15 Things That Need To Stop Happening During Mass | The Catholic Talk Show

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hey everybody welcome back to another episode of the Catholic Talk Show today we're going to be talking about 15 things that need to stop happening at Mass yeah these are those things that you see happen at Mass to make you cringe that you say these have no place in the mass and they need to stop well the thing that really gets my goad and the first one on my list is [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so welcome back to the studio uh Ryan father Rich good to be with you we're going to be goading about things that's a thing not goading go go go goat not with a t go D goad yeah today we're talking about all those things that happen in mass that look to anybody who sees them they know that this does not belong here and they found their way into the Liturgy uh practices that don't belong there were never meant to be there but have started happening and they need to stop I am expecting Ryan's Shield at his greatest form tangentially complaining this entire episode that's what I want well I went to one of your liturgies and I was just taking this and you had a list of at least 25 things but he had to bring it down he's only got two hours yeah yeah bad beard bad beard tacky vestments no you actually have very nice specimens thank you you do yeah so but she got a bad beard beards sorry I trimmed it yeah so some of these things I would say almost all of these things are very indicative of the post Vatican II church but not all of them are necessarily A Vatican II thing a lot of these things are really about the attitudes that people have taken towards attending mass as well so some are actually practice other are really the attitudes and the behaviors of the people of mass some of them are problems that have crept into the church time and time again over generations and some of them are very modern problems that we are only now starting to experience so now before we talk about these 15 things that need to be removed from the mass why don't you tell everyone how they can uh get in touch with us and find out more well the number one thing to do for that is to go to catholictalkshow.com you'll see all the ways that you could listen in from Stitcher to Google Play to the podcast Forums on Apple and certainly on YouTube we are shooting here in the studio at you Catholic Studios and our materials get uploaded to YouTube if you check out the Catholic Talk Show be sure to hit subscribe and click the little bell next to the Subscribe button so that you'll be notified every time we produce a video and certainly our patrons through patreon.com forward slash Catholic Talk show these are our patrons that support the show and make sure that this material gets out through the answers of webs to reach the furthest communities that we possibly can I mean chill we've we have a pretty far reach now with the show we do I mean we've been on six continents over a hundred countries I've lost track of it um we are aired in multiple countries at this point uh from the Middle East to Central America all over the world so you know this this little thing that we're we're doing um doing better than we thought it would it's been a lot it's been a lot of fun and I always look forward to producing this material with you and and sharing some thoughts on the thing that we love the most right which is our Catholic faith and our love for the Lord and certainly our love for our lady and you know looking looking at what the 15 things are that that uh that you're going to share with us in this show I mean really they probably started with some you know maybe some pastoral ideas or maybe some some thoughts like maybe this medication yeah so they're they're experimenting and you know when we when we share these things it's not to accuse the people who invented or came up with the idea we're just questioning the ideas it relates to its purpose and it's not they need to stop see I knew you were going to go there yeah here we go this is going to be very very entertaining yeah and in a mess you know I mean like 70 percent of Catholics to study says that they don't believe in the Eucharist so I mean we've got a lot of Catholics that just unfortunately through I guess bad catechesis just don't understand what they're doing there and I think a lot of that comes from that too you know absolutely and I definitely think that these things would help with giving the proper reverence and solemnity due to what is actually happening at the mass the mass is the most holy thing in the entire world and the celebration of the Eucharist deserves our utmost respect and it's a lot of these things really kind of fly in the face of that and some of them I don't think they're intentional I don't think that the people are no but they are things that you know you give an inch turns into a mile and these kind of practices and they're bad they're terrible terrible all right so I think this is one that we're all agree on so this should never happen at Mass clapping clapping oh clapping well I I've heard I've heard a really good homily before and I think some people clapped after the homily because they're just like thank God you're saying this yeah Applause you know a lot from the Latin root loudare to to give praise yeah we're not giving praise to human activities to God and that's the hope if you're delivering truth and truth is being transmitted to people and they that is their response I would say that I would say that that's okay but if it's if it's just more of theatrics and and Applause for the person itself like I granted I I've had people applaud at homilies before that I've given and I never take it to myself and I go right into the Creed uh whenever whenever that happens my hope is that in the delivery of a message during the homily that it would lead people to silent contemplation I think that is the ideal place to come and it's like a a beautiful musical please piece like a polyphony or a post community in reflection