19 Keys & Mike Rashid Discuss “True Masculinity”

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right so it's a sacrifice to where nah i don't have to agree with the order but i'm going to submit to it right right right and it doesn't take any away from the masculine entity and energy because it takes more energy to submit than it does rebel oh yeah you understand me especially a powerful person right because a person may tell you the right order but you got a disagreeance yeah but it ain't about you because there's a general then there's the soldiers rules so it's like right now we got a lot of people who want to be warriors when they should be soldiers which will push them in line in position and then allow the whole organization to move forward and grow but we deal with a warrior which can be more emotional a soldier devoid joy motion cut off all your personality at this moment and just follow the goddamn order so we can win them [Music] tap in with the guy [Music] please found me i'm 19 keys tapping in this is 19 keys high level conversations when we talk about high level conversations that means i'm bringing in a high level observer so that we can have a cipher today i want to talk about high level masculinity and what it means to be a warrior you understand me and we can dive into all areas and we'll go into many different fields wherever the conversation takes us but i wanted us to really establish a baseline on what it means to be masculine everybody talk about you know high level manhood or being a high level man but we want to get to the principles and in the character aspect of it and that goes in towards masculinity first because for me you can't be a high level man if you ain't masculine come on now so i brought somebody that i believe has high level masculinity he's a warrior a trainer a boxer a soldier he has been through many different fields and various degrees of challenging himself throughout life you understand me and he's a also a scholarly brother that has a mathematical mind such as myself you understand me and he understands high degrees of knowledge so i know for a fact that mike rashid was a perfect person to bring on to talk to us all about high level masculinity i hope you all enjoyed this what's up what's going on with the god man thank you guys thank you for having me on bro yes sir man sir it's the honor man it's the honor to be on man we always had great conversations when i do your podcast so i decided that uh yeah let's tap in man it's funny man when you bring up the what is the high level mail being a high value man high value man yeah i really hate that charm i do too i think it's uh it's interesting that there's people that run with that right because they're trying to project to the world who they want them to see them as you know and i think that's just that's totally wrong um lao tzu one of my favorite authors he said it's funny because lao tzu was a he was like a janitor a custodian like some ming dynasty in the castle but he wrote and he was very intelligent and he said one of his uh passages in doubter chain he said he who defines himself doesn't really know who he is i'm like say less you know what i'm saying and i read that a long time ago so that always defines himself doesn't really know who he really is right because think about it um i've been doing a string of interviews all of january and they will always say well who is mike rashid right i'm like you tell me because it don't matter what i say to you what matters is the impression that i leave on you when i'm finished talking to you so you know i can say anything right i may be a very nice person to you very mean person to that person you know what i'm saying so who i am is up to you know it's up i would like for you to have a pleasant experience with me right so it's in my best interest to be nice to you and everyone i deal with but you know i don't know how you're going to take me so right you know so you know i think people should know who they are to be deeply rooted in something some kind of foundation which i have that but i'm i never run around telling people who i am like right what kind of person i am i would prefer for you know i'll ask specific questions but i prefer for my actions to to do the talk now that that makes sense in a sense the way it got me to thinking this is it made it probably better to consistently redefine yourself than to define yourself right yeah because once you get my bro uh i signed man hassan gave me some jewels he uh currently perishable well he's starting to learn how to walk more now right he was one of the person that i've seen man he had a lot of vivacious energy you seeing me the type of person man when they talk about pushing p man he was the example of that man in california he's the type of person that you know energy's always on a thousand yeah you feel me i always be surrounded by people live energy here type person that walk up and talk to somebody woman while they're with him and they'll still give him the time of day he had he had everybody can't do it but he was that type of person but one day he took a trip out to california jumped off a cliff in a diving accident man and he uh broke his spine okay understand me and uh since then he's been relearning how to walk again uh but it never broke his spirit he went into a very deep spiritual mode and started doing a lot of shadow work within himself and i remember one day i was talking to him and like mayor about oakland i had just opened up a store and i was telling him about how good the store was doing at the time you understand me and he had stopped me he was like bro you understand me that story ain't you that's just an illusion he said you weigh more than that [ __ ] you're gonna do way more than that you understand that story ain't [ __ ] and i didn't take it in a bad manner you understand me because i know what i was doing subconsciously at the same time i was filtering who i was through a level of accomplishment for other people to see me in right because at the time man it was a struggle right i i didn't have no money for real i'm struggling to pay rent while struggling to have this business while juggling it so i wanted people to see the one metric of value and wanted them to see me through that as a filter yeah so i was giving an award the world an illusion for them to carry on but i'm at the same time measuring myself by the value of how people appreciate this illusion right so when i broke that it was like damn you're 100 right i'm way bigger than this this ain't nothing in my mind i went through re-envisioning myself like who am i really though right you understand me i'm more than what i'm showing myself at the moment and what i'm accomplishing and what i'm feeling right now and from that day on point i made sure that i never believe the illusions even the ones i show the world because they can only see aspects of myself i'm the only one that can experience who i really am right and that's a day-to-day experience that i have to go through in consistent development right so like redefining yourself is important because sometimes you get to a point where i call it the content versus being a content model where you created content in your life you produce who you are now you are the current content in your life but you got to be a content creator you got to consistently create and produce otherwise you become a salesman of who you are but you're no longer producing any more value that is that part yeah that's so that's what i'm talking about the people that run with this high value male they try to define themselves right yeah and and i looked at it and even with their definition they still don't fit that you know what i'm saying because it's interesting a part of their little doctrine part of that is being important to other people to your community right and i'm like are you you know what i'm saying right so anyway but that's neither here nor there um i try not to focus on the negatives negative aspects on people because i feel like unless you're a devil maybe if i'm around you or whatever i can nudge you back into a cool space you know what i'm saying i try to push people deeper into a dark space and uh even like people that have been like temporary enemies of mine like you know i've been one of those people um robert greene and 48 laws of power one of the chapters is question enemies totally right and that used to be so me but as i i've gotten older and have developed more empathy and been being able to look at situations from that person's perspective like okay this person is deficient they're weak and they want what i got that's unfortunate for him i kind of feel bad for you now you know what i'm saying because you're not that really a threat so it made me look at things different and try to nudge people it's interesting bro i've sat with people who were enemies and we ended hugging it out yeah i'm saying because they seen a person that kind of gave a [ __ ] you know what i'm saying because that's just how i am so but conflict so let's let's start there because i wanna and we can put this on the screen anytime we talk about something masculine that's y'all start counting this conflict resolution number one yes right like the the ability to be able to solve your problems you understand me in a peaceful resolution right right is a masculine trait correct right that's effectively utilizing that masculine energy and intellect in the right capacity right so it's like we deal with a society that doesn't have conflict resolution right right and that's evident in our crime rates it's evident in the emotions that we carry out on a daily basis right so what got you to start developing better conflict resolution my father okay first and foremost like me being pushed into boxing at such a young age that's literally like that's that's four-dimensional chess in a physical form but the mentor is controlling it all right so that was a area of conflict resolution in itself okay boom it made me respect all men because it's a lot of guys that don't like they could fight that could scrap so i had to you know you move differently um my father i learned a great deal from him um we were talking earlier and i was saying that if i got in trouble at school he'd be like you know this is a little psychological tactics but he'll be like if if something happened in school tell me like don't let them tell me you you sitting around me you ain't told me yeah it's gonna be worse so yeah cushion your punishment yeah yeah so it really taught me how to own my [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and in my family in my household we we spoke about everything there's no going to bed with with conflict on your heart within the house yeah and that's just who i've become all my life so people sometimes people have seen me as a very conf confrontational person and i am but not in that negative sense like what's up maybe that's not me but if there's an outstanding issue i have to deal with it right especially somebody that i have to see i have to deal with right i have to deal with it you know what i'm saying um let's let's fix this right it's been many times that i've approached people like look man because you know people do passive aggressive [ __ ] and but won't say nothing to you so i had to come to people like look bro i ain't got no problem with you if i did something i said something i apologize but it wasn't intentional yeah i want to know what what's there like is something going on i've had that conversation so many times i've also on the flip side had the uncomfortable conversations with people before like when i was in the streets where it was like look and these are guys that were like i'm supposed to be afraid of you know i'm saying and two in particular i could think of you know we run into each other it's a little fake this i'm like hey bro um someone so said that you had you felt a certain way about xyz i know it's a lot of people in here but we'll we have to see each other man the man at some point so we could talk about it or let it get weird and deal with it like that you know what i'm saying so and bro when you talk to i'm not being disrespectful but i'm also not being a punk and letting them know like look i'm trying to talk to you bro but i'm not afraid of you so and you won't always have your people or me with mine so me and you will have to see each other it gives a certain humility to who you're speaking to you know what i'm saying even if you can't fight or whatever they don't know but they like respect that like damn this [ __ ] came to me right right and one in particular this dude he's doing in prison now for the rest of his life killed the cop but this dude said to me he's like yeah he said uh yeah you right now ain't got no problem with you you ain't checking me though but i ain't got no problem with you you have to throw that in there you don't say that's cool that's right i ain't checking you i ain't checking you og yo yeah yeah but but you know and i respect it because we gotta have our you know we gotta still walk away we gotta tell you yo yo mckissimo and i'm not mad at that you don't say i respect that i mean the goal and conflict resolution isn't to create more conflict within that person right at the same time move it out yeah just move it out yeah so that get me to this thinking right because you know warrior knows that it's different ways to handle it uh any problem right either he's going to go to the full might of physicality where is violence and the violent result he has to think about the extremity of how he's going to handle this situation which is death murder kill violence right but if that man doesn't have that capability then he may think okay can this result in the fight and then can i end it by you know physically dominating this person or would that result but then you know in modern man we live in a time age of surveillance and snitching and multi different forms right right that adds a lot more risk than necessity right so the intelligent warrior has now got a strategy right and intellectual strategist is going to think upon every dimension on which this problem can be solved right that in that moment you become a chess player you understand you have to think from your enemy's perspective from your perspective right what can be the best outcome what would be the worst outcome literally chess bro yeah yeah so that's that form of thinking is masculine right like i want people to start developing like okay when am i thinking masculine and women when am i not right it's like when you really thinking about problem solving in a multi-dimensional level to uh solve this in the best way possible that is a masculine way of thinking through things 100 the emotional side right is not it's fear-based right it's irrational it's emotional yeah right that isn't a masculine way of going about thinking of your problems over stressing right consistent anxiety because once you number one understanding something right gives you power over it right the moment you become aware and you understand it's like dealing with a snake right you deal with the snake no matter it's poisonous or not but as long as you know what kind of poison what's the nature of the snake now you can move around that snake however you want to right because you no longer have fear fear right uh uh uh becomes god right whatever you fear becomes your god so you give that power to dominate you and control you right so in that moment instead of checking the fear that we have instead of contemplating through the emotions to think on a higher level we become subdued by them we become slaves to them we become and we move by them it's a form of paralysis that that comes from that and i think about my early days of boxing well now my early days like when i was starting to get older like a teenager 17 16 yeah well punches start hurting because when you were a kid nobody hurts each other yeah but when you when when the boys start getting testosterone and the punches start hurting you know you know you will feel that energy in your stomach that that can be manifested as fear but i'm like boxing i give so much credit to boxing because it taught me how to win like it taught me the importance for me to win right so and i feel like that's something that's on a lot of us black men from like big cities right because it's very one from like in brooklyn it's too many people right uh so resources are limited right so you gotta really fight hard to get out and to win or even playing football with everybody or whatever so you could you know you want to get picked for the team the next time so you you go all out right you do what you got to do to win so for boxing like when i would have that that and i don't call it fear because i didn't manifest its fear i would use it as fuel like that feeling it's energy and i would just use it as like like i'm gonna kill this you know what i'm saying yeah yeah in my mind i had this mentality that you you really you really you really back here warming up bro like you think it's gonna be competitive i would say this kind of [ __ ] yeah you know as an amateur i talked so much [ __ ] i seemed so cocky but it wasn't i was really turnt up just like a dog um my dog one time i had to pull him off a dog or two in his day because he's a very dominant breed and if a dog runs from him his is no training nothing it's just all instincts right the pink thing come out he's turnt on for the fight for the hunt you know saying he get he grabs the dog he's about to start shaking him you know you got to get him but it's the same with us to an extent because we're still programmed right and there are some of us that have a lot of these innate alpha or dominant and masculine characteristics that some people just don't have and that's fine so what what so that point right there the alpha right because i know we got it's a lot of more constructive conversation around male alphas and things of that nature right but what makes a man alpha right you got the animal kingdom version and then you got man's kingdom version i think it's very similar so it's a leader it's a dominant a dominant male in his little community in his his tribe you know what i'm saying so you say with a lion um you know you have one lion maybe his brother um but one of them is going to be the guy right and the other guy has no access to those women right other young lions come around they see all these women they want to come around it's his job to go fight them off kill him or be killed if if you you kill him everybody feels safe respect you know they give you that respect if that guy smashed you you take your pride you know what i'm saying and kill your sons you know what i'm saying so i feel like it's the same right so like i look at my little world my little ecosystem and this is something very interesting that i was reading not long ago about how our civilization our species have evolved right so i think you and i are torn from the same cloth right and this society would not be where it's at if all men were like us you can't have a bunch of alpha males right you need beta metals this is a nation of beta people right and that's not to say that in a bad way so let's say let's say so what's subscriber beta then as well all right so the guys that exist around the outfit is not helpful it's not even a bad thing it's like this guy gets let's take it to real basic are there so all right because i know he's by saying alpha and beta's almost saying they polar opposites but it's not the same as scientists it's just levels of hierarchy right yeah so the alpha has and i'm not saying that this is how we manifest this but it kind of is the alpha has access to more women more resources they usually have more you know what i'm saying so and that's how it is in like with chimpanzees bonobos you name it right so but this is what happens this is how the betas uh you know won the war right all right so alpha his default is when his social position is threatened he reacts with extreme violence fast you know what i'm saying and i'm talking about early humans and chimpanzees and other animals in the wild that have that that similar hierarchy right so the baiters had to get to come together i'm like look guys it's like 30 of us it's only one of him and we just come around him team up did it pick his leg you get that after that whatever we could take him down and that's what happened so that's how that's why we have a democracy and not a monarchy you know what i'm saying even though none of these systems are perfect but they kind of work you know what i'm saying well yeah because it's it's it's like when you go to the uh we we know we live in a system where or if you don't know the papal bull right it's doctrines that basically states the laws of the church right uh the roman catholic church right that the pope gets to set and he has what they call the conquest of discovery of the conquest of conqueror right meaning that if you conquer this land you now own it right through physical violence and brute force yeah you can go over there but then they realize like they will just have everything if we make that well if you make that law then everybody's going to keep trying to conquer each other any moment that they can so they said nah they changed it to where now they had a conquest of discovery we're saying that you can now discover places as long as you bring god to those people first basically so the the catholic church when they came over to america and crashed landed and caught a discovery they were basically saying what these millions of native americans don't believe in what we believe and they don't believe in our god and our god is law right so if we bring our god to them i now discovered this place and it is now mine right now we put it under our adoption and we own this forever yeah literally this is how they went right over throughout the world because these men understood that you know it was better to conquer over time than just space right that if i can create rules and laws that no matter who is physically here i'm still running this and i still own it right then they legacy their institution their power is secured you understand me so in that difference between men who conquered through physical might and then men who conquered through intellect right because when we talk about alphas that's an aspect of it too with brain