16 Drives, 1 Pi

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good morning well good afternoon evening i don't know what time it is um a few weeks ago when i got this card working the first time i was thinking what would be the most fun thing to do with it and as time went on i actually got a couple people sent me some old sas drives they're all not in great condition but they all worked except for one and that you'll find more out about that later anyways i wanted to figure out something that i could do with them so i figured why not throw as many hard drives at them as i can so i took all the hard drives that i have currently i actually have a few more that i'll talk about some other time but uh i'm going to take all the hard drives that i have right now that are over on my desk because i haven't moved them since i took the picture for the thumbnail for this video so i'm going to go grab those hard drives and start putting them into the pie this live stream is also going to be fun because i'm testing out like seven new things that i've never tested before on a live stream including this wireless microphone it's a rode wireless go seems like it's pretty popular they actually introduced a new model the day after i bought the one that i have here that has two lavaliers but since there's usually only one of me that's not a big deal i'm gonna grab all these drives and we'll start putting them in there's not much to the introduction besides the fact that i'm going to be plugging in 16 hard drives to a pie and seeing what i can do with them um so anyway another new thing that i have is uh i set up uh i set up my nbi i plug in there's an ndi plug-in for open i actually have my so i actually have my iphone you can see my screen you can see my actually have my iphone i actually have my iphone on a little gimbal new gimbal is also that it's wireless but my iphone is charging so let me unplug that i'll let me uh make sure it's on the right and it's on the right so so that's kind of cool oh that's kind of cool i've always wanted to have a completely wireless setup for streaming for streaming and uh this is pretty awesome i can imagine i can imagine some other fun live stream ideas that i'll have with that anyway anyway i also have this desk cam over here and uh it's not it's not the best setup the lens is not quite wide enough to fit everything in it but here's the raspberry pi compute module 4 i o board here's the broadcom 90 oh gosh i always forget 96 60 or something 16i this is the sas card i have a whole video on it if you haven't watched that after the stream go go and look uh is there an echo oh there's two microphones there shouldn't be hold on oh gosh there is sorry oh gosh there is sorry about that let me disable this source let me disable this source hold on hold on properties uh properties all right turn off audio all right turn off audio oh i can just turn it down there you go hopefully the echo should be gone sorry about that and that's not redshirt jeff anyways let's let's pop back over here to the desk cam so i have the the compute module for the sas card that i have a separate video talking about it with this enclosure and then i have this noxua fan over here this is plugged into the i o board the outboard has a four pin fan header and it even has a pdf pwm controller for the fan it's this itty bitty chip up in the top here and that's controlled over the i2c bus i haven't figured out how to get that thing controlling the fan speeds yet once i do i'll definitely post about that someone else may have already anyways so the fan doesn't have pwm control so what i've done for now is i'm using noxio's own little this is 20 it's overpriced for what it is but it's you know it was easy to set up and it just has a little dial that i can turn up and down the fan speed so that it's not blasting me with cold air but anyway i have the pi setup from that last video still so it still has those two volumes the sas volume and the sata volume so i will plug in networking and i'm using right now a 5 volt power supply so this is the barrel plug for that um it's a 5 volt not 5 volt a 12 amp 5 volt 12 hold on 12 amp five cache what is it 12 volts 5 amp power supply through the barrel plug um one thing that i coming into using the cm4 i didn't know a whole lot about uh how it provided power to cards like the the sas card that i'm using so i found out with the gpus that if i used a 2 amp power supply it wasn't enough to power some of the more power hungry gpus so i used an external card riser but those have their own issues sometimes so i wanted to find a way so that the cm4 i o board could supply the power so i bought i bought a 5 amp power supply instead of the 2m power supply and that has solved a lot of problems and it lets me plug everything direct into the board but anyways that's not what we're here to talk about we want to start plugging in some hard drives so i'm going to advance this is another new thing that i'm testing for this live stream i'm going to advance to the next step and i want to show you this because i'm so i guess i'm proud of myself here let me go to the iphone and this time there won't be echo so on my stream deck here i i have a forward and back button and you'll see on the stream when i hit the forward button it advances to the next step and that is it's not a plug-in i didn't want to write lua script or anything like that it's just a node.js app running on the computer that builds an overlay that gets set up into obs oh my goodness sorry about that he just got sucked into some vortex there anyways so here's all the drives i'm going to switch to the pi cam and we'll start connecting everything together on the data lines so let me switch back to the desk cam and we'll start doing that first we'll go with the the sas drives these these are hp 300 gig oh you know what this camera doesn't autofocus let me switch over here these are 300 gig hp uh sas i think they're 10k drives they're pretty old i bought them used on ebay about a month ago they work that's about all that can be said for them they're they're kind of old and as you saw in that last video they sound like a freight train when they're doing heavy ride activity so we'll see if they keep working after i took them out and put them back in but we'll put these four drives in now and see what happens the coolest thing i mean there's a lot of cool things about this backplane it's it's actually a custom backplane you can't buy this anywhere which is unfortunate but hopefully i'll be able to buy something like it at some point if you are a storage professional and want to do these kind of things with a nice convenient backplane the coolest thing is this is completely hot swap capable so this could be all running and i could pop a drive out and pop a new one in which is nice there are a lot of situations where you can't do that but this back plane