Introducing Filipino Street Food to Korean Content Creator Doobydobap!

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wao so good what why are you sponsored by ad ah hey guys it's Jessica here and today we're going to have some authentic Filipino street food trip with Tina hello hi my name is St du or Tina Choy also doing food content and I'm a huge huge fan of your Pito series I am fan Girling over doob like were you're so famous here like you're so famous here really we're doing the quential like cre I know I have actually prepared five different Filipino street foods and we're going to go level from Level so we're going to start from like something that's familiar to your palette until you reach like the epitome of exotic Filipino 3 food I'm excited can you handle like exotic food as well well when I first started out on Tik Tok my like handle used to be don't yuck myam so let's try let's try if I keep to my virtues okay don't yuck myam okay let's go with banana CBE so what is banana C banana C basically they say on Tik Tok it's the Filipino Tang Hulu a I like that banana yeah but obviously it's not Tang Hulu it's caramelized brown sugar top coated in sabat so it's going to be a little starchier a little more partier I'm assume yeah yeah cooked banana it has its own like scent so try it so there's actually two kinds this is the banana C and this is the Turon so this one is wrapped in lpia paper Abby is known as Lumia Point yeah that's the lpia wrapper and then the brown sugar is stopped after and then this one is straight onto okay so this is the Turon and this is banana C okay this is my actual favorite Filipino street food snack growing up in elementary school so try it I'm so excited I love how the caramel just kind of like coats everywhere well made banana C this one is ton and this is banana C Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers M oh so good I like how the inside gets really like Ooey and gooey and the caramel that's like surrounding it it also tastes like a South Korean dessert like matang if you know what I mean in Korea we make it with sweet potato some places have camot which is sweet potato exactly like wow this is really good and it's so smart that they use plantains instead of like actual bananas because it holds off cuz of the starch content that's very very smart oh this is so [Music] good hot I told you thank you Paul what do you think I like the ton also it's very different from the banana C cuz like when you fite into it it like shatters you know it's like the type of sweetness that hurts the top of your mouth but I like pain in a good way but I have to be honest in my heart banana Q is very top tier also probably because it's warm but it's so comforting it's warm the caramel how would you rate banana Q 1 out of 10 honestly solid 9.5 out of 10 which is very high in my B I also love banana dessert now let's move on to the next one how do they make it do they make the syrup after I wonder no they basically they they sprinkle the sugar on while it's on oil this is really a wellmade banana C so we're moving on to do now do I love how like Filipino words are like said twice hello hello to so to so all right so this is a two so to so oh so means like stab stab yeah and then they're different kinds the big one is the squid ball uhh and then the flat UFO looking one is the fish bowl okay so you just get by yourself one PES for two wow one pel for two and what are some of the options so they have the three options the Suka which is vinegar okay and they put some onions this like Filipino staple condiment this is the sweet sauce they just call it like sweet matami means sweet M and that's the spicy sauce it's like sweet chili sauce so how you eat it depending on your preference if you like it this way you can get it now like how are they're doing if you want it to be more crispy let's wait a little yeah I suggest we wait a little more okay cuz I've been a vendor i' I've sold this before yeah I saw it [Music] you know I'm a big fan of anything fried and golden brown so this is like really right up my alley okay perfect hey no no no I wanted that one okay okay go ahead go ahead yeah go this is spicy okay I want spicy it's not too spicy for yeah it's not nothing is too spicy for Korean exactly so this one is the squid ball cck when it gets fried so that's why people like the but this is the better I like the smell it's really really good it's actually not that fishy either I love the texture it's like spongy but also crispy outside I never thought that there would be a day where I admit this on content but I love fishy balls American humor you know what I mean I was confused for a second cuz my channel is very PG right yeah thought you like goat out man but in real life everyone calls me gangster so yeah that's true no I met with Lumia Queen Abby and irwan and they described Jessica as like gangster super gangster were the exact words that they use I hope that's a compliment guys which one's cheaper Fishbowl I can see why I do like the texture it's crispy I like the shape of it but there isn't that like initial like super crunchiness but it might be because I got a one that's like not as crispy but I still still really like it what do you think about the sauce cuz we literally had put a lot of vinegar right do you think is it exotic or I love anything sour for me like a good food always needs a little bit of acidity something um acidic happening salty and spicy so like for that pallette triangle like fulfilled for me how would you rate this over 10 as well I'm going to give the squid ball N9 out of 10 and the fish ball 7.8 that SMS good cuz like some people find it a bit exotic like the idea of putting like the