power right right your ability to be able to think and that goes back to conflict resolution because when you look at the so-called hierarchy of alpha to betas sometimes that alpha could be in second position or third position but he got to play his part for now right you understand me but when opportunity comes and resources matches intellect then he can bump up in position and then that's where it brings me to this definition of the difference between warriors and soldiers we got a society of everybody wants to be warriors nobody wants to be soldiers right and that destroys the ability to organize right and to win wars especially from those who are losing right you understand me so it's like i'ma get i want to get your definition of a warrior and a soldier but i'll give you my breakdown okay so you know a warrior somebody more so defined by his instincts right like if you got a warrior warrior go more so i had a long hair you understand me which is his antennas that attaches to nature connecting his intuition to learn how to move he's he's more so moving by a code of conduct right you understand me that's his warrior's way on how he's going to go about finding and living in life but then that soldiers one more so he takes orders so that soldier you go see him with the cut right in the military they make you submit to get a cut for discipline right it's more self-control because it's not about individual perspective right right individuality but what you add to the collective right so it's a sacrifice to where nah i don't have to agree with the order but i'm going to submit to it right right right and it doesn't take any away from the masculine entity and energy because it takes more energy to submit than it does rebel oh yeah he understand me especially a powerful person right because a person may tell you the right order but you got a disagreement yeah but it ain't about you because there's a general then there's the soldiers rules so it's like right now we got a lot of people who want to be warriors when they should be soldiers which will put them in line in position and then allow the whole organization to move forward and grow but we deal with a warrior which can be more emotional a soldier devoid your emotion cut off all your personality at this moment and just follow the goddamn order so we can win from being an exceptional soldier that your actions as that soldier can't elevate you to that warrior 100 you know you've earned it well to the general position right exactly you understand exactly you've earned it legitimately i learned my best i learned my best ways uh in development of my character through listening to other men you understand me but i had to go through foi training and i got a drill and i don't want to and it's the hot sun and i want to kill this [ __ ] who's giving the oil right i got you bro yeah that's discipline and control i got a i got a big homie his name leroy coleman out in arizona um his nickname was man and he was just that a man yeah you know what i'm saying he taught me so much like he went through this period where um he almost went to the joint for life right for murder a murder he didn't commit all right well one of his enemies and he knew who did it but he stuck to a code that we all live back and was in the streets i'm saying that's what you do people on the outside can call this stupid all they want but if you're in this world you follow these rules right and he did that so after about nine months he got exonerated because they found the killer's t-shirt the dna so thank god for that and i watched he was a menace bro but i watched him literally he didn't say i need i need to get right i need to change my life he didn't say none of that he just did it gradually over time and i watched i observed i've never even told him this to this day i learned so much from you but i watched him his it wasn't his words his actions taught me so much and i follow suit so there's been plenty of times in my life where i played subordinate i got under somebody that was greater than me at that time right and i learned a lot right because when you when you're the best when you think you're the best you're not learning anything right you already got it figured out right and i never want to have that position man like i have people like i'm surrounded by a lot of beta people who are very wise with a lot of things right and they have a lot of they have a lot of things on them that i wish i had that i just don't right like man you're so nice bro like how do you do that you know that yeah and i know how i'm perceived a lot but it is what it is i'm who i am but um and i have no qualms with who i am but sometimes i do want you know i i hear oh man they just they was intimidated i'm like for what like i'm nice yeah i'm saying i'm nice the other day like scaring my bucket i'm nice love me nah but it's all good though it's like everybody you know everybody everybody has a a role in this movie bro yeah but when they come back to the rules like what you're saying rules are so important man like we are yeah it's crazy i like talking about matters of evolution because it helps understand why things are the way they are and all the other species of humans that we beat out because we had the ability to develop these con these abstract concepts like rules right and all agree that yeah this should mean that it allows us to give us order you know what i'm saying so they could never get out of chaos they were stronger than us they were way more alpha than us you know i'm saying more powerful but we would we were the the maybe the fact that we were talking about and what kind of early humans versus like other pro-magnet man astropythicus uh homo habilis homo erectus and we were homo sapien sapien we were the ones you know what i'm saying they were like other shorter stubby humans but we were runts right and but it made us have to think more you know i'm saying use this instead of just like physical there's a book that i read that i really love it's called body mind mastery by dan millman and it's somewhat of a sports psychology book but it's very practical and you can apply it to every aspect of life but it does talk about kids right when kids are playing sports and it gave reference to like the big kids that always got picked out the gate they usually burn out like early the smaller kids that didn't get to play as much they watched and they got good mentally you know what i'm saying and their bodies are preserved and they they tend to go on to have the long careers i mean look at floyd mayweather you know what i'm saying this guy fought well into his 40s at the top of the sport you know what i'm saying so um when we don't default to just our physicality and brute and and and power and aggression you know we can we can have a more quality of life right we'll see but and that's key because masculinity is not defined by physicality right you understand me that's that's my kismo you understand me that's going into hyper masculinity right defining yourself by these features and saying that this is what gives you value and power it's a low level level of masculinity so the mind is the most masculine thing a man has indeed you understand me in it and that's why you go to prison yards it'd be a small guy running that [ __ ] because he got the mind to tell everybody else the muscle how to move mm-hmm you understand me and well not in every city yeah because we know we know not everything when i've been when i'm when i'm in there i would think about homies of mine that's super big i'm like yeah big rider you be straight in here bro like certainly oh yeah it's a it's a that's really animal kingdom and some of those are actual warriors though yeah yeah because because some of the big man says they don't know how to fight and they don't haven't been in many fights they're afraid of the pain that's true so they don't want to go through that what i'm saying i've seen some really really formidable dudes you know what i'm saying i'm nice so our greatest warriors is locked up think about when mike tyson was in prison they asked him there's one interview like were you in solitary confinement he's like no did you have any fights not one nobody [ __ ] with white you know what i'm saying because that's real and he also was like bro i'm like this is good guys in there crazier than me i wasn't trying to fight nobody because right yeah but you quit that part yeah but i guarantee he would have been fine yeah he was with this if he was if his mind wasn't right he'd still been fine he'd been there way longer but he'd been fine he's too formidable and yeah if his mom was on domination yeah and you i think man a person like that a winner somebody who's who's tapped into winning you know he's trying to figure out how to win against the best in the world at training what he does right so you were in prison with dudes it's just tough it's yours if you want it but that's who wants that right but that's still the politics of the mental alchemy that goes in there right that's true you understand me it's like cause two guys at the same uh same build you understand me which one gonna run this [ __ ] one that actually has the mental capability to run it right you understand he gonna out think this other guy easy he may play politics in there to get somebody knocked off their position right he might not even have to touch him that's really understanding he may send a little guy and go in there and do something to him where he didn't even see it and that's the part is like that's what we're dealing with right in today's society men that find themselves at dominant positions in life and power positions they got there not physicality right look at the difference between you got francis and gunno he's the powerful puncher in the world yeah right but dana white worked 500 million dollars nah for real you understand me it's a problem over there yeah that ufc got a big issue they know white is the biggest pimp on the planet oh my god bro they paid what's the brother from the uk uh the boxer they lost joshua anthony joshua 15 million to not fight and he got paid more than almost all the ufc fighters roster the whole year yeah up for the roster that was that was less than a million it's bad man it's bad over there but that's a classic case of of course you know first you get opportunity and you got people he he was starting to salt mines and things of that nature but it's like where we at right now when you're dealing with people that are savvy in business business is warfare number one that's what most people don't look at it economics and business is warfare right you can go dominated people by bringing in institutions that they don't understand right right no matter how strong and those people is unless they willing to physically violently oppose you then you go dominate those people with your systems right right right but you know interesting interesting thing about dana white dana white keeps tough dudes with them like i've heard stories you know what i'm saying oh yeah so it's so it's you so you're not going to pimp the greatest fighters in the world and not keep killers but even getting to where he's at so here's the thing that i'm cognizant of like you need the systems you need that business savvy you need all of those attributes right there but it helps to have the other stuff too the army the army the physical the the mind see it's not even just physical it's like mentally being down to go there yeah when there's a draw we're going there yeah i don't give you you might want me but i'm biting the chunk out your face yeah it's not going to be easy it's not going to fun for you you know what i'm saying so people who are down to turn that up to turn that on and we you know it's been a lot of discussion about this i've been talking to a lot of people about this too because you let jordan peterson say dangerous men are good for society a good man is a very very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control oh yeah but when i say they're like no not dangerous no dangerous black men are good for society specifically i'm gonna just exactly it's always been my thesis yeah man and dangerous so so people don't get it misconstrued is like people with the capacity for violence for to to harm others but not out there just abusing that right not being a tyrant you you tuck that away and you use it if necessary to defend yourself or your family or your loved ones or anything of uh for justice you know what i'm saying so your definition of dangerous people that are willing to live die and kill full cause no people that's willing to live die and kill regardless you know what i'm saying but because dangerous don't is not good or bad but to be to have the capacity of being dangerous but having a willingness to kill is your your area of danger yeah you you know or or get over harm people whatever you know what i'm saying because look all's fair and war but also fair in love as well so when it comes to you securing a situation for your your loved ones sometimes other people get hurt you know i'm saying all right so all right so i'm gonna play god's advocate on this um because when it comes to the violence aspect right and being dangerous and your capacity to be able to commit the ultimate violence which is murder right that does make a man dangerous then you have the courageousness that makes a man dangerous right his willingness to speak out right even though he may die right or to do things even though he may die right right that's another level of dangerousness and bravery bravery yeah because you have to ask yourself right when it comes to you know movements and and cultures and societies changing right more societies and things have changed and more people have died because of what was said about a tongue that's true you understand me that's that's one of the most dangerous things that a person can utilize is their voice right and they mine in the capacity that's why i said for me is to be able to live die and kill for a cause and i say cars because the being able to point that energy in a direction is what makes it dangerous it's like in the streets of america right now [Music] there are hundreds of thousands of black men who have killed before right you understand me and are willing to kill again but that collective energy is not pointed towards any cause that we can utilize as a culture in a matter of building out some type of excellence a system of institution in fact those same black male probably would be afraid to get on the platform and say something right they they'd be afraid of the cop roll up on them right and they tucking and running and right they're afraid of the system right but they willing to kill right now that makes them dangerous in a certain aspect but it limits you understand me how powerful they are right so it's a difference between the the dangerousness and the power because i want black men to be dangerous in a capacity that they are fearless they are willing to speak truth to power they are willing to live and die for cause you understand me and they are willing to give up their energy for you understand me the continuity of us growing out this uh or some sort of institution and agenda yeah it's interesting bro you say that because you're right so i don't even see them as dangerous when they can only kill themselves in each other you know it's very it's it's really like they're doing the enemy's work right they are and they know that it ain't as bad because they don't like us anyway they're not you know i know i can't do that to that white boy over there i'm gonna do it to you [ __ ] what i'm saying cause they know our life isn't valued as righteous the rest is dominant society we just need a shift in that perspective man they need to hear people like us people like eyl m500 wall street trapper like they need to see us in these high levels not switching it up acting like we ain't who we are you know what i'm saying yeah talking to us like we talk apart you feel me so they need to see that and they need to see they need to see how you know white people respect us they need to see how like they don't see it man that's it however i do i do feel like there is a shift in the culture happening you know what i'm saying look at how many people like you you posted a list the other day of like why y'all not posting these black uh creators but that's cool like [ __ ] them we all posting ourselves and each other and all that so you didn't have that five ten years ago you know what i'm saying so like even with me like over the years that i've been in my space very vocal about things bro the blacks in my industry is pathetic pathetic i would i would see the [ __ ] that they pull up like oh you shake my head like what yeah i'm saying so i love seeing you seeing chico tv seeing all these brothers and it's not all about political issues no because what the the the real advocacy and the real war that we need to be fighting is here within ourselves yeah so each person is out there um representing a healthy lifestyle representing financial freedom representing just different things different aspects to make us grow to make us live good lives and that's what that's what needs to be injected into the minds of our people right absolutely and we're we are we have that somewhat everybody got swag got got dope energy so you know the entertainment factor is there too you know what i'm saying because that's where black people are an expressive creative people we need that you know so we're they're getting these messages in really cool ways so i do feel a huge shift in society and it's only going to be more like i feel like in another three four years it's gonna be triple quadruple us and i love that you know so this shift is happening and here's the thing too bro you can't social media is great let me let me bring it back to 2012. that's when like instagram really popped right so think about what used to be just just the standard of beauty in this country right it was eurocentric based it was skinny and no not to to to euro europeans but there was a standard because they controlled the media they controlled the magazines the people on tv it was one image of beauty right and i'm not going to say they're not beautiful but it was one element of beauty right now you have instagram so everybody got a is a voyeur into their world you see you see these black these latino women these these curvy women with beautiful big lips hips right and what happened there's white girls now that look like i can't tell if they're white or not so and i'm bringing that up as an example of you cannot suppress the natural state of things but for so long well you know everything has to come back to a point of origin and it comes right and it's coming out it's like i love it you know yeah i love it when people get mad at like white girls braiding their hair like they paying homage to you like who cares well i mean i get aspects of the cultural appropriation aspect that black women argue saying that they are now able to benefit from things that were a detriment to us right not being able number one it's like even the modern industry is starting to change well they want black women because they got some braids or they in this niche of that niche but when a white woman is celebrated from doing something that is historically a black woman's style right and then black women have still not been able to get that celebration it's like they don't like it's a kick in the face she understands but that's that's being in it looking at it but when you take a bird's eye view you look down from above and you think about history i think about history like my life is predicated on the fact that i'm gonna die so every move i'm making i'm thinking about my children i mean about how people remember me remember us things like that so when you look at it from a bigger perspective yeah of course it hurts right now it's a little uncomfortable you know what i'm saying but 10 years gonna be like different 20 years will be a lot different and then you're going to have these stories when like yo this is when you know black people were getting fired for having dreadlocks you know i'm saying all this [ __ ] but white people weren't you know you hear the stories you see the evolution of it and people will really see it for what it was you know what i'm saying and listen we're living we're not we're never dying bro we live in an age of video content right so we have there's video of us talking about these things in a hundred years maybe it's a hundred years ago right now yeah in the future yeah they're hearing us talk about these things right so it's beautiful so we it's up to us to rewrite history and make it uh more accurate and a lot of us are doing that so like i really appreciate you you know what i'm saying and i appreciate a lot of brothers like it feels so good this i'd be so proud seeing my brothers shining yeah speaking intelligently looking good being fly inspiring people teaching people how to make money teaching people how to get in shape you know what i'm saying so this is such a valuable thing that we're in right now this is such an uh a special time that we're in it's hard to appreciate it because we're in it yeah but you know you know i i i it i think well for me i can appreciate it because growing up the type of conversation we're having right now has always been you know the the table conversation the the chill conversation with my brothers has always been that type of cipher and then there were certain points where you know i would get admonished from regular society for speaking like this right for being a masculine man right for being a masculine black muslim man like for me it's like it's the ultimate minority to be honest right but at the end of the day we always decided to conquer and make space for ourselves and it was like the very things that i'm celebrating before now i was hated four years ago right you understand me my political positions my social positions all of them now things that people like they love me for are you talking about god energy now yeah it's like but i go back to my childhood up until adulthood they was mad right big angry i get to see year-to-year changes in his shifts it's interesting because you know when i moved to the west coast like it was way different i'm like 18 19 and i'm saying peace god peace allah you know