and this card lets you do that and repair raid arrays and things like that or expand them the next drive i have which is out of focus here so i'll switch again is these kingston a400s they're ssds consumer grade yes i know in the comments everybody's mentioning like the consumer grade sata drives are not qualified for use in professional raid enterprise storage and yeah i know that but these are super cheap that's why i'm using them they're super cheap and they are able to demonstrate the full bandwidth on the pi very easily compared to the sas drives and and spinning hard drives so that's why i have them now there's 220 gig drives and two 240 gig drives and why is it that way because the 120 gig drives were cheaper and one time the 240 gig drives i got for the same price is the 120s next up i have four these are nice and heavy uh four what are they they're wd green of course they're covered by the bottom so i don't know the exact model they're wd green 300 gigs sata drives they're like sata i think they're sat at two or seven three i don't i don't remember you can look them up i i don't think i have a link to it in the description but you can look them up some other time i have a link somewhere in the world to these guys um anyway so so this is a little different with the storage backplane over here the backplane itself has a power supply on the bottom and it distributes power to these through one power cable with these drives they have sata power connectors which you can't see because the exposure on my little pi webcam isn't amazing like the sony but anyway each one has its own power connectors so how are we going to power them well we'll get to that soon for now i want to do the data so what i'm going to do is go and grab let me switch back to this guy i'm going to grab this cable which is a hd mini sas i believe it is to four sata or sas connections and i'll go back over to my desk cam and this connects to each of the drives independently and puts it into the card through one of its mini sata hd mini set hd mini sass i don't remember there's too many of these standards out there and it's always confusing to try to remember which one is which anyway so i'll get these connected i'll try to show it actually let me switch to this camera because i can actually move its position so you can see what's going on there we go and somebody asked where did i get my rocky linux shirt um if you go to rocky linux's website they actually have a store now which is kind of cool and their store has a bunch of merch that will help you support the rocky linux project i guess anyways if you want to see some interesting thoughts that i had on that i have a video from a few weeks ago one on rocky linux and uh what happened with sent to us and all that anyway so let's get these things plugged in we have one drive i'm just doing it in order p1 through p4 so p2 will be the second drive down it doesn't really matter in the end too much except for if you need to identify the drives if one of them fails which there's a high likelihood of one of these 16 drives failing today mostly because i'm doing a live stream and that's when they fail all right so we got those and then on the other end is this hd mini sas and i know that there's probably a couple people on this live stream who know more than i do way more about storage so if i get any of the terminology wrong please just pop it in the chat so anyway this is hd mini sas i believe and i'm going to plug these four drives and i'll switch back to that kim these four guys will go oh my i'm starting to run out of space here i shouldn't have put a speaker on my desk what am i thinking making it easy to hear stuff all right so these four will go into c2 on the card right there and next up i have this enclosure which i'll switch over here this enclosure is this was sent to me from germany uh from uh oh shoot i forgot who it was that sent me this um anyway thanks so much to that uh it was two people somebody that worked in the data center and a friend of theirs got some of this old equipment together and sent it my way this is this fits into a five and a half inch drive bay and has four slots for sas or sata and on the back it has one power connection and four uh drive connections so this is kind of a nice little thing and cooling built in which is nice um because these drives do get hot you can see the case is aluminum and it has cooling slots too to make sure that air flows through and it's it's still a little dusty from germany so i guess free german dust right here nice so this this little carrier i'm going to grab these fujitsu drives uh i'll switch to the sony just because the frame rate is a little nicer on there these are fujitsu drives they're branded by sun and i think what are they 70 76 gigs or something 73 gigs 10k rpm they didn't sound amazing either but they actually sounded better than the hp drives that i was testing so i'm gonna pop these guys into these slots and we'll get them going i actually pre-wired this this little enclosure with another one of those whoops with another one of those little mini mini sass hd connectors uh to the sata connectors or sas connectors smoke fence yes they will let out the smoke when this thing blows up in a few minutes so i'll get this plugged in oh goodness how about maybe we'll put this guy to the right over here i'm just going to blast all the dust from these things straight into my speaker grill because that's always a good thing for a speaker now if i were building an actual enclosure for this stuff i would probably just buy an old server or something with the slots built in and not do it this janky way but hey if it works it works there we go sorta okay so far nothing has broken i haven't turned it on yet so that's good next up let's see i need to advance this thing we're going to do the power so i'm going to hit next on here that worked that's awesome i'm happy that it's actually working i got to connect out all the power so in a video that i did i think it was just yesterday man it's already been one day um i actually showed how i zapped my old power supply so this is the new 700 watt uh what is ray dragon or redragon i don't know i don't know all the vendors names i still say asus but some people say asus like dr seuss anyways i still haven't covered up this little connector the little jumper that goes from ps on to ground that lets the power supply turn on so i figured for the live stream in celebration i'll get out my electrical tape and that's better than nothing so let's get a little piece of this and we'll we'll cover this just so it doesn't short five volts into the pi or something there we go look at that fancy connector brand new going to work amazing exciting times someone also mentioned in that video that i posted yesterday that the the switch on the back here for this modular power supply the switch on the back can create