Build Your EMOTIONAL STAMINA: Part 3: BK Shivani at Silicon Valley (English)

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[Music] you walked into this room you were about to go up to a friend and say hello to her meeting her after months they saw you from that side you were walking up to them and they just turned and went inside they're seen very small scene response response option option follow them very good very good so you're going to walk up to them to say hello and they saw you coming from this you took that door and went out options of emotions let go to option what's the benefit of the doubt they may not have seen you option acceptance 3 option it's their choice what's their choice whether they want to talk to me or no it's their choice yeah good 5 option they may be having a bad day today still go and hug them 6 so many options but we are being able to see those options sitting here today and not just ask yourself had I been in that scene what would I have I done had I been in that scene what would have been my response called up another friend why would you call up another friend what would you say to her or him no you would have said do you know what she did and then that friend would have said oh hey is it for their school and we need somebody to endorse that time that she is wrong you are right be happy and when we do that we allow ourself to keep creating that same obvious emotion repeatedly and same emotion means same destiny how many of us can walk up to that person who's ignoring us not just ignoring us maybe have not been very right to us and someone who's been extremely extremely wrong to us and yet go back to them and be very nice to them not just in words and behavior but in her car certain concept car certain karna cha Haeju karna Chaya can queue karna Chaya for our happiness I will it give us happiness to go and be nice to people who are not nice to us why will that make us happy these are the most important people in our life we keep thanking all the people who have been nice to us go and thank people who have not been nice to us because they are the ones who helped us to increase our emotional stamina yes had they not come and had they not done what they did her ego would still be where it is they come and they help us to increase her increase our resilience our tolerance power our power to addressed our power to adapt our power to be flexible our power to bend our power to bend just now just before coming into this program I went with my huge suitcase into the room and then the brother who came with me I said leave it don't pick it up and keep it there it's too heavy he said it's okay I said it's too heavy don't lift it he said my Rose workout gym kurta and he just picked it up with so much dignity and I was looking at him daily workout helped when there was a situation in life he could just pick it up like this this can be a situation of my life where my daily emotional workout makes me feel that the situation was nothing this is what spirituality and meditation does you do your emotional workout daily and so when a situation comes there is no reaction there is no feeling insulted there is no feeling hurt there is no getting angry and people around you will say opti go up Cobra kneel Agra and you'll say how meditation rose Kincardine easily to cut the hair gataki when summoned scene and life is there and we are going to be able to cross it with dignity which means building our emotional stamina daily so two things now one situation and my state of mind is not it's not connected if someone's not been nice to me I have lot of options there is no such thing as obviously I'll feel bad obviously I'll hurt hurt obviously I will get angry obviously I will not talk to them if they've not talked to me properly nothing use the option which is right for because once I have five six options now I have to choose one of the options so choose the option which is right for use the option which is right for use the option which increases your emotional intelligence which means which increases your emotional stamina which means which increases your spiritual power there's a battery here there's a battery here every time where you're choosing an option choose an option which will charge this path three hurt anxiety fear and the list discharges this battery let go don't hold on to it and just go and be your nice normal self charges the battery we are not doing it for their good we are not doing it as a favor to them we are not doing it to show the world I'm such a nice person I'm going I'm able to go and be nice to people who are not nice to me we're not doing it for anyone we're doing it only for only for ourselves because what happens then when I bend the first time it hurts you know imagine trying to bend after many many years of not having bent it's going to hurt everywhere and after that we'll keep thinking much a Jackie bath garnish a Takeo see what I can even after being nice we question our being nice and also we'll have people around us and say you shouldn't have gone and spoken to them when after they did what they did so even they let us doubt our goodness so it will hurt the first time it will hurt the second time it will hurt the fifth time after that after that after that you won't even know that you bent you won't even know that you bent because bending will then become a will then become a natural part of living there will be no such word as forgiveness because job hurt any award to forgive kiss coconut why because we don't know how to think wrong in any scene we will reach that stage do you think it's possible to reach that stage do you think it's possible to reach that stage where we will create the right response in every scene possible to create that stage where we not let go just someone who ignored us and walked where we let go anyone who cheated us even if that person was a member of family and we're able to say okay this was one episode of life back up delete back to normal life it can change destiny do you think it's possible to do that think