15 Strangest Things Recently Discovered In Thailand

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lately thailand's been something of a pandora's box full of bizarre and astounding discoveries for whatever reason lots of amazing and sometimes mysterious things are being seen for the first time in thailand from a gigantic and terrifying stone snake discovered in a cave to a brand new dinosaur that was as dangerous as the t-rex here are 15 of the strangest things recently discovered in thailand number 15 four-meter king cobra wrestled from sewer in thailand did you know that the king cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world and it's also the longest venomous snake as well and until now nobody'd ever seen such a gigantic specimen as the one found in a housing estate in southern thailand the colossal snake was hiding in a sewer and to manage to lure it out rescuers had to work hard for hours the king cobra is extremely and dangerously lethal one single bite can deliver such a monstrous amount of paralysis-inducing neurotoxins that it can kill an adult elephant in a matter of just a few hours just imagine what the snake's venom can do to a human being knowing this those rescuers are so tremendously brave they're going into the sewer without any kind of protection and not only is that particular snake one of the most venomous in the world it is also a 4 meter or 13 foot long animal never before has such a gigantic king cobra been seen luckily there were no fatalities or accidents during the rescue and later that day the rescuers released the snake into the wild where it belongs far away from people's houses before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping now it's time for the star topic as you might very well know two-headed snakes are quite common they suffer a mutation before birth that results in two heads and one body in nature two-headed snakes have a hard time surviving but in captivity they can do quite well we also know the internet's riddled with pictures of three-headed snakes and although we think most of them are fake everything points toward this one being very real what do you think do you think a three-headed snake can exist and do you think this photograph is real comment down below with the hashtag star topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14 thailand cave rescue boys found alive after nine days can you imagine not having drinking water food or being able to see sunlight for all of nine consecutive days that's what happened to a group of people consisting of 12 boys and their football coach in thailand they were discovered by two english divers in july 2018. the boys and their coach were waiting desperately for rescuers on a ledge in a cavern in the tam luang caves in chiang rai but the party of 13 had to wait for another couple of days after the two british men discovered them we got the thai authorities too to understand that you know they needed they had to await the arrival of the thai navy seal special forces to come and rescue them safely the first thing the boys asked for was food the terrible accident happened after the group went to explore the caves and they got stuck down there without being able to get back out the entire country was holding its breath during the rescue operation first they had to bring medical attention and food to where the boys and the coach were to build up their strength and then they had to figure out a way to retrieve them safe and sound fortunately the operation was an absolute success and everybody was able to reach the surface and join their respective families number 13 rare whale skeleton discovered in thailand archaeologists have found a very well-preserved whale skeleton in thailand that's estimated to be between 3 000 and 5 000 years old scientists have stipulated that it is the skeleton of a brutus whale and it is in total 12 meters long or 39 feet this is an incredibly rare find that can provide a window into the past particularly for research on sea levels and biodiversity as much as 80 of the entire skeleton was able to be removed from the ground including vertebrae ribs fins and one shoulder blade the whale skull alone was about three meters in length brutus whales live to this day in tropical waters and are still found in the ocean around thailand but this magnificent discovery will tell scientists if the marine mammals used to be any different than today and if so what exactly were those differences the partially fossilized bones are still waiting to be carbon dated to determine how exactly old the whale skeleton is and once they have all the information they can extract from it then new theories can emerge with the new data very exciting times number 12 ancient cave paintings discovered in western thailand three thousand year old paintings have recently been discovered in a cave in khao sam royad national park in the pratchup kirikan province in western thailand in the mural there are distinctive human-like drawings some of them wearing accessories and others clearly hunting with a bow and arrow there's also one animal figure that looks exactly like asero which is a goat-like mammal found in thailand the mural is seven meters long in total and it's located 125 meters above sea level unfortunately some of the drawings have been damaged by limestone erosion and are now illegible the archaeologist in charge of the expedition konica premgai has said that they'll explore the other 20 caves in the area in hopes of finding other paintings and her team will determine the exact age of the mural after a thorough study will be made this discovery could give a lot of new information about the people that lived in that region of thailand a long time ago how they survived how they hunt and how they behaved so it's amazing to see how our human species was creating art 3000 years ago and we still do it now number 11 new ant species discovered the national science museum has recently announced that they've discovered and recorded five new species of ants in southeast asia and two of those come from thailand the ant species were known by local people but they'd never been recorded in the database before the names they were given are sixia oh god oh no there's no way that's four ridiculous names hey editor would you please just uh put put all of those names in a subtitle so they can see how ridiculous these names are thanks sounds very complicated right yeah but you can keep calling them simply ants and i will it takes a long time to document a new ant species the variations in their body can be as significant as