15 Times Water Went Out Of Control

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if you're scared of water we strongly advise you not to watch this video we've put together the most terrifying and deadly accidents involving water that have ever happened in the world from a street being flooded with boiling water to the biggest dam in the world collapsing here are 15 times water when out of control number fifteen the hijro etuango dam on the kauka river colombia the hidro etuango dam on the calco river in colombia was in the final stages of construction when an engine room collapsed and caused the river to flood violently the accident caused the evacuation of tens of thousands of people and left 600 completely homeless surprisingly no worker at the dam got injured or swept away by the massive amount of water but eight entire municipalities were gravely affected by the flooding its population is believed to number up to 120 thousand people the high water pressure also caused extremely dangerous landslides and floods at other parts of the kauka river the nightmare just didn't seem to end unfortunately in colombia there wasn't any humanitarian help and people were left without food or shelter in absolute and total abandonment entire communities lost their way of life and they would never be able to get back to normal after the terrible accident to top it all off the company responsible for the mega project never took into consideration the potential dangers of the construction of the dam so this tragedy could have been avoided if they had only listened to the ngos and the local people of the area and apparently there were many other incidents during the early stages of construction as well so it was just all around a fiasco that put people's lives in danger number 14 ukraine's water pipe explosion in this video you can see a mind-blowing underground explosion that happened in ukraine it was a water pipe that exploded and in the process it propelled muddy water and debris up to six stories high cctv cameras that were set up on the same street caught the event you can see a woman walking by as the explosion happened then she was swept away by huge chunks of debris the cars that were unfortunately parked nearby were completely covered in mud and suffered extreme damage but the story didn't end there after the explosion you can see a river of muddy water flowing on the street taking with it whatever is in its way on the aftermath of the event the explosion left behind a six meter hole in the ground but thankfully nobody was hurt in the process reportedly the incident happened because workers were conducting pressure tests on pipes that hadn't been used for 37 years they flooded the pipes with ice cold water resulting in the explosion i mean imagine one day park in your car nonchalantly on a street only to find it later next to a six meter hole and covered in mud and pavement it just goes to show always get a good plumber if you have pipe issues at your house and pay them what they ask for you don't want an explosion taking half your property down the road number 13 damn collapses in brazil 25th of january 2019. on january 25th 2019 a damn burst in bru modinho making an entire hillside collapse within seconds and taking with it an entire mine and several buildings the dramatic disaster left 110 dead victims and weeks after the explosion the authorities were still digging up bodies from the mud the nearby town of brumadino was partially drowned under the torrent of waste coming from the iron ore mine that was also washed over the tragedy left hundreds of people without a job or a home and hundreds more were missing it was a heartbreaking event locals say that in the city of brumadinio every young person worked at the mine and now there will no longer be people of working age anymore they were all swept away by the terrific torrent of water the incident's aftermath will be suffered for decades to come particularly because it's a humble and forgotten area local people are demanding an explanation for the tragedy particularly after the same company that owned the dam has seen in the past other dam explosion accidents in brazil some arrests were made but the company's executives were not charged number 12 tsunamis tsunamis are the most extreme natural disaster involving water in the world a single tsunami can wipe out an entire coast and all the cities on it in a matter of hours it's a real monster that eats everything in its way and there's nothing we can do to stop it the only thing we can do is run to higher ground and watch our entire community get swept away by the violent torrent of water in 2011 japan was hit by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake the most powerful ever recorded to have hit the country and it generated gigantic tsunami waves that hit and destroyed the entire east shoreline gulping entire buildings and bringing ships inland the enormous waves were recorded to be as high as 130 feet but the tragedy didn't end there it was soon going to be much much worse the disaster caused damage to the fukushima nuclear power plant contaminating an incredibly vast area that to this date forced 100 000 people to never be able to go back to their homes the aftermath of the horrible tragedy claimed 16 000 lives and tens of billions of dollars in damage the country would never be the same after that and people will never forget what happened number 11 auroville dam 2017 usa at 770 feet the oroville dam is the highest one in the usa it supplies water for more than 23 million people all over california it is the biggest state-owned water storage and delivery system in the entire country but in 2017 there was a terrible accident at the dam the rise of the water in the reservoir started to get close to its maximum capacity causing a major spillage of water and resulting in uncontrollable damage apparently the incident was caused by none other than human error workers failed to recognize the warning signs for a half a century there were also lots of issues with the dam's design to begin with president donald trump approved a loan to california for 275 million dollars to respond to the crisis and an additional 500 million dollars were borrowed from the federal government to pay for the dam's repairs and everything could have been avoided if the owner had a more proactive instead of reactive approach he put in charge of the dam a very young and inexperienced engineer and the crew members were fiercely understaffed it was also recorded that the owner refused to put up to date all the security and information management systems resulting in