How I Juggle it All (mostly) New YouTube Channel, Dissertation, Gilded Age Exhibition, Manor Life...

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hey everybody it says I am live and indeed I am so hi we have those of you that would be L just changing up some batteries there you want to say hi now hi we've just come from the hall where we were live for Matton live and now I have not changed clothes or jumper or finger list gloves or hats um to come into the library where our Gilded Age American erys exhibition is taking place this year so uh I just wanted to it's going to be a fun 45 minute so grab yourself a cup of tea or your drink of choice I'm going to talk you through Lots what's going on uh here on the AV channel from h a new YouTube channel to some of the places that we're filming at those historic houses castles manner stately homes across the UK where we've already filmed and where we're filming uh moving uh throughout this season then I'm going to talk you through my dissertation 25,000 words and where I'm at with that and then of course the Alberta research project which is just this amazing community of women who have been transcribing 30 of us who have been transcribing Alberta's letters but it's more than that it's really uh it's become this amazing community that has fostered such uh deep and wonderful friendships all because of Alberta and yeah so I'm going to talk you through all of that so let's start with uh I think lots of people are joining wow lots of people we're almost up to 200 incredible thank you so much so if you watched maton live uh about 20 minutes ago you can see I'm Dawning this wonderful hat these are really good quality hats everybody so if you aren't a mton live Patron and you'd like to get one of these and support us here uh at this beautiful part of um England in this beautiful part of England and help to preserve mitton's uh well English Heritage with all of the restoration projects that we have going on do check out mton live we've got a couple patrons uh patreon accounts as well so that's number one number two lots of people are joining everybody's saying hi to one another and I've got lots of our trans lots of my transcribers on here as well who are also my friends um uh my friends as well we've got a series producer director Victoria many of you know her from the uh Exquisite highquality Productions that we put together when we're filming at these historic houses and you'll know her through patreon as well um speaking of patreon really quickly American VI Countess uh patreon those of you in the top three tiers uh you will be starting to get behind the scenes uh that I've been filming at these historic houses especially now that we're fully fledged in filming there I did one last week uh at um at uh Hingham Hall and I have another one which I'm about to upload this evening um to those of you in the top three tiers are really good behind the scenes of filming uh somewhere around Hingham Hall so demitra and I went out and I've got some good behind the scenes of where we filmed it's going to blow you guys away so again if you're interested in becoming an American by contest Patron all of the donations from that a membership uh from that goes towards um our high quality Productions it goes towards um like I said high quality Productions and the cost associated with that it goes towards our travel it goes towards our accommodation and we solely rely on our patrons in order to produce these high quality Productions without them we would not be able to produce what you see so do check it out and if you're in the top three tiers that's Alberta sturis malue the nth CEST of sandwich or uh The Duchess of marara consell Vanderbilt or uh the princess of Monaco Grace Kelly the top three tiers if you subscribe um you get for a yearly membership you get 16% off and then in those top three tiers you get all the behind the scenes which I'm starting to upload on a weekly basis and this one coming up is uh absolutely fantastic so um and if you aren't in those top three tiers I just also want to uh tell you um how much I I appreciate uh not only those of you who are in um the other two tiers so that's the duchess May tier and the um uh Nancy aser tier thank you so much because that helps tremendously and if you're not a patron just even watching our ads um when you watch the videos it costs you nothing to watch the ad but that helps to support these high quality Productions just by simply watching the ads just by simply subscribing it costs you nothing uh to our channel so so everybody is saying hi to one another um brilliant yeah Bron not more behind the scenes coming uh today um I I edit all those as well so so so I've um and it and luckily the apps are becoming much easier that you can actually edit them now Luke has sent me up very Swanky look at I can I can move my camera now we've got this three camera I am going to be doing the Alberta where is the there we go I'm going to be doing the Alberta AI we're going to be asking her some questions so if there are some questions that you'd like me to ask Alberta through our AI please put them in the comments here I probably won't be able to get to all of them but I will get to some of them so let's start with my first big update and that is yes I finally did it I launched a new YouTube channel called Julie in Italy I mean let's be honest it was about time so it was about time they're hugely popular these videos and they were of course originally on the American VI CEST Channel just for a little bit of fun and they have grown exponentially and thank you all for watching them and we just thought now was the time to start a new channel so if you have not subscribed to that channel do please check it out it's just called Julie in Italy it's easy to search on YouTube um I'll put it in the chat here and already