15 Sheep You Won't Believe Actually Exist

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we all love sheep who doesn't they're cute they're fluffy they give us wool and let us not forget how charming and cute artem and sean the sheep is but some sheeps aren't identical like dolly [Applause] some are very very unique and strange these are sheep you won't believe actually exist number 15 jacob sheep now we're on to the jacob sheep jacob is in fact also a middle eastern figure known as the grandson of abraham and the ancestor of the people of israel and what's more he is believed to have been a shepherd at least that's before he married his cousin rachel and then began talking to god and doing all kinds of other weird stuff so maybe that's where the sheep from this topic got its name what they should look like because pretty much if this guy is the one passing his jeans but the sheep are not from the middle east at all but far far away in england these sheep are piebald which means dark colored with white patches and they also are remarkable for having multiple horns usually four but sometimes six which make it look just a little demonic in my opinion in spite of its biblical name something about its naughty little goat looks that tells me this sheep could have a dark side they've been around since the 17th century but it was not until the 1960s that they were officially recognized as a breed for a long time it was known as a park sheep which landowners would keep just to stop their fields looking boring as they gazed out at their vast acres of land but now they have a more practical use being farmed for milk meat and wool like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping number 14 the lay black nose the valet black nose sheep has black patches on their nose eyes ears knees and feet which combined with their slightly shaggy fleece has led them to be described as the world's cutest sheep they were first recognized as a breed back in 1962 and their fluffy looks have a practical use keeping them nice and warm on the swiss mountains where they live up on the snow clad valley peaks is not the only place you can track down this cute little sheep as they also live in some parts of germany a breeding program is underway in the u.s so keep an eye on your local mountain range as they may show up at any time unfortunately for the valley black noses they are not quite cute enough to keep the wolves away and are regularly attacked by alpine wolves shepherds tend to keep them indoors through the winter but in the summertime they are free to graze in the mountains where they spend all their time hanging out with haiti probably this breed of sheep is known to be incredibly docile so if you ever wanted to change things up and bring a new friend into your home these guys might make a perfect pet unless you also have a pet wolf i guess number 13 badger face welsh mountain shape the badger face welsh mountain sheep that's quite a name and it tells you plenty about the breed already it lives on a mountain in wales and it has a face like a badger this sheep is a fairly small breed known for being hardy and low maintenance there are in fact two subtypes the tordue which is welsh form black stomach and the torwen which means white stomach and it is the tordue which looks like a badger the black parts include the inside of the smaller ears stripes above the eyes and a black band running from the chin under the belly to the tip of the tail the legs too have lighter colored stripes the torwan however has a black face but this time with white stripes along the eyes towards the nose and the small ears have a black outer color the rams have horns which are spiral shaped another distinguishing feature of this crazy looking breed of sheep on top of that they are great all around sheep with strong lambs high quality wool good milk and tasty meat so if you want a great sheep what more can i say get yourself a welsh badger face number 12. nashdi sheep the najdee sheep is named for the region it comes from the nashed part of the arabian peninsula in saudi arabia this is one of the most prized sheep in the region and although it is mainly present in saudi arabia it is also farmed in almond kuwait and jordan this is a kind of luxury sheep like a woolly cadillac a top quality you that's a female sheep can sell for up to eight thousand dollars but a ram can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars since a ram will be able to produce many more good quality sheep in its lifetime hey nabin wade these sheep even have their own sheep beauty contests in saudi arabia where various sheep parade up and down looking as cute as possible while saudi men hold up scorecards for the ones they find most attractive they have what is called a roman nose and are pretty tall for sheep they also have long faces with drooping ears which are considered very desirable in the world of sheep fanciers they are black but have white faces they are hearty and well adapted for life in the desert and are well known to produce excellent milk wool and meat number 11. shrek back in 2004 a moreno sheep from south island new zealand shot to fame his name was shrek and he was a castrated male which is known as a weather shrek like his namesake was a pretty wild character and he had been on the run for six years after escaping his enclosure the problem for this merino sheep is that his fleece just never stops growing so by the time he was found again it had grown enormously six years without a trip to the sheathers meant he looked like some biblical creature according to jon perrium shrek's owner the fleece weighed 60 pounds which is six times the average fleece he went under the shears on live television yielding an impressive 27 kilograms of wool and made enough wool to create suits for 20 men and the rogue sheep was finally caught after living all those years hiding out in caves like an afghan warrior it was a momentous day for new zealand a country where sheep outnumbered people by a factor of seven to one live on national television shrek was shorn of his glorious fleece he probably felt a