a little bit of a current spike which can kill a pie or something so they suggested that i don't use that to turn on and off the pie but instead i put a little momentary switch or something on here and turn it on and off with that so that's what i'll probably end up doing at some point for now i'll just plug this in and unplug it when i want to turn it on and off so to power the the drives you saw on on this case it has one connection for all four drives and i believe that the bus on the power supply itself can send through i think six oh man sorry about the exposure here six or eight amps on each of these connections so it should be plenty to power these four drives through just one connection using a molex cable this is a molex cable if if you don't know four pin um the pi itself the compute module is kind of cool you can power it through this fan connector not a fan connector that would be a horrible idea you can power it through this floppy connector which is four pins which is the same pin out basically as molex the four pin standard here but in the floppy format i don't know why they used floppy i don't particularly like these connectors because they're hard to unplug but you can power it that way or through this uh this barrel plug which you can't see there it is a little barrel plug i usually do the barrel plug just because it's easier to insert and remove uh always a good good thing to have that um anyway so i'm going to power this guy through one of these connections and then i'm going to use a separate one to power these four the the cables that this power supply came with which i can't show you there we go the cables it came with have a connection to the mother to the power supply and then three sata connectors so there's four sata drives here we need one more so what i did was a while back actually i bought this uh four four sata connection uh adapter that takes one plug and goes into four so that should be enough to power these i've used it in the past and it worked and i'm realizing now that i shouldn't have plugged this into data yet because i need to get around to it so let me do that all right this will take a minute oh i almost dropped all four of these drives that'd be fun all right let me get this tape out of the way okay so we're gonna power up these guys uh let's get one two three and four there we go and then i'm gonna take this power and go into the end of here isn't it funny how these power cables are actually easier to plug in than usb cables usb is the worst trying to get it plugged in blind just flip over the cable 100 times okay so i have this power cable ready and now i'm going to get this guy ready so this should be a little easier to just plug him in to the back of this storage bay which is also inconveniently placed right now so hold on a sec all right this is why storage backplanes are awesome you don't have to sit here tangling with a bunch of cables there's probably also interference issues if you cable things incorrectly which can reduce the speed rating of the drives or cause errors and writes and things which is always bad all right so now we have power and data connected and this just looks amazing doesn't it all right we got power we got data everything's connected there now we'll go into the power supply i'll just go into the first two jacks up here like that okay and then i need to get power to this guy uh i didn't think this through that well all right let's see here i just hope i don't damage the speaker it's not the best speaker in the world but hey all right we'll just set the power supply up up top looks terrible all right and then i'm going to go on over to the power supply and plug it in let's see if we can get sparks that'd be fun there that's plugged in and i switched it on but there's no power to the drives quite yet so let me let me switch over to the iphone just so you can see got the power supply up here it's powering these two guys now another thing somebody mentioned in the video that i posted yesterday was if you're powering the pi separately from the power supply so i if i'm powering the pi through a barrel plug that goes through an ac adapter into the wall and then the power supply is powering some of the drive separately that can cause some issues too technically yes and that's something that you can actually power the pi like i said through that that floppy connector back there so if you're going to set this up in a production environment i would definitely do that just for convenience i usually don't do it that way but anyway i got everything set up over here nice little janky setup but if it works it works we'll see and somebody asked if you're reading these messages what platform gives you the biggest share when buying your books i actually have written a lot about in the past even if it didn't provide me the most revenue my favorite platform is lean pub not only do i update the books there first i also do get a little bit more revenue from there on average than on amazon amazon takes takes a larger portion and actually itunes i think takes the lowest portion but nobody actually uses itunes there's like three or four sales a month i don't even know why i published to there but the ibooks store anyways we'll get back to these drives now so i got them all wired up let's move on to the next step here which is i can't even see my own steps turn on everything oh that'll be exciting so let's try that out and see what happens first i'm going to power up these drives by plugging in this connector like i said this this jumps ps on the ground to turn on the power supply since i don't have a motherboard and since i haven't wired up like a pico or raspberry pi to be an on off switch for this thing so if i plug this in it shouldn't short that's a good sign it didn't short out and explode um so now these should be coming on so you see the blue lights there and these i can't tell if they're i can feel the fans from this guy but i can't tell if the sata drives are spinning up i don't know let's try this again where's this plug this one the problem is they're new enough that they're not super loud but they're old enough that you should hear them so let's try this plug it in again yeah i think they're on can't really tell though we'll find out soon enough all right so i got those drives on there's eight total the four sata the force uh the force out of the four sas super old sas drives here um and then i'm going to turn on the back plane the back plane takes a few seconds to kind of initialize everything oh gosh i forgot that this light is uncovered hold on a second i know that's probably not too distracting to you but to me holy cow that thing's blinding me oh someone mentions that the sata drives won't power up until you power on the raid card okay that makes sense there we go blue leds we love them all right so that's up that's up now let's turn on the pi