POPE FRANCIS: THE FIRST with Norah O’Donnell

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good evening I'm noro Donnell reporting from Rome overlooking Vatican City in St Peter Square where popes have led the Roman Catholic Church for hundreds of years tonight we bring you a special hour with Pope Francis 11 years into his papacy he'd never sat down for an extended wide ranging interview with an American broadcast network until now [Music] wow are your Holiness tonight our Global exclusive with Pope Francis he may be the 266 Pope but he is a man of Firsts are we okay to start we have a new contest elected to the papacy in 2013 born Jorge Mario bolio in Argentina he's the first pope to hail from the Americas and from the southern hemisphere this is incredible to hear the crowd there that has jammed into St Peter Square the 87-year-old is the first pope to choose the name Francis after St Francis of Ace known for his Simplicity and humility he's the first Jesuit Pope the pope of the Holy sea and the first pope to address the US Congress America continues to be for many a land of [Music] [Applause] dreams Pope Francis took charge of the Roman Catholic Church at a Crossroads between the child sex abuse Scandal that stained Catholicism and the rare papal resignation of Pope Benedict the 16th in his decade as Pope he's voed support for Progressive causes without changing Doctrine when Francis speaks the world pays close attention just months into his tenure he spoke on the subject of homosexuality who am I to judge he said the aim opening a church with declining attendance what do you think about Pope Francis he seems a bit more enlightened and open he is just a pope for the people it's all a blessing when he speaks we were in St Peter's square and I heard you talk about children we went to the Vatican ahead of its first world children's day to talk to the pope who believes kids are the hope for the future do you like when you are called The People's Pope this is Pope Francis the first P it feel and spirit to S [Music] amen we went to St Peter Square in Vatican City where Millions visit every year to catch a glimpse of Pope Francis so there he is what a moment his namesake St Francis of aisi just below the window where he delivers his Sunday prayer this Francis prayed for those affected by Wars around the world I pray every day for peace in Palestine and Israel he said his papacy has been characterized by modesty behind this window sit lavish Apartments where popes have lived for hundreds of years but not Francis he broke tradition to live in Casa Santa Marta a simple Guest House nearby on Vatican grounds and that's where we met him last month during World Children's Day the UN says over a million people will be facing famine in Gaza many of them children what can be done Gaza not just in Gaza think of Ukraine many kids from Ukraine come here you know something that those children don't know how to smile I'll say something to them and they for for gotten how to smile and this is very painful when a child forgets how to smile it is extremely serious very much so I know you don't watch TV but there are now pictures of starving children coming out of Gaza what about those that call that a genocide can see you genocide every evening at 7 I call the Parish of Gaza there are 600 people there and they tell me about what happens it is very tough very tough the food arrives people rush to get it this is the church on the other end of the Pope's nightly phone call located in the North it's the only Catholic parish in the Gaza Strip where just a small community of Christians remains and you talk to them almost every day every evening at 700 p.m. we were granted access to the church's compound where since the start of the war hundreds of Catholics and non-catholics alike are seeking Refuge during their phone call every night father Yousef Assad tells the hope about their living conditions while supplies of medicine food and electricity are unreliable he says they share what they do have with their neighbors what do you say to them I listen the other day they were happy because they managed to eat some meat the rest of the time they eat things made of flow sometimes they go hungry there is a lot of suffering what's happening in Israel and Gaza has caused so much division so much pain around the world I don't know if you've seen in the United States big protests on college [Applause] campuses and growing anti-Semitism what would you say about how to change that all ideology is bad whether it is from the right the center or the left an ideology is not an idea no it is something worse an anti-Semitism is an ideology and it is bad any anti is always bad so these postures of persecution of condemning outright are no good at all you can criticize one government or another I don't know the government of Israel the Palestinian government you can critize all you want but not anti a people I know you call for peace you have called for a ceasefire in many of your sermons can you help negotiate peace what I can do is pray I pray a lot for peace and also to suggest please stop negotiate a bad deal is always better than an ugly defeat is it not negotiate negotiate the white flag is for negotiating not for surrendering but for negotiating and Wars resolved through negotiation think of the Dead tens of thousands have been killed in the war in Ukraine in the two years since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his troops to invade Pope Francis has faced criticism for refusing to condemn Putin