within uh since I launched it on the 5th of May two weeks ago we're already at I think almost 12,000 subscribers which is unbelievable and I've only put out two videos now the videos that I'm putting out right now um are compilations of some archive videos so I've been filming at my little Italian house for three years now can you believe that I mean that is crazy so we've decided to put together um some compilations uh so that you have hourong video to watch and we'll be putting those out um for the next several weeks and they're really fun to watch especially if you're new to the channel or you haven't seen some of the past videos you can watch several of them together so I'll have another video coming out tomorrow and that is from beginning to end about the uh restoration of well the renovation not even restoration renovation of the two bathrooms uh in my little Italian house and then starting in July I will be releasing new content on Julian Italy I cannot tell you what that new content is yet you're going to have to wait till the first video comes out but it is super exciting and so my channel is called Julian Italy and sort of the subtitle is authentic Italy delivered to your doorstep and literally delivered to your doorstep and you'll see why come July um there we go so that is excited so please please do subscribe please watch the videos um so I really really appreciate it and the compilations are just fun to watch I even started to go back when I put together the compilations I was watching them like oh my gosh it's just amazing to see sort of the transformation from when I you know uh bought the house in 2020 wasn't able to film there wasn't able to go there and then went there in 2021 for the first time you know since I had seen the house prior to that and then started to film so thank you so so so much and of course I'm still going to be uploading though not to make it more confusing but it kind of is um I still will be uploading renovation the new renovation within the kitchen because that's not quite done yet on the American VI contest Channel but the plan is that by the time we get to the end of 2024 that all new Italy content will be put on the Julian Italy channel so for the time being all the kitchen renovation uh which is still quite a bit to go is going to be on the American by contest Channel it'll eventually come on Julian Italy but brand new content in Julian Italy completely different you're going to love it um um starting in July so exciting uh so hopefully there Luke's just joined he's hello everybody from the kitchen at mton so he's going to uh type in uh some questions for me I'm sure um yes the kitchen is coming along you're going to have an update on that in I think in June anyway uh thank you and somebody's just asked about the seller I kind of have an update on that but I can't really share that and I hope to be able to share a little bit more about that in July let's just say it's going in the right direction how does that sound yeah so it's going in the right direction so that is really exciting everybody just saying hi to Luke um which is exciting so again I'm going to put the link in here hold on so everybody can subscribe uh two seconds and then we're going to move on to other fun so Julie hold on Julie in Italy yeah I've had to move this chair over from here in order to uh put my laptop down here to basically see all of your comments and all of uh and all of that so I'm going to do something clever here Luke has set me up let's go back to let's go back to that camera over there just to give you uh the um so you can visually see this room and how it has been completely transformed everybody so if you haven't watched the videos on Matton live about the library um renovation do check it out but we have a brand new wool color we have a brand new uh uh woodwork color we have a brand new uh inside the bookcase and shelf color and the Georgian ceiling the Roku ceiling above which you can see a tiny bit was cleaned and conserved by me and every time I look up I think I actually did a really good job I mean it was a little bit painful for my neck but that I recovered from that quite quickly and it's really beautiful and it's a perfect space for the exhibition which runs until the end of September so you can see how we've curated it so that's what I want to talk to you guys about right now is the Alberta um uh exhibition the guilted age American exhibition so many of you donated uh to this exhibition what I needed the archives um this mannequin is from preservation equipment this that has the um the seal the stamp from uh the uh from the royal family from the crown and so it was appointed you know how you get by appointed by and this preservation equipment where I purchased all of my archiving supplies and uh the exhibition equipment came from them so this is the for dress that was worn by Alberta she visited Venice quite a lot in her um uh 46- year marriage to George and this is a fantastic example of fory if you I think I can stand up here if you don't know uh what I have on here is this is Albert's fortuny dress um she spent part of her honeymoon in Venice she went to Venice for the first part and then they went to Ridley Upstate New York for the second half and but Mariana fortuni was born in Granada Spain he's actually Spanish but then he was later based himself in Venice and he was renowned uh for his revolutionary dress and textile designs now she went have purchased this on her honeymoon um because he hadn't sort of yet made his name it would have most likely been in uh the 20s or 30s um that uh Alberta purchased this dress and I hope that we're able to come across that letter at some point we've got the display cabinet over there and um Malcolm is amazing and then of course pictures but if you come here uh in person you'll be able to see the