major technical problems that caused the spillage what we have here is once again a tale of greed resulting in absolute disaster number 10 mississippi river flood 2011 usa in 2011 the mississippi river started dangerously rising resulting in the flooding and drowning of hundreds of thousands of acres in the area more than 4 million people saw their residences completely destroyed by the water and hundreds of farmers saw their crops being completely covered by water losing them forever lots of people got stranded on their roofs and they could only be rescued by boat it was the highest the waters had ever been since 1937. the water was so incredibly strong it was calculated at 2 million cubic feet per second that is so quick it would fill a football field up to 40 feet high in just one second thousands of people were evacuated from their homes the water remained inland for approximately 12 days and after all that time wildlife reclaimed the area there were sightings of alligators and water snakes inside people's homes just imagine the terror of going back to your flooded and destroyed house only to find a huge gator chilling in your living room in the aftermath the flood washed in from one to six feet of sand into residential areas and farms which required for an excessive amount of work if the farmers wanted to replant their crops the mississippi river flooding caused 2.8 billion dollars in damages in total that's a pretty expensive natural phenomenon number nine water main disaster australia when a water main burst in a melbourne suburb it resulted in a never-before-seen spectacular water fountain the accident started when the 130-pound metal cage that was meant to cover the water pipe blew into the air just like a champagne cork only to land on a nearby house completely destroying it what happened next was even more surreal a water fountain that was 250 feet high erupted from the earth with a power that shocked an entire nation the mind-blowing deluge lasted for an entire hour and it was reported that 9 000 gallons of water were gushed into the sky each and every second that's a total of 500 000 gallons of water lost forever which is the amount of water needed to fill an entire olympic swimming pool and also enough to fill 55 tanker trucks in the aftermath several homes were absolutely destroyed all caused by a 50 year old pipe that was supposed to last for another 50 more it's believed that the pipe rupture was the consequence of a faulty air ball valve number eight dang chow dam failure 1975 china in 1975 china suffered one of its most tragic flooding events of its history when the bang chow dam collapsed the failure was caused by a very powerful typhoon that dropped an entire year's worth of rain in less than 24 hours and thus filled the dam to one and a half times its maximum capacity but the dam showed crack shortly after its construction and it had to undergo repairs for several years and even so nobody could have predicted the magnitude of typhoon nina when the dam collapsed an unimaginable amount of water was released and led to the collapse of 60 other dams in the area not surprisingly though there's very little information about the terrible tragedy because china tried to cover it up at all costs but we do know that at least 26 000 people were killed immediately and overall it's estimated that 240 000 more people died in the years to come because of complications after the collapse like famine and epidemic diseases in the aftermath the flood affected a total population of 10.15 million people and destroyed 6.8 million homes these numbers are so incredibly high they're hard to even comprehend to repair the dam they brought back in the engineer that was previously fired for wanting too many security measures i guess they learned their lesson number seven first water main causes disaster in brazil in the city of rio de janeiro in 2013 a terrible accident happened a water main exploded triggering a terrible blast that unfortunately killed a three-year-old little girl 16 other people were gravely injured as well the violent torrent of water which blasted up to 65 feet high was mainly aiming at a two-story residential building destroying everything inside it as well as many other houses and cars in the area the entire community got severely flooded thus causing even more damage to property when the firefighters got to the scene of the tragedy they tried to revive the three-year-old child but all the efforts were in vain as she was already gone needless to say the entire community was devastated the incident occurred during the night so many people were sleeping at the moment of the explosion and then they saw water coming into their homes in sheer terror the only way to survive was to climb onto the roof and wait until a boat came to the rescue but many people woke up to find themselves swept away by the force of the water somewhere in the middle of the street and still in their mattresses they were seen trying to grab onto something to survive the cause of the explosion is to this date unknown number six two dams fail central michigan ten thousand people had to be evacuated in central michigan after two dams broke causing a 500-year flood the dams failed after the water levels got extremely high due to excessive rain in the area thankfully there were no casualties and nobody got injured but there was a massive amount of property damage as the water invaded entire neighborhoods drowning the houses whole some homes were even ripped from their foundations and were seen floating down the street like boats but the danger didn't stop there the water got contaminated when it came into contact with a nearby chemical plant that dealt with toxic materials the flood also caused major power and gas outages in the widespread area the neighbors were outraged they were convinced the tragedy could have been prevented if the dams were kept in better shape the facility where both the dams are located is one century old you would think they made sure it was up to date though the flood also happened in the midst of the global pandemic caused by covid19 which increased the peril of contagion and also seemed to be a tragedy right after the other thousands of people had to live in communal shelters making it very difficult to put in place social distancing number five baldwin hills damn disaster 1963. the disaster happened on december 14 1963 in the neighborhood of south los angeles california the accident began with signs of lining failure on the reservoir and three hours later the dam was breached releasing a total of almost 300 million gallons of water in 77 