15 Karma & Drama How They Work Together Sis Shivani 10 10 19

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[Music] I'm Shetty good morning we all make plans of how we want our life to be and how we want the life to be of our family and friends we also write a script in our minds this is what I will do this is how it will be and this is how they will be and we have a mental script about how we want life to be most of the things that happen in our life go according to our script go according to how we want it to be but sometimes just one scene and the entire script can change after that can that happen yes one script one scene and the entire script will change it could be a very beautiful scene and the script will become something you had never thought will be in your life or the script or the scene could be sometimes not a very pleasant sleep and everything in life will change after that and the first thing that the mind asks when something like that happens is why did this happen to me why did this happen to me someone I trusted betrayed me someone I did nothing for did everything for me some way I put in lot of effort no success sometimes hardly any effort and lot of success who is deciding everything that's happening in my life who is deciding scene after scene after scene everything that's happening in my life and sometimes when the scene is not pleasant and we are feeling a little low people around us say it's okay it was God's will happy heard this life it was God's will yes or somebody will say it was all predestined God's will because everything is happening according to what have we heard to grown up believing everything is happening according to God's will how many of you agree everyone said everything is happening according to God's will we are here in mount abu according to whose will whose will who chosen decided for us to be here sometimes when we invite guests please come to mount abu they said let's see if it's God's will I will be there I said no it's not God's will you have to take a decision no no no if it's God's will I will be there and sometimes they plan their program everything is done and then one day before they cancel their program due to some reason and they say it was not God's will so I'm not coming this year very deep that everything beautiful and sometimes not very beautiful everything is happening according to God's will and so who is the creator of my destiny who is the creator of my destiny then if everything is happening according to God's will then everything that's written in my destiny will be written by because everything is happening according to God's will we never paused for a moment and asked ourselves if everything was happening according to God's will if God was writing the destiny of every soul on this planet if everything in this world was happening according to God's will how would the world be how would the world be in one word everything happening according to God's will how would the world be perfect it can be even point one percent less than perfect how would each one's destiny be if God was writing the will how would each one's destiny be perfect how would the climate be how would the climate be perfect how would everyone's health be perfect how would relationships be perfect how would the mind be perfect everything would be perfect if it was all happening according to God's world second if God was writing our destiny and we say you are the supreme parent we are all your children if any of us here has more than one child and you have two children anyone here has two children please raise your hands two children okay so if you have two children and you are the parent and you are going to write the destiny of the two children as a parent how would you write the destiny of the children one better than the other one better than the other no a little better than the other No both would be both would be equal these are two laws that would be followed if God was writing our destiny we are all his children he's the parent if he the parent was writing the destiny of all the children all the destiny would be equal and second the destiny would be perfect today our destinies are not equal someone is born effect healthy and lives up to hundred perfect healthy and another one could be born with the disease not equal not equal someone's born in a family of ten and someone's born and doesn't have a family from day one not equal not equal someone's born in a palace and someone's born with not enough to eat not equal not equal so our destinies are not equal and our destinies are not perfect not perfect how many of you have had affect health and never had to take a single single single pill for anything ever so not perfect health how many of us have been always always always happy and never had one disturbed thought no so not perfect how many of us have perfect relationships never a single difference of opinion never an argument not perfect because our relationships are not perfect our health is not perfect our mind is not perfect the world is not perfect it's not been written by God's will so there is someone who's writing our destiny and there is someone who's deciding what's going to happen next in my life and there is someone when my mind says why did this happen to me I will need to know where to put the finger because if I say why did this happen to me and I say it happened because of God's will then who is the one who has to correct my destiny who is the one who has to correct my destiny then God because he wrote the script now he needs to change the script so then we keep asking him please change this in my life please change this in my life please change my spouse please change my work please change everybody because who wrote my destiny cut so that's the most important thing we understand with spiritual principles that who is writing what's happening in my life and once I know who's writing it then I know if I want to change something in my destiny I know who to go to today there are also people who tell us what is there in our future anyone who wants to know what's going to happen in their future do you ever go to anyone to find out what's going to happen in my future there's a whole industry of what's going to happen in my future one way of living is to find out what's going to happen in my future and another way of living is to choose and create a future that I want what's better to know my future or to create my future to create my future so to belief systems we grew up with one