Robin Hood The Movie (Rare 1991 Movie)

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[Music] [Music] in 1175 near the end of the holy crusades while king richard of the lion's heart was still in battle outside the walls of jerusalem brave knights returning from the war found their homeland in turmoil their estates forfeited their lands and titles usurped by the black hand of richard's own brother prince john aided by his evil norman henchman one such bold-hearted knight loyal to the king was robin earl of loxley and this begins his story [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] it's master robin it's master robin tom it's master robin martha it's good to see you master robin come you came back heaven be praised bless us all you best lie back in your bed tom or you'll shout yourself into the grave i'll get you some hot broth they've stolen your home you must kill roger de lille death to all normans i know tom sounds daft to you but he's not to be blamed why should i blame him he's loyal and faithful i can see he suffered for it night and day we've lived in fear of our lives i heard rumors of these evil things martha that's why i came back i can see i stayed away too long everything's changed since you went master robin sometimes i think when tom raves about blood and death to the normans he's the only sane one of us left it's time i made myself known to these guests of mine well this stupid fellow came at me with his bare hands so i pinned him to the wall oh hubert what do you want a gentleman wishes to see you my lord how dare you interrupt us let him wait but he refuses sir he says his business is most urgent who is this impudent fellow he gives his name as robin of loxley [Music] that's impossible he's dead everybody knows that i have a paper to prove it and i'm here to disprove the paper my lord it's true i was wounded in the service of the king but i'm very much alive as you can see you're alive yes but you're not robin of loxley under ordinary circumstances i take it ill to have my word doubted you are in a sense guests in my house whether invited or not all i ask is that you leave my home as soon as possible if you do so peacefully we can forget what's happened most generous of you all he wants is that we should give up our home and our land and turn them over to him my home and my land so you kill us but i say robin of loxley is dead and you're an imposter we can easily test whether i'm an imposter or not calling the people from the estate and ask them who i am the testimony of a saxon serf means nothing i have another witness a norman witness of high standing but i prefer to bring him to the attention of the sheriff of nottingham if you forced me to take my cause there [Music] what purpose could that serve the sheriff himself commissioned me to take over this house and land and to maintain peace and order since my return i've seen little peace and less order [Music] i have no wish to argue these matters with you your claim is preposterous robin of loxley is dead he was killed in the holy land his father died leaving no other air no other air but me look at his picture you'll see a resemblance so i see you close your eyes as well as your ears to justice i meant to have that piece of rubbish thrown out long ago hear what take this picture out and burn it so roger ladies leel forgive me for interrupting your dinner perhaps i made a mistake in coming here yeah the mistake i made was to waste my breath in a scoundrel which lands into me either in quarter by the sword stop him don't let him get away after him [Music] william come back william come back this way [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] oh what a cowardly pair of hills [Music] [Music] [Music] so bring it over here good morning oh yo the traveler the soldier of the king returned from the war in the holy land you caught this fellow stealing a deer yes we're just carrying out the punishment we're royal foresters what is the punishment very unpleasant when i assure you in this case it's eyes fingers and the forest you're going to do that to him just for killing a deer well i don't like it any more than you do you better go talk to prince john of whoever settles these matters for him right touch him with that you get an arrow through your throat you're up though fellas you think he can kill all three of us if i have to [Music] now untie him and then leave our duty doesn't include getting ourselves killed you're gonna have him for now we better get away from here before they get that cottage back what are you going to do now you can't go near your home that's certain my children are starving i'd like to get some meat to them tell me where they live and i'll take it to them oh my home's over at the crossroad but where can you go that's the question i'll have to find the outlaws spend the rest of my life in hiding the outros somewhere in sherwood that's all anybody knows deep in the forest englishman forced to live in the forest like hunted animals where do i find my lord the shedding that way my friend [Music] what's the roger dele sitting up there for a useful custom of the norman lords they sit in judgment on their own cases who's the other one the count of severn sir roger's cousin [Music] so you are the man who claims to be the son of the late edward i am the son of the late edward of loxley master of the king's foresters in this shire that is a natto we are here to decide i hardly expected to find the man who stole my property sitting with you in judgment