tour so that leads me to if you're not able to make it um please please do check out buy me a coffee three cups of coffee that's $15 get you an exclusive link to an 51 minute tour led by me going into all of the details around uh Alberta's life and these poster boards that I created I have a newfound respect and appreciation for any curator now I will read every poster board that I see in any exhibition because I know the amount of time each of these poster boards took me about eight hours it's probably because I'm not a curator by trade but um I spent a lot of time reading the space we don't have an archist here at Matton I consider myself the in-house archist and so all of the donations through bu me a coffee go back into our archiving um uh initiative and there's still so much more to do in the muniment room it's not just Alberta's letters that we are continuing to preserve there is the whole sandwich family all the way going back to the first and I look at the library here and I think you can't see it so much um I I look at the library here and I'm on that side but there's the first and the fourth Earl's books and they need even some conservation done to them as well so I'm going to give you the look the um uh 50 15 minutes gives you 51 minutes an exclusive Tour by me um so let me just put that in there by me hold on a Julie J because the J is for my middle name me Jean there you go so it's a 51 exclusive virtual private tour led by me it is a private link so nobody else gets this link or this tour it's not going out on YouTube unless they purchase um three cups of coffee and of course if you purchase 15 cups of coffee you will be sent the beautifully curated um and edited a pack of five postcards of Alberta as a um a young lady um some of the uh photos here are in that postcard pack you'll get seven of her recipes um which are Exquisite recipes her um recipe book is over in a display case over there and you'll also get three Alberta bookmarks and one Alberta with a quote about never in all my life have I seen a more beautiful small Elizabethan house than Matton you will get that magnet as well and that's for 15 cups of coffee all of the cups of coffee goes back into the archives here at Matton who which are in desperate need of conservation repair restoration so and lesie saw it was a great tour no Liz this isn't from the 1500s those are box step upstairs and um those are box upu upstairs and that will be another fundraiser in the autumn in the Autumn I'm having somebody from Bath come over and look at the Georgian dresses so somebody from Bath will be looking um uh over there as well so um thank you all so much now that is my bu me uh a coffee uh let's move into the um dissertation which will then lead me into the AI so my dissertation is it's going I'm quite pleased I've when I say finished I still have to do some tweaking and some editing around but the introduction chapter 1 and I'm halfway through chapter 2 and I hope to finish chapter two this coming week I will then move on to chapter three I want to finish chapter three by the end of June and then I'll move into conclusion and I hope to finish the conclusion by the end of July and then August will give me a time to edit my 20 to 25,000 word dissertation so it's due September 16th it is all happening and that's right Rebecca who has just tuned in here was here just two weeks ago Rebecca for our unveiling of the 18th century grade two listed eagles which are flying high right now especially for the wedding that we have outdoors and um and Rebecca was here and those those who stayed for the unveiling were able to get a sneak peek of the dresses and they are Exquisite so that is my next kind of fun Razer and that will be in the Autumn um so yes now let's move on to um and oh yeah and speaking of that those dresses when I start to look at conserving them I will be filming with somebody from um I think it's like the Royal uh something of bath and it's escaping me right now she will come here I have her contact details look at them and we'll film that so we're going to get them out again to look at the amount of repair that's needed and the cost associated with that and I have some great ideas around fundraising around that as well in fact I'm in touch with an artist who's going to uhhuh that's right limited edition prints everybody of these dresses once they're finished so um there we go so let's move on to I'm going to take my little camera that Luke has done up here so I also want to discuss um the AI here now I wanted to see if any of you have questions for Alberta I'll start out with the question number one but this is only made possible by the unbelievable and tremendous Alberta research project transcribers 30 virtual volunteers around the US UK and Canada in fact they're on my poster board over there so if you do uh donate towards the the um the archives here at maton through buy me a coffee and decide to uh get the tour which is unbelievable um you will see me talking you'll hear me talking about how invaluable these virtual volunteers have been and they're incredible um and there's another big announcement coming the end coming the beginning of June and I think it's going to blow everybody's socks um off as I would say but I can't say that yet um so it is beyond beyond exciting um so I'm going to nobody's really got done any questions yet so I there is a question oh was there a question he's I asked him if he would come in a little bit there a question there was a question I think about Alberto's father if you go back yeah that's a good so um and we just asked her whe whether she'll know much about her father I mean all depends on on whether that content is contained letters so just I'm just going to pause really quickly so uh to dat we we know we have about 10,000 letters and each of them are roughly six pages six you