#388 How to paint a moon lit beach scene/ You can do it

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g'day how you going ianapolis here your acrylic guru from australia welcome to a live painting a nice easy one found a picture on unsplash beautiful colors something simple i can push through in a live video and i will put the size of the canvas in the links below underneath the links below in the description but it is a 12 inch by 16 and a half inch and the colors will be listed in the description below as well and also check out this a dozen links there check out just what i have down there and what they can do for you and what they do i want to do the sky so you can see here i'm going to have the sky a bit over halfway so i want to get the sky prepped so what i want to do there is grab some craft paint flow white paint it's just this cheap stuff in a bottle okay and i want to mask up the water area for now so there's me line i'm going to go a tidbit under it so as i can rub the little ridge of paint out okay don't need to go down there just yet a little bit of retarder not too much because i'm not doing a lot of blending so back down here to the pile of paint on the canvas there on the palette and we'll get a bit of retarder there this stuff here this it's called retarder because it slows down the drying time of acrylic paints because acrylic paints dry a lot quicker than oils oils take weeks to dry sometimes months where acrylic can take minutes seconds minutes and sometimes days or not days hours so i'm getting all this loaded on my brush so as i can prime up my sky area i don't know what i'm going to call this one yet but um i'll work something out now i just want to my brush is loaded right up see how quick i got all that criss-cross onto the one-third of the canvas and now this bit here no gin and around it just got it right on there i just like to push it in all the areas where there's no paint it's all messy and lumpy and gloggy then i'll use the tip of the brush and just stroke it left and right until it's a nice thin even sheet of wet acrylic paint on the canvas there all right okay now that i'm going to just wipe so i love these kitchen kitchen cloths so i'm going to wipe that just like so oh my goodness what a mess now got some cerulean blue now i wanted this to be a bit dark as well so i might put a bit of i'm just winging and winging it here i've got some phthalo blue and now i'll go over this side where are we you can see my palette there yes i'll go over this side with the violet it's a bit of violet okay now i want me phthalo blue first let's see how dark this can be yep right on the tip of that brush now remember i drew a couple of lines here this is going to that line from the horizon if you want to paint this one this is going to be an easy painting for a beginner okay so i've got it there now i just want to gradiate that into that white for now just like that use the tip of the brush and stroke it smooth the brush is coming down to mr phthalo blue now this will give us a bit of darkness i'm hoping and if it doesn't well at least i tried right down to the horizon line there oh yes and we want to darken that in to that cerulean blue i'm trying to remember the name mine goes blank what i want to do and let me see how dark that is yeah i want to go a little bit more darker so what i might do is just grab oops whoopsity daisy where is it my permanent lindsay and a magenta will do magenta will do magenta i want the slightest bit of all right now the tube's empty look how much i only needed a pin here to look how much i took out of my tube i want to get some of this into there come on because i want to put some subtle clouds in the background i can see something slightly in the picture there oh yeah look at that lovely lovely to stop doing this now i'll go up going up now that's why i put the retarder in there because it kept all that nice and wet for me if i didn't have that there i'll be buggered now i've got to wash that brush this one here which is the what do you call it violet keep forgetting the name let me put her on a brush up with that and i'll go straight against the blue like that boom bring it into the blue what's that on there i want to where it's joining here i want to have a nice transition there before there we go bring it up into that white something's on me board and i know what it is too sometimes when i rough in a picture on my canvas and i'm rubbing out mistake lines you know the little bits of curly rubber that roll up when you're rubbing out pencil i sweep it away but sometimes there's that little one that just stays behind i'm going to put a bit of white with that just see what happens no i've got blue in my brush so don't do that again so i'm just getting that violet in there now that's it and i'll slowly gradiate that to the top of the canvas just like so now we want the gray for the top put some gray down here for the top of the sky because that's what color they got there now i didn't want all that violet mounted up into the gray probably put the slightest bit of blue into that so it's going to complement the blue at the bottom of the sky maybe now i'll go from the top bring it down grab some more bring it down into that violet and let that eight to gradiate her there beautiful i'm gonna push that violet up a bit if i can there we go straight around now that was a very quick and easy sky i hope the camera's doing it justice it looks a bit benny um where are we there that's okay that's okay okay now i'm going to grab my fan brush and some titanium white because there's just the subtlest clouds down there so i want some in that where i put that magenta in the blue so just get some of this and i'm gonna need a blending brush and i can see there's just some itsy bitsy subtle stuff down here like that let's put that there and i'll blend the bottom of that down to buggery blending it i'm trying to keep it lineal as well within the flavour of the painting these are very subtle in the picture so i'm trying to make them subtle here how does that look yeah reasonable reasonable so i'm not cleaning the brush probably a little bit here coming over here where's my horizon line he's right down there that'll do it blend that now you know how