19 The Great Powers of the Soul to Sustain My Life Sis Shivani 11 10 2019

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[Music] Shantay and good morning a week being in a pure vibration meditating listening only to spiritualize pure words eating high vibration meals energizing ourselves and it's time to go back tomorrow so today is the day to take a decision that am I going to make this of one week experience or am I going to make this one week an experience which changes the rest of my life because every week there are programs in this campus every weekend there are about 500 guests who come from all over India everyone's very energized at this end of the stay of three or four days but when they go back they have to make a decision before they return that is this going to be a three-day beautiful peaceful experience or is this going to be now a new way of living is it possible to be calm and peaceful and tranquil like this when we go back home and back to work possible possible is it possible to be in that same state of being when we go back to our homes our workplace our cities countries possible how many of you feel it's possible to be exactly like they're feeling over here and does anyone feel I'm not sure whether I'll be able to be in the same state of being or will I shift a little bit when things are not my way you know what things might not be our way even when we're just out of the gate of this campus last few months it's been raining so much in Mount Abu that the roads are also not hard way so they go bump-bump-bump and then you go travel to M the bar then you might get stuck in the traffic on the road and your drawers are not your way and then when you reach the airport suppose the flight is delayed then the flight is not your way and then if the air hostess doesn't talk to you politely then the staff is not your way and really even before you reach your country many situations will not be your way and we've not even yet reached home and so that's the time to take care spirituality and meditation is not about when we are meditating I'm very peaceful many peoples are very peaceful when I'm meditating anyone will be peaceful while meditating because there's no stimulus there is no situation there's no external situation which can cause a disturbance meditation is not meant for us to be peaceful during those 30 minutes meditation is to energize me so that I will be peaceful for the next 24 hours but for that what we need to do is the power that we fill in ourselves during meditation now we need to take care that we conserve that energy during the day so meditation and spiritual study fills power in the soul many people today feel that I have everything outside but I am NOT contented with life everything is perfect outside but I'm still not very happy the way I should be or I'm happy sometimes but I'm not happy always I'm not enthusiastic always I go through my ups and downs and ups and downs and that is because of lack of inner power and then we connect to the powerhouse and now visualize the soul like a battery so in this one week what has happened the battery has started getting charged by tomorrow when you leave your battery is charged now we need to take care that one we charge our battery on a daily basis we charge our battery on a daily basis which means the first thing we do is we commit to ourself personal commitment that I will continue spending at least 30 minutes daily for myself [Music] otherwise it won't take time for the battery to again go so we need to charge that battery daily and when we charge that battery daily which means we energize the soul daily by connecting to the power house we will start experiencing that power in daily life the first power that we will experience and you may have already experienced this in this one week but you want to see a lot of it in the coming week the first power is the power to be able to withdraw from the energy of situations and people like a tote ice when the door toys is in danger that or toys just goes into its shell once the door toys goes into its shell even an elephant can walk over at or toys at the door toys is safe because the tor toys just went into its shell that is the power to withdraw now we are not going to withdraw physically and move away but power to withdraw power to detach means I am untouched by the energy of situations and people we have lived a life for many lifetimes believing people and situations are the cause of how I am feeling and yesterday we all saw that we all have the power to even bless those who have wronged us did you find anyone during the day anyone else came on the screen of your mind whom you have to forgive you have to release you have to let go and most important send lot of blessings to them earlier we said they have wronged me why should I bless them when I said they have wronged me why should I bless them I got influenced by their energy because I said they wronged me I have the right to feel bad about it so their negative energy I consumed their negative energy and I got connected to their by pressure now power to withdraw means they have wronged me I will bless them their energy has no effect on my energy they will be their way what was our line yesterday they will be there where I will be I will be you'll have to say this at least 20 times in a day when you go back from tomorrow because they're gonna find lot of people who are going to be there way and we are going to withdraw from their energy and say they will be there where I will be my way when I say I will be my way which means I will choose how to be irrespective of how they are going to be I have been drawn from their energy the situation will be the way it's meant to be I will be I will be how many of you got a little disturbed when you were coming up the road because the road was bumpy doctor anyone got a little disturbed inside road bumpy yes one two now when we return the same Road now let the bump only be on the road not in the mind let the bumps be on the road and there are bumps on the road and they haven't managed to do anything to it in the last seven days so they are there for you on the way back now you're going to see the difference between when you were coming up and now when you're going down this time the bumps will be only on the road which means I do not allow my mind to entangle with the energy of the situation and keep saying inside how can their would be like this how can the road be like this it shouldn't have been like this don't they take care how can they not take care what is the government of this country doing all these thoughts do not allow the bumps to be only on the road then my mind goes and then I say I'm happy when the roads are smooth and which means my mind is dependent on the my mind is dependent on the road if my mind becomes dependent on the road my mind will never be stable in the bumps of life forget the bumps of the road life has bigger things but when I practice that on the road that the bump is on the road accepted it's not going to create anything here the maximum that the road can do is hit my body a little bit I go up and down up and on my body can get up not my mind every day I have to remind myself nothing