everything is happening according to God's will and second everything is a consequence of what I have done suppose I don't take care of my body for ten years not taking care of my body is my Karma I did that after 10 years the body falls ill after 10 years the body falls ill why did this happen to me why did this happen to me where the finger has to go now why did this happen to me where does the finger have to go now here not not there finger goes here who's going to heal it now here not there what do I get from God from God I will get the knowledge I will get the power and I will get the love to do the right Karma but God will not do my Karma and God will not write my destiny God is my parent parent gives advice parent gives love Baron gives support the child takes the decision and the child brings it into action so to belief systems everything is happening according to God's will and second one is everything is a consequence of my Karma what is karma we've heard the word so many times but what is karma energy that I create and I radiate out into the world energy I create and send out into the world is karma what's the energy I create my thoughts my feelings my words my behavior let's say it together so that it's all programmed here my thoughts my every thought my every feeling my every word my every behavior is my Karma because we are creating this right our thoughts our feelings our words our behaviors we are creating it's the energy we create it goes out now the energy that I send out who's the first one to experience it the energy I create and I send out who's the first one to experience it me myself anyone here has ever got angry yes now just visualize this is me this is me getting angry with this person who is the first one to experience it the creator or the receiver creator does the receiver have a choice whether to accept that anger or no yes the receiver always has a choice the Creator the Creator no choice the Creator has no choice because the Creator has created that energy if I create angle I experience it if I create respect if I create respect I experience it I create love I experience it I create hot I experience it so when I create a Karma the first one to experience it is me now where do I experience it the first experience of all that I create is here so when I create anger I get disturbed when I create hurt I get this dog when I create love I feel nice first influences here where else does my energy influence first is here second where does my energy influence you create anger where does their energy influence the body beautiful so we have to see where all my Karma will influence the energy I create first influences here second the energy I create radiates to my body so every time I'm creating a low vibration energy I am radiating that low vibration to every cell of my body so light from here I create the energy which is going to create my body now if I create anger or hurt or resentment for 10 20 30 years and for 30 years that energy keeps radiating to my body will the body show consequence or not show consequence suppose I have the habit of criticizing suppose I have the habit of saying I don't have enough lacking then 20 30 years I'm radiating low vibration energy to my body will my body show a consequence or not show consequence yes it will so where is my body getting created cure it's getting created here so my karma here first influences my feeling second my Karma radiates to my body influences my health third the energy I create who radiates to the people who I'm thinking about just right now create a thought for someone this create a nice beautiful thought for someone before you type a message and click a send for that message to go there and then they attach the message they downloaded they read it all this will take at least 20 seconds but when we create a thought here it's immediately reaches the other person because it's energy energy is not blocked energy travels so my third influence is my relationships sometimes we are very nice to people in our words and behavior we speak perfect words we behave perfect but sometimes we are not very clean in our thoughts we can be judgmental about them we can be critical about them we can have expectations which were not met we could be hurt by their behavior we are not saying anything we're not doing anything we're only thinking we're only thinking but all my thoughts are going to reach people and so if we want to create very strong beautiful powerful relationships it's not dependent on how I speak or behave it's dependent on how I think about them so if I have been creating very judgmental thoughts for somebody few days few months maybe a year I have radiated conflict into that relationship I have radiated conflict into that relationship and sooner or later the crack will start showing in the foundation of my relationship so my every Karma first here second it influences my body third it reaches to people and creates my relationships and forth where does energy go forth where does energy go every thought you create one two three four four just think just create a thought very beautiful hole one thought where does it go 1 2 3 4 environment if somebody had to bring a machine and check the energy of this hole just down so what would be the energy of the hole will be dependent on so we had 200 of us here so 200 Minds put together would be the energy of this hole what's the energy of the world today what's the energy of the world today it is all the minds put together is the energy of the world so every thought I create every thought I create influences how I feel how my body feels how my relationships are and how the world is if I want to change the world if I want to heal my relationships if I want to heal my body and if I want to be happy always where do I have to come to most of us are asking the world needs to change many of us are saying the climate needs to change and we're looking at people and we say do something do something for the world who's going to change the world who's going to change the world me when you sit every morning for 30 minutes in silence and you create pure powerful positive thoughts you're actually healing the world you're radiating pure vibrations to the planet our energy is not our energy it's radiating into the world so it is our Karma because of which the world is what it is today if we say there is terror in the world that terror started from that error started from terror in our minds anger in our minds aggression in our minds not