15 Things You Will See For The First Time In Your Life #4

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[Music] nearly everyone has had weird experiences or have seen things that happen that seem to defy any sort of rational explanation it could be strange sightings events that challenge the laws of nature that evoke the supernatural or feelings of universal awe that elicit a connectedness with something grander or timeless what are these events and what are they trying to tell us if anything like two moons in the sky or snails crawling upside down underwater or a skyscraping fish farm what does it all mean here are 15 things you'll see for the first time in your life part 4. now neighbors are joining in on the fun and posting photos of their frozen clothing on social media number 15 thai human-powered piledriver teamwork makes the dream work while there is little information the footage you're experiencing is an example of the human pile driving method utilized in many parts of thailand where gangs of workers use their own physical way to pile drive concrete blocks into the ground the catch is that the workers utilize this method while dancing to a popular thai song traditionally a pile driver is a device used to drive piles into soil to provide foundation support for buildings or other structures the term is also used in reference to members of the construction crew that work with pile driving rigs one type of pile driver uses a weight placed between guides so they can slide vertically it's placed above a pile the weight is raised which may involve the use of hydraulics steam dieseler manual labor when the weight reaches its highest point it's released and hits the pile driving it into the ground what's so crazy about this is the fact that it's humans recreating the energy and success of the original machine operated piledriver now let's get ready for today's open discussion what will the earth look like in 30 years there's a great deal of complexity in the climate system as a result we've yet to experience the full effects of global warming but the evidence is undeniable it's pretty much guaranteed that glaciers and ice sheets will continue to melt as temperatures and sea levels continue to rise the potential future effects of global climate change include more wildfires long periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number duration and intensity of tropical storms not to forget unusual arctic weather in unusual places shout out to texas huh comment below on what you can do to help using the hashtag open discussion you want to know a little secret if you smash the like button subscribe and click the notification bell you'll have super powers for the rest of your life so what are you waiting for time to fly number 14 the most terrifying alice in wonderland ever we get alice growing and shrinking the hookah smoking caterpillar the queen of hearts using a flamingo for a mallet and a guinea pig as a ball and of course the tea party with the mad hatter and the hair all of these sequences bear striking similarities to what we'd see in the 1951 disney film however all of these are live action and required specific talent for creating expressionistic surrealistic scenery and settings these also required some impressive for the time optical effects showing alice's size change and putting the actress opposite real giant animals the design is across the board fantastic the expressionist reminiscent facades and buildings blend with the exaggerated grotesque masks and makeup and the cartoon-like performances and it's here when we really start to blur the lines between fanciful kids fear and disturbing nightmares especially when the character designs costumes and masks are the ones used in this movie the 1933 film adaptation of the lewis carroll classic was directed by norman z mcleod a must see for fans of wonderland how do you sit out here all alone because there's nobody with me do you think i couldn't answer that number 13. the ocean bird the ocean bird might look like a ship of the future but it's not because it's powered by the wind and has a capacity for seven thousand vehicles the 650 foot long vessel was a similar size to conventional car carriers but radically different it looks the ship's hull is topped by five telescopic wing sails each 260 feet tall capable of rotating 360 degrees without touching each other the sails can be retracted to 195 feet in order to clear bridges or withstand rough weather the sails which will be made of steel and composite materials need to be decided to regenerate enough propulsion power for the 35 000 ton ship the wind car carrier design mixes aeronautic and ship building technology the sails made of metal and a composite will be nearly twice the height of the largest sailing ships to better understand the atmospheric conditions of the height they mounted sensors on top of its existing vessels while they were crossing the atlantic and gathered data on wind velocity and veer a clockwise change in wind direction up to 650 feet above sea level all of this information has helped them design an ancient wing and hall system that can make the most of the wind power number 12 the duck flood many rural villages in thailand are often flooded by thousands of ducks the explanation they're used by rice paddy farmers to clean their fields of pests field chasing ducks are often a breed called khaki campbell known for its reliable egg laying when they're 20 days old ducks are brought to the fields and get to graze in large herds as they are moved from farm to farm as of last march there were about 30 million ducks farmed throughout thailand and almost a quarter of them were filled chasing ducks rice is one of thailand's most important crops from january to august of any given year the country exports more than four million tons of it the release of the field flooding khaki campbell ducks a british breed is part of a pedlai thong a long-standing tradition in the region the deal rids the farms of pests such as cherry snails apple snails weeds and other small pests while providing a rich source of nutrients for the water birds from just 20 days old the ducks roamed the region's patties for about five months before being mustered back to the duck farm to produce eggs for up to three years a mutually beneficial relationship number 11. bovine prison break a herd of more than 65 cows were caught on camera making their escape and galloping down the roads of northwest indiana about 65 miles northwest of indianapolis an off-duty deputy spotted the high energy stampede in his patrol car and drove ahead of the herd to warn oncoming traffic it's really important to note these cows weren't just walking they were at a full gallop off-duty officer