directly do you have a message for Vladimir Putin when it comes to Ukraine but please Waring countries all of them stop stop the war you must find a way of negotiating for peace strive for peace a negotiated peace is always better than an endless war war always serves to destroy always Russia's invasion of Ukraine set off the biggest land war in Europe since World War II that conflict shaped a continent and Pope Francis is resolve that there must be another way whenever I visit one of the military cemeteries I see the age of the kids 18 19 20 year olds at the Normandy Landing it was the beginning of the liberation of Europe but 20,000 lay dead on the beach I think of the mothers when they receive a letter Madam I have the honor of informing you that your son is a hero and I'm sending you this medal the mother says in her heart I don't want this medal I don't want a hero I want my son how worried are you about climate change unfortunately we have gotten to a point of no return it's sad but that's what it [Music] is in St Peter Square sits this Monument to migrants on top of a boat a young boy fleeing the Irish famine a Jewish man escaping Nazi Germany a woman departing the Syrian Civil War unveiled by the Pope in 2019 calling on the faithful to welcome protect promote and integrate this is a big story in the United States because there have been so many migrants this year I've been to the border and many times it is mothers with children who are fleeing violence and they walk thousands of miles with their families for a better life and yet there is a discussion about closing the Border limiting migration the solution is migration to open the doors to migration for an immigration policy to be good it must have four things for the migrant to be received assisted promoted and integrated this is what is most important to integrate them into the new life I grew up in the state of Texas which is right on the border with Mexico the state of Texas is attempting to shut down a Catholic charity on the border with Mexico that offers undocumented migrants humanitarian assistance what do you think of that that is madness sheer Madness over there in Texas there is a great Bishop Bishop sites he's right there at the border that man does the impossible to help the migrants right we met Bishop Mark sites at anunciation house a Catholic Charity in El Paso Texas where they're challenging the state's attempt to shut them down for allegedly shielding undocumented migrants from law enforcement this type of U accusation puts fear in to the hearts of anyone who generously gives up their time because of a Christian concern for people who are truly the poorest of the poor Among Us people who have no place to go nothing to eat no clothes Pope Francis addressed the plight of migrants headon in 2016 when he visited Warz Mexico a city which shares a border with El Paso Texas just before his Mass to an audience of 200,000 he walked up to the border and prayed for those who died attempting to across into the United States my grandparents were catholic immigrated from Northern Ireland in the 1930s to the United States seeking a better life and I know your family too fled fascism and you have talked about with migrants many of them children that you encourage governments to build Bridges not walls but not everyone feels that way in the United States migration is something that makes a country grow they say that you Irish migrated and brought the whiskey and that the Italians migrated and brought the mafia it's a joke don't take it badly my father and my grandparents arrived in 1929 and they suffered a lot all migrants suffer we are watching it unfold right now they migrate to reach the United States and then there they're at the border unable to cross some can some can't such as the plight of the migrant notably Pope Francis took his first trip as Holy Father in 2013 to lampedusa a small Italian island near Africa where he delivered a big message I was so struck when you talked about the globalization of indifference what is happening do you want me to speak plainly people wash their hands there are so many who see what is happening the wars the Injustice w w that's okay that's okay wash their hands it's indifference they make comments about such dramatic events that are going on as though they were just at a sports match [Music] no please we have to get our hearts to feel again we cannot remain indifferent in the face of such human dramas the globalization of indifference is a very ugly disease Mr Speaker the pope of the Holy sea in 2015 Pope Francis was the first pontiff to address Congress where he talked about embracing migrants because most of us were once foreigners one factor driving an increase in migration is global warming How worried are you about climate change unfortunately we have gotten to a point of no return it's sad but that's what it is global warming is a serious problem climate change at this moment is a road to death a road to death eh and it is an artificial climate change no something provoked not the normal climate change right you have placed blame on Wealthy countries in Great measure yes because they are the ones that have more of an economy and an energy based on fossil fuels that are creating the situation right they are the countries that can make the most difference given their industry and all aren't they but it is very difficult to create an awareness of this they hold a conference everybody's in agreement they all sign by and then bye-bye but we have to be very clear global