18th Century Swimming Pool (I can't swim here anymore)

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[Music] I've come to swim my two-minute everybody also I've heard that there's been a sighting of the turtle so I brought him some food and nest's still here yeah has not had any luck yet have you brought me some food I didn't bring you any food I brought splurt the turtle anyway there was so much love and concern on our last video If you haven't watched it do check it out um wondering if Luke had just left Nester here and he has I think I've set the perfect track Nester is there very happy to be helping out with the spurtle capture and um I'll come back in a couple of hours I reckon stay warm yeah so how many days have you been here just you know four just no sightings of the terrain no we saw him last Last Friday but I didn't I didn't I didn't get him in the net and you're hungry I'm I'm hungry I me all I have is just Terin food yeah I don't know I mean maybe in a few days time it will come okay well this has got some lovely dried sort of shrimp and nutrients of some sort but do you mind if I just swim around here and do my two-minute dunk and then maybe I will scare splur till I hope I don't but he might rear his head and you can catch him with your net yeah that's the plan everybody that sounds like a a good plan I just jump I'm not going to jump if you want to scare him just jump jump [Music] [Music] in do you think splutter would like bite your feet it's so cold oh my gosh it's so cold it's good breathing okay so I've done about 45 seconds and I don't see him in he's probably super scared now he's probably going to attack you let's just go ahead over here see if I spot him even by moving this creeping under here is that attached that one yes oh yeah that one is okay well the Moss is looking good and the plants anyway any slidings of him uh should I sort of oh my gosh it's cold I hope that he at least I'm just looking into these little drains there I hope that he at least goes underneath the this where I think he can get warmth is going underneath some of them that have big Roots so some of them that have big Roots do you think that that could warm him up not so much but it's a nice idea anyway K well keep searching while swim back cuz it's getting quite cold and I only want to stay here for 2 minutes so hypothermia does not set in maybe he's on here no he could climb up here couldn't he I think so yeah fingers crossed everybody I might see him on the way back [Music] well I'm feeling very energized so that's a positive of swimming in this 18th century pool which to be fair is looking really good I'm actually quite pleased with how the Moss is but Nester are you ready to come in if I'm allowed to am I allowed to um yes you are but no sighting of him everybody will'll keep you postage you never know he could rear his head at any moment but I have put some good food in so I feel good about that all right I've got to go warm up this child who's clearly been out here for 4 days and four nights not 40 [Music] four we are here because we wanted to give everybody an update on the Eagles lots of people have been asking what's the latest what's going on you'll remember that um last year we had this catastrophe where after a storm one of the Eagles fell over on its side we then went up and discovered that the other Eagle was also completely rusted on the on the inside both of them needed a dramatic amount of repair and these Eagles are absolutely iconic I mean they're the first thing that you see when you come to the house and so mapon has been looking rather bere for everybody or especially those of you who are new how long they've been perched up you know long time well yes couple of couple of hundred years we don't have the precise date because there's no record of that unfortunately but they are enormous lead Eagles they're wonderfully carved they're listed they're part of the of the fabric of of the building and we needed to find somebody of which there are very few with the competence to restore them properly and that man is Mike White um Mike was busy to start with he had a lot of other lead projects um that he had to finish in particular uh I think he had a cathedral roof to get on with but he is now finally working on the map at an eagles and he's been sending us video still still trying to get through these um well get these legs off becoming quite a nightmare really what's happening is this is just a massive casting of lead what they've done is they've put the the raw iron bars through into the legs originally and then to stabilize it they poured a whole layer of of uh lead in there but as you can see you can see the condition of the iron in the lead well it hasn't rusted at all it's like new so I'm not sure when these Eagles went up but um that raw iron encapsulated in that lead it's still as good as the day it went in there so yes as you can see it's uh it's some project and at the moment the poor old Eagle is like a real mess but you just give me some time and uh we bring them back to their Glory again it's all expanded away so if you look down in here that's the end of the lead that was originally cast this whole Gap here is where Deb has expanded and the the plants have pushed all the lead away and again that big crack through there is where everything's moved and cracked over the time so the thing doesn't sit back together all these feathers just don't come together yet so I've got to dig everything away to try to push the whole side of the eagle all back together all the way around to to try to link some of these up I don't think it'll go 100% but um you know we'll get it as good as we can yeah so we've been able to track some of the progress and I I don't know if you saw that one but it was amazing because there are these iron rods that run upb through the middle of them well I remember seeing the iron rods obviously after the uh Eagles were taken down and they were just rusted through and he's put new proper rods in the well in one yeah well he's he's had to take them apart I know it's incred so the restoration has begun and the Eagles are going to be flying above mtin again in May in May and there's a reason why it's May that's right we know the date we know theise date so so the idea was to get the Eagles done in time for the season the season Rapton begins in April but in fact what we've decided to do is to have a special remounting of the Eagles ceremony and the wonderful news for us is that we've got some special guests coming over from America in order to witness the program because so many of you have generously supported the restoration of mitton's eagles un