How to Live at Peace with Yourself and Others - by BK Shivani (English) | Brahma Kumaris

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times there are people we have to meet on a daily basis people whom we live with people whom we work with but sometimes there are a few of them with whom arson scars don't match do any of you have anyone like that with whom your son's cars don't match please raise your hand one how many do you have one person two now there are three ways of living life one either we adjust our son's car with their Sun scarf and adjustment doesn't mean that inside we are suffering and outside we are being very nice to them and then we say I'm a jesting I'm a jesting I'm a jesting now that's not called adjustment adjustment with I'm stable inside not I'm stable only outside so one option is that we are able to adjust our son's car with their son's car second option is we say no I cannot work with this person or I cannot live with this person third option is to be with them work with them live with them but always troubled inside because of them three options either you're troubled inside too you move away three be there with them but we are stable inside which is the option we mostly choose which is the option we mostly choose hanji at Korea led bath a that a lot of people are choosing the option to to move away why is the option to move away not a good option what's wrong and moving away with from people whom we don't witches can get along so why what's wrong and moving away why should we not move away we will create a Sun star of moving away if you say some people create a Sun scar of moving away I don't get along with this person away I can't work with this person away I can't be in this job away they've created a Sun scar of moving away so please take a lot of care never create a Sun scar of moving away because if we create a Sun scar of moving away we are not using sole power and if I don't use something what will happen to it anything not used what happens to it we start losing it remember a time when we knew at least 20 phone numbers by hat how many of you lived in that era poor knew 24 numbers by heart we knew everybody's birthdays we knew everybody's numbers it's a power we had and today sometimes you ask someone what's your number and they will fumble giving their own number happens right because now something else is doing all that work for us you say well how make you add recognized of course no phone / hey sub push the computer / hey - oh hey lake in hamara Passaic Shakti tiel Yacht rock Nicky and the more we used to use that power the more that power would increase so the more we used it the more it increased we stopped using it up Nagar kilowog about the Acacia logic and Facebook Amira mind karika today's so-and-so's birthday Oh at our so we say Thank You Facebook you reminded me today is the birthday of so itself the Osaka hooray hamari apne power card each area similarly America's power T to adjust with each other's and scars we had this power and that's why we have seen those generations over 20 people can live in the same house we can we have lived that period where everyone around is also like a family and we are the generation who's seen that shift from that to to everyone in their room alone because everyone has their own TV so we don't even need to sit and watch the program together because you have yours you I have mine or we have the computer so when we start doing that we stop using our power to adjust we meet people children who go to hostel and then once they go to hostel and they start getting used to living alone then they have a problem you were living with their parents so they will say luckily Reineke others were they a QK for the last two three four years I have stopped using my power to add chest so take lot of care don't stop using the power if you stop using the power we won't even realize that we've started losing the power and then we've lost it so much that we are only comfortable talking to people online is it ok what's wrong in just talking to people online instead of being with them going out spending time what's wrong in being with people online is there any difference huh you're missing the emotion no personal interaction with no vibration now when there is no vibration what happen when two people meet okay when two people meet there is an energy exchange I give happiness I give love and I also receive love respect in both the cases when I'm giving also I am getting and when I'm receiving also I am getting and in both the cases when I'm giving and receiving this power what will happen to this battery inside it will get charged because those Reiko respect DNA maybe marry energy Berthier de-stressor receive karna maybe marry energy Parthia so in both cases while giving and while receiving soul power increases but we started avoiding all this because we thought instead of receiving and giving love and respect we felt we were giving and receiving some opposite energies could be hurt Kabhi jealousy kabir irritation so when we started experiencing that soul power started depleting when soul power started depleting we said it's better to just be away from these people okay I saw and then I said okay away from this person okay away from this person okay away from this person and a lot of people today love to be just on their own now will soul power increase if we are just alone yes yes because I'm neither giving nor am i receiving there was a time when we grew up in a family of ten people let's say so the giving and receiving was happening with ten people children were stronger emotionally stronger today children are getting only from two people those two people are also coming home at 8 o clock in the night so that child growing up is not getting that energy or giving that energy what we used to give to at least five and ten people in a family so automatically emotional strength and then those children because we are sitting with gadgets so our children also are growing up with gadgets the only differences we started using the gadgets when we were twenty thirty they are using the gadgets from five six your son is six but from which age our children using gadgets now Hanna now Seraph exceed visualize car catechu we who were used to adjusting but reduced using it are feeling all this depression and all the long list can you visualize a generation which from the age of 1 & 2 is going to be more with technology and less with people can you visualize what will be the emotional strength of this generation 20 years from today adjustment our adjustment power so we need to go back to who we used to be our way of living also actually needs to go back to what it used to be because that way of living used to increase emotional strength this way of living okay lay okay lay okay lay ah Kelly is reducing emotional strength and then that is becoming the cause of a lot of illnesses whether in the mind or in the body but to be able to live with different Sun scars today I only need to master the technique of being able to exist with everybody a sense car so moving away will deplete soul power being with them and cribbing inside what will that do to soul power that will also depletes all power so the only option that will increase soul power will be to to be with them and to ingest with them once we start doing that our power to adjust will start increasing you will be able to take guarantee on yourself I can adjust with anybody I can work with anybody I can live with anybody why are organizations today looking at the emotional quotient of their employees because we may be top in our intellectual strength our profile would say a lot of things about us but that profile doesn't share whether we have the power to work