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[Music] hey folks Johnson here today is Franklin day we're gonna start taking the engine part on the Franklin see if we can get it to hit two cylinders off and so what we can do with it okay so we had some people that mentioned about head gasket stuff like this don't have it get head gaskets at all these heads don't bolt onto the sunders they're all made one piece and pull the cylinder off it's like an airplane so there's no way of getting a blow to head gasket so every gasket for this engine basically you can make with no problem what start getting the manifolds off and we'll go from there okay cut the exhaust off of this side would have decided to do we'll pack rags in the pipes on me and then we're going to pressure wash and try to get everything cleaned and try to get two cylinders as clean as we can get them before we take everything apart we've got Scott here some buy and he's pulling some bolts out of the intake manifold on this side and we're gonna try to get them off here and then we'll do the same thing we'll plug these holes off and that way when you get the pressure washer in there a little bit project roll far out a little bit so we can get her cleaned up because it's definitely packed with grease and dirt we've gotta get even if we get these off I'm gonna have to get these solders planed that airflow will go down through I only use this system I don't think they use this in a year or two most of them I've seen is long weighs bigger fans different different setups so they changed along the way but I do know that if it's clogged up it's not gonna work right that's our main objective I'll try to get as much of it don't tell us we can get okay got the manifolds off well I got this one off Scott got the other one off and we've got everything taped off I use that 3m oil type because it does a real good job it's flex pay flex seal but uh as seen on TV so we get the plugs back in it and I don't have another plug to put in there unless I put a new one in I don't want to do that so we use this hide it there so I think we're about ready to push a wall and get all this gunk out of here all right all right so we've good a lot of it first of all taking a lot to get it off it's pretty dirty but I have figured out that the summers are copper jackets around them so they should clean up it of course blocks along them the housings aluminum and everything's coming pretty clean muttering it was water is running down through when you spray it it's coming right down through them so there's pretty good so we'll start tearing it down here probably tomorrow and see if we can now find some stuck rings and cracked rings and some valve issues and all that good stuff all right okay so we got about yesterday without much rain it off but today it rained well it's still raining as we speak this thing didn't dry off too good because the humidity so bad you don't have to pressure washing it but that's okay we'll go ahead and start tearing it down try to at least get a cylinder off so we can see what we're dealing with and you see I'd like to get one of them off that I know wasn't a real high compression any one of these centers this front one in the back one was probably the two best I believe and said we will go ahead and see what we've got to do to to pull them this cover can't come off first don't split anywhere and it's underneath of the intake and exhaust ports so it's got to stay on when we lift that off so we're gonna take this hood off to get the height up far enough and what I think first of all go ahead and remove the valve cover and pushrod tubes rocker assembly a rocker box is what you would call it we just got the pen that runs through it that that holds the rocker so go ahead and take that off and trying to do by I'm just debating on which cylinder I really want to do of course well mark and make sure they go back in the same spot I mean like I said yeah they all go coming far but I don't know how much I'm gonna get done today so whatever I doing was showing video and we'll see see what we can get figured out all right okay pretty easy take the rocker box off just take these two bolts off and I'll show you how how that comes before you got the entire rocker box with your pivot and your rockers now you didn't have to I didn't have to take the center boat out I did but I don't have to I know now that just clamps down and holds that the pan and we rocker step if it on and pretty simple comes apart and the push rods are still in it they stay inside and then you've got I guess these will be your few guides and your lifters so basically that's it you can see the lobe of the camp lifter goes in the guide goes down on slides in and then your push up tube gives a ball you know over I guess that uh seats it all off so it's pretty simple setup so now we just need to take the four bolts we got a lock bolt or well double nut it's won't ever one I guess they've done that sort of getting back loose and we'll go ahead and get these off and should be able to get this sewn er up out by itself and like I said I may end up having to pull the hood off I don't know if it's gonna hit it or not but we'll see and get it up out of there alright alright we got the Ford nuts or Willie now it's actually off the bottom of the solar we see if we get a loosen up and pull it off and hopefully we can get it and we didn't have to pull hood ya know stuck rains and if you remember I did put all in lolis cylinders and checking and determined that the valves was the issue and I got a feeling that's gonna be our issue is probably pitting in the probably the exhaust seats because it seems to be common on you know the stuff I tear down so a little carbon buildup none of the Rings are stuck you see Pistons made with some splits in it they did a lot of weird stuff back then I don't know yeah the other side split sign looks like well that's not a break because of the I don't think that's a break in the piston let's go the other side I'm about to break in the piston or not if it is I don't know how it would have