15 Abnormally Large Animals That Actually Exist

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some animals are big some are very big some are obscenely big and some some are so big you'll struggle to believe they are real but we promise you from the bottom of our hearts that they are these are abnormally large animals that actually exist [Applause] number 15 crocodile meet gustav he's not a cool swedish guy as his name might suggest but instead a massive 100 year old eating machine crocodiles are some of the most incredible predators in the world and they are pretty comfortable with eating up a human being if there's nothing better on the menu these animals have a super strong bite and once they get a hold of something they are not letting go even if that is a human leg or any other body part let's face it they're all going to hurt pretty bad out in the east african country of burundi life ain't easy in fact the world happiness report ranked the people of burundi as being the 156th place in the world otherwise known as last place this tiny african country has a whole host of problems not least having to share a cramped space with gustav the man eating crocodile gustav weighs almost 2 000 pounds and is over 27 feet long and has been made responsible for eating as many as 300 burundians in fact he doesn't even always eat them sometimes just killing people for fun and then leaving them there gee what a nice guy it was reported in 2019 that this elderly monster has gone to crocodile heaven i'll bet burundi will now shoot right up into the top 10 happiest nations like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] now it's time for the juicy topic you must have heard of the megalodon before but if not brace yourself these things were mighty and colossal beasts haunting the world's oceans with a fearsome might but while most people believe the megalodon is a long dead creature that has gone the way of the dodo there are some people convinced that these things may still be out there somewhere they were huge with their teeth alone being as tall as seven inches it's estimated that they could have been as big as three times the size of a great white shark 54 feet in length yikes i really do hope the theories aren't true and these things are dead because i do not want to meet one as always comment down below with the hashtag juicytopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let's move on to the next one number 14 rabbit being big runs in the family and the world's largest rabbit is sweating it out as he waits to see if he's going to lose his prestigious title to his own son the giant bunny is known as darius and the british heavyweight weighs 50 pounds and measures 4.5 feet in length that's about the same weight as the average male bulldog and darius is officially ranked as world number one mega bunny as you can see his best buddy seven-year-old ava has a hard time even picking him up now darius named for the mighty ancient ruler of persia faces a challenge from his own son jeff named for the mighty and ancient um nope they just call them jeff after some guy who works at 7-eleven or something in a story that seems to fit for shakespeare the young pretender jeff is seeking to overthrow his father in a story of rivalry betrayal and a huge amount of carrots the two beefy bugs are actually pretty good pals at least for now but with jeff almost as big as his father and still growing things could turn for the worse and when giant rabbits start to fight better run for cover like it's godzilla vs kong number 13 cow holy cow it's a huge cow and not just any huge cow but the hugest of huge cows of all time or something at least she isn't the guinness book of world records as the tallest cow ever and her name is blossom she is not maybe the most aesthetically pleasing cow ever looking kind of like a giraffe trapped in a cow suit or an obscure sidequest boss from the legend of zelda ocarina of time but blossom will forever be remembered for her massive six foot four height although blossom may just be a ton of gmo wrapped in leather she is a very sweet natured cow or i should say was as poor blossom passed away after breaking one of her giant legs in 2015 still in spite of this sad end blossom will go down in history as a legend dary bovine who towered above all her cloven hooved friends in this footage from 2014 we see blossom taking a walk around a rain-soaked field in illinois where she lived with owner patty meads-hansen well i mean i guess patti lived in a farmhouse nearby not in the actual field with blossom but hey who knows what kind of crazy stuff goes down in illinois number 12. catfish imagine hitting it off with someone on social media you get talking exchange cute pics send each other your favorite playlists get right into each other's souls and then finally you meet only to discover that the person you were talking to was not the version of loveliness that their photos had suggested but in fact a nine foot long fish a catfish to be precise and i think that's where this term comes from when you think you're dating a human but it's a monstrous fish just pretending anyway this french fisherman was almost as surprised at pulling out this record-breaking catfish from a river in france and here is jean christophe congero posing with the champion fish it's not too pretty but hey you sometimes just have to make do with whatever it is out there in the water once gene kristoff had done what he had to do with the measuring tape this big monster was thrown back into the river where he belongs in some cultures especially in american south catfish is a real delicacy and i can tell you these are good eaten and one this big could feed a hundred people but let's be glad he's back in the water and not hanging out above the surface bothering people on social media number 11. stingray the make long river in bangkok is home to some real monsters this river which runs through thailand and is fed by the massive monsoons which are part of the region's climate is where giant freshwater stingray live and these are some incredible fish albeit kind of awkward and floppy when they are out of the water in fact scientists studying these flapping giants managed to fish out one