hopefully it doesn't explode so i'm plugging in the barrel cable and the fan should come on there we go you'll notice the strong support i have for the fan to prevent it from falling the cable is kind of pushing against the wall so that's good and i probably should move the card out a little bit just so it gets a little more airflow this card does get a little hot some sas cards do have active cooling they have a fan like a gpu would but this card just has a passive heat sink and it it assumes that in your server you would have fans passing air over it enough to cool it off and as long as you do it it stays below 60 degrees celsius or so and if you had a strong fan it'd probably stay below 50 or 40 but i just have this noxio over here blowing a little bit of air flow through it obviously it's set up for air to flow from from back to front here so that the air can kind of cool in between the fins better anyways i can see that these drives are powering up i don't know if you can hear it i don't know if you turned up your volume a lot maybe you could hear that but i can hear them going like zoo they haven't jumped out of the trays yet and they seem to be working so that's a good sign all right so now let's go into the terminal i'm going to switch over oh i heard a click that's not a great sound and half the drives just turned off well that's not too wonderful it looks like these drives all just turned off and the power supply just turned off maybe due to current issues let's try this again okay so these drives are on these don't feel like they're spinning up it's not wonderful anyway this is the reason why we do things live to see how much we can break um but let's see what the pi is seeing at this point let me move my terminal window so you can actually see all right let's make sure it's in the card with lspci so there's the card the mega raid try mode and let's see what it sees with lsblk so it still sees those two disks that's that's this set is the sas and this set is the sata drives the ssds so let's see what the card shows where is door cli cd utility no is it in yeah no opt i think i dropped it into opt mega raid store cli okay store cli uh show so it's showing the enclosure here showing one controller but it's not showing these other drives i'm going to reboot the pi and see if the power supply will stay on uh but actually let's see port 16. i think it's only seeing the eight drives that we're on when it initialized let's see yeah see it's only seen these eight drives right now and it has these two volumes oh wait hold on uh so it is seeing how many drives is this one two three four five six it's in 12 drives so that's a little weird um i'm going to reboot and see if we can get all the drives to spin up and josh says show all so i'll do that next time test one batch at a time that's not very fun i'm gonna test them all at a time that's the fun way to do this all right and josh is saying you saw the raid volumes in that list all right let me get back in here and it gets booted up now no it's not yet it's waiting on that card to initialize i mentioned that i mentioned that in the other video that cards like this actually have a little bit of a boot process and if you want them to initialize on boot you have to wait for the card to finish its initialization so that all the volumes that it supports will show up on your system so oh move move my chapter marker sorry about that there you go sorry to anybody who's scrubbing through the video and finds out that i actually started testing this a few minutes ago and i'm sorry if you can hear my uh drinking water i forgot that i actually have a mic mute button all right let's try this again let red shirt jeff try i don't think that that would be um a great idea here and you'll see why at 10 45 or so uh and moral monster says it worked perfectly in the test run i've never tested this that that i think was some of the fun um some of the fun of doing this live stream so let's see we're going to log back into the pi and well it's not in there it's slash opt what is it slash up slash mega raid slash door cli i think it's there show all all right oh well uh okay so we're seeing so these oh these are just it's only showing the drives inside the enclosure right now right there's a lot of information in here uh let's see the drives are these drives are on these i just the the four sata drives i don't think they're they're spinning up which is a little strange i thought that i had i had tested one of these drives uh connected directly to the car one time and it was working also i tested two of these and they were working of course they're powered up but i don't feel any vibration at all so i'm wondering if they're not they're not actually coming online all right the power supply just turned off i think all right let's try turning it back on again the fans are on here well that's annoying there are two raids on the card yeah i need to i mean i need to delete those at some point anyway so maybe we can uh what is help ah delete i want to delete the volume there's a lot of stuff in here no delete there's not just a delete volume or something and marcus mentions they go to sleep the problem is i don't feel them even spinning up i'm not feeling anything out of these guys i mean they're definitely getting power because the leds are on let me pop one out see it gets power but i don't feel anything spinning up here yeah i know you should be feeling some gyroscopic oh hold on hold on a second let me listen something's spinning and it might just be the fan though all right hold on so deleting how do i delete the volume is it volume uh the volume delete okay show oh and what are the volumes here we have zero and one so if i say volume delete zero no that's not it no oh here okay so let's see zero slash v all delete that delete them okay and i hear the drives the drives are doing something well right when i switch the camera they stop doing something so i look smart all right and let's try showing all again so now we should have you good means the drive is working and the enclosure can see it fine and if i go up here there's nothing else nothing else that seems like it's seems like it's seeing the other drives um i tested this i tested this cable at least and it worked i'm thinking maybe i'll shut it down and try just one set of drives at a time so i'm shutting down and i'll switch over here i'm going to wait for it uh the led on the pi okay it's off so i'm going to unplug that turn off this bay and unplug these the card is nice and toasty all right i'm going to try just this guy into c0 for now and i do hear it could just be the fans though my poor woofer i'm scratching it with the power connector all right okay so these are off you know what the sata drives all just turned on i just heard them all spin up and you probably can't hear that even if you turn it up but uh these all just spun