gotten there it really is not a big issue if it is I would run with it as long as its radius can't crack gaskets as you can see are broke so we'll have to make them but that won't be a problem at all and I don't know that I would make and be honest with you I think with the you know the sealers out now might not go without them just few sealer black RTV the you know your main thing is to get it really clean but so far so good I'm not seeing anything real bad we're gonna put one of these rings up we'll put it in the cylinder and just check a ring gap real quick and maybe we'll try to check the valves out see what they look like now when I get ready to do the work on these when it comes to even well I'm I can pull the vows possibly without anything's too special but you know it's gonna take some some work to to do the seats and stuff like that so I might have to make some stuff and you know come up with what I need to do it just like said the cylinder head does not come off of these so let's get a ring real quick just stick it in there and see what kind of ring in gas we've got okay wiped it down to measure we've got about three and quarter bore pulled the top ring off and when I pulled it off it really kind of they don't have much spring pressure whatsoever I'm gonna string I could probably put it back on pretty easy yeah with one hand as you can see it's just not much there but when I go to put it in it's got a tapered ring gap it's not straight now you know that's not important when it comes to a replacement you know you can have it either way but what I want to do is stick it in there and see how much it closes up compared not much so let's see if we got a straight one here I don't know finish all these our angle cut embryo second one here third one is this is four ring pistons yep including the old ring they're all cut at an angle so it's gonna be hard to check better we can uh we can get a Pilar's gauge and check the ringing gap at an angle we just can't see it really well your closes up pretty good but the rings are so weak I mean there's just not not much spring pressure there whatsoever I mean they are closing up the gaps going to be pretty darn big so I think we'll do some measuring on these cylinders and what we'll do is measure them here you know about Midway's and then down and then we'll turn it and measure them again to make sure there's no egg shaping or anything like that there's a good long stroke on these things too so pretty pretty amazing so you know minimum set of rings which you know is doable I don't know if anybody's familiar with Auto engine works ot TOI thinks what it is they make sauna rings up to 86 inches and when I say to six inches I mean 86 inch bore down to you know half inch bore they're nearly nothing and so you can get any any rings you want to get and they're not crazy expensive I mean I might have to spend a couple hundred dollars but I mean whatever we got to do to to get it together and what we'll do is I'll do all the measurements and we'll see what we need to do with we need to get a little bit oversized with the Rings and file fit them and then you know possibly knurl the bottoms the Pistons a little better to make sure we don't have any Pistons laughs or anything like that and we'll check the valves it's probably the next thing we'll do is try to pull these valves out I think I can probably get it by hand with the springs tension you know light like they are they don't turn a lot of rpms so they don't they didn't have a real heavy spring tension like they do in later engines another thing too you know we've a lot of people was commenting about the compression you know I was surprised this thing was running I wasn't surprised it was running because of low compression I was more surprised at running because of the the variation of compression but the fact that what four of these cylinders was down really low seventy-five 545 was really iffy the other ones that you know 25 30 whatever they were I'm surprised they was running on you know I had antique tractors for years I know what you know real low compression is I'm used to the kerosene tractors when you started him up and warmed him up on gasoline and then switch them over to kerosene you know most some tractors only three and a half to one compression and it was normal for a 50 psi reading on a gauge and it's just a it varied so much on this engine and it seemed like number one cylinder was the only really good cylinder on here and that was the cylinder that the the only one that wasn't a spark plug wasn't black on so of course we're gonna do something about it and as you can see so far it's really not that much to it it's pretty pretty simple setup pretty simple to do no bottom end noises so we're fine there I'll show you how this thing off so it's going to all pump in it and the oil pump actually pushes up through the oil and this is gonna be a main journal main journal will be directly between the cylinders there's another main between the cylinders so I'm assuming this has got seven mains which I'm sure it does be in aluminum but you know a lot of engines skipped between two this one would have it everyone but what they've done is is you know you've got this running into the main journal of the bearing and then there's a hole in the crankshaft that runs from the main journal crossways in the crankshaft to the rod journal so as that all goes in it goes into the crankshaft travels through the crankshaft through that hole and then out the rod journal and that's what all your rod bearing and you know the fact that I started this engine first you know to hear it to know what was going on and everything that's what kept me from having to tear the whole thing down to rebuild it a lot of people just want to jump in tear it all the way far I'm not restoring it you know I don't restore cars I fix them and so that's what we're doing is we're gonna fix this engine make it run right and you know there's there's no bottom in noises there was no knocks we didn't have any issues there we just want to get this thing to run right so