World for Ransom (1954) Film noir movie full length

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[Music] oh here hear the lucky numbers numbers have play no favorites no words like them there's no therefore they'll make you rich you're rich they'll make you rich take a chance take a chance luck was your mother's yes to your father your father's marriage to your mother and you good evening mr callahan and you you are the luck of your father and mother your luck is here take a chance thanks maylie not now maybe tomorrow [Music] lottery lottery [Music] [Applause] numbers you're johnny chan aren't you that's right looking for me what would you say i'll take either one of you can't flip just so you get the whole picture mr callahan like to come along with this nice light you can't make a rough if that's what you want where would we be going somewhere real quiet we're going to provide free [Music] transportation [Applause] for the biggest racketeer in singapore chan you really got a hoodlums touch perhaps no better way i could get you up here perhaps not but i can't say much for the company you keep sorry he stays well i'm here what do you want i want information and i want it straight what are you and julian march doing with a man named leo guzik so you've heard of guzik too i plan to hear more not from me listen callahan i got nothing against you personal but you and march and this other guy are getting in my hair so how's about it do you talk or do we have to act real unfriendly where did you learn to talk at all now let's have it i know of a little village in the jungle it's like that belgian village the enemy killed every male inhabitant of the town i was in the last company to leave before they arrived now the natives won't go back they call it the village of death i'm always interested in history i'm in the rubber business in a way and i need a storing place where no one's going to come looking this village is perfect but a week ago gusek and padera showed up with some bandits and took the village over there was nothing my men could do but get out and then they were lucky guzik with pederas they're both strangers in town but i don't think they're strangers to you what's the operation what do they want they're getting in my hair you're wasting your time with me we've got all the time there is you should have gone after julian march not me maybe he knows something you or march what's the difference you worked together before in shanghai you were partners never partners just friends in shanghai how about now he works on his own but i've seen you together for fun occasionally but never for business and never with what's his name guzik or baderis you could be on the level half of singapore thinks you are maybe we could get the information out of march's wife down at the golden poppy the one they call fantasy i don't think i'd go near that girl chan but that is it interpret it any way you want but don't go near i think that's clear enough and i think this whole conversation is getting a little too personal leave march and his wife alone and i'll try to bring you some information by morning agreed agreed [Applause] do you provide transportation for free both ways or only one both ways check the final foul no hard feelings and i bruise so easily hello mike what could possibly tear you away from the phantom games this time of [Music] night [Music] have a busy day don't you know the place yet have a drink thanks not without ice julian what's on your mind why wasn't i supposed to see you looking at the map i'm sorry old man you're way over my head it was my own eyes that saw you tonight you and a fellow named guzik really where about off fucha road oh anything wrong with that i don't want to sound like a boy scout but once before i pulled you out of trouble you're a big boy now i'd hate to see you get in so deep again who are you really worrying about mike me or uh fantasy if you want to ruin a perfect friendship it'll have to wait till the morning where would you be going now right this minute for example if you really want to know i'm not quite sure maybe i'm going to meet a charming young lady named willow boston or the fancy strikes me i might keep an appointment with a young lady not so charming but i hear considerably more talented perhaps you know her her name ming toy profession dancer place of employment the golden poppy satisfied that's playing pretty close to home isn't it look julian somewhere someday you're gonna hurt frenzy once too often since you're acting the part of the family advisor has the possibility ever occurred to you that i might not want to hurt her that i might want very much not to hurt her that maybe i can't help the way i am sometimes besides mike do you want to share all my girls no not all of them you shouldn't play galahad you're way out of character fantasy was never for you not after she got her first look at you she wasn't look mike i know by most people's standards i'm not what's considered a good husband but in the strange sort of way i am but i don't suppose you could understand that could you that's pretty tough for anybody to understand yeah i guess you're right well don't worry i'll never really let her down or you either i owe you both too much maybe but i think i'll be keeping my eye on you from time to time julian i think i'll have to just to protect myself like you said i'm a big boy now but i do wish you'd believe me you coming no i