15 Sinkholes Caught Swallowing Things On An Epic Scale

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sinkholes are one of the most terrifying incidents that can happen just imagine the terror of being swallowed by the earth under your feet it's like being buried alive by the earth itself but actually amongst sinkholes there are some that are the pinnacle of danger from a sinkhole boiling people alive to another one swallowing an entire beach here are 15 sinkholes caught swallowing things on an epic scale number 15 batagaika crater the batagaika crater in siberia is the world's biggest growing mega slump and it is so eerie and mysterious local people have called it the gates to hell but for scientists it's a fantastic gate to the past it's an area of constant state of permafrost which means it is always frozen the crater is growing at an alarming speed it moves around 20 or 30 meters per year and it's over one kilometer long and 86 meters deep the origins of this mega slump are human made the forest started being disturbed by people cutting down trees and now this hellish hole in the ground strongly participates to the acceleration of climate change by releasing huge quantities of carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere today it looks like an abandoned battleground and from the sky it looks like a massive spaceship laid down there at some point but scientists are constantly studying it each layer of this crater gives us a snapshot of a different moment in the past of the planet and they can figure out how that forest looked like hundreds or millions of years ago before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] now it's time for the star topic one viewer amongst you has sent us this unbelievable image of a massive sinkhole that recently appeared in the city of taragona spain as you can see it was so gigantic it swallowed whole several houses a road and a section of forest it's believed that the sinkhole happened because the city was built on top of an ancient roman settlement and therefore the ground is not solid but filled with caves and underground passages what do you think do you think that that could be true or maybe they're hiding the fact that they built the city in a hurry and now it's collapsing comment down below with the hashtag star topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14. the grandfather sinkhole the city of beresniki in russia was built on top of a mine and today it is literally sinking into the earth ever since the 1980s massive sinkholes appeared in the ground and some of them were created by extremely powerful and dramatic explosions people still live there and they are losing everything the 150 000 inhabitants of the city are fighting for re-housing and compensation but little is being done to save them and every day they can see before their eyes their city rapidly being swallowed by the earth completely impotent to the situation beresniki was built on top of a potash mine and after almost an entire century of extraction they were left with huge underground caverns that were only supported by walls and pillars made out of salt and as we all know salt is soluble so when a fresh water spring started flowing into the mine all the support began melting away leaving the city completely vulnerable to sinkholes imagine seeing your entire city being swallowed it's a scary thought there are many sinkholes in the city but the biggest has been called the grandfather and it's nearly 400 meters across and more than 200 meters deep number 13 florida sinkholes florida is the sinkhole capital of the u.s by far they form all over the sunshine state but they particularly form in the west central area and there you can see the infamous sinkhole valley in less than 24 hours six new gaping holes have opened up in one single street and if weather conditions worsen those six holes can get a lot bigger and also some new ones can appear needless to say the neighbors are quite terrified sinkholes happen in that area more than any other for many reasons but the main one is because of the karst limestone foundation that put together with long-term weather conditions heavy acidic rains and episodes of drought makes for the perfect cocktail for sinkholes and we all know that rains and drought are extremely frequent in florida sinkholes are so common there that local people are trained in how to watch out for early warning signs because if one happens to open up under your house the way you go with it just imagine how terrifying it must be walking around minding your own business and having the earth under your feet crumble number 12 sinkhole in china a massive sinkhole in china was caught on camera it was so huge it collapsed a road and everything that was on top of it trees included it was so powerful it managed to swallow 21 cars in a matter of seconds in the aftermath the gaping hole was filled with water making it extremely harder to repair the affected road and building chinese authorities believe the collapse was due to heavy torrential rains that had been falling in the area for days on end the disaster was caught by the country's state cctv and it happened on the evening of august 19th 2020. according to reports only 15 vehicles were recovered and they were absolutely wrecked thankfully zero human casualties occurred during the tragic incident sinkholes are becoming an increasingly normal occurrence in the people's republic of china and it's difficult to assert the reason behind them more and more sinkholes are appearing and damaging property and even killing people on some occasions what could possibly be happening underground for this to happen it's a mystery number 11 fukuoka sinkhole japan a busy road in the city of fukuoka in the southwest of japan was completely wrecked by a giant sinkhole on the 16th of november 2016. the entire event was caught on camera by a neighbor that was filming at the exact moment of the disaster from his apartment window thankfully nobody got hurt during the incident but local media reported electric and gas disruptions in the district the sinkhole was so tremendous it engorged an entire four-lane crossroads and a pedestrian pathway including several traffic lights you can see the city's underbelly perfectly like a road