Raspberry Pi 5: Getting Started

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in almost 500 videos I've never made a guide for getting started with Raspberry Pi so today at this brand new Micro Center in Charlotte I thought I'd do that and this location is special to me see last year on the Mr be set I needed parts for button and led controls and there was nowhere in North Carolina I could get them the same day they had almost everything in that Mr Beast building except for the little electronics parts I needed yeah just uh years of collecting stuff little projects here and there I just have everything that we would possibly need you don't have a Micro Center here I don't have a Micro Center I just wish they had a Greenville location because that really would have helped when I got on set well Micro Center was listening they just opened up here in Charlotte it's not quite Greenville but that's a heck of a lot closer than Atlanta and I mean other channels talk graphics cards PC builds and even Apple stuff but when I come I head straight to the maker section and Raspberry Pi is front and center for this video I wanted to try out two projects perfect for getting started with a Raspberry Pi building a remote p camera and building an indoor air monitor everything I need should be inside this building and yes Micro Center sponsored this video by the end of it I'll build a great starter pie rig and we'll give it away to some lucky visitor here in Charlotte the first thing you have to decide is which P to get there are five generations of Raspberry Pi and they're also completely different form factors in each generation like this tiny Pi zero fits almost anywhere but it doesn't have an ethernet port or full sizee USB the pi4 and Pi 5 have that but they're kind of naked boards you have to buy a case a power supply and all those things then there's the pi 400 this kit that's 99 bucks comes with a pi built into a keyboard a mouse a power supply and it already has P OS installed so you can just plug in a monitor and you're done but each Pi has its own merits like the pi Zer isn't full featured but it only costs 15 bucks and sips a tiny bit of power great for things like remote sensors or time-lapse cameras the pi 5 starts at 60 bucks but it's about as fast as a basic cheap PC but just tiny and with tons of maker friendly EXP expansion options the pi 4 is like the pi five but slower and you can get it at 35 bucks all the pies are great for different projects but today I'm going to stick with the latest version the pi 5 it's the most flexible Pi for anything from programming sensors to machine learning I also need a keyboard and mouse you could use any old set but I'll grab the official Pi versions along with a pi5 case that's it for the basic kit but for a camera project I'll grab one of the pi camera modules this version has built-in autofocus and it's a about as good as a mid-range smartphone camera the tiny size means I can put it almost anywhere like this one watching my 3D printer to build an air monitoring station with a pi there are a lot of options I could buy individual sensors and Microcenter has tons of those but one board I love is pyron's enviral plus air quality sensor this thing comes in two versions that both use the Pi's gpio or general purpose input and output pins GPO pins are one of the Pi's superpowers and they're really what makes a pi a pi I'll grab the plus version but before we head over to build the P I'll grab a couple other accessories in this aisle when I'm hacking on a p project I like to have the pie mounted up on a tray instead of buried inside a case this acrylic case is perfect for that I can run it without the top for easy access to everything there are also tons of other hats adapters and other project boards I almost never leave this aisle empty-handed that's the danger of living close to a Micro Center there are also other cases so many cases and I'll be posting a video covering some of my favorites soon so subscribe I also grabbed an Acer monitor micr Center had on sale for 99 bucks and I like this one because it has built-in speakers and I needed storage for the pie so I grabbed one of Micro Center's premium micro SD cards you can actually budha pie from a hard drive or SSD too but Micro SD is easy and cheap as long as you get a decent card and one last thing the piie camera doesn't have any way of mounting it to a tripod or anything so I found a 3D printable case online and I know Microcenter has 3D printers in the back so I'm going to see if I can get a case printed I have the the print file on here and I'm going to try to get this to go I've never used an A1 Mini before but hey what you doing over here oh sorry I I need to print something for my video and I was wondering could I print it on one of these sure what type of filing are you going to need I didn't think about that but I saw that you guys have a really cool new way of getting filament here yeah it's a vending machine can you show me how that works sure can what kind of color do you want well I was thinking like a raspberry Pike and a red uh cool so these swatches show you how to print it okay so like you just this is actually that filament print these are actually printed shows you how it prints allots that is cool all right well this says red but it looks a little orange I think this is a little more close to the raspberry pie red all right so uh let's grab one of these how does this work so we just take it over here scan it into the machine and then it rotates around that one's out of course I picked the only one that's empty we got like 20 of that one so if you don't find it the first time goes to the next one and we do have it there oh right here awesome well thank you can can you uh could you take care of that for me while I shoot the video sounds good yeah so unlike a desktop PC this actually has everything on one board that's why it's called a single board computer and that is the Raspberry Pi 5 you have the ports over here the GPI pins and the processor the memory and