15 Most Expensive Horses In The World

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horses are beautiful but they are far from cheap that's why so many kids want one but so few get one but there are some horses that are so very pricey that they make the regular horses look as cheap as chips these are the most expensive horses in the world [Applause] number 15 frisian horse breed if you're one of the average joes of the world you're probably not going to be dropping thousands upon thousands of dollars on a horse but of course some people are just so flush with cash that they can spend thousands on a friesian horse without batting an eyelid the price for a frisian horse is usually anywhere between seven thousand dollars and one hundred thousand with the average well-trained show horse coming in at around forty thousand 000 there are many reasons for this but a big one is that the horses are individually inspected approved and designated by the frisian horse association north america because frisians are so rare in the united states purebred friesians are practically the closest thing to unicorns in the horsey world which explains why people are willing to drop up to 100 000 just to own one and yet nobody's willing to donate to my paypal what's up with that while it may seem like a contradiction the friesian is one of the most popular rare horses you can get of course assuming that you have a spare hundred grand just lying around waiting to be spent and who among us doesn't have that right please paypal me like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping number 14 thoroughbred when you really pull all the layers back thoroughbreds are the best in their field pun intended and their field is raising and when i say people pay out of their eyeballs for this even that is an understatement while all thoroughbreds tend to go for a surprisingly large amount of money some go for frankly insane amounts take the winner of the 2000 kentucky derby for instance then when you try to start to do other things your horse is very very relaxed about you being on them this thoroughbred fusaishi pegasus is apparently said to be the most expensive horse in history selling for a near unimaginable 70 million dollars and if we go back to the 1970s and 1980s the 174 offspring of a single thoroughbred horse sold for a combined 160 million basically the thoroughbred is the kind of horse for a millionaire who has money to burn because who needs to donate to a good cause when you can just pay an insane amount of money for one horse the thoroughbred is often highlighted as one of the best horses in the world thanks to its long history as the racehorse of choice but it must be said that while you can throw as much money as you want it doesn't necessarily mean that the horse will be good it will be good i promise number 13. dutch warm blood unless you're a real horse lover the dutch warm blood probably isn't a breed that you're particularly familiar with but you probably should be these things can be costly if the right buyer is interested and rich because they're all for the rich the dutch warm blood is above all else a performance breed spread for jumping and dressage its good temperament strength and general stamina make it one of the most desirable horses at auction often going for anywhere between 000 and several million at a time all that depends on whether the horse is an athletic sport horse an elegant harness horse or the gelderland working horse kind however regardless of the type of force you happen to get this breed continues to evolve so chances are that the new owner will eventually end up with a more well-rounded horse and an emptied bank account but who among us doesn't have that depending on the specific type the dutch warm blood can be a hugely expensive breed as with well everything people are more than willing to pay unimaginable prices for a good quality horse imagine having money to buy a horse actually just imagine having money number 12. cell fraussae here we have another horse that probably isn't well known outside of select circles the self francaise is obviously french and after centuries of crossbreeding only became publicly acknowledged as a unique breed in 1958. since then they've become a multi-million dollar horse breed and then some the cell fraussae is mostly known as a show-jumping horse although they can be pretty good at other categories too in fact some of these horses have been successful olympic performers so just bear that in mind when i tell you how much they sell for well the average is anywhere between fifteen thousand to a few million there are some very notable exceptions in 2013 a world champion named palu be dalong sold for a whopping 15 million making for one of the most expensive sell for all say sales in history which is horrifically depressing for those of us in regular work the selfrest say may not be the most well known to people outside of horsey circles but the fact that people are willing to pay so much for it should tell you everything this is a well-respected and celebrated horse for those that have a crazy amount of money just lying around in their bank account for no apparent reason yeah today's video is mostly going to be rich people just throwing their money around i apologize in advance number 11. standard bread admittedly the standard bread is not exactly a memorable or impressive name for a breed of force but what it may lack in creative naming it more than makes up for with its apparent value or should i say the admiration of rich people naturally the standard bread has bloodlines dating all the way back to 18th century england although that doesn't necessarily explain why they're so valuable all i can tell you is that this horse breed is one of the most popular with beginner riders thanks to their muscular bodies and cooperative personalities perhaps that's why they sell on average for less than other breeds on average the standard bread can cost you between 500 and 5000 making it one of the more affordable horse breeds however there are exceptions in 2019 one yearling standard bread sold for a record 1.1 million at auction so i guess records are there to be broken the standard bread may sound like a dull name for a horse breed but the numbers don't lie experts value this breed very much and are willing to fork out up to a million bucks just to have one so to all you