16 Mysterious Objects Caught MOVING on Camera

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Seeing objects move on their own is one of the earlier signs of a serious haunting, at least according to most people who have claimed experienced ghosts in their home. As you watch this list, be sure to let me know if you have ever had anything move by itself around you. It may be an early sign that you are being haunted. 16. This statue of a god in India apparently notices that it is being filmed and decides to keep an eye on the camera. Somehow this lifeless statue keeps its gaze on the camera until it’s staring from out the corner of its eye. This video looks kind of grainy and possibly edited. There’s no sound, so we can’t tell if anybody else in the crowd noticed it and reacted. 15. A British YouTuber named ScouseMouse only stayed in his home for three more days after recording all of these objects in his kitchen moving on their own. I find the 2 liter of Coke to be interesting because the liquid appears to move before the bottle does. Watch what I mean here . . . Play it in slow motion and you’ll see that the contents inside moves shortly before the bottle is launched. I don’t think that the contents inside would move like that if it was being pulled by a piece of string. 14. This video comes to us from a snooker tournament in Japan. I’m not exactly sure how the sport is played to be completely honest, but whether you’re playing pool or snooker, I’m pretty sure that the 8-ball isn’t supposed to be able to do this by itself . . . It’s a very slight movement, but clearly the ball moves on its own. This was on live television using professional equipment, so it’s a safe bet that the table was level. If anyone has a normal explanation as to why this happened, then please let me know. 13. A restaurant worker named Boggs182 says that he uploaded this video from his place of work. Some trays clatter to the ground when nobody is around. I guess he thought it was weird enough to check the tapes later that night. This is what he and the work crew saw. I suppose that someone could have been off-camera throwing trays, but I’m not sure exactly where they would be standing when this happened if that were the case. 12. A YouTuber named Paul Hayward claims that this 1970s is severely haunted. He sets up a camera and walks away, making sure to leave a clock next to the doll to show that there were no time lapses whatsoever. The doll’s arm is the first to move . . . Followed by its head . . . By the end of the video, the doll is practically in a completely different position than before. The clock shows that this video was not made using stop motion, and I personally can’t see any strings. 11: This video was supposedly caught on a home residence security system. All of the rooms look normal until this possessed stuffed animal suddenly springs to life. I thought I could see a string at first, but it’s clearly a cord that’s plugged into t wall. On the other hand, this doesn’t really look like actual CCTV footage at all, so maybe it’s just a prank. 10. A YouTuber named Yasar Kara has been feeling an angry presence in her house and decides to record it for proof. Unlike most of the people who have a paranormal experience, Yasar is very direct and shows little hesitation confronting her poltergeist, who is too busy making a coin flip inside of a bottle to respond. The coin continues to flip inside of the bottle over and over again without an answer. She challenges it to keep flipping the coin, showing absolutely no fear. Some people are saying that this can be done with a magnet, and I agree that it’s a definitely possibility. Like one YouTuber said, this needs to be done on a glass table to be verified as 100 percent real. Then again, this poltergeist might not be so cooperative the next time, so I guess we are lucky to even have this much evidence. 9. This video was taken in Thailand. A mysterious man can apparently do something crazy and impossible using only a simple playing card and his mind. He moves his hands above and below the spinning card to show that nothing is attached. Obviously this can’t be magnets and other than that, I have absolutely no explanation. Some of the commenters are saying that he is using an ancient force called “ki” [“key”], which you can apparently build up from prolonged meditating. If anybody is a magician who can rationally explain this, then please step forward because this is nothing short of absolutely incredible to me. If this is real, then imagine what else these powers could be used for besides performing street tricks. 8. A YouTuber named Ben Macneil thinks that his house could be haunted, and he apparently has proof to back it up. He shoots a toy basketball into a mini-hoop. Somehow the ball rolls back to him on its own from around the corner, and it appears to have come from a space that isn’t big enough for somebody to hide behind. The only possible explanation I have is that maybe he recorded himself rolling the ball and then reversed the footage. Backwards editing usually gives the video a certain look, however, that I don’t exactly see here. 7. Alright, I know that My Little Pony is not exactly the most frightening thing on earth, but pay less attention to the brand of the toy and more attention to what it’s doing by itself without being touched. I guess the obvious explanation is that someone is underneath the table using a magnet, and a lot of people say the same thing. However, here’s another video showing that there is no magnet on the bottom of the toy, so no one knows for certain. 