it's possible to do that very easy for that what do I have to do I just have to bend once or twice every day so these people who come into our lives which give us the chance to bend thank them more than the people who are nice to you up I don't you K hams okay the hamara hang car gotta hop Chabad pot shukriya really gratitude for the difficult scenes in life because it's the difficult scenes which show us our own inner potential if everyone's being nice to me and I'm being nice to them I'm not using inner power I'm not using the power to address the power to cooperate I'm not using my potential to be able to radiate blessings to the ones who've really pulled me down and thrown me in the dump and when I do that I realize I have so much power so gratitude to them so one situation does not affect my thoughts my thoughts are my thoughts are created by created by stuck in a traffic jam the thought that I'm creating is created by created by me every point of time we have to say it's not I'm irritated because of the traffic no traffic is a situation I am creating the irritation are there any irritating people in your life do you have any irritating people in your life yes yes I meet a lot of doctors and they say we have such irritating patients because they create irritation instead of saying I create a rotation we say they are irritating people the same person and the same behavior are they able to create the same irritation in everybody else No so who is the irritated person me not the irritating people but when I say they are irritating I don't need to do any work on myself because I said they are irritating so who's the one who needs to change they but when I say they are doing what they are doing I am creating this irritation then I prepare myself that tomorrow when I'm going to meet them I I should not I would not know I will be very calm and peaceful when I work with them tomorrow and so the person remains the same their behavior remains the same I've changed but if I say this one is irritating this one is since this is I will keep creating irritation every day that won't change them but that will accumulate a lot of toxins inside me emotions being created because of other people's behavior emotions being created because of just questioning other people's behavior and I'm holding on to lot of them and when I hold on to a lot of wrong emotions here what all gets affected by my holding on to emotions here which are not right what will get affected first my happiness right let's say this is my family and this is my workplace and I say she is irritating he is irritating she is irritating he's read from 9 to 6 I'm here and I created a lot of irritation because of all of them and when I go home in the evening to my family what's my emotion and then my little child has to do nothing for me to get irritated one small thing and I will snap why because throughout the day 10 times I created irritation so irritation became my son's car and I came home and my little child waiting for me the whole day comes and says one small thing to me and I snap then emotional talk sing when I get irritated uske baad emotional toxin because I create guilt for it for the rest of the day my name acne but chiku who suckled er guilt and all this happened because I did not take care while I was working with them so toxins getting created because of other people's behavior which means we absorb the infection and then when we reach home and we create a rotation what happens to the child what happens to the child what will the child create hurt feeling of rejection and also learning the way to get irritated so I catch the infection from here and then I go home and I give it to them and very soon there is an epidemic so now what do I need to do work where I'm working be with people but not catch their emotional infection and which means when I mastered this art that what's happening here is nothing to do with what's happening here that makes me emotionally independent which means I can be peaceful stuck in a traffic jam I can go and be nice to the person who looked at me and went through the other door that's become emotionally independent where the situation is not deciding what you are going to think you were choosing what you are going to think in that situation so do we want to be emotionally independent yes yes possible here possible hey possible here all these answers you had given when they walk out we should have option one two three four and the wife had the option to forget her anniversary option B happen a the I never thought of that option also see every mind is going to create different options based on based on their son scars that's how many options we have so when we are creating this options we are achieving emotional independence my emotion is not dependent on your behavior and actually the reality is our emotions are not dependent on people's behavior we can create wrong emotions even for people who've behaved very nicely with us kkeok abhi up Nikki Sina Yankee Sina hey you want examples miss check somebody's been very nice to you all their life they've been nice to you but one day they didn't do things the way you wanted them to do it and there was this whole list of emotions over here only one day only one day you know when Kusum Ben was saying boo sister Shivani is so simple so simple that's because that's her son's car she was not talking about me she was reflecting her son's car of being able to see me now when I am able to do things and accommodate and a chest and a chest I've seen I'm telling you personally sisters will say you're so simple you are so simple then one day I come and say I'm not doing it this way doing it this way they'll say kid nahi go here here Ben calendar you listen to 20 things that they will ask you to do you put your foot down on one thing and in that one thing you have shifted from humble to ego so much earlier in life I realized that we will have to evaluate ourselves on ourselves public opinion keeps fluctuating every day if you are not there way they will immediately put