ham a beautiful piece of music to accompany people's prayer and contemplative uh you know thought process should ultimately lead people to silent awe and wonder that would be the ideal way not to immediately erupt an Applause because you really want people to get down to that deeper level of the contemplation of Beauty and the transmission of God's love so I agree but at the same time I don't know if it would be you know the the top one for me uh definitely not a preference but so uh Pope Benedict when he was Joseph ratzinger in the spirit of the Liturgy beautiful book yeah he wrote beautiful man yeah this is the guy man he's the guy he said wherever Applause breaks out in the Liturgy because of some human achievement it is a sure sign that the essence of liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment such attraction Fades quickly it cannot compete in the market of leisure Pursuits incorporating as it increasingly does various forms of religious titillation so basically he's saying look if if Applause breaks out during the mass because something some kind of human achievement you are taking the focus off the sacrifice of the mass and you're turning it into a show and there is no way that the church is going to keep up with other shows so it's a complete it's it just it doesn't have a place in the Liturgy I can see as an exception a spontaneous Applause for a amazing homily but what uh what I have applauded when Urban II called for the Crusade at Claremont during mass probably am I going to applaud because someone played a a violin solo no it's it's just it shouldn't happen go perform a concert don't do it in the mass I mean it's beautiful music but it's for the praise of God for the praise of our Lord and when you are directing the praise towards that performer the the orientation of praise and the auditories nature of mass completely changes and it has no place I think what Pope Benedict is getting to is is so good to to reflect on and again you know I do want to underline a sense of response to a message you know culturally speaking you know in in relationship to preaching in an African-American Catholic parish or church and I'm telling you I love preaching in that environment because you get an immediate response from the people that are listening and they're involved and they're practicing and it's definitely more of my cultural uh response as well because when I'm when I'm listening people bust my chops all the time because I'm like um yes yes you do that you know like I do it all the time and it's just an extroverted thing that I do but at the same time it's you know like the the inexpressible groanings that happen within within the heart the natural response yeah we're not we're not working toward okay this is a human achievement applaud you know the music or the homily or the Liturgy or whatever I would say if it happens during the announcements before before the dismissal that's okay too at least in my mind because that's somebody's celebrating 50 years yeah that's okay but if it's you know for music or for God forbid some kind of dance or something like that just just don't just save it tell them afterwards how great how great they did number two right number two nine number two and this one this one's bad bad I don't like this of course you don't get your goad look goad you'll go to a mass and there'll be a hundred people and there'll be 13 Eucharistic ministers ex extraordinary Eucharistic ministers that needs extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion emhcs yeah Dad needs to stop that's way too many and it completely flies in the whole reason to have that I mean you don't need that you do not need this is it's not extraordinary anymore it's every Sunday you have the same 10 people up there for 50 people on mass it's that is exactly the proper uh look if you're having a mess within you're gonna mess with a thousand people and it's practically impossible to get through to everyone in a reasonable time okay sure this is a reasonable time what's the ratio so it's right now I have I have I serve roughly around 550 at our at 550 to 600 people at our larger Mass right so with say one two three four so say eight communion stations up front it takes approximately 11 minutes for the distribution of Holy Communion and if it was just myself and you know say it was just you're gonna double that yeah oh I'm sorry I'm sorry it takes 10 extra minutes to perceive the very body blood Divinity and soul of Our Lord I mean it just shows our culture just how impatient it is that uh how inconvenient it would be to receive the Lord if they truly believe that that was Lord they would wait a lifetime for it true and they can't wait 10 minutes so they have to have Mary Beth do it come on but we we need to take catechetical steps to get to the point where we can cultivate a sense of culture of Silence inviting in the anticip anticipation procession and all of that type of stuff well I would argue receiving communion as the normative way from a layperson definitely diminishes the the gravity most people feel towards the Eucharist and I would say that it is a visual negative catechesis but again I think and we've talked about this in previous episodes too I think moving back to a communion realm how do people receive on the tongue and and you know and and they're there anticipating and waiting the whole processional line it just becomes clustered you know you've got somebody genuflecting afterwards somebody in my trip it's just it's it's a real it is a it is a a problem that needs discussion and I do think going back to something like that and getting rid of of you know this this distribution and I think it I think it hurts the belief in the true presence because it's just anybody you know in most people's mind I know that these are good people and they're they've had training but and then most people's mind they're like oh I don't know they just handing it out it loses some of the I think in the perception not in actuality because it's still truly the true presence but it loses that and