spun up all four of them i can feel them vibrating now okay that's weird and now the power supply is shut off all right let's try turning you back on maybe this power supply is bad okay so everything is spinning up now i can feel these four yeah these are not spinning up though maybe this guy's bad all right let me let me pull him out of the equation here and we're going to take a little look is it not providing enough power what's the deal here let's switch over to the iphone so you can see yeah the sata drives do take power but of course it's a bad cpu look at it [Music] there's nothing special about this so these two fans work so if i plug it in well that is yeah this power supply is annoying basically the lesson is unless you actually have a pc you probably shouldn't use a pc power supply for this unless you build a controller for it or have a special one all right that's on the fans are on so you can see the fans are blowing air and these leds are on but the drives are not spinning up on this guy all right so i'm going to take this guy out of the loop it seems like power supply is not powering them happily i'm going to try my other power supply that i don't believe has enough amperage to power all four of these and power that on now look at this they're starting to spin up well maybe they aren't maybe they're all broken now well you know what we're going to try doing 12 drives on a pie today for now this thing seems like it's having issues the sata drives are powered up again so i'm going to plug it in and switch over here and i'm going to turn this off disconnect try not to knock down my pile of raspberry pies over here we're going to go for 12 drives today the title of this video is incorrect and we're going to see how that works out so let's power it back up all right it's booting oh you know what i didn't have the storage array turned on hold on a second let's wait for this to wait for this to log in the voltage drop on the cable yeah i mean it's so it's strange it should this little guy was able to power at least one drive yeah four drives is a lot more than one anyway yeah we're going to try to get the sata drives working here's the problem this this enclosure here is uh pretty old the drives are all pretty old when you when you mix a bunch of that old stuff there's a reason why they're so cheap on ebay ah let's see connect here the pie is still booting i should have turned on the thing hold on meanwhile let's see what's the make and model of the four drive two so i actually don't know what the model is of this guy obviously i don't necessarily recommend it if it's not powering these drives but i the the model it's not printed anywhere on it i haven't opened it up yet but when i do maybe i'll i'll try to find that but there's a few other ones like it i actually have one that i used the the sata drives in uh these the four um the fours uh ssds i had another one that's about the same but it was like 25 or 35 bucks on on amazon let's see what else have you heard about the helios 4 uh i have not um i mean i'd heard of it but i haven't looked into it at all what mac am i using it's a core i9 macbook pro um i bought it earlier this year or not this year now it's it's still 20 20 to me anyway i bought it last year because i started doing more streaming and i needed more cpu power for that uh are they all the same format these drives i don't even know but it doesn't really matter i'm gonna wipe them all i don't have anything i care about on them i wouldn't put anything i care about on most of these drives they're too old for that uh you saw a hammer earlier ah this hammer this has been on my desk for quite some time it's my golden hammer and it reminds me of the fact that i am prone to the golden hammer i don't know it's not a fallacy but the problem with the golden hammer where you take one solution like using a raspberry pi for something and you do that for every single thing in the world and it's it's named maslow's law so this is my my maslow's law hammer and i always keep it with me on the desk as a reminder for that um anyway so the pie should be booted up now i'm going to reboot or shut down now and once it's shut down we'll boot it all back up okay waiting for the controller to turn on and these drives the sata drives have shut themselves off yeah so this power supply isn't the best thing in the world for this situation i think what i'm actually going to do because the power supply seems to be inconsistent i'm going to take this power supply out of the loop and i know that i can actually power these four drives using the 2 amp power supply because that's what i did in my santa raid video sorry about that earlier this year so i'm going to unplug and remove the power supply so this guy's going bye-bye for now i think if i want to use it in the future i'll have to spend more time figuring out how to make it stay on and not blow up in my face and i'm going to put this guy back over here and i need to get an adapter now so i'm going to take this i don't i can't show you the whole thing because it's in my little my little uh my little cable tray over here and i don't want to yank it out of there to show you but this is a four pin uh molex ac adapter and it puts through two amps uh you can probably find one that's more but it's convenient because it's just a wall plug and it has a switch built in so you can turn it on and off for any kind of device that needs it now again this is powered separately than the pi so some things can can sometimes have issues from that anyway i'm going to grab i need an adapter from 4-pin molex to sata so i'm going to go over to where's my power box someday i'm going to have organization in my office i have these i have a bunch of these boxes oh here it is power cables i have a bunch of these boxes with all the different uh kits of things that i need in it including this one which has all my adapters and i need oh goodness which one is it let's see we need male sata to female molex that's female saturn that's not gonna work okay hold on female molex to male that's female again female molex to male sata i think that's it let's try this out all right and let me switch camera so you can actually see it yeah two amps isn't enough for those sas drives for sure um but it is enough for these sata drives at least in my testing so far that's what i found okay so this guy into this way okay so i got power through here if i switch this on so this is shut off okay i hear them spinning up okay i feel them spinning up that's good news all right so these are all powered on don't have a power supply issue here where it'll just shut itself off for no reason and now i need to clean up so you didn't see them too close these are all the little adapters i have from almost anything to almost anything so i can go from sata to fan connect or not not fan connectors out of the floppy nobody has floppies