autopsy the sinkhole stretched 30 meters wide and 15 meters deep but workers started working so fast to fill the hole the road was open only a week after just in time for rush hour although the repairs seemed to be perfectly robust and steady only a couple of months after the chasm the road showed once again signs of subsidence which understandably scared the neighbors of the district it goes to show not even good old asphalt is reliable these days number 10 queensland beach sinkhole when we think of sinkholes we usually picture them happening in a city or in a mountain forest in any case in dry firm land but sinkholes can also happen in coastal areas such as beaches like the infamous queensland beach sinkhole that spanned 300 meters across it happened near the city of brisbane in australia in september 2018 where only a few years prior another sinkhole occurred that swallowed a caravan a car and several camping tents authorities said that tides waves and ocean currents caused it [Music] the incident has been qualified as a near-shore land slip and it looks like a giant sea monster took a big bite of the beach basically one day there's a beach the next day it simply isn't there anymore just like that and the ocean in the hole is of a much darker color suggesting the water in that area is a lot deeper than its surroundings which is quite terrifying if you think people could be engulfed down if the sinkhole gets any bigger there were no injuries or damage to property this time but if the erosion continues it could affect campsites nearby and the access to the barge to fraser island number nine guatemala sinkhole a massive sinkhole opened up in the streets of guatemala city in 2010. the chasm was 60 feet wide and 100 feet deep and it managed to swallow an entire clothing factory forcing the employees to evacuate the premises immediately and probably in utter panic a burst sewer pipe or a storm drain was probably the cause of it hollowing out the underground cavity authorities say the extreme deluge brought in by storm agatho was the probable trigger and it also provoked disastrous devastation in several areas of the central american country it's a quite terrifying sight it looks like a pathway to the center of the earth or to hell even because it's so extremely deep sinkholes are not a rare occurrence in the area due to the past volcanic activity the city of guatemala is built on top of volcanic pumice which in this case hasn't had the time to transform into solid rock quite yet and therefore it's vulnerable to erosion especially by swift running water and considering the surreal amount of water that went through the underground pipes during storm agatha it's easy to put two and two together this isn't the first man-caused sinkhole that's happened in that section of the city either back in 2007 a suspiciously similar one occurred not that far away from this one making a city sewer inspection extremely urgent number eight a truck in russia fell into a sinkhole while driving many of you are terrified of sinkholes and for good reason there is nothing reassuring or good about sinkholes they only bring chaos and destruction when you're walking on foot in an area that's prone to sinkholes you should and would feel scared you would constantly look down to try and catch early signs so you could start running for your life if necessary but when you're driving a big strong truck it's normal to feel somewhat more secure but should you well the answer is no of course if you don't believe me look at this heavy cement truck that was swallowed whole by a sinkhole in russia while it was driving down a busy street and it almost seems like a custom-made hole for that specific truck talk about coincidence or bad luck maybe thankfully though the truck driver was fine after the incident which was caught by a dash cam but just imagine how frightened he must have been feeling the ground under his truck crumble and suddenly seeing the ground raise over him the stuff at nightmares really number seven earth collapses in the middle of a highway in russia imagine driving your car one day in a perfectly normal road in your town and suddenly seeing the floor right next to it simply sink that's what happened in the town of two men in siberia russia when drivers narrowly avoided falling down into a gigantic sinkhole that opened up out of nowhere in the middle of the road terrifying right at first you can see the cars trying to avoid driving right on top of a slight depression on the asphalt and when the car stopped because of traffic a gaping hole just opens one car in particular has a very lucky escape as its neighbor driver lets him in the space to keep going a little bit as to avoid falling into the hole what a horrendous feeling that must be the hole was immediately closed after the incident and authorities said the heavy rainfalls that occurred the days prior were probably the culprits of the sinkhole nobody got hurt and no cars got damaged either only a bunch of scared drivers that'll probably take other routes next time they're in the area number six massive sinkhole swallows cars and prompts evacuation in rome a massive 30-foot deep sinkhole appeared in the middle of the capital city of rome causing chaos and destruction the gaping hole was filled with debris and six cars got swallowed firefighters rushed to the scene and it was believed that the people might have been buried underneath the rubble luckily nobody got injured but a lot of property got destroyed and many inhabitants of the area had to be evacuated in urgency for danger of more collapses 20 households were in the danger zone around the chasm and they had to be evacuated neighbors got up in arms about the incident because they claimed that they complained months prior to the government because of works in the vicinity that were making some buildings shake they even called it humorously the chronicles of a preventable disaster but authorities have yet to disclose the culprit of the gigantic sinkhole to the press we all know the city of rome is filled with beautiful historical ruins and relics but this sinkhole looks more like something out of an end of the world movie it almost doesn't look real number five huge sinkhole opens up in australia if you have a house with a lovely