what's your words i warn you we're only for consultation before we hear your claim there is a question i should like to ask you what were you doing at the art of dawn this morning what's that got to do with my claim answer the question please is it not a fact that you were in sherwood forest and that you willfully obstructed the king's justice hardly justice i did prevent some foresters from committing an act of barbarous cruelty a full confession you've not only admitted your guilt but you remain arrogant in my judgment you should be declared guilty and sentenced to imprisonment plus the forfeiture of his estates the forfeiture of your estates that is customary the title of royal forest departs to me from my father and i was within my rights this morning as you well know this is a crude attempt to justify the theft of my property forfeiture of your estate to the crowd anything further you dare to speak in the name of the crown i bear a letter from king richard who shall hear this by the first courier to the crusades may we see this letter you doubtless recognize the royal seal the first part is some remarks his majesty was good enough to make about my military service the second asks all officers of the crown to give special assistance to any cause of mine my lord i protest as this is undoubtedly a forgery the seal is authentic [Music] why was i not shown this before this used to be a court of justice whether one bore a king's letter or no it's clear that there has been a grave injustice and that you are who you say you are if there is anything we can do for you as well as the full restitution of locksley hall together with all its lands and people when may i expect this restitution sir roger will douglas have made all the necessary arrangements by noon tomorrow you will then meet at your estate and he will hand over the documents my lords what in heaven's name you're thinking of a man who has the ear of the king can be a great danger this could not be handled in the ordinary way but my your tongue roger and listen to what his lord has to say if you want the estate you will have to earn it you mean work for it you can't hand an estate over to a man unless he's alive nor can king richard receive any messages from a man who has unfortunately met with a fatal accident may we take our leave while i explain to my cousin your brilliant solution to the unfortunate return of young locksley [Music] good morning to you sir good morning the documents are completed and ready for signing if you just come this way [Music] this was my father's when he first served with our king richard my lady and i have a lot to do before we leave the house if we may proceed to business i have no desire to cause you any inconvenient haste in your departure it is quite convenient to leave today and in that case let us find the papers this is the deed in which i renounce my claim to your estates uh the notories prepared this document for your signature what is this papers you wish me to sign you may read it for yourself it's merely a document releasing me from all kids [Music] for me foreign ah [Music] your personality and make it quick [Music] [Applause] you're the man i've been looking for you're looking for us i thought the quickest way to find you would be to build a fire so that instead of going to the outlaws the outlaws would come to me what you want with us you're not a poor man look at your clothes you're a rich norman neither norman nor rich then what are you a spy a spy i'm wanted for the murder of sir roger de lille you killed allele i don't believe you i didn't i said i was wanted for his murder not that i was guilty he's making spoilers wait now listen my friend we are outlaws because that's what norman law has made us they took our land for taxes treated us like cattle there's a price in our head so the sheriff has sent out informers and spies and we think that you are one of them i've told you the truth if you try to rob or attack me you're doing the same thing to a friend that you're accusing your enemies of doing to yourselves oh fine words won't save you this glade is thick with arrows they're all pointing at you wait will [Music] i know it is the one that saved me from the foresters the man with the hood are you certain look at him closely make no mistake in truth i know it he saved my life and made three foresters take to the hills i swear he's the one why are you seeking us to join your band to join us give him a chance will [Music] what's your name robin him not [Music] thus did robin a bold combatant of noble birth find himself in the diverse company of the outlaws of sherwood forest plain men but each and every one fiercely loyal to the king [Music] hey robins they say you're an archer i have pulled a bow can you split the one [Music] i can try [Music] yes no it's good no your swing's too wide you you look as if you're mowing oats now hold your stuff at the quarter black feathers [Music] what do you got in the past gold ah the outlaws sure responded to making quite a name for themselves thank you what goose did you [ __ ] today well some kids with us are phillips they're on their way to the castle any trouble no the guards just ran like mice look at that cheek head load we brought in some treasure so i see aren't you too interested in gold watch your head edgar the lads is worth 80 minutes that's a good many guineas it's a fair parry it's a good many more than you brought in since you joined us our turn's coming isn't it thanks to you robert he's a good teacher