Best Way to Dress Your Driveway - Land Plane

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hey guys welcome to milgap farms today we're going to be working on a driveway i don't know if you have problems with your driveway but we certainly do uh washboard today it's washout because we got a lot of rain in the last couple of days and so we need to get it all straight or cleaned up again so it's smooth and the bumps are out and hopefully it won't wash out as bad on the next time so if you like what you're seeing give us a thumbs up comments suggestions suggestions are really helpful definitely be helpful we're going to show you our land plane we used to do it with a box crater uh and that didn't work so well and so we changed up and went to a hand plane or not a hand plane we went to a land plane it's kind of large and it works like a champ so here let me show you the tool this one is made by house and it's probably eight or nine feet across slightly large for our driveway but if we keep this up we'll probably have a wider driveway that's not such a bad thing it's got two blades on it that are set at an angle you see them down there so what will happen when this thing gets rolling [Music] this will cut the wash boards out it'll also cut around some of the holes and then fill in the low spots we'll show you how it works it's a pretty neat tool [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] all right as we're driving down the driveway here in the tractor you should be able to start seeing some problems especially around this corner here we've got a little washout right there we should miss that okay we got a little washout right here see right there a little wash out there but the real washouts right here in the front of the tractor the water is running right down the center of the driveway or maybe off to the left just a hair but enough to cause a problem you also see right over here where we've got next to the to the where the ditch is the stone was being pushed over into the ditch a little bit we need to pull that stone back out and get it into the center looking here in the on the right side of the driveway um it's towards a little hole or a gully there same thing is happening right over here so all the way around we've got a little bit of a problem so we're gonna go down we're gonna take care of that here's another thing that this thing will take care if you see that grass right there okay because we have grass in our driveway um well let me say this because we are organic farm we cannot use roundup so if you guys didn't know that we're an organic farm guess what we're an organic farm and the only thing we can do is mechanical applications for killing the weeds sometimes we can we've tried propane but that didn't work so well it's expensive and not as effective as our land plane so so so you guys can probably see right off the front right of the tractor big old gully and the way we're gonna get that is bring some of the aggregate over from the left side and put it here on the right side but to do that we got to go down to the bottom and come back up the other side so here we go [Music] as we're going down guys you should you can see in the left side of the driveway where the water has washed up washed it out so we need to do is pull that back up and get it back in the towards the center or just at least fill in what we got there and then we can work on getting it back in the middle [Music] all the way down our driveway now we have a ruts [Music] the right side did okay uh because it was tilted and we have a ditch the left side not so much because over the years the rocks have gotten down a little lower than with the then what the grass is [Music] so so [Music] all right guys i got my daughter isabel say hi what that's all you can do come on just a little high so guys we are we've been playing in the driveway uh let me show you what it looks like so far [Music] it's definitely looking a little bit better so we're gonna head up to the top now hold on right here it's not exactly what i'm hoping for we're gonna have to get some 57 stone and put it in there to tighten that up and then we could put some stone dust or whatever on top and right now that's just too much for us to fill in with our land plane uh the land plane is not something you want to go at very quickly the faster you go the more it bounces and the more it bounces the more washboard you're gonna have what are you gonna tell everybody later [Music] then [Music] so if you guys can see that the grass actually gets cut off right here [Music] so if you look down earlier we saw grass in this area and after the planer went through it it cut it right off about a quarter inch under the surface and that's all it's necessary to kill that grass and keep our driveway looking really good so check it all out [Music] okay here comes the gobble gobbles hi tommy [Music] so we probably could be out here for another hour but we've got some other things we need to do so it's time to go back in in just a minute come here stand right here as always thanks for watching our videos if you like what you're seeing bye
Channel: Mill Gap Farms
Views: 3,701
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Keywords: land plane, how to, rural living, country living, box scraper, gravel driveway, gravel road, grading a driveway, spreading gravel, how to use a box blade, land plane leveler, land plane vs box scraper, land plane gravel driveway, appalachian homestead, appalachian life, family life, how to use a land plane, land plane or a box blade
Id: odlx7H8GoaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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