minutes that inundated everything from downtown los angeles and the international airport five people lost their lives and the strong currents decimated around 227 homes the wall of water was 30 feet high and 100 feet across swiping everything in its path erasing hillsides and golfing up buildings everywhere the disaster was unprecedented in california they had never before seen a flood with such a power of destruction and such a huge reach the dam had a breach of around one square mile quite an impressive hole even compared to the gigantic structure in the aftermath up to 10 inches of mud was found covering absolutely everything but fortunately they could issue an evacuation order in time so the vast majority of people could flee the area before tragedy struck they were safe but they would go back to their entire house or apartment destroyed by the mud and the water not a pretty scene to see the damages were reported to be at least 10 million us dollars which for that time was a fortune number four street filled with boiling water if i told you that in russia an entire street was flooded with boiling water you would say i'm crazy but anything can happen in russia right and this story is very much true a hot water pipe burst and spat out a five-story high boiling water fountain it sounds like an anecdote from hell but it happened right here on earth it occurred in a street in krasnoyarsk and a bus filled with people was very close by the driver tried to go through the obstacle but the road had caved under the extreme heat of the water the driver then proceeded to escape through a smashed windscreen but he forgot to open the door for the rest of the passengers and the scorching water quickly filled the bus with 15 people inside 13 of them had to be rushed to the hospital presenting third-degree skin burns and some of them were in life-threatening conditions talk about selfishness from the bus driver if only it pressed a button before fleeing the safety himself the tragedy could have been easily avoided so there you have it next time you're in the position to help people do it without hesitation or else you'll appear in the six o'clock news and your entire country will know number three water main break causes massive flooding in houston when a water main broke in houston it spilled water for nearly two miles away in flooding the freeway that circles the city as well as many streets and homes people were forced to climb on top of their cars or their roofs to avoid the violent torn of water that was coming in mercilessly the incident caused a major shutdown at the interstate 610 because a huge chunk of it got completely submerged underwater making it impossible to keep traffic flow schools restaurants and businesses had to close for two days after the pipe breakage a pipe that provided 50 percent of the drinking water for the entire city apparently the burst was caused by workers trying to fix a minor leak and as they were moving soil around the 96 inch pipe it suddenly broke and started spitting massive amounts of water they blamed the incident on the fact of the infrastructure being very old it took workers more than eight hours to manage to fix the broken water main and the residents of houston didn't have water pressure for more than 24 hours forcing them to boil water number 2 sayano shushanskaya dam 2009 russia on august 17 2009 a horrible accident happened in a hydroelectric plant in south central russia the water levels of the nsc river rose to tremendous levels flooding the turbine room and causing the transformer to explode the explosion ended up destroying three other turbines and damaging all 10 in the facility 75 workers lost their lives during the tragedy they were buried alive under the rubble in addition 40 tons of transformer oil were spilled into the river causing major environmental disasters the water contamination killed an estimated 400 tons of trout in at least two fisheries officials believe it was a violation of safety procedures that caused the disaster everyone that lives in the area lost a loved one that day it'll have big repercussions throughout the years the company that owned the facility had to borrow 300 million us dollars for repairs but it later had to ask the russian government for another half a billion u.s dollars the company compensated the families of the deceased workers with 30 000 u.s dollars each but the family members claim it won't bring back their loved ones and they should have invested that money sooner to prevent the disaster number one viont dam failure 1963 italy the vayant hydroelectric dam was one of the tallest in the world it could hold 44 billion gallons of water but right after its construction the mountains just above the dam immediately started showing very deep and very large cracks and i mean a giant crack in a mountain is never ever a good sign locals reported that the ground kept moving and every day new cracks would appear they also said that everybody could feel that something was wrong and that a tragedy was afoot some years later they experienced another terrifying sign a landslide this time scientists took the warnings and started investigating and what they found out was absolutely terrifying they discovered that the water reservoir was putting so much pressure on the mountain it had dislodged a 720 million ton chunk of rock that was now slowly slipping down the mountain straight towards the lake below but even then the scientists were confident that the risk was manageable but as it turned out they were extremely wrong eventually the gigantic chunk of rock fell into the basin and it sent two shock waves in opposite directions swiping away entire towns only leaving behind destruction in both sides it was one of the most deadly man-made events that ever took place in italy and also in the world so as you can see water seems harmless but can be as scary and destructive as fire or even more so what do you think which one of the elements do you consider the most dangerous also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 1,095,520
Rating: 4.7742338 out of 5
Keywords: water, facts, flood, what happens, when, water goes out of control, interesting facts, amazing facts, lists, places, biggest dams, flooding, caught on tape, caught on camera, unbelievable, biggest dam, water pipe explosion, water pipe burst, water pipe, hydroelectric power, hydroelectricity, hydroelectric dam, whats happens, biggest dams in the world, Out Of Control, Went Out Of Control, Water Went Out Of Control
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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