anymore but anyway sat of the floppy floppy to molex molex to sata it pays to have these adapters for that one random time when you need one all right so back to it i'm going to plug in the pi there we go yeah power up the cm4 actually have to do that i'm not live i am live and yes i did post a video but don't look at that quite yet that was supposed to be a surprise i figured that this would go a little bit better than it has so far and so my plan was to wrap it up around 10 45 but you know that that's what happens to plans but yes on youtube you can schedule a release and i was going to try to figure out how to get it so that after the stream is over it would redirect you to that but anyway that's a surprise for the end you can wait and see it then but anyway let's go back to the screen here this should be booted now or not it's still waiting on that card so let's see yeah maybe grab a c-sonic power supply like i said in that power supply video i know very little about power supplies i'm not a pc builder but i do have fun building pcs sometimes but let's see still booting still booting host is down it says which means it's booting clear that out of the way so it's prettier if i log in i still see the blinking led all right plugging one hard drive into them can cause them to catch fire yeah yeah i mean the reason i bought that reed dragon or red dragon i don't know how to pronounce it the reason i bought that was because it's the cheapest one that's probably not the best idea but that's how i am so now that i know the cheapest one doesn't work maybe i'll step up to another one and like i said it probably can work i just need to like wire up a picot to it and do some things to make sure that it doesn't turn off and i know they also make some power supply adapters that you can do for that i what i really want is a little power supply that just has like a molex connection a sata connection and maybe a you know whatever the six pin graphics card connection or motherboard connection or something i just need to plug some things and i have a dc bench power supply but then you have to sit there and wire up banana plugs and things i don't want to do that anyways i asked too much i guess go cheap or go home let's see so we're logged in uh let's get the information that the card sees all right so we're seeing one two three four we're seeing 12 drives that's good here's the sata ssds oh this is cool i didn't even know it it would show that it's an ssd versus an hdd so these are those four kingston ssds i'll show you here that's these four on the top and then we have the four sas hard drives which are these four here on the bottom that sound like a freight train when you write to them and then finally we have these four which are sata hard drives uh 500 gigs i thought there were 300 gigs well there's an extra few hundred gigs for us um not that it's going to help too much but you know the funny thing is about this is uh these drives here are actually sas one the sas the original sas so there are three gigabits drives and these probably were the slowest of all so getting these out of the loop might actually make this entire array go a little faster yeah i will definitely let you know what happens with that enclosure it was it was working a few days ago i just tested one drive in it but i'm guessing it's a power issue we'll figure that out uh let's see so we'll switch back to screen here so we see these drives and they're all you good i don't know what the u stands for maybe somebody can mention that in chat but they're i guess they're understandably good or understatedly good um so they're all good so the the controller card can see them all that's a good sign next up i need to format them or not format them put them into a raid volume so i'm going to and someone mentioned the psu can't supply enough current it should be able to 600 watts is a lot of power and split up on two of the buses i i believe they're all linked internally too and i i was reading the specs i think you can put through 11 or 12 amps at least 10 amps um this was the 700 watt one so it should be able to buy the spec sheet but you never know um ultra good unconfigured oh well yeah if if you actually read the docs here we go you good unconfigured but good that okay yeah so the moral of the story is if you ever have a question you should read the docs before you start making things up all right so we need to format this and i'm going to cheat a little bit unless somebody wants to pop into the chat what to do here i'm going to cheat and go find what the command was somewhere else just because i don't want to have to go through the help to find out the command let's see ipci and if you didn't know it i have a website that documents my experience with all the different cards i've been testing and i just added this and i'm going to talk about it when i talk about graphics cards again i added a page that lists all of the compute module boards that are out there that i know about and there's there's more every every week or two there's another one so uh so there's a lot of cool boards here and a couple of them like the sata nas board from wire trustee i've had my eye on it uh it looks like it might come into production sooner or later some other nas boards are kind of cool for a small home nas that uses gigabit ethernet the cm4 nas mini pci which is really tiny and has four three or four sata ports on it so some cool stuff there that you might want to check out anyways i don't know if that mic button actually worked or not it didn't whatever i just hit the mic button on my stream deck and now it's showing me an exclamation point so i have no way of muting this microphone sorry if i have to cough or something uh all right so let's find i need to go back here let's find this card it's the mega raid mega raid 9460 that's what it was earlier in the video i tried remembering what the model number was um so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to add let's see in the chat tell me if you want me to do raid 0 which would be risky but fun raid 1 which is no we shouldn't do that with this many drives raid 5 which is risky with this many drives but could be fun um could also be a little bit slower or raid 6 or raid 10. we'll see what somebody well i'll pick from random from somebody commenting but i'm going to put this in i'm going to say add vd we'll see what somebody says super raid is what we'll call it storage enclosure 97 so here's a question uh there's two it says there's two enclosures technically the other one is not an enclosure because it's just a cable don't just spam the same thing over and over again i'm not going to pick somebody that way oh make a poll can i do that i don't know if you can do poles in live chat yeah i don't see a way to make a poll in live chat as far as i can tell cluster fs i'm not going to set up cluster on here today so