through through our our GoFundMe page we're nearly to our Target we are so close and I suspect um we will get there um thanks to the help of so many of you out there we're so close which is fantastic because it's because the work that he's doing is it's the restoration of the Eagles and themselves but then also the gate Piers the actual stonework on the top so we have an e what we're what we're kind of calling an eagle's tour and we have uh only four places left we have eight people who are coming to stay with uh luk and I in the main house and really to celebrate when these are re unveiled really um so so the tour is at the beginning of May if you're interested we're going to put some details in the comments down description down below and then you can get in touch with us if you'd like to join the others for that I think yeah you've got about four places left there's eight people coming already fantastic and if you'd like to support the last mile of our fundraising for the eagulls we would be hugely grateful there's a GoFundMe page down below GoFundMe mapon Eagles down below we're so nearly there yeah we I can't believe it I mean you know just in a few months they are going to be back [Music] up Ben and I have come to a location not too far from mapon and we're Downstream and we're here for a particular reason Ben aren't we because we've had a lot of people saying what's happened to the beavers and that has been the million dooll question what has happened to the Beavers yeah so they're both out again um and they've escaped so we know that we know we know where they're not we know where they're not um but yeah we found a little area where they potentially there's been some activity um so we're just we're just uh we've got a trap um and we're just sort of trying to get everything familiarized with a trap again so we're sort of baiting it and feeding it into this trap so hopefully uh it's not set so we're just getting it used to everything first so we've no idea whether what we think is a beaver here is a mtin beaver it could have come from other wild populations there are other wild populations not so far away we won't know until we trap it and until we're able to scan the microchip that it has and that will tell us for sure but um we're definitely feeling like there's a chance there's a chance yeah it's just it's just as as it's just one that's the that's the concern it's yeah it's just one Beaver we want both Woody and Twiggy like like last time this well this time last year we had both of them we had both of them together they were they were together so this this time it's just the one this is typical so this is just a this is just another track so you can see where it's been using this track so it's been sliding in this is a beaver water slide got a bit of feeding all the way down there and they're having a lovely little slide down wow look at this just on the willow there as well so these are some definite indicators I mean yeah that is not a squirrel no no you can definitely tell obviously typical angle as well and then you got all the all the chips chip um it's not fresh fresh fresh it's couple of days old if this was a crime scene this is a fairly clear indication we could be taking DNA swabs couldn't we we could be it's bit like that's a bit like CSI isn't it is a bit like CSI this is this is interesting isn't it yeah very busy very busy very busy around around this part it's just just off from the stream there's a nice little Bank uh very silty um look at that so yeah so that's um this looks fresher and then we got the we got the Trap just just behind us there which I haven't taken any of the bait of UN unfortunately I'm noticing two things one we've got some camera traps some cameras so we can check to see if there's any activity yeah and two Ben has produced a wonderful Feast within the Trap here and if you were didn't want to be that if you were a vaguely hungry Beaver you would just be going what is that mashed carrot no there just just some cut up Apple and some and some sweet corn apple and sweet Cor yeah so you were slightly hoping we'd come here and that there would be some evidence that that one of them had gone for the food but the food is untouched yeah so what what I've done is I've set set almost set the Trap up I just haven't put the trap doors down yeah um and then what I've done is with with that sort of Tippy plate in the middle uh left that level put all the bait on it and you can tell if something's been resting on it cuz it will move but it hasn't it hasn't moved so nothing nothing so our plan is it's not working so far is it any any sort of obvious Beaver prints anywhere so here we got a more of a another pathway as well so another another slide into it yeah that's that's a decent one is doesn't look doesn't look active from last night so are we doing anything to the Trap or are we simply going to let it be and let it because we've only we only just moved it yesterday if the bait was gone I would have put more bait in it today yeah um but we just let that would have given us confidence yeah a bit more confidence but as we just moved it yesterday there might still be a bit of ascent on there still yeah um so okay okay so we want to let's get our scent out the way we get our scent out the way cuz we're smelly things us humans aren't we we can um check the trailer cameras and just and check let's check the check the camera [Music] traps now this one is pointing at the trees yeah um the the good thing is is we did we did put a pile of carrots over there so if the carrots are gone where are the carrots they were there they were there yesterday so there yeah there's some carrots that have gone on this one um obviously they haven't been into the Trap that is fantastic news hopefully it could be many things cuz we have seen a lot of rad deer as well um so I don't see any road deer tracks or rabbits okay uh there we go so here we go little black bird it's dark there we go just see the outline just there you see the eye yeah flash up on the eye there that that is is a beaver that is a beaver eating our carrots see what so that's quite good news isn't it then yeah yeah no it's positive that they're um they're here're this at this point here it's not very far from the carrots to the Trap there we go that's a better one it's coming close to the camera oh yes look at him yeah oh that does look like Woody don't you think let us know if you think if you think tell it's uh it is hard to tell it is hard to tell I would have said it was which the uh female you think you think it might be Twiggy by the size of it I would have said it was a female she's right there amazing yeah