what i'm saying i'm so florida master i'm saying you know i'm communicating yeah there would be little pockets of uh brothers you know what i'm saying but i was a weirdo i was a weirdo and where you grew up at brooklyn new york i would well you know i mean you know from harlem to brooklyn the culture didn't transition to shift to sign no no from brooklyn to arizona it didn't it was not oh the western arizona with it yeah i'm about to say brooklyn brooklyn is fine like that's why that's what these seeds were planted in me all right all right so listen let's get the people some history before we go to arizona right so you and you know you got harlem 125th that special place you understand me when you're talking about knowledge being born man first correct uh of this taping right it's a day of born um and there you go look at hip-hop in the timeline of what hip-hop was doing the conversation was different the language was different right people wasn't saying god as much just being a lie yeah right jesus wasn't even a word being utilized in hip-hop for the most part that was a dirty word you understand me that didn't come for years later yeah right and hip-hop was being brought up based on these principles correct understand me of godhood and cipher right right and so that time was was special because it was creating a standard and with black men were decided to use this language and start building with each other and utilizing you know creativity to increase they they social uh uh of levels right for a lack of better terms but you know and not but but and you know growing up in that time how so take me back a timeline of you walking down the street and hearing somebody say peace guy and what that meant to you man it makes you feel good you know and i feel like that was the purpose of i feel like one of the intents of like say more scientists uh the nation of islam the nation of gods and earth i feel like at that point we were so beaten up after the civil rights movement after all the stuff we went through we needed somebody to be like nah be strong black man be proud chest up head up you're a god you're a god so that [ __ ] worked you know it worked on me you know so i loved it bro please god yeah yeah so you know what i'm saying so um and it gave me a certain type of fearlessness to live and to experience things you know and um and like if we go to go to like meetings and the brothers of building in the park it'd be like half ratchet but but a lot of wisdom being spoken you know what i'm saying because i did i didn't feel like the brothers in the nation of gods on earth it was practicing the nation of islam doctrine but without discipline without refinement like real refinement right there's cats to be out there with 40s smoking drinking but building but still poisoning the body right so so it was that element it gave me a lot of wisdom and insight so then i went to private school for for a short period of time my grandmother put me in a catholic school and we'll go to church there and i'm like what i'm saying like literally a culture like first of all it's like what are y'all even talking about yeah you're not even speaking english and then it was like it was repulsive to me like the images you know i'm saying because if you're a black kid you grow up in nothing but blacks puerto ricans right puerto ricans black too and then you go to school there's other black kids there too but everything is white and it's scary it was scary to us yeah because it would be like a statue of saint francis with a spear and a demon yeah i'm like why is this in here we kids like nobody's in here that's i mean it takes me back to my childhood growing up so i grew up and i'm born in st louis raised in oakland right in oakland there was a school called elijah's educational center so i went there up until middle school that's where we learned the drill we learned the science learning teachers mathematics everything right separate classes with boys and girls right real like everything i learned there i basically still remember today right the foundation was solid as far as the education was concerned then i remember going to public school for the first time when i went to public school how crazy the kids were it was like everybody was whatever they considered to be adhd at that time that's what it was i remember writing the school bus back and the kids was managed heli-sexually active you understand me and it was just they were not as intelligent because cass would be 17 years old in the fifth grade you understand me and it was crazy i'm like yo this is really different and then at the same time it's like our private school we talk militant training and like to be a soldier so it's not the same as somebody going through a private school but not getting that toughening you understand me so i've seen them and so when you talk about the undisciplined part it's like they thought they was tough but they was really just hyperactive and undisciplined there wasn't their power was not refined yeah you know what i'm saying no refinement look at the mathematics power refinement right you you need to refine power or it's reckless absolutely so so take it a step further when i moved to the west coast i went to arizona state mind blown i'm thinking i'm thinking i got to step my intellect up around these white people yeah bro they did nothing but party yeah i stayed in the dorm my first time i had to get off the dorm because i'm like i don't do this ain't my life are you not afraid of your parents you know i'm saying like they would literally be up all night partying yeah i'm saying it wasn't it wasn't for me that was never listen i don't mind partying now whatever and enjoying myself but that i'm 44 years old you know i'm saying i needed to get in a position to where i ain't worried about i'm good yeah i'm just like mama say too much too much uh playing joking no good exactly and too much good times make you weak you know what you're saying you're celebrating without wins make you weak correct correct so it's like yeah i'll do whatever i want to do but i've earned my spot to be able to do it you know it's a lot of people that because that can and if i do like right now if i was a hangout party ask anybody in my i'm up early in the morning at the gym yeah i don't care if i slept two hours yeah because it's it's it's for me you know i'm saying it's for y'all to watch and take heat but it's for me you know i need that to make sure i'm keeping my my planets in orbit and aligned properly so so it's like all right so in accordance with manhood i just having this thought is like the the idea of oval parting you understand me and over-indulging in the gluttonous and you understand me like is that considered a masculine thing i don't think so i don't even think that that's necessarily a masculine or feminine thing right i just think that's a weakness and that's setting you up for failure you should too much fun right i prefer i talk to people about this all the time i've mastered making difficult things fun you know like right now so and it's all subjective to what's difficult enjoy right so like i hate swimming right and i would swim to help me get in shape for a fight because it really helps me right but i'm not good at it right yeah i got a lot of muscle real dense so i don't float you know taking me a lot more effort so i just started back swimming like two weeks ago you know i'm saying it sucks but i love it there's a certain feeling that i get that how difficult it is that excites me it excites me to i can't wait to i don't feel that no more or take longer for me to feel that you know what i'm saying and i'd be trying to tell people this like life is so easy if you really understand it right and we use we take and i always say this like make life your [ __ ] so stressful situations like things that are hard run to that [ __ ] be excited about a difficult task oh that's oh yeah i thought that was hard all right watch this yeah and then the more you do that you become so you you push that [ __ ] back you become so resilient to hard time and stress there's nothing that way when i have fun i have a lot of fun because i make hardship fun you know yeah and my life is very boring most of the time not really but it's very it's just not what society considers to be right like fun i think this this is the probably one of the chief issues that's why i say the word enjoyment right because like when you enjoying what you're doing that's fun correct right correct no matter what you doing if you enjoying it that's fun right like you could be studying and researching something be learning something in your brain developing and growing and you like the fact you're connecting these dots and you're having fun right why another person needs to have a lower level of fun right because there's intellectual enjoyment correct there's physical enjoyment and sexual enjoyment financial enjoyment right so it's like we never normalize different ways to enjoy ourselves in a society especially in our culture right because and i can only speak from our course because i haven't grew up in everybody so when people ask me why you say the culture because i i didn't grow up in the asian white jewish indian family i only know our type of culture correct i study it i'm universal so it's like what may being joyful in the asian family right what they may find joyful the way that they go out to eat or they may play mahjong or whatever that may be joyful for them what may be joyful for a white family to play golf even though golfing is still a good sport golf or whatever they may do that's joyful for them you understand me whether in the jewish community and this is hanukkah or whatever it is and that's joyful for them but when it comes to our culture we look at joy as like club club again club again like entertainment you understand me sex right we have a very fast death culture yeah right anything that gets us faster to it we got a very necromantic relationship with death in our course we celebrate things after people die even our activist movements are about dead bodies rather than living souls right so it's like once we get back to the celebration of life which is the spiritual aspect of it right because we don't exist on that spiritual plane we think we're spiritual people but we not yeah and it's not that we're not but we're not actively participating and tapping into it so it's like how would i know it's because when i go into nature i don't see it dominated by us we were taught in the hood to make fun of the fact that white folks being nature that that makes no sense and then we want to be connected to the motherland right so we got this we don't know nothing about no yes but when we get money and we go travel first place we go is to europe we cannot see like in that song come in and i was playing earlier it said [ __ ] ibiza i'm going to uh going to ghana like you know yeah uh i have no desire like listen brother eiffel tower is ugly look alright paris yeah i hate paris i hate france right i just like balenciaga they fly you don't say i know it's a french uh uh uh company i think or italian but i just like the shirt shout out to my friend's flowers because last time i was in in uh the uk they what they called me uh d smooth uh keith i might have said that wrong it sounded german hey listen i got the video if i could send it to a mention we're gonna plug it in but i was out there i went i spoke at the you of the mosque in the uk but it was hella french followers right you understand me they pulled up and they was like listen we love you yeah like they were saying in the neigh language but it was just dope corduroy because it's black people in french so shout out so it's a lot of us in france because france was one of the great colonizers you know what i'm saying yeah we speak the colonizer's language even us which is english yeah so when i say i don't like france or paris it ain't the people it's the history of it yes in france belgium uh uk like you know the the colonizers you know what i'm saying so i got i got my issues you know well especially the listen speaking of that i went to the british museum i got to send you this clip to amenity because it's a funny clip i'm talking to the little cops out there [Applause] it's funny i got to show you after this but uh i went to the british museum man and it's a museum with all stolen artifacts right literally i know about it yeah it's when you go in there around it's egregious it's it's it's mind-boggling and not only i went there i went to parliament you go to parliament there's a huge roof when there's one part of it it's a viking ship right and they got like spike heads of the people that the vikings that killed and conquered now the building is huge like it's like three times the size of this they should feel huge back then that's crazy then you walk through these doors in these halls before you get to like uh the part where you understand they hold court right so they have uh ceremonies right where they they follow the same traditions for the last few hundred years right the queen has to walk specifically in this one direction to get to the court right and at the top there's these four saints right a europe that's looking down over right and blessing this sanctimony right and then in this hallway there's this hallway of different places that they've colonized and killed people and it's literally paintings of them murdering these people you understand me and like this is they hard you got to walk through i'm not even mad that they're proud of their history i'm not mad at it but peep the game this is why it's so hard for us to get into the game because they got rituals for the last hundreds of years that they follow in participation in practice they celebrate every aspect of their history that brought them up to this point today right they have standards that allow them to dominate because the frequency of them standards is so ingrained into the culture and those who got the power and lead that is very hard to dominate of people who have culture and standards right and have rituals and traditions right we don't even realize so much of our language comes out of their standards and their rituals and passed down and given to us yeah and we think we originated so it's this not until we create our own right then we can be on our own right because most a lot of stuff that we do is borrow culture you understand me i mean almost everything that we do is borrow of course and it's not a bad thing because it's not like we we hate our culture we've been our hard drive have been reset wiped out and here they dumped windows 96 on us yeah yeah so you know it's not our fault we don't know where we're from that's why exactly see all right so i'm gonna ask you something we don't know where we're from right black people running around saying african-american like the whole continent right yeah what part of africa you understand you don't you don't hear european-american you're italian-american frank you know what i'm saying so yeah but nonetheless it's like how do you view us now right do you see it as you know we're african or originally interesting or do you just feel because here's the thing when we when we be literal about it and really think about it everybody's african everyone right so life started there right so how far do we go back or do we start where we stand where we start writing our own history when it comes to as far as how we view ourselves today or how we should or you know i can't really tell people how to view themselves but how i view it and it's broken down in many different ways right so you got the african descendants of slaves right the adoles right so you got that crew then you have and we do our genealogy research our attachment to american indians right because this continent was filled with hundreds of millions of people before they came and literally committed genocide right so we was to do our genealogy we would find that we actually couldn't come under the treaties in america right and then that would connect us to these laws and we'll get certain benefits and rights to certain land right but we don't do our studies right or who is john horse right and who are these figures where you have black and native americans either uh coming together and mating right and living together and sharing culture or that's just who we were native because those were very dark-skinned people darker than you and i right right and so then you got the percentage of us that were brought over here right in ships and imported to do work right and so it's like me and my conquest i did that 23andme wish i didn't do it because once you realize is that number one they take certain dna from certain haploid groups and be like okay you have similarities to this group in ghana and it's like most likely you're of course i do because i'm melanated but that don't tell me where my family comes from that just gives me portions that's connected it can't they can't tell you that so we have to do genealogy research to understand that but to this point it's like if you a melanated person in america you have to know number one uh who your family is so i think the most important thing we can do is genealogy records and research right right so that will let you know the extension of where you come from on this land you understand me there's different tribes in america that you can connect with right then when you do trade route research from there if you want to go further back they have things called the uh african ancestry where they actually help you do more take directly to a tribe have you dealt with them i bought the thing i haven't done it yet okay so it's like i look at this black people got to do better because i reached out to them yeah like yo i could do some promo whatever no yeah you know what i'm saying yeah so it's like okay it's interesting but i i did i did do ancestry as well.com and it's all records it's really interesting to see yeah i'm all the way back to world war one yeah my family fought and you know yeah i got i got a bro who do genealogy but you gotta really know everybody and the first war without being citizen without being even considered humans in this country this is our this is ours i used to have a huge but before that war so let me let me show you let me make sure i'm saying it right because the brother name i think his name is john horse i want to make sure i'm saying his name right but he was like a person that fought in like four different wars right but he fought for the american side he fought with the native americans right he fought ward all over so i'll show you his that's giant horse his story is amazing when you read it so he had to fight for his freedom multiple times and win it so he fought for his freedom um against the native americans but they slavery was different right um basically he came under the jurisdiction he was working for them he had to fight for them but then he also fought alongside of with them he understand me um to go fight against the americans okay white folks right right but then he also at one point in time had to fight for uh her white folks he understand me to get his freedom that was that's how it was that's how it was and it was a certain point in time where they had won freedom i believe it was out in florida let me say yeah right here say uh um saint augustine in the common camp of florida but what happened was was the president at that time said that because they basically gave them an area that was sovereign to say that you free if you over here because that's what they had fought and won for but then the president was like we can't just allow there to be a free place where black folks can just come to and then they free like that [ __ ] ain't gonna work so he basically said that we're not gonna recognize the treaty that was set that it's illegal it's not in law so now they had to fight again for their freedom you understand me and and if today you see a lot of migrated darker skinned black people out there in florida and a lot of them were soldiers but that was a different type of energy that was going on over there right you understand me close to haiti yeah right it's a different warrior bread that was living yeah that that was the end of native americans jamaicans revolt revolt revolt revolt haiti the same yeah they actually was successful with theirs you know what i'm saying but yeah it was a a very wild fighting spirit once you do trace root like we don't know who john hor's family is like we don't that could be right that's real and he could have been one of the greatest warriors of soldiers of all time and you don't even know that's your lineage directly to america i'm glad you brought that up because i'm gonna go research it that gives us and other creators out there the opportunity to help tell stories rewrite stories some more rewrite history some more you know what i'm saying because they don't tell our stories right what i'm saying imagine that there was a movie with the production value of 300 oh about about about honorable hannibal conquering italy or rome europe you know what i'm saying spain or shaka zulu you know tinker like so many uh monster moosa yeah you feel me so we need these stories told on a big screen because we might have to do it in the metaverse it's real and in the real verse because one one one thing that i do notice about like i know white people are tired of hearing about white supremacy we didn't start it but it's media it's movies right there's so many movies that i love that like i love 300 one of my favorite movies right from a pure cinematic perspective but the history is so egregious like how they paint things right first of all these people these these romans are from the mediterranean why does this guy have an australian or a british accent it beats me random persians with the dark skin and the persians right iran so they made the persians arabs and blacks right they they had them they represented nothing but lust and gluttony and partying and that kind of thing right they even talk [ __ ] about the arcadians he said they're nothing but boy lovers uh that's interesting you say that though because the story of 300 right the real story y'all can google this the the 300 of thebes was a powerful unit right and wrong they was [ __ ] [ __ ] up because it was paired with couples it was 150 couples of men with their