17 - "Can the Dead Speak to Us?" - John Lomacang - SCM 2017

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[Music] [Music] welcome to 3abn spring campaigning 2017 exposing the counterfeits [Music] hi I'm Shelly Quinn and boy is it my privilege to introduce our speaker for this hour but first I just want to welcome all of you who are here tonight and all who are watching by television or on the radio I could say so many things about Pastor John Roman King but I want to be respectful of his time so this is what I'll say he is an anointed minister of the gospel and an anointed minister of music but he's my pastor and most of all he is a man of God he walks the talk before he comes to present to us a wonderful topic can the dead speak to us will be his topic tonight before he comes however we've got Reggie and ladye love Smith who are going to join us once again and they're going to be seeing ho and Tim Parton on the piano and they will sing turn your eyes upon Jesus thank you Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] and [Applause] [Music] we straight [Music] can we say Amen again thank you Tim Thank You Reggie thank you lady let us turn our hearts to the Lord tonight as we open his word on a very potent topic can the dead speak to us now I don't know what time it is where you are but if it's late don't die because the Lord wants to speak to the living tonight can we save me let us bow our heads loving father in heaven we thank you for the privilege of opening your word tonight we ask Word of God speak in Jesus name we pray amen this is a topic that has eluded the minds of so many yet I could end a sermon with one simple answer can the dead speak to us and the answer is no and I can close with prayer but the but the confusion would not cease and so tonight we're going to let the Word of God speak clearly and if you give me your ear I will let you hear what the Word of God has to say the belief that we have a living soul that keeps on going after we have physically died is a 6,000 year old lie that refuses to die the only thing that keeps on living is the lie not the soul but for whatever reason when that topic is discussed and I've spoken to people through the years about what happens when we die we are not saying that we don't go to heaven we are saying that we don't go to heaven immediately but if you trace the origin of this continued lie you find clearly that it was born in the Garden of Eden one of the oldest lies Satan ever told consider Genesis chapter 3 and verse 4 if you have your Bibles you can turn there but if not it'll be on the screen then the serpent said to the woman together you will not surely die as a result of that six thousand year-old lie today people believe that their dead relatives can still contact them others believe that their dead relatives are now their guardian angels I have a niece who said now I'm so glad my mother's watching over me I said no your mother is not your guardian angel your guardian angel is your guardian angel and I'm glad that our dead loved ones are not in heaven watching us because heaven really won't be heaven come on say Amen if they see some of the things that we do long after they're gone they would say Lord could you send me back to earth to straighten out my loved ones some even ask the dead for advice and believe that the dead periodically visit I've heard that before even in my own church not this one but in the evidence Church we have people that have become Adventists and instead of letting the Bible get rid of the fairy tales and the traditions that were formerly believed by their families or in their culture there are some cultures that believe in ghosts and evil spirits and in the West Indian culture in Jamaica they call this Duffy there's some individuals that I remember one person said when you come to visit me knock on my door three times he was one of my elders I said elder why he said because ghosts only not twice so my wife and I visited him and we not twice anything who is it I said it's the pastor open the door he said pastor I told you not three times I said I'm going to do everything I can to get rid of that satanic lie what do you say others talk openly to their dead waiting for answers as so many talk shows have said from the other side there is an other side but our loved ones are not there yet some go to the cemetery and talk to the graves as though they are being heard some say they died and floated above their bodies before returning and sometimes the devil uses children I've seen books written with children on the cover there was a little book a little boy that is the focal point of a book that written that was written and he said I died and went to heaven and he brought back a message he said God gave him a message from the other side that we really don't die and the devil uses an innocent face of a child to sometimes break down our resistance to lies but let me say this clearly and with a lot of love no matter where the lie come from no matter the age is still alive some say they died went to heaven and returned with a message from God some claimed to have the ability to conjure up the spirits of the dead had church members that once said to me we have a ghost that visits us on Sabbath when we're having lunch and once again not here thank the Lord and they said oh it's a funny ghost it makes us laugh there was one family member that said dad that's not funny well they said it's adult as a joke that it's a ghost that gives us jokes every time it shows up as it's breaking down your resistance to spiritualism and they said what should we do and I told them what to do and praise the Lord it never continued that that never continued in their home it ceased but there are those that embrace that and somehow cultural conditioning plays its role in the idea that people continue to live after they die some say that they embrace their dead children when they reappeared a lady talked about the fact mattify that knows the one that sent me a message through Facebook she said she had a 45-minute talk with