can enter you're not the road not the situation not people here I am the master and when we create this thought we've gone into the shell we will not be physically withdraw from people we will be with people live with them work with them but withdraw from their energies which means your energy has no effect on me is it possible that someone is getting angry saying the wrong words shouting and I am calm and peaceful is that possible having able to be able to do that from next day Sunday Monday you're telling somebody is listening you know when you say yes or no someone is listening here they're going to scream shout out abused to do what they have to do I am going to be my way and when I start doing this very soon within a few days you will see magic with yourself and you will say oh I didn't even know I was so powerful I've spent all my life getting disturbed every time they shouted I've spent my life getting hurt and crying every time they were the wrong way and now suddenly I'm powerful only because now I'm aware that I am the creator of my feelings and when I detach and I am like this I have the power to influence them and heal them so the first power every soul is going to experience the first power emotional in the and ins detached withdrawn from the energy of situations and people the end of situation can be as insignificant as a bad road and the situation can be as serious as a crisis in a family or it can be as big as a death of a very close family member there only a spectrum of situations the equation remains the same I am peaceful when someone in the family is not well physically not well when someone in a family is going through a chronic disease how should the rest of the family be how should the rest of the family be and how do we normally be when someone is in pain around us just visualize four or five in a family one is physically unwell chronic illness long-term illness what does the person need around them what kind of energy should be there from the family suppose put yourself on that bed I am unwell what kind of energy do I need around me powerful calm peaceful what kind of energy do we give them anxiety fear pain and you know what do we say obviously I'll be in pain I'm so attached to them and we believed attachment was love and we say I'm so attached to my family I'm so attached to my friends and we thought attachment was love and we even said oh you know what when you are in pain I can freely open and everybody was very happy oh you love me so much you can feel my pain and when they cry we cry and we thought this was all love but when someone is in pain and we are in pain with them what are we doing to them someone is in pain and we also go in pain what are we doing to them we are adding pain to their existing pain our role as family and friends should be to pull them out of their pain but to pull them out of their pain first I will have to take care of myself four members of a family walking on the road and there was a huge pit and one member of the family fell into the pit what's the responsibility of the other three pull them out but if the other three say or we love you so much this is what we've been doing in the name of attachment spirituality spirituality teaches us emotional detachment people get very scared of the word detachment they thought oh we move away detachment equals to unconditional love attachment equals to conditional love but if I want to have unconditional love which means irrespective of what you do how the situation is love keeps flowing from me it's detachment like two children they are born joined you know we see joint twins how is life for them when they physically attach to each other what's quality of life sit together stand together sleep together walk together and now you operate on them and they become like this detached so once it's the other can stand life becomes very comfortable similarly to people emotionally attached one upset the other one upset one angry they are the one hurt because they are attached and now one starts meditating and becomes emotionally detached one upset the other one one is upset the other one comes stable powerful life becomes very comfortable and when I've come and stapled I'm able to radiate love and blessings even if they are doing wrong to me and that's how the world will change so the first power the experiences we are untouched by people's energy and situations energy we influence them with our energy when two people meet one has to influence the other is it the negative which will influence me or is it my purity which will influence then power to detach when we start inculcating this power the second power that will come to us very very naturally is the power to let go of everything we've held on to from the past because now we start vibrating at a higher frequency let go of past hurt let go of past guilt let go of past experiences which were not pleasant when I am weak I'm not able to let go because I don't have the strength to do that but when I'm gone I'm powerful I'm able to understand the other person's perspective I'm able to see what they are going through I am not hurt by them I am emotionally strong I was once with a group of nurses nurses in the hospital and just ask them what's the cause of your stress and they said when the doctors get angry with us and I never thought of that I thought it would be the duty the role erratic behavior of patients and they said no when the doctors get angry with us and I said but so many of the patients are very irritable with you they said no no no that's okay they are not well so compassion comes natural when you know that the other person is not well so I said the doctor who gets angry with you is also not well she said they are not well I said only unwell people get angry healthy people don't get angry so the next day one of the sisters she calls up and she says this is very easy I said what is very easy she said today again he got angry in the operation theater and when he was getting angry I just created a thought oh not well and she said I did not get hurt I did not get upset today I was feeling mercy for him that not well we need to remember people are emotionally unwell we can't consume their infection we need to have compassion for them to heal them but we say oh they shouted at me they didn't shout at me they are upset inside anyone who's aggressive anyone who's very critical and judgmental they are not very happy inside happy people don't behave that way so we think they're hurting us they are not hurting us they are in pain within so what do they need from us love care and compassion and that's why when we understand that it's very easy to let go what people have done with us very easy not their fault they were not well I have compassion for them and when I let go of all that's happen in the past experiences past mistakes if we hold on to the past this battery will keep getting what will happen if we hold on to the past this battery will keep getting discharged so every time I have to remind myself this was my karmic account it's over it was my karmic account it's over with an affirmation that it will never happen again guilt is not good for the soul guilt is not good for the soul because