with people so I may be brilliant I may be excellent what I'm doing alone alone but an organization cannot be alone so there has to be a way by which an organization can see whether this brilliant person is brilliant with people not just brilliant by himself and that's why they have to start checking the emotional quotient how do we increase our emotional quotient because if we do it for ourself automatically we will start increasing the emotional quotient of our children how do we increase our emotional strength okay super anger what is emotional strength whom will you call just visualize whom would you call an emotionally healthy person EQ hi Kiska labelling who's not getting affected by surroundings simple whom do we call a physically healthy person get any what healthy hair gon kiss coca hang up k about healthy hair physically healthy kiss ko kangy one immunity system very high so when immunity system is very high doesn't get infected by pollution or infections of other people second flexibility SNA it nasa been to carry the reader readers of the dora stiff not healthy bend healthy same two things apply to emotional health also emotionally healthy means immunity system very high as purse will be infection Ajay Cohiba infection means coiba Sun scar but we will not consume that Sun scar and second the power to bend what would you call bending emotionally how many of us have done it bending emotionally we all have done it Hannah so what is it when will you say this is called bending emotionally when did I bend you let the other person have their way what else bending emotionally suppose you walk into this room or you go to office or to a party and you're about to go up to somebody to just say hello to them and start talking and they look at you coming there and they just don't avoid and move away respond how are you going to respond respond yes follow them and say hello how many of you are going to follow them and say hallo raise your hand here Oh si si Val aha - Donna yes Eric okay bad thing s Eric who will be quite bad thing si si cabinet aku power to take decisions is a very important power don't do this doesn't matter if you don't feel like following them and saying hello perfectly fine perfectly fine but we have to be very clear because eh Oh state with IANA si Valley this also depletes all power yeah it's like standing on the torn like this neither going here neither going there car engine on fuel running but car not moving and this happens to us for a very long period in life sometimes when a sakuya esseker one year will pass in that one year will pass after one year you ask them so what did you decide finally did you do this no I'm still thinking about it what should I do this depletes soul power look at every Karma which depletes soul power it doesn't matter if the decision turns out to be wrong doesn't matter every decision will not be hundred percent always right but we should not deplete our power to take decisions because our chaja may a core addict but okay I have news from cachaca Putin a coconut the mochi I could not say AB Kokila how can anybody else take a decision for us and the people who take decisions for us very quickly they would take years to take a decision for their own life but to the other person they'll say very cool oh it's me again I forgot why should we not take a decision according to what somebody else has said why should we not take a decision based on what someone else has said we have to face the result very good what else we are creating a sense car of taking a taking other people's decision for our life what else we are not confident what else the person the person who's giving advice can be somebody very close to your family friends the advice that they will give to us will be absolutely right full of love and respect but they will give the advice based on their capacity right but the one who has to implement the advice needs to check whether I have the capacity to implement the advice if I take somebody's advice and implement it take the decision without checking whether I have the capacity I'm going to make a mistake in my karmic account let's say somebody gives you an advice here in this campus tomorrow morning go and take five rounds of cancer over it's very healthy right advice is the advice right 100% right and the one who's giving it takes five rounds every day so obviously what advice will they give us take five rounds every day it's very good for health but they don't know what is your capacity and if you start walking five rounds and you can't do it and you fall ill or something happens you know what's the first thing that we say see because of them were happened this is the life of a victim because of them I fell down we don't say I took their advice I use the decision and then I fell down we don't go through that process plant what is the first line that we will say because of them and then we actually go up to them and say because of you see what happened in my life this is a very dangerous karmic account taking advice fine we take advice we don't take decision we take advice it has to go through the process blunt after that take the advice after that only sit and check with yourself whether I have the power to implement that advice third make that advice your decision not their decision and fourth then say I am doing this because I find this the right thing to do not because they told me to do it this will increase soul power because then we will put in more than hundred percent of our capacity to implement that and second whatever will be the consequence we will be ready to take the responsibility whenever we take responsibility we increase soul power whenever we blame someone for anything because of you the minute we do this I have given my power away and when I say it's because of me circuit complete circuit complete I have the power doesn't matter if the decision is wrong doesn't matter of the consequences I took the decision so I will rectify it I have the power but if I say because of them then victim victim and victim will not be able to find a solution even if the solution is standing right there in front of right there in front of them so be very careful one in taking an advice but more than that careful in giving an advice when you give an advice to somebody you have just got entangled in their karmic account and you would not even know it that they might blame you for the rest of their life for what they're going through and that's not good energy for you because someone is blaming you constantly for the pain in their life because they felt it happened because of your decision so if someone comes and asks you something be very careful with what you say to them one simplest is to tell them look you have to take this decision they'll say no but still what do you feel so I don't know you have to take this decision you can imagine how many people I would be meeting who want instant answers and they will come up with situations as big as do you think I should live with my husband or do you think I should divorce and they want me to give the answer and they get very hurt if I say I'm sorry I cannot say anything it's your decision no but what do you think I said I think nothing because this the person is in such a vulnerable emotional state that if you just even give your one opinion even one line and they are because they are not in that state they will take that one line and impulsively take a decision it should be very careful so I have to keep saying no I'm sorry I cannot they said we thought but you would help I said no sorry I have enough of my karmic accounts to handle cannot interfere in your karmic account I can share with you all the yarn that you want to make your thing work but this decision