her mother I said well how did it go said it really went well I said well that's good but then she told me her mother died I said that's not your mother and somebody said to me no don't tell her that's not a mother you're going to send her I said she'll be more offended if that lie continues in one day she has a face-to-face meeting with the devil when you deal with topics that are so ingrained you got to be truthful but you have to be loving you can't beat up the person that believes it you got to beat up the devil that told oh come on save man sometimes it's conveyed with such conviction that one would believe it's based on Scripture but tonight praise the Lord tonight the Bible is going to expose the counterfeit behind this teaching only as we examine the Bible can we conclude what the teaching is about after we die what happens when we die don't allow the talk-shows to tell you don't allow the movies to tell you don't allow those in positions of power to tell you if it's not based on God's Word it is not a sure foundation but since death is the opposite of life let's begin with the process go to Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 if there's anything that survives death the Bible will reveal it here's what the Bible says Genesis 2 and verse 7 and we go back to the beginning and the Bible says and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a what man became a living soul now if you look at that in various various translations I'll share some of the other translations in just a moment but the bible does not teach that man was given a living soul the Bible teaches that man became a living soul simply simply put when God's formed man of the dust of the ground man was simply a pile of dust I have a good friend of mine that's a that's a pathologist you know they do autopsies when a person dies and he says when you read that text that the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life he said if you only understand what's between the surface and the bone he said it is fascinating the layers that God put in place the organism that continues to work from the skin to the bone even inside the bone he said God designed all that so it's not just flesh and breath but somehow from the Garden of Eden when when the devil said to Eve you will not surely die there are some of you sitting here tonight that still believe that let me test it how many of you would spend the night in a cemetery raise your hand maybe you didn't hear me I want to say some of you can not me ain't no way let me tell you the cemetery is the safest place in New York City hey men you can put your wallet next to you you want to find someplace safe in Chicago go to the cemetery everybody in there is already dead a medicine box and they put up fences nobody wants to go in any nobody coming out now out here it's different you can walk up to the cemetery drive down the street and stop and read the cemetery stones but the reality is somewhere deep inside of us and the movies have messed us up some of us before we became a Christian watched movies that we wish we never watched we had some friends visiting us from New York City I never forgot that we were living I think on angel Lane or over here wherever it was and was during camp meeting and they said would you walk us to art would you walk us to our car I said why this it is dark outside I said what's outside is that we don't know but could you walk us to our car I said this is not New York he said that's not what I'm concerned but I can't see what's outside it's not what's happening outside is what's happening inside the devil plant sees in our mind that germinate and they go on to make us fearful I'm not fearful of a dark anymore matter of fact when I first left New York City and in moves we eventually moved to California when we began to live in Placerville with the heritage singers my complaint was it was too dark to sleep but my wife can tell you now if the light on my phone lights up my room it's too bright to sleep I like total darkens anybody else got to be dark for me to sleep and my wife says if you just close your eyes it'll be dark I said no I know that there's still a light on somewhere that's how it messes with your mind there's a light somewhere so I put a I put I put a towel over the top of the phone because it's charging at night it blinks intermittently she says honey really if you just close your eyes I said honey there's a light on in this room I know it but it's not the dark that we need to be afraid of it is the ligh sown in our lives through the decades in some cases 4050 years some people still have that seed in them that keeps them fearful the body is formed from the dust of the ground and when God completed the construction of man he breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living soul and so the fact of the matter is until God breathed into man this is huge until God breathed into man man was not alive now the sad reality of this in Hungary elmerita Texian Ecclesiastes the sad reality is if this next text is ever used to believe that we go to heaven when we die then we have a serious problem let's look at Ackley's yes Keyes 12 and verse 7 look at life in Reverse life in Reverse Solomon says then shall the dust return to the what earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who did what who gave it so some people says there it is the spirit goes back to God but now here's the problem if they say that the spirit that goes back to God is a man if they say the spirit that goes back to God is a man then they are saying that man came from heaven came down to earth God in the body brought the body back to life and when the body dies he gets out of the body and goes back to heaven man did not originate in heaven amens and body God formed him from the dust of the ground and then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life it is not the man that goes back it is the breath of life I was going to bring a bulb with me but most of you know what a bulb looks like if you turn your lamps off what does