Broken World War II Helmet Restoration
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: WWII Tube Restoration
Views: 1,315,331
Rating: 4.5893559 out of 5
Keywords: Restoration videos, WW2, Helmet Restoration, Реставрация, World War II, Rusted Helmet Restoration, restoration, restore, youtube restoration, how to restore, ww2 helmet restoration, ww2 helmet, Restoration Rusty Helmet SSh-36, Restoration Rusty Helmet, WWII tube restoration, Rusty restoration, Rusty helmet, Romanian helmet, Netherlands M34 helmet
Id: QwX9-ykvzds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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which country’s army is this from?
that green tells me "you're go ahead and shoot me". Very nicely done otherwise, can't tell that there was such bad cracks in it afterwards
wow incredible good work
What did you use to remove the rust and what is it you’re burning off with the blowtorch?
Oh my goodness, for a second there I thought it was the ‘insane school lunches’ from Ned’s Declassified 🤦🏽♀️
The power tool was nerve racking with that old material ... pretty awesome though
How long did you leave it in the solution bath?
Incredible restoration 👍