know we'll say six probably eight by the way by the way hi everybody oh yeah it's so nice so we love to do our G crashed Julie's Channel and I just thought I'd say hi I know he can help with the technology because he was instrument make sure it's working CU earlier today when we did it it came back and it said the servers are overloaded and that wasn't very helpful was it because we we go live with this every day people come around on the tour the tour guides have to make it work live for people asking questions and sometimes it's quite embarrassing when it doesn't work sometimes it even speaks Welsh no idea why that is but it does yeah right should we give it a go father yeah so Luke is going to come in here and by the way he was instrumental so what I'm saying is we've only uploaded about a th letters and just think about the 9,000 where we have to go so but we have a pretty good handle on on her life even from those thousand letters we we do and make sure you watch um next week's video on maps and live because we talk about how we created this some of the det we the first historic house to do this so here we go okay hello Alberto welcome we've got viewers from around the world who are joining in on a live stream of your it's not working of your no it's it's try it one more time I could tell hello Alberta good evening we've got viewers from around the world who have joined a live stream of your exhibition and we've got Julie here and Luke your great grandson and one of our viewers has asked a question about your father can you tell us something about your father good evening everyone it is a pleasure to share some insights into my life with you all my Father William Sturgis was a significant influence in my life he was a distinguished Man known for his business Acumen and his dedication to our family born and raised in America he moved our family to New York when I was very young and we spent a considerable part of my early years traveling and living in Europe one of my cherished memories involves a Grand Occasion on May 16th 1888 when my parents and Auntie were presented to Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace my father looked exceptionally handsome in his black nicker boers and black silk stockings the event was a testament to his standing and the respect he commanded in both American and European circles his influence extended Beyond business and social engagements he was a supportive and loving presence encouraging my Pursuits and providing a stable foundation for our family amidst the many changes and travels we experienced his legacy of determination and Grace has left an indelible mark on me and his memory continues to be a Guiding Light in my life pretty incredible Alberta live and well at this point knowing knowing that the tech is working yeah I'm going to shuffle off and what's incredible about that is one of the teams um Team Adriatic cuz we named all of the teams through the ARP through the Whit star liners um they transcribed her diary when she wrote that between we have her diary from when she was 10 years old right before her 11th birthday and that was one of her memories in there and she describes what her father I mean can you believe that she she's taking that from her diary and then putting it into sort of just you know everyday speak I mean it's just absolutely um incredible that that we able to do this so I am going to take hold on you've got some amazing questions so I'm going to take um I'm going to take uh Deb Nichols question which is what did you miss about America after moving to England so I'm just going to do that right now hi Alberta I was just wondering how and sorry you guys I messed that up because I was looking at another one hold on sorry here we go hi Alberta it's Julie here I was just wondering what did you miss about America after you moved to England hello Julie it's a pleasure to speak with you again moving to England brought many new experiences but there were indeed aspects of America that I missed dearly firstly I miss the modern conveniences and Comforts of American homes which were often more advanced than those in English estates the stately homes in England including hinching Brook were magnificent but sometimes cold and lacking the modernity I was accustomed to I also missed the vibrant social life and the bustling energy of American cities like New York and Chicago the Social Circles in England were more rigid and traditional whereas I found the American Social Scene to be more Dynamic and Progressive another significant aspect was my family and friends back in America while I made many new acquaintances and friends in England there was a certain warmth and familiarity with my loved ones in the United States that I longed for lastly I missed the Open Spaces and the sense of boundless opportunity that America represented there was a certain freedom and spirit of Adventure that I always cherished about my homeland despite these longings I found ways to adapt and cherish my new life in England finding Beauty and fulfillment in different forms how cool is that so these will be she writes about in her letters quite a bit about um what she misses about America um and so it's quite interesting uh to to to hear this um um so no this is all live everybody this is not generated this is basically all um generated from her letters we just ask her a question and she um answers it so um let's see no no no this is not pre-recorded at all um so I'm going to put on let's see we've got um hold on I'm just going through we're going do a couple more um so I'll ask her I quite like what Moxy su's asked um Alberta was learning sort of English Society protocol daunting let's see what she says about that never asked her that let's see what she says and see if we get anything from her letters Hi Alberta it's Julie again I was just