think i'll stick around and wait for anyone you're really attached to that little camera character aren't you we've proven a friend from time to time [Applause] bye-bye mike make yourself at home sorry there's no ice for the whiskey [Music] um [Music] the causeway to the mainland the airport road that place where you will stop that's enough for now [Applause] you've kept us waiting took longer than i anticipated to get here in uh in an endeavor such as ours we must have discipline you'd do well to remember that the orders here are mine you will be paid only if you carry them out why were you late well among other things i had to make sure i wasn't being followed but made you think that possibility even existed apparently i have been followed and quite recently by whom mike callahan it's possible he's on to us to what extent he saw me tonight with him if he were curious enough he perhaps his curiosity could be curved could be you have a refreshingly detached attitude towards your friend our i should say your undertaking is much more important to me than callaghan and yet i i heard a story about a fight in shanghai i heard that you owe callahan your life i didn't ask him for it i also heard that before you married her your wife was his uh how does one say his sweetheart his lighter love his girl she was his girl she is my wife you know he he still hangs around huh he's still your friend yes but i didn't ask him for that either new english are fascinating fascinating but we've not got all night see we imagine him to be a vice regal chauffeur you be our technical advisor he'll do now the question of your costume where is it is he the regimental badges and buttons are correct we had it made in rangoon after it was completed the tailors of course had to be disposed of the price of prudence comes high how long is it since you've worn the king's uh bigger pardon the queen's uniform six years well tonight you will wear it for one hour for one hour you will be major ian bone of the british military intelligence the plane arrives in two hours and ten minutes those i'm not entitled to wear and those i have exact duplicates in the top drawer of my bureau my own now what happens about your friend callahan isn't it you mr federis who gives the orders here [Music] oh [Music] what do you have do you mean to tell me they got television here already yes mr callahan [Music] ah you wouldn't be knowing anything about julian march's activities would you i know mr marge you like to pay his bill it's a possibility if you wanted to discount it with a little information so sorry i'm not giving out information over this bar tonight look what i'm giving out over this bar tonight i don't see so well mr callahan it says five on it what do you know here's one that says ten will make up your mind whoa where does march disappear to these nights it is said there's a girl called willow blossom who lives near the canal in the street of many moons it is also said that our new dancer meaning toy occasionally calls him one phone it's a lesson someone's been teaching you was it march or a lad called guzek so sorry not knowing any man called they're plum blossoms so whoever they are they've got you scared too huh too many wives too many children only one woo there's only one wool with a joke there somewhere [Music] [Music] dreams no longer too soon to forget [Music] callaghan is here you want to know about cozy [Applause] foreign you forgot these i know thanks for buying them for me forget it remember shanghai the day you took me out along bubbling well road picnic in the orchard remember what do you think i bought them for remember wasn't it the day after that they shipped me out almost makes me cry to think of it you and a hundred others standing on a dock waving lace handkerchiefs a knee and a hundred others on a ship waving our dumb arms off the next time i see you you got a husband brother i just fought the war for the wrong piece of real estate the guys who fought here had all the breaks have you done what i asked you about julian of course mike callahan private eye and you discovered i discovered that your husband is very easily followed in the crowd because of his upright and military bearing that he saves the price of the morning papers by grabbing a free look in the reading room of the english officers club and that he can't resist rubbernecking at that excavation for the new department store on lao yi street and although i don't know how closely he's tied in with him he at least has a speaking acquaintance with a character called guzik guzik messenger boy bodyguard an all-around assassin for one alexis paderis and in case you don't know one alexis baderis is the big operator i know i know [Music] why did guzik and julian meet what do they talk about it's clumsiness i admit but i haven't been able to get close enough to over here and still stay out of sight sometimes as though it might be dangerous you can say that again once i was watching them so close i didn't see where i was going and almost fell down a manhole and another time i get clobbered by a revolving door oh stop it i mean for julian well it could be depends on how deep he's involved what kind of a project they got on for all i know guzik and he was just swapping bets on the dog races that's what i want you to find out next mike how he's involved with goosey why he meets him what they do talk about no thanks this was my last day i'm handing in my badge