kids asking your parents for a pony make sure they have a million bucks lying around first number 10. penovirion there must be something in the water in spain just about every horse bred in the region ends up selling for a lot of money when they go to auction take for instance the hanoverian an elegant horse breed to be trained and apparently bred to sell for thousands the hannoverian is an elegant athletic horse once used for agricultural military and coach purposes today however they're mostly used for show jumping and dressage events which naturally makes them a highly sought after breed and that's why people are willing to pay anywhere between 7 000 and 100 000 for the opportunity to own one for a species with at least one olympic gold medal winner and its ranks that's a pretty fair price assuming that you're a big fan of horses if not there's a whole bunch of things you could do with that hundred grand like i don't know hiring the muppets to come and do a live set at your local ferris wheel why not the henoverian has a long history of excellence ranging back to world war ii and beyond this horse has pretty much excelled at everything that it's ever tried so why shouldn't it sell for 100 thousand i deserve to be worth that sorry for a second there i convinced myself i was the horse number nine oldenburg oldenburg sounds like an insult thought up by a snarky sarcastic tween and a movie written by a 55 year old man but it's also a horse and what a horse it is named after dressage rider count graf anton gunther von oldenberg a real name i actu i promise i promise it's a real name this is one of the all-stars of international eventing and it has a price tag to match the oldenburg generally sells for anywhere between four thousand and five hundred thousand owing to its long history as well just about everything these horses were considered so elegant and graceful that they've never really stopped being in high demand they've been used as war horses given as gifts to rulers and military leaders and even lead carriages for notable people nowadays they're world competition all-stars famous for their high quality dressage performances and apparently that equals a half a million price tag still waiting for that kind of treatment to reach high quality voice over artists but i can be patient clearly the oldenburg is worthy of that high price thanks to its versatility and continued elegance so don't be fooled by the name everything oldenburg is nuwenberg again look i hate that joke just as much as you do but you really can't expect them all to be good that is an unreasonable amount of pressure number 8. arabian there are a couple of things you have to remember when talking about the arabian horse this is a horse built for endurance genetically engineered to be fast strong and powerful so it may surprise you to know that the asking price for such an allegedly perfect horse is pretty low compared to some of the other brains the arabian can sell for anywhere less than 1 000 to over 150 000 which is still a lot of money but far less than some lesser horse breeds [Music] you'd expect given its pedigree that the arabian would be one of the higher priced breeds on the market well apparently not and it's unclear why that is exactly perhaps the fact that these horses are now all over the world has somehow lessened their value still some of the most famous figures in world history chose the arabian as their horse of choice including george washington genghis khan napoleon and alexander the great so i guess it's really a bargain the arabian is by no means a cheap horse in fact it's unlikely that the average joe would be able to fork over the 150 000 plus to own one but if you're a wannabe napoleon who's been saving up for something big boy is this a deal for you number seven holsteiner before you ask no the holsteiner has absolutely nothing to do with the german beer and yes i double and triple checked the whole steiner is simply a multi-purpose german horse who happens to sell for an often big amount of money and who among us can't relate to that the holsteiner typically costs anywhere between three thousand dollars and fifty thousand dollars a surprisingly reasonable price for a horse that once dominated the equestrian olympics the holsteiner's history can be traced back centuries to german monasteries these monks somehow managed to organize the hull steiner to such an extent that over 30 000 of these horses were being exported by 1797 that's pretty impressive for the period in terms of multi-purpose horses the holsteiner is without question one of the most popular and most celebrated and at fifty thousand dollars it's clearly also one of the most valuable how nice we generally don't think of horses as being bred by monks but the holsteiner isn't just any horse it's a 50 000 horse and if you can't afford that well you may just find yourself closer to a horse that's holier than you ever could have imagined maybe it could also just be a horse number 6. gypsy vanner how much would you pay for a horse that is good for one thing and only one thing depends on what it's good for right how about pulling cards and wagons what are you thinking 20 million well paypal me that money and i will accept it i did not promise any force in exchange the gypsy banner is used and shown exclusively for pulling or driving as they say carts and wagons making it one of the few breeds that doesn't have multiple uses however that doesn't mean people aren't willing to pay a lot of money for one on average people pay anywhere between four thousand and thirty thousand dollars for a single gypsy banner making it one of the most expensive single-use horses in the world but of course they look pretty cute with all that hair on their lower legs and they seem to be very very pleasant to be around so make that cash homeboy on paper it seems like a lot of money for a horse that may only be used now and then to pull some carriages but remember these horses were initially developed by people that were always traveling which means this is a pretty great investment if you hate your house number 5. morgan you may not have heard of the morgan horse but according to the internet you absolutely should rectify that according to the experts the morkan horse is an incredible specimen of a horse with one inexplicably praising it wit if i lose my job to a witty horse i will lose my damn