it's between you two people and I always tell them don't even go and ask somebody else don't ask because you will not take the right decision if you're dead too many people's opinion different people will give the opinion according to their son's car you know sometimes two people if they have an issue they will be able to resolve it but sometimes the issue gets very complicated only and only because the issue did not remain between two people so what will happen when five more people come into the issue what will happen when five more people come into the issue five more sons cars two sons cars were not being able to resolve the issue and then we're going to get five more and five more energies so be very careful most of the time anything which is between two people can be resolved by those two people only because if everyone gives you advice also who is going to finally implement that advice who's going to finally implement that advice we two people so might as well we should have done that right from the beginning so we have to be very careful that each sole means a different son's car so take care of how many sons cars you are getting into your issue so the only thing that will increase soul power is to be able to addressed with difference and scars and that will become very easy when we start looking at them not just as a husband wife brother child but as a soul on a very long journey why do we have a problem with people why is he like this why did she say like this why did she do this to me because I expected him or her to be a different way when we expect something from people we expected through the filter of through the filter of our sons cars right suppose I have the sons car of reaching somewhere before time then automatically my expectation from other people will be that they will also come before time is it going to be possible is it going to be possible no but when I have a filter of coming before time it doesn't just remain as my son's car I said this is the right way coming before time and when I say this is the right way what do I start calling all the other ways wrong the minute I say you are wrong what's the vibration that I am radiating to you you are wrong time was 9:30 you came at 9:35 you are wrong are they wrong are they wrong are they wrong hanji disciplinary yes are they wrong are they wrong we don't know what to do yes or no are they wrong hanji they should have been on time but are they wrong different Souls different journeys different Sun scoffs if I get into the habit of calling every Sun scar which is different from mine as wrong I am going to find a lot of people wrong and those lot of people will not be strangers they will be people with whom I am living at home because even they are carrying different Suns cars and when we start radiating this energy you are wrong what's the energy that's going to come from there you are wrong if I come at 9:20 and I look at the person who comes at 9:35 and I just send a thought I don't say anything I just send a thought wrong laid eye you know what's going to come from there what's going to come from there wrong Belyakov 8k that yeah what's looking very funny now becomes the cause of relationships going because it's not in these very small things it's a habit and it will go on for every Sun scar which is different from the other person 920 will be right for me only because I am carrying that Sun scar we are not talking about what is universally right universally wrong we are saying what is right for that soul and what is right for this soul a soul who is carrying the sun's car of coming late suppose it's their son's car yesterday we saw when something becomes a son's car what happens who's driving the car we saw yesterday who's driving the car the son's car is driving the car which means when something becomes a son's car it becomes an automatic way of living for that soul and that soul feels that this is this is right and when somebody feels this is right and we radiate them a vibration you are wrong they will radiate a vibration to us you are wrong disrespect becomes the foundation of the relationship and once disrespect and rejection we've rejected each other you are wrong you are wrong becomes the foundation of a relationship after that how much ever effort you put on that relationship difference of opinion unlocked but a difference of opinion hoga lakyn to believe you are wrong becomes the foundation of disrespect let's change the thought because we've seen yesterday's Sankalp see Sydney Hey so somebody is carrying a son's car which is different from me what's the thought I should create for them what's the thought I should create for them and this different could be your children how many of you have children who have identical sons cars like you identical Sun scars like you all know so only one folder is coming from you remember out of the five all the ways remember the five folders it will become easy to understand people because very easy to understand people oh this Sun scar has come from that folder okay the whole relationship becomes very easy when we shift from rejection disrespect to shifting to acceptance and respect when will I reject you and when will I accept you I reject you when I create a thought wrong Gullit and four sort of wrong gala tonight booray you kidnap or ill okay so it's thinking a switch to my sacred slogan Kelly such thinking and this is very powerful energy going to them and Cooper say I'm speaking very nicely to them my bought meat Hobart career and then I say mini-sub push it not chuckya / be they are not happy with me because I thought that all that I'm thinking about them they don't come to know they come to know only how I'm talking about them and how I'm behaving with their relationships are not based on how we are talking and behaving if you see in today's time we are making more efforts on making relationships work outside can you see how much we are trying to do for each other and for people compared to what we used to do 20 years back can you see how much effort people are doing today buying a gift wrapping the gift or dinner elaborate everything has become so elaborate outside the hellotalk which not taken UK paheli under sea so church it already I wonder circuit also trabajar see what sorry gifts in both saris of couch it was really correct and sub good furniture bad beverage the fragile hey h.o.t sabato Hill jaga hell jaiku so look at the person and don't look at them as husband wife children but just look at them just do it right now soul on a long journey I am only seeing them in this costume before this another costume before that another costume how old are you 35 everyone shout out your age how old are you I'm waiting for at least one soul to give the right answer please soul I am a soul 35 is the age of 35 is the age of my costume like some age of this costume and another age of this costume how old am I we don't know thousands thousands so see 35 in this costume before that hundred in another costume before that hundred in another costume and another costume and another costume and another costume in every costume different family different surroundings different situations different experiences different recording on the soul 100 hundred hundred hundred hundred hundred hundred hundred in every hundred years recording recording recording recording to three thousand five thousand years recording recording recording a CD with so many songs and suddenly they are there before us and we say my husband should be like this it's not fair it's not fair now don't look at them as just husband wife mother-in-law but just look at them a soul who's been on a journey of thousands of years and I don't know what all they must have gone in these