oh you know he keeps talking about how he can't keep living on my money how he should be the one who supports us [Music] i'm really afraid for afraid of what he might do okay suppose i do keep on his trail and i find out that he's planning to knock over a bank whether he shills little children for a sausage factory or that he's selling military information he's a spy what do i do then gumshoe back here and spill it all to you no thanks you see going along the way we have been i can always tell myself that i've got some second chance with you someday but spying on a man through keyholes and coming back and singing to his wife he'd hate me and so would you the car from government house is overdue and our major bone i'll take care of bone he just seated doctor o'connor oh thanks oh boy but i've been briefed too remember get set car coming two flags in the crowd that's it let's [Applause] go no hurry we're a few minutes early and i don't want to be seen hanging about the air drone before o'connor's plane gets in very good sir but once o'connor's in the car drive as fast as possible and remember stop for nothing [Music] someone's in an awful hurry [Music] so [Applause] [Music] hello what's this pop out and give those chaps a hand get them out of the way very good sir [Music] what's going on here come on let's get it out of the way come on come on let's move it let's move it what are they doing come on come on hurry up this car coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] hurry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] attention plea attention all disembarking passenger will professor sean o'connor please come to the information desk professor o'connor [Music] professor you are professor o'connor my name is hayden robert hayden yes of course sir but that was just for the flight from colombo my name is bone i'm attached to the staff of the governor sir charles cootes i guess it's all right major very good of you to meet me i must say it was a bit of a surprise to hear my name over the public address system i'm sure it was i have a car waiting your luggage is being taken care of if you're ready we can leave it once i'm sorry major i'll have to see your permission to enter this area the airdrome has been off limits to all unauthorized military personnel since six this evening i'm under special orders from the governor so no pass will be necessary but uh allow me to congratulate you corporal on your alertness i'm sorry major i'll have to have your name and regimen freitas will have to put you on report for being off limits major ian bone 106 queens highlanders and allow me to congratulate you again corporal on your alertness it may interest you to know that all off-limits reports have to cross my desk you won't mind if i take my name off the list will you not at all stay out of it callahan and stay away from julian march next time will be worse [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i used to teach quantum mechanics at cambridge 10 years ago it didn't matter two pins where i went or when now as a nuclear physicist i dare to cross the street without having some intelligence chap breathing down the back of my neck that's what you are military intelligence isn't it as a matter of fact yes sir i thought so the viceregal limousine and so on i don't seem to recognize this area mind if i do either my memory is very much at fault or we are not heading for government house we're taking a rather roundabout route sir heaven's name why can't we drive directly there your security risk this particular route is guarded every inch of the way oh really i haven't seen any sign of guards quite a coincidence what's that a command car don't turn here drive straight on uh we should be there in about 10 minutes sir so charles is expecting us about midnight i can't for the life of me understand why we dodge about all these back streets take your picture mister very clear very sharp five shillings please 12 o'clock tomorrow we'll be right here very clear pictures very sharp would like to take my picture leave one now look here major where are we we're almost there sir we're in fuchow road that's down near the waterfront how do you want me to pose are you going to take my picture you already have your lucky ticket julie in the march i just don't like it at all for two pins i'd get out and take a cab i'm afraid i couldn't let you do that sir i certainly don't see why not hey sir get out of here [Music] speed it up major boon what is going on head for the alley and stay off poop chow road mr callahan mr callahan you there [Applause] [Applause] who did this to you whoever he is they're not playing for bob wait tops i show you you got something got plenty i think very clear very sharp my good friend julian march but who's the other one i do not know but they were in the vice regal car where's the negative in my dark room is this the only print i did not take time to print more this is an enlargement taken down on fuchsia our road listen while i want you to print a couple of more of these and bring them back here with the negative you got that will you be here well you may have to wait this i'm showing to someone i might have to wait a long time look what they do already it's a good point you're bringing up if i'm not here an hour from now take your pictures to inspect the mccullum police headquarters gloucester road now beat it and watch yourself you need help mr callahan any kind