guilt means criticizing yourself continuously we can handle other people's criticism because it comes once in a while but to criticize your own self then you have to live with the criticize our 24 by 7 so it relieves any guilt of past mistakes be kind and love yourself and say okay it's over I made the mistake with a promise never again that promise has to be there never again it was my karmic account it's over never ever again I'm protected by God's love and energy so today when you do your reflections and during the evening just check if there's anything of the past that is still on the mind it could be a childhood experience because we need to clean everything to live light and then to leave the body in a very light than detached manner all karmic accounts need to be settled so anything that we are holding from our childhood maybe my parents were not write to me maybe my spouse was not write to me maybe my child was not write to me I need to have compassion understand their perspective what they were going through and say it's passed over over do you remember what you had yesterday for breakfast only 24 hours back 20 yesterday for breakfast we don't remember but we remember 10 years back 10 years back on the 20th of October at 9 a.m. in the morning they were wearing this color dress and they said why is my memory so selective that I've forgotten what I had yesterday but I remember what happened 10 years back because when it happened 10 years back I gave an instruction to my mind which was I never forget this I never forget what they did to me today and when I told my mind I'll never forget my mind never forgets but yesterday when you had breakfast you didn't tell yourself I'll never forget what I had for breakfast so you forgot it the most obedient is our own mind it follows our every instruction so because I said I'll never forget I'm not forgetting now all that I need to start saying to myself is its past it's over it's gone I let it go your mind will forget your mind will forget because even if you forgiving the person it's important to forget what happened because that impression needs to be deleted from the soul and that will only happen when we understand their perspective their mood on that day their nature their intention and our karmic account we need to counsel ourselves so that we never will have to go through a past life regression in the next birth to know what we did in the last birth we finish it and go release no carrying any thought of they rejected me they insulted me they humiliated me nobody can do anything to me they did whatever they had to do to themselves can anyone insult us have you ever feel insulted by anybody they insulted me they disrespected me they humiliated me can anyone do that to us can anyone disrespect us has anyone ever disrespected you and what do people have to do to disrespect us what do they do so that we feel disrespected what do they do what do they do and I said they disrespected be what do they do what does somebody have to do for me to feel they disrespected me yes they offend us by doing something right please remember what they too will not get recorded here someone's gonna stand here abuse me shout at me say whatever they want in front of everyone where will it get recorded what they do where will it get recorded on them on them it can't get recorded here it will get recorded on them whose Karma will it be theirs whose destiny will it create dares when the soul moves forward with whom will it go them what will get recorded here what they are doing will get recorded there what will get recorded here visualize what they do gets recorded there their karma their destiny what will get recorded here how I will think about what they do so when they are doing what they are doing if I create a thought they disrespected me that will get recorded here what they are shouting will not get recorded here my line that I say will get recorded here so if I say they disrespected me recorded they humiliated me I recorded they rejected me recorded do I have a choice what to record do I have a choice what to record but now instead of saying they disrespected me can you give me another recording to make here what should I say to myself hmm they disrespected themselves by behaving that way and one recording and anything else they are in they are not well they are in pain they need my care can you see a difference between these two recordings one is a recording of feeling unwanted humiliated rejected and the other is a feeling of healing and being compassionate completely to different energies and this is going to happen many times in life so what people do will not get recorded here how I will think about what they will do will get recorded here so what we're going to do before we leave Mount Abu just rewind the CD we don't need anybody else to do a past life regression for us we will do it for ourselves just rewind the CD see any other lines that you have recorded which are not happy lines and take a course change the line and record it now we can change the recordings done earlier my parents didn't behave the right way with me when I was 5 years old and at five years old I would have gone and recorded they don't love me recorded they love my brother or sister more than me recorded I am an unwanted child recorded if I don't delete it if I don't delete it I will live with that feeling and that recording will play in my other relationships also then because I recorded I am unwanted and then it will play in my friends relationship with my spouse with my children the same song will keep playing because I've recorded the song on my CD this is the CD health so today what we will do is will rewind the city check any unpleasant songs recorded there bring that scene on the screen of your mind my parents always loved me I didn't understand them that time at the age of five their intentions were very pure maybe my sibling needed more attention empathy compassion understanding them change the recording so that my present is safe my future is secure my present is safe my future is secure my karma has changed my destiny is changed in this lifetime also in the future when I leave this body what will go with me the CD this is the CD with all the songs the songs of the kurama's my thoughts feelings intentions the CDs just removed from one player put into another player songs remain the same so remain the same and that's why two children born in the same family same parents same environment everything songs are different on the two CDs how many of you have two children who are very different from each other have you ever thought sometimes parents say how can they both be my children the completely because they are my children only now their past was completely different they both have come from completely different paths so completely different songs so each of us is going to carry that recording with us so take care in every situation with everyone's behavior what I think and feel will become my recording not their behavior their behavior their Karma their destiny my feeling my karma my destiny I am full of bubbles knowledge love and power and I will choose the right feeling right intention right karma so we will