thousands of years what all experiences so many sons cars they are carrying so it stood CDs with different recordings of many lifetimes and now one day these two CDs got married can you see what happens and those two CDs have probably hardly got one or two songs which are similar remaining thousands of songs are completely different and they are going to live together for the next hundred years so what option do they have listen to each other's songs complete the sentence listen to each other songs and enjoy the music listen to career I am listen cough career a lake in Agoura hum music oh except neck are they they becomes another journey of wanting to copy our songs onto their CD you become like me because my son's car is right and when we start doing that then they start saying better than that why don't you copy my song onto your CD even then our house will become peaceful one of them has to agree to copy the other song either you copy mine or I copy yours we don't agree to copy theirs but we say you copy mine conflict now one or two years three years are passing trying to check each other's songs third CD comes into their house right and we all thought that it's going to be a blank CD and nine months we dream of all the songs that we will record on that blank CD and how many of you all received a blank CD no because that CD is also coming from thousands and thousands of yours just two three songs will get copied because of our vibrations on that CD so that one folder of parental son's car so we are all these CDs souls with long journeys lot of experiences living together in one house you see one house now if we reject each other's and scars we are going to have very heavy energy but compassion and empathy means I understand that somewhere on the journey this soul has carried this son's car it could be a son's car of criticizing it could be a son's car of doubting people you know sometimes you can have a couple in which one soul trusts everybody very easily and the other soul finds it very difficult to trust now what is right doubt or trust which one is right which one is right doubt or trust which one is right both are right shallow in - are you have shifted from one is wrong - both are right this is an achieve this is the first step of compassion we are not saying what that doubt is right but right now doubt is right for that soul which means that's the filter they can see every situation only through that Sun scarf they just are not able to trust so their own doubt is already troubling them right doubt troubles people jealousy troubles fickle insecurities troubles people it's more suffering than even any chronic illness of the body now I carry that son's car and I automatically feel like that in a situation or person so already my soul power is already my soul power is depleted then people around me my family they all say I am wrong sahaja yogini negative energy as possibe Milegi tokyo Chaka the all deplete Raja shall be or deplete Haj Agha what will happen to that this ping Sun scar your pakka akka and that's why instead of empowering each other instead of helping each other to change Sun scars we actually become instruments of depleting each other and become instrument of reaffirming their existing Sun scar now someone is carrying a son scar which is different from you empower that person instead of depleting them yeah thought creating a it could be a Sun scar of jealousy it could be a Sun scar of criticism it could be a Sun scar of domination it could be a Sun scar of manipulation it could be a Sun scar of doubt it could be a Sun scar of telling lies what do we do they occur again what thought can we create which empowers them doesn't deplete them cackling he first thought many Abey Abey Abey Abey many Tutuola and map aha truth voltar so I'm carrying the Sun scar of dishonesty okay and a bimini opcode shoot Pola the which means a very merry soul power yeah hey lo hey okay Here I am I could be your colleague I could be your family member who has this son's car which is depleting soul power and here you are empower me chuckling hey empower me just yesterday we were talking what did that leader supposed to do empower people I am your team member I have this son scar you are the leader or you are a colleague empower me because if you don't empower me you're automatically depleting me handy alpha Misha such beaultiful AB Carlo they thought to stay [Music] you forgot the technique yesterday's my one folder has a tooth will link asan scar but my one folder has a purity and power cousin scar depending on which thought you sent to me you will have the power to open the file on my CD shallow sand a thought simple you are a pure cinema now this has to all happen from here always remember this is a communication skill which nobody is going to teach you in your company but communication actually happens from here communication very little happens from here so yaja Siham cartina masseur of yahan cecil de Ojo homeira say curtana Bosco absorb curly there so if you want to send a message to somebody just send it from here and you will watch and very soon see that they will start responding to your message but only take care that you don't send two conflicting messages from here send only one message from here you are a powerful soul you are an honest soul you are a voice so you are a pure soul agora he thought name create car they unaware what are the thoughts we create each would hold a job they could shoot a Volta is kata Tjuta lava or couch a tiny hair yet Oh boodles suck tiny hair that hostile our powers our thoughts don't create just our destiny they influence other people's destiny to the answer so Jinnah chopped ham David F donkey but Assunta hair dos meadow but they are there one is blessing which becomes a reality and the other is ok then a blessing dia that has to ho girl and the other thing is a shrub a shrub is a negative thought a blessing is a pure thought - a blessing - Rob said of David if tiny homes are the homes of their industry comes up their hair yet o si Hey it took badly guy name is Seto ho Nene valet he's got a bolo enmity a toka bakery nice act I'll eat name a church a holiday them they think a night that they a burger years of work car tire is Co opposite Peter Walker Rica Kariba inane Caracara when we come first time to the brahmakumaris with all our negatives and scars and the first thing that we heard when we come here the first day first morning listeners you are a divine soul and were like where is the divinity there is no trace of it at all nowhere but God says you are a divine soul you are a pure soul you are a powerful so Leo and bull Volk a paul volcker paul volcker hemay was thorough shift karana shook our data what you are experiencing already in just two days but cam same cheese or Anka sad because at thankful Jihan same cheese a blip but you gaze at bigger September Garcetti Kia home same cheese up neatly miss at bigger September so do the same thing Joe sands Cara be decry don't create a thought of that but create the thought what you want they should be and start watching miracles happening in your life and people around you and when I first create a thought like that for the other person who's the first one who got protected and benefited suppose I have to work with ten people today ten members of the team ten members will carry different son scars I will find something in her which is not right I will find something in him which is not right and if I keep looking at these son scars weaknesses I will start absorbing that energy you know when you wear a white colored dress you have to take a lot of care of the dress the whole day wearing a blue black is very easy in life can be better coach Picaro nothing matters white vinegar egg