the light goal I want to check the light doesn't go anywhere it just stops illuminating it ceases to function it doesn't go back to the power plan clean old lights hanging out somewhere in tongues and go waiting to leave and come back to my house it is the filament inside the bulb and the gas in the bulb with the filament that causes it to illuminate if the filament breaks the gas is going to do nothing the gas doesn't go anywhere when we die there's nothing hanging out saying I can't wait to leave but somehow some people believe that one scientist said they weighed the body of a dead person after they died and they notice was a few grams lighter ah evidence he's in heaven but according to the Bible I said according to the Bible God makes it clear what is in that brings man from death from a comatose state to life look at job 27 to first three here's what the Bible teaches all the while my breath is in me and the Spirit of God is where in my nostrils how did the Spirit of God and if you look at the word there in the Hebrew it is the breath the life-giving force of God is in my nostrils how did that happen God put it there when he created Adam and by the way we don't have that if a person's life is slipping away we can give the mouth to mouth or nose to mouth resuscitation we can blow but our breath does not have life in it only the breath of God amens embodied in him was life and that life was the light of men and the Apostle Paul says only God has immortality we are not naturally mortal by Nature and that's good I was listened to a case one day about a lady who killed another man's wife and in court after the case was decided that this lady was going to face the electric chair the husband of the wife who was killed the judge said do you have any last words to say and the man said I cannot wait till she dies so that she can go to heaven and my wife is waiting to pay her back [Music] I'm not even laughing you know why because that's the sad reality that's what people believe I read the story when I was in living in California about a man who was a who was an immigrant a farm worker and they were so poor five family members that this man killed his family starting with his grandmother killed his wife and his three children and he wrote a note he said we are too poor we cannot live we cannot afford to live but at least now we are in a better place that's what that belief has done that's the belief behind terrorism they believe they're going to die and there are some kind of pledge you're waiting for them in heaven let me tell you something you don't kill somebody and go to heaven and have pleasure Amen somebody matter of fact when you kill somebody there's a judgement you don't even escape judgment there's a day coming that every one of us has to give an account for what we've done in this light but now listen to Genesis 2 and verse 7 in the New King James Version and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being a living being a total individual if I stop breathing I'm dead I don't this is not the continuance of life in another location death does not change your address if the ball dies in your lamp do you sell it for somebody else who put it in their lamp let me think about it death is the end of life not the continuance of life somewhere else man became a living being and Adam understood that if you go back to Genesis chapter 3 verse 19 Adam understood his fate Adam had no preconceived idea that he was going to die and go right back to heaven because Adam though he did not come from heaven the Lord made it very clear in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 19 God revealed to Adam his fate it's clear notice what the Bible says in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread and follow carefully till you return to the to the ground how clear for out of it you are taken for dust you are and to dust you shall return is that clear you don't return to heaven because you didn't come from heaven we went to Utah what's that major city in Utah Salt Lake City Utah my wife and I went a few years ago and we walked around in the Mormon temple and we saw some beautiful paintings some beautiful artwork and one would call the cycle of life where they where they showed a picture of a man in heaven in spirit form and they showed a body on earth that was not alive yet and if you follow the cycle of life they see that this man that existed in spirit form was sent down to earth to inhabit his body that was in physical form and he brought that body to life and they say the spirit and the body looked identical and if he did not so to speak learn the lesson in this life then he had another cycle to go we were in India and went to the Hindu temples and we saw they said there's a certain word that if you keep saying it and saying it and saying it and you repeat it enough times before you die you get a chance to come back a mantra but it's all based on the same lie that ye shall not surely die said another way you'll die but not surely David the psalmist makes it very clear some 146 in verse 4 David said his breast goeth forth he returneth to is what his earth in that very day what happens to his thoughts his thoughts perish that's a good thing because can you imagine if people died and they thought about you after they died there's some people that say I can't wait my uncle's going to get you for what you did to him we said how's that going to happen he may be dead but he didn't forget what you did really in that very day his thoughts what perish no more thoughts after that I had an experience with my dad he was from Barbados he's resting now and I was at I was going through a difficulty financially once and I called him I said Papa I need an X amount of dollars and he said no now I was raised with the word no if not everything I asked for it no but I tried it again and he still said no so I asked his wife and she gave me the money and when she died he said don't forget you owe me $1,000 I said no I don't know her and I said all debts are canceled at death amen I got a call