we just need to get to freshen up a little bit and make it a runner so that's my go I'm gonna go ahead and mark this cylinder well I'll go ahead and see if I get the valves out first but I'm gonna mark soldering and we'll get two other ones off too and pretty easy to do not nearly as bad as some cars and it's kind of nice you could do one at a time if you really needed to if you had one sooner that was a known compression you can fix that particular sunder without you don't even have to mess with the other stuff so and this is airplane technologies what it is they were known for building airplane engines and anyway alright I'm gonna get it [Music] here's the intake valve there's enough corrosion and stuff on it too for it to be bypassing leaking some no doubt about it check out the exhaust here's our exhaust file as you can see rough as a car so I'm sure we would have major seating issue we can get worse and see these seats in it these will be the hardest thing to have to deal with I'm sure okay I don't know how well you gonna be able to see it but the exhaust seats going to be on the right and intake would be on the left and I'd say it's fitted pretty bad so we'll definitely have to do some work to the seats and check the guys really well and possibly redo the gods if we need to okay folks after we're going and getting my glasses and a flashlight and looking down that soner I'm about a hundred percent sure that that's our issue is are them exhaust seats are pitted bad that's what happens when something sits for 70 years or however long and so what we'll do we're gonna get these rusty cylinders off and if there's anything that comes up that looks scary or anything else let you know and if not we'll get them off and get our holes covered there and we'll probably end up pulling pulling the Pistons off and cleaning them up good clean the ring groove out putting the new rings on and putting these things back together I'm hoping not to have to knurl them but if we do we do I said the Rings we're going to be putting on it is going to be mated probably a little different than these way these are staggered cut at an angle well they're not staggered staggered would be out down and then in and that would overlap I'm neither just cut at an angle so and full ring pissed and that's what they used to do on you know big trucks and stuff but if I was tractor pulling instead of the the common 2000s clearance you've got on a piston between a piston and its owner wall you know we would up that to five thousands and you may get a little piston slap out of it but you cut down on friction so much and then I would probably run the oil ring and maybe the two top rings if not just the top ring to cut down on ring friction as long as you can keep your compression up the less amount of friction less amount of rings the shorter your pistons I mean anything to lose friction is where you gain horsepower so but we're not gonna try to pull this code this engine so I don't think it matters so while I guess I'll just continue to get the cylinders off and bag and tag everything all right [Music] at number two off no ring stuck little broken ring okay pretty something I didn't even notice her at first but didn't take long number two piston is nothing like number three fifty as you can see we've got the split in it and the sides are made different where it goes on so it's just an altogether different piston and which is fine don't bother me a bit you know you know I don't know what the weight wise it may throw the balance out a little bit if it's a different weighted piston it's hard to say if somebody I just came up with a piston or if it was a replacement for it or for what because you know I was gonna say if I was needing pistons for this thing you know I'm not gonna be able to go to advance and get a set of Pistons for a franklin and probably nowhere else but you know I could match something up Oh what you need on pistons I'd like to use the Silverlight website and of course you need to lower the risk pen size you need a compression height which is from the center of the wristband to the top of the piston and if you can figure that and you can adapt for your bushing for your wristband usually if you get a bigger hole in the piston it's a lot easier or if you get a smaller oh you can push the center of the rod I've done both and you know just come up with your compression eyes your important thing and your bore of course and then everything else you know you can pretty much work with and run whatever Pistons you want now with this being a small bore like it is I'm sure there's some 50s model cars out there that ran that bore with a compression height that would you know work for what we need and we could actually get a brand new her new old stock set a piston you know let's say I'm not going to say for sure but I mean something like a thirty six dollars or something like that or you know something that would have the right bore any way but and even out of a for summer if you know if he was able to to get six Pistons but you know just because it was made to run a particular piston or something don't mean it have to you have to I mean there's a lot of ways around this stuff you know we're trying to put it back together and not cost us an arm and a leg you know we're not going to pull it down and do some stupid restoration where it's gonna cost thousands of dollars to put an engine back together and when I get it back together at a probably run just about as good as it would if they done it or you know if somebody puts it kind of money on but uh you know one thing about this engine you don't have to worry about blood head gaskets and you don't have to worry about it right here because it's definitely not gonna blow a head gasket but you know I'm surprised to see two different Pistons now we'll be able to see what's in all the other ones somebody had mentioned on the corner combat something that made a lot of sense to me they had said that when I quit smoking I got rid of my reward I didn't think much about it but when you get this you know with a