enough miles away now to be safe we only knew in which direction well planned and properly timed he's safely on that coach bound for boston as i would aim to be ryan his shoes you may be right i'm sure i'm right probably going there to see the governor governor may believe him believing he'll never see him come i'll order a coach we'll follow as fast as i can that's too slow mccready reach boston hours ahead of you i know no other way to stop him a horse ride swifter than any coach mine's fresh and rested i'll start at once and i think i can hit him off you've got to anymore don't worry i'm not giving up what i've worked for [Music] [Music] how far ahead is the coach 10 minutes gone is there some shortcut to overtake it well you can go across the valley right down the first lane to the left of the high road there's a little stream you have to cross there then there's a steep hill you want to be a little careful of that but if you keep up a good pace you can get over that to cross worlds before the call right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wherever you are don't shoot this coach cares nothing valuable keep your cargo i want your passenger passenger we have no passenger he's an escaped prisoner i've been sent to fetch him i took the shortcut straight prisoner huh you heard the driver step out and i'll go with you keep out of sight one of us must get the boston i'll bring back the governor i'll be with you deputy don't lose the petition that's our only chance are you going to get out it's like coming up all right driver on your way say nothing about this store away and save trouble for yourself with the authorities this is one journey i'm glad to see the finish of fires highwaymen on the road people get off of my coach you never got on sure it was another fine trip good morning good morning could you direct me to the governor's manor about eight squares west thank you well sweet suffering catfish where did she come from i wish to see the governor the governor's at breakfast mom but it's most important you'll have to wait sam oh please tell him i've come a long distance sam where are you uh excuse me ma'am oh you what you can't miss you can't go in there please governor good morning madam i told her she couldn't come in but she i had to see you a man's life depends on it a man's life what are you talking about you would place great confidence in a friend who is betraying you please sit down have you breakfasted yet no sir sam a fresh pot of coffee i have ridden all night my betrothed was with me for part of the journey but he was taken from the coach at pistol point crystal point why on the orders of george lockhart so i sent mr lockhart a blast away to represent me he has abused the authority sir your excellency i don't understand this mr lockhart is a prominent citizen i've always found him a good one on my officer he is using your name to make a mockery of justice hmm what is your name please deborah allen mistress allen you've made a serious charge all i say is true sir george lockhart is falsely accusing an innocent man of wrecking ships so he did find wreckers up there himself sir he is the guilty one lockhart wrecker ridiculous he wrecked the hesperus the halifax lady and other ships for salvage washed ashore he entered into a selling partnership with captain john mccready and now would voice the crime on him to cover his own guilt hmm these charges are very serious have you proved to support them not direct proof sir but i have this petition signed by the pastor and most of the congregation surely so many people could not be mistaken hmm well i can't ignore the security of this appeal if i've been at fault in trusting lockhart i want to correct such an error of judgment under the circumstances i think the best thing to do is to go up there when can you leave with me oh sir now anytime will you really go yes please be here and ready at two o'clock at two o'clock and now here's your coffee wait a minute now what is it i wish to say captain mccready but you have no right mr lockhart said to the governor the governor oh yes sir yes sir welcome mr governor thank you and now may i see captain mccready uh yes there unlock the door please yes sir come on captain john the governor's come to help us uh mistress allen has given me all the circumstances of your case i'm inclined to believe her story but i want further proof i've come to confront george lockhart i can judge his guilt or innocence by how he acts he will like the way he wants you to believe sir with innocence enough to convince you no we'll never catch the man that way he would surely deny everything and we would have no way to force the truth from him have you a suggestion yes i have sir if you'll trust me but it must be kept a secret will you let me have the permission lock this man up for the night lock him up just as a precaution we hope to catch a shark we don't want any whisper to get to him and shy him off well it cannot hurt the man go ahead debbie i'll need you to find pastor weston rudolph and i'll need your soldiers to help me break into my own warehouse for gunpowder and flares lock them up after you governor [Music] over there governor [Music] let me have a first keg [Music] rock [Music] it's another ship get the latins we'll make sure of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] the ship out there in distress creedies got out of his cell the governor freed him the governor in gloucester brought by mccready's girl just by accident i went to the jail to check the turnkeys locked up he'd heard talk but trapped snare you we just stay here mind our own business i'll not be caught in any trap joshua ned will keep their mouth shut too i can't buy joshua he's not there nor isn't it fools they'll be down on the beach probably with ladders if they're seized they can be made to talk they are on the beach there's one way to stop them from talking [Music] forever [Music] so [Music] [Music] you can only see them looking to the shore i'm closer to the surface [Music] this will bring them look to your pistols [Music] [Music] [Music] that's you joshua ned you fools why did you try another wreck without my say so mccreed [Music] [Music] this is the shock i was talking about [Music] to what should have been done long before i now dedicate myself to the greatest of happiness and a sense of accomplishment will achieve i now turn over the first shovel of earth for a lighthouse on this point a lighthouse that will shine like the protecting arm of an angel of the night the ships may live and men of the sea come safely home
Channel: E.M. Mihal
Views: 136,579
Rating: 4.8013072 out of 5
Keywords: 1947, The Hesperus, Edgar Buchanan, Willard Parker, Patricia Barry, Holmes Herbert, Wilton Graff, Boyd Davis, Jeff Corey, Paul Campbell, Paul E. Burns, Trevor Bardette, Herbert Heywood, Earle S. Dewey, Mikel Conrad, Patti Brady, Martin Milner, shipwreck, drama, mystery, full movie, movie
Id: F77efuoc1gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 11sec (4031 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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