barf even to sit somewhere you have to first see if that place is clean why if this chair is not clean and I sit on that chair then after that the dirt does not belong to the chair anymore it will become a part of me when we look at the pictures of the Devi Devta as the divine Souls was the circle behind hora what color what color white what's the color of the circle behind you know why black why do you feel it's black it you cannot see that's okay but what do you think is the color behind you on what basis is the color the color is based on who I am pure inside my every thought process creates an energy field my energy field walks with me everywhere my energy field is my first source of communication to other people it's not about what people hear from you it's about what people feel with you and the feeling is based on that energy field the feeling is not based on my thought for you just now what I speak to you just now my energy field is based on my 24 by 7 thought process what's the color behind you they say whippet lead odenma color but lower yes because you are listening watching reading satiric you are eating drinking sattvic you are in a vibration which is sattvic the apne energy field wikio jayegi shattuck so the whole process and the reason to come for three days to Abu is for changing the color of the energy field but now begins the journey from tomorrow now begins the journey from tomorrow we are sati is also sati okey souls means what's the color of the circle right now what will happen just visualize yourself you leave your house in the morning with the white circle okay and then I meet her and I said yes a Kyoya is hot yogurt their essa now I am focusing on the dirt in their energy field but when my energy turns to the dirt in their energy field now that dirt is no more in their energy field I have made it into part of my energy field after ten minutes I meet her after half an hour I meet her then while driving back home stuck in the traffic jam I criticize other people's way of driving then while listening to the news I criticize other people about whom I hear on the news so do you know how much we absorb and come home in the evening the Sham the punch the punch they were white circle ko Chaka and fir Janica path we are not doing anything to change the great white so then over a period of time my circle starts shifting to dark now tell what do we have to do so that when I leave in the morning with white I should come home in the evening with white Hakurei I leave in the morning with the white circle which means I leave in the morning with a white dress and I come home in the morning with the white dress oh sorry come home in the evening with the white trace no stains no dog vocals off-key akhada [Music] hotter job Lobos a milna happening AB Kalka Herath a that because of the people who I interact with every day I have started becoming like them which means what did we start doing we've started absorbing their energy field that's not very healthy for us because your family do streaky cheese in which are not the right energies verbs of Ganesha Riccardi the hamari apne energy field K&L abhi dilute or Jackie work to homophobic honor so we are not moving away from people now what should we do so that we leave in the morning with the white energy field we come home in the evening with the white energy field see what was good in them when I see the weakness in you I absorb the weakness from you when I see the good in you what will happen I will absorb the good when I see a weakness in you I immediately create a thought soul has carried this Sun scar from somewhere else okay the minute I start thinking about your son's car then it becomes a part of my energy field and acceptance means I see that this Sun scar is there but I do not start thinking and getting disturbed about your son's car right this flower is here Obito it's only here but if I start thinking about this week Eric I akyurek hi Jessica Sarah KY you can say Ranga karahi now the flower is not there now the flower is not there now where is the flower now it's here now you see I've just absorbed this energy faded so acceptance means yes Eric ah hey NASA he lotta given instruction to have it changed / b1a4 take second Direction urban a car take disciplinary action fourth stage with sorry Appa Hakam name Carpathia even though you're a wonderful soul lakin deuce donkey comes Orion coop natured Baraka raka the Sham Duchovny energy field couch okay this is called detachment this is detachment and detachment means we will not absorb the weaknesses of people or situations and deplete ourselves curse at their working with people can you look at those people whom you are going to work with tomorrow and day after onwards being with them working with them living with them but not thinking of their sons car here I can sit from her and 24 by 7 I can see you are like this you are like this you are like this you are I can only do that much so how much is my power how much is my power I can only keep criticizing you insulting your shouting at you what is your power what is your power immediately create a thought for me this soul is in so much pain to talk only negativity throughout the day they must be so disturbed inside to behave like this this soul must have gone through a lot in some lifetime because of what they are so bitter but originally love full soul that's it you've started healing me only two things can happen either you absorb my negativity or you will send me your purity so the minute you are not absorbing mine you are radiating me yours why are we becoming negative in the presence of negative people why can they not become pure in our press keone ansata keone eSATA agar ha white circle kisseth sabrina clay instead of we coming home gray why is it not possible that they left home in the morning gray and they went back in the evening right after meeting us was at the name SATA ho sakta na ho sakta was up there for that only take care don't absorb my energy by understanding i am not criticizing you ivko hurt kya hoga how may hurt you mother they criticized me they insulted me I am not criticizing you I am NOT insulting you it's a song on my CD which is playing it's not about you hurt cup create hotel they did this to mean know and compassion Kubota this soul has the Sun scar of criticizing can you do that can you imagine ketchup our Paris a Baltimore under kidney dirt my hunger can you even imagine of your explanation will only work if before that you have sent me very pure and positive thoughts I am already sending negative you also get hurt and send negative and after having all that negative energy exchange we say come let's sit and talk you see what will happen that conversation will lead to probably a little more negativity it will because we've already created a foundation which is not pure now I am criticizing you you create compassion because now you're not looking at me as a relationship look at me as a soul on a journey was probably gone through you don't even know what you don't even know what I have gone through on my journey why do people go and get past life regression done I want to know what I did I didn't want to know what was my connection with these people and when they come to know what it was they say a child then though they are behaving like that is ok with me but we don't need to go and get that done it's like a way of rewinding and saying ok what didn't what happened 50 years back we don't need to know it we just need to understand two basic spiritual principles only two things which will solve every problem of life and those two things are this is a son's car that soul is carrying because of something in some lifetime one understanding and second what is happening between