captain derrick allen told the press allen said he quickly drove ahead of the cows and activated his car's flashing lights to warn oncoming motorists soon after allen had some volunteers started to round up the cavs corralling some near a fenced area and following others up the road eventually the group managed to round up all the cows without any injuries to the animals or the humans this isn't the first time an animal has escaped and ran wild in may a herd of 200 goats took over a neighborhood in san jose california after a fence broke in this case officers firefighters onlookers and the bovine owners corralled a small group of cows near a fenced area before eventually rounding up the remaining ones in a field all the cows were accounted for and no humans or cows were hurt number 10 eight-story vertical fish farm this massive indoor aquacultural facility is an effort to boost food security for the small island city-state yet it won't only be the farm's height that sets it apart from the competition the high-tech facility will produce up to three thousand tons of hydrodyzed grouper coral trout and shrimp each year with an efficiency that is six times higher than established aquaculture operations each level has two tanks supplied with sea water by a system that filters purifies monitors and recirculates water through the farm as a result only around five percent of the water needs to be replaced when contaminated by effluent from the fish the goal at both the new and existing facilities is to reduce that to zero using aquatic plants that clean and treat water naturally that's in contrast to significant levels of waste at singapore's traditional onshore pond farms where farmers routinely clean out and replace entire tanks in doing so the company hopes to become a major contributor to an ambitious plan to boost the food security of the small island city-state leftover nutrients from the purification will then be used as fish feed the nutrients could also be used to grow aquatic plants and leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce number nine the billionaires island what about life at sea on what is billed as the world's first floating city it's called blue estate and if you have some one and a half billion dollars to spare you can buy your very own mega mansion on it you better hurry though because only two of them are available blue estate has a modular base construction with pre-fabricated segments of ultra resistant composite concrete assembled at sea thick and very high walls and the island's own massive size will ensure not even the strongest ones will knock it apart moreover there will be extendable storm shutters protecting the upper stories and apparently some yet unspecified means of moving the entire island out of the path of a storm if need be in theory blue estate is humanity's wildest dreams come true it's incredibly luxurious but at the same time accessible to those with a more moderate budget it's entirely self-sufficient it's family friendly and party ready at a moment's notice it has greenery and stuff like wellness centers and pools its own health clinic and system of schools for all ages supermarkets and even its own gardens and labs for cell-grown cultured meat and it will be all that in the middle of the caribbean where you get 340 days of sun a year number eight two moons of dubai the two moons of mars were projected above the skies of dubai to celebrate the first emirati mission to the red planet the united arab emirates did the campaign hoping it would go viral to generate excitement about the hope mission to investigate the mysterious atmosphere of mars images of the martian moons of phobos and daimos were projected just hours before the hope probe began a 27-minute mars orbit insertion maneuver to reach its planetary destination to celebrate this historic achievement and the great work of the muhammad bin rashid space center dubai has been treated to the spectacle of a double moon replicating what can be seen from the surface of mars beamed across the uae desert skies the government said in a statement footage released to the media shows the campaign being set up in the desert how the projection was accomplished isn't clear in the video but you can see an image of the martian moons being suspended on cranes along with nearby lights that presumably were involved in beaming the image into the sky the hope is that this mission inspires a new generation of space explorers number seven frozen pants parking space ever struggle to get a parking space that's a real struggle a man has come up with an unusual way as if he's preserving parking spots for himself his frozen pants adam selzer of west ridge in chicago froze his pants so that they stand on their own he's freezing his jeans and not in the genetic way his only in the windy city method of calling dibs has taken social media by storm a photo shows his frozen pants standing in a parking spot as if the invisible man is guarding the space to accomplish the ingenious life hack get it the local tour guide explains that one simply needs to soak a pair of britches and place them outside in about 20 minutes you can form them to shape and in another 20 they're solid he says adam posted photos of the frozen pants standing and shoveled out parking spaces on the streets it's a common thing for the residents of chicago to reserve parking spots they shoveled using lawn chairs and old traffic cones he places those pants in the street the way a lawn chair or an old traffic cone might be placed to declare dibs on a parking space though cells are confirmed that he actually just does it for the photos rather than really to protect the shoveled out parking space number six the relaxation station sometimes we're in such a hurry to get to a destination that we forget to take in our surroundings that's not the case when passengers step into the platform of this train station in japan the relaxation station has opened in japan without an entrance exit or a ticket machine that's because it has only one purpose to be used as a vantage point from which passengers can take in the arresting view located in the south of the country the station's name translates to clear stream viewing platform station the intention of this design is to encourage travelers to take some time to admire the nature around them before they resume their journey only a few specialty trains make to stop at this unusual station and when passengers dissemble there they will find no ramps gates or pathways to lead them to a destination it's completely isolated in the mountainous environment so people must wait for another train to stop when they want to leave the highly unique nature of this station has made it a popular stop for travelers