of help you know where to come you know lee wong is your friend i know wong yeah thanks no on your way the one was to be left then but with the approaching car there could be no shooting but you march mr badarus listen to me i'm just a little bored with listening to you but i tell you there was nothing else i could do you were instructed to transfer professor o'connor into another of our cars in the alley next to cafe street but there was a command car parked not 10 yards from the alley we had to go on but not into fuchow road you idiot the one street in singapore were your best known i've learned many things in life mr march but never to suffer fools gladly professor o'connor is already in the mainland before they could blockade the causeway but your bungling could have led them directly to us or to be more to the point to me but you don't know this fellow took it you're not sure if he did and it fell into the wrong hands huh you see mr march you'd be arrested at once and with the future of a man like professor o'connor at stake even the british would forget their cricket for a while and forgive me for saying so but i don't think you're the type of man who can stand up to a ruthless questioning but you don't even know if there is a picture you're not sure if there were one chance in a million i couldn't accept it and besides you know where we're taking the professor well that's not really fair i did my part without me you couldn't have got o'connor without you we're sure of keeping him you mean just because there might be a picture in existence can you say that there is not a picture in existence well we could find out music has to be across the street by dawn well there's still time this fellow who took it i might know where you could find him would it conflict with your rather perverted sense of honor if you told me exactly where we can find him since you understand that it may allow you to live for a little longer his name's wong lee wong he has a shop over on really lucky they threw me in the water i suppose but general brown should have done what i suggested to charles brought him in under escort well i'm only the governor here i don't make the arrangements the other persons were screened but a con had a bogus passport we never dreamt that anybody could pull it off isn't as bad as that sir make no mistake about it mccullum we're on the verge of the gravest possible kind of international crisis first of all there was a race for the atom bomb now it's this new kind of horror and they're after our top brains again professor o'connor is one of the four men in the whole world who know how to detonate the h h-bomb that's what he was on his way to australia to do you mean then that is through who else well we're searching the city thoroughly i've called every man available on the force for active duty i'm rounding up all of the planters and every responsible man i can lay behind them did you tell them why they've been called no not in detail just search national emergency first thing we have to do is find your casa but what about the causeway to the mainland the road's blocked shut down tight bone what do you think our chances are not good [Music] [Applause] [Music] is julian here no what are you looking for a uniform yeah try and make sure he's gonna be okay well this is it now what stay away from julian march that's what they said when they finished chopping on me if that doesn't sound suspicious enough take a look at this when with this taken tonight what does it mean whatever it means it can't be good we must find it we've got to help poor mike we've got to find him mike we've got to find him and help he's not as as wise as you are he can't always take care of himself you'd defend him whatever he did wouldn't you i i suppose i would he's my husband and you picked him didn't you what a lulu that car is probably stolen you know and he's impersonating an officer yes sir you sure picked yourself a husband a regular first-class chromium-plated prize winner shut up mike shut up i can't walk out on him now can i now when he's probably in deeper than he's ever been you wouldn't think much of me if i did that would you no you couldn't i guess i know yeah you wouldn't walk out on anybody anybody you loved let's say for my husband i liked liked liked [Music] are you telling me that julian's my husband after you left shanghai mike i met julian and he was sweet to me and nice and i didn't even know if you'd come back and i was so lonesome for you just you mike are you really saying i've got a chance more than that then what's stopping us julian's stomping us can't run out on him when he's in trouble can we you can't i guess no okay can you find out where he is i know i can then i'll try to pull him out of it and then just the two of us you and me perhaps even tomorrow but how do i know [Music] so simple must be a matter of practice where's the negative here's the print the negative is over there could there be more prince no this is a new life for julian march do you have a knife on his desk yes federer says this will secure march's allegiance to us it's too bad but he is not yet dead only choked a little better finish [Music] we know the car came along here but not even one of them now they all saw it what are we up against inspector tell me what can keep a whole street quiet nobody loves us at this end of the town nature we must have asked at least 50 people you didn't ask me what did you