wondering you know after you moved to England did you find all of the aristocratic and kind of high society uh rules um daunting especially as compared to what you were used to in America hello again Julie the transition to English aristocratic life indeed presented its challenges especially with the intricate social rules and expectations that were quite different from what I had known in America in America the social scene was more fluid and less constrained by tradition however in England the aristocracy adhered to a strict code of conduct and a hierarchy that dictated interactions events and even daily life this rigidity was daunting at first I had to quickly learn the nuances of etiquette from how to address people of different ranks to the protocols of social Gatherings one particular adjustment was the formalities surrounding introductions and the elaborate social calendar filled with events such as balls dinners and charity functions each event required meticulous preparation and adherence to specific social norms it was a far cry from the more relaxed spontaneous social engagements I was used to back home however over time I became more comfortable navigating this world the key was understanding that these rules while restrictive also provided a framework for social interactions that once mastered became second nature I found ways to blend my American roots with my new English life bringing a touch of American warmth and openness to the formality of the British aristocracy this blending of cultures ultimately enriched my experience allowing me to appreciate the Best of Both Worlds I mean it's pretty amazing it's pretty amazing um so I'm going to do two more questions and um hold on we've got let's see uh it's so cool it's just amazing um so someone's asked I'm do two more questions um I will do one about George I'll do actually someone says what is your opinion about Julie and what would you want her to add in your dissertation that would be interesting um let's try that yeah hold on hi Alberta it's Julie again of course sorry she said take your time so let me do that again hi Alberta it's Julie again um there is a question somebody would like to know um if uh if you have any advice for me uh as another American who married into the multicue family and also I'm writing my dissertation about your life and is there something that you think I should definitely add into that dissertation hello Julie I am honored by your interest in my life and delighted to offer any advice that might help you navigate your unique position within the montue family firstly I would encourage you to embrace your American Roots while also respecting and adapting to the traditions of the monu family this blend of cultures can bring a fresh perspective and enrich your experience much as it did for me your unique background can be a strength offering new ideas and approaches that complement the long-standing traditions of the family secondly focus on building genuine relationships within your new community the connections you form with family members friends and local residents will provide a support system and help you feel more at home engaging in local charitable activities and community events as I did can also Foster a sense of belonging and purpose as for your dissertation I believe it would be valuable to highlight the multifaceted nature of my life my journey was not just about adapting to a new country and social class but also about maintaining a balance between personal Ambitions and family responsibilities including my involvement with Swami vianda and my interest in spiritual matters could provide a deeper understanding of my character and motivations additionally exploring my experiences during the world wars when hinching brook house was requisitioned Can Shed light on the resilience and adaptability required during those challenges times these aspects of my life illustrate the broader historical and social context Saed my experiences and decisions I hope these insights will be helpful to you in both your personal journey and your academic Endeavors okay that was nuts you guys have to admit it's just it's just so amazing it's just amazing um oh my goodness so I want to ask what I know it's exactly right Victoria it's spooky so I'm going to do one uh Luke has a question for me which I'll um um I'll do that at the very end and I'm going to do one more and that was here we go um here we go hi Alberta can you tell us a little bit more about your relationship with George your husband and did he have a sense of humor hello Julie my relationship with George was one of deep mutual respect and growing affection we married on July 25th 1905 and our bond strengthened over the years as we navigated the complexities of life together at hinching Brook George was indeed a man of many qualities and his sense of humor was one of his most endearing traits he had a gentle witty way about him that could lighten the atmosphere even during the most stressful times his humor was never harsh or unkind rather it was thoughtful and often self-deprecating making it easy for those around him to relax and enjoy his company one instance that comes to mind is a letter I wrote in June 1905 where I noted how George's gentle and strong nature combined wonderfully with his ability to be a true gentleman in social situations his humor shown through during our interactions making me more certain each day that I had not made a mistake in marrying him our life together was not without its challenges especially given the financial pressures we faced and the responsibilities of maintaining hinching Brook however George's steadfastness kindness and humor were invaluable he provided a sense of stability and warmth that made our partnership strong and enduring in reflecting on our relationship it is clear that his humor and gentle