and rail enthusiasts japan is well known for running the most efficient and well-connected railway system in the world number five paris in color see the city of lights as it was intended stunning footage of paris film more than 110 years ago has been painstakingly colorized for a documentary the rare footage gives color to scenes of paris film before 110 years ago and has been painstakingly colorized filmed between 1900 and 1914 some shots were captured more than 110 years ago the documentary was produced using archive footage put together to highlight the showcase city pairs had become in 1900 the city of light played host of the exposition universal in april 1900 which welcomed 51 million visitors half of whom were foreign paris became known for displaying the latest technical and scientific inventions and boasted avant-garde art galleries cabarets and high fashion thanks to incredible archives restored and fully colorized this film presents a previously unseen journey through time and space the clips include visitors to the 1900 paris exposition standing on a moving walkway a shot of the eiffel tower from the sane river passerby's actually staring to the camera as they walk by in each scene this film was taken by the lumiere brothers some of the first filmmakers in history number four french cat runs into a door it happened in a french show but you don't need to know any french to enjoy it this is the moment a cat ran head first into a glass door during a french tv show the unfortunate cat was running down a street in a lot when he was caught by cameras filming the best bakery in france the feline mistakes the bakery's glass door for well not a glass door who doesn't love a hilarious pet video and this one is no exception a cat ran into a door during a french tv baking show and it's totally amazing the moment a cat runs headfirst into a glass door during a french television show is well kind of priceless the clumsy cat was running down the street in the loud region of southern france when it was captured in all its kitty glory by cameras filming at the popular bakery the grey cat appears running past the bakery at high speed the only problem for the cat it didn't appear to notice the glass door of the shop and ran straight into it here's a tip make sure the sound is on because ouch the eagle-eyed tv viewers quickly put the clip online and it's since gone viral and you know the video has been viewed over two million times number three wooper tall shreebiven and germany shot in 1902 the flying train takes viewers on an uncommonly crisp journey aboard a suspended railcar throughout the two-minute video riders see residents walking across pedestrian bridges and down dirt roadways more than a century ago the city is known still today for its schwiboban which is a style of hanging railway that's unique to germany they recently pulled the black and white footage from its vault then restored this historic film from 1896 and produced an updated 4k version that slows down the footage and adds color the wooper tall suspension railway is a railway in germany railway line is credited with growth of the original cities and their eventual merger into wuppertal it's still in use as a normal means of local public transport moving 25 million passengers annually per the 2008 annual report new rail cars were ordered in 2015 called generation 15 and the first new car went into service in december 2016. the flying train opened to the public in 1901 making it the first elevated electric railway with hanging cars over 100 years later it's still in regular operation today number two snails crawling underwater snails underwater walking how can a snail crawl along the surface of a pond while hanging upside down underwater especially when there's seemingly nothing to grab the spot on snail solution according to a team of engineers is finding the perfect balance between surface tension and the motion of the snell's large slime trailing foot for land snails the secret's in the slime the trail of mucus is sticky but flows like a liquid if stressed beyond a certain level so as the snail's foot presses on it the mucus offers an adhesive grip for some parts of the foot while lubricating the movement of other parts the unique propulsion system based on distorting the water surface just enough to get a grip might inspire future applications such as small robotic swimmers that slink beneath the surface while carrying out military or environmental applications snails and other animals have long inspired studies on locomotion and locomotion in return has given engineers plenty of fresh ideas for lumbering crawling swimming and even flying robotic devices the question of how snell's move has been studied for at least a century but only relatively recently has an understanding emerged number one wandering rhinos of nepal know before you go it's entirely possible that while visiting nepal you might share the sidewalk with an actual rhino a rhino was filmed going for a walkabout in a crowded market the animal casually strolled past liquor shops and clothes showrooms in nepal as shocked members of the public looked on what was probably more surprising is no one seemed to be scared of the rhino which has strayed from the popular chitwan national park some tourists were so comfortable they even took selfies with a large beast as seen in the short clip the rhino ventured out of the chitwa national park and took a stroll along the nearly empty street outside it some people who spotted the rhino on the street steered clear of its path the rhino however noticed a man and chased him away petrified he fled the spot and ran towards a narrow lane the rhino thereafter after completing its inspection the rhinoceros proceeded back towards the national park after his short walk through the lanes of the neighborhood local animals officials say the ventures of the rhinos out of the animal conservation facility are a common phenomena those were 15 things you will see for the first time in your life part 4. thanks for watching you
Channel: The Supreme
Views: 498,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things, mysterious things, strange things, things you have never seen before, things you didnt know before, first time, phenomena, caught on tape, caught on camera, found, top, list, top 15, new, videos, 2020, tops, lists, things you will see for the first time, 15 things, in your life, for the first time, see for the first time in your life, viral videos, in the world, will see, that you will see, caught, video, mysterious, ducks, animals, animal, moments, unbelievable, discoveries, footage, 2021
Id: d3tm7fJsME8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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