sauce espe but once you tried it it's actually really good easy Bring It On girly I take more now let's move on to level three did you grow up in sentr Manila no I grew up in the province Baka actually I wanted to ask a question also cuz in your videos you also make a lot of Filipino foods how did you know those Filipino foods my close friend when I was growing up in high school he was a Filipino Aman so I was exposed to a lot of Filipino Cuisine through her mom so like C B Filipino M this story is so like a real story it's a in the Philipp oh my God your mom City gun so good friends mom always cooks and then you just steal a friends food and that's where my love for Filipino cine really started so I always had a packet of like this is not sponsored but like nors P mix and like Casino mixes also thank you to your Filipino mom for ining marn's Mom oh very Filipino Filipino I think this oh yeah you know bong already yeah B I have in my fridge already come on guys B I love it I even have it just rice also B with eggplant is so good there's really nothing like it you're really the Master Okay so we're going to go eat bong now let's go this is Green Mango or mangang hila in Filipino and this is a very common street food in the Philippines where we just eat it with b b okay yeah so we put the bong on top and we eat it but depending on the origion though sometimes they eat it with different condiments like from my region where I grew up from they eat it with soy sauce and salt but here in Manila in this region Bango own combo is more and when I was growing up in school in elementary school in the Philippines like during recess the Green Mango kuya walk by and sell it so just like that inside the plastic you just eat it inside the plastic like yeah yeah yeah see that's something that like I would never know and that's a very like it's really amazing that you have these like Memories growing up with these street food and like how to eat it so it's a peculiar combo green mango and B especially for a foreigner so that's why I put it in level three but since she's a fan of B it might not be that challenging for Dina try here you go ah me first yeah you go first ah she's my guinea pig okay good reaction but I love Green Mango okay let's try oh very different from what I thought it was going to be like how is it like the only mango that I've had is very mushy or frozen so this to me is a big culture shock is not even like creen papaya either it's a very different realm there's like M right yeah there's a little bit of bitterness coming at the end like pamelo a little bit but it's really nice it tastes a lot like twin like a young apple is what it tastes like a green apple and I'm a big fan of sour and also salty so this is like so my kind of food like and what is B made of normally shrimp but then there're also different variations honestly I could eat this with rice even like I don't know if you guys do that but I they do like I feel like that's one similarity between Filipinos and Koreans is that we both love rice so how would you rate this Green Mango love it I'll give it a 8.8 out of 10 o w but it's not like crazy to me like it makes sense and it's really about the flavor combination and me loving sour food and Filipinos also loving sour and fermented food it's really really right up my alley really has some Filipino blood maybe maybe so now we're going to get more more exotic now so we're now going to move on to some exotic Grill let's go oh it's level four so obviously it looks exotic and this is the Filipino barbecue these ones in this more like dish right so you would usually need a rice and eat it like inside since we're having street food what's famous among the street food options here is the Exotic Parts the small ones I I'll give you the option you can choose but what I suggest is the eso which is chicken in oh are you possibly offer trying other parts yeah totally I've never tried chicken head before so let's get the chicken head are you sure you want to try all of these maybe not all thank you so we have the Exotic eHow eHow again is the grill wait but the chicken I never tried chicken head myself me neither I think that's the first for me never seen chicken head ever but I know a lot of the tat or the aosi love to eat this like while oh I never seen any young people even eat this do you eat chicken pets you do maybe he's not young China in China try easy first this one this is the chicken intestine you know how in CA we also eat all sorts of intestine but chicken intestine I never seen I don't think we eat it that much yeah so it's really everyone's favorite this eel this is my favorite by the [Music] way I don't know what it is it's inside but there's something PR and really nice inside that I really like probably is poop it's the day that I discovered that I like frecking so this one is also like like the banana Cube It's cake by C if you go to a good place it's really good if you go to a bad it's a little bitter this is a good place really good really really good I'm actually very surprised I thought it was going to be bitter too okay gizard gizzard is something that we eat a lot also in Korea as [Music] well M I love this the texture I like how chewy and bouncy it is I just need something very refreshing to like wash it down and today we have water thank you nature spring so next up we have the chicken feet yeah chicken feet I never tried this I mean in Kore I love to eat T but just this particular in barbecue form I never tried it looks really interesting so in the Philippines we call this Adidas really why are you sponsored by Adidas I'm wearing nikee oh you're wearing Adidas actually oh yeah so look at that the three it looks like chicken