being able to forgive people not being able to forget the past being self-critical creating guilt this is terror in the mind when millions and millions of people created terrors in the mind the vibration of the world was aggression when the vibration of the world was aggression some people got influenced to bring about violence in a physical way why is there abuse in the world because there is lust in the mind of millions and millions and millions of people in the world when millions of people will have a vibration of lust here the collective consciousness of the planet will have lust when the collective energy of the planet has lost it in influence some people through billing that lust into a physical wrong action why is there corruption in the world because there is a vibration of greed and millions of mind in the world so the collection the collective consciousness of the world is greed so lust lust greed anger attachment ego five-five responsible for why I am the way I am why my body is the way it is why my relationships are not strong and why the world is the way it is and then you come here and the first day you get introduced to your original nature Who am I what was the answer Who am I I am a soul but what type of a soul am I pure first pure second because from purity the rest of everything will stem up the first quality of every soul every soul is a pure divided soul second pure soul second peaceful so beautiful third what are my seven qualities pure peaceful love fulsol and happy soul very nice powerful soul knowledgeful soul blissful soul so now what does meditation do replaces the five vices with the seven pure qualities here here here we shift from those five vices of lust greed anger attachment ego to purity peace love bliss knowledge happiness when I shift here what else will shift when I shift here what else will start shifting then when I shift here mental health issues are over mental health issues are over will eradicate depression and all the mental health issues from the world if we remove the five vices and replace it with the seven qualities when I shift here disease will get eradicated because what will be radiate to the body purity peace love happiness power what will happen to the relationships and what will happen to the world can you visualize the world where every soul is pure peaceful loveful powerful how would the world be how would the world be can we see that world how would the world be if every soul was pure peaceful path of it it would be a perfect world what is that perfect world called what was that perfect world called that perfect world is called sati oke heaven paradise that's that perfect world who will create that perfect world who will create that perfect world how many of us contributed towards creating this world as it is today what is this world called we call it Cali oke hi NH how many of us contributed towards creating the Cali oke I&H no not all I have to raise my hand did I contribute towards creating called yoga image yes how did I contribute by creating it by creating last anger ego greed I created Kali oke now how many of us will contribute towards creating such simple I created this world I will create the new world how will I create it by connecting to God's knowledge power and love I change her and when I change here the world will change at the brahmakumaris we have a very beautiful slogan and that slogan is when we change our world changes when we change our world changes so all that I need to do is change my karma change my thoughts feelings change the way I speak at my behave my karma changes the world will change it's morning right now it's morning afternoon evening night the same people in the morning fresh energetic clean by the time it's night we are going to be a little tired a little stained a little sweaty a little messed up but then the same people will rest wash cleanse and in the morning we'll be fresh vibrant energetic it's a cycle morning afternoon evening night and what follows the night what follows the night morning the same people who were there in the morning are the same souls in the night and the same souls who are in the night will be there in the morning so sad tube golden age followed by afternoon Silver Age followed by evening Copper Age followed by the night INH now which age are we in right now I an age and I am age will be followed by the morning the golden age and who will be there in the golden age how many of us are going to be there in the golden age each one of us is going to be there in the Golden Age it's the same soul it's not a different planet it's not a different land oh that was paradise this is hell no it's here it's the consciousness this is called asset yoga consciousness now right now we are in the Kali okay Iron Age with consciousness when I change my consciousness I contribute towards changing the collective consciousness of the planet so each time we choose we choose not to get angry but to respond with peace we are contributing towards creating peace in the world we're contributing towards creating peace in the world each time we forgive we'll release the past we let go what we've been holding on to we are contributing towards creating love in the world each time we overcome an addiction we become a master of ourselves and we say I can do everything I chose to do I contribute towards creating power in the world each time we remain stable come even in a crisis we contribute towards creating happiness in the world but each time we create stress anxiety fear anger we contribute towards the inh how many of us are ready ready and take a decision that come what may let anything happen and anything means anything I will not use anger as a Sun scar satsuki souls angels we are Satsuki souls we are angels angels will respond with we respond but we respond with these patients and dignity these patients and dignity respect for the other soul and respect for the self but when we react we say words which we should not have said it's disrespect not only to the other soul its first disrespect to the self to the self so we are here for a one-week retreat but we didn't know before we came here that we are not here just for a one-week retreat but we are here to be here to change our consciousness to change the collective consciousness of the world the world today is looking for solutions of how to change the world conferences climate change conferences mental health conferences physical health conferences what to do to change this world but the solutions