from I got a call from singer Hut one day they said we're calling to speak to Rosie that's my mother's name I said I'm her son she's not here right now they said she has a debt an outstanding debt that we are making an attempt to collect can you put her on the phone I said I would love to but she's in the cemetery in st. Thomas in the Virgin Islands they said sir can we please speak to her I said if you think I'm going to make up a lie like that to prevent my mother from paying a bill then you don't know me and I hung up the phone they never call back I guess they never got a call from her when we died they mentioned by our thoughts do not continue going on as a matter of fact when the ark floated only eight people made it on the ark everybody that was outside the ark did not make it Genesis 17 Genesis chapter 7 verse 15 notice what the Bible says and they went into the Ark of Noah two by two of all flesh in which is the breath of life but look at verse 23 of Genesis chapter 7 what happened to those that did not go into the ark the Bible says so he destroyed all living things which were on the face of the ground both Man and cattle creeping things and bird of the air they were destroyed from the earth only Noah and those who were with him in the ark remained alive so if you didn't make it in the ark you didn't make it through the flood there were no people there were no souls outside of the flood still swimming around after the flood had subsided only those in the Ark of safety continued to live and that's why the word at the very end the last two words remained alive said it with me remained alive remained alive which means if you were not on the ark you did not remain alive you were dead Luke 17 verse 27 says it this way look at that the Bible says they ate they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and the flood came and did what destroyed them all not only were the wicked destroyed and Noah's day the Bible read that there is no such thing as a soul that survives death now I'm going to give to you a scripture that you may not have read before because you know we know those verses but let's go to a Bible verse that you may not have read before on this particular topic and you know by the way this is a topic that from Genesis all the way to Revelation is extremely clear in the Bible Joshua my wife and I read in the Bible together and we are now in the book of Joshua well no judges now we just finished Joshua a few weeks ago we're in judges now when you read your Bible let me just say this when you read your Bible no matter how long it takes you there's some people that read their Bible through in a year I can't do that because I'm a Gleaner which means I got to stop and get something out of an amen Brenda got to get something out of it there's some people that read through the Bible like they're in a hurry I went through my Bible in the year what did you learn they went by in a blur my wife and I took seven years to read the Bible through in one year what we learned something now we going through it again and I found the scripture that I didn't see last time around Joshua 11:11 notice what the Bible says Joshua 11:11 and they smote this King James Version and they smote all the souls that were there in with the edge of the sword doing what utterly destroying them there was not any left to breathe and he burned his aura with fire they stopped breathing all the souls were destroyed not a single soul was left so this idea that we have souls that wait to be released to go on living is not a supported belief by the scriptures it doesn't exist matter of fact ezekiel 18:4 makes it even clearer look at Ezekiel 18 and verse 4 the Bible says behold all souls of mine the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine the soul who sins shall what shall die now there's a text in Matthew this is not in my notes so you're not going to get it slide then I'm going to go there very quickly and read this one to you it's okay to add extra verses it out is that right let's look at one in the Bible here it is Matthew 10 verse 28 I'm going to read a scripture to you that a lot of people read to support the idea that souls don't die but but when they read the scripture the only reason they come to that conclusion is because they don't read the scripture follow me Matthew 10:28 and do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul they stop right there and say see there but if you keep reading you'll see that the soul is not an immortal entity but rather fear who fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell now pastor how do you get away from that one easy that is the very beliefs that encouraged Christians to be martyrs because they knew that all that man could do to them is kill the body but they will come forth in the first resurrection come on say Amen only God can keep you from coming forth in the first resurrection but if the first death eliminated any possibility of living again then the Bible would talk about that but I'm going to get further in the message and talk about how we come forth but the soul is not immortal because if the soul is immortal the word immortal means cannot die but there's nothing we have that cannot die men could kill our bodies but they cannot in the word their soul means the living being they cannot take they cannot wipe you out whether you died in a car accident whether you die in a plane accident can I get a little gruesome weather shark has-- you for dinner no matter how you go out Jesus can bring you back in amen so it's not how you die when you read Hebrews chapter 11 the Bible says that those who chose not to be delivered did not give their lives for a good funeral they saw a better resurrection a better resurrection you can you can bury some body in a golden casket it will not guarantee the first resurrection and you can you can bury some body in a plastic bag it will not prevent the first resurrection when we were in Dubai a few years ago and we were surrounded by opulence wealth but they but they humbled me when I was amazed