the shape of their genitalia and as subtle as the distribution of the hair there are currently 10 000 ant species that occur around the world but the list is growing all the time as more and more people discover new species everywhere and everyone can discover them too from a group of scientists purposefully seeking ants to a retired man tending to his back garden maybe even you can discover a new ant species if you look closely but then the process of classifying them is the hard part not just anyone can do that you need to be an expert or an extremely enthusiastic and fanatic number 10 fossil of new 80 million year old carnivorous dinosaur discovered in thailand the bones of a dinosaur from the cretaceous period were discovered in the fu yang mountain in the northeast province of khan khan in thailand the dinosaur was named fujiyang venador yam naomi in honor of miss sootham yamnyam who is the retired archaeologist that first discovered the fossils three decades ago the dinosaurs estimated to have been at least 6 meters long and by the shape of its jaws and teeth it's believed to have been a meat-eating predator 16 dinosaur species are believed to have existed in modern-day thailand and 9 of those were only recently discovered the venator dinosaur became a point of interest and was studied thoroughly by phc student mr abdul samathi at bonn university in germany after a close inspection he classified the fossils as a completely new dinosaur species never seen before this is going to give archaeologists and scientists a brand new perspective on the ecosystem that occurred in thailand 80 million years ago and how the animals there behaved and co-existed it's not yet known if the venator was an apex predator but they can now say with all certainty it was a carnivorous species number nine new millipede species discovered in thailand recently an amazing new discovery has come from thailand this time it's not one or two or even three but 91 new millipede species one of the most popular discoveries was the dragon millipede which is of a very bright and almost surreal pink color thailand seems to be the home of a lot of different species of millipedes with 228 known and 34 published researches millipedes are extremely important to the ecosystem where they live they're even dubbed the moving fertilizers and that's because they feed on decaying leaves at the bottom of the forest and they return the nutrients to the soil therefore a thorough study of the southeast asian millipedes was impending for decades now and today thailand has the most vast and complete collection of data of the continent some millipedes are very small as small as your little finger but some are extremely large and scary and they all live in your basement a fun fact about the millipedes is that no known species actually has a thousand legs like its name suggests the closest any species comes is 750 legs per specimen still a lot but usually millipedes will have between 40 and 400 legs each number eight ancient giant found in krabi thailand a giant human skeleton was found recently in thailand and the most mysterious part of the discovery is that the gigantic humanoid skeleton was entangled in an equally enormous snake there are rumors in thailand that the smithsonian institution of museums has been acquiring giant skeletons in the region for quite some time and some people seem to think that they want to keep them from the public to hide some sort of obscure past that they don't want the public to find out about there's also a theory that this particular giant skeleton is actually a sculpture by a thai artist that got permission to display his piece of art in a cave as an art happening but the discovery outraged a lot of people that were demanding it be protected from the smithsonian people they were protesting so they wouldn't take away the bones and they were demanding the truth about where it came from in any case the finding is spectacular it depicts the last moments of a giant human fighting with a colossal serpent and both eternally embraced in the arms of death number mysterious creature crocodile buffalo discovered in thailand a creepy and mysterious looking calf was born to a buffalo in thailand the calf didn't survive too long but it appears that it had dark scales instead of fur and that its head looked rather like that of a crocodile it almost seems like a cross between a buffalo and a reptile the strange birth quickly became the point of focus amongst all the local people many of whom even had to travel far to see the strange creature with their own eyes even if this terrifying animal looks like something that crawled straight out of the fiery pits of hell the people of the remote thai village seem very ecstatic about the event they all seem to believe it's a good omen and that the bizarre looking calf will bring good luck to the region they even manufactured a shrine to the calf with lit candles and incense treating it almost like a deity of some sort apparently this strange creature was the last of a perfectly healthy litter that the buffalo had given birth to i don't know about you but it all seems very scary to me number six tigers discovered in thailand tigers have been an endangered species for a long time now there are actually more tigers in captivity than in their natural habitats at this point in time and the indo-chinese tiger is no exception they've been decreasing in numbers so radically that in some places like thailand and laos tigers haven't been seen in more than 15 years and that's mainly due to the illegal wildlife trade poachers almost drove this magnificent species to extinction by capturing them to sell them but recently a wonderful discovery has been made remote camera traps have captured three young indo-chinese tigers roaming around free in the forest in one of the shots there's one tiger that even comes up to the camera to check out the strange object [Music] they look very healthy and well and that's great news for conservationists all over the world it means that the indo-chinese tiger has a strong possibility of dodging extinction and that they may just go back to their natural habitat and start breeding again the release of the footage of the three big cats coincided with the global tiger day which was a very joyful celebration number five new bird flu outbreak discovered in thailand as if we haven't already had enough of this kind of crap with the global pandemic due to the kovid 19 virus now they've discovered a new strain of bird flu in northern thailand yeah remember the bird flu you might know it as h5n1 it