that they're looking for everything is outside changing the world will not happen from outside to inside it will happen from inside to site so now who is writing my destiny who's writing my destiny me every thought I create every word I speak every behavior energy I send out Karma this is karma everything that's coming to me every situation of my life people's behavior towards me which means energy which is coming from outside to me is my destiny energy going from me outside Karma energy coming from outside to me destiny this equation has to be fixed energy from me to the world Karma energy from the world to me destiny now the connection between the two that the energy that I send out will be the quality of the energy that will come back to me so if I send out love then love is what returns if I send out something else then that something else is what returns if I keep this equation fit here throughout the day then my attention is constantly on the energy that I'm creating and I send out how people behave with me it's not going to decide how I respond do we get influenced by people's behaviors do we get influenced by people's behaviors yes is it possible to be nice to someone who's not nice to you is it possible to bless someone who's wronged you is it possible to bless someone who's wrong to you is it possible to bless someone who's repeatedly doing wrong yes yes now this is that someone everyday is doing something which is like can't even be talked about this is me can I radiate pure nice blessings to them every day possible how many of you have at least one person in your life whom you need to bless immediately right now we all have someone why is it so important because this soul is on a lower vibration right now that's where they're doing something which is not right for me if I start thinking not right which means I get upset or hurt or feel let down then my vibration would also come here and then their energies will influence me even more because I've come on the same vibrational frequency as them but if they are here and I start blessing them then where will I start going I'm here if I start blessing them I will be untouched by their negative energy but they will start getting influenced by my positive energy can we bless someone who's wronged us how do we create a blessing give me one thought of a blessing how would you bless someone Angie forgive huh okay close your eyes bring them on the screen of your mind just see them don't get entangled with what they're doing just detached and we just see them there and together we'll say God's love God's blessings and all my pure wishes always for you God's love God's blessings and my pure wishes always feel is this easy is this easy to do this is it easy to do this the other thing is how could you do this to me I'm sure one day you'll see the pain feel the pain you have to know what you've done to me when you experienced that pain you will know what you went and what you did for me two different ways of thinking one is a low vibration thought the other is a blessing easy to create this thought God's love God's blessings and my pov she's all for you how many can do this three times every day simple it's simple and every time I do this what am i doing I'm changing the quality of my karma I'm changing the quality of my karma I'm changing the quality of the energy I am creating and sending it to them and when I start changing the quality of my karma I start healing myself I start healing the pain I created because of their behavior I start healing the wounds that I created but I thought it was they who hurt me our vocabulary says you hurt me you irritated me you upset me when we say this we are not taking responsibility of our Karma can anyone hurt us can anyone hurt us can anyone hurt us they are here they can cheat us they can betray us they can even physically hit us but they cannot do anything here because there's only one person who has the control over what happens here that's me nobody can abuse us emotionally but we hold on to the pain and the resentment and we abuse ourselves emotionally there was a sister who came to the centre at the age of about 35 fighting 3540 and at the age of five she had gone through abuse at the age of five and she had held on to that resentment for more than 30 years resentment against the person who did it a feeling of let down by her parents who left her alone with that person and she grew up to be very bitter with her own life she was not able to trust people she didn't want to get into marriage relationship nothing she said I don't like people owed me with 13 years she lived with that bitterness here and then when she started meditating and she connected to God and started filling herself with love and one day she just comes and she says I just realized that I don't need to forgive that person I need to actually forgive myself I said why do you need to forgive yourself she said that person abused my body once i abused myself 30 years repeatedly she said who did the harm me I said she said what have I been holding on to for 30 years and she said that's it from today I do not allow that person to come back and live here I forgive myself for creating that hurt that criticism that guilt that pain I created for 30 years that is liberation that is what changes our destiny the other way of living I am a victim I'm a victim I have no right to be happy I hold on to that hatred and resentment and I keep getting entangled into a karmic account which I cannot finish an energy exchange needs to stop with the other soul so for that we need to claim the pain here otherwise I the soul will hold on to that won't fall very very long but when I am holding on to that wound I don't believe I am creating the pain I said they are responsible for what I'm going through they are responsible for what they did I am responsible for what I created here in response to what they did what they did I cannot undo now how I responded I can change I can change we don't need anyone else to be nice to us to love us we need only one person to love us we need only one person to be nice to us we need one person to be always kind to us where does that one person live even if everyone else is not nice to you if you're nice to yourself you're happy even if everyone is nice to you but you don't talk nicely to yourself you'll never be happy never be happy they're all nice to me but I am not being nice to myself here I can't be happy so meditation teaches us to create that beautiful relationship