warming is alarming so alarmed he put the imagery of the climate crisis on full display and is the first pope to issue official Vatican documents warning in his words that the world in which we live may be quote nearing the breaking point what do you say to the deniers of climate change there are foolish people and even if you show them the statistics still the fool will not believe why generally it is either because they don't understand the situation or out of a vested interest but climate change is real the warming of the Earth has already increased by two degrees that is a lot you've talked about what St Francis called sister mother Mother Earth that protecting our planet is the most pressing issue today see yes because it is the future it is life we say at the most stepsister Earth not sister protecting the planet how many young people today will not get to see so many things it is a lack of conscience to use a plastic bottle and then throw it to the Sea this makes the sea unhealthy we have to be conscientious about rep purifying nature I'm curious for a little girl growing up Catholic today will she ever have the opportunity to be a deacon and participate as a clergy member in the church [Music] early on in his papacy Francis got the nickname The People's Pope because of his openness and wish to include everyone in the church including gay lesbian and transgender Catholics we spoke to him about this and the future of Catholicism including whether women would ever enter the clergy we went inside St P's Basilica and were granted the rare opportunity to see Michelangelo's Madonna DEA Peta up close and behind the glass the more than 500y old sculpture represents the Blessed Virgin Mary holding her lifeless son after he was taken down from the cross it's one of the most as you know enduring images in Catholicism in the world about faith and about Mary and Jesus the Blessed Virgin Mary Remains the model for women in the Catholic faith she is revered as the steadfast mother of Jesus and like Mary many women feel called to serve but have decried the lack of leadership roles in the church growing up my mother was a Eucharistic Minister and a caner in the Catholic church and you have done more than any Pope to bring women into to positions of power how are more women changing the Catholic Church women are the ones who move changes forward all sorts of changes they are braver than men they know how best to protect life women are masterful custodians of Life women are great they are very great and space in the church for women does not mean giving them a Ministry no the church is a mother and women in the church are the ones who help Foster that motherliness don't forget that the ones who never abandoned Jesus were the women the men all fled Pope Francis has placed more women in positions of power than any of his predecessors by the Numbers women are the backbone of the Catholic Church nearly 600,000 serve as nuns but Pope Francis opposes allowing women to join the church's clerical hierarchy you will have many young boys and girls that will come here at the end of next month for World children's day and I'm curious for a little girl growing up Catholic today will she ever have the opportunity to be a deacon and participate as a clergy member in the church no I understand you have said no women as priests but you are studying the idea of women as deacons is that something you are open to if it is deacons with holy orders no but women have always had I would say the function of deaconesses without being deacons right women are of great service as women not as ministers as ministers in this regard within the holy orders on Holy Thursday you chose to wash the feet and kiss the feet of female prisoners only women that was a first many people interpreted that perhaps as a message you were trying to send since this time it happened to be only women it is true this time it was only women because it was a woman's jail and the message is that men and women we are all children of God that men and women we are all Apostles and we all can lead let us not forget that the bravest Apostles the most courageous were the women they stayed with Jesus to the very end Pope francis's Devotion to traditional Doctrine like his willingness to ordain women has frustrated those who want him to loosen restrictions against things like contraception and surrogacy in January Pope Francis said he finds surrogacy deplorable and would like to see the practice universally banned I know women who are cancer survivors who cannot bear children and they turn to surrogacy this is against church doctrine but what about the children who are born from surrogacy in regard to surrogate motherhood in the strictest sense of the term it is not authorized see sometimes surrogacy has become a business and that is very bad it is very unpalatable but sometimes for some women it is the only hope it could be the other hope is adoption I would say that in each case the situation should be carefully and clearly considered Consulting medically and then morally as well I think there is a general rule in these cases but you have to go into each case in particular to assess the situation as long as the moral principle is not skirted but you are right I want to tell you that I really like your expression when you told me in some cases it is the only chance it shows that you feel these things very deeply gracias yeah thank you yeah I think that's why so many people have found Hope with you your Holiness because you have been more open and accepting