lovers and think about you got your lover there you you ain't like nobody [ __ ] with them and vice versa you know what i'm saying so it's like you're calling you're calling somebody else a boy lover when you were this story is about a boy look boy that's what they do we got history yeah we gotta we gotta talk about this [ __ ] we gotta put some accurate [ __ ] out there you know what i'm saying and listen i like the i still like the movie it's one of my favorite movies but don't do that don't play with history like that yeah you know what i'm saying but that's that's all they do is play with history yeah it's his story then is our story the last samurai you ever see that yeah i love that movie but it's a drunk white man came in to save the samurai kosher bread same thing with the china wall story that they had and it was matt damon over there saving and trying to walk y'all saying it's weird like everybody it's the white savior complex yeah like like this is what people got to understand right that is literally when we watch movies like that that is white supremacy propaganda and is programming superman is a character based on his ability to absorb the sun you understand me he's extraterrestrial with a muslim name you understand me or african name what was his name khalil wow that was his name yeah wow you understand me or jarrell khaled whatever but what chris kringle wasn't it no that's a real like his his krypton name okay you understand me interesting and he is a stone cold american white boy chiseled chin every single time right blue eyes blue eyes yeah he is the american symbol he's literally white supremacy right and here's the thing like i ain't got nothing against white folks because i got some white homies but the the ones that would be the guys wouldn't look like him yeah but here's the thing the issue is the fact that we don't have any of that propaganda for us so imagine if you're a young white child and you growing up with that you always have the image that reinforces your supremacy and your power and your dominance for sure for your whole entire life from your cartoons your movies from the races from the nine races whatever it is history everything is told to reinforce your self-identity as a rightful ruler on this planet earth right we got one movie of wakanda right you understand me we we we got real stories we don't need to actually make up stories even though that was a great movie i love that movie but it's like it's kind of [ __ ] up because now if you google black panther it's just a movie right you don't see nothing about the the the legacy of the black panther party you know yeah and you know it's just it's just it's interesting oh i mean we got one but then y'all erased something else from ours even even judas and the last messiah was more so about the snitch than it was about right you understand me right uh uh so fred hampton so it's like we have to reshape our own image and tell our own stories control our own and that's the beauty of media it gives us that power yeah but we got to prioritize that because the mental imaging is more important to anything like you want to talk about yeah they go keep making racist things in schools not want to teach that history because right they don't want the guilt of what's associated with a lineage and a privilege here's the thing man like i'm a realist bro like i just accept reality for what it is yeah i'm a very practical person if i sit next to a white man like let's talk about this so let's put this out there in this egregious aspects of their history bro i'm not judging you just chill out we need to get past this so we can those are the see the people are asking do i got white friends right and it's funny right and i'll talk about that later but the the interesting thing is the white men that i found myself being able to converse with and get along with are the ones where we can have blunt conversations and be real and either and see i have i have one or two like that too and they can tell me that like why would y'all do i'm like you're right you're right you're saying but we can have that back and forth because if you if you care about somebody and we're all equal you should be able to criticize me and i criticize you and it's not racism you know what i'm saying one thing that we need to get out of is everything's racist you know what i'm saying we need to be us we need to stop giving our power away because every time our feelings is hurt because somebody said something critical to a black person and that's racist it's like nah man you're giving them too much power well what matters is i think that racism aspect that's not the part that's the power it's the white supremacist is the power and white supremacy and racism are two different things but here's the thing you're right we we have means to circumnavigate that right and as time goes on that [ __ ] is getting weaker and weaker and weaker it is you know what i'm saying think about how many black millionaires that you know right now you feel me like in one way that we neutralize the playing field is economically you know what i mean absolutely because i i was sitting talking with a friend of mine and she's she lives in l.a she's in the woke crowd you know what i'm saying so everything's racist right and she was like i said well she saw my white privilege and she was like i said like what she's like like a white man could just zoom down the street pch and fast not get a ticket i said then i got white privilege because i do that and get pulled over and they don't give me tickets because they like my car you know what i'm saying it's like you get treated a different way right when you are that's classes it's classism that's what i'm saying the race part is a lower level it's always going to be some kind of division you know what i'm saying now but yeah the people that are somewhat enlightened who have access to resources and you don't have a good level of intellect and can speak and get their messages out there they're like i feel like they're making other people who hold on to these silly notions of racism and all that [ __ ] look stupid and feel stupid that those groups are getting smaller and smaller you know what i'm saying listen my son smacked up a kid at school my son is not violent at all he knows how to fight though he's a good kid my son is a you know he's a book guy like he's a you know he's about he's into like coding and [ __ ] like that you know what i'm saying kid said [ __ ] a little too liberally and my son started smacking him up he like nick say it again yeah yeah yeah yeah say it again say it again right he didn't get in trouble you're insane he should have got in trouble because he put hands on the boy that didn't touch him you know what i'm saying we had a conversation about that because i don't ever want him feeling like like this this guy's a animal he didn't even call you a name to hurt your feelings or say you know what i'm saying don't let that bother you i'm saying call him a [ __ ] back yo now you a [ __ ] you know make him use your intellect to make him feel small you know what i mean we ought to talk about it but nonetheless he didn't get in trouble because we do live in a a world with rules a country with rules and laws right and i told him if he was 18 and you did that to him i don't care what he said to you you're going to jail i'm saying so and my thing is like keep my boys keep mine away from anything close to you i'm saying looking like you know like just to mitigate any of those kind of issues that we have with police now that does that does equalize the playing field in the aspect we live in a society where there's a couple hundred million white folks only 40 something million black people so the minority in america is based on those those views right but when you have a racist child that says something racist specifically to provoke right and then he gets slapped up but then we live in a society where the the prevailing narrative is that listen we don't want to be racist anymore right we got the black lives matter things we got all these things going on this is not what's socially acceptable you'll get everybody in trouble right right so now it puts that fear and the idea that it's taking the power out of racism basically right we're like bro you can't try to use that as a power that's that no longer holds weight anymore right because we got a more empathetic so-called society right now i believe that is necessary now don't get me wrong i've slapped up you understand me i just died to do my slap ups but were you ever mad though no not in particular in my situation i was never mad but i got to do this now i grew up in a very muslim household right so it's like i i've never been surprised by anything white folks have done ever right like never i'm not the news not nothing so i don't get angry i don't have that sort of thing towards white folks yeah you understand me i really don't just because i have more of an understanding i think i've studied white culture and history more than they have and i studied our culture and history more than the average person so i got a different level of understanding right at the same time i've slapped up people for saying that when i know i can get away with it yeah right yeah and the key is knowing when they can get away with you understand because i didn't want to go to jail have a bad night because i slapped him because he got me angry right but this brings me to a point that i believe racism will be eliminated within 30 years right number one when you look at shrinking population sizes when you look at the new cultures of what's being accepted and how these new generations are changing what they construct their empathy towards racism won't have a place to fit right right and and then at the same time if by 2025 the amount of deaths are going to surpass the amount of births right in america right specifically for white population and it's going to be a mixed population that's why i have to take care of them you understand me you you being racist to your health care provider the people that are facilitating everything for you won't work out right so that's why racism and white supremacy different white supremacy is a global system implicated like when we see superman that's white supremacy right racism that's propaganda that fits into the entire cultural ritual and the gregor of what we live through the roman catholic church is the most white supremacist organization ever built on this planet earth you understand me they literally have a doctrine that say that the pope is the ruler of the world right you understand what he owns the earth funny because at the pope they in their doctrine he's the most powerful band right he sits in a gazebo similar to what uh amin ra was depicted as sitting in wearing the same crown as imotep or amin ra with the north and south cama where they call it egypt you know what i'm saying that thing that he wears where did he get it from you i'm saying the whole thing so it's like it's really interesting and you're not even fly with it bro no it looks like an old woman yeah like an old sick white lady yeah so it's but here's the thing it's a history of white men only dominated white families bloodlines that can only take that particular position and they control the theology of the world what's written in the books they got history that they've stolen that only they can use [ __ ] it's crazy i was reading about the papacy and the vatican and they've had a lot of ups and downs right and it's not there's real rocky right now because that's a big business you know i'm saying and they've done a lot of business with people that they shouldn't have been doing business with but it made good business sense and they need to be bailed out of certain situations but that is gonna fall oh yeah guaranteed yeah and not that long now when when that falls that is a great representation of the world going into a real shift right people don't like the pope it's a reason why you know all the presidents kissed the hand of the pope and got to meet with him and the whole nine right this is a whole ritual that's been happening for hundreds of years and we think because we live in modern times with technology that those same systems of structure of power don't exist i'm watching this show netflix is called uh what's it called uh you know the guy who re wrote the bible the king james version but he had his son was the um uh the guy that they caesar caligula no the guy that they saw that picture of the white jesus but the real white jesus dude what's his name michelangelo michelangelo i think was the one who uh painted it but it was assisting john king at the time or the pope whichever one he was the one who issued the painting after his son okay um i think they called the georgios how am i blanking on this one i'm having a mic rasheed moment it's the same we always talk about this the fake white jesus dude but they had there was a family you understand me um he wasn't really of course jesus but that long-haired character comes from that family name and it's a show about how that family got a position in poverty that family is famous you understand me and when they it was this one scene where could they have to like murder lie still cheat do everything they did to maintain and to get into a position of power and it was a scene where they had christopher columbus come meet him yeah and christopher columbus came from the americas he was like yo the report is like it's the most beautiful place i've ever seen it's like literally paradise he was talking about america he's talking uh uh he said it's the most beautiful place i've ever seen you understand me say is absolutely beautiful and the people are peaceful there's no war no famine no starvation nothing you know what he was talking about was was mesoamerica yeah yeah because he was like he ain't no he was lost yeah india yeah but then he ended after he said all of that he said they're going to be the perfect people to conquer and the perp make the perfect service and it was really giving insight into like they mindset that they didn't it was no sense of morality or judgment that we're going to try to do good anywhere it was all looking for concord and finding people to be subservient to them and they presented what looks like you know today like a darker-skinned hispanic boy and before them he said listen i have proof and the hispanic boy basically had to he was like he said something about you know jesus christ being his lord he said see even they will bow down to the exalted christ you understand me and and that scene to me was powerful number one that they even put that in there right you understand me but two is that we don't think about the different type of cultures we associated with on a daily basis and the power structures that we come from in order to build america it was a specific mind set that they had to have right yeah morality was not nowhere near part of it right right it was all about how do we engineer a reality to become the most powerful nation on the planet earth right and any ambition like that right is void of righteousness right so this country was built on murder and violence and capitalism and taking advantage of human stock in people and here we are 400 years later at the tip of a power right even though civilizations don't last like 250 years so theirs is almost over um and now they're trying to maintain that power that we don't realize because some people may think about oh i'm 20 years old or 30 or 40 they think about life and they short-term expanding their perspective but we're dealing with the people who pass down traditions institutions that are hundreds of years old and thousands of years old so we think like babies in terms of what's our real issue we are babies uh considering that we were stripped from the biblical court was pulled apart all right bam grow up you know what i'm saying amongst them with them being our most dominant uh teachers you know what i'm saying we learned everything from now just like when they tell about like how violent we are i'm like bro come on no we're not as violent we're not even near we're not as violent as white women who grew up in those same conditions where do we learn violence from from y'all from the most dominant influence over us but no look at the statistic they showed the statistic where if basically white men commit more violence and crimes right and versus black men who grew up in adverse conditions where you should be more susceptible there should be a higher amount of black people who commit more violence and crimes based on the conditions that we grow up in that says that okay these conditions are classic to say that this person will be a criminal or violent right or murderer but there's a higher proportionate rate of white men who commit those crimes who don't have that same condition they don't have the condition because it's more natural for them for us i've even seen sucker blacks i don't know i'm like what are you doing trying to like prove a point that black people kill each other and they'll talk about the statistics of black on black crime i'm like dummy this anecdotally i'm thinking like it's got to be like that for every neighborhood right yeah proximity so i'll go on a fbi database look at the stats the numbers the percentages are the same you kill the people you live around what i'm saying it's not like blacks just got some weird disease that we want to kill each other right what i'm saying murders committed by blacks happen on blacks murder committed by hispanics happened on hispanics murders committed by whites happened on whites why are you why are you cherry-picking data like right making us look bad i mean we know the civil war so you know what else is interesting bro what's interesting is like american and britain i mean i know right i know a lot of like successful white dudes and like i say in the fitness space cool dude like i'm cool with but it's like the george floyd thing cove it brought a lot of you see who people are when [ __ ] get rough i guess because none of this is rough to me but these people are rich dudes that usually live in states where there's no like covert mass mandate there's none of that kind of [ __ ] right out in midwest wherever where nobody cares about the [ __ ] right but they got all the issues they're so angry you're like why bro you rich your life is so good y'all don't even wear masks out there like why are you so angry you know what i'm saying but oh you know what i'm gonna play god's advocate on this too the one thing i can respect about people who get angry about the idea of rights that they got a connection to right the idea of free of freedom right having control over their body in their mind right they don't want their freedoms to be encumbered upon or fringed upon by any ruling class and there's different type of ruling classes right because then you've got people that'll follow the classes that are constitutional law and then you got people that want to append it and create a whole new type of government right and so internally there's a civil war that's happening in america right right i think that we don't get angry enough when things happen you understand me like i think this is the thing though bro we get angry only at death we for the most part no there's here's the thing though let's say let's let's i'm gonna use an example of a mass right and i feel you like you know i'm i am very fortunate one thing that this this past two years have shown me was i remember there was a time that i was thinking about getting an apartment in sydney australia right i think it's fly here like the engl english-speaking countries i have a lot of fun right but the weather's going all of that but i see like not the [ __ ] ain't free at all you know what i'm saying and then when you look at like um there's only three countries in the world that people have a constitutional right to to have weapons america mexico and somewhere else in south america but mexico and south america is like barely they barely can you know i'm saying we're like the only country in the world that can walk around with firearms right that have a constitutional right you feel me so it's like we got different types of freedom here so i'm with you on that but these people that i'm talking about it ain't just that that they're pissed about too but they also say [ __ ] like let's say like and i don't give a [ __ ] about like i'm not a political dude at all but they talk about the january 6 insurrection right and they'll talk about like how it wasn't an insurrection it was like a glorified field trip but let it be a george floyd right oh yeah no you know what i'm saying they drawing parallels they're like my [ __ ] like really yeah but one thing about that that's delusional right the delusion one thing about us not tripping about certain things is because let's say mass right i'm like i'm not wearing a [ __ ] mask right so i'll do whatever i need we know how to cycle navigate we've always had to do it all our lives so it ain't that big of a deal to us it ain't like we just stuck now i don't know what to do but that's the problem though is that we're used to not having our full rights we're used to not having natural rights and still having access to [ __ ] right doing [ __ ] that's not how it's supposed to be we're not supposed to get used to those conditions that's true and they don't want to get they don't want to get used to being treated like we are right right like when the moment they got to feel like a minority in the country that's when they're willing to go that's interesting i'm glad you said that bro because i didn't even think about that perspective look about voting rights voting rights you got to give a people voting rights why don't we naturally have them as people yeah because they had to create voting right acts for a subset a group of people who the constitution wasn't made for in the first place right right because they don't consider us to be natural citizens especially under color codes black silver mortises we can go into that they didn't even but that's how they were humans no three fifths that dress scott decision was proof of it it was like we operate from this place that we operate from a place of liberty not freedom you understand me it's the place where if you got a uh three different types of people right if you take