let go of the past release when we do that the third power is the power to tolerate power to tolerate check your vocabulary if there is anything for which you say I cannot tolerate fill in the black I cannot tolerate fill in the blank standing up for what is right important but getting disturbed by something means I have consumed the energy of the other person when we understand different people different journeys of the soul different past different karma we understand they are only different from us not wrong we don't label any soul as oh they are wrong they are different they are different so for nothing will we say I cannot tolerate and change that line too I can tolerate everything which means I'm stable in every situation I don't allow the situation to overpower me I over power the situation and when we do that the fourth power is the power to accept people as they are power to accept as they are we've grown up believing expectations are normal it's normal to expect each time we have an expectation and it's not met the expectation is followed by expectation followed by hurt hurt followed by feeling let down is it normal to have expectations from people normal to have expectations from people any example of expectations we have from people family friends I expect fill in the blank I expect fill in the blank I expect I expect that they like me how sweet I expect that they like me now what would be the definition of they like me because they still like me but I believe they don't like me because they are doing certain things which are not my way I thought people like me if they do things my way they say of course I love you of course I respect you and I say no you don't they say of course I do it and no you don't because if you did you would have done this so then that liking love and respect has become very conditions as specific and even then people have a choice whether they like me or they don't like me is going to be is going to be their choice their choice everyone will have their choices like we have choices different colors different food different music different clothes different sand scars and Karma's of people we will like suppose you're a very honest person at work very honest you never tell a lie a lot of other people will have a lot of problems with you around you so your best quality can be a problem for somebody else because they don't have that same quality as you can that happen or not have and they're gonna say it's too much honesty very irritating and you're going to say what honesty is my quality but it's your quality but it can be very difficult for me to work with you because I feel a little bit here and there is a can't be so honest in today's world that's my belief system so then I'm not happy working with you I'd rather work with somebody who's a little so people's liking or not liking will do a lot to do with them not to do with you not to do with you can you stand up for a minute for me now he's wearing a very nice smart no no only he has to stand up see he's wearing a very nice smart gray t-shirt to all of you like that gray t-shirt or is there L somebody who doesn't like a gradation exactly that's the point some people have their opinion exactly you are going to wear what is your opinion now don't expect all of them to like the gray t-shirt that's it now like everyone cannot like the gray t-shirt and you're so comfortable and you said it's okay their opinion similarly everyone might not like it's their opinion so people don't like what I wear no problem their opinion similarly people might not like me no problem their opinion yes finished no problem so expectation is over I continue to love myself I continue to be nice to them but I cannot have an expectation please like me please respect me prison we only need one person to like us me myself that's most important then I am the happiest thank you so much see it's so simple life is so simple otherwise somebody will come and say what about t-shirt really how could he say horrible to my t-shirt the whole world should like what I've chosen and what you wear a nice pretty dress and walk into a party and your way think aren't we waiting for some people to say some nice things to what we are wearing this because we believe everyone will like what we've bought in fact we bought it so that everyone will say very pretty market to market but the deepest addiction the deepest addiction is to have people to approve us people should approve of me people should accept me people should appreciate me people should love me this is iron age Kaliyuga is like this sati Ogas golden ages like this which means I need nothing from people I will be myself and I will radiate that goodness to the world so expectations from people expectations now accepting people expectations means you should be the way I want you to be and if you are not my way I am hurt and you are the cause of my pain relationship starts crumbling acceptance means I accept you the way you are just for a second look at the person sitting next to you just look at each other now don't look at the body in the country and the labor now just look in the center of the forehead there is a soul there who's been on a very long journey one life before that another life before that another life and another life and another life different countries different environments different parents different situations different experiences different Karma different recordings each soul is carrying a recording of thousand two thousand three thousand five thousand years and so two of us have completely different recordings can any two souls be similar now they are like two CDs one here and one here one day the two CDs got married one day two CDs got married and their songs were completely they were completely different and they looked at each other and said how can you be like this they say how can you be like this and so then started a journey we thought we'll copy my songs on to their CD and their songs and we were trying to change each other because we expected them to be our way within a few years they had a third CD coming into their house and nine months they thought oh it's going to be a blank CD and we are going to write what we want on that CD and no one got a blank CD because that child was also a solo nurtured me it's already coming with a past each one is carrying a lot of recordings expectations is not love accepting them the way they are last month there have been floods in India and there have been some souls who have left the body in the flood now just visualize someone leaving the body in the scenario of a flood what is the impression the soul will carry what is the impression that the soul will carry fear yes what else maybe everything that they owned was just going away you know floods house car everything their family slipping out of their hands this is the last recording on the soul fear of being alone fear of losing people not being able to live alone in the house not being alone in the dark and most important scared of water fear of water here I record all this I leave the costume under the womb of the mother baby born the baby born to a couple who are national level swimmers and they already visualized