I think that's definitely part of the visual decline of this the sanctity of mass that makes people lose belief in the true presence which is the number one problem in the church today yeah yeah I I appreciate the order from the altar from the pre-sands kneeling at the altar yeah all right so communion under both species or or one um intention is not a Roman or Latin practice um you know under both species is good is it necessary no because even in the smallest molecule of the Eucharist he is fully present so you do not need both to somehow fully receive Christ you don't so is it not is it necessary absolutely not theologically or practically it's not necessary is it a good practice yes all right number three number three and this this talks about receiving under both forms um drinking from receiving from the cup when you're sick oh yeah uh shouldn't do that I don't I don't receive from the cup just because I don't want to get sick even if somebody does that yeah I mean it's it is if you know that you're sick and you're receiving from the cup that is don't do that you get people sick there's old ladies drinking from that who don't have your immune system you like I said you're still receiving fully the Divinity uh and soul body uh of Christ you don't need to do drink from the cup if you're sick so could I add something yes lipstick oh yeah no lipstick on the uh chalice yeah yeah that happens a lot lipstick lipstick on the channels yeah look at the look at the purificators after Mass oh gosh mostly lipstick a lot of lipstick oh goodness all right here's another thing that needs to stop happening at Mass people getting up and leaving their seats and wandering around for the sign of peace stay in your seat don't go to the back of the church don't you know talk to them afterwards yeah and I'll you know I think we kind of culturally lost the understanding of what we're doing there because of the peace you know when people share the peace sign like with the two fingers I mean that's not the piece we're talking about here and I always make a point to say peace of Christ be with you like I pr I am praying for you that when you receive his precious body that you have this overwhelming peace in your heart I'm I'm going to my brother and sharing that with them in that time I think that's a beautiful thing there was a priest from uh an order in in Spain father column and he gave a little catechesis that was life-changing from my perspective on that where he said you know you're not turning around to offer peace to everybody in the congregation and you're running around and shaking hands and hugging and exchanging peace that way it's it's very symbolic of the greater peace that you offer to your name neighbor so it's speaking more to an existential reality of extending peace to your neighbor that you wish peace of the Peace of Christ upon them so it just happens to be almost for your own benefit as much as for the others and that you're willing to give peace that's a good that's a good point too but I was I was in a situation a big shout out to saint St Joseph Academy oldest Catholic High School in the State of Florida I worked there for a few years have a lot of love for the Academy but there was a number of catechetical opportunities with with the young people and the high schoolers there because of the sign of Peace you just heard the eruption of just you know a lot of talking a lot of you know and they're kids you know yeah and it became an opportunity for me to say guys everyone take a breath we're in the celebration of mass when you extend peace and just to break it open this is what you're doing and we want to stay manageable within the Liturgy so we're focused on what Christ is doing to us and offering us peace peace I leave you so first we must receive his peace in a prayerful receptive manner in order to give peace and Pope Benedict went in I think in the spirit on the Liturgy where he said we need to explore other areas that we could apply the exchange of Peace maybe not at that point because I find at that point of the Liturgy it's like you're moving to this pivotal moment of the action of the distribution and the right of communion and now I'm distracted by myself everyone's running around like hey it's just you know the sign of peace is optional it is it is um it would be my preference that it was left out more often number number four all right this one's kind of like it which is a excessive socializing before Mass when you everyone's just talking and laughing and this and that I see I see it aftermath before I see it I see it you know before Mass I mean even even Pope Francis has spoken out about this multiple times is that before Mass uh there really needs to be reflection and preparation for mass and uh it's not happening enough um you know if you're not preparing for Mass that's that's on you but distracting others from being from their preparation is selfish so I think that's another thing that having a little bit more austerity I think about these two old ladies at this daily mass I used to go to and I just catching up yeah whispering and catching up on you know what you know so and so did and knows what's going on I'm just like oh my god um well I I started uh playing Gregorian chant oh that's a good idea yeah and so before Mass it started with just trying to create more of a an area of silence and preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation and reverence and then to also help you out because I'm behind you know glass windows I I want to create more of a like a static noise as well for just for privacy of the penitent um but it's flowed over into other masses as well so the chances playing in the background and kind of muffling down the the noise of chatter um but I'm reminded of Saint faustina's words that she would recommend at least an hour of Silence before the celebration of mass and you think think of fasting right not eating not listening to anything before and because you want to starve the senses so that you're hungering for the word of God now you touch them