say i said you didn't ask me inspector well now you wouldn't want an informer to go unrewarded would you inspect it already you're very lucky inspector i saw the car i even slowly won't take a picture of it that's right inspector [Music] the trap is sprung you sure you don't want me to come into the room no you wait outside on the corridor we'll follow bones instructions to the letter yes it'll watch him sir [Applause] [Applause] callaghan it's an odd time you're choosing to call inspector who are you expecting by inspecting how indiscreet actually i was expecting a ladder set for his portrait tonight maybe one or two of his friends if you're looking for something in particular maybe i can help i'm looking for your friend julian march oh what a pity and him so elusive and all you've had a good run in singapore callaghan but this time i think you're at the end of your rope where's march that's something i'd like to know too well never mind we'll pick him up when we do we'll have the both of you for what tonight an officer of the military intelligence was struck down on the way to the eardrum someone took his place and kidnapped an atomic scientist by the name of sean o'connor very few officers in singapore could impersonate that man march is one of them i've heard of sean o'connor did you ever hear of a girl called mayling she saw a picture taken of the vice regal car on fuchal road i went to see the man that took that picture i'm arresting you for murder callahan who's murdered lee wong you and march were in this thing together you killed wong to get that picture the negative of which we've been unable to discover with me you send them back there to be killed with this inscribed paper knife taken from march's desk my laboratory tells me that his fingerprints were on it and yours too now everything's very clear very sharp shall we go it's not me you want inspector this is the first i've heard about wang or o'connor then perhaps you could explain this come on let's go callahan sergeant forbes is waiting for you in the hall [Applause] well it worked are you all right sir yes i'm all right he'll lead us to a connor or march and then we can hang him major bone and the others better not [Music] lose [Music] so [Music] so [Music] sorry lad [Music] [Applause] this entire area he's in here somewhere deploy your men seal him up [Music] who's that what do you want callahan most of all as you take a pretty big risk just to get yourself a shirt you haven't heard anything yet i'm listening this time it's me this morning information johnny and i want it so bad i'll kill you if i don't get it so mind if i get up let's have the pitch that hiding place in the jungle where you wanted to store your hijacked rubber the village of death where your boys saw guzik and paderas where is it i was kind of keeping that information for myself not anymore you're not you have to have an angle i have my neck if you're on the run you don't have many cars left to play do you only this you wouldn't use it it's too early in the morning to take you seriously where where did your boys see goose again padarus no dice better be on your way you were going to bring me some information remember i'll break it why but what for information as for what where is it okay okay where 120 miles northwest of here near equal tell me more let me out of this i'll talk [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] no mike mike what is it [Music] hold it why did you think it might be julian he was here earlier to say goodbye julian was here he changed clothes wouldn't you try to stop him of course but i couldn't how did he explain this and wong's picture he said he was smuggling gold said he'd be in the jungle for three days and i was to meet him a week from now and rangoon who are you hiding from from the columns boys and another fella were you followed yes but not here but they could be looking for me here if they thought of you suppose the police do find you with me well and be wanting to hang to both of us you too you can joke tears won't help they might we better get rid of this uniform or they will hang us when you hear the real story francie quite a man this husband of yours if the war on i could have been shot when there was a war on the charles i was you had the entire outcome of this affair resting on this chat color you let him slip through your fingers on the off chance that he might lead you somewhere were you out of your mind i must take my share of the responsibility sir i went along completely with the idea no no no no this was major burns of her uh you know general brown will probably have you hide for this let's hear from you bone what possibly could have possessed you callahan sir i'm not sure we're right about callahan why the fellow is an out-and-out blaggard not according to what i turned up his name's not callahan to start with it's corrigan and when the enemy was here he gave a very good account of himself yes well it's now that i'm interested in whatever his name is on his record he wouldn't commit murder and he wouldn't act anything like the sean o'connor business with colin what is his record but callahan is a combination of beachcomber and soldier fortune i've been trying for two years to put my hands on him he knows the china coast like the back of his hand he's wanted everywhere from batavia tobias bay what for false pretenses in shanghai smuggling in hong kong illegal entry in canton and fraud and