that their child will be an international level swimmer and that child is not ready to go near a swimming pool and that child panics at the site of a swimming pool and the parent says I expect my child to be a swimmer and then the minute you tell them do you know what this soul left the body in the floods they say oh then naturally he'll be scared of water change shift from expectation to accepting when you understand they are not just my child who will be my way soul on a journey carrying a past and so we casually shift from not just fear of water but when we are living with people who find it difficult to trust because somewhere in the past trust was equal to pain for them we're living with people who can be very abusive because somewhere in the past they were very controlled and dominated everyone's carrying some scars so we shift from I expect I accept you as you are and now I radiate love compassion and blessings to you which will heal your past won't it's not that we let them live with that wound if somebody scared of water now live with the fear of water for the rest of your life no but we have to help them we can't ridicule them we can't criticize them and most important we can't worry how can my child be like this no they are carrying a past so acceptance is normal so first was power to withdraw power to let go power to tolerate power to accept first four powers fifth power the power to discern what is right what is wrong what is right what is wrong when we meet people when we go to a place we normally focus more on what is visible when you meet a person just see where your attention goes what's the first thing you notice in a person some people will notice the dress the other person is wearing another person can notice the shoes which they are wearing a third person will not notice the dress not notice the shoes they'll they'll notice the handbag which the other person is carrying another person will just notice the physique the face spirituality teachers ask to focus on the vibrations of people what's the vibration you felt after we take this person what's the energy so shifting from what is visible shifting to what is not visible but it's only felt and when we start focusing on the vibrations of people we can understand people well and we will know what's right for me what not right for me can we feel vibrations from people yes we all can now only thing we need to do is make that a more permanent experience feel it every time not once in a while recognize the intentions of people walk into a place first focus on what's the vibration I get from this place then later on we'll see the physical things first is what's the energy I feel from this place you're going to buy a new house you enter the house don't look at first where's the room how's the decor no what's the vibration I feel in this place so we've started shifting our attention to a higher frequency from the physical to the vibration and then we will always be able to make the right choice what's right for me what's not and then the sixth power the power to decide if I've made the right choice my decision will always be right so the fifth power is power to the son sixth power is power to decide sometimes we are unable to take decisions we ask other people for a decision what do you think I should do so one is we go asking people for decisions second is people come to us asking for decisions what do you think I should do take care don't give people decisions because their decision is going to be their Karma and they are going to have to face that Karma according to their capacity if I give them the decision I am going to get entangled in their karmic account let's say for example you go for a walk five miles every day it's natural for you because you're very healthy very strong you built up that stamina and I come and ask you what do you think how much should I exercise every morning and because it's your capacity and your natural you say five miles every day and you give me my decision without checking my capacity and I can fall after half a mile and if I fall after half a mile and I injure myself you are a part of that garbage account because you gave me the decision without knowing my capacity so people will come and ask you do you think I should live in this marriage or do you think I should move out and we are quick in giving other people they say how can you live with this person just move out if we had to take that decision it would take years but to give other people a decision 30 seconds because nothing move out be very careful be very careful people today want are the people to take decision so that they don't have to take a responsibility of taking a decision but they need to take that decision because they are going to face the consequence of that decision so even if they are your children empower them give them advice but the decision should be theirs so that they take the decision according to their capacity and they face the consequence of that decision with respect and dignity they cannot say they told me so so I am stuck now in this relationship I am stuck in this job I am stuck in this country because of them because each time they blame us we are a part of that karmic account so when we discern right taking right decisions will become very easy each time we take a decision let the criteria be does this decision increase soul power does this decision increase soul power simple decisions like what I eat what I drink what I read what I watch to where I live what I work how I work everything should increase soul power if any decision of mine reduces soul power that decision is not right for me some decisions look right short term long term they won't be right for me if I haven't checked with the criteria does this increase soul power for no decision should we ever say I had no choice so I had to do this this is a victim life I am a victim I had no choice I had to do this there is nothing in our life which we are doing which is not our choice we may choose to do it out of fear we may choose to do it because we don't have the courage to leave but we have chosen to do it and I need to record it here I chose this decision I cannot say I have no choice I'm stuck in this job I have no choice I'm stuck with this person I have no choice I'm compromising on my values I have no choice wrong decision I have a choice I chose and choosing to be here I'm choosing to work with these people I might be choosing interest because I don't have another job it's fine but I am choosing I have to live the life of a master not victim so please check if there's anything in life for which you have recorded here I have no choice and change it to I chose the I chose it sometimes people live in abusive relationship for yours and each time somebody says move out don't go through all this they say I have no choice victim feeling we will carry that impression with us for many lifetimes so record correct the seventh power the power to face pure Souls peaceful soul positive in every situation kind and good compassionate to everyone but needs to take care that when something is unethical we will not addressed and tolerate over there we will face the situation we will stand up for what