sometimes i put weather in me clouds well with this one i'm going to try because it didn't pick it up enough i'm going to try and put a flavor of the magenta down in there so i'll pick up a little bit which is over here i'll wash that brush out first and just a little bit of magenta is that the magenta yeah wow there we go let's see what we can do with this i'll just try a little bit on this one if it doesn't work well then i'll abandon the idea i've got to wipe that blending brush too practice what you preach in yes slightly it's just there i really wanted it to pick up the magenta that i put in the blue before i put the clouds on but it just didn't quite get at them as much as i wanted it to but that'll do and a bit along here within this cloud sink it right down just something subtle all right we can go in there where are we up to we've done that do we want a cloud in the sky quickly before i dry it because if we don't i'll leave it liz pratt wants that so we'll give that for liz pratt so i'm just going to grab some simple titanium white which what i do here simple titanium white into a simple but effective fan brush and work out this the the moon's going to be right here so moons shed off light think and you can work out what part of the cloud will have some light under it so my moon's going to be about there i might do a cloud here which can have some under light hitting it look what i'm doing here i'm scooting it across the sky but in an upward position just like that and some more out there like that did you see what i've done there look how easy that is you can do that i'm telling you right now i need a blending brush i've got another blending brush on the go here now i'll leave the bottom like i said and we'll blend a bit of the just look at the the surface on the canvas is wet and i can just play twist turmoil what i mean when i say that word turmoil i'm leaving some of the under color and then the white it's all over the place different values it's not just smeared into the one value okay and then this is just something for liz pratt she wanted a cloud so i'll put it there didn't have to be there the sky didn't need it but there we go i can just kind of get that a bit more straighter there we go i don't know why i'm whispering now can you see how i left that bright there because that's where the the moon can be hitting some light and that's just a bit of yumminess on there a bit of yumminess i'll leave that there beautiful that's it now i can dry the sky i'm just looking at it looking at it it does need something over here because what i've done looked a bit weird just don't grind the buglery out of it if you want to blend clouds the way i teach them i do it just on and off twisting and adding turmoil and dancing dancing this brush and scraping it sliding it there we go that's just added a bit of flavor to that area of the sky now i can dry it so we can add the moon okay now i've got to take this off and then use my finger just to rub any ridge of paint away down there okay good ridge of paint's gone now i'm going to dry it so i'll dry that i'll just have a look in me pouncer let me get off the emmy pouncer tub just to see if i have one small and oh i do have a tiny one but i want to give me a collect lid so i want one a bit bigger than that that's it that's the one now in the reference pick some of you might think we can get away of just white but i will add the tintiest bit of a bit of indian yellow to warm it up a bit and i've got to open one already down here let's get that one out the way indian let's see how i made this i cut it out out of a bit of board and just slide it for me tubes to not into i've got tubes all up there i'll get a bit of indian yellow so what i'm going to do i'm just going to make the flavour of the moon color with the white paint and the indian yellow so i want to grab my finger this is strong paint there we go get it all in there that's it real it looks white but against white it's yellow now i'll give this a bit of a um spray like that that way it's going to transfer the paint very good i hope now i'm going to do a practice run down here yeah that'll do it so that's what i'm going to do on the canvas gee i didn't make much paint did i look at a bugger or right now we'll get this moon right here i don't know why i dried it i thought i was going to put a template on there i don't want those swirls there i wanna there we go and let me just get the camera out the way so as i can make that a bit rounder this is in the way there we go now i'm going to get my finger and just kind of distort the um pouncer slide marks out of it just with my that's just something to break it up that'll do from here we've got little dull bits in the center which is what's in the pick and it's showing it there a bit wrong there but okay now i've got me put her on a brush we're going to make some water happen i'll dry that a bit more so i can mask it up now i've got to prime this up the way i did for the sky but what colors am i going to use i'm going to use a simple turquoise and we've got some i'm going to get down here i'm going to use some turquoise why i'm using that is because i bought it today and um phallo turquoise i bought it today and i want to use it so that's going to be there and i need some dark bits uh i don't think i'm going to need that i might need the the phallo because it's darker and we got some white as well okay and i'm going to i'm just going to grab what i need for that so i need my little scrambler put that over there um and bits and pieces bits and pieces all right so let's get into it uh where am i up to we want this craft paint where i will put that over here just enough to prime in the bottom i just have a mouthful of my coffee oh yeah now put her on a brush this has still got some retarder in it so i might steal a bit of that and come back over here you don't really need much retarder in this because you're just scrambling i mainly use retarder in this under color this white when i'm doing a sky so a simple sky but they look bullshittingly good they just got that factor there now i've got a mask the sky up a bit so i don't get paint there this is a high-tech tape so i'm just hear that i'm just pressing it on my linen just to make it