the two of us right now is a carry forward of a past karmic account nobody can throw any energy at you unless there was something that had happened before good or bad in both cases there was a previous karma and this is a consequence to that karma now you have the choice from where you are going to take it from today no we are reaching the end of the cycle when we are reaching the end of the cycle it's like the last episode of a long cereal so new stories don't start in the last episode but all the stories which were going on in the previous 500 episodes if you ever see the last episode of a serial you will say what is this happening I'm not understanding anything the other person sitting next to you will say let it be you did not even see the first 499 so how will you understand this story spirituality just explains to us the story of the first 499 episodes that yes everything that's happening with you today everyone who's coming into your life today is not a story of this episode but is a continuation of the story of the earlier 500 episodes today you have a choice where to take the story from here so even if I am getting negative energy when I use spiritual power and yarn I return it with a positive energy and when I do that what have I done to the karmic account what have I done to the karmic account is it possible for you to think positive pure good blessings for someone who's not being nice to you can you do that can you do that and to do that what will be the thoughts inside first why are they behaving like this because the mind will ask all this why are they doing this to me first answer the soul has carried some pain one so the mind will say okay they are not well one second but why are they doing this to me like that answer my past karmic account second question stop solution what am I supposed to do now now I should be Who I am I should not become a copy of who they are the only reason why relationship scatter we give people return what they give us joha Marisa touch' homonka saath achoo jaha Marisa Thoren nay ambien Giza which does not mean kick a cinema Jaggu sake Ottoman a Bieber sakya but it only means kissing image ago Sofia too many heart great carotid only negative Anna saragossa negative Nia her to be negative her but a girl kissing ago Zakia and I have compassion and empathy and I say soul is in so much pain inside the soul is in so much pain inside you will stop absorbing that pin because then you will shift from absorbing energy to transforming their energy only three things can happen with energy either you absorb people's energy to you reflect people's energy back to them three transform people's energy kaepernick a yoga because bob aikido no options for dangerous Kali mechanical say your Edina Satori soul Satori soul going back to Kali oak to create subtle so people will throw at you Kaleo geese and scars the only care to be taken is you behaved your way I'll behave my way you still behave your way I'll behave my way you continue behaving your way I will continue behaving my way the world will change your relationships will change only one person is needed to change a relationship two people are not needed two people are not needed only one person is needed to think right rocky if I send you a negative and you sent me a negative and then I send you a negative and then you send me a negative what's happening to the relationship it's only getting more and more vicious now I send you one negative you say compassion see positive also we have to be very clear what is a positive thought compassion kidney the earth my hair is the recipe of Quran I understand yak none the Sabbath disturbed him this is love this is healing energy this is a thought which our doctor creates when a patient comes to them a doctor doesn't say your patient till Acura Mario / Tokyo dr. Pinette Chandler I okay settle our I would third seat Solara same emotionally also low company car a couch pay log of May third Makara hey do you know jealousy can be such a big pain inside the mind insecurity can make people do addiction is not only alcohol smoking and drugs D predictions which can make people do the most strange things and then you will see SRK seekers up there they are in pain inside have compassion please never radiate pain to somebody who is in pain very deep karma and when we start radiating pain to them what have we done to our frequencies we come on the same frequency suppose I am in pain where is my frequency here here right if you want to remain safe why should your frequency be up even if you come here mine will start influencing you the Patna he protected rock nahi hota hai koi apically Chitina galets Astana abuse Kelly APUs Kelly kaigoon Azad Aceh socho a collector couch oberliga couch but leha coach Metallica it's very simple it's very simple a tuning fork oh I said about that tuning fork is vibrating bring another tuning fork next to that what will happen to the second tuning fork it will start vibrating just be that one tuning fork which can change other people and that's why the Brahma Kumaris we have a very beautiful slogan when I change the world changes colleauge my equation ulta Hoka hey when the world changes then I will be happy and that equation is making Calliope more and more colic and Satsuki question is when I change my world will change so only go back with this if someone is at a very low frequency please don't come close to their frequency and close to their frequency doesn't mean if someone is jealous of me I am also jealous of them no but if someone is jealous of me and I get upset because of them I get hurt because of what they said then my frequency has also come low and when my frequency comes low we both will get connected and we will exchange a lot of negative energy and very soon there'll be not much difference left between them and me and that's how Caleo gets created so we have come to Abu to take our frequency here tomorrow we are going back into the world where the frequency is here now what should I do so that I keep my frequency here from tomorrow onwards for the rest of my life and I only go here I don't go here luckily because we are not in a corner yay car Nana I said to find Ania Cato's de Cuba esse redness death acacia prosthetic esse or Friday : Sharia with Abu Mayo Sathya Soviet or yoga next year I'll go again next year Takei will be heard no that's not why we came here for three days that's what I asked you on the first day are we here for three days of a beautiful experience or are we here to change ourselves further so what do I do so that I remain like this from tomorrow onwards chuckling a simple simple lifestyle changes to be like this from tomorrow onwards always and only to go higher never to move down because now it will be a journey upwards so we are going to be in the opposite direction of the world you know when you go down this hill some cars are coming down some cars are going up don't take a u-turn just because you see that most of the cars are going down and up ecology can mangle atrocity Petronio marry direction meta coach I need a saree this is what happens so blow basically so blow guess occurrence sub locus a current I'll also become like that and then we take so we're not taking a u-turn you will find most of the cars going down you may be the only person in your organization going like this your journey may be slow they go down very fast don't change your direction - there's Calgary a frequency Co hierarchically once you go back from here you start getting connected to the center which is closest to you JC yeah I can ergy field hey I see you can ergy field Center baby hey okay if everyday we take out at least half an hour 45 minutes to go to a high frequency place right - every day - see place