by a seven star hotel 24 karat gold around the frames and all the pieces in the room and by the way we didn't stay there just for the record and they show the pictures of the sheiks and the men that have this this opulent massive wealth and I said well what happened when they died is a tall no matter how much money they have when they die we wrap them in a shroud take them to the desert dig a hole drop them in and the only thing we say is see you wouldn't want to be now I kind of changed that a little bit I doubt they talk that way and Dubai but they said in a few days we don't even know what happened to them because it's because the sand covers them over their wealth does not even buy them an opulent funeral they just cover them over because they realize that's it no matter how wealthy you are your money can't do anything for you right now the soul that sins it will die Ecclesiastes 9 verse 10 go there with me go there with me the Bible says whatever your hand finds to do do it with your might in other words do it energetically and here's why for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave and get these last three words four words where you are going is that clear so if somebody says where are you going read this text in the grey wears it with the text say in the grave when I was in New York recently my sister works for the fire department of New York and she was there for 9/11 and she spent 90 days just collecting body parts they said she she said they found the head of the chaplain of New York City that when the buildings came down his body was obliterated pieces of fingers arms limbs that are separated they spent 90 days and she said to me we I can I can quit now on insanity and get a full salary because of all the things I've seen over the last few years and so I said now where have all these people been buried she said there's no more place in New York to bury anybody unless you had a pre-purchase plot there's no space in New York to bury anybody so where do they bury them in New Jersey do you realize that if the Lord doesn't return in the next hundred years we won't have any place to be buried no amens required that alone ought to tell you that we ain't going to heaven we need a place to be buried and there we stay until Jesus comes again Amen somebody that's why when I hear pastors say well we having a homegoing sermon or homegoing service you ain't going home you sure you going back to your house so they try to dress it up where we having a homegoing service the homegoing idea is not supported by scripture except you believe a job says but grave is my house that's the only home that we're going to be in until Jesus comes back amen look at psalms 115 verse 17 I'm teaching tonight I'm not preaching I'm teaching that okay I want to teach the Word of God is important because people believe that family members reunite in heaven people believe that people up in heaven having praise services they said in 1 Michael you know what also in the world no matter how you lived you're going to go to heaven anyhow Michael Jackson they say is in heaven I don't know where he is I'm not the judge they say the rat pack they might know where that is Sammy Davis well you know who I mean Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis is that the other one well whatever you know who I mean Frank Sinatra they say the Rat Pack or in heaven me say Liberace is in heaven playing his piano my question is how does this piano get there that's why we've got to let the Bible speak for itself can I get an amen look at psalm 115 verse 17 the Bible says the dead do not praise the Lord the dead do not praise the Lord so while you're alive you get a chance to praise the Lord praise the Lord but the dead don't praise the Lord nor any who go down into silence not up into praise but now let me go ahead and share an amazing concept with you if our thoughts perish when we die is it safe to say that the brain also ceases to function yes or no okay now it's going to get deeper if the brain if people can be declared brain-dead while their heart is still beating are they still thinking long after the heart stops beating that was deep wasn't it if the heart is still beating and they are declared brain-dead meaning vain thinking Diddley if they're still if the brain is dead while their heart is still beating wouldn't be safe to say that when the heart stops the brain also ceases to function ecclesiastical verse five and six that's why God teaches the following for the living know that they will die but the dead know nothing and they have no more reward for the memory of them is forgotten it doesn't mean you forgot them it means the memory ceases to function also their love their hatred and their Envy have now perished never more say never more never more will they have a share in anything done under the Sun so the next time you have a dinner don't set a plate people do that don't set a plate for your loved ones don't throw salt over your shoulder and don't fall for the idea that they're trying to send you a signal cause the clock is at 7:30 this is what we're this is what we are being bombarded with this is what the media wants you to believe look for the signs if you could look for the signs you'll find that they're trying to communicate somehow not been communicated you know who's trying to communicate the devil is trying to communicate that's why the Bible uses the word in the Old Testament familiar spirits somebody said but it looked just like mama well how long has a devil been around don't you think he could take a picture of your mama and reduplicated but she said something only that I knew he also has a tape recorder so don't be amazed that you heard something that only you and your mama know the devil knows more about some of us than we know about ourselves that's why the Lord made it very clear John chapter 11 come on go quickly now John chapter 11 verse 14 verse 11 to 14 jesus said speaking to martha speaking to his disciples these things he said verse 11 of john 11 and after that he said to them