perhaps than other previous leaders of the church you have to be open to everything you have to everyone everyone everyone that so and so is a sinner me too I am a sinner everyone that here is someone with a diverse sexual gender everyone everyone in everyone and once inside we'll figure out how to sort it all out but everyone do not forget that the gospel is for every everyone even those the church has long shunned the pope meets regularly with transgender Catholics stating for the first time last year that priests could baptize transgender people it's part of Pope francis's pastoral Outreach to those in the lgbtq community last year you decided to allow Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples that's a big change why no what I allowed was not to bless the union that cannot be done because that is not that is not the sacrament I cannot the Lord made it that way but to bless each person yes the blessing is for everyone you have done more than anyone to try and reform the Catholic church and repent for years of unspeakable sexual abuse against children but has the church done [Music] enough St Peter's Basilica is one of the holiest sites of the Catholic faith wow and as we walked through we had the opportunity to see Parts most people don't get to see does the public allow down here nice not possible wow this is the holiest place in St Peter's Basilica yes St Peter one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ is buried beneath the main altar of the Vatican Basilica Catholics believe Jesus instructed his apostles to spread the gospel to All Nations Peter in the end made his way to Rome and died as a martyr and I know you want to show us this because it's important to tell not only the world and show the world but what do you think it will mean for [Music] children father Enzo Fortunato told us it's become because kids need to get something good out of the world and that's why the Holy Father is hosting the vatican's first world children's day this weekend more than 70,000 kids are expected to attend as a mother of three children it is very important to talk about the future what is your hope for the vatican's first world children's day it is to provide a space for children to express themselves and when children get to express themselves they always give us a message we need to understand that we must take care of the children there are two important moments in life childhood and old age all too often it is customary to put the elderly in geriatric homes and yet grandparents have a great message to give us about life and other times from not listening to children we do not look after them I read your letter that you wrote for World children and the theme of world children's day is in the words of Jesus behold I make all things new how can each child live by those words children are the new but every child brings a new message maybe the message was out there already but the child brings it back to life gives it a new freshness that is why one of the important things for Mom and Dad is to learn how to play with their children dad must learn to play with his children mom must learn to play with her children this does not mean that they're not going to set any limits right no we must learn to set limits and that way between the freedom to play and express themselves and the limits that help them grow children begin to mature Pope francis's effort to to focus on the well-being of children comes after hundreds of thousands of child sexual abuse cases have been linked to the Catholic church in 2019 the pope made sweeping changes that allow for greater transparency ensuring these claims will no longer be dealt with under pontifical secret the highest form of secrecy in the church you have done more than anyone to try and reform the Catholic Church church and repent for years of unspeakable sexual abuse against children by members of the clergy but has the church done enough it must continue to do more unfortunately the tragedy of the abuses is enormous 3 years ago I had the statistics that came out of the United Nations from one of those official organizations nowadays from 43 to 46% of the time it happens in the family or in the neighborhood then in the World of Sports 20% Then in education in other words it is a tragedy fathers stepfathers uncles grandfathers who abuse it is a tragedy of course priests or religious figures who abuse you have said Zero Tolerance no I could tell it cannot be tolerated when there is a case of a religious man or woman who abuses the full force of the law falls upon them in this there has been a great deal of progress I have three teenage children and one of the big issues is social media and mental health what is social media doing to the world and our children communication media some of them are very good because they have a conscience they know how to report the news and things and also how to render criticism and that is very good because it helps with development right but there are communication media that alienate young people don't they it makes them live in an unreal world made up of fantasy or in an aggressive world or a Rosy world and so many things the media has a serious responsibility a media outlet that only lives off propaganda off gossip off soiling others is a dirty media outlet and that soils the minds of the young and of the old as well today how many hours does a person spend in front of the TV or on their little phones how many hours like8 to 10 yeah and your children how old are they I have twins a boy and