i want to do 97 0 through what is it 0 through 7 97 0 through 7 and then 98 8 through 11. so do i just do 98 8 through 11. okay okay you guys can stop for a second i'll i'll pick somebody from that list in just a minute all right oh okay so 97 0-7 98 in it josh in the live chat is the one to thank for getting this thing set up he he was orchestrated getting the card to me in the bay and stuff so pretty cool um okay so 90 oh gosh live chat is going very fast now i need to go back to find that 97 037 ninety-eight uh zero through three which so it's saying eight through ten though is that correct up here is there anywhere anywhere else i didn't listen though um just making sure i'm gonna see if josh responds here i was right ha okay eight through ten zero through seven eight through ten okay and then we're gonna use the fault cash flow up the strip to 256 because there's a lot of uh all all eight of these drives are spinning discs and having a better a bigger strip size is more helpful for performance for them this these poor ssds i mean they're consumer grades so they're not going to perform as well anyways in some respects anyway so there's that and i'm going to pop in here and let's pick one of the raids at random raid i see a lot of raid 5 6 and 10 a couple people doing raid 0. that'd just be fun but i i'm guessing that yeah redshirt jeff can do the raid zero later i'll let him do that um we're going to go with raid 10 this time all right let's try it out raid 10. okay wait oh shoot i have the wrong opt mega raid store cli okay here it is and i need to use sudo all right let's see if this works boom oh no uh oh i guess raid 10 can't span across the two across these two enclosures let's try okay so raid 10 maybe not let's try raid 6. physical this doesn't have the proper attributes well that stinks all right raid 69 i don't think that's going to work let's try grade 5 nope okay let's try we'll just go with raid 0 and see what happens no it does not have the proper attributes well that's kind of annoying i need to make raid groups first 8 through 10 is missing a disc oh am i actually missing that oh yeah let's pop 11 in there but it's still going to give me this warning raid 1 no so it's not giving me anything fun here no raid for me progress my status bar oh shoot yeah goodness gracious i spent a good deal of time a few nights ago working on that thing might as well use it uh oh so maybe yeah i haven't tried mixing sata and sass so let me just just try doing the eight satas so 9703 let's try doing that in a raid 10. 97 okay so can't do a span let's try doing raid zero yolo this thing doesn't have the proper attributes okay so hold on show all all right these are sata zero through three and these are sata eight through ten on 98. that was the command we're doing 97 0 33 98 8 through 8 through 11. uh okay let's try this let's try raid 0 on the first four sata drives actually let's just try these nope okay let's try through those okay so we got we got a raid 0 on these okay so let's do raid 0 on 4 through was it eight no four through seven off by one error okay grade zero on those and we'll do 98 eight through shoot eleven okay so we can create raids with all the different ones huh i can't pronounce your name but i don't understand anything you're doing but it's fun yes i agree all right oh vincent palmer says that i can do this if i set up the arrays the groups first before i create the array uh you know what um somebody's asking me also about power for this this rig i don't actually have my kilowatt plugged in i was going to do that for the stream but i forgot so i'll try to measure that at some point later and mindless mind you can actually create raids on this card with with different capacities i think the big issue here is that there's different interfaces like there's a backplane and a separate one but anyway so let's see here vincent palmer says that i should be able to do this raid 10 83 let's see so this is where i am not a store cli expert by any means and you can't see the full command in the terminal it should be breaking lines here so this command right here is breaking line to this one so that's the command that i used just now uh and can i move myself in the top right yeah let me do that i should actually just tab myself up there anyways all right there's that now you should be able to see the bottom of the terminal which is more important anyways let's see okay okay and i technically i could connect to the gui i'm running raspberry pi os lite the version that doesn't have the gui in it so that's why it's not there um and also this is for anybody that that is seeing this later on the screen it says a 16 drive volume we're doing 12 drives because this guy with four extra drives was not actually working seemed to have a power issue so all right so let me show all again i'm gonna see so they're all online in their separate grades and if i say lsblk i can see sda oh look at that a terabyte they're like living in the 2000s now this one's only 445. so i mean i i could i could put these together in software but that would just be silly um what i really want to do is where was that chat message you guys are chatting so much i can't get up there all right [Music] so vincent palmer had mentioned doing something like this uh now somebody wants me to re move myself to the bottom right corner um let's see okay so the idea here would be what first i'd have to delete the three raid volumes that i just created i presume and so let's do that really quick where was that command we all delete okay so we're deleting all the volumes that i just created yeah somebody's asking about a discord server right now i'm i think i'm in like seven discord servers uh what else like seven or eight slack things um i mean irc all the time there's just too much chat in the world i have everything muted um i i just couldn't i just couldn't couldn't deal with trying to manage that at least not right now someday if i ever go to be the size of like linus tech tips and i have 15 people on staff that just go around and do social media yeah we could think about that i i just can't uh can't moderate a community of chat that's specific to this channel all right [Music] so if we wanted to do this uh raid 10. huh okay i should probably copy and paste this out of chat so that i can get reference to it okay sorry about that i'm just cleaning up here and so what shoot went off my screen again all right so stor cli c0 add vd raid 10 drives so we do 97 0 through 0 through 3. that'd be that pdp er array equals two so trying to think so if we did that um if we did this first and this strip size would be 64 because there's sata ssds so let's try that and then array three would be 97 four through seven okay and this strip size would be 256 because there's sata yes together sas spinning drives uh pd pro does not match with the specified arrays huh so store