a slave and you put them in a cage in a little five by five small and then one day master says listen i'm gonna let you in the field you keep acting right you understand me don't don't be out here tripping and yelling and like you being torturing in here i need you to be peaceful while you're in here right i'm open the cage and let you in the field so that's like like man that seems like a better you understand me place to be i get liberty i get to move around more right so now he gets to go work in the field right but the guys in the field is like bro man [ __ ] this [ __ ] man we want to leave you like bro i just came from the cage y'all got it good yeah right yeah and then you got to run away to be like you know what [ __ ] all this field [ __ ] i'm about to leave and i'm about to go find me some freedom right right so but instead what if masters say you know what instead of just being in the field i'm gonna let y'all roam the rest of the state now hey before y'all leave y'all still work for me i need y'all paid y'all signing this contract y'all still work for me but you get more liberty right it's always gonna be a small group of them that say [ __ ] all of this i want true and complete freedom i don't want to work for you i don't want just liberty i want to be able to control my mind my will my time everything right and those small group of people are going to be seeing crazy like they messing it up for everybody else right and so with certain amount of people that have that spirit that it's not about how much liberty you give me it ain't no comparison from my last place of prison or somebody else's condition is that as a human being i know that my natural human right is to be able to be unencumbered you understand me is to be able to move and have full control over my mind and willpower right so it's different people that will accept liberty and some people only accept true freedom right and when we come to slavery there's no degree to it if you are a slave at any degree you're still a slave right so there's certain people will only accept true mastery of self which is true freedom you understand me and that's that place that we have to say that's the ultimate goal that we're not stopping till we get there we might we might celebrate we got a little further eye we got a little further on the journey right let's stop and get some rest the rest is the celebration yeah but we not celebrating till we get the full fruition of it and our people got to have that full vision but we lack vision to know what the destination is in the first place well we gotta we have to do what you're doing now we have to give them the vision right because generally speaking collectively people don't know what they want or need you know and that's no not to people life is hard yeah i'm saying and people gotta make money pay the bills look after their kids trying to get fired you know what i'm saying so they're not thinking about these things they're thinking about man paying rent but that's the rat race if i can get you to think about these small problems forever right so that it's a brilliant but evil strategy yeah the mind right can't think far in long distance right when you gotta think of short-term problems right if i got to think about everything next week that is as far as my mind will allow me to think it's going to shut off at a certain point right right the mind not even trained to really think about the future in those terms so you have to train the brain to become a futurist and a visionary it's not a natural thing right so every so so so so much you get so many visionaries inside a culture on the planet at a certain time otherwise everybody will be thinking about the future you know so when you got to people that stuck at you know maslow's pyramid you got people that are just trying to survive and then you got a visionary telling well let's focus on this technology let's focus on building these institutions let's focus on doing this they're like man i'm trying to get to next week i can't even start devising strategies and plans to evaluate that that's valuable it's still the visionary's obligation to still figure out how to plant that seed to put that medicine in the ice cream you know what i'm saying because like i i feel like and i'm sure you probably feel the same i feel like i could be very persuasive to people without turning them off without being annoying you know what i mean because with me i got to practice it every day in my house with my family yeah i'm saying get people to do this and do that so and you know in my profession like when i used to be a trainer in the gym you know you know these are people who didn't have a lot of extra money i had to convince them to give me money to help me so i can get them in better shape so they don't die too fast what was one of your tactics you told me one before i thought was key listen all right let's start with this my tactics be excellent at what i'm doing so i was a trainer so i'm gonna be in the best shape in the gym and i'm being there getting busy like whenever you see me in the gym working out you see me getting after it so that's one thing cause i'm the i'm my best advertisement um and my clients are my advertising too so i did i gave 110 with them i really cared about them i care about whatever i do so when i would sit down with people you know i had my arsenal you know and it showed in my confidence so i'll take them through uh the introductory workout you know what i'm saying talk to them first see where they ask see what they're lacking what they need whatever and put them through a workout make it difficult but not too difficult to where they're broken and don't want to come back you know what i'm saying and then i sit down and i talk to them i talk to them about their health deficiencies and i talk to them about the the the the like certain fatalistic things because people accelerate in age fast way faster than their normal age you know what i'm saying and it don't have to be like that yeah so the the number is arbitrary it's how you live and what we see that's how old you are what do you think people number when it comes to health specifically right what do you think of people number one impediments that make them unhealthy i guess man society the the things the food like substances that are in in abundance right because listen i eat one meal a day right and i got that from the honorable elijah muhammad years ago you eat one meal a day yeah i do and you almost as big as me almost not quite not quite but nah but i used to be bigger so you know what i'm saying yeah i ate one meal a day how much you what 220 220 yeah i don't like eating that much i'm not a foodie you know what i'm saying food people got to change their relationship with food food is just a means to an end it's a source of energy for us to move just like putting gasoline in your car that's the energy source for that automobile the difference is it has a mechanical structure you can't overfill it you can only put enough with us we can stretch you know i'm saying and food is anything can be a drug and food is the number one drug in america and it's the number one killer in america not kovit not none of this other [ __ ] it's food you know what i'm saying so we have a very this with this being a capitalistic society which i'm not mad at is just no balance and it's such an emphasis on industry so they're pushing milk on you pushing breakfast on you pushing all of this [ __ ] on you right everywhere you go you see a big delicious cheeseburger you checking out it's snacks right by the checkout all that [ __ ] is psychological oh grab that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying you sitting there bored you're like okay i got that eminem's whatever so they make it too easy to to die to to to expedite your death right you know what i'm saying fast food so fast people gotta people gotta understand this is i say this all the time man i have no is no this is no not to doctors this is not to police officers this is still not to to nobody but i tell people all the time nobody cares about you the cops don't care the doctors don't care the teachers don't care that's why my household education is in my house we go to school for the social aspect you know i'm saying connections and all that [ __ ] but you getting educated at the crib i got a music teacher and i got a teacher teacher come to the house every week you know what i'm saying so and i got i know what kind of [ __ ] that i want my children to be learning anyway so and as far as health bro the last time i went to the doctor i forgot what it was but i did my research already boom boom so when i got there i'm telling dude and then he's like um because i know what you're gonna do he's gonna go look in the book i said it's the bop you know what i'm saying you gotta do that yourself right we gotta have knowledge of all of this stuff before we even we just can't put our lives in their hands you know what i'm saying and even with like law enforcement i got a lot of law enforcement homies and i'd be like yo is this cool is that cool whatever because i'm not trusting nobody to keep me safe but me you know and my family so we we you know we have to arm ourselves literally and figuratively but with you know guns of course but with knowledge with wisdom you know what i'm saying um because we just floating around doing the three meals a day doing what they suggest and what they suggest is marketing that's all marketing the truth to sell you stuff so people need to divorce themselves in a sense from the culture here in america create your own culture you know what i'm saying and tap into support from the culture divorce from the course divorce from the culture and tap into people that [ __ ] like keys like me i'm 44 years old uh i started out 44 this is years young we we we knew age on this four years you heard my new age philosophy nah nah so tell me it didn't make sense to you all right have you ever been 50 before in your life i don't know that's not a trick question okay no i like i would ought to answer this have you ever been 18 or 19 before yes all right so which one is an old age and which one is a new age which one is old age 50 would be oh oh no i guess 18 is old because that's back in the day yeah you've already experienced that right 50 would be a new age i like it right i like it once you go to 50 that's a new development i like it you understand me you've never experienced 50 before that's right you never experienced what your body would do what your mind would do they say you don't reach your peak creativity the 40s the 50s right yeah your development as a human being changes throughout decades of your life you're going to new ages but we don't have a manual to be like all right how do i operate this age with this body in this one we don't realize we need to change and move things see here's the thing man this there's tactics that one can employ to master self right you spoke on that earlier i was obsessed with understanding myself and mastering myself like when i was younger i love martial art movies kung fu movies and their doctrine and why they meditated and all of that stuff right the men now their situation is a lot different than ours their culture their civilization we can't just meditate all day right but them meditating i've seen documentaries of shaolin monks they're doing a demonstration they their clothes will be completely soaked they up in these freezing cold mountains they sit there and meditate to where they're heating their bodies up and you see the steam coming off their clothes they dry their clothes yeah i used to do that when i was a child we use this challenge right there's so many incredible things that our minds can do yeah people need to understand that your mind is infinitely powerful that's right we know our smartest thinkers on this planet know more about the cosmos than the human brain that's a fact so that's something to that man there is think about medicine modern medicine the number is like 20 or 30 of all medicine is placebo is your brain you feel me so you put they did studies where they put people similar age similar similar ailments on one side of the hospital to recover with this beautiful scenery and then they have on the other side with a wall these people recovered dramatically faster it's our mind bro you know what i'm saying and think about like a drug think about like say psychedelics right psychedelics um you take it in the right settings it does amazing things for somebody right all it's doing is binding to your serotonin receptors and making you happy something that you you do you get that boost of happiness and serotonin and dopamine when you hug somebody you love that's when somebody smile at you it's you you know what i'm saying so people got to understand how powerful our minds are right and think about like someone that's wildly intelligent like a michael eric dyson right i i admire his intellect and his fluidity and creativity and how he speaks how eloquent you know what i'm saying i don't know what his issues are and everything i don't care i just like his his his uh mental sportsmanship right that man spent his life i rep the first book i read of his the michael eric dyson reader and the forward he said that i practiced being smart like michael jackson practiced being excellent at baseball or basketball i just studied i read non-stop he changed himself he created himself to be a genius yeah that right there brings me to a super key because that's that's how i live right like i i talk to my homies all the time about it like i remember just going through different points in time about the idea of designing myself you understand me like you can literally if a person wants to write down like what as for the human design what do they want to improve about themselves do you want to become a better speaker write a better thinker better dresser more money like these are all points of design you can go into right and i knew that growing up in an environment you're gonna see a young black male for a certain aesthetic and a certain look if i'm dressed a certain way i get categorized a certain way because people know how to react to the design based on how they program right so i knew that that one way that i could do in order to make myself better was to always have an upper hand where people are judging me one way but i'm actually way above it right so i would study things outside the normal realm right right whether i'm studying some ontological mathematics or some physics or some engineering i'm studying specifically so that my brain is always outside the box right that people are looking at my design as so it's like for me i used to have gaps in my intelligence where sometimes i feel like you know my philosophy of [ __ ] is when you say something to do something but no regard to whether it's true or false right so if i would say it wired and i didn't understand it or if i would say something and i didn't know if it was true or false i'm bullshitting if i'm doing something i don't know if it's real i'm [ __ ] yeah so it helped me check myself because i never wanted to do anything that was [ __ ] because one person called me out on it before and i'm like it don't feel good it wasn't my intent but they was right yeah so it is like that's when i started reading the dictionary i started taking courses i took a course on learning how to learn you understand me i remember working the job real bro that's it i was explaining to somebody the other day i did a podcast with this sister named um i forgot i'm sorry i forgot but anyway i was telling her how when i was younger and i you know i studied i've always been like like geared towards learning right and becoming wiser but i remember somebody asked me what something meant what a word man and i i was explaining what it meant like like giving an example but that's not a definition of that word it's not so that made me start defining every word like when i if i'm studying if i can't say what this word means the finest word i look it up yeah say even d like yeah a lot of people don't know what d means so it's like it really stretches your ceiling of intelligence and like you said you're designing yourself and that's what people gotta understand like i designed myself me personally to be the that guy in my world with my woman or women or my children my business partner i want everybody to be i want to be the mvp i'm saying so i i qualify myself to do that with a lot of [ __ ] work you know what i'm saying and people will see us now you know he's living in life like bro i work my ass off yeah last night i woke up at four in the morning yesterday because i get up early pillar manhood work right woke up four in the morning that the morning is when i have time for me to meditate to do nothing if i want to read all that stuff stuff that's not pertaining to like work and [ __ ] like that and then at night after my my day out in the office podcast and all this stuff i come home i'm tired as hell but i'm uh doing my research on nfts uh figuring out this road map stuff yeah um i hired another artist last night we're talking yadda yadda like i was up till three in the morning i was almost like 24 hours you know what i'm saying and [ __ ] it i love it that's i i don't need to sleep like right most people you know what i'm saying so that [ __ ] we got to work like young men like a lot of you start with i cut your wisdom do you start with the end in mind when you go for a go excuse me do you start with the end in mind when you go for a go go for a gold yeah uh nah not an end so i i i i strive for like i want to make like all right so my new um venture right now is the nft space right and i just want to make it epic and legendary like for real i want to disrupt this whole game because there's one disruptor right now that i see what he's doing but it's to me it's a curl with that huh that's the end for him not for you nah i don't know what the end is well i mean so the idea of having a vision and then going attacking right the end of mind and sense of because if you talk about designing yourself right and design creates interaction reaction right so let's say if i want to be the most prolific in this space the greatest thought leader in this space right and they say okay what do all i have to do in order for not for me to see myself but for the world to see me as such right right what what what what what accreditations i got to have what kind of content what type of teaching what metrics i need to be all of those things so i'm gonna think of the end in mind first right and then i'm gonna build out everything because the bigger you make this go the larger the gap is between where you are now and to your point of getting there right so the larger you create division is the bigger journey you got to go in there to that destination but the way you go about it whether your intelligence and your strategy is going to determine how fast you get there right and how effective you are getting there in a quicker amount of time so i think about the end in mind as far as what is the vision now that vision can be revisioned you can always have a revision a lot of people don't do that take that key have a revision but i'm always thinking like all right this is what i need to do i got to put in this amount of study i got to study right uh uh across the board other people in a way that they defining it i gotta study the absence and the ignorance on it i gotta study the different concepts different ways my my thing is never getting stuck in my way of thinking oh for sure that's that's a if if there was a fear minor i hate the fact that if i'm studying something you can get stuck in your perspective right sometimes you can think your perspective is so broad that it's enough right but i'm always looking to challenge myself for outside perspective right so that i'm not missing anything yeah that's interesting you say that keys i don't have that right i am so like i'm used to winning right and but my winning takes a lot of grit and a lot of work right i just don't want to lose so my position like it is what it is i could show you throwback pictures of me when i was living in living a different lifestyle i styled living the life at the top of the food chain you know that can't last forever so i went through that and then got right back up positive doing all legal things right things that i'm proud to do feel good about top of the food chain i have an ego a healthy ego so i don't want to fall so i listen you know what i'm saying to make sure i'm getting wisdom information i'm not going to be uh blockbuster the netflix is it fear though uh is it fear i don't know if it's fear it's just i have a heavy amount of motivation to not be a loser and to make my children proud make my parents proud make my woman proud you know my the people in my world is who i'm most concerned with right how they view me right and i do care about how people view me um and just inadvertently if i do a good job with them everybody see me doing a good job period you know what i'm saying i'm doing a good job even like people that patronize any of my businesses right i want to give them excellent service that means everything to me you know when i had my gym in miami i remember i was in australia and uh doing a meet and greet this expo and there was people coming up to me that had went to the gym and i said look your staff was was so pleasant it was so cool and that felt so good because i used to go in there and i used to tell people like we got a little meeting look the gym is like a second home to a lot of people it's a sanctuary it's very easy for you to be the reason that this lady or that guy had a good day today a nice day a compliment just being nice whatever right so and then when they see me that i wasn't saying that for like business reasons i was saying that because this is my gym i don't want these people to feel comfortable here is that part of your nature of being protective maybe it is but i also listen i've been a person who've had not before um so and a person that made money underground so when i got into like business i'm like yo i appreciate even when i was a trainer making 50 an hour i appreciate if you gave me 25 i'ma i'm gonna do a hell of a job for you okay because i appreciate you gratitude i appreciate you giving me this so i want to over deliver for