weight off like nothing before and public demand was burning for a second shearing so two years on he was shorn on live tv once more this time on an iceberg for some reason after a wildlife shrek died at the age of 16 in 2011. god speed freedom fighter number 10 rakaship the raka breed is of the zaka type of shape and is from the nation of hungary these sheep are unusual as both rams and ewes have large spiral shaped horns which looks pretty damn cool if you ask me as with most cheap they are multi-purpose being bred for milk meat and wool but the huge horns can grow to more than two feet in length in a mature male the spirals protrude straight up and you probably wouldn't want one to start charging at you those things look like they might hurt just a touch if mr sheep decided he didn't much like the look of your face these sheep have two different color patterns usually they are brown with bits of white but sometimes they can also be all black out in the sun that black will turn into a reddish color and as the sheep ages it will go gray just kind of like people do in spite of the huge horns these sheep are known for being pretty chilled out and are even recommended as a good choice for a pet shape number nine muflon the muflan is the o g this is the sheep that started the whole sheep game and the coolest thing about the mufalon is that it has remained wild to this day this is one sheep that will just not be tamed there are actually five subspecies of muflan and they can be found in asia and europe the asian ones live in the caucasus iraq and iran while the european ones are in corsica sardinia and cyprus the domestic sheep is considered to have been bred from wild muflon all those years ago so every sheep around today can go ahead and worship its ancient ancestor in fact domestic sheep tend to do a little more than just warship muflon when they find them and romantic relations between domestic sheep and muflon have led to a hugely reduced number of pure muflon with mixed hybrids taking over and not really having the best qualities of either also muflon are endangered due to poaching since their amazing horns are prized by collectors while finally and kind of ironically habitat destruction leaves them with nowhere to live as humans build industrial farms which sometimes are home to domestic sheep muflon are pretty big with rams weighing as much as 220 pounds they are well adapted to rocky environments and have a thick fleece which guards against the gold all hail the original sheep number 8. herdwick sheep england's lake district was once the favorite place of the great romantic poets like coleridge keats and shelley and nowadays it's equally loved by power belt racers and day-tripping tourists but one thing remains unchanged and that is the presence of large numbers of herdwick shape they graze high up on the fells and also low down in the fields of the valleys they have happy looking faces and shaggy great coats and are iconic features of the lake district with 90 of all herdwicks living there and they have been there a long time introduced during the troubled times of the 10th and the 11th centuries as vikings arrived in england as invaders setting up new communities with new livestock and farming technologies the norman vikings invaded in 1066 and ended the upheaval and within 100 years the herdwick sheep had become an important breed in the lake district and that's where they have remained ever since the sheep has white legs and the rams have big curly horns famous children's author beatrix potter owned a farm in the lake district and she cared for many herdwick sheep during her lifetime number 7. worthless this worthless sheep is a pretty amazing sheep to look at this sheep has a black slash brown fleece a white mark on the face white socks and a white tail tip which is traditionally left undocked these are some pretty large sheep too on average use weigh 185 pounds while rams are around 220 pounds their fleece is thick and dense and the tips of the fleece can become bleached in the sun giving a cool two-tone effect like an early 2000s sports car i guess that was cool back then i promise anyway these sheep tend to go a little silver with age and maybe also start smoking cigars wearing shirts half unbuttoned lounging around in five star hotel bars and generally just turning into late era burt reynolds who was partially of dutch ancestry just like our sheep here who by the way produce excellent medium fine wool and our ideal sheep for milking which is great news for those of us who love manchego rugfurt or feta cheese since all of those are made from sheep's milk and in new zealand they even make vodka from sheep's milk this animal is like a mobile house party assistant cheers to that number 6. beltek sheep the bell peck sheep is another domestic sheep breed that we just couldn't leave off our list of the world's most unbelievable sheep it's a crossbreed partially coming from the texel breed of sheep the textile is a super muscular sheep that originally comes from the dutch island of texel the meat of the textile is very lean and the genetics mean that this quality is passed on to the young from any cross breeding this has made the texel one of the most popular meat producing breeds of sheep in the whole of the netherlands [Applause] making up 70 of the stock these sheep were so successful that farmers in france and britain forced changes in their country's laws so they could have some of this super sheep and their desirability has not slowed one bit with a new world record of four hundred and eighty thousand dollars paid for a six month old texel ram in 2020. the beltex is the belgian version of the texel and the flemish giants are even more muscular with very fine bones meaning that the beltex is basically all meat and they even have double muscles on the hindquarters that's a lot of lamb chops right there number five wensleydale the dale is another british sheep and this time we're talking about a true heavyweight in fact it is one of the largest and heaviest sheep breeds not just in britain but the entire world its face is a blue-gray color and