15 Things Dragon Ball Super Does Better Than DBZ

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[Music] as great as it was to finally get more Dragonball not every fan of the franchise got on board with Dragon Ball super and it's not hard to see why between the bad animation weird jokes and sagas that don't quite stick to landing it's clear that super doesn't exactly live up to the power of Dragon Ball Z plus it just can't beat the classics and Dragon Ball Z is overall the superior series that said there are some things that Dragon Ball super did a lot better than Dragon Ball Z from the beerus saga to Dragon Ball super bro Li let's take a look at all the things that Super does better than DBZ fans might be mixed on Dragon Ball super but there's only one thing they can't deny is great about the series the humor the original Dragon Ball started out as an adventure comedy and as the series progressed the humor was dropped in favor of the action martial arts elements this continued in Dragon Ball Z and it's all action and some comedy thrown in not to say that this made Dragon Ball Z stale or anything but it was nice to see comedy returned to the franchise and Dragon Ball super from Goku's dim-witted miss to the slice of life episodes Dragon Ball super knocks it out of the park with the comedy bringing a sense of fun to a show that might otherwise be a bunch of serious cowls and fights some of the best comedic episodes in the series include when Goku lost control of his ki when universe 6 and 7 competed in a baseball match against each other and when Goku impatiently waited to train with Wiese while Dragon Ball Z had a few humorous moments and episodes like Goku and piccolo learning to drive Dragon Ball super humor tends to make things a bit more lively another thing the Dragon Ball super does better than Dragon Ball Z is raising the stakes now you could argue that Dragon Ball Z did a good job of raising the stakes with each saga thus making the story more interesting and the situation more perilous for our heroes but Dragon Ball super cranked the concept up to 11 in Dragon Ball Z we started with the Saiyans warriors with power beyond the belief that came to earth from there things were escalated by the heroes going to space where aliens like Frieza and his army stood as some of the most powerful adversaries that Goku and his friends had ever faced this trend continued with the Android cell and Buu all of whom were simply stronger than the last antagonists Dragon Ball super used a similar concept but also built out and expanded the universe to increase the scale of the series and thus put more at stake when the new antagonist showed up the most notable expansion was when the Dragon Ball multiverse was revealed a concept that raised the stakes when the tournament of power came around as each universe had to fight each other or be erased as bad for stakes we mentioned earlier how Dragon Ball super does humor much better than Dragon Ball Z and that most of it is derived from the slice-of-life episodes those episodes and moments are actually another thing we believe that super does better than Z while some fans might be annoyed at it Dragon Ball super tends to devote quite a bit of time to the day-to-day lives of Goku and Friends and walls II did the same it was often in the form of low-quality filler with Goku and piccolo striving lesson being one of the few gems Dragon Ball super on the other hand does a much better job with the slice of life episodes finding humor in putting Goku Vegeta and other superhuman martial artists in everyday situations that as shown on characters they definitely don't belong in we also appreciate fun relationship moments something that Dragon Ball super has in States from Gohan and Videl home life to Bulma and Vegeta is adorable bickering and chichi attempting to stop Goku from training no matter how you put it Dragon Ball super is sometimes at its best when showing the day-to-day lives of the characters something it does better than see ever day if you ask the biggest most dedicated Dragon Ball fan you'll find that even they have a few plot holes and unanswered questions to complain about when it comes to DBZ perhaps this is a bit of an exaggeration but the point stands Dragon Ball Z had a lot of issues from plot holes to continuity errors to problematic and undesirable elements Dragon Ball super on the other hand actually goes to great lengths to address some of these issues one of the most significant examples of this was when the Kai's explained how Goku and Vegeta ended up on fusing despite Patara fusions being said to be permanent in the Future Trunks saga of Dragon Ball super we learned the reason behind this some fans speculated that it was the magical nature of boos innards but super revealed that Patara fusions are only permanent went to Kai's fuse and they have a one-hour time limit when mortals use earrings Dragon Ball super also addressed the major issue of Master Roshi whose perverted way stand as one of the series most problematic aspects but super had him get over his weakness for women ridding the franchise of his disgusting behavior once and for all Dragon Ball Z was a major zag from the series that came before it true Dragon Ball had already started to shift the series focus on antagonists based sagas but as he almost feels like an entirely different world compared to Dragon Ball this is obviously a result of the manga and the time-skip that took place between the piccolo jr. saga and the Saiyan saga but still the two eras of Dragon Ball are very different as such DBZ feels lacking in elements established in Dragon Ball aside from the characters while Dragon Ball super makes a lot more callbacks to the original series some examples of this include a second crossover episode with dr. slump and the return of the pilaf gang the pilaf gang is a major one since it brought back four series first antagonists and gave them a redemptive arc similar to the villains that came later in the series additionally the evil containment wave also came back the move being used in the Future Trunks saga and in the tournament of power