with with the self by creating that beautiful relationship with God so who is the creator of what I am creating here one thing we need to finish today I will blame anyone else for how you're feeling never blame anyone else for how you're feeling never say I'm upset because of I'm angry because of I'm hurt because of no I created the anger I'll finish it I created the hurt I heal myself so who's the creator of our feelings who's the creator of our feelings me myself always me myself always so even if people are not right to me can I be nice to them can I be nice to them yes is my thoughts feelings behavior dependent on them yes or no sure always sure when we start living like that we become emotionally independent we all want freedom we all want independence physically independent financially independent socially independent most important emotionally independent emotionally independent my emotions my feelings are my choice not dependent on their behavior they will be their way they will be their way and I will be they will be their way I will be my way and my way will be which will be my way my way will be those seven qualities purity this love happiness power bliss my way and when I am my way I start influencing their way when I heal myself my love and compassion starts healing people and that's why when I change people change when I change my body changes when I change the world changes if there's anyone you need to forgive if there's anything you need to forget then being in this high vibration energy we have yet two more days don't take it back with you from here easiest place to that release it and to let it go is here because we are at the highest energy one I need to understand why did that happen to me why did that happen to me I had created some past karmic account with that soul I the soul I'm in this body her soul eternal energy I create karma as I create feelings let's say this person does wrong to me I create hurt this is I I create hurt I create resentment I feel rejected I say they rejected me I feel let down and I hold on to that rejection the pain the resentment for 30 40 50 years and then one day I the soul leaves the body I the soul leave the body relationships left behind those people left behind my body left behind what is the only thing I take with me what's the only thing that goes with me everything that was recorded here so I carry with me that resentment that hurt the pain the rejection where do I the soul go I the soul go and enter the womb of the mother suppose the mother was going through some trauma while I was in the womb of that mother then again I the soul experience pain rejection resentment and then a baby is born 10 years later 20 years later 30 years later one situation in life one scene and I start experiencing pain resentment rejection why do I experience that emotion because I the soul I'm carrying that from somewhere of the past and I will continue to carry this with me unless I heal myself clean myself release that emotion and that's where God's love and meditation comes in to heal otherwise I carried it from the past I'll continue carrying it with me and live with it in the present I'll take it with me in the future and that's why we are taught everything is predestined predestined by whom me predestined by me so I have the power to change my destiny so choose anyone you need to forgive and release the past we need to be held onto it for very long and that holding on to the past and the behavior of the other person depletes my energy it lowers my vibration it does not allow me to be the angel I want to be it does not allow me to vibrate at that highest frequency of purity because I'm holding on to something of the past why did that happen to me I was carrying a past karmic account past is it's oh I need to say that to myself every single day past is past it's over today I begin a new karmic connection today I begin a new carbide connection bring that person on the screen of your mind connect to God and radiate love and compassion to them take that energy send it to them take that energy send it to them I fill myself with God's love and I send it to you the only energy that flows between you and me is love and blessings past is past it's over our new karmic account is beautiful clean pure when we start creating a higher vibration karma the past karma starts getting deleted this is a sheet of paper there's a black circle on it if I want to delete that black circle I need to draw white circles to remove one black circle how many white circles would I need to draw over that to remove one black circle how many white circles but I need to draw over that imagine sheet of paper one black circle you can't erase that you have to overwrite so how many black suck how many white circles would I need to remove one black circle okay today you'll go try this in your room take a sheet of paper draw one black circle and then just see to remove every trace of that black circle it won't go with one white circle it won't go with one white circle you'll have to draw at least at least at least five to ten white circles to finish the trace of that black circle what is that black circle that black circle is my past that I've held on to what is my white circle my white circle is that high vibration thought I create now by connecting to God the blessings that I sent so for every wrong they do I need to send at least 10 blessings at least 10 blessings so that that black will not reach me my 10 white circles will overpower my wound of one dark circle that I had created in the past blessings can finish my past karmic accounts blessings can finish my karmic connections that I had created with souls when repeated things happen in our life when repeated emotional patterns many people today think oh I need to go through a past life regression don't know why this is happening with me again and again we don't need to go through a past life regression we just need to know that it is happening because I have carried it from the past knowing what I did in the past is not important important is I have carried it from the past and most important is I have the power to change it in the present by knowing what I have done in the past I can't change the change will have to be in the present so whatever emotional pattern that I am going through while in meditation create a white circle for that pattern let's say I have a thought which says everyone rejects me I was rejected by so-and-so I was rejected by so-and-so and I've always