13 Types of People Stuck on an Island

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[Music] and where is that [Music] i gotta find everyone nice of you to join us kevin did you have a good nap you guys were here all the entire time why did you wake me up we thought you were dead dude well at least you can move me or something [Applause] we tried kevin but we got tired guys are we not going to talk about how we ended up here we don't do that here we kind of just go with the flow but the ship the wreck the shipwreck it's best not to complicate things muddy it is what it is it is what it is all right guys it seems like we are stranded on this island with no food no shelter no phones and no wi-fi we don't know how long we are going to be here but one thing's for sure we're all going to make it out alive this is going to be class t1 t5's biggest challenge but we are prepared we will do whatever it takes and remember no one gets left behind what are you talking about you guys literally left me behind to die i mean you were kind of nearby kevin you know does anyone have any questions maybe we should do a head count to make sure that everyone's here looks like everyone who matters is here wait what was that probably just the local birds i'm pretty sure someone's screaming for help i'm telling you it's just the local birds help me help me help me yep something about right it's probably nothing let's go let's go let's see what this island has to offer there you are get over here i was looking all over for you all right guys let's split up julin gather some wood and build us a shelter to cover us from the hot sun and maybe the rainy night kevin go find her some food oh i don't know fishing or something figure it out trev and abby go look for some landmarks and find out where we are at patient go find a phone or something that can contact civilization debbie this one's easy just go build an sos sign so someone can rescue us yes wait wait how do you spell sos like sos yeah like how do you spell it never mind forget it okay go to the highest point and see if there are any boats that can rescue us and finally reniseon you are in charge of the supplies sublimes like are you sure no yeah don't keep us waiting oh okay all right let's do this yo guys has anyone seen randy's young have you seen randy's son it's been four hours i put him in charge of the supplies and he's nowhere to be found bye what are you doing you got me in charge of the supplies surprise you are literally not helping man okay let me do that one more time close the eyes supplies just go somewhere where i can't see you okay but please give me one more chance i wanna help i wanna help you guys you not helping is already helping okay [Music] right now why aren't you helping us oh i'm playing a game called family island family island it's a casual and easy game for anyone to play so it's about a family who's stranded on an island and their quest is to build their dream home just imagine you're on a boring and old island and then you're turning it into a dream island with all the cool stuff i cannot imagine that well family island can do all that all you need to do is to tap on the screen and send your family to do various tasks to collect resources as they explore the island to eventually build their dream home no way it's that simple well i've been playing this game for hours and i'm not bored of it one bit i even almost lost track of time anyway would you like to join me try to bring me on the leaderboard see supplies i'm number one wow that sounds fun and all can i try [Music] wow this game gives me so much ideas how about let's move to a different island like in this game or or we could gather some wood and build a shelter or or we could upgrade it into a house oh wait that's my job give me back my phone i got something come on baby don't go come on it's you and me boy yeah almost got it really what a shoe and only the left side let's try again i'm hungry for more look it's your knee boys what seaweed yeah yeah come on what is a bottle but there is a message inside maybe it's a map to a treasure there we go all right i am gonna be rich what supply one more time then look kevin is trying his best it's a shirt we're never gonna eat at this point [Music] finally all it takes is some sheer will and determination they need me [Music] you owe me a shirt kevin i can do that too [Music] it's been so long since i've seen civilization i am no longer the same person i was when i first found myself here i don't even remember what it looked like before to survive i've accepted my fate and learned how to drive in this wilderness from just a boy on an island i am now an island boy [Music] vincent what are you doing hunting and what's in this beard it's only been a few hours kind of man dream i'm an island boy they look kind of familiar but i can't figure out who i thought the audio was weird what do you mean oh me i've always been like this wait a minute [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] is so sharp ah this is a really smooth one [Music] we should get those coconuts i don't think i can do this i don't think i can be as a shelter julian if you don't build us a shelter then we're not gonna have a place to eat sleep or even hide from the animals at night but to sleep hey if you don't start now that snake is going to be the least of your content so who's going to climb the tree stupid snake stupid wood stupid friends why am i the only one building the shelter this is what happened the linking was still around need some help no i'm done wow it looks amazing thanks i was inspired by my own house in family island wow we're so lucky to have you julene um forget i say anything well at least you still have the materials to rebuild it right forget i said anything it's awful to have still up uh forget i say anything i'll take this though [Music] we are all gonna die here we don't have food for the next day i hate this we wait we're not even gonna last a day out here you know how am i gonna survive with this much water i don't even have any water i'm so thirsty it's safe to drink tears is it safe to drink the sea water [Music] here you go trav [Music] not all of it oh sorry you won the song you know what let's look on the bright side we are here surrounded by all our friends the waves are calm the sand is soft and we get to spend time together right what makes you think i want to be straight now island with no food no water no internet no anything but you have me isn't that enough do you have wi-fi why do you need wi-fi so desperately when i'm here with you i hate this island i hate this ocean crush you ocean [Music] yes [Music] no boats really what i can't hear you i can't hear you just tell me later [Music] no boats oh man it's so hot i'm burning ah let me fail myself [Music] the wind i didn't know i was this strong [Music] okay i'm all cool down now back to look out [Music] still no boats hmm no no ants ends oh my god so many hands as with my feet no i don't like so many hands oh my god ah natural habitat wait a minute those people look familiar hey hey hey ah forget about it anybody wants to go to the hot tub i don't like ends okay no ends no more ends no more ends okay focus got to find the boats [Music] no boats ah man this sucks [Music] debbie why are you so calm and happy trav i never had a dream like that before it's so unique i can't wait to write it in my dream journal when i wake up what are you talking about debbie this is real this is real life you're so silly track look at