the storage goes here and I I got this Micro Center card it's 256 GB and it's super tiny and it doesn't have an operating system on it so I'm going to put it into the pie but but uh we're not going to have an operating system yet we're going to get that through the internet once we plug it in to work with it I'm going to use this Pi keyboard so they didn't have the red and white one in stock so we have the the black and gray keyboard which actually I think looks a little nicer but it doesn't match the uh Pi aesthetic but it does have a matching black cable the pi keyboard also is nice because it has a built-in USB hub so you can plug multiple devices through it one thing to keep in mind though uh it doesn't have that much power so you're not going to like charge your phone through here but you can plug more USB devices and the pi Mouse is nothing to write home about but it's a mouse it has two buttons and a scroll wheel that clicks on the pi5 there's USB 2.0 ports two of those and USB 3.0 ports a keyboard doesn't need that much speed so you should plug it in on this side you could plug it on on either side but if you're plugging in a hard drive or anything else that needs a lot of speed plug it into the blue ports and I can plug the mouse right into the or I can also plug it into the back of the keyboard here and this mat is not ESD safe but it's probably okay uh but I do like to have the pie in a case or on something so that's why I bought this acrylic stackable case I'm going to use this without the fan on it for now that way I'll have easy access to all the ports on the pie and this case comes with some heat sinks which I can put on these the pie runs okay without any heat sinks but if you want the best performance you want to run with a heat sink and it's nice that they include a fan here to get some air flow over it just to keep it from overheating and thermal throttling and losing a little performance and it looks like this kit was actually made for the pi4 which has a more squared off heat spreader on the top but it's still it still works it's going to provide a little bit more area for the heat to come off you don't really need a heat heat sink on the uh the Wi-Fi module but this one is a little big for that power module which actually can get a little hot uh so if you get a heat sync kit for the pi5 it usually has a smaller one for that but we can run it without it it should be okay [Music] and once I deploy a pie I'll put a fan on it but for this testing that we're doing right now we don't need a fan it's not going to overheat not in the open air like this although today it's 93 in Charlotte so we'll see and I'm going to put these rubber feet on the bottom just so it doesn't slide around too [Music] much one neat thing about this case in particular is it's stackable you could actually put another case on top of this one and have them stacked up to build your own little pie cluster if you want I have videos on that USB plugged in and then the pi five this is something I don't really like about all the pi4 and Pi 5 generation they have micro micro HDMI which means that you need an adapter cable if you want to plug in a standard HDMI monitor they sell one and it's like bucks but it' be annoying like the monitor comes with a cable so you have to buy an extra cable just to plug it in I would rather just have fullsize HDMI so you didn't have to deal with this plug this into the monitor there it is and then I'll plug the Pi's power supply into power and uh if you're using a Raspberry Pi 5 it's good to get the official power supply or another one that provides at least 25 to 30 wats because uh the pi5 does need a little bit more power than the pi4 generation but you can use other power supplies too it's just you might not be able to do things like plug an SSD or hard drive into it and have it be working so now if I plug it in it's going to turn on right away but it doesn't have an operating system and the easiest way to do this is to plug it into your network using an ethernet cable and if you have internet access you can hold down the shift key on the keyboard and it will boot into the network installer if you don't have internet access then you'll need another computer and on the other computer you can plug the micro SD card in and use Raspberry Pi's imager tool and then you can Flash the Raspberry Pi operating system onto it there um but in my case I do have an ethernet cable with internet so if I plug this [Music] in hopefully it's actually plugged in somewhere I didn't check that beforehand so we're uh changing course a little bit I found out that this ethernet cable is plugged in but it only works in certain scenarios and not with the Raspberry Pi so I'm going to take the micro SD card out of here I'm also going to shut down the pie by holding down the button on the front until the little LED turns red and I'm going to flash it using my Mac uh using of course a dongle because Apple doesn't believe in having card slots on their computers so I'll plug this in here and then I'm going to use Raspberry Pi imager on my Mac so this is a very similar process to what you'd get with the network boot uh you choose your device so in this case it's a Raspberry Pi 5 choose your operating system 99% of the time you're going to choose this but you can actually choose other systems like you can choose retr Pi for gaming or you can choose octopie for 3D printing there's a lot of different operating systems for Asberry Pi but this one is the nicest one for getting started with all kinds of projects on the pie and then you choose your storage which it's a 2506 6 GB micro SD card uh you can also change up some settings on the pi in the imager or you can change them later on the pi in my case since I use imager for my own images sometimes I'm going to change the settings on here so that I have my own password that I set uh already applied and we could turn on the wireless land here but we can also do that later and you can also turn on things like remote SSH access in here and other