that's another thing on our list is not fasting before mass that practice is almost completely lost um before you receive communion but if you're looking for the nuance and trying to get out of it you've lost the spirit of it well I'm just wondering what the church is like it's one hour before reception before reception I I do it before Mass which is that's what I thought as as children of this culture and in this in in the world of modernity we are constantly being stimulated and we are engaging realities constantly we're constant in a loud very very loud culture and we avoid silence but silence creates that anticipation that longing and it's really really important important to realize that it's fasting from the senses not only fasting from food and I despise celebrating Mass on a full stomach I cannot I just don't feel good I I don't feel like I'm hungry it's difficult at times when I have the 8 30 the 10 30 the 12 30 yeah and I haven't had anything so between the 10 30 minutes of the day right yeah but I'm in a complicated situation because of pastoral need I don't have an associate it turns into three masses on on Sunday which is permissible right but on Sunday on Sunday but the the situation that I face is you know maybe during the 10 30 and the 12 30 I'll have a yogurt or something like that where my stomach's not too full but at least I get something like you're real but um you do love your yogurts I do what's next all right so the next thing um keeping your phone on when you go to mass turn the ringer off guys come on and if you don't know how to do that leave your phone in the car leave your phone in the car yeah I leave it in the car yeah yeah I just because I mean I don't need it you don't you don't need it I don't need my phone turn your ringer off I mean but you invariably it'll be right during the you know right during the consecration someone's phones it's just like guys it's not hard it's a switch turn it off and then someone's phone will go off and they'll like they'll not acknowledge it and they'll say to keep ringing so no one knows it's them it's the best we know it's just turn your phones off it's not hard there is there was an Asian broadcast of like a news station and it was like news bloopers I love watching watching that on YouTube and the guy's phone goes off right during the show takes it out of his pocket and you just see him and he like Chucks his phone across the set and you just hear it crash like that was great yeah I mean how often do you hear a phone go off during mass just turn your phones off there's no it happened this past weekend for me yeah what song played whose phone is mine whose phone is ringing mine mine mine um all right another thing that needs to stop happening at mass is not donating you know what's weird though with this this this uh electronic thing you know like I don't visibly put anything in but I'm they're taken out of my bank account I don't know one of them used to send like this little red slip you put it in you could put in the basket and I was like kind of embarrassed like what am I doing putting this red slip in there so it's just kind of weird that it's good because I don't have to write checks and do all these other things but I I still like tangibly putting something in I'm thinking about changing online giving personally but also uh as a pastor and you know as administrator I like having the consistency of a clear forecast of you know yeah it's it's very very helpful it's so helpful but I understand like the basket is is a tradition that has been passed on no pun intended but you know from from generation to generation as as an offering but to even go back to other ways that you can give in relationship to what comes in the offertory whether it's food or other types of things that you could bring before the Altar for the blessing and the distribution you should accept food absolutely okay absolutely I I haven't seen it in any churches but historically that's exactly what happened yeah it's for the benefit of the church and all of us have the responsibility of supporting the churches our church and we have that responsibility and just obstinately not donating um God sees what you're doing I think there was a stat that I read numbers you could not be more generous than God oh yeah you can't be so and he's giving you everything right he's giving you everything so giving something just making an effort it would be good to get numbers again but I think I forget how many years ago it was like 3.6 tithing Yeah by a Catholic where you know Evangelical churches Baptist Churches oh it's like almost they're a strict 10 10 you know tithing Community scriptural tithing Community I don't think tithing is necessary for Catholics it's not it's not in the law it's not even what the church recommends of tithing um for some people tithing is Impractical because of the razor thin margins of their budgets and it's just unrealistic for someone making thirty two thousand dollars a year with two kids and a mortgage and a car to give up ten percent of the income they can't do it yeah so tithing is not ever demanded by the church giving With A Generous Heart is more important than someone giving 10 with no love you know that's that's the Widow's might so it's really about giving with true generosity and Thanksgiving for the support of the church and for the the deeds and the activities that the church does to protect and nurture all of its people that's the thing that needs to happen what's next but the Widow's might is giving way more than 10 percent well it was everything she had yeah but it was see for some people if they're making thirty thousand dollars a year giving 10 bucks that week is a lot of times I've been incredibly big deal I mean though 10 bucks is like I don't know man I do believe in in scriptural tithing I do believe in 10 I've had some stewardship models that I was exposed to Christ the King I mean you know mortar Monsignor danaher is such a wonderful priest he he led people to that type of reality and they were able to pay for all the kids