been rejected this rejection is my past emotional wound now I want to change it so what will be the white circle to replace a thought I have been rejected what will be the white circle let's replace that dark circle I have always been rejected and now replace it with a white circle what would it be what would it be it's a torna I've always been rejected I need to replace it with a high vibration thought so what would it be hmm what would it be first and foremost God loves and accepts me unconditionally God loves me accepts me unconditionally second I love myself accept myself unconditionally I love myself I accept myself unconditionally people love me accept me unconditionally I love people I accept people unconditionally now what we are doing we are replacing a thought with another thought people reject me is getting replaced by God loves me accepts me I love myself accept myself people love me accept me I love people accept people for white circles over that one dark circle anyone does this for a few days and that feeling of being rejected will disappear it will just go away it will just go away because we will replace that circle and circle and circle it's here if I don't replace it I reaffirm it every day everyone does this to me everyone is like this to be however a hard I tried people keep doing this to me I darken my circle now I'm going to heal my emotional wound and when I do this I change my karma I change what is recorded here I change what I radiate to the body I change what I send out to people I change my destiny just by changing here here so whatever emotional pattern you're carrying creates the substitute replace it think it and say it and feel it and believe it every single day within a month actually less than that that old one would have disappeared it's a habit how many of us have changed habits have you ever changed a habit we all have what do we have to do just start using the new habit suppose I was eating a particular way I start eating a new way change by habit within a few days habit changed now we are changing habits of ways of thinking ways of feeling ways of speaking ways of behaving so we change from the inh Callie okie habit I changed to the sati okie Golden Age habit I changed my Karma I changed the karmic account I created with people when we hold on to any pain we are connected to people with that pain energy if one of us releases the pain and sends blessings karmic account changed we don't need new people to change need only one person to change in that relationship only one person and that one person will be me and when I change I change my destiny so we don't live the life of a victim who says life's not been nice to me people have not been nice to me things are not fair this is not the vocabulary of angels so we shift from being a victim to becoming a master of our life God loves me God's with me and I choose how to be and then create a destiny the way we want it to be and when we do that we don't only change our destiny we change the destiny of the world the world changes so you've gone from the INH but when you return next week you're going to return in your Golden Age here sure seth yogi sun scar Satsuki karma so do we choose one person with whom we are going to settle a karmic account yes Joseph selected how many found one karmic account to settle so there's an energy coming from there and there's an energy coming from here it may be the karmic account is very old it could be 10 20 30 years it could be a karmic account of the past when two people meet there's an energy exchange they go back home they meet next week the energy at which they ended last time is the energy on which they begin the second time this can happen when we meet week after week this will also happen when we leave the body and we meet them in a new body it will continue at the same energy we left last time and that's why sometimes we say why does this person have a problem with me why do they keep doing this with me it's something we've carried from last time but doesn't matter whether it's of this time or last time it's an energy exchange so they are sending their energy to me I am sending my energy to them this is a karmic connection I change from today I change from today and when I change the quality of this karmic connection changes and I change the quality of that relationship so when we do meditation today now we will emerge that one person on the screen of our mind we will release what we've held on to we will forgive them because it was really only a continuation of our karmic account with them and we will fill our self with others love and we will start radiating that to them as dispersed it's over and when we start doing that we will change our karma and change our destiny and we will change the world and from today we're not going to blame anyone for our destiny neither God nor people neither God nor people God's knowledge love and power always with us irrespective of what I've done in the past it's the present which is powerful anyone has any questions on their mind before we do meditation and he thoughts and if any question any doubt anything at all thank you put your hand up and I'll bring a mic to you please keep your question short i'm santi sister she's asking uh by the time we tried to settle our karmic accounts will this life will be enough or the will or we will need another following lights one or some other lives so we can basically end this karmic account so that's the question we are not ending karmic accounts with changing the quality of the energy of the karmic account right now let's say you and me carry a past karmic account where I am NOT being nice to you maybe at work maybe at home I'm not being nice to you this is a carry forward of our past karmic account right but when I am NOT being nice to you you are getting hurt so I'm radiating negative you're radiating negative karmic connection of a negative energy continues today you take a decision that you will continue to bless me and send powerful energy to me by connecting to God so I continued with my wrong but you have now changed what you feel and what you radiate to me so I am sending negative but you're sending purity I'm sending negative you're sending purity I'm still sending negative you're still sending purity your karmic account has changed right then and there I will take my little time to settle mine but you have changed it then and there because you've changed the energy that you are creating so it's not the question of how many lives