6. A YouTuber named Jenelle Crawford has an American Girl doll that she says has been moving around on its own, but apparently only when no one is looking. She decides to demonstrate by leaving the doll in her room and coming back in later. The beginning of this video clearly shows that no one is in the room and no strings are attached to the doll. She closes the door and leaves for just a moment, then she turns around and goes back into her room. She again shows that nobody is in her room, yet somehow the doll is laying on the opposite side of the bed as when this video began. Since I didn’t see any quick cuts in the video where she could have quickly gone in and moved the doll, this one is a mystery. 5. A YouTuber named Shahera Negron and her family have been experiencing some strange activity ever since they moved into a new place. Lately her daughter has been complaining that her toys have been moving all by themselves, and one doll in particular seems to be at the center of it all. She sits and watches the doll as orbs dance all around. It isn’t long before something starts to happen. I was thinking that somebody hidden behind the chair was moving it, but then the recliner foot rest comes out by itself at the end. As far as I know, somebody would have had to have grabbed a lever on the side or pressed a button, but I don’t see anyone. Tell me if you think this family is legitimately being haunted. 4: This singing figure is an exaggerated portrayal of the legendary jazz musician Louis [“Louie”] Armstrong. These collectible items are meant to be amusing, but this one has something wrong with it. It starts out normally . . . And then it starts doing this . . . Multiple voices come out of the figure at once. All of them sound low and menacing, like a possessed person. I think that maybe the batteries are dying, but unless I had one of these myself to recreate this situation, then we won’t know for sure. 3. Crying statues have been reported in churches for centuries, and this video apparently catches one in the middle of such an episode. Church music plays on as tears apparently stream down the statue’s cheeks. I’m not sure how this could be faked. I guess a special statue could be made with some sort of hose leading up to the eyes to trick everybody, or maybe they applied water to the face of the statue before the ceremony began, but both of those possibilities would be pretty hard to pull off. The water would dry out after a while, but the face of this statue apparently stays wet and keeps crying. 2. This footage was taken at a Buddhist exhibit in China. Everyone is admiring a golden statue of Buddha when suddenly a glowing light surrounds the statue and its eyes begin to blink. The person who uploaded this video, Kim Lim Chin, insists that the statue was shining brightly in real life and not just on camera. I wasn’t sure what to make of this, but the event was caught by another person and uploaded on to YouTube. Here’s video from the second camera: If anyone can translate what is being said by the crowd, then maybe we can figure out if these two videos are legitimate. Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you’re enjoying the video so far. If you've ever been curious as to what I look like in real life, then follow me on Instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt, with underscores instead of spaces. I also have Twitter @YT_Chills where I post video updates. I'd really appreciate it if you followed me and feel free to send me a DM if you have a questions or suggestions. Also, I recently created a subreddit, where you can submit videos and stories for future lists, it’s r/chillsnarrator and the link is in the description below. If you’d like to see more of these videos in the future, then hit that subscribe button because I upload a new video every Thursday. If English isn’t the only language you speak and your interested in getting a shoutout, click “More”, then “Add Translations”, by translating the video not only will more people be able to watch it, but a link to your channel will be added in the description. 1. Ouija Bear The motion of this stuffed teddy bear is perhaps the creepiest and most lively on the list. The video is about 2 minutes long and features 3 men sitting beside each other with a Ouija board in their laps. A webcam or low quality phone camera is set up in front of the men to record anything interesting that may come of the Ouija session. The men become stressed as they play with the board, one man wipes sweat from his forehead, while another adjusts himself in the chair nervously. While this is happening no one notices that the white bear on the dresser behind them has been making clear, disturbing movements. It began at around 42 seconds in, when the bear moved it’s head back. It continues to move and look down at the men with lifelike motion. The man sitting to the far left seems to notice the bear and looks up at it several times, but the bear stops. He tells the other men about it and they put down the board to investigate. They see nothing wrong with the bear, and when they pick it up this gives us evidence that no strings or puppeteering is occurring. Frustrated and in disbelief they all sit back down. But the bear immediately starts to make rapid movements that resemble a possession. This time all three of the men witness it and run out of the room.
Channel: Chills
Views: 7,081,853
Rating: 4.5276966 out of 5
Keywords: chills, top15s, top 15s, chills narrator, top 15, top 10, top 5, list, countdown, real or fake, real or fake videos, scary, creepy, mysterious, mystery, objects, mysterious objects, caught moving, caught moving on camera, caught on camera, caught on tape, unexplained, unsolved, mysterious things, paranormal, mysterious videos, scary videos, haunted, haunted objects, caught, supernatural, strange, slapped ham
Id: mnV0BaqBWxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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