education build out the church property evangelize the poor everything's great it's just it's not a requirement of Catholics but but at the same time considering what that can do for a community is is tremendous right it's really really impactful but it it will make you look at what am I doing you know what is my lifestyle yeah and how can I how can I shift my lifestyle to accommodate this yeah because this is an important thing I could probably do a whole show on this because there's a lot of conference or a lot of toppings to consider spiritually and financially for sure you know for sure so what's the what's the next one so next um leaving early people need to stop leaving Mass early um again it's just that disposition that if you can't wait five more minutes I'll try to get to their cars quicker to the parking lot look if you can't if if five minutes is the difference between you and your relationship with God you radically need to reevaluate them when you live your life if you need to get to IHOP five minutes faster and ditch your God see how that works out for you yeah let's see who's going to save you got her pancakes that's part of the Eucharistic I think understanding I don't I don't think people I had such a bad bad example vigil mass My First Parish just 60 of the people yeah after communion oh Saturday vigil they do it at my parents they don't do it at any of the other ones Saturday vigils like most of the churches I've been at the Saturday vigil has the worst behavior I love the Saturday vigil it is very convenient but it is very much a situation where when you give a person an inch they'd take a mile oh yeah and it was a the Saturday vigil was definitely a concession of Mercy towards people in the modern world that have difficulty getting the Sunday but again you can't make it on Sunday so you go on Saturday and you're still leaving early like come on man come on I have to say the parish that I'm currently at at jp2 man it's really real good but hey but there was there's a family that came up to me because right after I bless everyone go in peace there's like a group in the back that immediately like skirts out so this this one family came up and they're like Father we were always told that you have to wait for the processional cross to to pass you before you can you know I said yeah I said that's that's a beautiful that's what I bought you go out you go out you follow the priest it's devotional I don't mind if I commission you and I say go and announce the gospel of the Lord you said you're getting and you're hitting it I'm cool with that that's where the very name mass comes from it comes from the the old dismissal uh Miss I asked which means it has ended go so it's not mass until you've gotten that dismissal so don't leave early I did that on Saturday vigil you left early no right after the blessing look do you know who else left early from Mass Judas Judas there's a sign on a a parish in Keller Texas there's a on the bat on the doors where you're leaving it says Judas left the mass early on all the doors oh wow nobody left the mass early you should have that done in Latin if my first parachute wouldn't have worked I begged the people there was one Mass where I cried I mean I literally didn't go for that I I like maybe saved like three people over three years yo dude you ain't even like I mean I got to the point where I was just so deeply like I delivered that and oh my gosh man there was a few people that wrote me and said you know I'm going to chain my blah blah but yeah for the most part people the abstinent all right another thing that needs to stop happening at Mass bad preaching now this one's on the clergy how do you stop that by getting these priests some training in homiletics yeah and getting some fire in them because I mean I don't I I hope I'm not telling anybody anything they don't know but your your homilies are not inspiring people and they're falling asleep you're not nourishing the people with what you're saying and come on guys you once a week you know I think there are people in our community that clearly have the gift of preaching not everybody that goes through the Seminary and formal training there can be techniques that you can teach to help people that may don't they may not have great public speaking skills yeah there's techniques that you can help them with but I'm gonna be I I'm gonna present a liberal take on this that you're that you're going to be like tearing Investments on but I I believe you know like who's the who's the patron of of preachers do you know who the patron of preachers is golden tongue Chris in them no Chris christom say John chrysalom persuasive speech you know so um I was baptized in her church in Blauvelt I got to know her obviously because it was my titular Parish where I was baptized but you know there are men and women who have the gift of preaching not everyone's I unders I fully recognize that not everybody is going to be a gifted order but but the church has to be more accommodating in my humble opinion in relationship to men and women who have that gift who are properly trained theologically and biblically exactly I think we need to move in that direction and and having that then the message is being driven more clearly and on top of that with people who have the gift and the church has to accommodate and make capacity for that in the early church it was that way I mean men and women spoke within the context of the Liturgy they shared testimony and and that builds the the fabric of our of our mystical Union so you're saying like some layperson can get up there and if they if they're given that faculty by the bishop oh they cannot why not if they if they have gone through their training or anything yeah they have that faculty that's just not in the holy orders though it's it's not it's not the same amount it's not at this point it's something that could occur historically an argue with though yeah yeah but with the amount of time that it would take to administer and train those people just train your priests yeah but at the same