#162 Preparing Old Driveway For Stone!

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[Music] so welcome back everyone Mike here I am down here at the new house this morning and I'm gonna do some work on this driveway I'm planning on stoning this driveway maybe late next week something like that it's all going to depend on the weather it has been raining a ton lately we've been getting storm after storm you know like every 15 18 hours it seems the storm that's a little wet down here today but I think it's just dry enough for me to do what I need to do but like I say there's a lot that has to come together before I can get this driveway stoned next week so I'll kind of show you what I got going on here and what I'll be working on and then I'm gonna get started so first thing up here by the garage I need to get all this cut out just a little bit to allow room for stone widen it out a little bit clean this area up right over this little wall here I'm going to take this corner out here I'll end up building like a new wall here in the future not anytime soon I'm going to cut that back a little bit where that grass is by where I put that French drain in over here I need to cut this all down and then there's a ditch over there by that big pipe because there's a swale from up behind the house and the water runs down there so I need to re-establish that to keep that water over that way I need to cut all this material out of here and lower this all down a little bit just to make room for the stone I got the ditch works really well here remember here's that pipe from the French drain it's working but as you come down the driveway here all my excess dirt that I'm gonna be digging out up there I'm just gonna stalk POW it right here for now because once I trim all these lower branches on these big pine trees out of here I have a spot over that way where I can waste this material you know when it dries up so I'll come in from that way so temporarily I'll just stockpile this material off the driveway right here and I need to put a pipe in there's an old pipe where this ditch runs into right there but I'm gonna put a new pipe in here and take this fill material I have here and just kind of level this out although this is kind of far from the house this will be like some bud you know another one or two additional parking spots down here so if you remember a few videos ago I put a whole bunch of fill in here and I widened all this side it was very narrow I cut some trees out of the sides put a new culvert pipe in a much bigger culvert pipe and I don't know somewhere thirty Trachsel loads of fill I put in here built this up a little bit but I am very pleased with how this came out last Saturday I was down here and it had just rained probably a half an hour and I mean we got like a half inch of rain and a half an hour and I came down here and I was gonna work in the house and I parked my truck at the end of the driveway because I didn't want to hog this all up you know and I start walking back here I wasn't even getting mud on my boots at all so I backed right over this and I mean I need to make a mark in it a half-hour after all the rains so it's very good and solid there's a lot of shale in here but before I can stone this those guys that hauled me the fill there you're gonna be hauling me a few loads of topsoil just raw topsoil so I can do all these sides and I need to get that done before I stone the driveway because you don't want to drop you know you don't want to dump the topsoil on the stone but those guys are going through the same thing I am with the weather they've been up there working on a couple Lots up the road and rains been making it very difficult to get anything done I don't know if you can hear is Turkey over there goblin [Laughter] here I'm going back so before I can stone the driveway I need to take care of several things I need to cut down this parking area up here a few inches wide it out a little bit I need to fix that swale in the back over there to make sure the water stays off the parking area and ends up in the ditch line down along the driveway you need to put a new pipe in at the end of the ditch line to get rid of the water from there on put that fill out over top of that and I also need to get topsoil for the sides and after I do all that then I can stone the driveway and that part will be done anyway right now I'm gonna use the RK 55 to kind of just hog some of this bulk dirt out of here there's not a whole lot but I'm gonna just kind of rough it in with that first and then that will go get the arcade 24 that a little subcompact and it'll be a lot nicer for getting things you know real tight to the house and widening these things out and put the finishing touches on it and this area up here will be done and the rest of the work will just be down below [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here's what I have done so far I took about two or three inches out of this area right here to allow room for some stone just kind of hit this corners a bunch of rocks and an old wall in here I have to finish digging that out and I took three or four inches out over that way and then that Swale that I was talking about behind the house you can see how much water is running down there I have that all directed through here this all needs cleaned up but it's working right now going down there to the ditch line in the driveway Oh something else I want to mention we are becoming way more active on other forms of social media like Instagram our Facebook page we've been posting a lot more there what I've done we kind of enlisted the entire family to help out this all takes a lot of time and you know I work a full-time job the YouTube things just kind of a hobby for us but anyway so my wife she's kind of oversees the Facebook page we both post there the kids are now administrators on the Facebook page my son's a photographer you'll be seeing some real nice pictures there my daughter's in charge of kind of the Instagram thing we all are involved with all of it but I think this will really help everything out and we'll be more active on different forms of social media so if anybody wants to check out the Instagram I'll put a link in the description and the Facebook page as well I really like the Facebook page because some days you know you just don't have a lot of time to shoot a video and to edit it but you can kind of you know show pictures of projects and things we have going on on the property but anyway check those out if you want and lastly here the next step down here I'll bring the art k24 down the little subcompact and that thing's a little tank you've seen it in other videos but it's a nice size tractor for putting the finishing touches on this stuff I just wanted to use the RK 55 here with the big bucket plenty of power to kind of move the bulk of the dirt out of here this didn't take long at all so now like I said next I'll touch all this up with the RK 24 and at least I'll have this area up here ready for stone this has been like a challenging little project down here because I have so much water coming from so many different directions you've got the down spouts drains coming here I got that French drain over here I've got the Swale behind the house that's dumping that water that I showed you over there and I just want to get that all collected and all to the ditch along the driveway and then you're done with it you know I could have came in here and just got a couple tracks or loads of stone spread over top of all this and it would look alright but there would be soft spots all the time and it it would just turn the muck eventually is what would happen so when you have a situation like this it's best to take the time and get all that water where it needs to go before you do your finish work or it'll just be a problem down the road but anyway like I always say if you enjoy these videos please click Subscribe and hit that little bell icon so you get the notifications hit the like button if you enjoy the video and I'll see you on the next one thanks [Music]
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 33,874
Rating: 4.9583588 out of 5
Keywords: Rural Living, Country Living, RK Tractors, DIY, How to repair old driveway, Kubota, Polaris Ranger, Stihl Chainsaw, Dump Trailer, Firewood, Home Remodel, Rental Home, House Flip, Wood Burner, Spreading Gravel, Compact Tractor, Front Loader, Skid Steer, Quick Attach, Box Blade, Land Plane, Replacing Culvert Pipe, Driveway Repairs, Rural King, RK 24, RK 55, RK 37, Wicked Grapple, Root Grapple
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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