welcome oh perhaps i should take a lesson from the master i don't think you need any lessons in fighting will then i can give you one see him you were against us robinson phillips party weren't you i said nothing but it was in your head true i would have chosen someone else to rob when you need weapons and supplies your rob and the devil care who so philip's a good man and a good friend of mine oh so that's it he's one of the gentry he's not really one of us [Music] philip treats his people well but the country's full of those who don't why don't you rob them keep your advice until you're asked or i'll run it down your throat will you're a better man than some of your deeds but it's true that so far i haven't earned my keep [Music] come on edgar let's go and try our hands at our new craft [Music] take cover [Music] are you sure probably a rabbit [Music] you can afford to be brave since you probably carry no more than a few shillings yeah are you a merchant well no not exactly i'm a sort of a collection agent michelle ah then we're colleagues aren't you afraid of losing your money oh no not really i fancy i could outwit a simple-minded outlaw to cover hold on let's have no more of this hurtling into ditches i wish my mind was easy about my money oh put your money in your boot in my boot yes in your boot and leave a few shillings in your purse for the outlaws if they should stop us but a splendid idea [Music] my mind's at ease [Music] but now my foot hurts uh security must always be gained at some sacrifice hand over your purse don't do what he says be quick about it yes yes sir we we we'll do anything you say or only only please don't look at our boots boots oh boo say crafty come on hand them over [Music] hey cones you said you were a collection agent i am i collect acorns and you come on [Music] and the other one [Music] whoa look what your friend collects robin robin robin you're one of them you're one of the outlaws the shadow following you for this that's right now run along and give my compliments to the ship but what about my boots very nice boots [Music] the treachery of prince john and the sheriff of nottingham grew causing good men honest and true to take to their heels in the hopes of finding freedom but even in sherwood the villainous hand of the norman nobles could reach them and sometimes turn them against each other [Music] [Music] they called him robin yes i might have guessed it hard yet though you remember robin of loxley yes sir i have reason to believe that he's joined the outlaws in sherwood forest and i think this arrow is his that my man brought in in that case the outlaws will be even more dangerous sir he's a trained soldier one of the finest archers in england don't tell me what i already know find a way to capture him lay some sort of trap have to be a clever one he's nobody's fool we might offer some more of the same bride so you couldn't even catch that poor devil of a surf mind your tongue or maybe i'll have a notion to cut it out brave talk you'll make i to old man and lassies but i often wonder how you'd talk if you met with robin hood someday we'll meet him and then we'll do our talking with the bucket down with robertson go and sit down over there that's our man there couldn't be anyone else that big be still i'll handle this would you like a joint of pig but why don't we arrest him and claim the reward there are greater rewards to be had i only have three pennies that will buy you all you can eat not him it won't by the look of him he'll eat three men's dinners joan lass who is your friend last my cousin it is from nottingham just passing by on his way but cousin hey hi oh in that case we'll invite him to have some mail over here lad drink some mail with us while you're waiting for your food i don't believe i've seen you in here if i had i'd remember what's your trade lad i work in a mill for a miller what no where it's on the other side of nottingham you wouldn't know it i know every mill in the shire and every man that works in one and i know who you are and you know who we are don't you we're sheriffs man no don't turn your back too broad a target besides you and i may be of some service to each other what do you want of me a favor but nothing like the favor that i could give you in return how would you like to earn your own keep and 20 silver marks a year as a free yeoman how can any man grant me my freedom except the earth you earn it by the law if you're away from your lord for a year and a day by yourself you wouldn't stand a chance but if you serve with the king why then your masters are authorities against the crown you could do that for me if you could make me a free man with a right to go where i choose and live as i choose there's nothing i wouldn't do in return all right then go into the forest and fetch me an outlaw you send one man to do what the whole garrison has failed to do you must be mad but this is not an ordinary man the lord he's a giant as tall as an oak and a strong the taller he is the better mark he'll be for robin hood's arrows my humble pardon servant you misjudged robin hood he is not one to shoot a stranger he enjoys an encounter on equal terms it's you who misjudged robin hood he's not one to fall into a trap so easily unless i mistake my man this oak will tempt him to a test of strength and then the outlaw will meet his match if you have made a mistake you'll lose both robin hood and the surf and i may add your sergeant's warrant as well i'll be off with you and report to me what happens my