time at the same time it takes a gift and I'm telling you there's there's people like I'm thinking Lisa branick Meyer walking with purpose she is a phenomenal phenomenal preacher and you know there there's no concessions she's very very well trained you can send her through a formation program evaluate her theology evaluate all of this stuff offer her feedback and then let her let her speak yeah but preaching the gospel and giving the homily no it's all right no I I just I I know that you wouldn't you wouldn't feel you wouldn't feel uh strongly about this I do feel strongly about this because it's down to the very origins of our church yeah but that's look that's that's putting a Band-Aid on the problem the bigger problem is that priests are not preparing or are not good at preaching they're not going to be said you can't even tell what they're saying Ryan what are you saying like how do you even like preparation makes up for a multitude of lack of talent so if they were more prepared and gave it more effort to their preaching there might not be a good you might have a bad voice a bad accent and you might not have anything good to say but if you prepare well enough you can at least do an adequate job there's a website called e priest where yes they they help please prepare for their Homeland there's there's 2 000 years of homilies on any topic for any Gospel reading go read them and they read them out loud read it out loud go read it say I'm going to read to you today from homily by St John chrysosome yeah that is a much better answer than having a lay woman coming in giving if you read you if you will read a homily of Saint John if I read a homily of Saint John chrysosome Adam Mass people would be like no see the the thing is is if guys even if you're not good at public speaking and delivery start with something that's relatable that you can remember without reading make a point tie it to the scripture and then apply it to people's lives and be done in five minutes right you know if you don't have the deliveries that's preparation it is preparation but guys prepare guys prepare and they're preparing these theological discourse and these this exegetical way of delivering messages know yourself you have to know yourself but at the same time you know people may approach and say like I'm this is really good material it may be good to read but not to deliver well okay that might have been a hyperbolic statement that they should just read from the church father are you guys in accord here now no no no I think I hope that we're both in agreement on this that this needs to stop happening at mass and that is receiving communion and mortal sin yeah that I mean again like it's just people not knowing man it's it's I don't think as I receive immortal sin understand what they're receiving it's just impossible your heart would your heart would cringe in an utmost way knowing that you're Immortal saying going to receive communion I mean if you really knew what that was yeah I think this is more tied to the fact that there's just I mean the lines for confession are 20 times longer than they are I'm sorry for communion or 20 times longer than they are for confession and that is a true imbalance and this isn't to be wagging the fingers saying well you're sinners it's it's it is um they're bringing their own judgment upon themselves you know receiving unworthily but again this is this has got to be put in this is now this is not something that you it's not delay it's not the lay people's fault no it's it's catechesis absolutely yeah and it's availability you go I've I've been to a number of churches confessions are 15 minutes long 4 45 to 5 o'clock it's crazy how how are you gonna develop a culture and reverence for the sacrament of reconciliation when it's just 15 minutes a week how many penitents are you going to receive in this Sacrament yeah I go to a daily mass at a place and he's in there every day yeah for 30 minutes before Mass he's probably praying his Breviary or whatever you know and Rosary or whatever he's in there all the time and people come from far and wide they go to confession because they know he's going to be there that's beautiful all right another thing that needs to stop happening at mass is dressing inappropriately it's just look it if you will dress up to go to Applebee's to have a freaking Martini I wouldn't do that well there's people who would but they won't dress up for Mass yeah right come on just give so much dressing up right I wear like a car it is about interior reflection that you are your clothes or the way you're presenting yourself reflection a reflection of your desire to honor hey look if you don't have nice clothes gotcha if you need to start working potato sacks and that is the nicest thing you own and you wear it and you're wearing it as true reverence to Christ then it's fine dude I have this crazy story that happened at Santa Maria Del Mar and Flagler years ago when I was a youth director this guy walks in and and you know like all these these lay women ran to the back into the uh into the sacracy Where I Was preparing things for Father John to celebrate the mass and they said Richard there's a man in the church without his shirt on like why not go in the church and this guy you know big big six foot five guy like huge huge guy and he's got tattoos all over himself and he's wearing baggies and flip he's not even wearing flip-flops he's Barefoot geez right off the beach and um I said hey man what's up I said I'm rich Pagano he's like what's up what do you want yeah so I'm like uh Hey man can I talk to you real quick um he's like what what's wrong what's wrong I said hey bro I said nothing's wrong man I said just just come with me real quick I just want to talk to you so he came with me to the sacraments and I'm like I'm like hey man um you know you're gonna have to put like a shirt on and he's like what you don't accept me God accepts me for who I am where I am and how I am God do it you know it starts gone going I said hey man I'm cool with that you just can't have no