is right so we need to know where to tolerate and where to face if it's just someone's nature son scar we can add jest we can tolerate if it's unethical if it's domestic violence if it's abuse we do not add jest we do not tolerate being power to face stand-up we need to know when to be quiet when to be assertive so power to withdraw power to let go power to tolerate power to accept power to discern what is right and wrong power to decide power to face and then the last power is the power to cooperate on a path of spiritual study and meditation daily we start energizing ourselves and raise our vibrations our pure vibrations empower everyone around us and we are cooperating with each one our pure vibrations heal the world we are cooperating and creating a beautiful world we are not in competition with anybody no comparison no competition cooperation is our personality sharing caring cooperating energies at harmony not against each other life is a competition will only make life full of stress and anxiety life is about sharing caring and cooperating with each other competition does not allow anyone to be happy always we're all on our journey with our karma and our destiny we put in our efforts we share with everyone help others to move on the journey also on blessings anyone who cooperates with others earns blessings anyone who's competing with the other person will earn opposite of blessings to be happy when others do well to be happy when others have achieved more than me to help others to move ahead of me know fear and insecurity each one has their karma and their destiny so when the soul is energized they fear nothing because their life is not dependent on achievements they are happy always so cooperating and taking people ahead on the journey becomes very easy so eight powers of the soul eight powers of the soul power to withdraw from situations let go of the past tolerate different habits different behaviors unconditional acceptance of people's and scars and karma discern vibrations what is right what is not take personal responsibility or decision this is my choice I have made the decision it's my karma and I will face the consequence of the Karma power to face stand up for anything that's not ethically right anything that does not match my value system and principles I will not compromise on that I will adjust with people but not add jest with unethical patterns and power to cooperate I'm in harmony with people I'm in harmony with nature harmony gives us happiness and health and when we start experiencing these eight powers the soul battery starts getting charged never ever for anything should we say I cannot live without how many of you cannot live without your morning cup of tea or coffee anyone says I cannot live without my morning cup of tea or coffee anyone yeah good let's change the line we won't quit the tea or coffee we'll just change the line I enjoy my morning tea or coffee but we will not say I cannot live without my morning tea or coffee any difference between the two lines that line means that even one cup of Peel controls my life even that is more powerful than me I cannot live without never say for anything any gadget any substance any person I cannot live without makes me powerless makes me very weak allows me to get disturbed when that thing that object or that person is not around me allows me to get upset when I don't get my morning cup of tea or coffee if I only enjoyed my talk cup of tea I would not get disturbed without it but if I cannot live without it then I will get disturbed the day I don't get it no dependencies dependencies make us weak dependencies if we don't get our Wi-Fi for five minutes on the phone the mind should not go no Wi-Fi no connectivity no emotionally weak if we start doing that use the gadget but you be the master of the gadget don't let the gadget start controlling you we use the gadget we control the gadget but if we don't take care after some time the gadget starts controlling us you start watching a movie start watching a program it's time for you to sleep but you say no I cannot sleep without completing this now we are not enjoying the movie the movie has overpowered us and we've allowed a lot of object substances technology people's situations to overpower us and we became weak now it's going to the other way around be with people live and work radiate unconditional acceptance and love but for no one will be say I cannot live without that's attachment that's not love I need my medicines I need my medicines I will have it always but I will not allow myself to say that line for anything because the line gets recorded here and if I record the line for one thing then that line plays and other things also I need my medicine I will have it always three times a day for the rest of my life perfect but I will not say I cannot live without you no recording it's a song recorded for one situation will play in other situations any substance which is not healthy for us any food item anything we drink which is not healthy for us now we have the power to release it in one thought out from today finished people want to quit and they say I cannot that I cannot is not the truth we can say I do not want to that's fine I do not want to quit perfect but then I say I cannot quit that's not true that's not true so while we here in this one week we've all enjoyed very high vibration food a very important part of being feeling calm here is the high vibration meals we've been having very simple meal but high vibration made normally we check only the nutrition value of a middle carbohydrates vitamins minerals fats proteins yes over here we check how much love how much peace how much power and how much bless things went into this melee if anyone was a little upset or angry while cooking then they would that food will not be served to you rejected rejected so we're checking not just the nutrition we have to check the vibrations of cooking the food so the vibration of the meal the vibration while cooking the food and then after the cooking the food we meditate with that food and then before you consume the meal you meditate and then have it food has a direct effect on the mind we are what we eat we are what we eat what we eat and what we drink has a direct effect not just on the body first on the mind in Hindi it's a very beautiful line very simple so you can take it back to your country it is jeiza unn VESA one let's say it together you learn it in one night jessa and versa mana an is food and one is mind an Indian spirituality ancient culture has said food has a direct influence on mind not body food impacts the mind mind impacts the body food impacts the mind so when we go back here from here the first thing we also need to take care of continue having high vibration beats high vibration means means vegetarian food high vibration means it does not have the energy of pain it does not have the energy of somebody feeling helpless it does not have the energy of violence it does not have the energy of death high vibration and second food should be cooked in a very peaceful state of mind while cooking meditate pray chanting just do it while cooking your family's minds will change after eating that that's