backyard the last thing you would expect is waking up one day to see that it has collapsed into the earth right well it isn't a dream it is reality and it happened in the queensland city of ipswich australia but it gets even more terrifying the sinkhole kept getting bigger and bigger at such speed that it reached a diameter of 15 meters the horrendous footage shows chunks of earth literally falling into the deep end of the sinkhole that was filled with water but apparently the cause of it wasn't a pipe burst or heavy rainfalls but a subterranean coal mine that collapsed under the retired couple's backyard the area was very big in mining in the past and they didn't keep records of where the caves were so nowadays the government still has no idea where a new sinkhole might happen or when and this isn't the first sinkhole in the city there have been many over the years some more destructive than others so what do you say would you move to ipswich i know i wouldn't number four two men boiled alive as whole swallows their car as far as sinkholes go the scariest ones are ones near water mainly because if you get sucked in you'll probably drown and therefore they're the most dangerous but could you imagine if the water was boiling hot no i assure you this is not out of a medieval torture manual it actually happened in modern day russia a man parked his car in the streets of the city penza was glad when he noticed that the asphalt was steaming so naturally he quickly drove off and got away from the nightmarish parking spot and what happens next will blow your mind away a massive hole suddenly swallowed the car simultaneously filling the vehicle with scorching hot water at 75 degrees celsius this is taking the fear of drowning to a completely different level the two unfortunate men are thought to have been killed instantly due to the serious burns the water would have caused authorities have said the tragedy was caused by a burst hot water pipe and it was at such a high temperature that hours after when they managed to pull out the car it was still steaming number three a huge sinkhole in the village of bosnia imagine having built your lovely home in front of a beautiful pond and one day waking up to the pond having completely disappeared overnight and in its place now there's a gigantic hole in the ground that is exactly what happened in the village of sunica in bosnia a sinkhole literally swallowed up the village pond overnight leaving behind a gaping hole that reached a staggering 50 meters wide and 30 meters deep the pond used to be 20 meters wide and 8 meters deep but evidently something somewhere did not want it to be there to this date nobody knows what happened or how it remains the region's most bizarre mystery the local people have come to call the gaping hole the abyss and they are all very puzzled by its existence how come the new hole doesn't have water in it where did the water go also how come nobody heard the sinkhole open usually they make a loud noise especially such big ones like this one authorities have never issued a formal explanation for it it's almost like there isn't one too many questions and too few answers number two sinkhole in louisiana 2013. have you ever heard of an underwater sinkhole that sounds terrifying right well that's because they are imagine being swallowed by an extremely powerful force that pulls you down while you're in the water that already sounds nightmarish enough but it gets so much worse in the case of underwater sinkholes not only are you being pulled down making it impossible for you to reach the surface even if you keep swimming with all your strength but once you reach the bottom you're being pulled down the dirt too that means you're being buried alive underwater underground crazy right look what happened in louisiana united states in 2013 when an underwater sinkhole swallowed whole a little section of forest those trees might be as much as five or six meters long and at the end of it you can't even see their tips anymore they're completely gone forever and the entire incident happens in just a matter of seconds those trees are not only being pulled down by the strength of the water current they're being pulled down by a gigantic sinkhole that's basically burying them under the bottom of the swamp number one massive sinkhole appears in a field in russia if you like football then you know about the city of nizhny novgorod in russia for those who don't know it's where the fifa world cup was hosted in 2018 but just after the tournament a drone caught a discovery that'll make your blood run cold in a field in the city not far away from the football pitch a hole to hell opened up overnight nobody saw it coming and locals are terrified that more sinkholes will follow the massive sinkhole was 105 feet wide and a staggering 160 feet deep which is vastly big enough to swallow a 16 story building locals are extremely worried that other sinkholes will open up inside the village or worse under someone's home children are too scared to go outside to play and the 111 residents don't really know what to do next the gaping hole is so large and deep there would be no possible way of stopping another one like it it was discovered by mushroom pickers during that morning and it occurred in a farmer's private land only a mere 1.2 miles away from the nearest residence as you can see sinkholes can occur anywhere in the world and they are more and more common what would you do if your region began to be affected by this phenomenon would you move away or would you find a solution also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 525,096
Rating: 4.819994 out of 5
Keywords: epic, earth, scale, sinkholes, massive, sinkhole, dead, sea, queensland, beach, vast, largest, florida, biggest, science, space, japan, giant, great, blue, hole, tower, subsidence, huge, facts, universe, proportions, natural, wonder, amazing, sight, geological, strange, bizarre, largest hole, swallowing earth, top five sinkholes, sinkholes caught on camera, On An Epic Scale, Swallowing Things, Sinkholes Caught, sinkhole video, sinkhole caught on camera, sinkholes in water, sinkhole in lake
Id: dqXL5pXld8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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