that that would never happen in real life look [Music] no snap out of it debbie baby i have another example to show you [Music] we don't need that [Music] nicole where do you get all these in fact where do you get the stove visit has been trying to start a fire and you're telling me you had this all this time well no one asked what can i have some uh nope come on i'm starving how about we trade for this what can i have that you possibly want well what do you have well charlene gave me this friendship bracelet before she left but i guess desperate time calls for desperate measure she doesn't even go here anymore man how about you give me a shoe my shoe just a left one okay i guess here you go here how am i supposed to cook this you should have thought about it before giving me a shoe [Music] why do you even need a left shoe i thought it'd be funny guys am i seeing this right is that a boat oh you're right we are saved whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a minute it doesn't look safe who knows how long this boat has been here how about let me try it first and see without my weight no i wouldn't want us to sing the middle of the ocean yeah that's a good idea go for it terry take off the team right it's moving you're safe it's moving [Applause] is it me or is he getting smaller he's not coming back is he i don't think so [Music] guys i get all the wood i could find a bit of a wooden raft i think we can use it to get out of this island whoa whoa whoa maddie i knew you had a creativity to build something yeah it's nothing i just threw a bunch of sticks together i'm sure anyone can do it well i can't so great but guys let's be realistic about this there are more than 10 of us here and how many is the raft gonna take at most four and even if we do decide to use the rough we have no idea how strong the current is going to be it might look calm now but the sea is unpredictable i say we use the wood from the rough take it apart and we build the help sign so that the players can spot us easily i guess we could do that but what if no one sees the sign but what if the raft doesn't work you know what i kind of agree with denise on this as much as i want to get out of this island that rough is way too dangerous what do you think vincent i'm sure you wouldn't want us to feel right i mean you could at least try right no harm in trying besides not all of us have to go just some of us to find a rescue boat and if it doesn't work we'll build a side all right let's go save the day i think your idea was better what it's like it's floating away oh no that's not working maddie i thought wraps are supposed to float no yeah so that didn't work let's build a sign we lost all the wood [Music] at this rate we're never going to make it out of here and there's still so much to do we have so much homework to do if i die on this i like my mom is going to kill me and we have n of your exams to study for don't worry about it denise i mean i guess when we're back i could you know maybe help you with your homework maybe my my at home maybe your homework yeah and at least that's something right [Music] why are you so angry what did i do are you gonna be useful for once [Laughter] no it's okay i'm in the middle of family island in fact i'm almost done with the final task so i can upgrade my height all i need to do is to mine some stones hover some bushes for some sticks and i'm all set so i'm gonna send the dead to my some stones the mother to cook some dinner and the children to harvest some bushes for some sticks and i'll have an upgraded heart you know i suggest that you guys try it out because it is way better than hunting some food building some houses like what we're doing ain't nobody got time for that wait so all this while you have a phone with an internet connection and you didn't even bother to try and get some help chen how to make me not helping is helping so i am not helping so i can help hey do you see what's on crap no since when you run so fast wow guys all these wall races had a phone what randy zhang all this time you had a phone uh i didn't thought it was important you don't see me going around asking for people's points dude if you haven't noticed we are stranded on an island yeah it's quite evident never mind oops i think i played family island for too long supplies i you don't get to talk guys we might have to accept the reality that we're never gonna get out of this island i'm gonna miss something buddy going to miss wallater i'm going to miss mr dan [Music] [Laughter] well if we don't get out there's not another group of people i'd rather be with i'm glad we're doing this together [Music] together [Music] how about i make up for my mistake and sing you guys a song i know it's been a super long day things could have been better but it's okay cause i know that we got each other someday when we are all in great hanging out with other grownups watch the young ones play just do know that we got each other sometimes we just don't see eye to eye no light but we gotta appreciate these times passing by say goodbye [Music] this is a really long dream you know what abby after all this time being stuck on an island with the fear of death made me realize how much we need each other i think our relationship just got stronger after today can't wait to see what the future will go for us i'm breaking up with you wait what what you can't do this to me after all i just said yeah it's exactly what you just said after all this time stuck on an island with the fear of death i just realized that there's so much i want to do in life but i can't do it with you no hard feelings right we can still be [Music] friends friends gets new keys right [Music] if we never make it out i want you to know um [Music] [Music] hanging out with other grown-ups watch the young ones play just do know that we got each other that was great renison kevin you want me to sing you another song let's just call it a night we figure out what to do in the morning anyway where's our shelter yeah where's our shelter hmm mr minevex is that you guys wake up mr moneybags is here mr moneybags is here to save us are you here to save us mr moneybags save you i just bought this island you guys are trespassing so get out of my island wait hold on could you at least give us a ride home [Music] ah whatever follow me get on the ship but guys in the hot tub we're going home i'm still on an island no way a dream we need a dream it gets better and better give me a minute [Music] when we were singing [Music] surprise it's me again i hope you guys enjoyed this video like this video and if you guys want to be stranded on your own island download family island on the app store or the google play store and try to beat me on the leaderboard links are in the description below so hey i said no guys over here oh okay but but do you have a phone charger no no ow no i'll tell anyone can i go on a hot tub nope [Music]
Channel: JianHao Tan
Views: 8,706,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jianhao tan, jian hao tan, jianhao, the jianhao tan, thejianhaotan, jian hao, jianhaotan, kim lee, singapore, singaporean, youtuber, youtubers, youtube, titan, academy, jianhao Denise, together, campfire, camping, island, sea, shipwreck, trev, abbey, break up, get together, stuck, stranded, build, house, argue, Vincent, Maddy, cry, swim, fish, fishing, family island, coin master, ren yi Xiang, nerd, nerdy ren yi Xiang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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