shirt on and all these women look at their they're distracted they're looking at you I said you got to help me out put a shirt on I said here's a shirt right here you could wear this my shirt did it fit him yeah he's like sure he starts going into it again like and I could just tell myself I I drew close to him I looked him and I said hey man there's no judgment here yeah I said how much how much do you have to drink today it just went silent I said listen man I like you I said why don't you come back tomorrow and come and see me huh we'll talk we'll get to know each other and he's like and he was he walked away he didn't he didn't go to the next day he came this poor guy was addicted to heroin oh man you know not only alcohol had a lot of problems and I was able to minister to this guy and he started helping me at the church every every week beautiful yeah and and it was it was a beautiful beautiful the guy unfortunately passed away from the addiction but uh God Rest his soul but um yeah ministered to his mom and crazy yeah I mean that number one that's a great story thank you for sharing that you know you are a good Priest No matter how much I pick on you call me a lib yeah you're not a lib but that's an easy way to pick on you could you call me a Trad I do so I call you again can I just watch it's true you're just sitting over there you know I don't yeah like it's not that kind of instance it's really again it's not even what you wear I don't care what you wear necessarily it's about the attitude that you present yourself with uh if you knew that you were going to see the historical Jesus in his Earthly Ministry you would not go there wearing you know what you typically wear the mask and there is no difference shout out to my ushers man they they look sharp every week the ladies are dressed beautiful guys are wearing ties and suit coats even in the middle of the summer which I it would be hard for me wear a suit with uh you know yeah so try it like Back to the Future too we're two ties so what's the next one all right so the next one and this one's a particular one that irritates me because it's such an easy change that just so irritable I am right not having the Sanctus spells during the consecration it's such an easy thing to bring back that is a nod to to tradition that is incredibly powerful and beautiful element of the mass that that should just be happening look when there's that when the magic happens that you hear those bells I mean when I go to a mass that doesn't have the bells even during the elevation I hear the balance I feel the same way about the big bells and the and and you know like the a bell tower and even like the sound of the organ you know I I would it's just so expensive organs are so expensive dude but gives an electric one plug a castle they're expensive a Casio into a sound system will cost you 300 bucks get one Casio Ocasio yeah with my Casio watch it's a Casio watch it talk to me if you need the money I'll show you how to do it 15 things would be 16 things we had Casio yeah but I mean there's ways around that now you don't need an entire [Music] here's another thing genuflecting towards the Altar and not the Tabernacle when the Tabernacle is in a different area of the church makes no sense makes no sense look you you genuflect when you enter the church towards the Tabernacle even if that's in off at a side altar or wherever it's at yeah then you bow towards the altar or if the Tabernacle is behind the altar then you genufly but again it goes back to the whole concept of people not understanding the true presence and not truly believing that Christ is present I don't I don't like it when they moved the thing over the side and stuff where's that church and and in the diocese and it's like where is he yeah it's like where's Waldo that's the worst that's the worst feeling I have like where I have the the Blessed Sacrament now is kind of what I've inherited and it's in like what we're calling the chapel and I'm trying to do my best because we're on this interim you know facility right now that's multi-purpose and it's it's just challenging but there's churches sometimes where the chapel of repose is in a side chapel and it is a very beautiful I mean like I'm not saying I'm not saying I get it that could be a beautiful area the Basilica Shrine of our lady in DC it's in a different area but it's a big Chapel where you go and you sit for that purpose of that performance yeah and that's what we're purposing our Chapel for for quick adoration devotion which is still non-preferential than having it being at the altar like some people just hide it right I dream I dream of a church so we build the that you can have these beautiful you know uh curtains that close you you know off the area of adoration for you know just daily adoration or daily mass and then the full focus is on the altar which is the most important thing liturgically that we're focused on that's why we bow to the Altar and then we genuflect when the presence of Jesus comes after the after the epiclesis where the hands of the priests come over the over the bread and the wine and transubstantiation takes place and it is Jesus's body blood soul and Divinity present upon the altar the altar calls to mind the resurrected Body of Christ this is that's the whole focus and our liturgy has to to you know focus in on that and but the space constructing the space is so important to be able to identify that and I've always imaged that like you know you know right before Mass the curtains close and the lights change and focus on the altar to help people in the process of well that's seeing the place of repose as you arrive and spend time and it's not like the iconastasis in an Eastern Church where the doors open open the doors open the door you know and they have you know in and out and then when it's open you can see the sanctuary so I mean I think historically there's there's some precedence there and I do think there's some novelization of church designs that can happen that take into account new ideas but then also deeply