cli so what is pd pararay yeah there's nothing about that ah let's look in here oh so what does pd per array mean that's my question pd cash all right i'm looking in the manual pd per array pewdieprey here we go 0 to 15 number of physical drives per array well that would be 4 5 6 7 that would be 4 actually right read 10 parity disks per array oh okay so now i actually get it so this would be if i'm doing raid 10 here this would be two still and that should work okay yeah but that i think it automatically sets that if i don't need that so what is the so let's see let's see pd per array to define your groups first before trying to create the array i'm just trying to figure out if there's a way that i can lump these in together into one raid array so i'm making three raid 10s right now again instead of raid 0s would be 98 8 through 11 and it would be again pd for rate two but that's so now if i say uh show show all it's going to show me these three volumes um they're all named the same thing oops that shouldn't be the case uh and at raid 10 they're going to have smaller size but can i create like one raid volume out of these three because that's really what i want to do with 16 drives can i store some totally not incriminating data on it of course just copy it over i mean so so at this point lsblk i have these three devices i could create a softer raid array of them that's kind of annoying and it's already been an hour i'm wondering if maybe i should cut this off and try to figure out if i can get this working some other way um because what i wanted to do is make one big 16 drive rate array and see if i could do that obviously the 16 is out of question because um because we had this this problem with the these four drives and somebody in the stream i somebody in the live chat did mention that they might have some drives they could send my way which would be cool if i could have all the same drives i mean when you're building enterprise raid arrays or anything professional level you want to use the same drive and the thing you don't want to mix and match a bunch of different hard drives you can do that especially if you're using like raid z or md admin or something you can even do it with hardware raid but it causes it causes problems not not just in getting the raid thing set up if you have problems with the drive in the future the performance characteristics can be different and it can lead to weird hard to debug performance problems you also should have extras on hand to slap in if one of your drives fails which happens in these raid arrays i mean it could be that all four of those drives are bad now i don't know it's either the enclosure the power supply or the drives i don't think it's the enclosure because it's pretty darn simple um yeah so merger fs i mean i i can i can stripe these together inside of md admin or or even do like cfs or something crazy like that but that that's just adding a bottleneck on top of everything that i don't want to do i wanted to do this all through the hardware card and i have a feeling that it's possible uh but maybe there's something i'm missing and we might need to get we might need to get someone else involved from broadcom who knows more about the way that the card works with different kinds of types of drives or something um in the end though i mean that the best solution would be to use the same drive for everything but even there if i have like eight of the same drive here and four more of the same drive outside of it will that work i'm not 100 sure i think i might need to talk to somebody who knows more about this than me so i i think that today's live stream we might stop there and i'll just advance a little bit more through here unfortunately i don't think we'll get to the benchmarks i could do a benchmark right now but what's going to happen is um this one's going to benchmark at 400 megabytes per second this one's going to be like 200 doing random writes and things like that it's because they basically are pumping through as many bits as the pie can pump through on its bus anyway so yeah unfortunately i don't think we're going to get through uh get through getting one raid array out of all this but i i think that we it's possible and i'll i will be talking a bit more about raid because let me switch over to my iphone cam which is now getting very choppy it seems like as time has gone on it's gotten choppier and choppier i i have down here this aces store nas unit what i'm going to do so somebody from asus store reached out and they said hey we saw you doing all this stuff with nfs on the pie i think and you can see my beautiful little bug trap over there because every once when i get a big cockroach in here anyways because i'm in my basement they reached out sorry that's probably not the best way to introduce this thing it's actually a pretty cool mass unit they said hey why don't you try this thing out and and tell people um you know what are the differences why would you choose something like this over something like a home-built raspberry pi nas and that i thought that was a cool cool problem so they also contacted seagate who sent me these four iron wolf drives so i'm going to be using these in that nas and then i'm going to do the same thing in raspberry pi nas using just a sata card for now because i want to try to see if i can get a similar price range for those two things so watch for that on the on the channel um and i'll also be doing a couple other storage things i'm still working on something that will be even more interesting and fun uh using this ls this broadcom card so uh so keep keep watching coca roach what yeah yes every once in a while i i noticed that the the bug catcher gets full so i have to toss it out but uh anyway yeah so so that's it and i was going to celebrate everything i mean i'm still celebrating we got we got 12 drives running they're all connected to the pie and i have three raid volumes hardware raid i wanted to get one raid volume so we'll see if we can get that but there's a new video one of the hard drives didn't work and maybe there's four more that don't work now i don't know but one of the hard drives didn't work so i handed it off to redshirt jeff to let him try to fix it and things went a little south anyway that video is on my channel so go to the go to the channel page and check it out anyways until next time i'm jeff gearling you
Channel: Jeff Geerling
Views: 44,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, hard drive, drive, raid, ssd, hdd, sas, backplane, tray, storage, volume, broadcom, megaraid, live, compute module 4, cm4, compute module, pci, pcie, pci express, linux, zfs, btrfs, kingston, nvme, m.2, enclosure, breakout
Id: afnszOuWt74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 57sec (4557 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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