Madonna say hi Mary frequency we karaoke high same yawn we can sit listen at home we can get yawn at home we cannot get the vibration at home and that's why we have centers everywhere within five kilometers in every city because that's the reason it's not that there is one Center and once in awhile you can come there for yarn no come every day for the vibration because remaining 23 hours we are going to live in a collective vibration of the world which is the Oscars are hamper Nihon and Shia the Homero Sapna vibration coca karna padega day by day dunya vibration told us a nature with each other and easily hum parecer sada Jota Chara so to protect ourselves in that vibration at least an hour or half an hour every day of how many of you have been to the center which is near your place all of you have been every center has a meditation room yes every Center has a meditation room when you go back tomorrow and you go to the center the next time you see one is the vibration of your house check that then you see the vibration of your office check that then go to the center and see the vibration of the center then go to the meditation room in the center and check the vibration of that meditation room Charu a log home gay Charu Allah congi 30 vibration care hey what is in the house vibration what is it yeah so what's the vibration what do you think is in the air in the house the energy field it will have love it will have respect but it will also have some hurt it will also have some stress it will also have something which is going on in people's minds now come to the office what's the vibration of the office offices stress competition jealousy targets crisis chaos about 10 hours a day we are spending in that vibration what's the vibration in the center what's the vibration eventer Jian Savea Dana what's the vibration in the office Lena China no see the different frequencies make them different so we go to this Center it's gone it's Ava its purity its peace what's the vibration in the meditation room meditation room and nobody talks about anything center with a Furby we are talking Akane Akane meditation room is only meditation so even within the center that one room will have a different vibration you know if you just go and sit in that meditation room for 10 minutes everyday even if you don't know how to meditate just go and sit in a high frequency room every day for 10 minutes and would be very nice if you take your children also to sit there for 10 minutes below our bed robust couch Nakuru they don't want to listen to the Dion but J don't force them to listen to the P on they don't know how to meditate no problem at all just say hum giant bed till your anger that's all Jessie homie AHA I so the first thing we all felt was kidney achieve Hawaii because the hava is different from the city the yaha Earth Day we got the Havana how my couch Carnegie so Row 3 through Scalia the Hawaii is there we are getting that fresh air when we go back to our cities we will get that same air so similarly the vibration is there in the meditation room just go with your children and sit for 5-10 minutes do nothing we have to do nothing to absorb vibrations if every day we start absorbing high frequency vibration dojo beat the guy hey mommy aha Tofurky hookah Eureka do not expect any kind of a miracle k a job yah ha ha or Jeevan para Bob Nia pyar na mele hair such miracles don't happen because Cal Siham navaja jhana hey Jo frequency yaha hey the thoradine me hey Ukiah Berto sir of Abu Road station that punch day he and you go there and you hear an announcement okay your train is late by six hours and we have all kinds of thoughts it's a pretty take a lot of care so one is to make the maximum use of the vibration of the center in the times of all technology we say oh I watch the program on TV I listen to the male on TV I get all the yarn on my whatsapp it's not the gun it's the vibration which we want to absorb it's a Center in which there is a belief system pieces natural cooperation as natural Saiva is natural we are going to live in a belief system which says anger is natural competition is natural jealousy is natural Ohama rafael trigger erratum up ever say a silly hum Rose Center Jetta every day our gokarna tree so bazooka didn't kiss your worth beginning the morning with no Calliope news first thing in the morning information vibration third very important factor which influences our frequency is our food and what we drink Jessa unn where salmon month a month a hey Jessa Pawnee Vesey Bonnie muntaha a girl month ahead doper campbell okay Kasich are they or bit ahead Kasich are they will beat the hare jiske hot cup Kangana auskey vibration was kanima at the end JC Mary frequency my vibration so will be the vibration of the food that I will cook and as will be the vibration of the food and that vibration will be consumed by those who will eat the food this is a very simple way of influencing people's energy if you want to change the sun's care of people in your house simplest way is first create that Sun scar in yourself second cook for them and send them that sons card through your food and whatever you can create miracles and that's why it nama-hatta hey of Prasad and Amrit it namah om cassellius Co Co a hinge at the hem get a homily Prashad liqueur anima say the pressure this not about that ladoo or that beta it is about war jerky vibration lei karana absurdity rapidly Prashad liquor on Avenida vichara of merely Prashad liquor onna a Tirupathi Rob merely Prashad liquor onna Metropia a karana whose jug her key vibration lay karana because I was not able to go to the place you've won there get me the energy of that place but why can we not create that energy every day in every myth perceptive what would be the vibration of a food item where somebody was in captivity for one month knowing that they were going to be killed what will be the energy of that food can you visualize somebody trapped in all kinds of conditions over there now what we see in the videos and they know that they are going to be killed and they're seeing so many things being killed in front of them what is the energy what's the thought process one is fear second anxiety third hatred hurt helplessness is that helplessness now thoradine Habad it comes on my plate and I say proteins and I consume it thinking that that's good for me it's healthy think about it again I have enough of my anger my anxiety and my fear to finish I cannot afford to consume more jeiza unaware someone means if my under my food is sattvic it will give me a sattvic mind but if my food is with all these energies it will influence my mind please do it as an experiment just for three months just for three months have sattvic food and you will see a change in yourself a lot of us are experiencing an emotion of fear unnecessarily both love will damage it does look that kindled at them but nothing as much other luck that you die or your helplessness now I see Jesus era so just experiment high-energy sattvic food for three months second one is vegetarian second state of mind while cooking the food many of us today don't have time to cook our food that is a very big reason what is affecting our emotional health and our children's emotional health most of us have grown up eating food cooked by our mothers three times a day what are the children getting today what are the children getting today and then we blame them for blaming them it's not about food we say how can a cuyana we call up from office canakya tonic Akana kya way very happy they can Konica Satya Katya what will be the vibration of somebody cooking for profit the cooking for profit order karlova say so what's the vibration I'm cooking so that you eat I earn when we eat too much of food