incorporate tradition they swung and missed from like 1960 to know yeah they're terrible big time I just saw a you know a baptism taking place and it was just a very very tiny Bowl oh God Bless but it was a pitcher of water and and it's just you know like it's something that you would use for lemonade and it's like it's like Mr cool I think oh yeah it's heartbreaking water at the party after you look at the baptismal fonts St John lateran I I don't use the show but you know the Saint John lateran um you know the this the beautiful Baptist baptistry in Milan where Saint Augustine was baptized these massive pools of water you know like to to have something beautiful and big that when you're celebrating the Easter Vigil when you're celebrating baptisms you you can have full immersion or you can have a larger a larger place to to celebrate these uh the most important fundamental sacrament of our Salvation baptism absolutely it's yeah it's a little tangent all right so last one it's going to be controversial holding hands during the Our Father I was wondering if you were going to talk about them look there is nothing in the church that says you shouldn't do that there is people that there are people out there that love holding handsters but I'm in mass and someone's like [Laughter] most recently the the Holy Father has uh extended the celebration in the Roman Calendar during December I think is it December 10th or 11th for the Holy House in Loretta yes so he universalized that celebration which was awesome which is fantastic and I've been there when I went father tetler was leading a pilgrimage and and he had to go back unfortunately the a priest passed away so he had to leave and there was a priest and Loretta that could celebrate the English mass now I'm coming from Santa Maria Del Mar my liturgical experience is isolated to two churches Saint Elizabeth and Santa Maria and we always hold hands at the Our father so here's this very traditional Italian priest that's celebrated in liturgy and I'm serving the mass and he goes into the Our father and he's got his hands in the orons position and I move up close to like you know I'm like I'm supposed to hold this guy's in and I go and I I reach for his hand so reach for my hand reach for my hand right now hard pass come on no there's a reach for man so hey as he reaches for my the Italian priest goes like this he's like he smacked my hand during the literature to which I like took three steps back and went back into like the prayer stance but it's like I didn't I didn't know better that's exactly like my whole my whole upbringing was we hold hands during the Our father or this is or that or that position in the Oren's position during our father that's also I mean it's reserved for the priest you're not supposed to do it it's reserved for the priests the orons position um but yeah that that story man then I asked him for a blessing afterwards he was in the confession I knelt down and he he gave me a blessing back and he slapped me on top of my head bam like right on the crown of my head I was filled with chills when he did it it was awesome he beat me up man whapping you with a jacket with the jacket that's some good stuff out there all right so there you go that's 15 things that need to stop happening during mass I feel better now do you feel better but you weren't so curd either that's pretty good I'm sorry I really do feel like I've grown over the you know time your delivery is softer yeah you're getting soft on us I know I'm getting old congratulations hanging around you with your Liberation theology that's not true your charismatic dance parties you're hand-holding and Crystal chalices oh gosh if there are crystal chalices out there that also needs to yeah yeah there's about us Crystal chalices all right yes no he's not like that what about wooden chalices no precious metals precious metals yeah it's I mean that's in they make some of the olive wood chalices and then they have a golden ornamentations on it yeah yeah you know something like that is is appropriate overthinking it just get a chance there's so many chalices out there that can be remade and re-guilded and yeah they're beautiful they're they're not that expensive you know it's it's something beautiful for the Lord man when it comes to vestments and chalices and liturgical space do not spare you know it's and that was that was John vianney's uh no Saint Francis Saint Francis lived in poverty and wrecks and he never spared an ounce of gold for the altar so I mean personal poverty personal austerity but for the altar nothing was too good for for his for Christ amen so if you need that attitude so good episode guys great episode yeah all right so before we bounce much tell everyone how they can find us well my brothers and sisters we want to make sure that you're commenting on all of our social media feeds Twitter Facebook and Instagram and certainly if there's more things that you think should be on this list feel free to put those on they're gonna let us know oh yeah could you let us know every week anyway so and be sure to visit us at catholictalkshow.com there you'll be able to figure out every way that you could listen in or View and certainly patreon.com forward slash Catholic Talk Show gives you the ability to support us financially so that we may continue to produce the show and reach new audiences by the way of your generosity so we thank you so much and you know what I love no Inquisition this week buddy no Inquisition so we'll see you next week [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Catholic Talk Show
Views: 1,427,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Catholic Podcast, Catholic Talk Show, Ryan Scheel, Ryan DellaCrosse, Father Rich Pagano, Catholic Radio, Catholic TV, Catholic Show, Matt Fradd, Taylor Marshall, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Liturgical Abuse
Id: 5sn0vcFPjL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 51sec (3111 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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