apologies marion when i finally persuade you to visit me i'm interrupted by the pressure of affairs this robin hood and his devil tree occupied full heart of my time yet what would you do without him to prove his worth the sheriff needs an outlaw woman they say needs men yet you choose to live alone you promise not to propose again during lent tell me more about this robin you seem to have an uncommon interest in this outlaw so do you my lord mine is mercenary what is the latest bounty prince john office for his capture a thousand guineas a king's ransom 1 000 guineas dead or alive robin there's a giant wandering around the forest you've been asking for the outdoors hiding place it's a giant eh what manner of man is it oh great rough looking fellow nine seven feet tall i'd like to see this giant myself me i started to cross first no i did are you calling me a liar i'm telling you you're mistaken stop your pressing little man and step aside i don't have to i'm a free man are you yes i'm as much right here as you have i was on this bridge first and i intend to cross first what do you carry that star for just to make yourself look like a bold fellow or do you know how to use it if you had one of your own i'd be very happy to show you what i know about it in that case may i count on you to wait here while i find myself what you man i hope you don't mind it was a bit rough i don't want to keep you waiting i don't care if it's covered with spikes it'll never touch me [Music] i've only seen one other man your size in my life he almost broke my back i don't have taught you a lesson it did i should have been satisfied just to thrash him and leave him there on the tab and floor just throwing him out into the road that injured me [Music] ah [Music] [Music] now you help me out of here you great [Music] hope [Music] you're a stout fella [Music] how'd you like to live here in the greenwood and eat the best game what is an outlaw that's the name some people give us but don't judge us by a name come and have supper with us instead and see what we're like supper where where do you live in the forest but if i take you there as a visitor i'll have to blindfold you well first i'd have to attend to the mata that brought me out today i was going to ask you where you were headed the blue board and you know it i do but apparently you don't you're headed in the wrong direction you mean but i didn't have to cross the bridge after all that's right i was always a fool about directions i'll never find my way by myself i'll show you the way oh would you it seems too much to ask i'll buy you a tank of eel when we get there that sounds pleasant and i do with a brisk walk to dry my clothes off [Music] so [Music] so he's come across trouble of some kind you go back for help well i follow robin right you leave us a clear trail i'll have the boys here in an hour here's the giant coming back again and he is bringing somebody with him most of our lads are runaway serps you know men with too much spirit to crawl for their norman masters yes but people say you're all criminals true we do have a few killers among us dear killers then there's dick tandy who stole a sausage and a cheese for his little brothers and sisters during the famine they were going to hang him for it but he broke out of nottingham jail there's the blue ball ahead they say you're all robbers and traitors true we collect a toll but only from those who can pay it easily as for being traitors our loyalties with the king whatever he is and not for those who rule for him and dishonor his name luck but perhaps you better not commend there's danger in it for you why do you say that well you'll be in an outlaw and all i wonder if it's safe you're wondering if you can find a way not to buy me that ale you promised oh no i wasn't thinking of that perhaps you sense that there's danger there for yourself how could that be the life's full of surprises sometimes it's hard to know who your friends really are shall we go ahead [Music] [Applause] they're marching straight up to the door like sheep for the slaughter take the outlaw first when you got him safe then we can go after the big fellow you pledged your word to him why can't you keep it we were pledged long before that to send all runaways back to their masters come on it's robbie nood he's brought us robin hood himself ten pounds reward as much as the rest of them put together he'll hang in nottingham square tomorrow put your hands behind you he thought he was going to be free i fetched an outlaw didn't i why are you treating me the same as him we aren't he goes to nottingham to hang you go back to your master whatever he may decide to do with you we have to uphold law and order you know tie them together [Music] yes [Music] you come over here [Music] ah [Music] so [Music] drop all your weapons on the ground you decided the arrows meant that you wanted us to wait until we really need it as it happened this tiny lad didn't need us at all you mean you knew all the time you were walking into a trap it seemed likely besides i also thought it was important for you to see what they might have in store for you take their weapons their clothes and their money and send the back of the shed with our regards now i'll have that ale you promised me robin's sense of justice differed markedly from wills for he believed in helping the proud saxon serfs whom the sheriff so ruthlessly exploited and by so doing turn them into allies mother strangest trouble [Music] hawkins uh isn't that the money lenders