it will change it takes you only one thought to change your karma only thing you have to take care you don't get influenced by my Karma and again create negative you hold on to your purity your compassion your love your blessings you're happy here you're healthy here what you're sending to me has changed your karma has changed your destiny has changed your past is settled your past is not troubling you anymore when is the karmic account troubles us when my behavior troubles you that means your past is troubling you but when my behavior does not trouble you at all your past is finished it's settled we because your present has changed so you change your card make account right now so how much time will it take to change a thought one thought so how much time to settle a karmic account one thought because whose power and knowledge do we have with us now very simple so we change it right now any other question um jaunty sister my business is my name for this physical body and your last year visit to New Zealand spurred me to come first time to medieval I don't have a question or some - thank you for your inspiration and charging and all the questions you're given in your evening I'm listening third time [Applause] our sister now she wants to ask if she can generate karma with herself and if it's possible how can she do it generate karma with herself generate karma with herself with her own self yes of course of course how do we create karma with our self every thought we create it's influencing myself right every thought I create it's influencing my body if I am not creating nice feelings I'm not creating a very good karma with myself if I am not being nice with my body not taking care of my body not eating right not exercising I'm not creating a very good karma with my body when I change that and I love myself I am kind to myself I release the past I am creating a beautiful karma with myself I start taking care of my body healthy diet healthy high energy diet I've started creating a beautiful karma with my body the first karmic account we create is with ourselves only after that will we start creating a karmic account with other people if we've made a mistake in the past sometimes we hold on to that guilt one is not being able to forgive other people the other thing is not being able to forgive our own self when we are not able to forgive ourself we are being very harsh - we are being very harsh to our self past is past it's over guilt does not allow the karmic account to settle it's over this is a new beginning my every Karma today will be right thinking and talking about the past does not allow the present to change the fast continues to flow into the present so forgive people but before forgiving people first forgive first forgive yourself very important because we have to live with ourself 24 by 7 self-criticism and guilt is toxic for the soul for the body appreciate yourself you know like people when they do a little bit we appreciate them we motivate them if they make a mistake we say it's okay it's okay you can do it get up let's do it again we're nice to them we're very nice to people we're kind to them we motivate them we love them but we're a little harsh to ourselves and that's why meditation means the first thing it creates a beautiful relationship with ourselves so love myself be kind to myself motivate myself and appreciate yourself appreciate yourself sometimes 9 out of 10 times I'm peaceful one time I create anger should I criticize myself or appreciate myself I should criticize myself or appreciate myself 20 out of 30 days I exercise 5 days I skip should I criticize myself or appreciate myself appreciates appreciate yourself even one day out of 30 days if you exercise appreciate yourself because appreciation will give you the energy to do it a second day but if you criticize yourself then the next time even that one day is over every Karma should be such which increases the energy of the soul self-criticism depletes the soul guilt depletes the soul appreciation acceptance approval energizes the soul we're shifting from inh to Golden Age all intention is to energize the soul charge that battery inside any other question before we meditate hanji I think maybe one more question please short since but since Copper Age on was have you created karmic accounts with God if so how to clean the karmic accounts with him karmic account with God how would the karmic account with God be what would be the quality see what is a karmic account a karmic account is energy from one and the energy from me so what's the energy that I'm going to get from God always always love always pure so they cannot be a not negative karmic connection from here what's going to be the energy from me to God what's going to be the energy from me to God sometimes sometimes we are also upset and angry with God why did this - why cannot he help me bike and what he give me the strength to do what I want to change so for that also will get neutralized because the energy coming from the other side is only full of love and blessings and compassion there is unconditional acceptance so there is only one energy with whom even if we create a negative thought it will not create a negative account because from the other side the energy that is coming to us is pure unconditional and that's why what meditation teaches us is how God radiates unconditional love and acceptance to me I have the power to radiate the same to other people God teaches us how to unconditionally accept and love and that's why when I start radiating that unconditional love and acceptance to others my karmic account with other people also starts getting settled and neutralized so there can be nothing negative over there with them one karmic account is safe always I think there's one time but just one more at the back thank you sister um shanty is it possible to settle a karmic account with someone who has passed away yes very important thank you so much for that very very important sometimes we've had a connection with the soul and before we could settle it or before we could resolve it the soul has moved on their journey right suppose we knew that we are going to leave the body in five hours from now what is the time now 11 4 o clock this evening where are we going to be at 4 o clock this evening Barba's Rock dilwara just visualize create a thought I'm going to leave the body 5 hours from now what home would we want to do before we leave what would you want to do before you leave this body surrender