#161 Using Napkins In This Easy Resin Coaster Tutorial! What??

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foreign after 30 years of marriage there's something I feel I need to tell you what what I used to be addicted to soap what but it's okay I'm clean now let's go find my shell oh nice bathroom who did this for you what hey got a question for you what what do you call it when a snowman throws a tantrum a meltdown and I got one more for you one more why did the math book look so sad I have no idea because it had a lot of problems what if a child refuses to nap are they guilty of resisting arrest Hello everybody welcome back to Glitz and glitter I have another trial to do today an experiment you might say I know others have done this so it's my turn to try this if you saw anything last week and you saw the one that I used this scrapbook paper on to make coasters I think this is going to be similar but I'm not sure the reaction I'm going to get because I am going to use a napkin this is just a random napkin I bought at Walmart and I liked it because it looked like marble so what I did was take one of my blank coasters that fits in the mold and when I unfolded this I noticed that this only the top square had the metallic colors that actually sold me on it so I did have to use this one square so I used three different napkins I'm going to make three of them I traced out my little blank um coaster and I cut out the three squares so just make sure and I wouldn't do it on a seam or anything so I did stick to this corner mostly so they will be similar so I have my three pieces of napkin here and just cut them and then make sure they fit into your mold with a little bit of room so you don't have to be perfectly on point so all three of these do fit in the mold and generally I like to do the backs I always pour one ounce into each of them and let them cure but this time I'm not going to let them cure because this paper is so thin you can't really Mod Podge something like this I don't think maybe I'll try a trial but my idea is to when it gets tacky but not cured to go ahead and lay this piece on so I'm guessing I have to be absolutely perfect because you won't be able to pull it back out so let's give this a try before I mix up the resin I decided I am going to back The Coasters instead of mixing like a mica which you could do easy enough I'm going to use my metallic um rustic gold Mica powder and it's going to look like this this is what I used on this piece here and I backed this one in white so that is the effect that I'm going to get and that effect looks really good with this it's almost the same so that's why I'm choosing that Mica powder so I'm just going to get these all done mix up some white and then we will start waiting for it to get tacky before we put it in there so I will speed this up for you but look at that this is the metallics are a little bit different they look a really really metallic obviously that's why they're called metallic but they brush on nice and smooth and they just look great so that's why I decided to use these ones so I will just go ahead and speed this up for you so you don't have to sit and watch me paint some coaster molds [Music] thank you [Music] thank you and as you can see one little dip of this stuff did the whole entire coaster mold which is amazing I will link everything that I'm using below that I can so always check the description box also in the description is a link to my Facebook page that we started so that is so exciting to see all of your guys's work I feel like I know you guys after a little while I know all your names so that's really cool so go in the description and make sure you sign up for the the Facebook group I'm just going to tap these all out get all that extra out of there and I'm going to go ahead and mix up a little bit of resin I'm going to mix up one ounce of resin for each coaster so about three ounces to start I've got a whole bunch of these white pigments I decided to try this instead of my normal white pigment so I'm just going to see how much this one takes to turn this white I mixed up 80 ml's of regular resin I don't use heat resistant resin when I pour them in two pores because the bottom doesn't need to be heat resistant but I will pour heat resistant onto the top and I see this one is not going to get it very white is it I haven't used this one before so I wasn't sure nope don't like that one so I won't link that one for you I will link my normal one see if I could find it where is it I have two normal ones this one because I'm not doing waves I will use my eye candy one so I'm not crazy about this one to do waves so this is the one I'll use for white just because it's not white so let me get a clean stick always mix your pigments before you add them into your resin you want them to be properly you don't want like little residue that's on top and you don't need much of this at all so just wipe off your stick and use what's left on there I will link this one this one's pretty good for white I just don't like it for waves [Music] much better much much better now I just want a small small amount and then I'm going to babysit this for the next couple of hours when this gets tacky I will lay my my napkin on top of it I did try to Mod Podge a piece of that napkin yeah that's not gonna work out so this better workout so just try to evenly distribute it the best you can try not to scrape the bottom when you put mica's on there because you don't want the bottom to be nice and metallic if you're using metallic or whatever color you're using if you don't know how to clean these silicone cups and you're new to resin check out the video in my link in the description it's like a minute and a half watch and um you'll be pretty happy that you did because there's a simple easy way to do it I'm just going to move that around get this even and basically that's it just let those sit it's been about two hours and it's not as cured as I want it to be you can see it's still kind of stringy and I think that would be okay again I haven't done this before so I'm learning with you I'm gonna try it anyway because I have a feeling I'm gonna forget to come back now I did take the mica powder that was on top earlier because it had like a circle and I was not sure if I was going to see through this paper or not because it's white so I did kind of stir it into the white the best that I could without touching the bottom I don't think I touched the bottom I guess we'll find out when we unmold them so I'm going to go ahead and try to lay this at least one of them and see what happens actually let me do that one that wasn't so bad I'm just gonna push it down so it's contacting everywhere I was worried for nothing guys I'm just gonna take this I think instead of my fingers I just want it flat you know I don't want don't want it to get wrinkles in it because I don't want people to know this is um a napkin okay I guess two hours was long enough because it's clearly gonna stick and it's not sinking or anything it's not getting wrinkled it's not getting wet nice I'm excited there's so many possibilities with these and you don't even need any skills to worry about picking colors or if you're gonna mix it right or if you're gonna pour it right and throw a bunch of resin away so if you want like a gift for somebody and you know like what their theme is of their home this is a perfect way to do it I love this okay now I am going to let these cure it's been another couple hours they're still soft but I think it's going to be safe to pour over there so I've got six more ounces of clear resin I'm just gonna pour this over I'm not gonna add any Shimmer to it like I really want to but I'm gonna let the gold just speak for itself so let's just get this poured I did not put this in my curing machine because I did not know what was gonna happen with the paper in there and it with it being soft so but I am going to put it in the curing machine to do this layer just to see what if it would work I don't see why it won't work since it's kind of in between the layers so let's um let's experiment with that so I'm just going to try to get it domed the best that I can which it pretty much is so I didn't need all six ounces I used four ounces so I'm just going to move this over to the curing machine and see what happens they're cured guys and I'm actually pleasantly surprised the only thing I would change although I haven't unmolded them yet is see on the tops here little tiny bit of dust that came from the sides I forgot about the sides being dusted with the gold that floated with the clear so don't forget to Super blow that off otherwise you'll have and it's really not that much and even to fix it you can fix it just sand it down and top coat it but it's really not that bad so let's get these unmolded and see how the backs came out oh nice and the sides so that's like built in it's not coming off like a gold pen would that came out really really good they match really really good so I am super impressed with napkins there's a little bit that needs to be trimmed a little Brush Mark there but not bad I mean you can go around the tops with the gold if you want to but this one also has a little bit that floated on the top and a little trimming right here but that's that's permanent and I like it that way so you don't have to worry about it so let me know what you think about this guy should I try some more napkins I'm super impressed because this white napkin I thought maybe would go clear on me when it hit the the liquid not really liquid but you know what I mean the resin and it didn't it stayed white the gold stayed gold I'm super impressed so I hope you guys all have a blessed day I'm going to get you a few final pictures and I will see you all tomorrow bye bye [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Glitz N' Glitter By Michelle
Views: 128,641
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Id: CTJE30i2Yow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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