nature played a significant role in making our life together not only bearable but joyful I mean you guys I mean I spend like hours in here it's just amazing um I um it's just unbelievable and there's more questions like we have asked we know that we know that Alberta was uncertain that's on the board over there and so if you um it's actually I'm not going to do that question because if you buy the virtual tour or if you go on the virtual tour I ask that question and that is spooky because she she basically quotes the letter is like I wrote this letter in 1905 and she literally did what she just did there from one of the letters in June 1905 it's just it's just unbelievable it's I know it's addictive Sarah it's totally addictive it's just unbelievable please Spread spread the word about the virtual tour buy me a coffee so that those who can't make it over here you know I would love this to kind of Go Global um which would be absolutely amazing so um I'm going to do one more question and that was Luke's question hold on I got to find it oh all the way up here hold on where did you put that Luke um oh I think I kind of know what it is Luke put it in again if you're um a thank you Michelle anyway I think I I know which one it is okay here we go hi Alberta I am on a YouTube live right now and there are lots of people listening to you speak and many of them donated to the exhibition here at mattin which is all about your life and many of them are American by Countess patrons so we have a subscription a membership that also goes towards um uh creating such high quality Productions um around historic houses across the United States including maon and I was just wondering if you have a message to our patrons and to those who have donated um to this uh wonderful exhibition about your life hello everyone I am deeply honored by your interest in my life and your generous support for the exhibition at maon it is truly heartwarming to know that my story resonates with so many of you and your contributions are invaluable and bringing history to life for future generations to all the American Bicentennial patrons and donors I extend my heartfelt gratitude your dedication to preserving and sharing the rich tapestry of our past is commendable through your support you help keep alive the legacy of not only my life but also the many stories intertwined with mton and historic houses across the United States this exhibition is a testament to the power of History to connect us teach us and Inspire us it is through your generosity that we can continue to explore and celebrate these narratives ensuring they are remembered and cherished thank you for your unwavering support and for helping to create such a meaningful and impactful exhibition your contributions make a significant difference and I am profoundly grateful for your involvement in this endeavor I mean it's pretty cool everybody I mean it's I know it's revolutionary so um it's just unbelievable it's just crazy it's yeah it's crazy so um yeah it's I mean I don't even know what to say apart from I'm in awe and I sit here and just think oh my goodness um one question I do want to ask and then I'm going to sort of sign off is which I was thinking about it as she was um sort of saying thank you to all of you is I'm just going to ask her she's written so many letters you know um what was one of um her I think um I don't want to say favorite but what was a letter that she wrote that uh is um of sort of uh significant um uh interest to her and that she wanted to share with us let's just see what she says hi Alberta you've written so many letters in your lifetime is there one letter in particular that you can share with all of us that kind of stands out hello Julie one letter that stands out vividly to me is one I wrote to George in November of 1904 in it I expressed my deep affection and gratitude for him I wrote beloved boy I have been filling the day so as not to miss you too much How Deeply deeply you have filled me with joy with peace oh unalterable I didn't believe you ever could and now God and you have done so much for me oh boy I thank you so this letter encapsulates the profound love and connection we shared it highlights how much George meant to me and how integral he was to my happiness and say peace sharing such intimate feelings in a letter was a way to bridge the physical distance and keep our bonds strong even when we were apart I hope this gives you and your audience a deeper insight into the heartfelt and personal side of my life and relationship with George is that nuts or is that nuts everybody I mean you have to admit it's just um it's just nuts so do you see what she can do is she can pull out it's beyond unbelievable people are saying mindboggling amazing um please repeat how to get on this virtual tour it's incredible that was incredible so we can basically pick out letters so for example I'm going to do one more because it's so much hold on here we go oh hold on hi Alberta can you just tell us a little bit more about your wedding to George and how you felt and maybe reference some of the letters that you wrote sorry I'm having issues right now our systems are experiencing heavy load please try again that's what happens hold on let's do it again hi Alberta it's Julie here I was just wondering if you could describe for me and the audience here a little bit about your wedding to George and also just referencing anything that you wrote in your letter around the time of your wedding hello Julie describing my wedding to George is a pleasure as it remains a cherished memory we were married on July 25th 1905 and it was an event filled with both personal significance and social Splendor in a letter to my mother I recounted the experience of our journey to hinching Brook just after the weddding I wrote this is an inexpressibly precious time