forgive you're going to leave only five hours left two minutes are over four hours 98 when it's what do you want to do five hours what would you want to do before leaving let go of the past very good what else hanji health very good tell everyone you love them very important thank them for all that they've done with you right be nice they've been so nice they're very glad grateful to them so you thank them you tell them you love you anything else gratitude appreciation forgiveness now we are able to do this because we know we have five hours but we know that many of us and many of people around us leave without having those five hours and because we leave without having those five hours to do all this forgiveness gratitude appreciation instead we carry with us that hurt rejection we've carried it with us and so like sister said someone has moved on and carried that pain emotion with them can we settle the karmic account now now they're not here in my family they're in another costume in another family maybe in another country I don't know where they are can I settle the karmic account with them now now yes how to do that how can I settle the karmic account with them now what do I do now everything that you would do with the people who are around you you can create the same thoughts for the soul who has moved on the journey for a soul to catch our thoughts they don't need to be around us physically they don't need to be around us so in your meditation when you connect to Baba and fill yourself just emerge that soul you want to say sorry to them you say sorry to them you want to say thank you to them you say thank you to them you want to say something else to them say to them because wherever they are they can catch your every thought so we'll sketch our vibrations and feelings and that's why if you look at little babies they're smiling without a reason they're happy without a reason and suddenly they are crying without any reason there's a lot of science this which is studying this why are they going through all this because the family they left behind are thinking about them and sending that energy to them and that's why two ways one always be ready to live live your life in such a way that if I leave right now there's nothing pending so the gratitude the forgiveness the appreciation has to be done has to be done every day that's the art of dying and when we learn the art of dying the art of living is automatically taken care of because I'm ready to leave that means the soul is always clean and settled and sorted sorted always so one take care that I'm always clean and sorted here ready to live and second if someone around me has left and moved on never ever create thoughts of pain because when we cry we radiate pain to them when we say things like how could you leave me come back I cannot live without you we radiate pain remember them but remember them with love blessings and power not with pain because whatever we create reaches the soul because we are in a karmic connection with them so we not only are caring and kind when they are with us but we need to be very caring after they have moved on and our care is by not creating pain and crying for them connect to God and radiate a lot of love and blessings to them that you are settled in your new family in your new costume in the womb of the mother you're settled we are fine here you take care of yourself they're settled karmic account settled when we create turmoil and turbulence here the baby in the womb goes through a turmoil there doctors have studied this suddenly the child goes through a lot of turmoil in the womb of the mother because receiving lot of negative energy a lot of negative energy that's our responsibility towards family and souls around us so live every day as if it was the last day live every moment as if it's the last moment ready to live we will not get five hours we will not get five hours and if we don't do it every day even if we get those five hours we will not be able to do it in those five hours we will not the soul needs to be always settled or karmic account settled we will not carry any unfinished business with us on the mind then the body is left also with a lot of ease and dignity sometimes we see souls who are not able to leave the body the body is in a mess completely the doctors cannot do anything about it but the soul is not able to leave the body because it's very trapped inside that costume it has still got a lot here it's not able to release itself from the body so when we practice meditation daily develop a very beautiful Karma with the body create good energy with living light leaving the body with ease and transfer into the new costume with love and light that's the destiny of the soul and we all have the power to do that right now down sit back and we're gonna choose that one karmic account to settle my every vibration reaches the soul everything I say to them reaches them I'm connected to them with my thoughts feelings and vibrations hide the soul I'm the master of this body I'm on the long journey I take a costume create my karma create beautiful pelvic accounts I leave the posthuman take the new one I've been on a long journey in every posture I met people I created relationships I created a pelvic about every relationship today is a carry forward of my past karmic accounts every relationship on my car back accounts are beautiful pure harmony I choose that one which I need the change today bring that soul on the screen of your mind I've met them before we've had a past karmic account I ask for forgiveness for anything that I have done in the past to them the past which I do not remember the past which was in another costume I ask for forgiveness it's a past karmic account past his past it's over past his past it's over I'm filled with Baba's love and power and I really hate that blessings and love to the soul visualize it Barba's love to me and from me to them from Baba to me from me to them I am the creator of my destiny I create a karmic account of blessings and compassion my every thought for you is a blessing love and compassion is my karmic account with you from this moment it's a neo Parma counter I am a Saluki soul I am Papa's angel radiating love and compassion to the world
Channel: Halifax - Brahma Kumaris
Views: 114,162
Rating: 4.7900052 out of 5
Id: M-1ivA3T7MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 7sec (5287 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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