which is being cooked for profit money becomes our most important thing in life they say face it a lot of people say yeah article um to it not basic basic basic a pitch I think you came home basically banaba Conakry up your marry grandparents by her Cullinan cotta they do you know that okay today my grandfather I remember I used to search a lot embark on Akane children used to look at me sees her kana kana Kazuko Jessica it was such an alien concept an arch-cable chickity oh watch her Peconic an angular this is why we are changing this is why we are changing so the more we are eating food which has been cooked for profit the more money is more important than my relationships and belly money was secondary rich they open for a child parent upper brother upper base in each a reckon on pay say upper facing up or they can obviously week maybe do making I attend use what sorry but that they pay a basic with so much money also parents nature pay say open why so you have to take a lot of care emotional health is going to come from these little little lifestyle changes what pupae younger baahar kana percaya spent 30 seconds before eating to change the vibration of the food at least we can do that Walker sat down per certain key anchoring a car nagahama race Amla what should we do kana and pani yeah we were all taught that whenever we start eating what's the first thing that we should do we should pray we should thank God by doing that what have we just done we have created a frequency of purity and power and the supreme power and that's inner our food today instead of connecting with him and eating we are connecting with TV and eating if I connect with TV and eat what is the vibration that is going to go in the food so we are eating with television the kids are eating with video games and cartoon on the iPad and if we are going to watch violins and all those other things while eating and that's why we are taught the dining table pick up a problem discuss my card and querque because if we are talking about problems while eating please remember the food is absorbing that problem and once the food has absorbed that problem the problem on my mind will increase so bring your plate here and that intention and energy which we wrote yesterday I am a divine soul I accept everyone as they are I am his angel my physical health is perfect 30 seconds there it goes purify and energize everything you eat and drink make it divine and then consume it energy field will stay white what is the vibration of glass of water can you visualize your water tank on the terrace of your house what is the vibration that it's absorbing surrounding what is there in the surrounding all those emotions and we will just the glass of water will come we'll say huh glass off a pan Asafa below glass Ave Bonney Suffolk energy severe form a survey the South can take a path below within five days you can create a habit of pausing for 30 seconds before you eat or drink anything hold a glass of water chalo Salmonella Cora will be your glass of water hold it and use may without Dallow of that sons car which you are going to change I am a peaceful soul I accept everyone as they are I am a powerful soul I can do everything that I choose to do I love and respect everybody God's powers purity and blessings are filled in this glass of water yep ani pnina here here Amrit hey my body physical health perfect 30 seconds drink you've shifted the energy so that water had come with stress anger and all that changed the vibration can we do this every time we drink water can we do this every time we drink water when you walk up to the coffee machine in your organization please remember that cup of tea and coffee has the absorb has the vibrations of the office in it don't drink it without purifying it you are going to be absorbing the vibrations of a lot of minds a lot of things that are happening in that office so jasa unrest Amun jasa pani mercy Vani has a very powerful effect the reason for coming to Abu and not doing this same retreat in your organization is also because you're going to get sattvic food and water here you have no idea what all is working on you in the last two days these are all these little little little factors which is very simple to create a pure and powerful mind but we can do that after going back from here every day but we will purify sattvic food and water as an e/m could be thinking which we being you're willing I am a pure powerful being yeah a hundred my heaith Yun recognized Jody Jody cheese on Kelly don't deplete your strength don't it's needed for a lot of bigger things times are going to be where people will go like this we have to go like this so from tomorrow the program will not end actually from tomorrow the program will begin we are going to go back as angels every morning if you only create this one thought I am God's angel not I am an IT professional for whom stress is natural and depression and divorce is natural no I am an angel for whom purity peace and love is natural I am an angel jawad sub Co Khadija su Khadija cushy digger create that as your first thought and what your destiny become like that the whole day so going back as going back as angels morning mid yawn just before going to sleep last thoughts and every time we are going to eat or drink something 32nd powers 32nd if H what you teach is oka daehan Rukia so the white circle the white circle will remain white and only get whiter and whiter frequency will go on rising so be going back as angels tomorrow everyone sure ready do not reflect do not absorb only transform and have compassion for everyone around you compassion and empathy for Sun scars of people that becomes our protection and we are able to accept them as they are we are going back to create to create such start having similar programs in your organization also on this is Seva that whatever I have got I will share with everybody and very soon create a very beautiful world that said two minutes and silence again and look at that subjugate divine soul the angel back at work I am a divine angel my energy field white to get a white circle around you my every thought every feeling pure I understand it soul [Music] they've been on a long journey [Music] I understand them [Music] I accept them as they are [Music] I do not think or speak about their sons car [Music] look at all the people we are going to work with from tomorrow different different souls different sand scars I am with them working with them living with them but my energy field is white [Music] [Music] I behave my way I think my way [Music] I influence them with my purity [Music] I am a Suzuki soul [Music] bring before you any soul with whom the karmic account is a little not the way you would want it to be [Music] look at them and tell them it was a past karmic account [Music] it's over today [Music] from today I radiate only love and blessings to you a new karmic account from today [Music] I am the creator of my destiny [Music] to watch peace-of-mind channel videos on YouTube subscribers on YouTube comm TV peace of mind just a click for a peaceful life
Channel: Peace of Mind TV
Views: 1,983,302
Rating: 4.7105951 out of 5
Keywords: bk shivani, bk shivani best, bk shivani class, bk shivani friend, bk shivani god, bk shivani hindi, bk shivani in hindi, bk shivani khuda, bk shivani lecture, bk shivani meditation, brahma kumaris, meditation, rajyoga meditation, rajyoga meditation shivani in hindi, sister shivani, akele nahi sath, family hindi, latest, god, life, lonely hindi, depression, stress, anxiety, control happy, sad, hindi
Id: -g1rmCtokAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 5sec (5585 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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