project fabricating something building something you know the first thing you wanna do is walk back and look at what you're doing the light a cigarette and don't matter if it's a little job or a big job so that was exactly right that's uh that's what I done was cut out my reward system so you know you got to replace it with something else or you know just get through it in your mind and that's what I'm trying to do all right let's get this sonder off all right so it's looking like number two is the hot ball and that little cutout on the far side is on all these pistons so for these three so that's definitely not a break on the piston no ring step but same thing they don't feel they feel like they're just weak and I guess after a while sitting see coming off at easy they're just this frame pressure is gone let me show you I want to show you how you get this particular piece of rocker box and push rods and pushrod tubes out of here pull up through and they come up through the holes here that around so it all comes out in one one unit here you can see these are not sealed good there's no gaskets on them so when we pressure washed we get a little water in them so we get that water out anyway that's how you do it save one and six for last because of the situation with the panel I hope I can get one up out of there we'll see okay I hadn't planned to show a whole lot more because my card is about how you know how long this video is going to be but I'm gonna go ahead and get another card in I've got something I want to show on this piston okay so we got number one off and this is the one only one that really had good compression if anybody remembers but there's something different about this piston it's something different about the rings on it as you can see somebody has put rings on this it's got straight cut like we was gonna go probably have to go back with because also a spring spacer below that top ring but uh the piston is actually broke on the other side you see they've got a single no they got yeah a single ring there and I think a single on here no yeah there's singles for Tim originals somebody has replaced the top ring and when they replaced it they put a spacer in because he didn't have a ring wide enough but on the other side we've got a busted piston it's kind of funny because this is the cylinder that had the most compression but as you can see there's a lot of all on it too but uh it's got a busted spot there and I can see that we was running with that busted spot but if you looked in rings even where it's not busted this thing may have been run a while like that you see the taper and then watch the Rings as I lift up and down on them yeah them things have been wearing and running like that for a long time hmm that's kind of funny so we know we need gonna need one piston and somebody's already pull up replace the piston number two said oh I have to find piston number one somewhere so I'm gonna get on this back cylinder and see what comes of taking this off I don't know if my panel is gonna drop or or what here that's for course for the cooling thing let's get it okay pose to help us out locate the piston first thing Adem was do the measurement on the pen diameter seven eighths I'm done the measurement from the edge of the pan to the top of the piston and then I hacked the her / - on the pin diameter and then added that to the top and we come up with a two and a quarter inch compression height so from center pin to top of this ins two and a quarter so that's one of our main things we need and then we'll check the bore again the main thing we're going to be doing you know I finally got that other cylinder off that was a big pain but anyway what we're going to be doing mainly is a lot of cleanup and a lot of measuring and we're gonna try to figure out what we've got and make sure that we've we can come up with everything we need we'll check out the valve guides the seats we're not gonna put hard and seat or anything like that in we'll do the same thing that we've we've been doing with all these cars and run a lead additive so I haven't had any issues so far so I think we'll call it a video and start getting stuff cleaned up and trying to figure out exactly what we're gonna get ourselves into here I don't think it's gonna be a big issue I'm gonna go ahead and measure the ring widths on the piston so I'll go ahead and measure the diameter of the piston make sure we got the bore exact and we'll just go from there all right appreciate everybody watching and update on this one an update we'll definitely an update on the Roadster here real soon oh I wonder I did want to show something else on that what won't just matter okay I want to show you the clock here I did spend a lot of time working on this to get it right and get it the way I wanted it took it completely apart cleaned it and went through it if you notice it's got a second hand I don't think they ever originally had a second hand on them he does now here's what we've done actually cut a center hole and made a piece and did some welding and some fabricating and drilling and Bolton man we put together a clock that runs on a double-a battery and you know can always be changed out if it needs to be it's not hard to get it apart and that way we'll have a working clock and the the problem with the clock it was in here was it had so much play in it that everything was wore out I mean it just you know there's no bushings per se in no way of rolling over the years so it just completely wore out so anyway I forgot no adjustment here could have put a fake pin in there but it's not a big deal anyway well if we've got to redo this phenomena to make it look right and I am actually considering ordering a GPS speedometer that's a mechanical with a gauge and taking the parts out of it and putting into the other spin-off and if I do maybe I'll do a video on alright appreciate everybody watching and until next time bye
Channel: Jonathan W
Views: 177,256
Rating: 4.9383307 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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