a new label on you why because they will see you only through the filter of their son's car so she is caring beautiful sons cars she can keep appreciating me I don't have to get carried away with that appreciation and I'm not going to be nicer to her just because she appreciates me more because that's when big mistake we are doing being nice only to people who are being nice to us another soul could have a different sense car and they can find the same me are not a very easy person and then if I say she talks so nicely about me so I'm nicer to her this person doesn't like me so why do I need to be so nice to her so my emotions become dependent on their behavior and when that happens I will start losing my own innate value of being Who I am we all have beautiful qualities but we choose when to use them and when not to use them and we choose who to use them with and who not to use them with and if the quality is not consistent with everyone every time then we can't call it a quality then we can only call it a return of who they have been to us how many of you have the beautiful quality of talking nicely full of love and respect to people how many have that quality you already started checking I'm always talking like that only then it's my quality yes we have that quality each one of us has it but one opposite behavior and we lose our quality quality quality of sugar meat has hamesha or sub core only then we can say teeny key quality care here with Haas Yokosuka or hamesha find only one quality in yourself that's all that's needed one quality always and with everyone emotional independence if you are able to be peaceful always and with everyone emotionally independent if you are able to be respectful always and with everyone emotional independence which means my quality is not dependent on their behavior and that soul can be happy always because then they will always choose the option to be to be happy now this is an emotional stamina which we need to build up and when we start living a life of emotional independence the first people to benefit will be our family and our children we are all concerned and worried for our children tray issues like divorce of substance abuse addiction and a whole lot of list everyone is getting addicted to something or the other whether it's a substance whether it's a gadget whether addicted to people or whether addicted to appreciation that wife was addicted to appreciation so the minute she got it she started feeling nice so all these addictions are because I'm emotionally depleted so as our parent our responsibility is to make our children emotionally independent we take care of giving them the best schooling best extracurricular activities of course best homes best nourishment emotional nourishment visualize the world 20 years from today visualize the world 20 years from today and ask yourself what's the one thing my child will need the most it's going to be emotional independence it's going to be that but that is one thing which we can't give to another person without being it ourself a parent could have never gone to school and send their child to the best University on the planet we can do that right we can do that a mother may not eat herself but gives her children the best appeal but you cannot give emotional health without being it your self I cannot be emotionally weak and make my children emotionally strong una cita hunain sakta so one person in the family has to do it for themselves and then it automatically starts flowing to everybody else what should we do to become emotionally healthy Calgary Calgary what should we do to be emotionally healthy cackling meditation what else even to meditate it's like even to walk for 45 minutes first my body needs to be healthy I can't walk otherwise so many of us experiment with meditation and give up saying I cannot meditate what the heck in a hotel I cannot concentrate too many thoughts come to my mind I can't even sit still for five minutes which means I tried to walk but I could not so I have given up why was I not able to walk because I tried to walk without first eating good food I first needed that energy to even start walking so when I came to the brahmakumaris the most beautiful thing that I liked here was there was a balance of two things and the first was Gyan knowledge which is the food for the soul and only after taking the food for the soul did I have to start meditation because if I had tried it the first day I would have given up saying away chimera sailing attire and give up so first nourish the soul Jessie we've been here for the last two hours hostak healthy we've talked about so many things which actually a very deep in life but even these two hours will set you thinking right okay yes I can do this I can do this I can create a shift here now this is a healthy diet that you have consumed for two hours how long will this diet nourish you how long is this diet going to nourish you which means the effect of one breakfast man good healthy breakfast which had all the nutrients for how long does it nourish the body for hours so if you think by any chance that from today I have a lot of options and I will always create the right option I will never get hurt it now easier not hurt auto body is it higher I will never get hurt I will never get angry it's a very beautiful tote but it doesn't work it doesn't work because when we walk out of this hole we are going to walk into a vibration of the world which believes that these emotional toxins are the normal way to be and when there is a collective very heavy vibration of an opposite energy that influences our mind and you might get us stuck in the traffic while you are just bringing your car out of this hotel and that's when you will say H would a be no Pocock on Aperta in killable Nahuatl easy don't get angry don't get hurt they don't have to take care of family and that's it five negative thoughts and everything is washed out because the environment outside is emotionally polluted it's emotionally polluted so it affects me when I go out so I need to