we also saw Goku and krillen go back to Master Roshi for training at one point and even saw Goku use the flying Nimbus again now that is old-school next up let's talk about filler or rather Dragon Ball super slack of it for those who don't know filler is what happens when an anime adapting a manga catches up with the source material and has to create original stories to stall for time so the manga can build a more story content to adapt Dragon Ball was notorious for its filler in both the first series and in Dragon Ball Z but this is not the case in Dragon Ball super sure there are inconsequential episodes that could be considered a filler under a certain definition but since super is an original series not adapted from a manga there is technically no filler in it in this regard super is superior to Dragon Ball Z in that it doesn't have any non-canon material again some of the mini sagas between the larger ones of Dragon Ball super are definitely in the same vein as filler from DBZ and Dragon Ball but there's nothing non-canon about these mini arcs this is a big plus that Super has over Z since there's no need to skip over any non-canon material and there is no need to debate which episodes are and are not part of the main timeline even though people still do once dragonball entered its final saga before Dragonball Z the center of martial-arts and strength became more focused on power who had more of it training to gain more of it and all that instead of strength coming from physical strength as well as interesting mutations abilities and techniques it was only about the former this made for some of the best parts of Dragon Ball Z don't get us wrong but we saw fewer and fewer opponents with unique strengths that went beyond power levels and ki blasts Dragon Ball super on the other hand managed to bring a lot of this back starting with the universe 6 saga chalk this up to the fact that Goku and Vegeta's insane power levels make it hard to create stronger opponents but super did a great job of creating and introducing characters with unique abilities like bottom O's pliable body that absorbs damage or hits time-skip power that combat regular strength and power these interesting powers and opponents harken back to early Dragon Ball when shape-shifting and turning people into characters could stop even the strongest opponent in their tracks it's a nice throwback to the weirdness of Dragon Ball that Dragon Ball Z lacked next up let's take a look at how Z and super handle the Future Trunks in DBZ when trunks first showed up it was easily one of the most badass moments in the series he was a cool time-traveling warrior with a sick jacket a sword Super Saiyan transformation and the power to defeat Frieza and his daddy within seconds in short it was an epic way to introduce the character and painted trunks like he was going to be a driving force in the androids and cell saga switch was not the case not long after he was introduced trunks was effectively sidelined barely fighting Sal and getting killed during the Cell games in contrast his saga in Dragon Ball super went much differently instead of getting sidelined trunks had an effective role in fighting Goku black and future Samus ooh in fact he defeated them when they fused together pushing his power to a new level and using the hope of all the people he was trying to protect to form a giant brick and energy store that sliced few Samus su into oblivion now that's a satisfying use of Future Trunks undoubtedly placing supers trunks focus saga above Dragon Ball ZZZ pretty much every saga of Dragon Ball Z introduced a new transformation from kaio-ken the Saiyan saga to Super Saiyan 3 in the Buu saga Dragon Ball super was similar in this regard but the forms introduced were arguably more interesting than those introduced by its predecessor don't get us wrong Super Saiyan Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 are all awesome and badass in their own right but well just think about the forms and their names they're not very visually or conceptually different from each other each subsequent form is just more super super saiyan Dragon Ball super on the other hand at least attempted to do something different with the new transformations it introduced in the series we got Super Saiyan God which introduced godly ki Super Saiyan blue which was a unique hybrid form and ultra instant which is the culmination of all martial arts that allowed Goku to move autonomously and fight with perfect reflexes and instinct now don't all those sound much more interesting than just getting another number in the Super Saiyan line of transformations we'd say so which is why we also say super handled new transformations better than DBZ the animation and Dragon Ball super is a constant source of ridicule directed at the series and with good reason as the rushed production resulted in some unsatisfying visuals throughout most of the series save for a few episodes Dragon Ball super bro lee made up for this by presenting what is without a doubt the best animation we've ever seen in a piece of Dragonball media ever and since bro Lee is under the Dragon Ball super title we can consider it part of the series and thus Dragon Ball super animation is far superior to anything that ever appeared in Dragon Ball Z again we're only referring to the animation of Dragon Ball super bro Lee but the point still stands that this part of the franchise gave us the best animation in Dragonball far outclassing even the most well animated and most beloved sequences and fights in Dragon Ball Z not only are the designs the perfect amalgam of Toriyama slate Dragon Ball early DBZ art style and the look of the series towards around the Buu saga the movement and fluidity are also top-notch seriously when you're comparing Dragon Ball super bro Lee and the best sequences of DBZ early wins baby in contest one of the other ways the Dragon Ball super called back to original Dragon Ball more than Z did was by making older characters relevant again what we mean by this but think about Master Roshi after the King Piccolo saga he stepped back as an active fighter in the series