our friend Lazarus sleeps but I go that I may wake him up the venez disciples said Lord if he sleeps he will get well however verse 13 Jesus spoke of his death but they thought that he was speaking about taking rest in sleep then jesus said plainly to them together Lazarus is dead I was talking to a pastor once and he got upset he said do you believe in soul sleep I said no I believe in death this is not my topic but I'm going to add one more thing they said you don't believe in Hell either I said no we believe in a hotter hell than you do Amen because they nobody in a rotisserie forever when they burn up there hey men somebody better give me that topic so I can preach that one but the clarity of what happened when Lazarus died was understood by Mary and Martha look at verse 23 and 24 jesus said to her your brother will rise again Martha said to him I like this I know that he will rise again when did she say in the resurrection at the last day clearly listen to the resurrection John 5 verse 28 and 29 by the way this is the teaching that has been deleted from Christianity deleted deleted they don't talk about it death is somehow an alternate route they don't talk about the resurrection I had a I had a Baptist manual once or Baptists pamphlet that said yeah they'll be resurrected so the body can be connected back with the spirit the steward comes down goes back in the body and takes the body back up that's the only kind of Resurrection that is even surfacing to some degree but here's what the Bible says John 5 verse 28 and 29 the Bible says do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in which all how many all who are in the graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good to the what resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of what condemnation there are only two resurrections the Dead will be in one resurrection or the other each resurrection has a different destination the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life now follow carefully if the wages of sin is death who receives the wages of sin the righteous of the wicked the wicked who receives the gift of life which is eternal life the righteous of the wicked so how can the wicked who don't receive eternal life live eternally doesn't make sense the wages of sin is still death amens embody Revelation 20 and verse 6 the Bible talks about the resurrection if you die before Jesus comes this is the resurrection you want to be in blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection or was such the second death has no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him how long a thousand years the second death does not affect the Christian but the first death affects everybody everybody dies everything dies there's nothing that has natural immortality everything dies but only those that are raised in the first resurrection doesn't die a second time so here's the formula born once without Jesus died twice born twice with Jesus died once remember that formula Jesus said in John 11 verse 25 to 26 he made it very clear about the blessing of the resurrection he says and this is another one I had to clear up Jesus said to Martha I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me though he may die he shall live and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die do you believe this now what was he talking about now you all know your theological Jesus meant that if you now get it he already said whoever lives and believes in me though he were dead yet shall he live but if you live and believe in me you shall never die what does he mean he means the second death because everybody is affected even Jesus himself was dead for three days everybody is affected by the first death let's look at the second death what happens at the second death matter of fact what happens at the first resurrection first Corinthians 15 verse 51 to 55 go there with me the fact of the matter is the righteous will never die the second death here it is speaking about the coming of the Lord behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed every time I read that I remember seeing that sign on a mother's room you'll get that on Tuesday in one of the churches on the mother's room where they change babies we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed you are alive when will we when will we change when will we be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible has put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is your sting o grave or o Hades where is your victory Amen sand body so now here's the point we've got to be changed before we go to heaven you're not going to go in the condition you went into the grave look at job chapter 14 verse 14 he made it very clear job new this is Old Testament and New Testament Paul says we will be changed from Mortal to immortal from corruptible to incorruptible notice what job says in job 14 14 he says if a man die shall he live again and notice this all the days of my appointed time I will wait together till my change comes I'm waiting for my change let me say this even if you live - Jesus comes you got to be changed come on somebody this here that turns gray these limbs that hurt for no apparent reason will not be taken into the kingdom what do you say we will all be changed the Bible says he will change our corruptible bodies that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body so here's the point if you haven't gotten to the first resurrection if Jesus has not returned you have not been changed if you have not been changed you cannot die and go to heaven mortal man cannot cannot exist in the presence of an immortal God our God is a consuming fire look at job 14 verse 10 we cannot go to heaven until we are changed but man dies in his laid away the Bible says indeed he breathes his last and look at the next three words where is he instead of us saying that the Bible speak as water disappears from the sea and a river becomes parched and dries up soul man lies down and together does not rise till the heavens are no more they