options too [Music] so I got this flashed on my MacBook and I'm going to plug it into the pyan and like I said if you have ethernet that's a little bit easier but otherwise you need another computer to flash the micro SD card so I plug that in and I'm going to press the power button and the pi turns on and we should see it uh boot up over here and the first time the pi boots up on a fresh OS it actually reboots a couple times because it has to expand to fill the file system and and sometimes I don't know why but it reboots like three times this time it looks like it's going to do it twice and this is pios uh the desktop this is running a version of Linux but this is a kind of a custom skin of Linux that Raspberry Pi maintains so it has a built-in menu bar with the the little menu with all the options in it uh it has a built-in web browser file manager and terminal and then over here there's Wi-Fi settings Bluetooth settings sound settings and uh since this this this monitor has speakers built in so it should also give us sound and we'll test that uh but the first thing I like to do when I set up a new Pi with a new micro SD card is test to make sure the SD card is fast enough and Raspberry Pi actually includes this Raspberry Pi di Diagnostics tool to help with that so the SD card speed test we'll check to make sure that this SD card is fast enough to run posos well and it's always a good idea to check that because some micro SD cards are made a lot better than others and if you have one that's really slow it's going to make your whole experience using a Raspberry Pi not very fun and uh it says it passed which means that it meets Raspberry Pi standards but you can look into the logs and see how fast it is this one is uh actually a pretty good card micro center does a good job with their micro SD cards good job to them uh the other thing that I want to make sure is working is the sound so I'm going to close this and uh we'll connect to a Wi-Fi network here uh the first time we do this it's going to ask me what country in there it is United States looks like I have an IP address so I'm going to check and see if YouTube works that's also a good test for the performance of a Raspberry Pi or other single board computers some of them can't really run YouTube at 1080P or at 720p so we're going to go to YouTube and I'll pick one of my videos and we'll see if the sound comes through H H the pie hasn't updated its date and time yet so the date was not setting because the Wi-Fi here was a little bit uh interesting I think they're blocking some of the servers that it was going to use so now we have the Internet working finally and I'm going to go to my YouTube channel and see if Sound Works so it has sound the sound is nothing to write home about on this monitor so if you're buying this monitor for its speakers maybe buy some external speakers uh but it does work so the the pi has a few options for sound you can go through HDMI you could use USB audio device uh some hats provide even better sound um but this video is not about seeing how good it is at playing YouTube it's about doing projects so the next thing I'm going to do is plug this camera in to do that I'm going to plug it into one of these slots here however you want to power off the pie before you do that cuz you don't want to power up a camera while it's on or risk shorting something by putting the pin in the wrong place so let me turn this off I'll plug it in and we'll see if we can get the camera up on here so newer camera modules Raspberry Pi started including the the cable for it but if you have an older camera module or Old Stock it has the wrong cable for this so micr Center actually sells the right cable for it which I have right here and you'll have to do a a cable swap on it and to do that you pull very gently on this little black piece here and slide this out you can see the contacts are facing the same side as the camera and I'll put that in the same way with this orangish cable and then push down on the black part like so and now these these contacts go into one of these two ports facing towards the ports on this side so the contacts face this way plug it in and we have the camera now I actually got the 3D print back from uh the back and here's part of it here's the other part and oh when I did that the P booted up maybe unplug the P before you do this because you shouldn't really power it on while you're messing around with it too much uh but I I had them print this case in the back and we should fit right in like this that sound is that doesn't sound wonderful but it's good enough so this is my little uh GoPro stand GoPro tripod and I'm going to face the camera towards me right next to the pie and I'll screw this in all right the camera's all connected and it's pointed at me so I'm going to turn it on and uh when it comes up there's a few two different things you can do you can just make sure the camera's working with rasy Cam uh or you can also download what I'm going to do a remote control web service that you can run on your pi and you can actually access it from any other computer uh to see what's going on now that the Pi's camera is plugged in I want to make sure that it's actually working so I'm going to say lid camera still uh tt0 and that should open up a window with the camera on it and it does there I am hello and I think Auto Focus works too yeah so there's my hand now it's on me and uh we can focus on this so the camera's working autofocus is working and that's all good and I'm going to close out of here by pressing contrl C in this window and so now we know the camera actually works I'm going to set up a remote access service so I can access it from other computers on the network and for that I'm going to search for uh Pi camera 2 web UI and this is a project on GitHub made by monkey made me so thank you very much for making this an open source project that we can use so I'm going to download the zip file that has the code for this in it that downloads onto the system here I can expand this and that