the power of food direct effect food cooked with peace will create peace in the minds of people who will eat food cooked with unrest troubled minds will create anxiety in the minds of people who eat so any day you're getting a little upset or irritable without any situation in your life just go and ask the person who cooked for you how are you feeling today and you'll find your answers they never cooked in a troubled state of mind never ever never ever its huge responsibility when we cook so just meditate for five minutes release whatever happened during the day is silence your mind and then start cooking that food will start giving peace to the minds and health to the body of every member in the family and that will give everyone the power to quit all that which is depleting soul power any substance which depletes soul power not good for me not good for me so all these eight powers will start becoming very very natural from us when we start leading a lifestyle of daily study meditation and high vibration nutrition high vibration in terms of what we watch read listen eat drink five everything that goes in what we watch read listen eat drink media and social media has a direct impact on our thoughts feelings words and behavior media and social media is our emotional diet if I want to change my emotional health I will have to check the quality of my emotional diet if I consume content which has aggression and fear violence then that's how eyes becoming for the last one week you have been consuming content which is very calm and peaceful and then you have been having meals which are energized with calm peace and love and so that's how you are feeling how much time did it take less than seven days less than seven days that's all that it takes to change the emotional spiritual health mental health Oh kitchen any questions on tonight so I have a question on how to affect food that was not cooked with love because sometimes we are forced to eat food maybe in the cafeteria I'm a student for example very good very important right from childhood we were taught that before eating what were we taught before eating pray how many of us pray before every meal that's where it's lies the secret so now here's the plate there and here's your meal your cup of coffee everything there I don't know who's cooked it and I don't know the vibrations so I will take a pause of thirty seconds and this has to be done with every meal in fact with everything you eat and drink take up cos of 30 seconds and 30 seconds pause and create your affirmation thoughts God's power God's love God's blessings are there in this food this food is energized with peace love and power I am a pure divine being three lines my body is perfect and healthy we put affirmations into the food which means we energize the food with those affirmations so we cleanse those vibrations and replace it with high-energy vibrations you can put any vibration you like anyway if you want to be peaceful put it in your every melee I am a peaceful soul I am the child of the ocean of peace my body is perfect and healthy put it in your every meal so that if someone with an anger mind has cooked the food you are replacing the vibration of anger with peace you want to be powerful put it in your every meal I am a powerful soul I am the master of my life God's love and power is my protection three lines you want to radiate unconditional love put it in your every meal I am a love full soul God loves and accepts me unconditionally I radiate unconditional love and acceptance to all three lights so these are those three sprinkle things that we have to put before we start eating or drinking you do it for one week after that you'll never consume anything without doing it it's going to become a habit it becomes a habit very natural way and you're going to see the benefit of that anything that you put repeatedly to energize your food will very soon become your state of mind very soon be a state of mind in a state of anxiety when you're can't even think about anything else except your pattern your return pattern how can you manage to control it I see a lot of children I work in school and I see a lot of children and more and more children coming in this state so I don't know how to help them there you know right now why more and more children today are in a state of anxiety because they're surrounded by parents and teachers and an environment and media and social media and technology which is not giving them the strength to remain calm and peaceful most of these children have absorbed that anxiety right when they were in the womb of the mother there is a direct impact on the soul during those nine months the state of mind of the parents and the adults around there is a huge science behind this it's called birth psychology that psychology of the soul is starting from those nine months now because nowadays parents not taking care of their emotional health they're living with their stress anxiety that's all in the womb is consuming that now if we want to help the child to heal themselves it will first have to happen with the adults around them you can't heal somebody else's anxiety you will only have to be very calm and peaceful and powerful so that your peace and power radiates to them no you cannot be in a state of anxiety you cannot afford to be in a state of anxiety and that's why when you return from here and Monday before you go to school or the children you work with you begin your day with your meditation then when you start your interaction with children suppose it's a class begin it with a one-minute meditation begin it with a one-minute meditation everything that you're going to do after you return whether it's an office meeting whether it's a hospital consultation whether it's a children class just see what we've done here for every session one minute silence before one minute silence in the end this one minute silence has amazing power because what we're doing is not being just silent we're creating high energy thoughts so just visualize you're the teacher twenty children with you let's teach them we will all pray for a minute before we begin class the class could be maths biology chemistry but we will pray for one minute praying is not going to happen only during moral science classes it will happen for every class and in that one minute I am a peaceful soul and children learn it very fast I am a peaceful soul God's peace and blessings God's peace and blessings fill in to me I am peaceful always irrespective of whatever happens around me I am calm patient peaceful teach the children make them do it every day every day before the session every day after the session every day in the morning when they enter the school every evening before they leave from the school teach them to do it in the night before they go to sleep the last thoughts before we go to sleep works on the mind and the body for five six hours so the last thought in the night should be a meditation thought connecting with God empower ourselves last thoughts before we sleep first thoughts when we wake up in the morning these two times are very important first wake up thought and last thought before sleeping if you teach the children this you're