you and that's people say that's ego i think that's my ego like i want to be looked at as like yo this dude is thorough you know what i'm saying so that's it bro you know think about i think a lot of this [ __ ] probably come from my childhood um listen when i was a kid i was a skinny kid you know what i'm saying um and you know to an extent i remember my mother's husband used to beat her right and i remember feeling so helpless and powerless right and like i can't do nothing you know and i never ever wanted to feel any of that ever again so i i developed i designed myself to be powerful to be strong physically yeah but mentally spiritually financially everything you know i'm saying so that gave me a lot of [ __ ] confidence and i just moved a certain way because of that that that that brings me to an interesting point because i do want to get back into health a little more just to give people more tips but i do want to get into this part of a lot of things we do as men is to protect that child that was once unprotected right you understand me that the vulnerability within ourselves you understand me um and we don't realize that that child may get a bigger form may get a bigger body different position but that child is still trying to protect himself from that one point where he felt the most vulnerable in life right and some people learn how to harness that in a healthy way and in some people it becomes a detriment to their life because they never felt like that child was ever able to be taken care of right you understand me and so it's important to be able to go back into your past right and know the reasons why you do everything because not everybody understand themselves that's true right it was nobody who said something to the effect study study study then go study some more and then when you don't know what else to study go study yourself you understand me and i think that that's key because if a lot of men just sit down and you take a overview of your life you can find the reasons you may treat other people right or other people wrong right and i think that that's key if you find why you treat other people right you can double down on it and even learn how to treat people even better right right because you may create a standard for treating people right because well based on what i went through this is the best way to treat people right but that might be a ceiling because you were like well i'm treating people good enough based on what i went through right right so you may treat people better yeah then you treat people wrong and say well that's what people desire i've been through the same thing life is hard yeah right so once you can go back and look at that child in your past and see how they was affected emotionally spiritually physically right i have all my students go through an aces test that adverse childhood experience because a lot of the traumas stop them from learning and development because they don't have enough self-love to get to that next level they don't care enough about themselves yeah so it's like once you have that you can understand why you walk past another black man and you'd be like what the [ __ ] is you looking at or just people period like i catch myself from doing that like why am i tripping out the fact that they looking i came outside fly yeah and i wear a crown every day i gotta be a specimen yeah so once you learn how to check yourself i think so many problems become eliminated because that's the thesis of knowledge of self people think knowledge of self is like getting cosmic consciousness about the world yeah history nah knowledge of self is literally a study of self of who you are right like you want to go back a thousand years but you ain't went back in the last 10 years of your own life that's real you understand me and figuring out who you are and that would determine how you treat yourself and i'm just saying that because i say this to people all the time right so we you know especially the to our people we don't deal with knowledge itself we just deal with the group collective issues but if we dealt with ourselves collectively we would rise be amazing you feel me so but but nobody i did i put i put up a video one time it's called gi it's it's it's like the whole notion of it is like man it's so weird that something because i know people right that be on the activist kick would be trying to borrow money from you i'm saying i'm like yeah you know and i'm like i love your energy i love what you're trying to do but you need to get yourself together you know what i'm saying man that's key and it's like you know um everybody has i'm talking about the general public man like because i see people really jumping out the window on social media for this issue and that issue people who lives in they they need they need resources but they're they're ostracizing themselves they're whatever else is happening because of their beliefs or what they think they know about certain things i'm like yo fix yourself you know what i'm saying we got like i can somebody brought somebody up the other day somebody i didn't really care about right because they did xyz in the past and i started talking about it i'm like but i did xyz abc so what am i talking about let me get off of that my bad y'all you know what i'm saying so it's like if i ain't 100 million percent clean let me keep my mouth closed when i'm talking about this that this person that person or this issue or that issue you know or let me just understand the [ __ ] better you know what i'm saying a lot of things that people talk about they don't really even understand the issues what i'm saying so and again they're not all worked up about this thing that probably don't even affect their life but it's things in your life that affects you you don't like your job let's figure it out let's talk about it bro i sit with a lot of people that i know and even people on social media sometimes they get through that this sucks or that and i'm like all right let's figure this out you know what i'm saying right i ain't no therapist or nothing but i have a lot of insight on life and i've been through a lot of [ __ ] you know i'm older than mother or young new yeah just at a new age so i'm at a new age and i've experienced many ages i mean how good that feel it feel great bro all right thank you thank you for that but um but yeah so it's like and that's what i love learn i learn from you every time we talk like what and i'm way older than you you know what i'm saying but that should be a testament to what they do to to understand like listen i don't know i don't know anything always i'm a baby i don't know that's the beauty of it i don't know anything but i i'm willing to learn after you know everything the only thing left to do is to die exactly yeah i'm saying you've reached that point where there's nothing else to do in life it's so fun to learn like it's all i remember her sister um tiffany muhammad we still good friends when in college was in different states but we liked each other and i respected her so much that whenever we like she was uh in school to be an attorney right so i'll be studying [ __ ] about her stuff yeah the next time we talk about you know what i'm saying that's a game that's what like that's where our young men should be our heads should be but let's talk about women for a second let's do it let's do it you understand me now we live we currently got a culture right right where the young cast is talking about pushing pete the other cat's just talking about high level manhood okay you understand me now this pushing p is an interesting conversation coming from oakland okay you understand me i i get it right right what does it mean well it has multiple meanings you you ask the houston players you understand me is different than when the oakland players right uh some of it can be connected central to the pimp scene some connected to the player scene right and it's getting back to the to the origins of this whole connection of keeping it player and or keeping it back you understand me keeping it pimping but that means different to different cultures in different places even in america right but it's more so i would say this notion about it right we got a society of men who get jealous around other men when they're around women that are more attracted to them right and unfortunately on social media it gave people a false confidence of what they value was right because by yourself you can shine right right but sometimes it's artificial light next to somebody else who got a real son right yeah i'm talking about where they got that it factor but keeping it p is like keeping it player right you understand me like nah we all in this game playing we're not against each other this is a collaboration of all of us moving right but at the the thesis of it you got to have principles you understand before a woman keeping the players is bringing a man peace not problems correct you understand me for a man keeping it player is is coming in with a protection and positivity to that woman right you understand me and principles the the the biggest gift that we can provide to our women is making them feel safe allowing them to let their hair down and activate their full femininity a woman will will submit to a man that gives her that protection and gives her that peace and security correct 100 yeah a lot of there's a lot of guys man i run into a lot of people man and some people got money and we talked about this already they only have money yeah so they're broke and that money thing is not a it's not a measurement not a measure it never was but specifically now it has lost even more value because money is so easy to get exactly you understand it's not it's not a measure fellas it's not a measure listen i have uh i was going back and forth with pressure fit and they was under this notion that you know it's just about money i'm like bro like a woman to leave a man if this dude got mine like bro stop it that ain't even true listen i have close friends who maybe they just they didn't hit they stride with business but they still have good jobs decent jobs beautiful wives dimes they work too yeah and their men are stand-up men solid men they're not going nowhere yeah [ __ ] your money most men in the world ain't rich but these women yeah listen it's not it's a new culture of you trying to get the battery on instagram you understand me and she's marking herself specifically for a rich man you understand me that's different right but the average woman that's that's walking around she's available and they're they're it's like i'm i'm thinking of people very specific and close to me that's dope set up yeah work job whatever family nice house bills paid they're good you know what i'm saying it's uh people i understand man like you're right it's it's a very small percentage of people who have this extraordinary ordinary amount of wealth you know and then it actually wants to be with the people that want to be with them right and that's not the end-all to anything there's plenty of people with a lot of money that's miserable and dangerous for women even more because they start picking based on their metrics right so they be with terrible people because they got a little money you understand me and the whole time you never check this character or principles right and understand this was this a righteous man in the first place what does he submit to any woman have to learn what a man submits to right and and for the fellow out there with brad you've been having bread for a long time some of y'all have always had money so you've never developed i'm not saying for all but character typically you haven't developed like character things uh a swag or you know how to speak to people properly you never had to work hard for anything so you're you're lacking a lot of a lot of skills right so they use material substance to make up for right the lack of image or immaterial success so the immaterial is it holds way more weight yeah it does and you might some can look at it as impractical right and not rational for a woman to hold more weight on the immaterial my feelings versus this man can really provide this this is wildly important providing but there's other things to it as well but you will be depressed being provided for because you can't if but that's the whole thing it's like you know people joke about that do you want to cry in a honda or bentley right mm-hmm then and people's like well i don't want to be sad at all right why would the depression aspect be a selling point for me being with you and picking your lifestyle right that's already a a red flag if you will i would never tell a woman like listen you may be depressed with me but it's better than being depressed over there on that scene that would make no sense you know how sad that it is yeah like that's not a selling point of of why you pick a mate you understand me and we got to get back to the principles here's the thing this is it's crazy we got to like preface it but we do because [ __ ] ain't got that [ __ ] together nowadays yeah and men forgot how to be men you know what i'm saying absolutely so here's the thing fellas talk to her i got this from my spiritual father yes honorable mr lewis farrakhan and he did a speech a long time ago and he was addressing young men and i'm paraphrasing but he says something to the effects that you do not deserve the pleasures of a woman's breasts if you don't you can't take care of her i'm saying say that again man you you do not deserve you don't deserve the pleasures of a woman's breasts if you can't take care of her listen women are the vessels of life right this weird shifting society to where we're talking to our women crazy putting them down well men do this and built that like suckers talk like that yeah sucker's trying to the woman must in your view this woman these women are bigger than you so you're trying to chop them down by insulting them and talking about what it wasn't even you because some guys did right you didn't do anything right so it's like have some respect you know what i mean and that's often a lack of emotional intelligence but yeah like it's a validation of a mckishmo and hyper masculinity and that because i'm the dominant physical force the woman has to be subservient and do whatever the hell i tell her to do not questioning not have a mind of our own at all yeah and it's a weakness though because number one that's not something that's rooted in our natural culture right right in our natural timeline as human beings on this planet earth you go to egypt and then you find times where women were rulers and men were rulers right right throughout that chemist society right so we know for a fact we've been able to get along with our women yeah you understand me like it's a difference when you go into roman culture or greek culture and you see the subservience where women do not have any dominant positions what so ever in a society and their value is completely measured on the man that they wit or their ability to produce a son a male heir right like that's their value point yeah but that was never a point in our courtroom we said listen if cis can't produce a boyfriend and she ain't got no value you won't find that anywhere because we never that's silly it's stupid yeah you understand me women have always had value queen sheba we can go i mean there's numbers we honor the laws of truth order and justice guys tell me bro i balance i exalt women like uh you know it's funny because these cats was calling me a sim yeah and i'm like first of all that should sound disrespectful yeah what you talking about like yeah would you say it to my face interesting y'all attacking me with these words you would never say it in my face right and i'm not trying to impress men yeah i'm not trying to i don't care what y'all think yeah i'm saying i want to spend the rest of my life with my woman or my women so not the homies you know what i'm saying so you say you're women yeah okay we get into that okay yeah yeah so uh you know that's my culture bro so and i live in my truth you know and i say my women like i do live uh uh a polygamy lifestyle you know um how does this work that's the ability to say a lot of people have questions yeah huh how does it work so okay yeah yeah i'll talk about it let's say and we talked a little bit about this off camera already right polygamy has been a hot topic right and before we get into your situation right uh and in general i've seen uh funny videos on social media and i knew the video was fake already uh brother shaka bars had posted it and there's this girl saying that uh she were her three husbands and there was these dudes behind her in walmart right and i i i commented you understand me i called bs right so people was going crazy you understand me how come you would say that i thought you was killing the boxes i thought men and women would do this that in the third and i'm not about to argue with people on the internet you understand me you like it and you don't right what's the difference in your opinion between a woman having three men and a man having three women all right so or two but just i have to speak i could speak anecdotally i could speak on history as well anecdotally if a woman needs feel like she needs more than one man she's not being fulfilled by either of those men right because you know it's just real so for her to get three the two couldn't do the job they're not doing the job all three are not doing the job so they're they're lacking somewhere you know so but what if women say the same argument about a man and a woman it's different though it's different we could go into our programming right what is our what is every animal every insect every bird every human every creature on this planet what is the the dominant what is the common denominator what are we all trying to do appropriate exactly right so you know you gotta think there was a time when there would be like one human per square mile right we didn't like our parents and teach us like listen we we need to fill the earth with people so go out there and nah we just our hormones start acting a certain way at certain ages we feeling this way and men would hunt women to to have sex with them to try to because it wasn't civilized back it was like like animals do the same [ __ ] you know i'm saying we were animals at a certain point but you gotta think about us being quote unquote civilized as humans ain't that long as far as we've been on this planet as humans for way longer so people have been living very kind of reckless and and just instinctual longer than we've had rules you know what i'm saying i mean just think women here barely are able to vote like 100 years ago you know what i'm saying and other humans would consider cattle so you know we we've come a long way but we ain't got that far you know what i'm saying so our programming is still set a certain way so if a man is too and i hate to like say it like this because i don't want people thinking that i'm being chauvinistic or misogyny misogynist or anything like that because i love women and i respect women but you know back then man a man would impregnate a woman and then he's off to the next to put in another one he would try to keep planting his seeds you know what i'm saying and um you know the woman can't get pregnant for nine months she had no reason to go off and find another you know because you know we have we we get pleasure out of this now and most people when most people are having sex they don't even want a kid but that doesn't take away your natural desires you know what i'm saying and men they've done studies on this bro like they've studied men like what turns men on right and they would show like a sex scene on the screen right they would show these men the same thing every day right and then their level of erection would not be as strong as time went on but then able to throw in some novelty is back up here you know what i'm saying so it showed that we are programmed to desire novelty to desire different you know what i'm saying and um you know i know me i like women i love women and i do want to experience different women it's their companionship you know like i love it like i love just hanging out vibing with women you know what i'm saying and it's another weird thing that i got like when i'm i'm i'm talking to a woman and you know and i she's been through some [ __ ] up [ __ ] and experienced that and this i want to like protect her i want to like show her like uh real men don't do that i'm saying real men don't yell at y'all real men don't whatever you know what i'm saying i want to like be an example to them so um yeah would you recommend your lifestyle for others no i recommend my lifestyle for men that can handle it you know what i'm saying how did you qualify men that can handle multiple partners yeah so um to have like a high level of emotional intelligence and eq and be able to be the dominant factor in your house to where the emotions are here everybody getting crazy like you can bring it right back down and level everything out right be able to guide them properly protect them properly uh provide whatever they need equally you know what i'm saying and properly and just really love them and really give them love and never lie being honest and truthful that is the biggest gift the truthful part that these women want man especially our women are women so sick of being lied to though they're so worn down you know what i'm saying and you know when people start hearing me talk about my lifestyle and podcasts and stuff like that a lot of women hit me up and they're talking about their relationships and i'm trying to like help them give them advice and they'd be like they'd be like how did you get to where you were doing this i'm like this is just what i wanted to do how i wanted to live so i knew i had to qualify myself overly qualify myself to be able to handle that so i like would you ever be like that with your man she was like i mean maybe back in the day but he lied so much i hate him they'd be hating they dudes from so much lies you know what i'm saying and it's like on the flip side dudes have a lot of dudes have a a a strong desire for multiple women it's not that we all evil i'm saying it's kind of like programming so it's like let me talk about this like yo bae i love you but i really want to experience her too i love