and fully retired as the world's Guardian throughout all of Z being delegated to a source of comic relief through his perverted actions however in Dragon Ball super Master Roshi made a couple of subtle returns to the spotlight eventually making a full comeback when he was chosen to be a member of universe sevens fighting team in the tournament of power he wasn't the only character to get this kind of return comebacks that were pretty absent in Dragon Ball Z but their characters to make return to the spotlight were pilaf Mai and Shu tension hun Frieza and r-la of dr. slump some of these characters might not have done a whole lot when they returned to the series but it's still worth pointing out the Dragon Ball super was much better about bringing back characters than Z was now they could just bring launch back another thing we think Dragon Ball super handles better than the sea is the relationship between Goku and Vegeta now before we set off any angry comments we're not talking about how Goku helped Vegeta become a good guy that's more a part of Vegeta's character arc which he definitely didn't matter and super just kind of rehashes no we're talking about the actual dynamic between the two Saiyans which in z was not much more than a simple rivalry however in Dragon Ball super there is more wiggle room with their rivalry they get to be a bit more friendly and they often fight alongside each other which makes for a stronger dynamic the result is that they have much more fun interactions making for some great humor and dynamic team ops now that Vegeta is a good guy in much less grumpy than his Buu saga days the franchise can have more fun with how he interacts with Goku which is a major benefit of super picking up a bit after the end of Z some fun examples of this dynamic are when Goku and Vegeta related over their love of their strong-willed wives and when they were sparring in Dragon Ball super bro Lee next up let's talk about parolee prior to the cannon rebooted the character that came onto the Dragon Ball super umbrella early previously appeared in Dragon Ball Z films that were not great the first one had its merits but still fell flat in a lot of regards as the two sequels were hahaha yeah they were garbage vile brilli the Z movies version of broli was little more than a Super Saiyan version of the Hulk and overpowered massive rage and under development simply created to serve as eight tough to beat antagonists beyond the concept of his crazy strengths there wasn't much to z Broly so there was clearly a lot of room to improve in the super reboot and improve it did since the Dragon Ball super version of broli is not only a more well-rounded character with a much stronger film he's also actually part of the main cannon in nearly every way imaginable Dragon Ball super bro leave Astley improved the titular character giving an agency made tragic past a chance for redemption and a better depiction of his immense legendary power in short the Dragon Ball super version of Rolly is far better than how Dragon Ball Z handled him bringing back the concept of interesting wacky and unique powers wasn't the only way the Dragon Ball super managed to make battles more interesting it also incorporated far more strategy into fights something that Z sometimes failed to do this could also be considered something that was brought back from the original Dragon Ball since the fights tended to evenly divide the focus on power and technique regardless it's very clear that Dragon Ball super made a point to well point out these strategies the approaches and planning that Goku Vegeta and the others put into the battles they fought perhaps the reason for this is because of power scaling meaning it's hard to show just how strong Goku and Vegeta are with how powerful they've become so showing their improved technique and strategy is the next best thing regardless of if this is the reason the point stands that super did a much better job of showing Goku and friends putting actual strategy into their fighting rather than just using all their power to defeat an opponent case in point coke who used his wits to figure out his abilities before powering up to combat that instead of just going full power against him last and certainly not least we have the introduction of female Super Saiyans somebody to Dragon Ball Z absolutely failed to do hack Dragon Ball Z failed to even include more female warriors beyond Android 18 and Videl Dragon Ball super on the other hand not only had a plenty of female warriors in the tournament of power it also gave us the first canon full-blooded female Saiyans to appear in the franchise cauliflower and kale both of whom were also the first female Super Saiyans in the series this was a huge deal for both the series and its fans for a long time lovers of Dragon Ball demanded to see female Saiyans and even when we got pan bola and the non-canon facha we never got to see them as Super Saiyans in other words Dragon Ball super did what Dragon Ball Z never did by introducing female Super Saiyans on top of this cauliflower and kale were actually pretty interesting characters sure kale is just a female version of Rolly but her and cauliflower relationship is really well done and both the characters are a major breath of fresh air [Music] so there you have it the 15 things we think the Dragon Ball super does better than Dragon Ball Z our favorite definitely has to be the awesome animation and rebooted backstory of broli what about you let us know your favorite or if we left anything out in the comments and don't forget to subscribe to CBR for more Dragon Ball videos [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,175,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBR, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Super Broly, Goku and Vegeta, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, Ultra Instinct, Tournament of Power, Universe 6 Saga, Universal Survival Saga, Golden Frieza Saga, Instant Transmission, Beerus Saga, Future Trunks
Id: zHv4_dU_Llw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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