a bit weaker and i'm going to find my horizon line now which is there now do all the pressing at the edge and i'll just tack it onto the painting that's it i don't want to go rubbing the living buggery out of it there because i might if i'm unlucky peel the paint off when i'm taking it off all right so we'll get this on there i won't go to the tape yet i'll do that dead last great day for painting here i've made myself a coffee went outside and watered the back lawn i want to do a painting i felt inspired to paint now i'll get that to the tape but what i want to do is make sure there's no thick edge against the tape so you don't get that ridge now i'll smoothen that out there we go and i'll just wipe this brush look at all that paint that's on there so much paint look at all that so i'm going to wipe that and get that off there just wipe it on my towel now i want to i'm looking looking we've got turquoise let's see how good this color is it's pretty dark it's the way i want it now it will lighten up with the value of that white on the canvas if i put a bit of white in there and turn the lights on you get an idea how it's going to look or what can happen to it you know so let's get this on our canvas all right it's pretty dark out here oh yeah see the more i rub that in it's going to go lighter i don't want to overdo it now i have said it in tutorials before don't get lost in trying to copy a reference exact if you can help it i'm going to show you what i mean with that but first let me get my aspects into here bits are dark now i'm gonna now it's got contaminated turquoise on there i'm gonna wipe the brush again okay the reason why i'm doing it wiped it again grabbing some more of that turquoise because i want it darker it's not dark enough it's too tropical it's evening out in the ocean let's get some let's dance this along dance it along way out there dance fingers of it along oh yeah look how dark and rich that is i thought i might have needed some phthalo blue to darken it up but i think that's going to do it itself get it to the edge of the painting here dag here we go now i'm going to use this brush level and just stroke it there we go there we go we've got all those dark bits in there now i'm going to show you the reference and show you what i mean by you can paint any reference exactly if you want but you don't have to don't feel obligated that you have to let's see if the camera is going to now see how the water is on an angle going across i'm going to do mine straight and just have a bit of a shore in shot where you can see the ground the the the shoreline okay so that's what i want to do so in wiping that brush getting all that off what color does blue and yellow make blue and yellow makes a bit of a green all right so i'm going to grab uh where is it where is it i'm looking for the here it is yellow ochre yellow ochre just down there now hopefully this will work for me just something i can put at the bottom i'll use this just if there's too much i won't even use that actually i'll use me beyond i've got i'm just taking a bulk of that turquoisey color off with me finger me gloves there we go that'll do just so i can get this down the bottom just a bit of subtle indication of some wet shoreline just coming into shot it's not dry sand it's wet sand okay it's not dry sand it's wet sand i'd said it's wet sand because it just all of a sudden looks like wet sand i need a bit more to strengthen it and then i can do my water ladling and lapping onto this edge here nice and subtly so i'll bring it around there like that that's it it will look like the shallow part of the water now what i do want is me what do you call it my pouncer sorry get tongue tied i'm grabbing that pouncer and some of the yellow paint just to distort some of that white there we go not too yellow can you see what i'm doing there there we go and i'll do it grabbing that pouncer now where's me put her on a brush hang on a minute i can use the blending brush it's okay i keep thinking i've got to use the putter on a brush for everything the bottom of the tape's there so i want to start about here in a very straight line and just push that on oh i didn't really pick that up very well i'll stamp it on then in a straight line all the way down to the bottom of the painting there that'll do it now let's hope i want to water fire that reflection and i'll do it wipe the brush because we got some now i'm gonna get the dark and pull it back just to get rid of those bits on the edge that went out there that's it we've got a distorted um what do you call that reflection just grabbing some water on the toothbrush with some craft paint on a flat toothbrush it's not a concave toothbrush it's a flat one and before i pull the tape off we'll get a bit of shimmer out here as well eh this just adds to your um moonlit shine on the beach there i've done this in many a videos of mine i might have to touch it up where i put the lapping waves coming on we'll see how we go now i'm hoping i don't have a white ridge under that tape when i pull it off so let's get that pulled off there's a bit of a white ridge we're not pulling the under painting off which is good okay how's that looking in there i'm going to grab a flat brush after i wipe my hands my hands are filthy for those people who ask why i wear gloves i don't like all that on my arms um just going to see if i can do anything there blur the horizon line or something not so what i'm going to have to do is grab the turquoise and just go like this getting rid of that white line if i can i'll do that when it's dry anyway i'm not going to fuss with that now all right that's pretty rubbery i want to grab a brush which one can i use i want a fan brush where'd my fan brush go there it is i'll just wash him up 40 minutes now i'm going to grab the titanium white out of the tube i like to use the good paint for this so i want to make the wave and use my scrubling scrambling brush to push it back so let's just say i want to come here off there keep it kind of don't go too up and down like that if you can help it now that's pretty much where the water's finishing and i want to use this brush to scramble but doing it in a left and right motion now you might need yourself a rag let me just