the the thing is if we knew it was Twiggy we would have seen that little cut or that little scar that he's got on his tail when he came to us he had that little sort of little notch in his tail would he twiy yeah well wood twig kind of related um here's my here's my bit of cunning advice go for it okay they don't like the apple and sweet corn mix yeah they do like carrots maybe replace that one with carrots yeah just a thought yeah it's um it's worth it it's just as we're running out of carrots can go get some but yeah no you can see you can see you can see on this one very close um all last night um that that is that's twigy I think you're right yeah I mean yeah it's just we really want to see that second Beaver yeah if we see two we'd be delighted wouldn't we Happy Days um but right okay um off to the supermarket to get some carrots I think that's it yeah let's [Music] go this is the back entrance to the Coach House by the kitchen because we've come in to see how Amy is getting on because at this time of year it's all about getting ready for the season and clearing up from the season before and this building is the building that we first renovated in about 2017 2018 and we built this whole staircase there was nothing here before in order to provide an upstairs where we could store stuff and so during the season when we've got the Cafe open and when we've got weddings we use this as a big store room for all of the behind the scenes stuff that we need all the drinks all the food all the freezers and um you can see this quite a lot of other stuff that just piles up what do we got here oh look got some nice gold rimmed wedding glasses going spare Chris you need any glasses have wedding anytime you're not having a wedding anytime soon well you never know that could change and now we are in the store area and it's looking mighty tiny look at all of this alcohol there is one Galore oh look all the all the mixers and we've got marshmallows for chocolate sauce a lot of them coffee hot chocolate oh look at this mapple juice and of course the couet now these ones haven't been labeled but that is matin's finest apple juice and this of course is the couet that we sell and in here we've got various bits of um Frozen food this is where we put our venzen and our lamb for the season aha Amy can I get in hopefully just can I can just about get in now um I found Amy hello Amy hello how you doing good thank you um so let's be fair to Amy straight away whilst this looks like it has been sort of turned upside down that is only because it's in the process of being organized and tidied is that is that true a yeah it's definitely I think I made it a bit worse in order to make it better so yeah everything's in the middle at the moment while I kind of rebuild the shelves a little bit I mean lots of things have to be worse before they get better don't so that's that's a this is definitely that yeah but um just give us a little uh a little look around I can see all sorts of things I haven't seen for ages look at these old mapon postcards yeah so this is this is a bit that I've done so far this is looking good so this is all of our shop stock um our maths and stuff as well and yeah I found some really old postcards as well so yeah can we sell them bu don't see why not yeah they they look pretty good to me in fact I think I took some of those those are our newer ones these are the newer ones right yeah okay and um what have we got down here we got keeper Cottage Crockery that y That's all ready to go into keeper Cottage Keepers got some umbrellas we need umbrellas today it's pouring with rain yet again um right what oh we got some eyeballs y all our Halloween stuff is up here all our decorations so that's ready for for for Halloween for this year yeah and then I'm just starting to put together the cafe stuff so lots of takeaway cups and lots of takeaway stuff so yeah it's all going to go here eventually now have you discovered anything that you'd been missing and that has suddenly reappeared and you're really pleased nothing that's been missing but I have found some fun things oh yeah um I found one of um the awards that we won so that's from 2019 and that was for our Matt and C there we go that was dorsa food and drink drinks product of the Year MPP and cou can we put this sign downstairs on the bar yeah we can put it don't you think we got a we got a show off our Awards it's not like we get them every day yeah but we have had a few okay that's that that's quite good find that's my best find that's your best that's your best find oh my goodness that is a real find over that light yeah yeah I wondered what that was yeah this is a set of flashing lights for a party and I can tell you the the origin of this was during lockdown it was my niece's I think it was her eighth or n 9th birthday and she couldn't have a party so we uh we said well we'll put the party on for you and um we got her some flashing lights so she had a little disco yeah there's lots of exciting stuff in here what is this I think oh my goodness I I want to say that's the fudge maker it's like a massive cauldron isn't it so so you put your fudge in oh yeah I think this is a fudge maker isn't it I think it is make some fudge oh God we can try it's really easy it's just isn't it quite easy fudge I I actually don't know I've never tried to make it so okay we've got to look into that because people will buy Mapp and fudge please let us know if you're interested in Mapp and fudge and if so what flavors you'd like we've got sort of oh we got some dead people y more Halloween on the on the top shelf we've got glasses and cars Y and salt and peppers lots of of random cafe stuff do you not feel a little bit overwhelmed or are you feeling sort of you know it's doable you know what to do yeah I think it's I think it'll take a while but I think it'll be fine right okay anything I can help lift and move in the meantime or I am I just getting in the way no I think I'm getting in the [Music] way [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mapperton Live: This (un)Aristocratic Manor Life
Views: 78,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mapperton, Mapperton House, Julie Montagu, Montagu, 18th century pool, mapperton pool, mapperton 18th century pool, mapperton turtle, Luke Montagu, Montagu family, earl of sandwich, mapperton gardens, mapperton julie montagu, mapperton estate, mapperton house tour, mapperton house & gardens, mapperton wedding, mapperton cottage, mapperton rewilding, beavers, mapperton beaver, rewinding, mapperton house pool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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