was a flu that affected mainly birds like chicken for example but the danger was that it transmitted to human beings and it killed a lot of people back in 2006 so to make things a little bit spicier this year on top of covid19 now we also have a new strain of bird flu tests have confirmed the outbreak in pt 215 miles north of bangkok 30 village chickens have already died and officials have already ordered the slaughter of every single chicken in the area during the first big outbreak more than 14 000 poultry was massacred in the hopes of stopping the virus from spreading further but thailand still had a lot of human casualties and now people seem to be extremely worried it'll happen again so let's keep an eye on thailand and let's hope this amounts to nothing serious number four giant moth discovered in thailand the largest moth in the world has recently been discovered in thailand they've decided to call it giant atlas moth atticus and they are yellow red white black and brown they were named after the titan of greek mythology atlas who is believed to hold up the sky so it wouldn't fall into earth these magnificent moths can be as large as 12 inches when their wings are spread it's hard to understand how they didn't see this species before being so extraordinarily large they can hide very well in a tree trunk though because of their color palette they can camouflage themselves quite well in the forest and you can even buy cocoons over the internet if you're a moth fan but do keep in mind they're very delicate and difficult to take care of don't take responsibility for any animal that you're not fully ready to take care of you'll need to place them somewhere where you can regulate the temperature with extreme precision in order to make them emerge it also has to be very very humid because they're used to tropical conditions but if you can provide all that you can have this gorgeous gigantic moth to look at every single day number three new species of predatory dinosaur with shark-like teeth discovered in thailand a dinosaur very similar to the almighty t-rex has been discovered in thailand they have named it the siam raptor which literally means robber from thailand unlike the t-rex the siam raptor has shark-like teeth that could rip through flesh as well as bone like it was butter these dinosaurs are part of a group that is called the carcridontasaur which means shark-tooth lizard and the siam raptor not only is the oldest dinosaur from that group that's ever been discovered but also the first one that lived in southeast asia they used to kill their prey by simply using their massively powerful jaws to apply pressure onto the praised bones to crush them and then tear them apart with their razor sharp teeth [Music] they were the apex predator of their habitat and it's estimated that they lived some 120 million years ago the discovery of the siam raptor is one of the most important thai discoveries in history and archaeologists hope that it'll encourage young thai children to pursue a career in archaeologists so that more discoveries like this one can be made in the future so if you're a dinosaur enthusiast stay tuned for more exciting news from thailand number two the lost mountain temple a lost temple has recently been discovered in the nacon si tamarat province in thailand the astoundingly beautiful settlement was built directly in the stone and it's estimated to be thousands of years old inside they found many different relics and one phallus shaped rock yet phallus means male genitalia a historian named dr phum has stated that the lost mountain temple is very similar in its architecture to other sites found in the region that date back to the 6th century bc he and his team of explorers had heard some rumors about the existence of the lost city for years but it's only recently that they finally found the temple hidden behind several rocks and stone walls they had to cut through dense jungle for days to finally reach the destination just like indiana jones in the temple of doom for now only five percent of the site has been able to be explored but mr thumb said that the ruins may be contemporary with the kauka ancient remains which is one of the oldest and biggest hindu temples in thailand number one giant stone snake discovered in thailand recently a gigantic stone that looks exactly like a snake has been discovered in the naga cave in thailand the cave has become a great attraction because it features rock formations that resemble the mythological giant snake known as naga it really looks like the reptile turned into stone and remained in the same position for thousands of years you can even see perfectly shaped scales on the snake's belly but in reality those scales are about 100 000 years old and they're simply the result of sun cracked rock although the resemblance to a snake is quite astounding scientists have a perfectly good explanation for the peculiar rock formation but some people still believe it is naga the ancient giant creature that created rivers just by slithering through the land there's also a legend in thailand that tells the story of prince fahun who was handsome kind and strong but he yearned for someone to share his riches with he was looking for true love and one day he was walking through the forest when he heard a girl singing and he instantly fell in love with her but every time he came close to the voice the song would stop and the girl was nowhere to be seen except for a giant snakeskin that was left behind after shedding and that is where the legend of the giant snake comes from as you can see many interesting and sometimes bizarre discoveries are happening in thailand who knew that just one country could harbor so many mysteries why do you think we are discovering so many things at the same time from the same place do you think something supernatural is going on tell us about it also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 56,787
Rating: 4.897326 out of 5
Keywords: mysterious creatures, new species, mysterious creature, most mysterious, discovered, animals, creatures, discovery, mysterious, amazing, facts, unexplained, unbelievable, science, strange, discoveries, creature, strange creatures, animal, recently discovered, sea creature, species, strange animals, rare, extinct animals, animals discovered, education, animal kingdom, discovered animals, newly discovered, discovered fish, strangest, rarest animals, real, new animal species, in thailand, thailand
Id: 5KktyyL4VAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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