her too i'm feeling her you know what i'm saying it's not abnormal for one to love multiple people that can happen you know what i'm saying if you open yourself up to that when it comes to let's say is there a a time period and you think that a man should be with a woman before he opens up the opportunity for another woman to be a part of that sanctum it totally depends on that man and that one man you know where they're at everybody's so different right what i'm saying because like historically right if you go to different cultures right they would the the consideration for you know multiple partners would be based on different needs right um one be nation building right right so number one nation building is looking like expanding an empire and growth right and bringing in more helpers help mates right to help that empire or the expansion happen right under one roof under one name right more specifically one name right that everybody is working for this name right and then you know specifically having the ability to provide some men vision is so small they shouldn't be with no woman you ain't got no vision no vision it means no woman right right a big vision you need a woman right and then you know i let everybody else qualify anything beyond that that's real you understand me like a woman is an incubator you feel me it's like trying to get a woman pregnant and you ain't got sperm think about this in a real practical sense think about you know days of old when you know powerful men of integrity stature had contour vines right they were literally populating the city with their seed right a man who is a peasant or broke doesn't deserve to be having kids because his children will be a burden to society not all the time but most of the time right he's not he doesn't have the means to provide uh the proper tools to raise this child properly you know whereas a powerful man who has resources does right so yeah i kind of look at it like that too you know it's not for everybody no you know my my take would be that men specifically in our culture have to make righteousness they number one go you understand me like that consistent battle you go on a daily basis to make sure that you're morally aligned you understand me and you moving with upward purpose you understand me and that has to be first because intent matters right right and most people never check their intent for what they do right right and without checking your intentions you may be doing something that in another situation is good right because you're doing it with the wrong intentions the turnout is going to be bad right right you understand me and when a person lays down and has sex sex is a contract it's a contract that this can possibly result in us having a baby correct the baby becomes an even bigger binding contract that this is now a permanent relationship for the rest of your life right whether it is estranged or whether it is healthy whether you are bonded together or not it doesn't matter so each time you lay down and have sex with another person you are literally agreeing to what can happen right so it's like when when people try to off put that responsibility of what happens afterwards regardless of what situation created it right if you didn't do everything to avoid it or you didn't go in there with the communication and say that listen you know we're gonna have sex right so and who wants to add this conversation right but because human beings are not that mature right but communication is the most mature thing you can do an understanding that's a fact but if you lay down you understand me whatever happens after that is your responsibility in totality right you understand me and if we look at western sex practices eastern sex practices these are completely different right like the idea even in the hood or even in hip-hop in our culture is to not look at women as real women look at them more so as an objectified tool something that you use you get your issue off and then you move so that objectification doesn't even allow us to start the conversation righteously it's really interesting let me tell you something that bothers me bro like how let's talk about music right and i love rap music like i'm a hip-hop head but let's talk about the disrespect that is demonstrated towards our women that's okay it's accepted it's allowed let somebody say something about another protected group whether it be transgender lbgt whatever jewish whatever all hell bracelets cancel that man you know what i'm saying but all day i could [ __ ] this [ __ ] and this [ __ ] better have this you know it's like yo we we definitely need a realignment yeah because now we've made our women disrespect themselves in a form of freedom and expression yeah and said well my sexual fruit like what's yeah it's not okay yeah i mean so and it's like you you're trying to put a battery in their back like girl say that [ __ ] be proud like or what you're saying nobody wants a woman that speaks like that anything yeah it'd be a lot of lame sorry [ __ ] that'll accept that because that woman could take care of him but what kind of imbalance is that you know what i'm saying ain't no balance there's no balance but back to my situation i just want to be clear about it it's like listen i live i live a life of service and in love love guides my actions right so when i'm entering a relationship with someone you know we talk about everything and like my woman might want to have two women in my life their best interest to me is higher than mine you know i'm saying i i appreciate them and i respect them i appreciate them for giving themselves to me and i don't take that for granted you know what i'm saying so what people might look at is like damn freedom or whatever letting him do this or like nah they appreciate me and i appreciate them it's reciprocated you know what i'm saying and you know if anybody spent time with us hang out with us they're like yo y'all got such a dope vibe you know i'm saying we always get that always you know what i'm saying and we have good fun every time we hang out we go out we do stuff whatever because we we talk about everything right it's a it's a real loving relationship you know what i'm saying and yeah the literal definition of polygamy is like it's acknowledging that one can be in love with more than one person it's not that's not some weird thing you know what i mean but people limit they put a governor on that form of expression because this is a eurocentric type of uh setup that we live live under which it wasn't like this in other places in the world in other places of the world where polygamy is normal they don't have a high divorce rate like we have here you forcing people together just one in one instead of getting divorced they get married again yeah right you know it's like that energy is dispersed that energy's dispersed but but i think this like if i have to use myself as an example and then i know other brothers that have multiple wives um very similar like you have to be a tempered person with some wisdom with some experience in life um to be able to control that and handle it and keep peace in order you know what i'm saying because that would be chaos yeah if it was just really nearly just everybody's doing that i also don't think it'd work in a and with our generation and the culture that we have i don't think it works we got this so i'll give you before we get out of here i want to put this on record because i'm going to do a whole breakdown of our population and family dynamics in a draconian measurement of population control one of the things that they chiefly say is educate the women right right now the reason that they say this is because when women get educated they no longer want those regular natural roles that they play inside a household taking care of a family helping assisting the man right being a helpmate now they want the independent status the career becomes the new family aspiration in place right which slows down the amount of births they get increasing abortions right less families being produced in that particular sense right and so and this is something that you can go study right now on a different measurements that they've used and are trying to slow down population growth right in different places across the world particularly in africa because africa has the most fertile right continent on the planet right so if we look at our culture right i record your second and abortions right very high rate um high in divorce you understand me very high rate we got a lot of baby mamas and baby fathers out here and a lot of dysfunctional families right very high rate right so we're not in the exemplary society to look at that nobody on the planet should be like we're going to do it like black people in america that's our example yeah we're not so instead when we look at that and say that of course the dynamics that exist even for creating a proper family we're not there right now right because everybody wants to take the place of what the family joy and fulfillment and the building of a family has now been replaced by money and status in different class systems that people get to uh uh um ambitiously work to get into right so our women have masculated themselves the men have been becoming effeminate they no longer have the same will and ambition you can really tell something about the culture of a man by his ability to take his thoughts and produce them in reality he understand me like the warrior class of our society are all fighting each other they're not fighting for the people right right that's different when you had the black panthers yeah but when you got gangs that murder after each other which was the evolution of the black panthers you understand me you look at this this new society and saying that are we evolving or are we developing then you have the scholars and the intellects of our society right which i would consider you even though you're a warrior you're a soldier i still consider you one of the scholars in society because you educate and you teach well bro if you look back at imo tech like immotep was such a great man they deified him they made him into a god he was a human right he was the real father of medicine absolutely um these people were not just smart they were physically capable as well renaissance meant real that renaissance term i got to do some now research on that but that come from way before the european renaissance era you know what i'm saying so but that's what i'm i'm i'm tapped into bro like out i want to be it's like i teach my son like yo you want to you're going to be a well-rounded you're going to be a gentleman you're going to have hands you're going to know how to treat women like i want him to go on dates and meet women but you're not going to be in a relationship no time soon so get that out of here you know then but you want to be a scholar you're going to play a musical instrument you know what i'm saying all of these things because like why why be limited to uh i'm just really good at making money well i'm just really good at lifting weights i'm saying actually those if the one of the most dangerous places to be is to have that one skill mindset and one picture we live in a society the people that are successful today are the people that got all renaissance people men and women that got around about skills they can do multiple things i got multiple talents that i can utilize right i'm a swift army knife whenever i remove something exactly but i always built myself up like that on purpose to be polymathic so for my skill sets to span in many different areas because school at the beginning of it was to be polymath and you study all of these subjects right but then i need you to go to school pick one subject as a mastery and utilize that as your trajectory to make money so it don't even set us up the right way because they tell us about being a jack of all trades but they never gave us the option to be master of many skills and rights right right because if somebody would have put that like oh so i don't have to be mediocre at multiple i could be a master at multiple yeah and they can connect and we live in the time where they connect now creativity and business is now in connection because you can put you can you can create a nft right utilizing your creativity and the way you do your business your business model when utilizing this technology is your creativity but the way you get it done in the business sides the logic that's your business mastery at first these two couldn't combine now they do it and it's so great like you bring up the nft space i love it and bro it's like you you'll say certain things i'm like me do you know that yeah but it's real and it's like like like having multiple skill sets so i show i sent this uh little it's a gift about six seconds so a little longer than the gift to my agent in the nft were all right he was like bro i knew what he his reaction was going to be this is something that i may have made back in 2013 or 14 for promo for my training programs right all of my programs were designed like i'm a huge fan of art and digital art specifically right so all my training programs would be designed like one was like conan 300 just fly yeah you know what i'm saying before nfts so i said what do you think about that he's like man this is brilliant this can be an nft and we can attach the program to it as utility is it who did so-and-so do this i said bro i had that made years ago yeah he was blown away i'm like already on that yeah i'm saying so so you're right bro listen life listen this world is small in a cosmic sense but big to us man the things that we could learn the things that's out there is so much and i'm a student of life i love learning i love touching everything feeling it out you know what i'm saying so i do want to explore everything i can explore you know what i'm saying and and it's good to like and this [ __ ] starts as when we're children that that inquisitive thinking that you know and that's something that i've never lost that that child like wonder you know i'm saying like i'm going to try this right right right you understand got it we got to be rooted in something practical and make sure we can handle our businesses on a third but when we can pivot and do something creative and have fun with it and you know what i'm saying that's true human nature that's human nature bro like i'll be honest with you like business and stuff like it can be dry cubicle no spiritual activity with it at all so it doesn't expand you as a human being right you understand me but the creative side when a human being gets to express their spirit when they get to express their consciousness and who they are i think that's when the person evolves that's when they spirit expands gets heavier yes so when you go in and however you process life or what you believe what happens next you have more value added to self right you understand me like learning the textbook thing and then doing that putting together a system making you some money that doesn't require a human feed of greatness right excellence ingenuity and inventiveness but like creating something from your mind the way you do things can be right right like even athletes they get to experience life where they get to utilize the human physicality to be great that's to me the physical spirituality of athletics you understand me it involves breathing prana energy control of your spirit your body your cheek like that capability of putting mind over matter and that that that's so powerful it's such a high level of brilliance right and it's funny that a lot of a lot of scholars a lot of people in academia they try to leave that out of the court yeah because that's something they're devoid of right you shouldn't do that don't be like you know how much better you look when you recognize other areas of expertise that you don't have it's different types of intelligence it is like a rocket engineer a somebody a scientist can be great at that but he might not understand how to upload a video on social media so he can go viral listen i did something two different geniuses i wrote a paper on i got on my website i sent it to you nine types of intelligence right yeah i got tired of seeing these [ __ ] talk about put all this weight on iq uh-huh i'm like we don't even take iq tests so anyway intelligence query text i'm sure it's biased and i took one and i'm like well this is i took it i scored like i took my time in the beginning it's it's a it's a proxy and it's time so i wanted to make sure i killed it right so i'm like i'm trying to like really do the math on this and i figured it out so i scored at the highest you could score for the average right but if i did it again i would be up in the high you know what i'm saying it's just that i took my time because i never never even studied the iq test book but it's not me taking that test it showed i know that it's not a measure of intelligence right this is a test-taking tactic well athlete may get a terrible number at that but their spatial intelligence is high yeah they they have kinesthetic intelligence and that's that's necessary for survival if it got to that yeah okay i'll protect you smart guy come on right right but but anyway i looked up who was the most who had the highest iq and there's some dude who's a loser so what good is that he's doing nothing with his life what good is it you know what i'm saying and some of the people whoever they do some of the people that you would think have the highest iq like people who's very brilliant in academia whatever people that i'm i'm in awe of didn't have the highest iq yeah it doesn't matter creative intelligence is really one of the greatest levels to me right you understand see i respect it all yeah i respect it all and appreciate it all because i think creative intelligence can be maximized on all fields right because it's the way you go about the creativity is something you do it's a skill that you can develop yeah people think oh that person was born creative no it's something that you develop you can do creativity like you train your body you can train your mind creative people creativity is is bravery you you're brave enough to step out and do something weird yeah the uncle originality is the uncommon response right right so like the common response ain't no originality in that the technical thinker doing as is creative thinker abstract right feeling emotions all of that and combined into it so me working on this new nft drop right so i'm like all right this is going to be a big project so i'm pulling people in right and one of my boys he he is a coder he's an engineer for meta for facebook but he's about to go do his own thing but he's going to come on board with me because he writes algorithms right so what he does is very technical math type [ __ ] whatever but as i'm telling him the story of the gods eyes lighter like yeah man i want to be a part of that so the same with my the artist that i'm using right this dude is wildly intelligent but he just do regular [ __ ] yeah because that's how he makes money so here it is now we live in a world in a space to where this is human evolution at its finest remember i said earlier what separated us from other human species and allowed us to thrive was us having the ability to come up with abstract concepts and agree that it means certain things right that's what the nft is we all agree we're assigning value to this art you know i'm saying it's not enough it doesn't grow out the ground like it's not a tree it's not a it's a thing that we just create and we all say you know what this is worth point three eat let's start the floor and everybody like yeah it's pointy you know what i'm saying i love that so it's like this is human evolution at its finest where we at right now now we're in a space to where creativity can range supreme and here's the thing like we can assign utility to it of course we all hear the stories but i feel like the wave is going to be assigning things to it that is beneficial to people in a meaningful way the physical especially for our people like i like metaphysical and then physical right and you know the word meta you know meaning beyond or some people call it death in hebrew but the beyond aspect beyond the physical realm is important because we live in a very materialistic society where i believe that we over implicate value on things because they are material right right and we become materialists right our cars our clothes our shoes the purses the every all of these things are material so we establish value on something because it has physical mass right but the most valuable things are immaterial spirit knowledge you understand me the soul these are immaterial valuable things that we can't live without right right so for me it's not about and of course the non-fungible token and this technology of smart contracts is not purely based on uh you know just a material connection because at the end of the day it's a software it's a technology that you can utilize right right to change business models to change standards and industries and to make whatever you're trying to do more effective right and create more efficient ways to get things done right right so same thing our internet changed media right so for me it's about looking at it from the larger picture and when it's metaphysical you can go in your imagination and create whatever you will you can design whatever you want to it's now possible to do it because this blockchain technology has created a platform where the creators just need to design more i was talking with my guy from africa sitting down with him he showed me a brilliant app that he got coming out amazing better than anything i seen right and i'm explaining to him my ideas he's like oh man i'm blown away he like but keys i need you to write them down he said whatever you write down we will do right right he won't be able to take the message and explain it and all of that what i do but my bro i just i had this conversation with him he said keys you are already a designer you're already a developer because all you you have the creative agency right you understand your visionary so like you have to just have the ability to design the concepts right and then instruct whether it's the machine or the person to get it done right so we've entered into a new stage where being a designer is being the most