list yes we ran into herbert of doncaster on the road and uh arranged to do some of his business for him in november you borrowed two silver marks true and i took my pig to nottingham last week and sold it to pay the debt there must be some mistake i tell you i pay and there's no use trying to collect more because we haven't got farthing left i'm not trying to collect more it's written here that you paid back four silver marks ah we shall go hungry because of it i'm not surprised when you pay back double what you borrow give him back two silver marks bless you gentlemen i'm grateful for this friend it can make a lot of difference are you on the money lender's list yes what's your name pew at the wood i borrowed three marks last winter what did you pay back sex giving back three marks [Music] if we should ever want to borrow money again can we find you in nottingham no our headquarters are in sherwood forest the men are sure would i've heard about you you've probably heard that we're thieves and outlaws no well i mean one of the sheriff's men did say these are strange times hawkins when the sheriff protects those who steal and brands as thieves those who return to stolen goods [Music] who's arrow is that i know nothing i just found it in my door wouldn't have come from sure what forest by any chance the outlaws why should they leave money that's what i intend to find out i'll take this arrow to my lord the sheriff [Music] [Music] [Music] there we are robin on its way to the tax coffers of prince john but this treasure wasn't prince john's until the courier handed over in london it belongs to the family of sir william fitzwalter fitz walter why he's at the crusades with king richard isn't he he is indeed and as good a man as lives and one of king richard's most loyal soldiers well how'd you know all this is his because here on this ring is his crest are you certain that is his crest robin i know it as well as my own our families were friends they used to go hunting with his daughter when we were children she was as good with a longbow as i was it's hard to imagine her a young lady wearing these jewels if she has this much treasure she can spare some of it for those in more need if she would not in need herself she wouldn't be sending her jewels to pay the tax collector i say this goes back anyone want to take issue [Laughter] it may well be our friend robin still has a soft spot for this young huntress i had to add my own jewels to pay the high taxes that your prince john has burdened us with or fourth of my lands now the outlaws have taken them in the main highway and in broad daylight where were your soldiers my lord sheriff at the time if i had ten times as many men i couldn't patrol all the highways against these bandits they never strike twice in the same place why wait for them to strike why not strike first you have superior numbers as if numbers counted in that forest of theirs but they've turned every tree into a bowman and every hedge into an ambush what's the matter my lord sheriff are you afraid of these outlaws we are biding our time until robin hood makes a mistake once we can lay our hands on him dealing with the others will be easy i used to know robin when we were children i could shoot as straight and narrow as he could would it help if you knew where his camp is then you could capture him if we knew that we could bring a large force down on him at night and clean out the whole nest you shall have this information lord marian what's going on in that pretty head of yours you'll hear soon enough if you have any foolhardy notion of venturing into that forest i want you to know that i forbid it by your own admission sherwood forest is outside your control [Music] uh you haven't changed marion i can hardly say the same for you when did you first find out who i was i guessed almost at once i had to find out what you were up to though i almost left it too late now what is the gallant robin hood going to do rob me again i'll save you the trouble i returned your money to your home yesterday morning when you were still in the forest i was on my way back to camp when we met now stand up and see how the angle is [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is the same girl the way i remember you all these years isn't the boy's clothes you like to wear i thought if you are they say such things about you what am i to believe what your heart tells you [Music] in the name of the shedder [Music] prince john has declared a public holiday for the hanging has dispatched 100 minute arms to escort the prisoner to london a feather in your cap if i may say so my lord you may indeed but we must not forget the lady marian's part in his capture i still marvel that he walked into your trap you must have planned it very carefully yes yes we worked it all out thoroughly before she went into the forest lady marion fitzwalter car show her in mary and my dear we were just singing your praises my compliments lady marion delivering robin hood into our hands was no small feat thank you be seated i'm writing to the prince to ask him that you should have the seat of honor at the hanging and one half of the reward does that meet with your approval one thing more i crave my lord you shall have whatever you name the return of my jewels i beg permission to visit the prisoner in his cell and find out where he's hidden them before the hanging your request is granted but supposing as is most likely it refuses to tell you what then i thought perhaps you might have means of