a girl that are 16 and then I have another daughter who's 15 so three children in 13 months but they're wonderful I KCK how beautiful we need to walk beside our teenage kids we have to be there for them and guide them with intelligence with love we have to listen to them listening to them is very important so you have no plans to resign or retire I know you don't like this question [Music] Pope Francis was elected the 266th pope at the age of 76 and he's kept a busy schedule traveling to more than 60 countries in the last decade as one of the oldest popes in the church's history he is not immune to issues of Health new health concerns for Pope Francis the pope is recovering from the flu Pope Francis is being hospitalized for intestinal surgery now using a wheelchair he's recently faced numerous health challenges spending nearly two weeks in the hospital last year how's your health my health she's all right no it's fine it's fine the toll of the papacy became clear in 2013 when Pope Benedict the 6 resigned because of his health the first pope to do so in almost 600 years so you have no plans to resign or retire I know you don't like this question not at all ask all you want it has never occurred to me maybe if the day comes when my health can go no further perhaps because the only infirmity I have is my knee and that is getting much better but it never occurred to me for now he has no intention of slowing down and I know you have some big trips planned I have one now to the Far East then Belgium maybe the United States depending on whether I have to go and speak at the United Nations but it is not certain you may go to the United Nations it's a possibility I'm not certain what do you want to talk about if I go it is to talk about peace if the opportunity arises I would be willing to go you talk so much about opening your heart a closed heart becomes hardened it hardens and gets sick it gets life sick the heart must be open it is true that in many people their selfishness leads them to close up their hearts but that can be helped by talking discussing helping right someone who dies with a closed up heart is a pity they miss out on a great happiness that of going forward with an open heart when you look at the world what gives you hope everything you see tragedies but you also see so many beautiful things you see heroic mothers heroic men men who have hopes and dreams women who look to the Future eh that gives me a lot of Hope people want to live people Forge ahead and people are fundamentally good we are all fundamentally good yes there are some Rogues and sinners but the heart itself is good do you like when you are called The People's Pope the pope of the people I've always been a pastor you are a pastor for the people not for yourself a pastor has to be for the people what do you hope your legacy is I never really thought about it the church is the Legacy the church not only through the pope but through you through every Christian through everyone personally I get on the bandwagon of the church and its Legacy for all mean that the church is for everybody yes for everybody and in particular for the privileged do you know who are the privileged in the church the Sinners we the Sinners are the privileged ones because Jesus came to call upon us sinners all of us the Lord forgives everything everything it is we who get tired of asking for forgiveness Millions travel to see the pope and for many it's customary to bring a gift [Music] finally tonight Millions traveled to see the pop and for many it's customary to bring a gift especially for dignitaries like presidents bringing meaningful presents like seeds from the White House Garden or first edition books written by Martin Luther King Jr for celebrities like actor Leonardo DiCaprio not showing up for an audience empty-handed but presenting a book of Renaissance paintings some gifts are flashy some are customized and others have deep personal meaning we read in pope francis's new book a whole chapter about watching Walter kronite CBS news coverage of the moon landing quote I believe we all understood instinctively that the world would now be different somehow progress is fundamental we have to keep moving but it must be in harmony with humankind's ability to manage it that section of the Memoir inspired our gift to the Holy Father a vinyl of the 1969 Special Report your Holiness I read in your book that when you were growing up in the Seminary that you watched Neil Armstrong land on the Moon Moon and it was on CBS translated this is a record of that moment this is from men and of course on the back one small step for man one giant leap for mankind thank you it's very kind of you thank you very much yes thank you and pray for me don't forget in favor no against thank you very yes yes thank translated from The Original Latin the word pontiff means bridge builder Francis the first ever pope from the Americas built a bridge from the southern hemisphere to the northern and from the new world to the old the son of immigrants Pope Francis Rose to the top of the Catholic Church as a pastor first not a scholar he told us he has no interest in his personal Legacy but much of it will be captured in the Spanish phrase he often repeats toos toos toos in Pope francis's Church everyone is welcome thank you for spending this hour with us for CBS News I'm Nora odonnell in Rome good night [Music]
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Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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