creative but having the ability to actually write out your designs and instruct them and project management is key those are some of the most valuable new skill sets in society that people are not establishing under that belt you understand me as black men we have to do that as any man yeah they have to do that if they want power and they caught you whether you're the red man or brown man yellow creativity is key it is man and it makes life so much more fun oh yeah you know ain't boring you know why does life have to be born you know what i mean but most of these systems we got lame as hell yeah like look at the building you walk down the street you wouldn't design the world the way it looks it's not colorful it's these straight lines when the zionist crap that's why i appreciate kanye so much yeah i appreciate that brother you know what i'm saying i went to a show when he did the one with drake i was like yeah i was there too i was like okay yeah i see you i see you yeah he cause he's a he's a rebel you understand me and he has the type of courage to where he don't mind being a disrupter because his mind don't think inside the line right you understand me he recently um credit had a a post was talking about nfts and he said i'm focused on real things and real products real food real whatever whatever whatever he said at the moment basically said don't ask me about nfts right now right that was the end of it uh because i'm sure around surrounding him people trying to get him in the board at yacht club and all these other little clubs and do all of this stuff like no thanks i feel them because i wouldn't want to do what everybody else is doing anyway now don't get me wrong i talked about this in my last episode that there was i think 2014 there was a coin right it was a corny right and it was made by these developers they were making a coin after kanye's likeness but they did it in tangent with the joke connected to south park so when kanye heard about he had his lawyers shut it down the thing about that moment in time though if instead he would have collaborated with them people he would have had one of the top three coins right now because all of them coins that was i think it was like the fourth coin that was out at that time all of them are billion dollar coins billion dollar market caps so i seen a lot of people saying well i'm with yay on this i said no you're not here a billionaire yeah it's different yeah yeah no you you not one yeah on this right you should be with the i want to utilize whatever technology is the problem to build out my physical assets that's the problem with people just blindly following like listen i am a huge fan of kanye west yeah his music love it and that's it yeah i'm not getting into his personal life and his political view i don't care i'm not he wasn't introduced to me as a political pundit right i don't care about that i don't care what he's free to think whatever he want to think and vote whatever i don't care people can't separate like they like somebody attach themselves to somebody so everything that person is on they got to be on like well see people don't understand that all that other stuff is frenzy to create energy and attention around his ability to garner that attention and produce mass profits right a woman told me she said well keys he didn't make i said he i said when i've made that comment i said you ain't well yeah he got a billion he said well he didn't get his billions of nfts in digital land but i said wait a minute he got his money off streaming music which is digital product right right and uh shoes and now he has the ability to go buy any physical asset that he wants on the planet right so you can't tell me that you're not going to utilize your creative agency and ability to use technology to go buy physical assets right right because you're saying that oh you want to focus on the real world when the real world is meta and physical it's metaphysical we all connected you can't see the spirit can't see the mind but it operates everything in our consciousness we don't know if our consciousness continues when this shell cries right but we know the show will crack yeah so that you know people just don't think they don't really have any foresight insight to think about these things yeah like this everything is real but nfc is real just like a thought is real you know what i'm saying yeah so you know people got to really stop being so limited in thought and stop being so quick to speak too i'm saying fall back and think about it for a minute see and here's the thing i i think it's the language i when every time there's a new language there's always going to be a feeling towards the nft word i'm just tired of hearing it just because it's like it doesn't describe what it actually is right and people think of it as this singular product that's one dimensional right and it's kind of like saying the nf the internet is real or the internet is this yeah it's a technology yeah so at the end of the day man when it comes to this technology i want us to use it towards our thesis of connecting real value absolute 100 because i believe in intrinsic value right value that can never go down to zero because it holds a real value right right and i believe with us we should always make the connection of creating real valuable products you're always using this technology for nation building anything we get into should be for the purpose of nation building right individual success is great right for that person but it doesn't affect other families and they last names that's true so when it comes to vision vision is inclusive if i do something based on my vision that's going to benefit multiple families my life benefits millions right right and we'll benefit millions of more because that's the way i'm going to live my view from i have a world view and everything that i do so when it comes to whether it's crypto whether it's blockchain technology whether you get into stocks whatever it may be the vision should be connected to the collective but first starting with self spreading that out into family last name right and then connecting that into culture and collective right right and i think that that's how we go far digital strategies for physical assets that's real man yeah i love it all bro i'm with it all and you know and hopefully the people that follow me and connect with me they see right and listen and i tell you bro like like my first nft launch was like i went on a date and fell in love yeah yeah yeah i'm so oneness now like um a lot of things listen i've been in my space for years so things are on autopilot for the most part for me my companies don't rely on my image anymore you know what i'm saying that's an excellent thing right so i'm putting a lot of it right now it's about 70 of my time business-wise is on my nft stuff i love it bro it's like i get to be a kid again yeah yeah and make money doing it because i mean that creativity man i mean you know you create content that was still creative but it was still so much work that it's not the same right but this space i've been doing art my whole life my first business was painting on shirts right right you understand me so now i get to fully express that and command with my new business with and my resources yeah and get to plug that out there i want to ask you something before we get out of here yes sir so i want to go to a physical place do maybe like a weekend thing or a day thing do like a training for like 100 men or 50 men 50 women however we do it but i want to connect it to an nft right and i want you to train them with me you understand me i'm working today we train them we're doing military training drills workouts let's talk about the nft stuff too yeah let's put let's put a plan a plan together yeah and write it out and let's execute it i think that because that'd be dope yeah different hell yeah yeah i'm with it now i appreciate it man listen man this has been a high level conversation i'm here listen we didn't even get to dive into mike rashid and his story and everything that he's been through and how he's built up his health supplement gym empire from his stories from going to jail you understand me being on the run getting out being one of the top health fitness right gurus experts athletes i don't know what you call it being a boxer from an early age right until now the man has a documentary out so i didn't want to spend all the time talking about that i wanted to really dive into having a real conversation and decipher bill but i want you all to go to mike rashid page and study him you understand me the reason i chose him to have because like i said earlier at the beginning when we talk about manhood is a dying art right and masculinity is an art right being understanding the temperance that a man needs to have the training a man needs to go through right the uh uh ability to produce his will into reality and to manifest his reality the ambitions that he needs to have the controlling of his mood um that the culture of honor and respect and integrity like all of these different things that go into being a man to protecting and providing and the connection that you have with women and the masculine and feminine principles finding people that represent that is rare right you understand me and i think that you carry it very well within yourself right and i wanted to open up that conversation because there may be people that follow you oh he got he got the car he got the clothes he got the women so they want that but there's responsibility that comes along with that right and being able to connect with people that we are similar but we are different at the same time and that's the beauty of it you understand me because that's what the cypher is all about right really coming together i want to say this too like the cars the house listen i got when i bought my house i made sure it was big enough to move my daughter and her mother in my house so i can have all my effect like me everything i do is for the people i love my car yeah i want my p my family to be comfortable and be proud to be something nice you know what i'm saying like so my thing is i don't live for myself i live for the people that i love right so fellas i qualify myself to be a good dad good friend good business partner good husband good whatever right and i get these things and now all of the extra [ __ ] is for them i don't need nothing yeah bro like a few years ago i remember i had a house in chandler arizona with just bean bags no couch no curtains yeah it took for me to get a girlfriend be like bro you ain't got no cravings i like oh i got a tv and i'm cool yeah but i'm just not you know i'm i'm i'm sturdy i don't need a whole lot right but for my loved ones yeah i want to provide i want to have i want them to be comfortable you know what i'm saying so when it when y'all see all the fly stuff i like you know jewelry whatever i like all that [ __ ] right this is my my heritage you know i'm saying this is how we we used to be in our in our day of glory right and we entering back into that so we should be adorned with precious metals and things of that nature valuable things that appreciating assets you feel me appreciating assets you know what i'm saying so um but yeah so we want y'all to see that like listen we just like y'all probably have shittier situations than y'all so no excuses yeah i'm saying young man y'all need to get get your [ __ ] together leave your girls alone focus on building yourself up become design engineer architect who you want to be and how you want your life to be because you absolutely can and then live the rest of your life like a king straight up now i'm going to ask you this last thing i'm gonna throw this at you really all right and so this is about evolution yes all right [Music] i beat your ass michael she oh god why what did i do now listen here's the thing [Music] when you 19 years old how do you react to somebody walking up to you and saying that versus bro versus at 44 years old and what's the difference in your evolved temperament and how you deal with that why oh i probably would have like set it off back then yeah i think bro i have a i have a i talk about this all the time like i don't think people should be allowed to be police officers like 33 34. barrel chest life experiences you know what i'm saying because when you young you hot you are unrefined power you know what i'm saying so you're dangerous yeah so yeah so you're young you're stupid especially i was reading you know i have a teenage teenage son now so i'm reading about teenagers and driving and like the the times when they get into accidents or get tickets and do stupid [ __ ] is when their friends are in the car yeah i'm saying yeah yeah so it's a whole thing of them trying to impress the homies and [ __ ] like that so you know when i was young i was not smart bro i was a [ __ ] baby wow i'm saying so yeah it's a lot different now i don't i don't i used to like fighting yeah well no no i never liked fighting but i i knew i could fight so i like showing people and you like winning yeah but i don't want to ever fight i don't want no kind of physical conflict i'll i'll get dirty if i have to but i don't want to you know because i heard mike tyson once talked about how well he said he practiced it because he know he crazy right so he got to practice it because he know people would do things to trigger him right you understand me so he don't want people to have that ability to control his emotions before he just flash out on that vital point you understand me and i think that that's important because not a lot of men go through that point where they actually learn how to control that aspect yeah everybody else still has control over them because that's still immature they understand me within themselves for sure and i really wanted to have that sound bite you should stand you got it and what i do to my enticing interview i want to be sitting there serious the whole time and just i'll beat your ass mike tyson he might he might give you a look [Music] a whole conversation he'd be like when you doing that i don't know oh girl set it up right there that'd be dope yeah i let that do today yeah i mean you know just on that point i think well i get why a lot of people give him deference but at the same time it's like well people respect violence bro yeah we respect violence we understand me and we respect capable people and we respect a certain type of masculinity that no longer exists in in the form that it was able to be public right and so it's like mike tyson represented an era right he was a different form of masculinity than muhammad ali yeah muhammad ali fought for you know rights of people right and his his freedoms of religion right and his ability to change his own name and be his own man and and talk his talk right right he had a completely different type of fight you understand me but mike tyson had that type of energy where it's like it's not about whether you accept me it's about what you like what i do or none of that he's saying that i'm capable of holding my home i'm doing whatever i want to do and at any point in time you understand me i can prove that yeah or be willing to die for that just a ferocious spirit yeah and at this at the energy of all men they want that energy to be able to walk around and have their will be dominant in society yeah so he represented like a raw version of hyper masculinity yeah mike tyson if you want to without trying to look at a definition of a kismo and hyper masculinity my tyson should be right there in the dictionary bro i love it muhammad ali should just be right there at masculinity yeah mohammed lee was a man bro yes you know also was a man with george foreman yeah george foreman was a man bro like i watched like you watched his career and when he fought when he won the heavyweight championship at 45 46 he was getting his ass beat every round by michael moore every round but he did not quit yeah that last round he set that trap knocked that man out one shot yeah like that's a [ __ ] man right there floyd mayweather let me tell you something i do not have the capacity to fight or or get physical with anybody that i love i actually don't either and i learned this recently like damn because you know you got a point in your head where you can just cut it off and go full animal yeah but it's like when people are loving people i don't i don't even have that i understand me this [ __ ] just yeah i like one of my friends alright we got into it one time and i was mad you know what i'm saying it was some weird [ __ ] that happened with some finances and he was like nervous i like bro you could spit in my face i wouldn't do anything to you so don't ever think that i would even you know what i'm saying no no no because i seen this pastor spinning in his hands put it on his man face man i'm gonna tell you bro whatever [Laughter] yeah i don't want to call harm to you like that's not wrong when you got that kind of love for people it can't go there i can't i don't have that anyway man we're going to turn into a whole nother podcast it's been a high level conversation man we tapped in we went on everything from polygamy to masculinity from technology to culture philosophy we didn't went into all of the isms and everything that you need to tap in so listen to this high-level conversation suggest this for somebody else because it's not enough men talking like men you understand me on a 19 key show listen i'm not afraid of anybody out there i fear no one but alive so at the end of the day we go speak truth we go politic and we go bill so that the culture has an example of what to do next so 19 keys it's my good brother mike rashid tap in for another episode my brother thank you yes sir [Music] a man do not deserve a woman if a man did not have the means to take care of her and i'm not just talking about financially but yes financially as well mentally spiritually physically make her feel safe a man you know there's a reason why men date younger women because when they mature faster than us it takes us a while to develop the attributes that we need to be a leader right so we gotta you know we gotta go through our heroic journeys we gotta educate ourselves we gotta you know it's a lot of things a lot of qualities that we have to uh acquire before we're in position to be able to to lead and guide a queen we gotta qualify ourselves to be king so that's why some dudes don't deserve it work work for it you know i'm saying you get there one day young man so i brought mike rashid on because number one mike rashid is somebody who's very successful as a man somebody who's proven himself through the uh grounds of business and life you understand me take care of his family he take care of his business he has uh products that he sells successfully as a millionaire has his own factory and distribution channel take care of everybody in his life you understand me and i think that not only that he understands knowledge itself you understand he has the mathematics and i think that that's key when it comes to bringing people in to have cyphers and he also lives a lifestyle different than myself he is a person that practices a polygamous lifestyle with multiple women right and i i think it's important to have different opinions but at the same time people that you respect right so as a dangerous black man somebody who's accomplished success in this world who's not afraid to speak truth right um who's found ways to activate his creativity you understand me within the cyphers to create millions of dollars for himself who's not afraid to jump into a new engineer or industries rather than pioneer those are the type of black men i want to surround myself by because they're doing some things that i have not done yet you understand me and anytime that we can create a cipher and we can communicate and we can build that creates the opportunity for understanding but more than that it also creates the opportunity to serve as examples for those who want to achieve the same type of levels of success you understand me when it comes to the physicality a person has to go to the mental alchemy of everyday training and be consistent whether they're going to the club at night and they're waking up six in the morning because they have dedicated themselves to a goal for the rest of their life some people only know how to dedicate themselves to a holiday right to a goal of having sex with multiple women or some other different things it's different when a man decides that his purpose will always be his greatest responsibility right so i interviewed mike rashid for high level conversations because i knew we can go into multiple dimensions and we can talk about manhood without being encumbered with the new type of masculinity that's being prevailed around society which is beta masculinity soy boy activity right and i know masculinity or i know mike rasheed don't have none of that stuff going on so we had a high level conversation and we talked about everything uh no stone was left unturned it was the longest podcast that i've shot thus far so we're going to chop it up in different segments but it's going to be a lot of nuggets for you all to be able to pull from please watch it with your fathers your uncles your sisters your brothers that guy that you you you like right now set his ass down and watch that podcast with him you understand me he's squirming a little bit he got something to say he don't want to finish the rest of it what happens is when you take this medicine called manhood you understand me it's going to bring out all of the sucker so if you got it in you one of the side effects is he started moving and complaining he started talking about he got other things but he got nothing else to do sit your ass down and watch 19 keys and mike rasheed have a high level conversation you understand me and to the degree of how much he disagrees you can tell how much of that black guy he just tapped into so ladies fellas too this has been a high level conversation and the next time we have an episode make sure you tap in peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 1,297,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: ul1lc2MH1YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 39sec (10779 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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