persuading him that would be a pleasure [Music] grant me one favor before you die a favor for you i'm hardly in a position to grant anyone a favor where are my jewels that you've stolen from me i already told you i took them back to your home go there and see for yourself i've just come from my home and no one's seen either you are the jewels have it your own way but go and leave me alone sergeant bring me two of your strongest men and the instruments to make him talk yes the lady [Music] the years have given you a taste for strange pleasures [Music] quickly robin tell me i've been buying me but what about you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he broke free and escaped look close and hear my strong unfolding this merry band i sing about a notch above the greatest bowman in the land his pain has spread [Music] robin hood it's giles black of carlings ward giles black who the blazes is he any of you ever heard of giles black they say he can pull 150 pounds for the ease that i plucked the guitar and then he can shoot the cork off a bottle of wine at 100 l's obviously somebody uncorked a bottle when these boats were made or you can see for yourself next saturday there's to be an archery contest it's a richard's castle he asked me to invite you i'm not sure it's advisable there'll be a purse for the winner and a feast after the contest is over thanks richard for his kind invitation and tell him i'll be there to bless the groaning board and you master robin the contest would be fine sport no doubt but being an outlaw is a serious business go ahead robin no challenger contests his might on target range he stands alone however when our skill with a longbow is challenged i see no other course but to defend our reputation [Music] are you the fellows we shoot against today we're here for the archery contest so you're the country bumpkins so richard so proud of that's right crude fellows who wouldn't dream of testing the range before the contest we weren't doing anything of the kind and what's the matter with that i'd like to know uh let them practice all they like they'll need it the first sperman will represent his lordship the high sheriff of nottingham [Music] do [Applause] the next bowman will shoot for his lordship the richest of the league [Music] [Music] uh good work little john now my shafts are grouped off center only to allow more windage than we thought the next champion shoots with lordship the highest sheriff of nottingham [Applause] here oh there you are sir richard that's what i meant when i said he was the greatest archer in england nobody can beat shooting like that robin needs three perfect shots to tire giles don't worry about it you show a certain amount of promise giles black you take too long of your aim now that target down there were a deer i spent 20 seconds aiming the way you do my quarry might move to cover and i'd lose the shot he's afraid to lose his shaft he knows he's beaten you have to learn to launch your arrows swiftly all in one motion like this [Applause] [Music] that's a signal for a tie heard tell them to bring out the small target single arrows [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] i don't know who you are fella i've never seen shooting like that just a minute both arrows were dead center i demand that they shoot again get somebody else to do your shooting i can't match a shot like that [Music] to the most skillful archer on the contest today and i suspect the most skillful in england i award this token of my favor to the tables everyone the victory feast is served [Music] i think it's time for you to leave how dare you tell my guests to leave surely you don't propose to share your table with outlaws do you realize that these men have your pledge of immunity only for the archery contest i didn't promise them one minute after it was over as winners of the match they have more right than any of us to enjoy the feast i warn you sir richard i did make a promise but i'm finding it increasingly difficult to keep it that's understandable the process must be so unfamiliar to you thank you for your hospitalities richard but uh we'll go now obviously the only way the sheriff can keep his promise is if we remove the temptation for him to break it oh robin i was looking forward to having such a wonderful evening i should have seemed uncommonly anxious to get you to outside the castle wall right now i thought the same thing before you go shouldn't we test the windage huh aren't you two of the men who lost the archery contest this afternoon that's just what we're trying to forget allow me to offer you some words of consolation the ability to accept defeat gracefully is one of the great tests of a man's character the perseverance of the face of a [Music] setback [Music] what are you doing here my lord looking after your interests origin i want to make sure those outlaws leave your property without stealing the silver [Music] now just walk straight out through the main gate keep going and no tricks what do we do we'll do what they say i'm not playing target to a woman like this [Applause] little john yes sir richard most satisfied you've broken your pledge not at all i said they might leave the castle in peace i said nothing about what would happen afterwards hey why are they capturing those poor fellows out there stop stop your fools while secretly visiting robin in sherwood maid marion witnessed a sinister plot unleashed by the sheriff of nottingham a deadly scheme designed to forever tarnish the reputations