creates a python application that will run in the background and share this camera out over the network so if I go back into the terminal and I follow the instructions here uh and then I'm going to type in Python app.py and that loads in some configuration and then from any computer on the same network I can go to this URL and visit the pi camera and I can do that from here of course cuz I'm on the same network on this own on this pi and this is the interface so you can see it's a little blotchy that's because I think by default it's trying to do 4K which 4K is a lot to stream so I can change that in the setting to go to 1080p which is a little easier to stream and it switches the camera mode and now you can see it's not quite real time because it's actually synchronizing the feed through the web UI and I can access this from my iPad from my iPhone or another computer and remote control it and do time-lapses and things and this is just one of thousands of different projects you can do with a pie camera so the other part of this build is the enviral plus air quality monitor and it uses the Pi's gpio pins there's actually a lot of different ways you can interface with these pins you can use little Dupont connectors where you plug them into each individual pin some people make breakout boards where you can plug things into breadboards on your Raspberry Pi a lot of these hats will plug straight into the top of the pie however some hats also have things that stick out of the bottom and that can also touch things that are on the pie like if you have a cooler or a big heat sink uh and the other problem is that this has a temperature probe on it and if you have the temperature probe right above the hot CPU the temperature probe is going to be a little bit off so one thing that I do when I'm using these kind of hats is I have an adapter I use a right angle adapter and that will let me put this hat off to the side and it will still allow me to use another hat on top of the pie if I want to so I'm going to put this right here stab my finger while I do it because those are sharp just plug it in on the side right there and that lets me have the the hat off to the side you can also get extension cables for this uh there's a lot of different ways you can mount this up uh this particular hat actually works a little bit better with the Raspberry Pi 0w or 0 W2 because it's the footprints the same and that Pie Gets a little bit cooler than than the pi5 but it'll work with any PI that has gopo I'm going to do that and then this hat also has the ability to use a particulate matter sensor so if you want to see uh pm2.5 or pm5 or pm10 different particulate sizes in the air this sensor lets you do that and so if you're trying to measure your outdoor air quality uh or even indoor air quality so I have this all plugged in I'm going to turn on the p and hopefully this is the right orientation otherwise we could see some magic smoke uh so far it hasn't exploded so that's good and to get this to work you have to download software from Pimon which they provide on their website and a lot of these projects will have you do things in the terminal it's really a good skill to have on the Raspberry Pi to know how to use the terminal this video is not going to get too deep into that for many things it gives you the commands to run so you can just run them and it should work this is what I look like when I spent an hour debugging something on site that worked perfect ly in the studio on the day of the shoot you ran into some networking issues and well it's just risky doing things live which is why I redid the setup back in the studio where I don't have any time pressures I followed pyron's instructions I installed the enviral plus software and this time I actually plugged the board in the right way and look at that it works I can run the example Python scripts they include to do things like check on temperature see the current light levels or even check on particulate matter after I plug in an external sensor it was reading zero when I started it up but after I gave it a little persuasion with this hacksmith mini lightsaber it started seeing the tiny particulates in my studio there's also an LCD you can control so I ran a few different tests to make sure that worked all in all this little hat has a ton of features crammed in and since it's all managed through gpio I can write my own custom software and do whatever I want with it that is the power of a Raspberry Pi but back to North Carolina it was cool to meet a couple of you there and Microcenter let me give away the whole setup monitor I'll just sorry about the audio here so Joshua came up here right as we were finishing up recording would you like to take this uh kit with the monitor the Raspberry Pi 5 the enviral plus camera sure that would be amazing awesome have you ever used a Raspberry Pi before I have I've got a three and I was able to get four before the E shortage so and now we have a five thanks for coming to microsof thank you right now I'm using a pie at my studio to learn about radio with RTL SDR at home I have one running py hole to make my home internet better Raspberry Pi has a bunch of tutorials to get you started and of course subscribe here to see all my Pi Adventures thanks to Micro Center for sponsoring my trip and thanks to especially to Blake from shooting star media for helping me film everything today until next time I'm Jeff gurling
Channel: Jeff Geerling
Views: 102,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, pi 5, pi 4, micro center, guide, tutorial, how to, test, setup, enviroplus, enviro, indoor, air, sensor, gpio, general purpose input output, pins, arm, maker, make, build, put together, power supply, pi 400, pi zero, 2w, wifi, network, camera, module, cm3, cm4, decision, which one, selection, pick, decide, options, pimoroni, hat, python, hats, expansion, csi, monitor, hdmi, plug, install, installation
Id: UtLyX72-688
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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