grab a kitchen rag and i'll show you in shot what i mean pulling the paint off it so all this can be tempered back but leaving bits of the watercolor there you don't want too much white i want to pull some of that white away just so as i can distort it back and make it look like white frothy foamy water and like i said i might have to fix up some of that shimmer i'll see how i go you want the water to be seen i'm going to do another layer this can sort of come there same again leaving the bottom hard but pulling the top back and that's why i wanted the paint rubbery not 100 drop wet so i can do all this and then we can put another bit of a layer there watch another bit of a layer coming right off from the bottom i mean from the top up making all your frothy foam this is just simple a beginner can do this see that we'll put it another one maybe about here i'm going to do a bit at the time i don't want to go hard on me or dry i should say just looking in there wiping that little scrambling brush this is important to keep this left and right not up and down that's just the way i feel it needs to look leaving that bottom hard white to a degree now if that water painted water was too wet i wouldn't be able to scramble it the way i am and then we'll get we'll finish it off with some dark paint i'm going to come along here now because we can't have one side so we'll come from there there you're getting the gist of it if those people your first time here haven't seen my work before leave me a comment in the below and tell me what you think share like and subscribe if you like what i'm doing i'll continue that's all i'm doing and it's if anything making the water hitting the edge of the shore there or the beginning of the shore and that different color is showing the depth i mean you can go and even put rocks in this and have a wave splashing against a rock but some another one out in across here i don't want that to look a bit robotic in the middle there i want it to look a bit natural if i can help it there we go two years ago cindy hey good on you where's the um water probably have something just coming off here those people that have been following me for quite a few years i just want to thank you for your support and those people that don't know if you want to support my channel watch my ads in my youtube videos they help a lot if you let the ads play or at least 15 seconds of them that's helping the creator some of you already know that some of you don't all right we've got some simple water there now i'm just going to wash that fan brush because i want to use that again just to get a bit of darker turquoise and um i'm just going to clean that brush first bear with me a minute um darker turquoise let me just see yeah okay got it got it i've never done this before so i'm just using my intuition is that what you call it intuition intuition um i want to blend some darker value of band now read me a little scramble okay is that going to be too white just a darker band there how does that look and a bit in there well you know what i do need where's that little little one areas i'm just getting the turquoise on a liner of course under here darkening it up yeah that's it see let's see what that dark bit done along here where's my camera don't want to lose sean just put this in the blue nice shaky nervous like like you're seven years old and you stole your first bubble gum from the shop and you're real nervous oh my cats are mucking around out there probably didn't hear that noise but i heard it and see how that's putting depth under that water lapping down but just on this bluey bit nervous nervous with the chewing gum the bubble gum why i say i remember when i was about five seven years old with one of my brothers at the big supermarket and we took some chewies and we were so nervous really really nervous there we go you can see where that's done now i'll get that a bit some i'm just putting some of that darker paint on here just so as i can scramble some if i can darker bands back but maybe it's dried on me too much how's that looking yeah i shouldn't have done that but it is what it is i'll scramble it now you can even do a silhouette silhouette i want to put that there i want to grab a little brush like this one grab some of that white paint and we can put probably just a little something where i'll put that darker color just a little something there yeah just just getting away with it that'll do it yeah all right and where are we go that'll do it i want to grab the little brush that i've got here and we'll put an autograph on this i marion bridges i'll be 73 wow now i'll autograph this come on mr paint get on the brush there check out the links in the description below share like and subscribe all my tutorials are for sale you can message me on facebook links are below payments are done through paypal be part of the unique people around the world that own original indianapolis art okay i'll whack a frame on this and we'll see how she looks then i could ever talk to you so we'll just come here and let's have a look at that oh the top of it's up there there we go that's not too shabby in a frame is it nice and simple so the picture had the water going here i've just made it my way but i've used the reference as a subject matter okay and that's just got distant way out there a bit of shimmer coming down here and i know you can do it all right thanks for watching hope you enjoyed that like i said check out the links in the description below share like and subscribe and if you like what i'm doing you be sure to tell your friends but if you don't like what i'm doing well hey tell everybody all right goodbye good luck and good on you
Channel: Ianapolis
Views: 298,672
Rating: 4.877624 out of 5
Keywords: how to paint clouds, how to paint a waterfal, sunset, ian harris, ianapolis, water, blending clouds, coronavirus, moon, acrylic guru, how to use acrylic paint, friday night live, australia, sexy, america, tall palms, ocean, costal scene, sunlit, bird, how to paint in acrylic, outback, highway, country hillside
Id: wQ0HNwAylf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 18sec (2538 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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