of robin and the brave men of the forest [Music] no honest robbery this is murder they're laying on our heads [Music] so the redoubtable sigils of rain have turned outlawed since you recognize me robin of loxley i'll rid the world of an outlaw [Music] you proudly hurt am i right in assuming that it is robin hood the outlaw to whom i am injected from my life right on both counts my lord i'm robin hood and you were indebted to the tune of half your purse the fixed price for a hearty meal in sherwood forest [Music] well now that we've feasted ourselves let's turn to business commissioner the time of reckoning has come since i have not eaten your food i see no reason to discuss a written thing many a man pays head tax or doesn't use his head nonetheless i shall not give up one jot or fathing of the king's property certainly not to outlaws you said the king's property surely you mean prince john i seldom say what i do not mean the exchequer remains the property of king richard in spite of temporary mismanagement by prince john you are loyal to richard my lord i am sworn to defend his interests with my life what do you say lads let him go turn him free he's gotta spend richard never let it be said that the man of sherwood harmed a friend of richard or stole from their king escort our guest to his mount now i begin to see why sir giles could contemplate murder you probably shared a meal with him little john have two of the men stay on his trail discreetly until he's safely at the castle highland marion you're going to the accounting tonight i only hope my account rules are in order stay with the commissioner tonight they won't give up because they failed once they'll try again you are hurt i'll be all right now there's not a moment to lose he's too honest to live long in nottingham castle don't get him out of your sight all right robin take care of yourself yes yes and you you better carry a dagger [Music] i can't afford the shadow of suspicion none of us can you're possessed with suspicion you'd be dead now but you had to divert suspicion i'll hand it my own way this time but wait wait wait till he goes up and examines the account rules one glance and he'll hand you to your own executioner for a common thief and half the shire with me my point i am quite capable of fling it for myself thank you i prefer it commissioners of the exchequer get oversensitive about poison you baggage giles your language is an insult to womanhood and a disgrace to knighthood any knighthood or womanhood that can't stomach my language i'd have me doubts about particularly a minx who wears a dagger as a girdle afraid of the sheriff girl might not be the sheriff but his guests are just maybe you're planning to do the commissioner in advance eh take your hands off her or your answer to my blade draw the water indifference to our esteemed guest [Music] our apologies malone in your delicate state may i suggest that you retire for a night of repose and that we postpone our business until tomorrow the account rules will wait procrastination keeps poor accounts my medication is completed so if you would conduct me to the shire account rules oh oh lady marion fitzwalter on the appeal of sir giles of the wren i command you to stand trial before your peers for the murder of the commissioner of the king's exchequer [Music] and you solemnly swear my lord that marion fitzwalter did by her own hand draw the life's blood of the deceased i saw her draw the dagger out of his back it's a lie he stole my dagger maybe marion there is no evidence you were there you saw him making sure everyone knew i had a dagger that's why he put his arm around me you're too modest my dear now can you explain why you chose to wear a weapon that evening wasn't it rather unusual because i knew sir giles would be there and he's already tried to murder the commissioner and where did you discover this information everyone knows that someone tried well it must have been suggest because he finally succeeded in the castle you know i killed him because i tried before you know i tried before because i killed him is that your evidence but my dagger was stolen when did you notice it's lost quinn when i drew it out i realized ah so you admit that you drew out the deck if you have no further witness to your innocence marion fitzwater it is the solemn duty of the court i can read my judgment and doom on your faces but i will not be hanged on the word of a murderer i challenge sir giles to defend the truth of his cause in trial by battle oh that is your right of course so naturally will have to be represented by a champion if you can find one my girl so be it ordered by the moot court of the county of nottinghamshire that sir giles of wren will meet the champion of marion fitzwater in trial by battle one week hence from this day [Music] [Music] frightened girl no champion i hear that the plague of palsy in the knee among the flower of knighthood [Music] thanks for biscuit my daughter tell me about robin he's disappeared out of his mind with a fever run away probably to come here find him father tell him there's no need for both of us to die i'll do my best um you have not to fear my daughter if your mind is innocent alien i can't tell you how this distresses me i've had no sleep for a week past i sleep very well it is my duty to inform you that no champion will appear has that been arranged too you have made powerful enemies i have power for friends truth and innocence mary and i want to help you confess to this felony and throw yourself upon