nourish myself on a daily basis the chief the administrative head of the brahmakumaris she's 103 years old for the last I think 83 or 84 years she's been studying this knowledge every day today when you come to the Center for the first time the class you will be studying she will be studying the same one on that day even after the age of 103 even after having studied it for 83 years she studies the same thing every day so nutrition for the soul is the same as nutrition for the body we have to give it to ourselves on a daily basis sometimes some of us give ourselves that nutrition for few days few months we find a lot of change in ourselves or Amerigo Socata Moga yoga volga now i don't need to do anything we've been few days why pollution pollution it doesn't sustain for very long so at the romaker mary's we have a very beautiful system all over the world in over 140 countries we have centers everywhere centers means a space where everyone comes together like this everyone comes together to study together a school because when we do it together then the energy then the energy power of collective energy can make impossible things possible for us same thing try and do alone at home difficult so at the brahmakumaris we have these centers and you have one right here and you got that green folder there on your chair it gives you a list of your centers and we have a beautiful family you know all that mother-in-law the wife the husband they're all students of the brahmakumaris center they're all staying in your city they are working they have children they're taking care of them and yet they are taking out time to do this beautiful savor this entire event has been organized by them not by any event management company in a time where people say we don't have time for our children here are these angels who take our time for strangers they don't even know who's going to come that day of the event but they only want to share with everyone what they have got but from where do they find so much time only because they take out half an hour for themselves daily Jehovah and Carrillo Joe I'm Joe hobby and Caravaggio even if you don't come in the front just stand where you are [Applause] they're one of you they're working in one of these companies here where you are working they don't have extended families to look after their children they're doing exactly everything that you are doing and they have all those responsibilities which all of us have but one day they were for an event like this and that day they decided that they will take out this half an hour for their emotional workout and they started coming to the center to learn meditation for some it's been a journey of six months for some it's been ten years that they have been doing it for some they've been here for twenty years but now not only they're taking care of themselves and their family and their work they have enough time money energy to take care of strangers this is how much power meditation can give us it's not easy to organize four events in two days with no external help nothing every email you got every confirmation email you got every request you made everything was answered from way were they finding this time because they were light here they were not getting any emotional toxins no baggage no past no hurt so all their energies will just flow and when we are clean here we have lot of time so the disease of today's I am very busy and corporates call us to say please do a session on time management there is no such thing as time management the topic has to be thought management because when thought management is done we have lots and lots and lots of time and if thoughts are not managed then even people sitting at home doing nothing say I'm very busy I'm very busy I'm very busy Mirko coachman polo Mirko boat come because we aha combo Giada children so there is no such thing as time management and never say to yourself I'm very busy just the fact is that I'm very cluttered here and when I'm cluttered here then I become very cluttered here now I don't need to clean here I need to clean here and when I'm detoxified here my life just flows my children are no more issue of worry for me because I'm so much assured that they are on the right part and will always be on the right path why because as a parent I'm radiating the right emotional nutrient in them there's nothing can go wrong faith life becomes very simple when we take out that 30 minutes to emotionally-charged ourselves so gone the nutrition gives the soul the power to then start the meditation so gain knowledge and meditation exercise for the soul when we start doing these two things on a daily basis emotional independence becomes the first result we get how many years do you think it must be taking to reach that stage of emotional independence how many years 103 no no how many years do you think does it take to reach that stage of emotional independence how much time do you think it will take you to accumulate toxins in the body can take years to detoxify look at all the detoxification centers you ask them how many days to detoxify my body five days seven days that's so clean but once cleaned then go back and continue with healthy diet otherwise five days of detoxification only five minutes are needed to have toxins all over again of the wrong diet and that's why a daily center a daily study and most important a daily company of such beautiful angels who are on the same path as us gives us the collective vibrations to not just get detoxified but then to live that as a natural way of being [Music] you
Channel: BKShivani
Views: 1,330,034
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Keywords: Bk Shivani, Sister Shivani, Shivani brahma Kumari, Bk Shivani latest videos 2018, Sister Shivani latest videos 2018, Brahma Kumari sister Shivani, Bk Shivani meditation, B k shivani, Bk shivani English, Shivani, Soul reflections bk shivani, Meditation by bk shivani
Id: pLAVya-PnOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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