feet right is that why it's called a yeah no way really since Tina is really trying it there's always a first let's suck some toes tonight we can even like hold hands like [Music] this wow so good a lot of me right here it's good there's a little bit of like Smokey flavor coming out it's sweet and it's actually like not tough at all nice and chewy oh my go it's so good it's really really good it doesn't smell at all so fresh and for me it's like a good excuse to have more like barbecue sauce it's all about the sauce and like in the Philippines they definitely know what they're doing and I love it with a little bit of the vinegar to add a bit of acidity okay so this one the last one you really have to try alone cuz I really cannot they call this helmet yeah I wonder why here we go don't yuck my um no it's [Music] good I was so shocky she just put everything one going like actually the brain is really good the brain nice and creamy and juicy in Korea there's a saying like it's like just by looking at her eating I'm full already it's a bit annoying to eat because there's so much of the head but it's actually surprisingly very sweet and soft and you can see the eye right here oh Chien eye even if it's small honestly the eyes taste like tapioca pearls they taste like Boba it tastes like K I'll just give you the eyes so that you can try for real so this is the eyeball you're going to feed me it's actually not bad it actually tastes like Boba you are my are to speak the truth it's like eating fat tast like the butt of the chicken so how would you rate the eow I think it's a really fun experience also like the whole smell just like completely covers the street and I love just like eating anything grilled street so solid 9.5 out of 10 would have been even better with a bit of beer what's your faite is definitely my favorite so now let's move on to to the epitome of exotic Cino food balut oh gosh I'm a little nervous for this one so balut is I would say even among Filipinos it's really divided so if you have this then you're really the master of Master of Master so usually in a place where they sell bot they also sell pooi which is the normal dock egg like unfertilized yeah so balut is a fertilized dock egg probably know it cuz it's like famous yeah so we're going to try balot just crack it open so you crack it on the side a bit just a little bit and then you know like how in in Germany like they have the the egg cup and then they just open a little and something like that and then once you opened it enough you'll feel the soup so you have to drink the soup first that's the part of the experience very nice it tastes like egg drop soup like a very intense chicken flavor with a little bit of egginess okay so are we going to open up the full thing yeah and now you can have like half and then you just bite it in but I'm going to give it to Audrey so uh you try yours look at her this is what you are right now you're chickening out they say this is really good for your niece ah you can start seeing the chicken ah so this is the eye beak this is the head oh this isn't chicken though this is duck usually right duck so again Suka is our part of a life okay like that you want a little bit okay okay okay honestly it's pretty good I just want a little more chili sauce be honest when you see it on social media like everyone's like oh I thought it was going to be a bit like gross but it's not at all it's actually not it's good the look of it it's hard also like very soft and creamy and it's very healthy as well but you shouldn't have a lot of it cuz it's too high in cholesterol I think the only part that I think that was a little more different from what I've tried is like the hair like the feather I kind of just like chewed through the beak the beak is also quite soft you just swallow the beak yeah you can swallow beak right wow so this is what the losers have so like losers like me who cannot have the balloon we'll have the family this really a thing so this is just uh duck egg that's been boiled yes yes yes yes so it's it's so good too you want to try it sure this one the the yolk is really creamy so yeah it's like a really well cooked egg it's good I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a duck egg and a normal egg yeah yeah honestly like this whole experience is starting from banana C all the way to the fish balls and the barbecue Balo pooi it's been a really really pleasant experience and I could see myself like coming to the market and having a little snack it's really great I really like the way that people eat around here thank you I mean food trip they really know about their food here too how would your rate balloon honestly I'm going to give it a 8.5 out of 10 I actually really liked it and and the soup was something that I've never tried before that's really the highlight of yeah the soup it's like the best essence of chicken ever but thank you so much for taking me around it's been such a fun experience I thank you for coming to the Philippines for this amazing CH like I mean in today's video guys I really learned a lot from Tina herself like really like it it really inspired me a lot guys I'm going to be like Tina for my future food trips as well so thank you Tina I hope you enjoyed the Filipino food trip and yeah I'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music] [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Jessica Lee
Views: 1,179,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jessica lee, filipino culture, korean culture, filipino korean, korean in the philippines, filipino street food, doobydobap
Id: o7j0DO3IbWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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