mind the morgan horse typically sells for between 2 500 and 4 thousand dollars and is particularly well known for its impressive ability to do just about anything these horses have been used for show jumping dressage insurance riding driving racing you name it it's probably done which means this two to four thousand dollar price tag is really kind of a bargain after all where else are you going to find a horse that some humans have inexplicably described as witty not kidding if this horse takes my job i'm gonna go nuts while the morgan horse has perhaps missed out on a bit of the limelight they're still incredibly popular with the people that matter rich people with money and they're always more than willing to fork out thousands of dollars for the opportunity to own one but can it make crappy jokes for a dedicated youtube audience i didn't think so seriously guys don't replace me with a horse number four quarter horse no don't worry it's a full horse it's just known as the quarter horse for some reason but it absolutely is a full-sized horse and not one of those weird pantomime men in horse costume type situations trust me i checked multiple times the quarter horse is named for its ability to outrun other horses in races a quarter mile or less on average the quarter horse sells for around 3 500 which is a pretty reasonable price for a horse that excels at short distance sprints although you know who among us has a spare 3500 just lying around to purchase a horse built to sprint short distances thankfully for those that do pay the full amount the quarter horse has a lot more to offer in fact this horse is known to be used in everything from rodeos to show jumping hunting and even put to work as a ranch horse so you get a lot for your money i guess i think we've all learned quite a bit about the quarter horse today we learned that it's a full-sized horse a multi-talented breed that it sells for around three thousand five hundred dollars you know what we didn't learn that much actually but that's okay because i'm just glad it wasn't two guys in a horse costume i was really scared there for a second number three appaloosa if you're on the market looking for a horse that weighs almost the same as an adult-sized giraffe look no further the appaloosa has all of the niche requirements that you have it's relatively affordable if you happen to have an unimaginable amount of disposable income and in such a stable economy who doesn't that joke will really stand the test of time the appaloosa's history goes back to the 1500s when spaniards brought the horses with them to mexico those horses soon found their way into north america where native americans began embracing this new breed over time the appaloosa became good at writing and um breeding i'm not going to make any jokes there the breed generally fluctuates between 1 000 and 10 000 depending on the horse's age and pedigree but it seems experts today still love this classic breed [Music] the appaloosa is a classic horse so it's not surprising to see it make the list they're high quality strong and incredibly beautiful horses that really have something for everybody unless you don't like horses in that case there's probably not a whole lot here for you number two and illusion when a horse is described as an iconic breed you better be prepared to pay through the nose this spanish horse is known in its home country as the pure spanish horse and it is most definitely one of the most desired horses anywhere in the world the andalusian is mostly coveted by those that hope to use it for shows and other eventing purposes due to its incredibly flexible joints they're basically built for complex dressage routines although the show quality horses tend to be on the higher side of the price range [Music] still that doesn't stop people from shelling out thousands of dollars for the chance to own one on average the andalusian can cost anywhere between three thousand dollars and sixty thousand though those show quality horses generally cost 50 000 at least of course many of those horses bought today are also used in hollywood movies and television shows so i guess they're pretty cheap if you compare them to i don't know robert downey jr the andalusian has long been celebrated as one of the most desirable horses on the planet thanks to their calm personality and their impressive intellect and now apparently their incredibly blessed bank account never thought i'd be jealous of a horse but here i am number one lipoziner on the surface you'll probably be thinking that this is a strange choice for our list costing just 4 000 to 5 000 euro it sounds like it's far from the most expensive horse in the world but technically speaking they're expensive for a whole other reason let's get into that the lip is on horse is highly valued for a whole bunch of reasons from its natural beauty its expressive eyes muscled legs i could go on but it's mostly valued because of its slow maturation process this is a horse that lives longer than most other breeds and is active for far far longer the lipids and horse can still perform complicated and difficult exercises all the way into their 30s which is a crazy feat of course this means that the owner will have to maintain the horse's cost for a much more extended period making it one of the most expensive horses you could ever own in the world there are only ten thousand liposeener across four continents these are relatively rare or uncommon horses celebrated for their longevity and impressive capabilities but to own one is a pretty big commitment due to their own long life if you buy a lipizin you better be prepared that sucker may outlive you what's the most you'd pay for a horse let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Genius Lemon
Views: 94,407
Rating: 4.7863503 out of 5
Keywords: expensive horses, expensive horse breeds, expensive arabian horse, most expensive horse auction, buying a expensive horse, dubai king horse, mohammed bin al maktum expensive horse, expensive racing horse, royal family horse, saudi arabia king horse, dubai horse racing, khk royal horse, costliest horse, richest horse, horse breeds, most expensive horses, arabian horse, big horse, strongest horses, most expensive horse, pretty horse breeds, in the world
Id: tiE8wOUtD8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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