particularly huge specimen which they believe is the biggest freshwater fish of any kind ever caught by humans not far from bangkok non cherika chansu a professor at the city's chula longhorn university was out on a boat when she landed the 8 feet wide and 14 feet long ray it was impossible to get an exact weight since weighing these giants is kind of difficult and risks injuring the fish but they were able to estimate a weight of around 700 to 800 pounds this would make it one of the largest stingrays ever caught and therefore one of the largest fish outside the ocean of all time there have been recent random deaths of groups of these rays and scientists are trying to figure out what the cause is before they suffer local extinction number 10. python medusa was a mythical greek monster with the head of a woman and hair made of snakes pretty insane but what about a monster with the head of a snake and also the body of a snake that's even worse and what if that snake body was the biggest of all time truly terrifying but that is what medusa the reticulated python is the biggest of all time back in 2011 she was recorded with a length of 25 feet and 2 inches making the then 15 year old the biggest ever held in captivity she lives in kansas in kansas city's edge of hell park where she certainly contributes to the infernal atmosphere she is treated to a snake snack once in a while usually the full carcass of an 80 to 100 pound deer or goat after swallowing one of these medusa drops into a food coma for a few days sleeping off her equivalent of 10 thanksgiving dinners all at once the world's biggest snake loves nothing more than having her handler larry edgar scratch her scales as she sheds an old skin giving him a contented hiss as she settles in to her massage number 9 pitbull earlier we had the rabbit the size of a bulldog so now how about the pitbull terrier that weighs as much as a snow leopard hulk as he is appropriately known belongs to marlin and lisa grenon and weighs a massive 175 pounds in spite of his intimidating size hulk is a super friendly dog and a perfect companion for the couple's three-year-old son jordan the grenins are the owners of an american pitbull breeding club and are determined to change people's perception of the breed making them realize that these dogs if well trained are some of the most loyal and good natured dogs out there you or i i live out here in new hampshire there's no crime out here still they say they breed the dogs to be utterly fearless so they can work as the ultimate protection dogs for people all over the world which is all great for the grannons who own 12 of the breed including the mighty hulk but what must life be like for their 13th dog which is a chihuahua well as long as he has hulk who looks like he might have a little mastiff in his blood just to add to his fighting spirit on his side then i guess that's one chihuahua no one is going to mess with number cat speaking of snow leopards we are going to take a look at a domestic cat with something of a wild side this is bearable the main which are among the largest breeds of domestic cat and beverl from italy is the current champ measuring a massive four feet in length longer than a baseball bat out in the town of vijayvana pavia baraval's owner cinzia tinarello and edgar skandera had the honor of seeing baraval crowned the world's longest living cat back in 2018. he is a very special cat for us because he is a little shy when people see him they are very shocked but for us he is a little gift a big gift said edgar the huge moki loves eating biscuits chicken and fish and can often be seen out for a stroll with his owners sat in a special cat mobile buggy berevil has become a local celebrity and even has his own popular instagram account but the story doesn't end here beriville was measured at only the age of 2 years old and this cat breed will keep growing until around 4 years so who knows what records could end up being smashed in the future number 7. tiger if you thought that bearable was a big cat wait until you get a look at hercules in fact this 922 pound monster cat is even bigger than hercules could ever have dreamed of becoming hercules is a liger which is a hybrid animal bred from a male lion and a tigress they do not exist in the wild as this hybridization makes the big cats infertile so he's literally has suction on this baby bottle right now but all the extra energy seems to go into muscle development since ligers are the biggest cats there is and hercules is the biggest of the biggest he lives on myrtle beach safari park in south carolina where you can reserve a tour and take a look at these amazing animals he stands 49 inches at the shoulder and is an incredible 131 inches long the safari park run by beg of and doc antel is home to all kinds of rare species and hopes to conserve them as the wild becomes more and more dangerous for animals to survive in due to human activity such as poaching and habitat destruction but maybe it's a relief to all the other big cats in the wild that a giant like hercules is kept in captivity this is the real king of the jungle right here number six horse allow me to introduce you to a big jake the world's tallest horse the belgian gelding has become an international celebrity due to his incredible height once he has slipped his shoes off the giant stands over 20 hands high which is more than 82 inches when measured in january 2010 he became the official tallest horse in the world in the years following his record visitors began to flock to smokey hollow farm in poinet wisconsin to get a look at big jake the steed was born to average size and was not even above average size as a full but when he began to grow he really grew and he's hungry too eating two buckets of grain and a bale of hay every day not only is feeding him a challenge but housing him is too big jake is just too big for regular horse accommodation once a familiar face of draft horse competitions big jake has since retired and is enjoying his days being visited by his adoring fans on his home farm in wisconsin hanging out with his horse buddies who probably look like ants to big jake from all the way up there number five jeep sean the sheep surely the most popular name for