shall not awake no be roused from their sleep and Jobe says oh that you would hide me in the grave that you would conceal me until your wrath has passed that you would appoint me a set time and do what remember me now I'm going to say it very quickly what Jobe asks is the same saying the thief on the cross asked the reason why we believe that he went to Paradise right away is because we don't read the verse before that look at what the thief asked Luke 23 verse 42 the thief said then he said to Jesus Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom job said appoint me a said time and remember me the thief said remember me when you come and the fact of the matter is Jesus did not go to heaven that day he went three days later if you read both verses it's cleared up what about the fate of David the apostle David the patriarch that is acts 2 and verse 29 a verse before the fate of David was made clear you see the Old Testament and the New Testament jive together praise God for that men and brethren let me speak freely of you or to you of the patriarch David speak on that he is both dead and what Barry and his tomb is with us unto this day if you stop there you say well where is this tomb I'd like to go visit David but verse 34 says for David did not ascend into heaven he did not ascend into the heavens so where's David he's waiting for the resurrection morning can we say amen to that you see the reality is let me reiterate this I said this earlier but it fits right here we are not saying that we're not going to go to heaven I don't know why people hear that so they say are you saying my mother's not in heaven no I'm saying she didn't go yet right not saying she's not there since she didn't go yet God's got a good plan I'm gonna go when my mother goes come on I'm gonna go with my friends that are sleeping in G we're going to go together ain't nobody up in heaven having dinner nobody moved into their mansions yet I don't know if Elijah lives in the mansion I don't know if Enoch lives in a mansion I don't know where Moses lives but we're going to all have a celebration together read 1st Corinthians chapter 15 not don't go there now but read the whole chapter it's all about the resurrection it's all about what happens after you die the beauty of it is the Lord is going to come back nobody outside of these three individuals mentioned and the 24 elders have met Jesus yet we're all waiting for that grand reunion is like the camp meetings that will outlast all camp meetings you want to talk about being happy some of you that I've never said Amen will finally say it I guarantee you that some people said saying Amen as cultural null I'm a that's going to be dispelled in heaven some of you never said praise the Lord you will when you get there somebody is going to shout I will be one I guarantee I remember years ago Doug you know Doug doesn't always sing but I'm gonna try to get him to sing one day he likes to sing but he's very nervous to do it publicly but he said I said Doug said John when I get to heaven you'll be it'll be easier to find me I call him Douglas we're good friends I said how he said I'll be the only one singing throughout eternity but here's the grand reunion are you ready for it 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 15 to 18 we're going to meet him together praise the Lord let's go quickly for this we say to you by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise when first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up how together mama resurrected my other mother resurrected my friends resurrected and then we say you ready to go I'm ready you ready let's go caught up how together to do what to meet the Lord in the air we haven't met him yet and nobody who has died has met him let the Bible speak to meet the Lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the Lord therefore do what together comfort one another with these words that's why I end with the most beautiful promise of Jesus John 14 verse 3 he says I will come again come on say mental body for what and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also you see friends the day ed can't speak to us but the Word of God can come on dear friend we laid to rest a few years ago he was a member of another denomination never forgot him he was a pilot professional pilot for a commercial airline many years ago he'd always sit in our Sabbath School class right upstairs always tell us his pilot stories I said to do did you fly a Cessna no commercial plane he told me all of his years of experience and he was so excited about Jesus he gave me a picture of the resurrection of Jesus to corrupt the cross of Christ and a poem and a little pendant that had a cross he said pass to hold on to that and one day he missed it so much as a pastor I needed back a web prayer meeting I said I'll give it back to you next week I said but here it is he came to my office after prayer meeting and he said oh I've waiting I've been waiting for that I want to put that on my wall when I go home he drove down the driveway to exit angel lane and he died right there when he left my office he said pastor I'll see you on Sabbath because of the promise of Jesus we're going to spend Sabbath together in heaven with my good friends you see friends but it's not there now if we let the Word of God speak the promise of Jesus will always be our security not some alternate route let the Word of God speak we will see Jesus we will be raised but the fact of the matter is according to the authority of God word the dead cannot speak to us but the Word of God can what do you say thank the Lord for his word hold on till that until Jesus comes again let us pray [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 5,883
Rating: 4.738318 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, John Lomacang, Ghosts, 3ABN Camp meeting, 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting, Death, State of the dead
Id: zxI0sAMXVwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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