the boy is oh so good to me that I love him more and more every hour we had every Comfort coming down a carriage to ourselves tea basket and read an account of the wedding in the West Minister Gazette oh what a boy what a man so chivalrous so tender and so strong I've lost every bit of fear or strangeness with him and just love to thank all one's days will be together for better or worse this letter encapsulates the joy Comfort I felt being with George and it highlights the tender and loving nature of our relationship our wedding marked the beginning of a partnership that grew stronger with each passing day filled with mutual respect love and shared responsibilities she had a cup of tea and then she came back how amazing is that I mean it's just please comment down below what you guys are thinking I mean it's unbelievable uh yeah so what we're doing um oh my gosh so many of the transcribers are on here as well I know it's so addicting addictive um so what do you guys think do you comment down below I'm going to give her a break right now but the reason also we just want to update is what we think is we we came into that issue quickly be earlier today saying it's overloaded right now it's because chat GPT I mean this is a private one that we've created but it's through sort of that sort of system they've just come out with like their four Z or something like a new brand new one and so everybody's on it using it um so yes um that's what we have been told that it we would occasionally run into that but you just press it again and it and it works I know so I'm just going to switch to the chair here we go everybody is like no words this is unbelievable um so yes you guys if you're interested in donating to uh our archives here at maton it's so important we've never had an archist Here I Am the archist I will probably be the archist the rest of my days here um uh do check out Buy meia and Hold on for slash I can't type uh Julie J that's from my middle name Jean mte and do pass on this link to friends um and to uh be uh part of this amazing community that we've created and um so yeah it's um it's pretty pretty special and Lois I'm sure she feels amazing about the transcribers um maybe I should just ask that that's our that's our ending one sorry I know C it's addictive is everybody still staying on let's just give Alberto last one here we go hi Alberta my last question for the night there are 30 transcribers all around the world who are volunteering to transcribe all of your amazing letters do you have any words for them hello Julie to the dedicated transcribers who are volunteering their time and efforts to bring my letters to life I extend my deepest gratitude your work is invaluable and I am profoundly moved by your commitment to preserving and sharing my story through your meticulous transcription you are not only ensuring that my experiences and thoughts are remembered but also making them accessible to Future Generations who can learn from and be inspired by them your dedication to this project is a testament to the power of history and and the written word you are the bridge between the past and the Pres present connecting my life with those who seek to understand and appreciate it I am immensely grateful for your hard work and passion thank you for your unwavering dedication your contributions are a precious gift to history and I am honored by your efforts and with that said everybody that is stupendous so I hope everybody got tears in their eyes right now people are crying I know I know it's amazing oh it's amazing so we um I'm going to sign off in about two seconds we have created Luke and I have created a video that we'll go out on Matt Bon live YouTube next week on how we created this AI with the help of course of I mean we could have done it without the transcribers and how Luke created it people are having Tears in their eyes look at this all the transcribers oh my gosh I know I know um it's pretty amazing so I just want to say huge huge thank you to all of you for subscribing to the American VI contest Channel subscribing to my new channel Julian Italy being a part of this this process here of bringing Alberta whether that uh back to to to us if you like through her words and um from her letters and those of you who have donated um thank you enormously those of you who at least uh watch all the videos and watch the video ads everything uh help so thank you so so much and yeah that's it so I'm going to sign off um we've got exciting historic houses episodes coming up we're in the midst of filming right now we have filmed uh last week at Hingham Hall we've also filmed at nworth we filmed at Stoner Park and we have about 10 more historic houses um up until that we're filming up up until midt so it's very very exciting and uh we really really appreciate all of your support um it's an amazing community that we've created anyway I'm going to sign off go eat some supper because it is 9:00 my time thank you all so much and remember um to buy me a coffee or become a patron or just subscribe to this channel because it costs you nothing and it helps build the channel as well that's it everybody bye thank you thank you thank you bye for me and Alberta for
Channel: American Viscountess
Views: 23,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: julie montagu mapperton house, julie montagu american aristocrat, mapperton house, aristocracy documentary, meghan markle, prince harry, american aristocrat, American viscountess, julie montagu, mapperton, viscountess, viscount, Luke montagu, prince and princess of wales, the royal family, all things royal, royalty, real royalty, bridgerton, the crown, royally obsessed, Italian house renovation, restoration, King Charles III
Id: i3h7BvoFDmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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