it has a fleece which produces long wool which hangs down in ringlets their ears are elongated and stand upright so it's kind of like the elf of the sheep world or the vulcan they also have a characteristic tuft of wool growing off the top of their heads this breed was named for the region of north yorkshire it hails from and it dates back to the early 19th century when it was produced by crossbreeding a dishly lychester ram with a ewe from a breed which has since long gone extinct the wensleydale has lost popularity and is now considered an endangered breed but they are still used for breeding and for wool production in north yorkshire the rams weigh about 280 pounds while ewes tip the scales at around 200 pounds let's hope that some wensleydale enthusiasts can help us keep this amazing sheep breed alive number 4 black welsh mountain shape the black welsh mountain sheep is a black sheep from wales that lives on a mountain how about that the black well produced by the sheep is known as cooch doo in welsh did you know about the welsh language it's spoken by around 20 of the welsh population of whales as well as a large number of the inhabitants of the welsh colony in argentina and in wartime the british army sometimes uses welsh to send secure communications since the enemy probably doesn't usually have a whole lot of welsh speakers nearby to figure out what's being said [Applause] anyway they have cool words like cooch do and a ton of other sheep related words because there's seriously a lot of sheep in wales and the relationship between the welsh and their sheep is considered to be intimate and meaningful after all there are more than 10 million sheep there and only about 3 million people so they better be nice to the sheep if they decide to rise up and overthrow the welsh parliament we could see the first establishment of a sheep run government in the world and i would bet that a black welsh mountain sheep would be the first president for life number three pharaoh shape the pharaoh islands are an archipelago which lies between iceland scotland and norway the nordic people living there are kept warm by the gulf stream which blows warm air up from mexico and makes things a little more livable than that latitude would normally be still it's a pretty chilly place and the island sheep are appropriately hearty in fact in the very ancient norse language it is believed that pharaoh means sheep island so the pharaoh sheep is in fact the sheep island sheep so that all makes perfect sense they were introduced to the islands back in the 9th century and are now one of the most important parts of feyrose's tradition the pharaoh sheep comes in more than 300 color combinations and even appears in the island's coat of arms which is way cooler than the usual lions dragons and unicorns finally some sheep love on a battle shield these sheep tend not to have a flocking instinct since they have no natural predators on the island and so will roam pretty freely by themselves they are also small with ewes weighing around 45 pounds and rams being around double that number two arapawa back to the other great sheep loving nation of the earth new zealand the arapawa sheep is a feral sheep found mainly on the aeropawa island in the melbourne sounds they have been isolated there since they were first introduced back in 1867 no one knows for sure how exactly the sheep got there leading too many conspiracy theories but it is likely they are descended from a strain of australian merino shape the new zealand rare breeds conservation society classifies this breed as rare both rams and ewes have horns with the ram's horns growing up to three feet in length and presenting a spiral pattern living in the hostile and challenging terrain of the island this sheep has a kind of weather beaten appearance often hunched like it is shielding itself from the wind which i guess it probably is they are pretty active with long legs slim faces and slender ears usually they are all black just like the country's famous rugby team but sometimes they have flecks of white too very rarely an all-white arapawa is born and may be considered to be some kind of messiah or demon who knows what sheep think about that kind of thing number one manx lothan another island sheep this time it's the manx lothan from the isle of man the isle of man is an island belonging to the uk and is located between great britain and ireland it is considered to be of the celtic nations along with wales ireland brittany scotland and cornwall each celtic nation has its own language although in cornwall and the isle of man the language is now extinct as a spoken language having been entirely replaced by english so don't expect to hear any shepherds calling their sheep in the manx language on the isle of man the sheep in question is a long-legged fine-boned animal with a brown fleece and it is considered one of the more primitive braids and they can have up to six horns on their heads their fleece is one of the most hard wearing and its rich brown color means it's highly desirable for knitwear so this is a sheep you will want to be seen wearing in the fashion hot spots of the world milan paris new york i mean not the actual sheep maybe a sweater made of its wool wearing a whole sheep would be kind of bizarre which of these sheep amazed you the most do you live in a country with more sheep than people let us know in the comments below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Genius Lemon
Views: 51,777
Rating: 4.7940593 out of 5
Keywords: best, funny, animal, video, compilation, animals, sheep, goat, goats, funny goat, funny sheep, sheep fail, goat videos, sheep videos, you wont believe, actually exist, in the world, won’t believe, wont believe, won’t believe exist, biggest animals, strange animals, rare animals, animal videos, sheeps, videos, viral, pictures, home, page, youtube, trending, this sheep, escaped, when, he returned, everyone, sheep sound, sheep noises, interesting facts, exist, livestock animals
Id: 9fa_k4Yefgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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