macau why don't they extradite him not enough evidence what you mean is they really haven't got anything on him at all that's hardly the record of a murderous traitor excuse me sir new judgment will stop bellowing at each other for a moment i think we have a visitor oh who is it i don't know sir strange looking customer there's only one chip that i want to see all talk to now that's general brown look at the time gentlemen two companies of troops out two squadrons of aircraft and neither hell nor height of this japakana that they found not a sign of him queen here and penang i tell you gentlemen every one of you we must have action yes yes mr alexis pederis to see who your excellency i told the man servant to keep him in the answer room my apologies to mr alexis padillas and tell him i will see no one i believe you'll see me sir charles how do you do gentlemen uh permit me alexis federis that's your service what is the meaning of this sir well you cry for action sir charles and i've come to supply it i'm here to discuss the fate of professor o'connor bone now then i shall be brief professor o'connor is my uh guest i'm keeping him in safe custody well where is he where you won't find him if you were to search for a month he's for sale gentlemen to the western powers or to the communists are you unhinged i've been planning this coup for some time my problem has been of course to get my man within geographical reach of both the allies and those other possible purchases at the same time now it's possible here in malaya and it's possible along the iron curtain itself and no other place why shouldn't you be taken into custody as a maniacer enough of that sir charles you have little right to say who is or who is not insane uh to convince you of my authenticity i uh persuaded professor o'connor to send you this he was stubborn of course but later on he relented first class chess player o'connor i'm in the hands of alexis paderis o'connor you see gentlemen in the old days they kidnapped emperors then more recently it's been the custom to hold the children of rich or ransom look what i have the prize of nations one of the few men on earth with the secret of the hydrogen bomb a secret that others would give so very much to learn i give you 24 hours to get an answer to my terms 24 hours no longer and uh what are your terms five million dollars in gold payable to me at the swiss international bank in ten years ten days after i receive payment that have left ten years you will learn where to find professor o'connor he will be alive and well five million dollars in gold precisely the price gentlemen of one day's atomic research the price of five minutes of atomic war um please see that i am not intruded upon for the next 24 hours i can sell o'connor so easily elsewhere my staff work is a great deal better than general bryant's you'll find me at raffles hotel uh i i'm in the colonial suite that's ironic isn't it all right bud all right good night you sir charles [Applause] he gives us 24 hours things never clear up they've got to be cleared up and i'm on the hook but good three ways i was with juan last night that knife had my prince on it and i had the picture then what can you do there's only one thing get to that village how i'm figuring that and when you do if you do coax the truth out of one of those boys suppose suppose it turned out that that it was julian who killed wall well then that's the way that'd have to turn out that's a chance we'd have to take but i don't really think it's that way i don't think julian's a murderer and no matter what else he's done if he hasn't done that i'm bringing him back safe but once he's back he has to face those charges well it's my opinion that when uh wong took that picture everything fell to pieces with julian no i mean those charges i know somebody who might fix them if that's all they are okay let's hope so i know how you feel about having him safe and our deal still goes all the way i'll slug it out for julian just like i'd slug it out for myself because it wouldn't be good for either of us if we gave them a bad deal [Music] you sold me on that fantasy you sold me real good what's wrong change your mind please i'm worried it's the first time you say it seemed like a lose both of you take it easy honey both of us you won't lose and what can we do as long as this day i can't do a thing but you can go to another telephone and call a gas station on the mainland near hopang landing i'll give you the number we had a bottled up here in this area bounded by these four streets well it's too late in the day to worry about callaghan we're moving heaven and earth but we have to keep checking on o'connor and checking on padarus there's nothing new on paderas no except that he came here from rome that other raffles will tell about four months these papers say that he's an investor meaning anything and nothing mccullum here oh yes sir yes sir nine o'clock guess he's here with me now very good sir well there's a conference at government house tonight the military force civil service you and i is sealing the peninsula the border the coast the air everything if uh i'm not there you might make my excuses when they call the rule will you or will you be or i really botched things out letting callum get away and all i sort of feel like trying to put things back in order callahan couldn't have gone through us all over it so somewhere in here he must have gone under us [Music] the boat will be waiting at the foot of the steps by the fishing ward if you're stopped by an mtb on the way across wing said to go over the side and stay underwater for how long what about the car one of who sandsmen will be in the palm grove with it near the landing there's something else i'll be needing a gun i should have remembered i can't go back to my place they'll have it covered for sure [Applause] julian gave it to me long ago i taught me to use it too well good for julian how will you get to the waterfront the same way i baffled mccollum and his boys and getting here well time to say goodbye yes come back to me soon ring julian i'll come back you'll be with me fantasy there were other girls lots of them but for me you were the only one who was way up there on that hill the only one who was straight from beginning to end [Music] hmm [Music] callaghan that's me must hurry to catch tight at hoping my next open landing huh well i'll be there for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] car coming george who's in command here i am sir i'm major bone military intelligence yes sir i've just come from hope ping landing has a filler path through here in the last 10 minutes driving an old open car no sir i took the wrong fork he has to be on the coast road look sergeant get on the wireless get the road block on the coast road between amgong and kotalumpo tell them i'm on my way tell them that the man driving the car s-32659 has to be that true they got that s32659 yes sir where's the nearest tractor to the coast about two miles north from the right turn all right bobby [Music] here he comes what's the travel no trouble everything's in order just a routine check what's your destination van dion everything's in order any more roadblocks outstanding you might strike a patrol go ahead that was the man all right i hope major bone knows what he's doing [Applause] you're ten minutes behind him major radio ahead controls near the road tell them to be on the lookout for it there's a squad near bandiong and another one about 10 miles south of iphone see that they're warm if he leaves the road before i catch him i want to know about it [Applause] that was him harry bandy on patroller major bone bandy on patrol to major bone over getting you he just passed us now major as hard as he could go over watch for me soldier i want to know how far he is ahead over you're coming up on us now he's about a minute in front of you over good out heading for hebrew [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh to evil patrol over people patrol come in [Music] to improve patrol over [Music] looking for someone wouldn't move mac the name's bone major ian bo yeah i know you're the character that organized that hunt from future road last night you're the wrong way from fucha road aren't you but you're caught up at last don't you think it's about time no you can say that again now major you're not taking me back you know not yet anyway if i knew just what to make of you perhaps i wouldn't want to or even have to whatever you're making me major i'm going in after a fella called where do you stand right where you do on very thin eyes you know i was supposed to bring you in not follow you he's o'connor in the village i think so probably an old shack at the other end of town what made you think you could take them alone ah it's a little pistol practice i'm needing should we go major why certainly after you uh this way all right men fall out find major bone again if who patrol calling bone epo patrol calling bone over there's no use that we're running out of juice are you sure you're all right i can get everything there's major bowen set with no uses hmm i don't like this much he was heading this way when he turned off the ipoo road all right man let's move you can follow me now major quite a problem isn't it there's a lad up there on the roof that has me baffled [Music] by the way huh i'll never get any credit for you know but i told mccollum he didn't understand the irish should we go in after a connor together right the land on the roof is mine you get him i'll take the sentry [Music] [Applause] [Music] the four more in the hell on the left cover me right [Applause] [Music] all right time we heard from baderis take it easy we'll hear from them i can't stand this waiting wong hadn't taken that picture we've paid them off and full but if anything goes wrong i'll hang too i was hired to get o'connor from the airport not to hang by you [Applause] [Music] hold it that yell what was it you're kind of nervous what was it a leopard eating a monkey [Music] understand do you think they might have heard that yell on the shack it's going to be a little sticky if they did hey what do you got there grenades oh fused uh-huh where did you learn to handle grenades well my father was a general in the irish republican army my father was a colonel in the black and then well as they say rank is everything in life next up the shank next stop showing o'connor you will decide i'll take the other let's go [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i should have seen him we both seen him [Music] there are two of them coming out from behind the jeep get it [Music] [Music] you're on your own mouse good luck soldier i can't leave you like this you can't do anything else but leave me i'll wait here for you i'll be back to get you one way or another i won't move i'll be right here when you get back yeah [Music] yeah sure you will see anything move no go out and see what's happening i'm not going through that door i give the orders no if i leave this shack i'm heading straight for the jungle you see anything move shoot get him through yes sir epo patrol to brigade epo patrol to brigade over evo patrol moving north to investigate shooting estimated one mile 168 degrees from grid reference two two four two two seven over somebody's waters just one map where it is we can't see him now he's too close to the wall are there others can you see any others [Music] where is he where can he be [Music] [Music] that was the army out there [Music] [Music] [Music] hello julian am i intruding be careful with those guns gentlemen what's the matter good is it the shock of your life i'm giving you raise your hands it'd be a pleasure the pins are out they only have to fall out of my hands anyone care to let fly krusic he has the right idea if i drop these things they'll blow the four of you to kingdom come and you too i'm willing are you where is sean o'connor i'm gonna drop him he's in there o'connor i'm in here so you know he's still alive o'connor's gonna walk out of this place through the village through the jungle to my car you can guess the rest can't you we wait here until he sends someone back with troops the doors would pay he would make you rich for life what's in it for you mike o'connor's life doesn't mean anything to you maybe but francie's life and the way she lives means a lot to me right now she wants you out of this safely out throw those grenades out of the window and we can all get out of this not until i find out who killed one goosey did it and you too no i didn't know they were going to kill wong but you know where they could find him guzik knifed him mr march you talk too much let him talk what difference does it make the show is over there's only one way out only one way out julian only o'connor could save your neck now guzik go get o'connor but you kill him bring o'connor out here what do you kill him i tell you only if you let him get moving now but he's a complete fanatic he'll never let you get a connor alive this is your chance junior you're one way out stop goosik or hang take the chance julian now you mike they won't hang me because you'll be dead i'll be the rescuer of o'connor i'll be a national hero stand back julian after you there won't be any more and furnaces will never know fantasy knows you can't be a hero on the double [Music] oh it sounds as though you'd be in good hands they'll bring you two and i wouldn't be making a good hero either [Music] so long julian [Music] mike oh mike they told me you were back i just came from someone close to the governor-general they promised to fix it so julian will only be charged with impersonating an officer you see i knew you'd bring him back safe i have to talk fast before julian gets here don't i [Music] in shanghai after you left i had a little problem of earning a living finally i discovered that for a girl who had no parents no profession or training [Music] there were certain problems [Music] i solved those problems in the only way i could [Music] julian when he came along knew about that yeti he said he loved me and he asked me to marry oh mike our orchard our plum blossoms they were nice but imagine mike if i waited for you and then i told you how you'd have detested me for not being as you remembered how i eventually would have detested you that's why i lied to you the other night that's it's why i love julian because he he loves me as i really am when will he be here he won't be here how did he die quickly [Music] he really killed himself i could have pulled him through i would have stood up for him lied for him covered him you killed him i only did what i had to you murdered him he could make you love him but when i came to the showdown he turned traitor he tried to kill me he tried to you don't breathe a word against him picnics plum plus way up on a hill am i looking at me as if i was a sink couldn't you see the way i looked the way i sang what i was that gun i gave you you didn't think i learned to keep that under my pillow before i even met you how do you think i could be so friendly with someone close to the governor you weren't in love with me you were in love with some goofy 18 year old a lilly white doll in your own mind well julian loved me [Music] you you murdered him for me well this is all you'll ever gonna be [Music] [Music] good evening mr callahan it is said you're in need of a friend do not worry you are the luck of your father and mother your luck is here take a chance mr callahan thanks melanie not now maybe tomorrow love is a white bird yet you cannot fire [Music] you
Channel: Broken Trout
Views: 453,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crime, drama, full length movie, crime noir full movie, film noir full movies, film noir detective full movies, broken trout movies, film noir movies full length, film noir movies, crime drama movies, crime drama movies full length, film noir crime movies, film noir crime drama movies, crime noir full movies, crime noir films, crime noir movies, 1950s, film noir, classic film noir full movies, American detective films, Cold War films, American black-and-white films
Id: 2yCGt_4QYtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 53sec (4913 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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