going to start seeing a change in them and also teach them how much and how to use technology technology and content they are watching content which is creating anxiety they are watching content which is creating anxiety content is emotional diet you have a child who changes their emotional diet for a month their personality will change personality will change but if they keep watching crime shows and they are addicted to it they cannot let it for they keep watching one episode after the other and after the other of them what to do so the adults will have to start doing it that will influence the children and children will do it make it a mandatory culture in the family that while having your meals no television no phone while having your meals no television no phone 10 minutes energized we can't eat our food with television violent movies going on there the food gets energized with those violent vibrations we can't have our meals talking to people on the phone about business we have to check the vibrations of the food we are consuming meal time 10 minutes has to be an energizing time it can be a hurried hurried eating grab a bite run around watch TV talk on the phone have business meetings and the food is going inside that's not nourishment 10 minutes has to be dedicated my time to have my mails in a very peaceful powerful state I'm jumpy I'm jumpy thank you for a beautiful talk I'm wondering about expectations especially with a spouse if you have expectations of like keeping your house clean or a certain relationship can you not have expectations that a spouse participates or you know what I mean right yeah I expect you to keep the house clean very natural expectation the other soul might not have that son's car expectation means if you don't keep the house clean I'll get this stopped we just need to remove the disturbance part from there you can keep asking and requesting your spouse every single day to keep the house clean and it's good but don't get disturbed and ask them to keep it clean difference between the two because then Abbey as of now what is happening the house is not clean but if I have an expectation and after some time two minds want to be clean and after that the relationship won't be clean we need to just keep it up to the house difference but after that if I get upset irritated and then they react then it's no more about the house then it's two miles which are not clean then it's the vibration of the house which is not clean and then certain simple issues like this become a cause of conflict in a relationship so I will request every single day for them to clean the house but without reacting without reacting so that's that power to withdraw and power to accept I accept that you don't have this son's car right now but I request but the relationship and our happiness and health does not get affected because you don't have that skaar so acceptance doesn't mean let people billion do what they want it just means I don't get disturbed and then ask them to do what they have to do they may change in a few days they may change in a few years or sometimes they were not changed but we will not change that we become irritable and we will not say every time they don't clean the house I get irritated no we just need to - that little but I think one last question and his brother here yes sister of course we have our minds in the the vibration channels here it is very peaceful here but of course from coming Monday we are again in the conflict word in my office we need to brother what is the question place yes yes I need to work with the conflict word tomorrow the Monday then if someone ever we need to get work done from the others then to achieve our targets then if someone is lagging behind or someone is not doing their role and responsibility then please sister guide me how to how to exist with peaceful mind when we return from here we will continue with our mourning time for ourselves to meditate and to study that's one principle which we will need to continue for the rest of our life it's like we eat daily we study and meditate daily now add the brahma kumaris here we are about 10 million people today they are all working they all have families they all have children they all have businesses they all travel through the traffic of the city they do everything but the only thing that they have all integrated in their lifestyle is one hour in the morning for themselves and they also could not do it in the morning they made it one hour in the evening but one hour for themselves to energize this battery to be calm or peaceful has nothing to do with where we are living you're feeling calm and peaceful here because of this place because you've been just here for one week go and meet the people who've been living here for thirty years to them this place is not making any difference anymore because this place has now become their home it's their comfort zone if they don't take care they could be getting angry while living here I could be wearing this white saree surrendered and I could be getting angry because it's all about here it's not about here if we want and we don't take care we can get angry even while living here and if we take care we can be calm and peaceful by living in where we are living without work because it's all about here it's about this world not this world but for that you need to give that one hour to yourself every day that's mandatory without that it won't work you have to charge the battery every single day once you charge it every day it's going to become your natural way of living natural way of living just continue with that one hour one hour in the morning meditation and then attention during the day this is how I'm going to be habit who created the habit to react and get angry who created the habit to react and get angry we how did we do it by doing it a couple of times it became our habit who will create the habit to be calm and peaceful me how will I do it how will I do it just by doing it a few times and after that it will become my habit your workplace and your colleagues do not control your emotions we choose they will be there where they will be there where I will be I will be my way just remind yourself every morning about that and be very easy and have high vibration food a vibration foot okay J um Shanti let's sit back with silence for a minute just a minute I am a pure paint powerful solar power is by nature it's my personality I am emotionally independent untouched by energies of situation and people they are their way I am my way I had chest I told it I accept people as they are unconditional acceptance comes naturally to me I am responsible for my choices my decisions I am the master of my life I create my destiny I stand up for what is right I said get and cooperate cooperate to create the beautiful New World I am a powerful being home shanty thank you sister Shivani [Applause] it's a wonder
Channel: Halifax - Brahma Kumaris
Views: 247,713
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Id: mGeG79capPk
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Length: 87min 57sec (5277 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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