the mercy of the court so you would forgive the guilty and punish the innocent and the terms confiscation of your lands to the crown the death sentence i could commute to castle arrest under my jurisdiction so you'd have my land and me as your personal prisoner marion i claim to be no better than the evil times we live in but i'm no worse would marriage to me be so harsh a sentence when i marry my lord i shall be bound to my husband by something stronger than chains oh yes oh yes let the knights or giles of ren stand forth before divine providence to try his appeal of murder against the lady marion [Music] fitzwater that the champion of the lady marion fitzwalter stand forth before divine providence to defend her innocence of this appeal in accordance with known custom of the shire this proclamation will be repeated three times before it is adjudged unanswered does a champion stand forth before divine providence to defend the innocence of the lady marion fitzwalter [Music] for the third and last time does the champion stand for wait hold on [Music] [Applause] i go by the name of hugh son of tom freeman and freeholder on the land of fitzwater [Music] by giving me freedom your family gave me my life i offer it freely if you'll have a humble yeoman for your champion you dear you i can't allow you they tell me you've been ill sickness of the body can be cured my lady the sickness of the heart to let you die without raising my hand that i could never endure my lord with full heart i take hugh son of tom as my own true champion poor old man you'll be stretched with the first blow i wouldn't be too sure of that do you sir giles and you hugh son of tom take oath that you shun all trust in witchcraft and solemnly swear to the truth of your cause i do i do then you shall now do battle unto death or until the guilty cries craven your weapon shall at all times be equal and your strength your own may providence defend the right later at all times your weapon shall be equal you son of tom the choice is yours can you handle the sword cheryl i have handled one in my time [Music] you are now free and innocent before heaven and man [Music] you said that there are 15 guineas well that was before we gave half of them back before you what sort of outlaws are you robbing and giving back to the people it belonged to not the money lender [Music] robin this is your doing and i give you fair warning if you're staying with us you'll follow our rules we're here to stay alive keep out of the sheriff's reach not to write wrongs down by others if we throw in our lot with people who are wronged we've done a better chance of staying alive and out of the sheriff's reach right clad on the watering road hold john of lincoln in his wagon full of wine how much my god oh just so john his two boys we can catch him before they get to the village while they're still in the forest i wonder if it's worth it he's worth it all right john and lincoln that's the best wine in nottinghamshire i meant worth the risk now what's sticking in your gullet oh john's a swine and a rich one at that i wasn't thinking of that their shipment of wine just went through last week does it strike you as odd that another one's going through so soon odd or not we're thirsty what do you say lads we rob the wagon yeah you can stay behind if you're afraid [Music] and miss all the fun i'm coming along tell your boys to drop their bows jonah lincoln or their mother will be a sorry woman tonight gabriel [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i'll cover your retreat [Music] ah [Music] huh [Music] how many hours have you left five [Music] oh you and nailer take will by the edge of the forest till you're clear of the trap then cut down through badges hollow what about the sheriff's men you and i'll hold them off and hide in hawkins hut how many are there two for sure there they are [Music] your lordship finish him off there i have no outlaw this is my all he's right he belongs to lord suvern i know him why did you let them get into your house let them they said they'd kill me you're lying no i'm not i hate outlaws i can prove it to you you can burn me house down so long as you wipe them out not a bad idea get a torch someone will have to run in with it no telling how many arrows they've got left you that's how you can prove your loyalty i don't mind burning me house down my wife and child are in the field he hesitates running through [Music] they're not coming out they'll be roasted roasting or hanging what's the [Music] difference [Music] [Music] so you all right [Music] you were right robin the wine was too costly too much blood in it what can i do if you will take take my my place you're an odd sort robin but i think you're the man they'll remember we'll remember you [Music] follow follow robin robin food [Music] a brave man's sword should not outlive him [Music] homes are gone the money's out there's no place left to be the fighting hard the fighting fast the fighting to be free [Music] [Applause] stealing everything he can [Applause] everything's gonna be all right [Music] is the cry for help [Music] he's fighting for the right of the people to live their lives [Music] [Applause] everything's gonna be all right [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right
Channel: Inari1987
Views: 25,355
Rating: 4.8247013 out of 5
Id: P0-0D6AGPkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 59sec (5519 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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