sheep worldwide it just so happens that one of these many shawns turned out to be the record holder for the world's wooliest sheep out in the wilderness of tasmania two farmers spotted the free-roaming sheep and couldn't resist trying to get him on the scales to find out how big he really was farmer peter hazel caught up with the six-year-old ram and believes that he was an escapee who had been roaming free for years and in that time he had been growing a pretty impressive coat because of his massive fleece shawn was easy to catch the wool had grown over his eyes and so hazel was able to sneak up behind the sheep and surprise him sheep like sean normally need to be shorn once a year and it's a miracle that sean was able to survive so long especially through summer with that much fleece once they gave him a much needed shave they discovered that the wool weighed a massive 45 pounds which looks like a record breaker number 4. spider arachnophobes skip ahead now this is the world's biggest spider and it looks like something from some kind of weird 1980s fantasy horror film it is a monster of a spider colored russet brown and black and it belongs to the tarantula family these things are obviously colossal and can be as much as a foot wide they weigh in excess of 6 ounces and they are as aggressive and powerful as they seem known to be extremely defensive when threatened they will not hesitate to attack and the fangs are more than large enough to penetrate human skin up to 2 inches in length in the largest examples these things are basically like small dogs with 8 legs they rub their legs together and release a kind of fuzzy hair which is harmful to humans causing irritation and itching and can be extremely uncomfortable for days after the powerful bite also releases venom for good measure although it is not life-threatening it's certainly pretty painful when they are really annoyed they stand up on their hind legs and hiss by rubbing their legs on their belly a loud warning noise to whatever is nearby they are so huge they eat birds and small rodents satan take them back please number three pig out in the republic of china or taiwan as we know it a popular pastime among the island's rural population is pig raising and there's always been a competitive spirit among the chinese of taiwan to see who could raise the fattest pig of all finally there has been a winner that may never be beaten a pig weighing a massive hundred pounds this huge weight makes this fat pig the fattest the island has seen in the 200 years since records began a farmer named chen changsung is responsible for this record and the scale smashing hawk once he found 20 strong men they were able to lift the pig onto a truck and drive him to a nearby temple for his blessing this lazy pig ate so much it just gave up bothering to walk liking nothing better than lying down and having food shoveled into its mouth hey who wouldn't but once this pig had had his blessing the bad news was that no amount of spiritual guidance was going to save his bacon chen slaughtered this giant and fed him to his family and friends and the rest of the 23 million people in taiwan for a week number two japanese spider crap you thought that land spiders were big just wait until you see the ocean's version of a big creepy thing with loads of weird legs the giant japanese spider crab is the world's biggest anthropod that's a group that includes spiders crabs insects and all that kind of stuff and this one is the champ measuring up to 12 feet long and having a weight of over 40 pounds the body of these crabs measures only 15 inches so like giselle bud chen they are basically a legs and married to tom brady wait no only the first thing anyway they have eight giant legs and two extra arms for feeding and they are orange with white spots terrifying in appearance they are actually known to be pretty gentle creatures the massive legs are armor-plated exoskeleton and protects them from predators such as octopus and they live mainly on the pacific side of japan and to add further protection these crabs stick sponges onto their bodies as a form of camouflage which is pretty cool like mr krabs and spongebob all in one massive crazy looking creature number one booster we all love a rooster anything that screeches louder than a fighter jet at the very break of dawn can only be a lovable animal right and as with everything else in the video the bigger the better so how about the brahma rooster they get their name from the brahmaputra river in india but the breed's ancestry goes back to china either way they became best known for being the biggest chicken in the coop and they were the bird of choice in the good old u.s of a during the 19th century they come in three colors light dark and buff which is some kind of chicken color i guess but also maybe a reference to just how stacked these birds are surely this is the breed that peter griffin has had so much trouble with all these years they can weigh 12 pounds lay brown eggs and have feathery legs but due to slow growth they were phased out as america's number one chicken back in the 1920s when industrialization of farming meant chickens had to get to eating size as quickly as humanly or rather chickenly possible but they're still around so if you hear crowing and then a noise like an earthquake it might just be a brahma going for a morning walk [Applause] which of these fat animals did you like the best have you ever seen a fatter animal than any of these let us know in the comments below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Genius Lemon
Views: 1,463,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animals, abnormally large animals, giant, biggest, large animals, large, largest animals, huge, creatures, abnormally, largest creatures, big, exist, biggest animals, actually exist, strange, animal, gigantic, abnormal, big animals, largest, unbelievable, facts, biggest snake, wild, actually, wild animals, caught on tape, weird, bizarre, largest animal, in the world, huge animals, biggest cow, giant animals, large pets, biggest animal features, weird animal, oddest animals
Id: F4xjozP8OQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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